ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CUAN5ES the System yv?) FFFFrTI IA1 IV U I UAL. LI) overcomes Jjr& ' .rS:. bitualCsT,PAT'0N i wit nrniiA iirkmv PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE - MANY-D By . gUI?RNIATG(SVRVF. tea Mit er4ieiuGS.S7i fb-u set finsnnt. l'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. A. S. MactVllidter and Hueh Glenn went 10 Portland on this afternoon's train. Col. E. V. Enos came over from Ira home at Goldendale yesterday and spent today in the city. Ben Robberon, who now lives at AVoodlawn, arrived in The Dalles last nijjlit on a business trip. Mrs. W. A. Johnston returned last night on the Fiver ironi Portland, where ehe has spent the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Patterson came down from Waeco yesterday afternoon, and will spend a few days here. Mrs. C. X. Thornbury came up from Portland yesterday to spend a short time with her daughters, Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Kiueisly. Mrs. Margaret Lutke, grand worthy matron of the Order of Eastern Star, was up from Portland last nieht and made an official visit to the lodge tiere. G. E. Stewart left on the boat this morning for Vancouver, where lie will remain a snort time nnn then so to Harrisburg, where he will spend some time recuperating. Win. Kelsay, mayor of Shaniko, is in town today. He was engaged in looking for an honest man at the clerk'p office tod.iy, and conversing at the same time with the deputy clerk, school superin tendent, Attorney Gavin and others. S. B. Ornifiliy, superintendent of the forest reserve, arrived in the city last night and left this morning for the Dnfnr neighborhood, for the purpose of looking over curtain townships which have petitioned to be included in the forest reserve. Miss H. Talleferro, the trained nurse who arrived iu the city lust Friday to accept employment with Dr. Geisen- The Cruel Knife! It is absolutely useless to expect n surgicnl operation to euro cancer, or nny other blood disease. The cruelty of such treatment is illustrated in the Blnrming number of deaths which re Etilt from it. The disease is in the blood, and hence can not be cut out. Wine times out of ten the surgeon's knife only hastens death. My son had a most malignant Cancer, tor Which the doctore ezl an operation was the only hope. The oper ation was a severe one, as it was neces lary to cut down to the jawbone and Ecrapo It. Jteforo a great while the Can cer returned, and be pan to grow rapidly. Ve Rave him man7 romedle without re lief, and Anally, upon the advice ota friend, deoidoil to try B. S. S. (Swift's Hpecmc), ami wiiei the Mfcond bottlo he U'Ktn to improve. After twenty bottles had been taken, the Cancer disappeared entirely, and he was cured. Tho cure was a permanent one. for ho in now seventeen year old. and ha never bad a sign of tho droadful disease to re turn. J. N. MUBDOCH, 29 tsnodgrasd Bt Dallas, Texas. Absolutely tho only hope for Cance ls Swift's Specific, Blood The kb it is the only remedy which goes to tho very bottom of tho blood und forces out every trace of tho disease. 8. 8. B. is Kiiarunteed purely vegetable, sud contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral, Ilrtslsu rr flu n trr 1 1 1 r v-i nil ri fnon to uny address by tho Swift Specific ; Co., Atluutu, Gu. ; dorfler, was taken very ill And threat ened with typhoid fever. She was theiefore taken to the hospital in Port land yesterday, Mrs. Geiaendorfl'er nc coinpfiuyinn tier. Clitlmt Aitnlust County. C K Bayard, fees state vb Fields C K Hayard, fees, etnto vs Con nally f1. V tliivnril fuua clniu o Dr.. fit- 6 35 3 55 8 2U 3 25 3 25 3 20 3 20 3 20 (! 