Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANSES THE 5YSTEM " U"1" nrniit Mrtmu PERMANENTLY ,T5BF1CIALECT& Bvy THE GENUINE - MANT D By (aui?rniaFgpSyrvp(s. f OS 411 BY tl CRvGS.JT& PClCt 50c ftB CCTTIL rKori.E vnu all know. L. B. Thomas, of Diifur, is in town. Geo. Fratiier is up from Hood River. Hans Lage, of Hood River, is in town today. M. J. Anderson and W. from Dufur today. B. Kehay, of Fossil, wa; the Umatilla yesterday. H. Moore and L Moore Heieler are in registered at were it: The Dalles from Moro yesterday. II. F. Davidson, the saw mill man of Hood River, is in the city on busineea. Mrs. J. M. Marden was n pasfensreron this morning's boat bound tor Portland. C. L Salomon. Prineviii-V prominent merchant, is doing business in the city today. Mi?s Blanche Vrenn arrived in the city Saturday and spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Etta Wrenn. Chas. Hilton .arrived today from his ranch near Fossil and will leave tomor row for lus home in Portland. Miss Editli Randall left yesterday for Endersoy, where she will spend several days with her friend, Miss Lola W. S. Smith, who has been visiting his parents and sisters in this city, lett Saturday evening for his home in lone. Pjt Djuan was in town for a few hours Saturday, coming up on the evening tra n and leaving at midnight for the East. D. J. Cooper ha? been onfined to his home, in this city, for tnu past week, with whit seems to be a bad c.tse ol jtrippe. Mis Sjdie Heineok. who ha been spending some time with her mint, Mrs. Phillip, left this morning for her home near Hillsboro. Mrs. W. L, Bradfhaw left last nizht Catarrh is Not Incurable But it can not bo cured by sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures which reach only the surface. The disease is in the blood, and can only bo reached through the blood. S. 8. S. is the only remedy which can have nny effect upon Catarrh ; it cures the disease perma nently and forever rids the system of every trace of the vile complaint. Miss Joslo Owen, of Montneller. Ohio. writes: "I was af flicted from infancy with Catarrh, and no one can know the suffering it produces tetter than I. The sprays and w a alios ' t prescribed by tho doc tors relieved mo only VPWfflWev temporarily, and 'WWllRfe U'oush I used them constantly tor ten years, rue disease Had a firmer hold than ever. I tried to. number of Wood remedies, but their mineral ingredients cttlod in my bones and gave me rheumatism. I was in a lamentable condition, and after ex hausting all treatment, was declaredlncurable Beeiug S. 8. S. advertised as a cure for blood, I decided to try it. As soon as my ysteni was under tho effect of the medicine, i nogan to improve. nU after taking it tot two mouths I was cured completely, the circaumi aiseaso was eradicated from my sys tem, and I have hud no return of it." Many huve been taking local treat ment for years, and find themselves worse now than ever. A trial of C C C Tor Blood The will prove it to bo the rifiht remedy for Catarrh. It will cure the most ob tinnto case, Books mailed free to any address by Bwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gu, 3 3 over the Union Pacific on her way to Ashevllle, N. 0., where ahe will enter the sanitarian) (or consumptives to re celve treatment under Dr. Von Ruck. She will spend n dny or so with relatives in Chicago on her way. Her friends here regret very much that her con dition is such as to rtqulroher dopnrturo so fur from home, but sincerely hope the treatment will prove beneficial and that she will soon return in as good health and lively spirits as is her wont. CIRCUIT COURT. Convened Till M online Docket for tlio 'November Term, Circuit court convened this morning at 10 o'clock, Judge Bradshaw presiding. Grand jury was appointed as follows: J. V. Moore, foreman ; Pat Gorman, A. F. Ehrick, G. V. Henderson, C. L. Morris, W. R. Haynes, J. D. Douglas. Jos. Harper and J. H.Jackson were ap poineil court bailiffs