Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System hAB,TUALCONST.ON 1 UMW nrnuAurkmv PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE - MAHTO 6y fOSUeYilSCHUSa5Ti FElCt 5Ct. KRMTTIL l'KOi'LE YOU ALL KNOW. A. J. Douglass is in from Dufnr. D. H. Cooper, of Mt. Hood, is in the city. N. Draper, of Wasco, is spending to day in the city. Hon. S. G. Huwson came down from Arlington yesterday. M. I. Mulligan, of Glenwood, is a business visitor in this city. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ward and little boy canie over from Klickitat yesterday on tneir way to Portland. M. M. Glavev. of Kingsley and J. C. WingtleM and Thos. Led bo,' of Endere by, are in town attending court. Newton Patterson is in from his place at Etidersby today. He made a sub stantial call at the'CiinoNiCLE office. Chas. Fraley, whose home is near Kingaleywas in the city yesterday on business and called at ibis office.' He returned home today. Sheriff Kelly went to Portland this morning as a witness against Oleson, who wa-3 arrested here for ii:inir counter feit nickels in the slot machines. W. P. Keady, who is interested in the Ochoco mines, is in the city today shipping supplies to the mines and at tending to other business interests. Mrs. Phila Clark, who came down from La Grande to be present at the funeral of tier shter, Mrs. Davif, re turned home lan Jiiijht. beinu com pelled to hasten her return 6n account of duties as a teicher in the schools there. Itev. W. C. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church at Duftu. accompanied by his wife, arrived in The Dalles this morniriK from a two-months' visit to his old home in Crawford conntv. Penn. It has been eight years since' he left there and the return wa a pleapant one. They left this morning for Dufur. t Circuit Cuiirt HuUiies. The following cags were disposed of in the circuit court this morning: LAW. .1 II Gerdes vs J H Woodworth. Dis missed without prejudice, without costs to either party. A T Creecy va G D Aumtrong. De fault and judgment and order to Eell attached property. B Frank Knrla vs W L Best et al. Demurrer overruled. EQUITY. W H Patison vs Laura M Patieon. Decree'of divorce. CH1MI.VAL. .State of Oregon vn J V. Derry. Not a true bill. This cjsu ivus one wherein the defendant was charged with 'em bezzling $450 from L. S. Davis while left in charge of the feed yard during ids nbeence. Mrs. Davis was keeping the books at the time, and was to have been the principal witness in thef prosecution. Her death therefore removes all evidence in the prosecution. Viilcuiitn KrutliD Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleii's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running nnd fever sores, Ulcers, Boile, Felon, Corns, Wart, Cute, BrulK'P, Burn.', iScalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Bent Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains nnd aches. Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by BUkeley & Houghton, driiir gists. o Ued It j- llrltUli Nulillerx In Africa. Capt. C, G. Den n I son is well known II over Africa as commander of the forc38 that captured the famous rebel f ri- ri.i i iZ-ii t Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburp, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhaw Remedy, which 1 used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case It proved mo?t beneficial." For sale by Hlakeley & Houghton, drugg'wts. Claims AKittimt County. