The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 11, 1899, Image 1

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NO 81
el) c Utiles
British Regiment Decimated by Free
Staters Friday Last.
Three Hundred Horses Captured Gen.
(toiler's Forces Arc Landing at
Cape Town.
London', Nov. 10. Another rumor,
oiiinnfttint,' from AuiHtordum aourcee,
HoyH a BrltiHh regiment wub decimated
Friduy by tho Freu Statora. It is added
tliut tux hundred Britiuli soldiers were
killed or wounded nndthat three hun
dred lioraH wore enpturud.
London, Nov. 10. Tho British war of
fico Iioh received Irotii General Buller the
following diBpatch:
"Capo Town, Thurdoy evening Ilave
received by pigeon post from General
White today the following "The bom
bardment at long range by heavy guns
continuua daily. A few casualties are
occurring, hut no eerioua harm is being
done. The Boers sent in today a number
of refugees from tho Tranavaal under a
flag of truce. A party from Ladysmith
met them outside the pickets. When the
party separated, tiie Boer guns fired on
it before it readied our pickets. Major
Gate, of the Royal engineers, wbb
wounded today while sending a nieasnge.
The outrenchments m e growing stronger
daily and the supply of provisions ia
llullcr's Forces Landing.
London, Nov. 10. With tho arrival
at Cape Town of tho British transports
Kosulyu Castle and Moor, to be followed
by a continuous succasslon of troop
laden ahipe, the real campaign in South
Africa may be said to have begun, and
tho fact that the first ship named was
expected to luive arrived at Durban
forthwith indicates ut least a modifica
tion of the plan of advance.
It seems General Butler's first move
will bu to rolieve General White, thus
Bomewhat departing' from the earlier
plan of advancing through the level
country of tho Orange Free State and
Southwestern Transvaal. It has been
upparont forsomedays that the situation
at Lsdyemith could not be indefinitely
prolonged, and it is understood that in
formation has reached.tho government
to tho effect that the qulosceuce of tho
Uoera will shortly bo changed by the ar
rival of a siege train from Pretoria into
a determined attack to deliver a telling
This, It is added, led General. Buller
to prepare a countor-atroke and endeavor
topuah the Boors buck by a direct attack.
Such an operation, if attompted, will
necessarily entail a great expenditure of
While tho pigeon dispatch of General
Buller shows the buleagured garrison
waa holding its own yesterday, it is
feared here thut tho silence regarding
what tho British artillery was doing in
reply to tho Boer guns indicatos that
White is short of long-range ammunition.
If this is true, the roported further rail
road destruction near Coleuso uesumee
greater importance. ,
One very serious passage in General
White's message gives the first official
eonllr.nntlon of the statements of Boer
treachery, which there has been disposi
tion hitherto lo discredit, but which
rnust now be ucceptod as at least partly
true. With the additional division
announced by General Woleoley at the
lord mayor's banquot yesterday evening,
Bailor's force will aggregate 05,000 men
by Christinas.
Troops at Cape Town.
Oai'k Town, Nov. 10. Tho British
transport Moor, having on board tho
officers and staff of threo divisions of the
BritlrVi army corps, on ite way to South
Africa, arrived here this morning.
lined Ity Itrltlnli Soldier In Africa.
dipt. O. G. DunniBon is well known
all over Africa no commander of the
forces that captnied the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,
from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes :
"Before starting on Ihe last campaign 1
nought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhusa Remedy,
which 1 used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and had given to my
men, and in every case it proved most
beneficial." For sale by Blakeloy &
Houghton, druggists.
, Sold for $700,000.
Ahhland, Or., Nov. 9. O. W. Trefnen
and Eric Carlson, of this city, yesterday
closed up a deal whereby the Carlson
Waltera copper mine property, located
south of Ashland, just over the Califor
nia state line, and eight milea west of
Cole'a station, was sold to the Siekiyou
Copper Company, Ltd., of KosBland, B.
C which has a capital stock of $3,200,
000. Mrs. Lulu Walters, of Phoenix,
and Eric Carlson, owners of the prop
erty, have had it bonded to the company
for two years, and have received $200
per month during tho time, but in the
transfer now tnado the consideration is
about $700,000, tho grantors receiving in
payment part cash and balance in stock
of the new colnpany, which will push
development work.