and John Doherty grand jury bailiff. The docket for this term is as follows, with perhaps a few cases added: EQUITY. Eastern Orepon Land Co vs P E Far relly, Huntington & Wilson attorneys. Continued. Vena McKalvey va David McKalvey, Huntington & Wilson and Dufur & Men efee, attys. Under advisement. Prineville Land & Live Stock Co vs Frank Ma'.one, Cotton, Teal & Minor and A S Bennett, attys. Passed. G D Hyre vs A Vallmer et al, W II Wilson, atty. Settled and dismissed. H S Wilson, receiver, vs John Mc Donald et al, Huntington & Wileon, attys. Passed. Mary T Strong vs W R WInans et al, Huntington & Wileon and A A Jayne, attys. Demurrer to complaint over ruled, to answer Saturday. John McLennan vs Dollie McLennan, Huntington & Wilson attys. Dismissed without predjudice. CGL Benson vs Hattie Benson, F W Wilson, ntty. Publication. Geo T Prather vs G D Woodworth et al, W H Wilson, and A S Bennett, Cotton, Teal & Minor, attys. Demurrer to complaint. Geo W Johnston vs Etta Johnston, Gavin & Moore and Geo S Shepherd, attys. At iesue. Elsie J Covey vs J W. Covey, Dufur & Menefee, attys. Default. H A Simon vs W H H Simon, Ddfur & Menefee. J E Barrett vs Geo 0 Rich, Dufur & Menelee. Default and decree. W H Patison vs Laura M PatiEon, Sinnott& Sinnott. Default. Maye & Crowe va W R Winans et al. W H Wilson. Default and decree. Emma J Calvin vs J M Fansher et al, W H Wilson. Passed. E B Dufur et al vs C C Butler, Dufur & Menefee. Passed. Emma Julian vs Irwin Julian, N II Gates. Passed. A M Williams et al vs A B Mott et a!, Dufur & Menefee. Passed. W .1 Caesar vs Fraser et al, II H Riddell. Passed. John W Rowe vs Ethel Rowe, Duiur& Menefee. Default. LAW. W A Johnston va Jas Kishwalk, Dufur & Menefee and Huntington & Wileon. Passed. J H Gerdes vs J H Woodworth, Wil son & Jayne and Henderson & Bennett. At issue. Thos. Brogan vs Aleck McCartney, F. W. Wileon. Settled and dismissed. Tho State of Oregon vs Oregon Land I L & F Co, Jayne cc Wilson nnd O'Neal & Thompson. Passed. State of Oregon vs The Portland L I L & F Co, Jayne & Wilson nnd O'Neal & Thompson. Passed. Arthur Breese vs M J Mosler et al, W H Wilson. Settled and dismissed. Rothchild Bros vs W T Wiseman, ,J)ufur& Menefee and Huntington fc Wil eon. At issue. A T Creecy vs G D Armstrong, French it- Hufford. B Frank Kurtz vs V L Best et al, Huntington & Wilson and Biygs & Tumor. Passed. A M Williams & Co vs G D Woodworth, Huntltiatotj & Wileon. Dismissed with out .prejudice. F Morgeneon vs Lawrenco Maloney et al. Settled and dismissed. Mays & Crowe vs G Begin. Settled arid dismissed. it II Danieille vs E B Miller. Default and judgment and order to tell attached property. David M Dunne & Co va F E Denser ctal. Default and judgment. Standard Optical Co va P G Daut. Pasged. Mays & Crowe vs II W Cook. Settled and dismissed. OLRozers vs E dinger etal. Set tled and dismissed. Pease & Maya vs A G Moore. Settled and dismissed. Pease & Mays vs II P Moore. Settled and dismissed. A F Biles vs GlisanA Brown. Passed. Z P Jones vs I H Taffo. Motion to make complaint more definite and cer tain. E B Dufur et al vs Jaa Cameron. Settled and dismlised. Henry Gardner va 'Wasco county. Demurrer overruled and allowed to answer tomorrow at 0 a. in, Chas Riley vs Win Koleay et a!. De fault and judgment. R J Ginn vs C B Piatlter et al. De fault nnd judgment. SUMMONS. IX THK UtttCIJIT COUIIT OK Till! STATU 1 of Oregon, for thu county ot Wasco. Harriet A. Simon, l'lalnttll-, vs. Wllllntn H. It. Simnti, defendant. To William 11. II. Simon, tho above named defendant: lit the Name of tho Statu of Oregon: You ate hereby untitled tone nnd appear in thu above entitled court an or before tho last day of tlio publication of this summons, towlt: On or be fore Saturday, thu 1Mb dayot November, 1W, then nnd there- to answer the complaint of the iibovo named ptnlntltr llbtl nsnlustyoii In the above entitled suit; and If you so fall to appear and answer nald complaint, for want thereof Plaint!!! wtlt