95 IT C E Hayard, feeB, state vo JJyan. M II II II II " " " " " Haves " " " " "Doe"... " " " Uerry. fees, stnte vs More- C E Bayard house 1 35 3 70 3 00 3 00 0 30 C E Bnvard, fees, slate vs Ken- zelmnn V II Butts, inquest Hinnoll l Leonard Fields, witnesB state vs fields Joe McNeill, witness state vs Prather Matthew Duty, witness stnte vs Prather .' 5 70 R Prather, witness state vs Prather 5 50 Mrs M J Husky, witness state vs Prather 5 30 Wm Stephenson, witness state vs Prather 5 30 M M McGiunis, witness stnte vs Berry N D Hughes, witness state vs Berry 11 King, witness state vs Berry. . Mrs L S Davis, witness state vs Berry M F Shaw, M D, professional service 1 50 1 50 20 00 Frank Hill, clerical services 52 00 2 00 2 40 1 10 trunk Hill, constable fees, state vs Fields Frank Hill, constable -fees, state vs Prather Frank Hill, couetablo fees, state vs Berry 31 Frank Hill, constnble fees, state vs Heuzelmnn 2 Geo T Prather, J P, drawi.ig jury 3 05 2 20 3 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 40 5 00 5 00 beo T Prather, tees state vs Howell Geo T Prather, fees Btate vs O'Brien Geo T Prather, fees state vs Handsberrv J E Rand, assisting in drawing jury J P Watson, assisting drawing jury E S Olmger, fees state vs How ell T F Watt, M D, examining insane M F Shaw, M D, examining in sane J F Watt, M D, examination of O'Brien 5 00 E S Olinger, constable fees 1 20 E h Olinger, fees state vs Hanus- berry 2 70 A A Bonney, stock inspector, salary to Nov. 1 75 00 C L Gilbert, school superintend ant, sundry expenses 50 35 liliams & Brosius, medicine for pauper F O Brosius, M D, professional services Bone & McDonald, supplies for paupers C T Bonney, supplies for paupers E S Olinger, services and livery 3 00 15 00 12 40 3 25 30 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 1 35 iure (or -smallpox: p.Utente. . . . Lyman Smith, supplies smallpox patients T H Clark, guarding quarantine T B Kent, " " Dallas & Spanglor, euppUes for smallpox patients D P A N Co, transportation of paupers Robt Kelly, rebate on double as sessment J A Geisendorffer, M D, nrofos- 0 00 17 37 sional services pauper 57 00 Black & Ash, supplies pauper. . . 5 00 Florence Crittenden Home, for support of home 50 00 Kubt .Mays, county judge, trans portation pauper Robt Mays, county judge, repair ing road. J T Peters, lumber for poorhnnse J T Petors, lumber for Co bridgu 1 40 1 50 28 15 67 84 Alexander rrazier, nionoy ex pended on countv road 10 50 Times-Mountaineer, balance due for publishing delinquent tax list 20 88 H C Dodde, M D, professional services county pauper 20 00 Geo I- Ross, rebate on taxes 0 00 Geo Rorden, bounty 1 00 Koht Leisure, bounty - 1 CO D S Kimsey, per diem and mile age 24 00 In tho Circuit Court Today. LAW. Standard Optical Co vs P G Daut; do fault and judgment. A F Biles vs Glisati & Brown J default and judgment against E J Glisan. CltlSIINAJ,. State of Oregon vs Willard Ferguson j not a true bill. In the caee of the State vs Joseph Gantetuan, charged with uttering it forged instrument, the defendant plead not guilty ; but withdrew the plea and a demurrer was filei'. Defendant's at torney, John Gavin, raised the objection that tho check was not stamped and therefore was void. The case Is occupy nig the attention of the court this after- noqn. Dr. W. Wison, Italy Hill, N. Y., says "I heartily recommend One Minute I Cough Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles, Butler Diug Co, For Hula. A good farm In Klickitat county, Wash,, five tulles from Columbue, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000, Apply ,0 oilice. E. Curti's at A. S. Bennett's til3-Q&wlin SECTIONAL FEELING. The Old Man Wouldn't Ride la the Same Car with Such a Fel low's Funeral Wreath. The other day