The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1899, Image 1

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NO 85
Will B8 tbB tot TtiuE Boors Pons
Arc Closing Id On British.
On Thursday, At Ladysmith, They Were
Less Than A Mile From the British
Lines Cannonading Then Ceased
and Rille Fire Began Kimberley
Garrison Tired of Dodging Shells,
But as Determined as Ever.
Cai-k Town, Nov. 10. A dispatch
received from Pretorlu under date of
November 9 says reports received there
from Ladysmith said heavy cannonading
etarUid at daybreak ; that Rome of the
Boer farci'H wore within 1500 yards of the
liritiuli when cannonading eeaeed and
riilu lire commenced. A Pretoria dis
.patch announces that nil is quiet at
Matekingaud Kimberley.
Cavk Town, Nov. 10. An undated die
patch from Kimberley by a Kaffir runner
via MrtRalnapye, November 8, BiiyB:
"Today nil 1b quiet. We have been
bombarded heavily all week. Friday
night Captain Fitz-Glarence and Lieu
tenant Swinburne, with one squadron of
the protectorate regiment, made n mag
nificent bayonet .charge upon the Boers'
inttenchments, driving them from their
positions and bayoneting a number of
lioore, who must have loet very heavily.
The cimrce was most gallant and de
termined. The party could not hold the
trauches and lost six men killed, two
prisoner! aud nine wounded in their re
Ptreuient. The wounded includes Cap
tutii FiU-Olnretice and Lieutenant
"in a skirmish at the outpotts yester
day one trooper wiib killed und nine
wounded. We expect a general attack
tomorrow. The bombardment has been
moet ineffectual, everyone remaining
under a ehell-proof cover. The town is
cheerful and determined to resist to the
utmost. The Doers are entrenched on
every side in great numbers mid are
pushing gradually closer and closer to
the town fortifications. We nro well off
for provisions and water; though tired of
dodginc shells and lighting."
London, Nov. 15. If the news con
tained in tho Pretoria dispatch of No
vember 9 by way of Cape Town, Novem
ber 10, is correct, and there is every rea
eon to believe it is accurate, as Boer dis
patches have almost invnribly hitherto
rendered fairly accurate accounts, it is
claimed here that it implies a general as
eault on Ladysmith was pending when
Joubert'e report was sent off. Attentiou
is called to the fact that he date, No
vember 0, is assumed to be the date of
General White's last plceon post message,
announcing a renewal of the bombard
ment, einco which nothing lias been
received except rumors from Estcoart
tuut the bombardment was suspended
November 10,
It is claimed that if tho Boers got their
forces within 1500 yards of the British
position it allows they fully realized the
necessity of utilizing the brief interval
before the arrival of British reinforce
ments to make n determined attempt to
elorm White's position. To successfully
advanca eo close to Ladysmith, it is
pointed out, the Boers must have been
moat active in Intrenching, and the
nearest o( tho beeelging lines, it is added,
indicates their readiness for the assault
which there has been a disposition in
military circles to believe the Boers were
not willing to undertake.
Killed By a Live Wire.
8ALKU, Or.,Nov. 13, Arebie McKillop,
the ia-year-olU aon of Rev. Ronald Mc
Killop, pastor of the Baptist church in
tula city, was killed by a live electric
wire about 5 o'clock this evening. He
was playing in an alley in the resr of his
home, when he concluded to climb a
pole enpportlng. the wire which is
stretched through the alley at a height
of twenty-five feet. Reaching the top,
he caught hold of the wire, and also a
dead one, which completed the circuit,
and he received n shock of about 2080
volte, killing him instantly. His hands
were burned to the bones.
Ed. Lamport, living just across the
alley, saw the boy fall and hurried to
him. The boy was groaning as Lamport
picked him up to carry him to his home,
but life was extinct in a short time
Charaborlnln'n 1'aln Halm Ourei Other,
Why Not You? ,
My wife has been using Chamberlain's
Pain, Balm, with good results, for a
lame shoulder that lias pained her con
tinually for nine year?. We have tried
all klrrde of medicines and doctors with
out receiving any benefit from any of
them. One day we saw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought of
trying it, which we did with the best
of satisfaction. She has used only one
bottle and her shoulder is almost well.