apply to said court for thu relief prayed for lit her complaint, tn-ult: For u de cree, of tho above entitled court forever dlsvolvlnj; and anmilltnt; the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exlstlne between pUlinllV ami delcndant, nnd for an absolute- decree of divorce from you, thu ld defendant. This summons is served tion you by publica tion thereof by order of tho Hon. W. L llrail shaw, jnaifc of the above entitled court, wliloh order bers date of thu'.'nd davot October. l.yj'J. and directs that said summons be served upon i tho said defendant by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks in The Dulles Ciironiclk, a weekly newspaper ot general circulation, puu llshid In The Dalles, Wasco county, OrcKon: said publication to begin on thu 7th day of October, lsyj, unit cud on thu 15th day of November, 1VJ. nui'UK ,v jiK.Ni;i't;h, i ccti it Attorneys tor I'lnintiti. Subscribe for Tiie Chronicle. Subscribe for Tiik Ciikoxici:. CATARRH CI.12ANSINO AN1 1IKAI.INO CUItK Jb-on is Ely's Cream Balm Kasy r.nd pleasant to us.'. Contains no In jurious Urup. It H quickly absorbed. Gives ltelief at once. COLD HEAD ' HeAls and Protects tlio Membrane, licetorci tho Sen-ea of Taste anil Smell. Large Sjze, CO cents at Drugsristi or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ' ELY BKOTIXE1W, Ba Warren Street, New York. Tf rwn. a.wl nnn CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is uarnntcctl to the consumer as a PUKE HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. Important Notice. Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owing to tlio enormous increase in tho price of paper wnnin me pasi iew weoics, tnoy would shortly with draw tho sale of their Encyclopedias and cancel all ordors now on the market. MY CONTRACT WITH THEM Compels thorn to furnish me for next fow weeks the full sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries. I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phenomenal bargains in books ever before presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi tion I oflfor each subscriber an ENCYCLOPEDIA Kotaii price $8, for which I mako absolutely no charge The ontiro 31 volumes, bookcase, index and dictionary' delivered upon the payment of . ONE DOLLAR, Balance in small monthly payments. Don't delay your dor; you may bo too toto if you do, and you'll never got lothor opportunity liko this OKain. I dolivnr tl 01 ano with bookcase, index and dictionary frco to any railroad sta tion in the United States. I. 0. NICKELSEN, Notice of First -Meeting of Creditors. la the matter of V. 0. Daut, bankrupt, in To Uul'iwll'tors ol V. (1. Uaiit, of Tho imJtt'S) Oti'Kott. tn thu county of Wasco, and district afore.ald, a bankrupt. . Notice-is hereby alvett that on the 17th day of October. A. D., 1MI.I, tho sal.l P. (I. Daut was ditU-adJinllcatisI bankrupt: and that tho first meetlm; of his otcdltnrs will bo held at the oillcoof liulur.t Menefiv, In Tho Dalles. Wn'oo county, Oregon, on the 'Jlst day of November, A. 1). lv.i.i, at 8 o'clock p. m at which time tlio said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a tnistt c, e.xamlnu the bankrupt, and trai.snot such other business ns may properly come befotutho filANK MKNBKBI, Nov. 10, 1SI 3. Kefcrto In Uaukriiptoy. PIEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, D and Embalmcr. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. "31M 33S ONV 3IAIOO ONE FOR A DOSE, nil A r,5?,""1 Plmplff. Prnvcnt B t.'nrg Hradtehoaml Ijih pnl. 1,l7?;,"-"'1"sntiiorsirken. To eon' ilnc in, w,. will mtll rach Irw, or fait tm for lie. buld ujr dRiMUu. OS. GOSANKO CO. Phil. DICTIONARY, Ttfe ballek - was Trilby For vootl, chips, knots, ahavlnRS, coin cobs, hay or poat. o4o. O-.oo.