ItlHinarclt'H Iron -Servo
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Transcontinental Fare Cut.
Seattle, Nov. 9. As an introduction
to n local rate war between the three
transcontinental lines, begun this morn
ing, UrBt und Becoud-clnss ticketBto Chi
cago and Atlantic coast points dropped
$0 today. The trouble began through
nlleged rate-cutting by the Great
Your lfnc
Shows the state of your feelings and tho
state of your health ad well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have n
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapurillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
WM01, Lawioa aui Macirttuir Are
But It is So Slight That Their Progress
Is Not Impeded Much Wheaton
Landed at San Fabian Instead of
Lingayan, as Was Announced.
Washington, Nov. 10. The war de
partment has received the following:
"Manila. General Lawton experi
ences some difficulty on account of the
continued unprecedented rains in that
section of the country. He advanced the
column at San Jose yesterday to
Caranagtan. Today a strong force was
put through on the Aligoa route.
"Young captured yesterday consider
able additional Cubatiatuan arsenal
property in transit north, among which
were 144 two-inch and 22 boxes 1.65-inch
ammunition for HotchkiBB guns, fifty
projectiles for five and eight-inch
breechloading rifle cannons, two boxes
of grenades, considerable other ordnance
property, and two tons of casting and
arsenal machinery in partB. He is meet
with opposition, but the advance is not
much impeded thereby.
"MacArthur is reconnoitering north of
Mabacalat. Yesterday Slaven's scouts
were directed to the front, and Smith'e
Seventeenth infantry on the Magalang
and Conception road. Bell, of tho Thirty
sixth, with five of his officers and two
privates of his regiment, mounted, one
officer and ten men of the Fourth.cavalry,
struck 100 insurgents in the mountains
west of Mabacalat. The Americans
charged, killing and wouuding nineteen,
capturiug six and 30 Mauser rifles.
"The railroad from A ngeles to Bambam
is destroyed. MacArthur will have 40,
000 rations to the front today, and will
take up the advance to Tarlac tomorrow.
"Wheaton reports twenty-eight
Spanish prisoners eecured. Three hun
dred ineurgent recruits escaped to the
mountains from ttie enemy during the
battle ut San Fabian. These recruits
were en route to Dagupan. Wheaton
says everything is favorable to carrying
out successfully his instructions, and
Her Husband's Story
" My name is E. J. Sprong, and my address is 16 Bondman Block, Troy, N.
Y. I want to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to
her. About a year ago she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron
chial tubes and lungs, falic cer
tainly had bronchitis, and I think
consumption, too, and we de
spaired of her life. She had a
tightness and soreness in tho
chest, and it wnsMiflicult for her
to breathe. There were darting,
sharp, dull and heavy pains, with
constant coughing and expectorat
ing. Each day she was worse
than tho day before. I was ad
vised to get Acker's English Rem
edy, and did so, but my wife only
shook her head and said: 'Another
dollar thrown away.' She took
tho Remedy, however, and said
tho offect was magical. In less
than an hour there was a remark
able change. Sho got botyer at
nnr-n mid in a short time sho was
entirely w.ell and strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been
no relapse. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am
sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My
wife is in bettor general health now than ever, and you can't imagine how
happy she! is for her recovery. Sho tells everybody about Acker's English Rem
edy and io do I, for I believe it to bo our duty to the public to help every suf
fercr.wholhfis throat aud lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure spocifio
for cYorfp.iand has saved tho lives of hundreds of little ones around in this
vlojttity alpne." ,
Sold at "sc.. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout tho United States and Cr.da;
an'd'in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you aro not .fttisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
11 auUtorUc the above guarantee. W. U. UOOKJUi & CO., trqpriaort, Ato Yorl:
that the co-operation of the navy is com
plete. OTIS."
A second dispatch from General Otis
"Manila. The report received yester
day 'concerning Wheaton's movement
was erroneous. He did land at San
Fabian, as directed, and drove the bulk
of the enemy back in the desired direction
toward Dagupan. Operations were corn
successful in every particular."
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the' last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tob a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on tho market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on tne Oiood and mucoue sunaces or tne
system. Thev offer one hundred dollars
Jor anv case :t faiiB to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. CncNKY & Co., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Hobart Had a Good Night.
Pateeson, N. J., Nov. 10. Vice-President
Hobart had a reetful night and was
comfortable this morning. There is prac
tically no change in his condition.
It is the
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, tf
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Uee Clarke& Falk's quinine hairtonic
to keep dandruff from the bead.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Aek your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says, "My
wife had piles forty years.
Witch Hazel Salve cured her,
best er.lye in America." It heals every
thing and cures all ekin diseases. Butler
Drug Co.
It will not be a eurprito to any who
are at all familiar with the good qualities
of Chamberlain a Cough Remedy, to
know that people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience in
the use of that splendid medicine and
in telling of tho benefit they have re
ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured,
of threatened attacks of pneumonia it
l)as averted and of the children it has
saved from attacks of croup and whoop
ing cough. It is a grand, uood medicine.
For eale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of jo'y. Bueklen'e Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever eoree,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, dims, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile euro on
earth. Drives out piling and aches,
Only 25 etc. a box. Cure guaranteed,
Sold hv Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. ' 2
Stoi Thief!
Stop doing business. This is the way
you feel after buying some teu cent
cigars. Try our Mascot teu cent sinoUo
and find out where your real friends are.
Ben Ullrich.
LaGrippe, with its after effects, annu
ally destroys thousands of people. It
may be quickly cured by One Minute
Cough Cure, tho only remedy that
produces immediate results in coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vents consumption. Butler Drug Co.
"I wouldn't be without DeWitt's
Witcli Huzel Salve for any considera
tion," writes Thou. B. Rhodes, Center
field, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns
and skin diseases. Beware of counter
feits. Butler Drug Co.
flQodel Paper Patterns.
Just opened 1 complete invoice of these correct and thor
oughly up-to-date patterns. In order to introduce them to our
customers, we will, for the balance of this week, allow Free Choice
.of any design with a purchase in our dress goods department.
Dress Goods Opportunity.
We are also presenting every purchaser of a dress pattern,
value from 25c to 81.50 a yard, with a pair of 1.00, $1.25 or
Si. 50 Kid Gloves
Free of charge
this week or1y
A. M. Williams & Co.
ut j M ti n rirri ui 1 1 111 in f 1 1 n nni rrTTTTi 1 n nmu pi iiiirrrtf ttiti trn r nun 1 ittth iimni ut nTrnrtrrnTifi itiitmii
Job Printers.
I Min''''nuuJJJ"4"iJniuiiumuj4jjj,,uujj-iujiuJui)ijiituiiuuttuiuiuiimuttuiiuit)uji
U. 8, Land Office, at The Dai.i.f.s, Oitu.J
Notice Is hereby given that t!iu following
mimed bottler lias tiled notleo of hU intention to
make linul proof In Mijiport ol his cliuni, 11ml
tlmt mid proof will bo made before the Kvglbier
mid Receiver at The Dulles, Otegon, on Satur
day, November 11, lsyj.vU:
Matlilai Tlilel, of Aloaler, Orcgron.
HomcMcad Entry No. S'J75, fur tho SVj MV'4,
N'h'SWJi undSW'U HWJ4, seetlon U, towubhip
'J north, range 1J emit, V. H.
Jlu names the following wltnecs to prove his
continuous tetiaeuce upon aud cultivation of
mid land, viz:
(,'lius, Mller, of Mmler, Oregon; Dan Thomas,
Herman Stoncinaii aud Eruett Fiicdrichk, of
Tho Dalles, Oregon.
oct II
JAY 1'. LUI.'AB,
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk
have them,
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been appointed by order of tho county court
of tlm state of ureon for Wasco county, und ny
the will of Mary llllls, deceased, executor of tlm
last will unit testament of said Mary llllls, de
ceased. All persons having claims ugalust said
estate aro hereby untitled to present them with
the proer vouchers to me at the ntneo of Hunt
ington .v. Wilson, Tho Dalles, Oregon, wltliluslt
mouths from the date of this notice,
Dated Octolcr loth, WJ.
Oct 1111 Executor
Exeoutor's Notice.
All persons having claims against tho citato
of Elizabeth Ann (.'ales, deceased, are hereby
untitled to present the same, properly verified,
ut theolllco (ftlio undersigned, the duly an
pointed executor of said estate, at Dalles City
Oregon, ulthlusix months from the date of the
publication of this notice.
Dated the l'Jth day of October, 1890.
Oct H II Exeeutir.