Annu'ti L. Millett, Manchester, N.H.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Kansas Town Destroyed.
St. JosEni, Mo., Nov. 15. The town
Lof Troy, Kansas, ten miles west of here
was wiped out by Are this morning. The
blaze originated in a general store con
ducted by Cyrus Leland. jr., the Kansas
member of the Republican national com
mittee. Seven business bouses were con
sumed. Three fire companies went from
here by special train and assisted in sav
ing much property. Leland's store es
caped with slight damage, and the
damage to the other buildings will it is
thought, not exceed $50,000.
Saturday afternoon Maude Kirby cele
brated her ninth birthday by entertain
ing number of her little friends. They
played games and had a general gojd
time, after which Mrs. Kirby served a
nice lunch. Maude did not forget to
remember some of the older "boys and
girls", who received one of the cute
little invitations sent out. The play
mates present were: Norma Dietzel,
Myrtle Rorden, Margaret Whealdon,
Jean Whealdon, Margaret Sampson,
Frances Sampson, Norma Vause,
Geraldine Kelley, Georgia DuBois, Eva
Shepard, May Walthers, Leila Laughry,
Jessie McArthur, Carmel Bolton, Ruth
Warner, Nellie Hostetler, Lou Hosteller.
Baker City Calmer.
B.vkkk City, Nov. 14. No deaths are
probable from the four alleged smallpox
cases herd. Developments today show
a likelihood that the disease will turn
out to be cbickenpox or the rash that is
so prevalent in Pendleton and some
other Eastern Oregon towns. The city
authorities ure enforcing quarantine on
three houses, special policemen uiding
the regular force. Excitement has
abated, and schools continue in cession.
LaGrippe, with its after effects, annu
ally destioys thousands of people. It
may be quickly cured by One Minute
Cough Cure, the only remedy that
produces immediate results in coughsj
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vents consumption.
itlimarok' iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's Now Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
' It will not bo a surprise to any who
are at all familiar witli the good qualities
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to
know th&t people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience in
the uso of that splendid medicine and
in telling of the benefit they have re
ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured,
of threatened attacks of pneumonia It
has averted and of the children it has
saved from attacks of croup and whoop
ing cough. It is n grand, good medicine.
For sule bv Blnkeluy & Houghton, drug
Clarke & talk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Ptittou, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Report Is Current in Wall Street That
American Company May Soon
Absorb All Competitors.
New York, Nov. 15. The Times says
According to some Wall street reports,
the war between the sugar-refining com
panios is very near a settlement, and
that in rather an extraordinary way. It
is said, in fact, that a consolidation of
all the eugar re6ning companies of the
country is shortly to be brought about,
and that the American company has the
project in charge. While it is impossible
to get any verification of the report, it is
regarded as signiGcant that in spite of
the present war, which is supposed by
the public to be costing the refining com
panies a small fortune by reason of losses,
the sugar stocks have been strong and at
any recession have been bought by
But whether this consolidation talk is
or is not without foundation, it eeems to
be generally accepted that an agreement
between the warring companies has
practically been reached, the terms of
which may be announced at any time.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all otbe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science lias proyen catarrh
tobe a constitution 1 disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teasDoonful. It acts directly
on tne o.ood and mucous sur:aces ot tne
system. Thev offer one hundred dollars
lor any case it fai,s to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggiste, 75c. 7
Senator Hayward 111.
Omaha, Nov. 14. Late this evening
word was received from Nebraska Ci'y
which indicate that Senator Hayward is
in a' most precarious condition, and that
bis deiith is to be expected at any time.
A consultation of physicians was held,
Dr. Bridges being summoned fiom
Omaha for the purpose. At the close of
the consultation it was given out that
the physicians could hold out no hope
whatever of the senator's permanent re
covery, and very little, if any, of a tem
porary improvement in his condition.
There regular session of the leg
islature this winter, and in case of death
the governor would appoint a successor.
It is universally conceded that in this
event, Governor Poynter would name
ex-Senator Allen.