- Conatrttctlon-Tlils Is mi nlr tlalit linlter of tin; nvnl slni't steel typo; It Inn tJAHT 1 HON LlXINli.4, miikitiB It dnrlilc nl""i Im-i fron feitl loor, wit toi nnd boltntn nnd tirnnmcntid mvIur top, with Krlddlo cover tindciuciitli. Nlokollrifr- It bnK ntckeleil urn, tninio iiiitu m.d fKit ndU. We lmvri CDtntilcto Hnck ol Inom on banil, Call mid sco our stock before bUjlUK UlSOttltCIV, II K 1IUKTIN0T0S It B WII.90M IT UNTiNdTOK ,v WILSON, Al lOliM.Vh AT l..w, TIIK MAIJ.Ka. OHKtlii.N 0 Xctov'r l"lrst Nat. IImuU L'hydiciau mid Surijeoii, Specliil attention kIvcii to nunjcry. KoonthJl nnd ?.. Tel. ZU Vnt Dion HRS. OWVlfl W. PRGAtf, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Tliinl Struct, Imtwuun Uourt (itul Wasli ton Streuta, Tint D.tllua, C. S. Smith, TIM. Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh ICstup nnd Crcntnu'y lltilter ti aiut:inlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. 1 ..GflflS. FRflW- Butcher's and Fatmeis ..Exchange.. KpeiisnittlrHMKht tho cclcliratcd COi.UMIIIA HUKIt, nckiH.wl. cdKiil tlio hot Ijoi.t In Tho ImIIod, at tlio iisuhI price, i.'oiiio In, try Itiitnl Jjc ronvlnct'd, Aim tlio Fillet hriuuli of Wines, l.l'inor HiHlCllturs. Sandujiehes of all Kinds alwnyn on Iiand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'UANHACTA KNHHAMIANKINO I1UHINKB Ittora of Credit issued available in the nilfllt ExchanifU anil Tln,ratt,.f "II HW KKK, UIIIC8K0, bt. LotUH, Ban Francisco. Portlnm! rtm. tcon, Koattle WubIi,, ami varioue pointe in Oregon and Washington. uouectiona nm-Ju at nil polntp on ftiv orable terms. ..STEAM... Wood Saw Will ruh evory day excopt Smidav, Itittes HcHeotmblo. Tolophone 201. W. A. GATES, Prop. i illaier & Ben The-Balles."PortlaBil ajd"! Navigation Co; I sir liogulator S Dalles (Sty I)allyosccit KttndHv) The Dalles, Hood Rivor, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland, Tottclilns at way point, on both udM c(tf, Colttmljlit river, Itoth of tho almvo Menmers liavo been rehmt, and aro In uxrellunt uliiipo for tho MMon?(?5 patrons tlio best kon-lco poktlblo. W,w' trnvel by tlio Ktcumon. of Th, The HcamcrK of tho Ittmiliitor Lino win (, iitllcK at 7 a. in. comtmmolim Mondr ViiS. til at. . r. Portland nfllcc. Oulc HI. 1I0UK, IVo DMI.-m.: lJlf f ' All ""VI EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK TIIK Southern Pacific Conf, 1 iraitth icATontta are duo to anlvc ttfei I.KAVK. OVi:itl.ANl) UXO Iire.iD, Ualcm, Uotc inrsr, Athlnnd, Hac- rtltimtirn. ftinli.,1 4t,n I iir, iusv;ie9,r.i t asu. i N'u'.v orleunn and v.ntl ... a. JI Itobclmrg and w.iy iu- tloiM . .'iiMP.H Iv ui uuu'Hir? iur , .Mt.AtiKul, ailvorton, i IMIly except hunduyu Diir ' not kcii), nrowns- VtIlc,Hprlurll-.-ld mid I Natron j cictyl I7:ffl A. M. (CorvalllB iHtiitlons and way) 5::ir.Y. 7: p. m. Ai.a.Mt!Ml!invlU.',Uf 5;W,i ti 111 fit 1iirlAi.n.(nt. ! v 'i'Vtl M vt.- 1'. WlltliMMI.i'VIIIIVKVVliOHf Dull). tluy, except hiiiiunr, HIKING CA1IH O.N 0U1IHN ItODTt I'OI.I.JIAN 1IUFKKT KLEEPER3 Attnchtd to all Through Trilsi. Direct rqnr.irctlon at San Francisco wilhd dental mid Oriental mid l'acilic mall te ltneh for JAl'AN nnd CHINA. Sailing in ullcjitlon. itiiieH hint imuetn to i. intern rotnu main MIK'. AlkoJAl'AN, OllI.NA, HOSOtl'U' U Ar.STUAl.IA. All iidovo triiliiM arrive at aim ucpsnw.' lirutid Cvntnil tttutlon, MIth nud mm '" YAMlIlI.Ii DIVISION". I'itac:iRur Dei)t, footol Jeacrsonitrw U-ave for Hlicrlilnn, week ilaye, lf.A Arrive nt Portland, i:. m U'avc for A I It I.IK on .Moniluy, Wc4anilJ Krldity Mtbiitfn. in. ArtlV" at Porllti.W' duv, Thtirdy and Haturilaj it3:05p.E. KxceptBunday. "Kxcept Hatunttl. li, KoK.Si.KK, (i, JI. MABKHAV , iWiuiuer. Ami. (.. F.4J,"W j ThrotiKh Ticket Ollicc, 131 Third Kt.ite!CiiiiHdind Kttroiie can bo oltim Kne.iirnieHiroin . , 1 J. 11. IJIHKl.AN'll.TiClictilot or N. WIIKAI.DOX. ' The Store. Eac'j duv our business ibowi tho people nrc flndtng o"1 we aro pushing to the front with better goods, lower prlcej enlespeoplo tho very best, w Inst, but not least, buyers who know thoir business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Seoond Street. JJ A. 8TURDEVAM I , Dentist. Busy UWW UYWI IV..-" I'boueO, TIIE DAWi 1-