nn enst-bound car wns just turning on to Erie street when u natty young eolied innii elimlied ubonrd, bearing pmtully before him a wreath of red und white roses. It Wtisn beautiful thing und huge iu its dimen sions, suvs the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He laid it tenderly down uorons the front seats nnd snt beside it, fncing the other people in the ear. An old gentle man fdttincr one sent back, who had been watching the performance wltl much interest, suddenly leaned lor ward. "That wreath from Blank's?" he questioned. "Umph." "Thought so. Funeral?" "Umph." "Ye're miirhty proud of it, ain't ye?" Tho colored man looked a trifle sur prised, hut admitted that he wns. Which admission seemed to rouse the old gentleman to wrath. "I know where that wreath's goin',' he announced to the other passengers; "It's coin' up to John Dash's, und he ought to be ashamed of himself, top gettin' llowcrs from n downtown flor ist. We've got plenty of good llorlsts's out 'n East Cleveland. He nln't liny more respectable dond 'n he was alive John Dash ain't nnd I won't even ride to the car with his funeral wreath!" With which remark the protector of East end merchants actually climbed laboriously out of the car, leaving the other passengers in n high state of glee, and the colored hoy so nstonished he couldn't pet his mouth properly abut for four whole block's. ENGLAND'S SPINSTERS. Many of Our I.uily Cousin Acraii the l'ond I.lvc in Slnule llleiNcdriL'Na. The number of single wemen in Eng land constantly increases. Many thou sands of women have to earn their own living in place of spending nnd hus banding the earnings of men. They pass their time in an incomplete and separate existence ot their own, in stead of completing and eir.belllshli") the existence of others. From the ex cess in the number of women, thou sands tnke service in factories, while others overcrowd the ill-puid ranks of needlewomen and seamstresses. Even in the richer classes, says a Lon don exchange, there is the same in cqualit- of numbers, nnd those who are relieved from the necessity of working for their daily bread have yet to seel some occupation, some interest in life, to relieve the tedium of an objectless existence. Some pursue pleasure mere ly, though this soon palls upon the ap petite; otiicrs take to charitable pur suits, doing, perchance, an equal amount of good and mischief. Those whose tastes lead them to literary or artistic pursuits are perhaps the least unhappy. That a redundancy of unmarried women exists is evident, hut it must not be regarded ns caused wholly or mainly by a disparity in the number of the sexes. This (lifi'crenee does not, at the most, amount to six per cent.; whereas, the number of unmarried women in England umounts not to six, but actually to 20 per cent that is to nay, only two out of every three wom en are ever married. A GIFT CAUSED GRIEF. The Girl for Whom thu Uuecn'ii Pres ent Wun Intended Never Cot HlKht of It. Perhaps no queen has been the re cipient of more amusing letters than Margherita of Italy, nor can any mem ber of royalty better appreciate a joke than her majesty. A little note which found its way into the royal correspond ence recently has gone the rounds of the court. It appears that while taking a promenade the queen's attention was at tracted by a chubby little girl. She called her to her side and inquired whnt she could do in the way of needlework, says the Pittsburgh News. "I can knit stockings, signorn," came the confident reply. "Do you know who I nm?" "Yes, signorn; you nre the queen," "Well, then, make me a pair of stock ings and send them to the palace." The stockings arrived, and the queen sent the girl by way of reward a pair of rose-colored stockings, one contain ing bonbons, ibe other money. The next evening brought this letter from the little knitter: "Signora: Your gift has caused me tears. My father collared the money, my elder brother the sweets, and my mother put, tho stockings on herself." Hiiioko to Your Own Prollt, As well us ours. 