Vulcnnlo Kruptlous
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob, life
of jay. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running aud fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, (Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on
earth. Drives out puius and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold bv Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. ' 2
Northern Pacific is Loaning Money.
New York, Nov. 15. (Special to The
Telegram. ) For several days past, the
Northern Pacific Railway Company has
been seeking borrowers for its surplus
money, Wall-street brokers being the
medium chosen for reaching them, The
company has been offering to loan sums
any place from $1,000,003 to $5,000,000
and this morning they closed the liret
deal, wherein they were relieved of $4,
000,000 of their burden at broker's rates.
The money ia the proceeds of the great
volume of mortgages paid off as the re
sult of magnificent crops harvested title
year on land formeily owned by the
railroad aud of the general prosperity.
Your Faoa
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent iu a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elix'-. It cures all blood
disc ises where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Mrs. Dewey Will Own The Home.
Washington, Nov. 14. Preliminary
step9 have been taken, it is said, to
transfer to Mrs. Dewey the title to the
Dewey home, 1747 Rhode Island avenue,
which the American people presented to
the admiral in recognition of his brilliant
naval victory at Manila. The matter is
in the hands of the District Title Com
pany, nnd the papers, it is understood,
have been drawn and await the necessary
Used tty ItrltUh Soldiers In Africa.
Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captured tbe famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,
from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes :
"Before starting on the last campaign 1
bought h quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal Remedy,
which 1 used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and had given to my
men, and in every case it proved most
beneficial." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Young Woman Insane.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 15. Miss Amy
Hill, a handsome young woman who re
fuses to say anything about herself other
than that she hails from Nebraska, be
came violently ineane and attempted to
kill several people before she was re
strained by the police aud taken to the
receiving hospital.
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y, says
"I heartily recommend One Minute
Cough Cure. It gave my wife immediate
relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant
to take. Never fails to quickly cure all
coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles.
Mrs. Stanford's Sale.
San Fiuncisco,Nov. 15. A dispatch
to the Call from New York states that
Mrs. Jane Stanford has sold all her
Southern Pacific stock to the Hunting-ton-Speyer
syndicate. Her holdings
amounted to 2S5.O0O shares, for which
she received about $40 per share.
House and Carpet Cleaning,
A. E. Negus is prepared to do house
nnd carpet cleaning in a satisfactory
manner and on short notice.' Call at or
phnne W. A. Kirby's store on Third
street. Telephone 00. n3 lw
You nevei know what format blood
poison will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little
Early Risers and you will avoid trouble.
They are famous little pills for constipa
tion and liver and bowel troubles.
Are You Looking for Paper Hands'.'
Wo don't sell them, but if you want
tho best five rente, worth in this town,
try our Far West cigars. It'll make you
feel good all over, and only five cents.
Ben Ullrich.
Dyspepsia can he cued by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will aive immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cis. Blakeley & Houghton
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets tire sold on
a poeitive guarantee. Curetlieart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts,
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
giste. SIiiji Thief!
Stop doing business. Tills is the way
you feel after buying some ten cent
cigara. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke
and find out where your real friends are.
Ben Ullrich.
Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says,
'I think Kudol Dyspepsia Cure is a
splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, und
my confidence in it grows with continued
ustt." It digests what you eat and
quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion.
'SS . .
Friday and Saturday Only.
Our Annual Linen Sales have come to be
classed by house-keepers among the local events of
During these sales the product of America's and
Europe's best looms are offered our patrons at but
a slight advance over wholesale prices. We com
menced months ago to make this season's sale
worth' the honor of being
Our Last Linen Sale
of the Century.
These values help make it so:
58-inch blenched linen damask, clear patterns, per yard 19c
57-inch bleached linen damask, good qnulity, per yard 29c
57-rhch bleached linen damask, good quality, per yard 31c
57-inch hulf-hleached linen damask, good quality, per vard 37c
57-inch bleached linen damask, cood quality, per yard 39c
Extra special. Half-bleached all-linen German Damask, GO inches
wide, per yard 43c
CA inch bleached pure linen damask, per yard ' 45 o
72-inch unbleached pure linen damask, per yard (59c
70-mch bleached clover-leaf damask 79c
72-inch bleached satin finished double damask 98b
74-inch blenched satin finished double damask $1.10
74-inch bleached satin finished double damask $1.38
Damask Napkins, special prices, 50c to $5.00 per dozen.
