For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Overco.itlti'-or Fancy Vesting. Kindly call anil examine my stock of Im ported and DomeMlc Woolens. A line stock to select from. Baits made from the lowest prices to the high est grade. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle 1HK DALLKl, OIlEGON. The Dalles Daily Chponiele. SUBSCRIPTION l'KICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 3I0NDAY NOV. 13, 1S0 REFORM IN CITIES. The fifth annual meeting of the National Municipal League will be held at Columbus, Ohio, November latb. Its most important business will be the consideration of the re port of a special committee appointed in 1897 on "Municipal Program." The members of the committee arc Horace E. Doming of New York, Professor Frank J. Goodnow of Columbia University, Dr. Albert Shaw of the Review of Reviews, New York; Charles Richardson of Philadelphia, Professor Leo S. Rowe of the University of Pennsylvania, Geo. W. Guthrie of Pittsburg and Clinton Rogers Woodruff of Phila delphia. After two years of stuJy and in vestigation the committee has adopted a plan of city charter which it be lieves would solve many of the exist ing problems of municipal govern ment. It favors a single legislative chamber, similar to that now working in this city, but it would fix the terms of councilmen at six years. The mayor would bold office for two years, and one-third of the council men would be elected at each bien nial election. Special effort is made to surround the granting of municipal franchises with strong safe-guards, a four-fifths vote of the council and the approval of the mayor being required. The election of council men at large instead of by wards or districts is recommended, and in order that citizens may have a choico of candidates unhindered by party lines, the nomination of candidates for elective municipal offices is to be by petition and not by convention. Spokesman-Review. A DIFFERENT THING. The Thanksgiving proclamation of the governor of Missouri, the Hon. Ion B. Stevens, contains this sent'" ment: "Not in any period of the history of the commonwealth has it ever been possible to find greater cause lor gratitude to our Heavenly Father than at the close of the present year." If Governor Stevens will stick to this solemn opinion when, six months hence, as a delegate to the next na tional Democratic convention, be takes part in making the platform for Bryan to stand on, ho will make a national sensation. Now York Sun. But he will not do it, says the Salem Statesman. Not by any means. The Thanksgiving proc lamation of the governor of Missouri was made for one time and occasion., The platform of the governor of Missouri and bis associates, planned for Bryau to stand on, will bo for another time and another purpose. It is good Lord this year. It will be good devil noxt year. Such arc tho inconsistencies of Duniocrntic poli ticians in these troublous days. Spokane is having n moral stir-up, which is very creditablo. Tho Spokesman-Review most aptly says: Men who build cribs lor immoral purposes, and rent them for the high returns which vice is willing to pay, can not play indefinitely nt the double game of respectability nnd vice. Soon or late their sins will find them out, nnd society will com pel them to seek their level. At Minneapolis one of those ele vators which "can't fall" made a surprisiugl' close imitation of it last week. It went down fivo stories like a Hash, and ten of the occupants were severely injured. Elevators which can not fall arc something like fireproof buildings which "can't burn." Cash tn Your CliecHn. All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 1890, will be paid at my officu. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th, 1899. 0. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. All persona wishing to take children, either toys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions mus.t be filed in advance. tf Turkey Shoot. There will be a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 29th and 30th, conducted by A. Y. Marsh and Isaac Joles, td-d.tvv J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., eaya, "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever us' d." Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, preumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lucg troubles. It prevents consumption. Butler Drug Co. I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writes S. J. Fleminv, Murray, Neb. It is the best digestant known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pre scribe it. Bntler Drutr Co. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on. the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If tlSP 13 y u'ttAND MAPirlOOC Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. AuervotonicaJid blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks an restores the fire of youth By mail GQc per ho: ; O boxec for $U.fiO; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund tlto uiouoy. NSRVITA MEDICAL CO. Ciintpr. & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU- Sold by Blakeley &. Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. A good drug sign. m "I V You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is tho purity of the goods handled and tho manner of doing busi ness that makes and keops this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs at the best price. We are particular about tho compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Sinet. THE Wl Just What You uiant. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ., It artificially d i ges ts the food and aids .nature In strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SIckHeadactie.Gastralgia.Cramps.anq all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWI'.t A Co., Crjleatio. Butler Drug Co., The Dalles, Oregon r- M If All New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock, lteal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at client, paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught with molasses than vinegar, is an old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist its attraction and oi ce within its power tne tormenting possibilities of that intent are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains rn nv other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. IMlCA 1 I helps the team. Saves wear and I expense. Sold everywhere M lBA . MADE BY ,L STANDARD OIL OO. LlAflE BROS. 1 (JE.NKHAIi BiacKsmiins ...AND.. Horsesnoe is Wagon and Oarrlage Werk. Pish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffernn. Phone 169 Clarke & Falk bayo received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. 0JR.&H. ai;t roit Knt Mull 11:60 1. m, Spokino Myer 5:i') p. m, S p. m. TIMK fcCHKDULK, KltUM IIAI.I.KH. Halt 1-nkp. Denver. l"t. Worth, Oiimlin, ICnn N City. St. l-il, ClitriiKu imil Hnst. WiUln WhIIm, 8iknne, Minneapolis. St. I'mil, iu lutli, Milwaukee, Chlciiffi) mul Knit. From 1'oivn.ANn. Oociiti Steamships. For ban Kninelwo January nml every llvu ilnys thereafter. 8 D. m. Kx.siinilnyColumbtn Uv. Steamers. ,To Astoria nml Way Saturday 1 Untiling. 10 p. in. fin. m. I WlLLAMKTTK IilVBlt. .x.aunuii3 "lurcKon t;iiv, .uwhtk, . tiulcm iV way I-miil's. 1 7 n. Ill,- IwiLLAMCTTR AND YAM' Tnes.'lluir.j urn. tuvans. anil tint. Orecon City, Dayton nml ay.I.amllnKs. AltiUVK KllOM. Fan Mall s: in p m Biwiknno Flyer. MWn. m 4 p. m. I p. m. Kx.Siimlii) l:Mp. m. Kx.sunilny :t:ro t. m. Mon.AVeil ana Frl. Cll. m. WlIXAMRTTK HlVlfll.'ortlnml to Corvullls, uml Sat. i anil Wny-LMiilliiKs. I.v Hlrn-in daily Skaki: ntven. Ulparla to l.ewlston. 4:50 ii. in. Tue., I hut UUU bat. I.RAVK l.HWISTON ilally Parties dftlnoir to ko to Ileniuier should luKe AO. -i, leavini? ine Danes at p. in niaklni: illrcct connections at Ilemmer luncUon HeturnliiK makliiKillrcctconnectlon at Heppuer junction M 1th No, 1, arriving at The Dalles at .1:10 p. in. Xo. throucht freight, cnit bound, does not carry pascnncrs; arrives 'J:WJ a. in., departs 3:fOa. in. .No. ill, local frelRht, carries pafferiRers, cast Lounu; arrive i:aup. m,, ueparrs :ia p.m. No. ai. west bound throimh (rdk'tit, does not carry passengers; arrives a:16 p m departs i':.' p. in. No. 23, west bound local frelirht, carries pas teuxcrs; nrrlvesSilS p. ni ilepartsSiSOa. in. For full particulars call on O, H. A N. Co.'s agent The Dulles, or address w. a. iuntr.iiur.T. Con l'as. Ak't., rortlaml, Or. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. SeuoM & LaiMiii, 'Phone 157 Tne coiumDia Pac Rinoo., PACKERS OF , PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKfc'KH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON a)RIED beef, etc. J. B. BCIIBHK, Prebldent. II. M. JIBAI. , Caslilei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREdON A General Banking Business transacted TV . 1 1. 1 1 f i , r. . . uoiivana reuuiveu, auoject to aigtit Draft or Dhnnk. Gollections made and proceeds promptly remitted, on dav of collection. Slant and Telegraphic Exchange sold on nu xors, nan rrancisco anz 'ort' land. D. P. Thomphon. Jmo. 8. Hohknck. Ed. M. Williamq, Qbo. A. Liuuu. II. M. BlSALU 00 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE Trace Marks .St' J. ",.u' "w eicu ami description ma' quick It uicortiilii our opinion f wo wftii hhri-, nventlnii probnblr pnienubk Coiiii. unlciC. tloiiiitrlctUnmaUeiitU . Iluiilbookon l'tiiiU cnt (roe. OMo.t uiicnojr for .ecurlnif uateiiU ltei.u Ukeri tfirouih Muim A CVrJlT nxekUnotkt, without cbro, IntLo WM"T Sckntific fliticrican. A handiomelr Ulnitntiid wp,k i T.MM.t di lution of nr iclenllHii Iniirn.i liVl'"":..,"- tu fur mi Gosenror.NewYQrk mm p 1 . " KwminiikMaBbz.Mikwii" ,'-r and Motors JIANUFACTUItKI) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINO GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Cifcnlnre nnd imrticnlnra (urnlslied on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, titiG THE DALLES, OKEQON C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY irnm '-'.75 to iftl.00 er uullon. (4 to 1ft yeurH ofd.) "" " " IMPOSED OOGN AO froin $7.00 to if 1U.00 pur iallon. (11 to UP yt-nrB old.' ' OALirORNIA BRAKDIEB Irmn :i.'Jf to mU10 per tfiillon. 4 lo U years old.'' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. x OLYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blittz Bnd Olympia Beer in bottles Imported Ale mid Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Was co Ware house Co in panj Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed "Grain oteii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?iiK Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- toil FlOUr T'"B ',,ur ,B manufactured expressly (or fimll; v" " w ng; overv sack is guaranteed to give satiefsctios. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trude, and if you don't tbinkao call and uct our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choico, but tho standard ratos, which aro not Cevera high as some pooplo think, and wo want to C-U-B-A oustomw of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OB. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall S Burget UNDERTAKERS ifi EMBALM ERS The Dalles, Or. Ijobes, Burial Shoes Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer;