'V, Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the $ystem flVFRCOMES 1rrW ' PERMANENTLY BUT THE GENUINE-MANT'O By (AUIATGfSYRVF(2. I'EUl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. J. H. Filley, ot Waldrqp, is registered John Donohue was up from Hood Eiyer last eveniuz. S. E. Parker and Ira White of Wa pinitia, are visitors in tiie city. Geo. W. Massamore cuuie in from Hay Creek yesterday on business. Cima. Kingler is in the city represent ing the 1'urtlunii Evening lelegratn. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens came in this morning from their home m Dufur. Norman G. Seaman, of Portland, is jn the city spending a few days with friends. Mrs. 'Gertrude Lownsdale, of Salem, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. IS. Smnott. Bert Phelps came down yesterday from Heppner and left on last night's truin for Pendleton. Dr. Albert O'Leary, accompanied by his sister, were passengers on this morn inj's boat for Portland. Mrs. L. Lane, who has been visiting her mothei in Seattle for the past two weeks, returned home last night. Mrs. Bureon and two children and Mrs. Jones arrived from the East vester day afternoon, and left this morning for Prtneville. Hon. E. L. Freeland came down from Heppner esterdav afternoon and re niainnd over until this afternoon, when lie will leave lor More. Miss Beulah Patterson and Mrs. Verna Cattron arrived from Wasso last evening to attend che club dance last n:ght. iho latter will return this afternoon. Rev. A. M. Leslie, who for the past two months has filled Rev. Do Forest's place ae rector of the Episcopal church, leu this morning on the boat for Port land, bound for hie home in Denver. Frank McFarland, an old-time Dalles boy, but who is now representative for an insurance firm, was in town yes terday. He attended the club da'nee last night, where he met many old friends. f Wlllard Hindman a brother of the late Mrs. L. :. Davis, and Mrs. PJiila Clprk, a sister, who teaches In the La Grande public echoole, arrived in the city yes terday morning and were present 'at the funeral of their sister. Opposed to Wiimnn'g Suffrage. A society called the Oregon State As Fociation Opposed to the Extension of the Suffrage to Women has been organ ized in Portland, and nuniherH among its members some of the most promi nent Indies of the cny. A circular eent out to the voters of Oregon, eays in part: "We de.-ire to call your attention to the fact that an amendment' to the con stitution of Oregon, giving full (suffrage to every adult woman iu the state, is to bo submitted to your vote in June, 1900, "We, being Oregon women, and there fore effected by the provisions of rueh tin amendment, wish to enter our pro test against Its adoption by you. j "We believe only a small percentage of the women of our ftate atk for or de sire the ballot. Our whool elections prove, as do those of every etate in the Union which permits women to vote at such elections, that the great majority of Oregon women do not use the ballot even in school matters, in which they may be presumed to take equal interest on account of their children. "We believe the majority should rule in this, as In other political matiera.and that a small, though eager minority of our eex should not force the ballot (and its attendant privileges nf sitting on juries and running for office) upon the far larger number nf womon who do not desire to vote. We have no quarrel with our Biifi'ragist sisters; but wo protest against their being regarded as repre sentatives of the true opinion of Oregon women upon this vital subject. "Wo also believo that the adoption of this suffrage amendment would neces sarily lead to serious com plications in both the political.'and social conditions of the state, and that such complications would l)o harmful to the stnto in every way." OUR CHURCHES. Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At the Lutheran church tomorrow Rev. J. C. Kunzmun, superintendent of the mission board, will conduct evening services at 7 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Cliftonf pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. St. Paul's church Rev. Jos. DeForeBt, pastor. Holy communion at 0 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. -Sunday school nr. 12:15, noon. Christian church Ninth and Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at G:4o p. m. Morning theme, "Christ's Ascension." Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. in.; Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening service 7:30. Morning subject, "False hood of Appearances." Miss Gushing will sing the offertory. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Ulysses F. Hawk, the pastor, will occupy the pulpit. In the morning the pastor's subject will bo "The Lamb of God." Evening, the second of the series of addresses on "The Ideal Homo;" suhject, "The Armchair by the Fire side." Are You Looking for l'apor llanilft? e don t sell them, but if vou want the best five cents, worth in this town try our Far West cigars. It'll make you feel good all over, and onlv five cents Ben Ullrich. Dr. II. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says 'I think Kodol Dvspepsia Cure is splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dygpepsia and indigestion Butler Drug Co. Help YVunteil. A girl who desires to do general house work, can find employment by apply ing to Mrs. C.J. Stubling, corner Eighth and Liberty street. ou never know what form ot blood poicnn will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble, They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Butler Drug Co. Iloiiie and Carpet Cleaning, A. E. Negus is prepared to do house and carpet cleaning in a satisfactory manner and on short notice. Call at or phone W. A. Kirby's store on Third street. Telephone 60. n3-lw Dyepopsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyepopsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold iu handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., says I heartily recommend Ono Minute Cough Cure. It gave ni) wife immediate relief iu euflocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Butler Diug Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tul uts. All druggists refund the money if it fti)H to cure. 25c. Acker's Dyepepsia Tablets aro eold on a positive guarantee. Cureeilieart'burn, rulsina of tho food, diatreea after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet Klvea immediate relief, 25 cte. and 60 cte. Blakeley & Houghton, drug iciite. Good Racine single buggy and bar nesj for cale at bargain. Call on Huworth, the printer, over Dalles Coin mission Co. cct'.'5-()AW'2w y r, mcoae. JOHN OAVIN MOORE n& GAVIN, ATTOltNEYS AT LAW. Itoomi 89 aud 40, over V, 3, Land Ofllco. SUMMONS. IS THE OIHGUIT COURT OF THE BTATK. 1 of Oregon , for the county of Was co. Harriet A. Simon, l'lalntllV, v. Wllllnm It. It. Blmnn, defendant. To Wllllnm II. H, Simon, tho abovo nnmcd dofoutintit: In the Nnmoof thoRtntcof Oregon: You ate hereby notified lo bo ami appear in tho nbnvo entitled court on or beforo iho lost tiny of tho i.ubltciitlon of this summons, towlt: On or be fore Hiitiinl.iy, tho lsth ihtyof .November, lS'J'.i, then iiml there to answer the comtilulnt of tho above mimed plaintiff HImI nitulnit you In tho above entitled Mitt; and If you no full to appear mill answer until complaint, for want thereof PhilntttI will apply to nilil court for tho relief pnivtd lor In her complaint, tn-wlt: Kor a de cree of thenuovocntltteil court forovcrdls.olvltiK ami iinnnllinK tho bonds ot matrimony nmv and heretofore existing between pl'ilutlh" tint! defendant, ami for on ansotuto decree of divorce from you, tho said defendant. This summons Is served upon you by nubllra tlon thereof by order of tho Hon. W, I., llrad shnw, JnilRe of tho above entitled court, which order bers date of tho '2nd day of October, is'jtf, and directs that said summons bo served iimiii momiui ueienaaut uv puiiiicauou xnereoi ror mx 1 conneutlvo weeks In The Hallo Chkonioi.k, ii weekly newspaper of general circulation, pub-1 llslud In Tho Hallos, Wasco county, Orctton: i mid publication lo begin on the 7tli day of , October, law, and end on tho ISth day of , November, lvw. i DUVUIt : MKNHFKK, cct 11 Attorneys for l'lalntlff. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouveu. Wasii.J October o, lh!M. j Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of bis inten tion to make limit proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mndo biforo the Keglster and Uecclverof l S. 1-and Otllco at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, Novcm-; ber'Jlst, lMtf, viz: ( losopli Chaiuliflrllu. II. K. No. ftSJS, for the west half of northwest ntiiirtcr and west half of southwest quarter, Sec. I '.. Tp. ;i N., It. 12 east, W. St. ' Ho names tho following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon mid cultivation of sulci laud, viz: 1 Thomas SI. Whltcomb, Joruei Slorgnn, Fred ' II. Smith and William I.caton: all of l.yle, I'. O., Wasnlngtou. w. IS. IJl'MIAK, uct 1W1 Itegliter. rar. CI.EANSINO AN 1IKAI.INQ cuitt: 1'oit CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to nse. Contains no In jurious drug. It la quickly nbaorbed. Gives Kelief at once. T . 11.. . I ....... . tho Nasal l'assa-cj. Pfll T) Ifli U FAD Allays Inflammation. ULU ntrttf Hcila and Protects tho -Membrane, liestore the Benees ot Tasto ami Smell. Largo Size, 0 cents at Dragprftts or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents hy mall. ELY BltOTilEltS, CO Waxreu Street, New York. "Harmony t TTV This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - Important fJotiee. Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of tho WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owing to the enormous increase in the price of paper within the past few weoks, they would shortly with draw tho sale of their Encyclopedias and cancol all orders now on the markot. MY CONTRACT Compels them to furnish sots in all bindings, indexes I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phonomonal presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi tion I offer each subscriber an ENCYCLOPEDIA Retail price $8, for which I make absolutely no charge. Tho ontiro 31 volumes, bookcase, index and d dolivored upon tho payment of ONE DOLLAR, Balance in amall monthly oraor; you may bo too late it another opportunity liko this again. I deliver tho books with bookcase, index and dictionary free to any railroad sta tion in the Unitod Stales. I. C. NICKBLSEN, Notice of First Meeting of Creditors, rv Tin.' iiisTitifiT nnttiiT nv TIIK HNITKD 1 f.TATKS KOIt THE DIHTIUOT OK OltKlION In the matter of i O. Haut, bankrupt, in bankrnptoy. . . , To tho creditors of 1'. O. Dntlt, of Tho Da-lff. Oregon. In tho rounty of Wasco, and district aforesaid, n bankrupt. , , , Notice is hereby ulvcn that on tho l.th day of October. A. .11.. INK", the said P.O. Hunt was dulv adjudicated bankrupt! and that the llrst meeting of his eiedlrors will bo held at tho olllcoof Dufur .V .Mciicfco, In The Dalles, Wiwn county. Oregon, on the Hist day of November, A. I). I.v.i), atS o'clock p. in., at which time tho sslil credlion mav attend, prove their claims, anpnlnt n trusti e, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business us may properly come befo.o tho i,ANK jIKNKfKl:i Nov. 10, 1SW. lteferco in llankruptey. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IA1 335 QNV 3IAIOO ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS H'mnTo rimplr,, IVorcnt niliauiatw, I'urifr thulllood, Cunt llcvlacho anil llrm.ii.l. I?L..h' T,",r,n,"1 ''"srlpoHorilokMi. To con TO w? rr-, or fall l,.5x for he. ISM b drujtel.L. DH. U0SANK0 CO. Phlla. Pa. 99 CUhiskey. The Dalles, Or. WITH THEM mo for next few weoks tho full and encyclopedia dictionaries. bargains in books over boforo DICTIONARY, paymonts. Don't delay your you do. and vou'll nnvnr mf The Dalles. . Trilby For wood, chips, knots shavlnps, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..o4o'0-o4o. Construction Thh lh mi nlr tluht lifiiler of tho nviil Hlm't steol tvinij It Ims CAHT IUOK I.INMNUti, liuililUK It durable; nlo luix Iron fnil iloor, rant to)i unit liotlnm nmt (iriiiiint'iitiil nutiiK toil, with grlilillc cover iiniluiiiiatli. Nlokellnff It Ims nlckulcd urn, ilium) ilnto iii.il font rnlla. Wo liavi' n ci)iiiilutu Ktnck nl tiium mi hum!. Call mill ruu cur utock before buying cltuwlicro. II K HUNTINnTON It H WILSON HUNTINOTOK A WILHOS, ATI OKNKYH AT LAW, TIIK IJAi.l.Kri, OUEUO.S OUcioT'r l'lrst Kilt, lluuk J-yf (JKIHKSIXHtKFKIt Physician and Suriruon, Bpcclut attuiitlnii i;lvcn to mintcry. Hoanm 'Jl and ii. Tel. SU Vos-t lllon MRS. OWtflfl W. IVIORGflN, STUDIO axi ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC UUILDING, Third Struiit, Imtwcon Court tmtl Wush ton StrecHH, Thu Dul lea. C. S. Smith, tiii: dp-to-dateQroeer Froali UjraH nml Oreamory liuttur u Hi(iuiulty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. r ..cHfls. m- Bute hens and FafmePB ..Ekchange.. KctiiNdinlraiiKlit tho culvhrated COl.UillllA llKIIlt, MOknowl. lul tho bent hvar in Tho ImIIcb, at tho iidiiiiI price, (,'nino in, try Itatid be ciiuvliif't'il, Alxi tho Klneit brands of Wlueit, U-iuor and Clk'ntb. Sooduuiehes of nil KIihIh alwnyn on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANBAOTA KNKKAUIANKINCJ J1UH1NE8 Lettora of Credit ieatiod available in the EilHtiirn BtntPH. Siislit ExiihariKe und Telegraphic Tranafera aoltl on Now York, Chicago, bt. Louifi, San 1'rancibco, Portland Ore- kuii, ncunio ttiihii,, hiki various points in Oregon and WitBlilnuton. Oollectiona inii'lo at all points on fay urnuio lorins. ...STEAM.,. Wood Saw Will run every duy except Sundav, Hatea Keueoimble. Telephone 201. j W. A. OATES, Prop. S Hi & Bemon Tie Dalles, Portal ail JN&vigation Co.' Sits. Daily (except Runrinv) tetween The Dalles, Hood Rivor, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. ,WM0tl( lloth of tho nttnvu uteamcrs lmvo been rtbnlii and nro in uxccllunt hIiii.u for the tauou niffi Tin, Hwiiutur Lin. Will otulwur tomS patronn thu tiost ncrvlco iioHlble. "B" tmvul by tho uteatncrK of Th. VuU,7; Tho itoamcrB of tlio ItcRiilator l.lnowllll- Pailen at i u. in. commuiicinir Moniny ticfS W. C. Allaway, Oener At EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP THE Southern Pacific Comp), TruliiH leave aud are due to unlvc at Porta LKAVK. OVi:i'.l.ANl) KX prvah, Haloia, lime ImrR, Anhl'iml, Hue- rmii..!itii. i)r.il.tii Unti 7:00 r. M. FrnnclMsi, Mojnvc, , 9:15 IS i.iih AiiKius.r.i i'uho. Sew Orleaim Him MSU A. Jl. Ko.iuLiurK und way U' tlOIIN 4:30 Ml Dili; uctpt Baultji. Via WoiKllmrn for i l. A ...... I Ull.... ...... I Ilaily exeept HumluyK ( Went Halo, llrmvtis-i villu.riprtnKtleldttiid I Natron j 17130 A. M, (CorvnlliM (HtlltlOllH and wayj 3:W1'.J1. KHiiy (excvii Htinuayj. i;W)i). m. rl.v. ...I'ortlnnd ..Ar.i 8:li. 7:3i p. in. At ..McMlnnvlllu..I.T, J;4),t. h:U0 . ui. t.r. ,iiioeK:nui;iue..i.v.j Dally. tllatiy, except wuuaar. HIKING C'AUB ON OOUEN KODTt I'Ul.IJIAN HUFKET HLEEPEBB ANIJ HECONU-CLAHrl HLKEl'IKG CIM Attached to all Through TrtlM. Direct connection at Han ( rnncltco with 0d dental nml Oriental and l'acltlc mail :itam llnex for JAPAN and CHINA. BalUM turn m a plication. S Hatea and tlnUctH to Kasteru polnti indttj ropo. AloJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU id j A rtUTI! A 1.1 A ' All tlluivn irnliiR iirrivo nl l l ucwi iw . lir.iud (jentrui HUition, Filth aim imns m YAMH1I.I. DIVISION. l'aciiKer Depot, foot of JellereoniWl U-avo for Hhcrldan, weelt dnyi, ltWA Arrive at I'ortland, U:M) a. in. U-ave for AIItl.IK on Monday, WciwfiTBf Krhiiiy ath:aa. m. Arrlv at l'ot" tlrtv, Thumdoy and Hatnrilio it:i:0Jp.c Jiacept Hunday. "Except Huturdil. K. KuK.'.LKK, (I. H. MABKEU Jlnniwcr. AmU (i. F.ti.W TliroiiRh Ticket Oitlcc, ll Thlrdltwt. 1 ..II ....l..u In thft lltm iUrilUKIl IIUAUWt HI IlII I'lMlim " v. Trial i Htntc(, CaiiHdn mul Euroic can bo otun J. 11. KntKUNI,T!cieiAtat or N, W1IKAUJUN, The Busy Store. Ettoli (by our business ahoJ tbo pooplo arc flndmg ut arc ptisbmg to the front m hotter coods. lower V' aalcspcoplo the very best, f , itiivfirs woo know tboir business for Ibo people. and W I C. F. Stephens Seoond Street. HA. 8TUHDEVANT, imim nor Krelioll 4 CO.' H . Rem Iator Da k City " rMVMMO" Phone C,