'Tie not how much you smoke, hut how you enjoy It. Try our Matcot ten cent a local product that beats the world. Ben Ullrich. Tit Our a Cold in nun Uy. Takn Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnl lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c, Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. ll-l' Clarke Falk have on sale n full )n of paint und urtist'd brushet. L. admiral George Dewey IVIlt receive tho most Toynl welcome on Oct. 1ft licit, that vrud ever accorded to n Auictlcau tltlzcn. You V7ill nnd a complcto biography of this great hero, lucluilliig his brilliant victory over tlie Br1- uh ilcot In tho groat, authoritative and up- (Sato wori of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Britannica This la tho only encyclopedia on tho market that tnciitlons Admiral Dowcy. It Gives tho dnto of hli Urth; how ho spont his boyhood duys; tho port ha took in tho Civil Wnr; how ufter tho War ho vnm Mnploycd on tho European station; iu tho Navul Academy; hlarisoto tho rank of Commander nnd President of tho Board of Inspection and Survey; IiLj command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April arth ho left Hong Kong with his squadron, found and destrcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Hay 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, nnd how on Starch 2nd, 190, ho win created full Ad- Ulral. It speaks of htm as a strict disciplinarian, f.n all-around athlete, n daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a eencral favorite. It tolls of his marringo to .h usy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "lighting gov ernor" of Now Hampshire, who died In 1S72, leav ing a son, George Goodwin Ilcwoy. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and ecofes of ether noted pcreonnges not cen mentioned n any other Iincycloia-dla receive tho soma attention in this edition of tho Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Sacti ago, of General Henry as Governor-General o. Porto Rico; of Aguiualdo's declaration of Wai against the U. S. YOD NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowlcdgo nnd progress, wherein infor mation 1? moro easily found nnd ucqulrcU than lr any other book or encyclopedia In Iho world !N YOUR HOME:. TOE DALE EV I. C. NICKELSEN, MRS. OMVIA W. PHGflS, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wustc ton Streets, The Dalles). C. S. Smith, tiii: iip-to-dateQroeer Freeh Eggs and Creamery Butter a epeclnlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANHACT A KNE11AI. I! ASKING JiUHINEH Letters of Credit laaued available in the &aBtern States. Transfers sold on New York, Ghiutiio, uw a.uuiH, can rrmiciBco, rortiauu Ore Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Wasiilnuton. Collections inndn nt nil orable terms. TIIK jm:a.nhino anu ukai.lno CATARRH CUltK 1'Olt CATARRH i. Ely's Cream Balm iwHy una pleasant to HHP. i VlMtAino .... lr. ..... WW IU JurioijH clniL'. it M quickly abaorbed, . uivcs jicuerut once. It ill.AI. ....1 tl u)viib turn i m niinco Encyclopaedia . jy Ammm llel and Protect Uio JHnbrne. Iteitoreu tho 1 ' of mid Hi), jn Hlio . W iJSfu il , UO'tUISU8(6WarrnSUe)t,NewVoik. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. o4o-Co$o. Construction This Is nn nlr tight hotter ot the nvnl Miii't Htcol type; It lm OAHT IKON' UNINUB, milking It ilnriihlu; nloi has Iron fi'iil iloiir, cant top mill bottom and oriiHiiieiitiil huIiik top, with grlilillo cover nnileineiith. NIckollnB It Iiiih nlekolcd urn, l'linti! puilo ami fihit mils. Wu hnvo n cninpli'tt! stock nt tiunn mi liiinil, Cull mid m-c our stock before buying elsewheiu. m I The Busy Store. EncU itxy our Inisincss hIiows the people nre iintling out we tire pushing to the front, with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business unci buy for llie people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. r Butehens and Fafmecs ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilniticht tho (JOl.UMIIIA UKKIt, iiekliowl. edued the best beer In The Dulles, nt the usual price. Cmne In, try It mill be convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wlues, I.l iiiur mid (,'lifnrs. Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds always cm hand. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over French & Co.'h llimic '""O C THE DAI.l.KH. OUEGON H IIUHTIN0T0N II WUBON HUNTINGTON A- WILSON, ATTOKNKYK AT LAW. 'P I I IT lltf I Il! MUL-lllill 1 Office oVr Firt Nat. Itauk '"""""' I maier & Benmn 1 H B. lK. BBBBHB1 'l I mm tJ "faapmony" Cahiskey. This brand of Whiskey is Kiiarantced to the consumer o I'UKE HAND MAUB SOUK MASH WHISKEY for lauill) and Medical Use. Sold by I Ben Wilson. - The Dalles, Or. Tie DaUes. Portlaii Navigation Co.' strS. Regulator fi Dalles City Daily oxce.t Hui.Uny) Utwwn The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vanoonver and Portland, Touching ut wi.y point, ,, 1)oth w t'oliimhln river. w llntli of the nbovo Htcanicra have been nml nre In excellent hIiuihi for the nmJS& Tl. UB.,lt.,r fcliii. will cnLwTfihS patroiiH the bent nervlcu iiosslhlu. wpn 1 or C.mir.irt, Koimnmy Hnd pl,. illUB. ' ,u,"u'w "1 The ItVjBiJl TheHenmern of tho IteRtilntor Unewiuu. Dnlle nt 7 ii. m. eommeucliii; Mondar tsfJ lint. I'ortlrtiid Olllre Oak Ht. Dock. W. C. Allaway, Utwt Ateat, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF TIIK- Southern Pacific CompY Trains leave mid nre due to arrive t I'crtn ' ' OVKUI.AN'I) liress, hiilem, itnto-J hurR, Aahliunl, Kite-1 rmiiento, 0(;ileii,Haii I Krnuulseo, Molave, 7 !00 V. M, 9:U i.l liih Anin!iun,i:iniMi, I 1 1 New urlvmit ami I I KlMt v.-m i IKosehurK und wny ta f Via Wiiixlhurp lor tt A niri.l. Hllv,.rtnii. Dally except juuduyii U Went Hclii, Browns Dill; ville,HprlliKlleldaud( iNittrmi J Smliri I t?-"ji i (Corvitllla and way) ,,,u0 A- M" llUMtlOIIH j I'uny (except nunuajj. liMn. in. tl.v. ...l'ortlaml ...Ar.l 8:2 S:2ll 7::s)p. in. hu .McMlnnvIllc J.v.5 J;,i Hiliop. in. (Ar..luilcK!iideiicu..I.v.) lOii "Dally. tDauy, except hunaar. DININU OA11B ON OClilKN BOOTt 1't'l.I.MAN I1UFFF.T 8LIEVEE8 AND SlXOND-OLAHri HI-KEl'ING CAM Attached to nil Throuiiu Trilat ntiiiu inr i i pi r ii 1 1 ii i : 1 1 i r i MKiiinr iuia i nates i.nil t ckuts to Kantern polnu.iMW. rniie. AlsoJAl-AN, UHIKA, IIO.N0LULUU4 Al'hTUAl.IA. . . All iiliovu triiiiia arrlvo at ana Urmid Central Htutlon, Filth and imciira" YAMH1I.I. IUV18IOK. . 1'atseuner DeHit, lout of JedcwJiw Leave for Hht-rldiin. week dnyi,MU Arrive it l'ortlaml, 'J:'M a. in Leave for Alltl.IK on Jlnmlar, '1,,!,l5i Kri'Jiiv ut b-M a. m. Arrtv- at FortUAIw day, T hurmlny and Hatunlaj u3.05r-S- Kscept bunday. Kxcept Saturdii. .. i u Asst. (I. F.S", ThrriUBh Ticket Ollicc, 131 rniran thrmiKli tlekuts to all point In 'f'lSi Htates, Canada mill Kurope can to oW lovvcnt ratea from .... J. II. KlKKI.AMi, Jl or N. WIIKAI.DON. $ ...STEAM... i Wood San Will run every day except Sunday. ItatttB Heatotinble. . . onl i eiopnonu W. A. CATES, Prop-, nil' OKIBBNIMHtrKKIl Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo VMtVet Hooms 21 and 'tl. Tei. W