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid at the November term of county court: Frank Hill, clerical services $ 20 00 ! b Smith, labor countv roatl. .. . Butler Drug Co, medicine for pauper Dalles Fire Department, reduc tion tire insurance Ward & Robertson, use of team Nellie Wickham, nursing pauper 21 00 1 90 2 75 4 00 2 75 ii (J Kineliart, professional ser vice? for pauper 8 00 Glass A Prtidhomme, supplies. 1125 Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies 33 10 Chuon:clv: Publishing Co, print ing and supplies .Tosie Jenkins, clerical services. , J J Cook, sheriD' of Clackamas conntv, serving subpeenas S2 50 42 00 1 00 Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co, rent and messages 29 So Farley & Frank, repairing ham mocks tor jail o id U Ij Gilbert, services and stamps J F Armour, lator on the county road A E Lnke, lumber J T Peters, lumber 20 00 18 00 0 40 00 72 J H Frary, lumber 10 IS J T Peters, lumber and wood . . 149 58 Mosier Mill Co. lumber.. . 11 30 H Logan, professional services.. 15 50 Dell Howell, special constable.. 4 00 John Maloue, special constable.. 4 00 W H Butts, coroner fees at in quests V C F Stephens, juror, inquest Til lard E E Howard, juror, inouest Til lard B H Thurston, juror, inquest Til lard C S Smith, juror, inquest Tillard C V Champlain, juror, inquest Tilla'd Geo H Dufur, juror, inquest Til lard S P Mahonev, witness, inquest Tillard V Fairchilds, witness, inquest Tillard .1 U Bennett, witness, iuquest Tillard 24 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 0U 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 R B Hood, hauling pauper 1 00 Pease & Mavs, supplies for pau per 1 11 13 A S. Blowers & Son, supplies for pauper 10 00 Clarke & Falk, medicine for pau per 52 95 Butler Dtug Co, medicine for pauper 5 90 Mayp & Crowe, mdEe 90 52 I C Nickelsen, mdse 1 25 Dalles Citv Water Works, water rent"" '.. .11 20 Ned H Gates, fees inquest An drews J4 00 Ferguson Bros, hauling corpse, Andrews Paul K Paulsen, juror, inquest Andrews N D Hughes, juror, inquest An drews Charles A Sclmtz, juror, inquest Anrlrews F W Wilson, juror, inquest An drews .' 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 C F Stephens, juror, inquest An rlrews J H Jackson, juror, inquest An drews Peter McGufT, witness, inquest Anrlrews Wm Michel!, witness, inquest Andrews E F Mill?, witness, irquest An rlrews James Furlong, witness, inquest Andrews I) W Valine, fcupplies for court 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 house 67 20 CitiioxicLE Publishing Companv, printing and publishing 33 50 .Maier & hienton, wood for pauper 10 oO E J Gliton, justice fees state vs Jones 1 15 E J Gllsan, justice fees state vs Spaniard 95 Kov Nurse, constable fees 8 00 Al Espinc, team hire . 8 00 trio L Cowrlell, special constable i 00 .1 C Mention, labor on county road 5 50 D J Cooper, services supervisor. . 20 00 G D Woodworth, supplies 23 05 Wm Michel!, burial pauper 20 00 W H Whipple, assessor services. . 208 00 Robert Kelly, sundry expenses and supplies 17,1 05 W F Woodcock, bounty 8 00 NOT ALLOWED. Dr Wm Shackelford, professional services for pauper 2 50 I'ASSEIJ. Umatilla county, care Wasco Co pauper 10 io W A Cates, sprinkling stieets and sawing wood 11 40 Freeh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. U-lf SubEcribe for The Ciihoxiue. THE AN HEALING CATARRH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Ksty and cleruant to ii.t. Conttlus uo In jurious drujK. ' It U quickly aborbeJ. Gives Utlieft once, ft Jx COLD'uHEA Hrtala tad Protects tho tiembrme. ItMtorci tba S mS&8SSl O. NIGKEIiSEN, SUMMONS. TN THE OIKCIJIT COUKT OF THE STATK I of Oreson, for tho county of Vn?co. Harriet A. Simon, l'lalnttlT, vs. William It. It. Simon, dcft-mlnnt. To William It. H. Simon, tho nbovo named defendant: In the Name of tho Btato of OrcRou: You atu hcrffov notified to be nod appear In tho above entitled court on or before tho lust day ot tho uilmriillou of tins Mtmmoiu, town: uu or no- anil annullluit tho boiuls of lnatrlniouy now mid heretofore existing between pliliitllV ami iteietnlant, una for an involute uecreo ot utvorce from von, tho siild ilcfenilant. '1 his summons Is served uhih you by putillcn- Hon thereof bv order of tho Hon. W. I.. llrnd - shaw, JtulKoof tho above entitled court, wlileli order be.irs date, ot tho Slid day of October, lVJ'J, and dlrcets that snld summons bo served ujwu thosattl defendant by publication thereof for six I consecutive weeks tn Tho Dalles Chhonmci.k, h weekly uewspaiior of Rencral clrRUlatlon, pub- i llslud In Tho Dalles, Wasco county, Orfcou: tald publleatlvin to begin on the 7th day of , October, lsw, and end on the lSth day of , November, tsyj. i DUFL'U V MKSKFKK, oct7 It Attorneys for l'latntlll'. NOTICE FOK I'UIiLICATION, I U. S. L.IND UrrtCK, at Thk Dallks. Our.,,) Octoubh 5, 1M0. ( Notlco Is herebv Riven that tho following-. nameit settler has llled notice ot his intention to i' make llnal proof In support of his drum, and : mat sniu prooi will oo ninuo oeioro mu neRisier and Hcceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on iMitar day, November 11, lfeDt), 1 1 : -Urttlilas Tlilel, of Alosler, Oregon. Homestead Kntry No. 3975, for Iho SWJ NW'U, X'-aSMJi amlSXVU 8W, section V, township J north, raiiRo 12 mH, W. M. Ho names the follow! nR witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C'lms. Mller. of Mosier, Oregon; Dan Thomas, Herman .Stonemaii and Kruest Ktledrichs, of The Dalles, Oregon. JAY I'. I.UCAB, oct7-il lteslstcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L-ikd Office at Vancouvm!, Wash.,) October a, lb'). i Notice Is hereby civen that the follnwlriR namcil settler has ti lot notice of his intei. tlon to make final proof In suppoit of his claim, and that said proof ill be mado b'foru the Keglsterand Kecelvcrof LT. S. Land Ollleoat Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, Novem ber lUst, lsiw.viz: losupli Oliamliprllii. H. K. No, 9.2 for the west half of northwest quarter and et half of southwest quarter, sec. Jii, ip. o n. la east, . n. Ho namea tho followlriR Mitnessrs to )irovo bis I continuous residence upon and cultivation ot . said land, viz; Thomas M. Whitcomb. James Jlorcan, l-'riil ' 11. Smith nnd wuuam Leatoiu an oi i.vle, i: ()., WasfilnRtou. W. It. DL'NHAJl, Oct 11-11 Iteslster. Subscribe for The Chronicle. lure p.Hiimni, niu lain in v.uiivi . .o;-.', ' . ,.lniurnr4 will li lnllil lit 1110 then ami there tn answer the complaint of tho f ?,"'t'i1.u efie In Tho al 'm, Wii'oo above name.! planum lllnl asnlnstyou In the ' of .J m .m tliu -Mst itav Vr Nmein bor, abovo entitled Mitt; an.lltjou mi fall to appear T.'Hvi ts oVlirk n "m at which tlnio thu unit aiiMicr milit romplnliit, for want thcriHit A VI.wmI, , ,,fv nii.Vm Plnlutllt will apply to nt.J court for tho lelb-f "I' ' 1 ' S iJZ b kr iH i" ra..ilorln her Voiiiplalut, m-wtt: Kor a y'V,'"' LVVm? erooofthoalxnciitltltilcouttforcvcrillvOlvliiK trai, siicl Mich otl o ' h "c imJ 1'roporij -Harmony" CQhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is'guarantecil to the consumer as a PURE HANI) MADE SOUR MASI1 WHISKEY for Family and .Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - Important Notice. Yesterday we received notice from Die publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owing to the enormous increase in tho price of paper within the past few weeks, they would shortly with- I .. i r ii..!.. i.-' i t i i ii uraw ine suiu ui muir j'jiicyciopeuias ana cancel ail orders now on the market. MY CONTRACT Compels them to furnish sets in nil bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phenomenal presented, llnrty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up tion j. oner eacn suuscrioor an ENCYCLOPEDIA DICTIONARY, Retail price $8, for which I mako absolutely rio charge The ontiro 31 volumes, bookcase, index and diefcinnnw' delivered upon tho payment of ONE DOLLAR, Balance in small monthly paymonts. Don't delay your rder; you may lie too late if you do. and vou'll another opportunity like this wini uuukuusu, iiiuox mm uicuonary ireo to anv railroad sta tion in the United States. Notice or First Meeting of Creditors. In tho matter of 1'. 0. Dnitt, bankrupt. In Totho'croll'ltorsotl'.t). Dint, of Tho DailM, OrcKon, in tho county of, anil district aforesaid. bankrupt. , Notice li hereby nlven that on the 17th tiny of October, A. 1)., lRW, tho sulci l i. Dijut was lillv ml llcllcatoil DilliKriipi niiii u PltANIC MlIXKKKi:, ltcfcrve In bankruptcy. I I , , PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, mi and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French &. Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAI 335 QNtf 3WOO ONE FOR A DOSE. Iti-morn Pln-.plpf, PrnTcnt Ilillonjaoss.l'arifyth.illlood, CurullnnuiChuaml IWHtir-n.t. PILLS A.'Kir.".lcI:4, "f I'owcU ouch dy Is ncossarif for healtU. ThoriiFtthcrcrliMinoraickoo, Tucoa' 1 M1I umnl.k ... V ... Cc. Sld b draMi,ij. Df(, U0SANK0 CO. Phlla. P. The Dalles, Or. WITH THEM me for next few weeks tho full bargains in books over before to January 1, 1899. In addi again. I dolivor tho books NOV. 10, 1MJ. The Dalies. V I ii m 1TW . , . 1 1 r i Trilby For wood, chips, knots, .shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..o4o-0-o$o. Construction Tills It mi nlr tlulit licatcr ol tho oviil Hlici-l Meal tvij; It him UAHT IltO.V l.lNt.NtiS, liinkhiR It ilitnlilo; ulio Juts Iron foul jliir, emt top nml liotlom iiml oruiiimMititl kuIiik top, vvttli itrlilillo cover niiik'iiiOiitli, NIokBllng-It lint ulckolcrt urn, IIIIIIIO f rill tO llixl fnOt rill In. WO llllVO II ooiiililutu Htiick of taeiii oil IihiiiI. Cull unit tec our Mock boforo hiijlnit olsowlicro. piaier & Beaton U S HUNTINGTON U H WILSON ir UNT1NOTOK & WILSON, AI MJKM.Vh AT I.AVI , THK IUI.l.i:. OUKtiO.S ):iicifp?1'r Tlrst Nnt. Hunk Du. OKISKNIHlltrrKK Physician and Suririion, 8icclal nttcntlon kIvou to surgery. Kooms -21 ntul Toi. IM Voitt llloo MRS. OMVlft W. IVIORGflH, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASOX1C 15UILDING, Thiril Street. hetwen Court nnd Wusli tnti Htreots, Tlio D.illus. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Kiius nml Crt,atno,'y lJuttor it npcuiiilty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. p. ..GHflS. FfiflSH.. Butehers and Fapmers ..Exchange. Kci.'ixon ilrauirlit tho i.'Cloljrutnl COJ.UMHIA I1KKU, rickimwl. eilxwl tlio host bwr in The IMIIw, at Iho ii Mini price. Como In, try It mid bo convliiml, Aim tliu Klnt bniiiih ot Wlimt, l.l'itior nml Clifurs. Sandwiches ot till Kliitlx ulwnyn tm liaiid, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUAN8AOTA KN lilt Al HANKING 11UH1NK8 Lettera of Credit ieeuetl available in tho lantern Statee. filktllt xchunie nnd Tl(Hrrnnnr Trarisfera uold on Now York, dlilnivn. St. Louin, Snn Francisco. Pnrtlunil Orn. on, Seattlo WiihIi,, and various polnte in wfiun hnu wnaiunuton. Collections irilflu at. all nnlnts on fuu. orable trma. ...STEAM.,. Wood Saw Will run (iveryday wtnuiitSmidav, Katea Hvaeounble. Telephone 201. j W. A. CATES, Prop. U. J.., .... J I Tie Ifilte PoriW ait irJrij Navieation Co.' sirs. Kcgulator Dalles City Dully (except Htiminvj txttw wn The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland, Touching nt wny loltt n t)0lh lld . uolinnblii river. ltt' Until of tho nbovo stenmern hnve,tWn rtboii. nml nrc In oxcullur.t nhupu for tliu kcSinr iC TI.., Klt..r I'liwlll.MulwTto.1VB5S tuitions the bcM. orvlco posilble. lu,Tei For Ciimfort, lCoiiiiiiiny nml pi.... tmvol by tho Meunicrs ot The ltiul,ur' Tlio Mourners ot the Itemilntor Unpwliiw Hnllcut7ii. m. comiileneliiii ilonJy the ! l'ortUml OIIIpc. Oiik Ht. Dock. ne.Dnlleiioao W. C. Allaway, lcncr Aunt EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp), Trnliih lenvontid nrv duo to nnlvc it forth OVKI11.AND KX-1 tireis.i. hulerri. Kol- du r, .siiuum, I, Hac-I en, Shu I lOJiive, I 7:Wl 1'. M 1 lTMIIClflfO. JlOl 9!l5 A. 11 1 iu .1 nmi n I. I iij.a Now (Jrluiinn uml i.- I n:3u A. Jl. Dally except himdays 17:30 A. M. Ito.icuurK ami wuy u tloim . ,. . , fVln Wooilbiir.-1 tori .Mt.AugL'l, Hllvurlon, i Went Kclo, llrmruii.) vlllu.Hlirluitlp'M nutl Natron j jCorvnllls anil wayl f stations a . - -. .. . I DillT except (9UU4.JII 5:J0KJI. INDKl'KNDEN'C'K rAfiyKNOEK. Kxpreu tnb Dally (except HundKy). l;,V)p, in. (l.v rortlmul ..Ar.) 8:25l.l 7:3Jp. in. ?At ..McMliilivlllc..l.Y, I;Wi,t ri:3U p. iii. (Ar..ImlCeiuletice.. "I Dully. tDany, oxeopt hiniaAi. DINING OA US ON OGDKN ROOIt 1'Dl.UIAN llt'KKKT BLEEl'ES? AND HKCOND-CLAHS HI.litl'lNG CAM Alt.'iohetl to all Throusti TriioJ. lllrectromicctlou nt nan rrancieco iu um ilcntnl mid Oriental ami Pacific mall iteuuMf linen (or JAPAN nnd CHINA. Hallinj dttei M a pllctitlon. Itntea hiiil tickets to Kantern tiolntt inll; rooo. Also JAPAN. (JIII.VA. HONOLUIU Oi At HTKAl.IA. All abovo trains arrive nt nml depotlw (irmd Central Utntlon. Hlth mid Inrinz iW YAJtUII.I. DIVISION. l'aii'enRer Depot, loot of Jellcrwaiwi Invo for Hlierlilim, widK ilaye, Arrive nt l'ortlmiit, U:U0 u. in. Ut.vo for Atltl.IK on Monday, Wediafo! Frloii- uthiaii, m. Arrlv nt rortlw.1 dav,Thlirnluy mid Hatunlni ii3;05p.B. Except Sunday. "Kxeept t-nturdy. K. KoK'.i.Kl'., (i, II. ilAflKHAX. jliiriMcr. Asst. u. r.&W-M. tfl n.i.,1.... , "I , in.lnl ilfWLfkri throuirh tickets to nil puluts In the I""; ; Statee, Cmiadii nnd Kurope can bo obtHni . lowoat rntes irom J. 11. KUtKI.AND, Ticket or N. WIIKAl.DON. The Busy Store. Eaeli day our business sbow tlic people are finding ut w0 are pushing to tlio front wltu hotter goods, lower pricesi anlespcoplo tlio very best, unit last, but not least, buyer wb0 know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Seoond Street. JJ A. 8TUHDEVANT, Dontiat. OUlcoover Krench A cc'i Un i J'hono C,