Fringed Doylies from 25c to 75c.
Blanket Sale.
Worthy as a fit companion sale to our Linen's,
we offer for Friday and Saturday next, our entire
stock of fine, medium and cheaper blankets at
specially reduced prices. As you pass the store
notice our windows. Every pair of
Bed Bl&nkets,
Bath Blankets,
Robes, Etc.
is plainly marked with tho sale price, and if you are
interested wo will gladly take out any you may wish
to see. Moro upstairs in blanket department.
We mention a few here:
10- 4 cotton Blankots, reduced to 40n per pair
11- 4 Cotton Blankets, (heaviest) reduced to 95c per pair
4). pound Wool Blankets, reduced to $2.65 per pair
5 pound All-wool Blanketn, reduced to ; $3.05 per puU
0 pound All-wool Blankets, reduced to $4.00 per pair
7 pound All-wool Blankets, reduced to $4,95 per pair
IOJ4 pound Ail-wool Blankets, reduced to fli.00 per pair
Fancy Robes , $5,00
el Pendleton Mills' Bath Blankets $10.00
Jj " Lounge Throws,
ft Sale Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY.
ft :
I A. M. Williams & Co.
Good Racine single buggy und har
ness for sale at a bargain. Call on
Ha wortb, the printer, over Dalles Com
mission Co. oct 25 dw-2w
I of Oregon, for the county of Wusco.
Hurrict A. Simon, I'latntth",
William H. H. Simon, defendant.
To William , II, Simon, the nbovo named
In thu Xnme of tho State of Oregon: You are
hereby notilled to be und ur.peur in the above
entitled court on or before tho lust day of thu
publication of thiii summons, towit: On or be
fore Saturday, the 13th day of Xovcmber, IWM,
then and there to answer the complaint of the
above named plulutllt' llb-d against you In the
above entitled suit; und if )ou so all to appear
and answer said eompltdnt, or want thereof
Vlulntilt will apply to suld court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For a de
cree of the uboveentitled court forever dlsolving
and annulling tho bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plHlutlll' nud
defendant, aud for an absolute decree of divorce
irom you, uie saia ucicnuuui.
V. S. Land Ckfick, at The Dalles, Oue.,
UCTOinsiid, Ih'J'J. I
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed lUtlco of his Intention to
make llnal proof In support of his rial in, und
that said Pioof will be made beftfro the Heglsier
and lleeeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sutar
day, November 11, lsou, U;
Mulhlus Tlilel, of Mosler, Oregon.
Homoxtead Kutry No. !1D7., for the Sl4 XWl,,
Xls S.4' ami sVV.4 tiW'4, section u, township
'J north, rungo Vi et, V, M.
He names tht following witnesses to prove his
continuous rceUeuue upon aud cultivation ot
said land, viz;
vims, tit ..iiisiur. iircguu, jfiiii tmiiiiaa.
Herman Stoueman und Ernest Frleilrlclis, of
'lhl summons Is served uion you by jiuhllea
011 thereof bv order of the Hon. W. I., llrad-
shaw, Judge ol the above entitled court, which
order bears date of the '.'ud day of October, Is'J'J,
und directs that said summons bu terved upon
the said defendant by publication thereof for six
consecutive weeks In The Dalles Uhuomcj.e, a
weekly uewspujicr of general circulation, pub
llshid In The Dulles, Wasco county, Oregon!
ald publication to begin 011 the 7th day of
October, 1 S'J'J. aud end 011 tho bth day of
November, JMW,
oct" 11 Attorneys for I'lalutllf.
Subscribe for Thk Cuitoxier..
Thu l'.ille, Oieguii
oct" il
Stray Nollue.
Cume to my place about six weeks
auo, a cray stallion colt, about three
years old; brand similar to an inverted
V with a cap over it. Owner can have
the nniinal by proving property and
paying all cliaruee.
Tho Dulles, Nov. 8, 1600.
A, F. C.uaso.v.
Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles
southeast of The Dalles. novSlui