Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System hAB,TUALCONST'PAT.ON 8 UAU PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE - MANT'D By (aui?rniaTgpSyrvf. roasAiiSYnuoKuGSUTi met sa fir genu. 1'KOrL.K YOU ALL KNOW. Geo. Button, todiu. of Ridgeway, ia in town E. E. Lunn, of North Yakima, is in the city. H. R. Bine is in from Wnpinitia today on Imsiuess. Misa Lenn Btlmie arrived in the city yesterday from Heppner. Mrs. Bentlcy nmi Miss Lillif1 Bentley nre in the city from Mnrquaui, Or. W. 0. Hadlev came down from Moro yesterday and will leave in the morning for Spracue. Rev. U. F. Hawk and Utile eon re turned home last night after u short trip to Portland. John S. Gurnee is in the city today in the interest of the cash register company, which he represents. Dr. H. J. Littlefleld arrived in the city last Hvenini: from Newherg on a visit to his sister. Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw. L. E. Crowe is in Portland attending the Retail Hardware Dealers Associa tion for Oregon and Washington, of which he if first vice-president. He ex pects to return this afternoon. George .loles returned hotmfrom the mines at Spanish Gulch Tuesday, having closed down work for the winter. He sayn there is plenty en snow in the mountains near by, iura they have h,ad about si: inches at lifo mine. Mr. and Mrs. Japes Ireland will leave the city tonight to visitat their old home in Indiana and otWSr atatee. They will be absent about m month, during which time Geo. RossAvill take hie place as agent at the U. iy. iz ., iilhee here fOK.N. In this city,thia morning, Nov. 9tb, to .Mr. and iue. Henry Harper, u ton Weight ten pounds. Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves crowing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by thu doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing u severe aching of the bones. 6. S. 8. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the wordt' cases which seemed ulmost incurable. . I Capt. O.i;. Ilughea, the popular railroad conductor, of Columbia. B. o.fhadVn PirSru I Ann with TMimimutlcm ..Ul.i. i that thero ii onlv one cure for (but painful dig caie. He sayti: "I was a Kreat sufferer from mus cular Khcumatism for two years. I could cot no permanent relief Iromany medicine pro scribed oy my physician. I took about a dnzpii Ivit. ties of your 8. 8. B., and tS now i am as wen as i ever vaglnmy life. Ir.m suro that your medicine cured me, and I would rccommenil It to anv ono suffering from any blood disease." Everybody knows -that Rheumatism is u diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treutmont, but a remedy containing potash und mercury only aggravates the trouble. C C CTor Blood The being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tlio very cause of tho disease and a per manent euro alwuys results. It is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. " Hooks mailed free by Bwift Specific Company, Atlantu, Georgia. Student Literary Club or The Dalles. This society met on Nov. 3 at 7 :30, at the office of Moore & Gavin. Owing to the length ot' time taken up in adopting the constitution and the election of officers the debate for the evening waa postponed until Friday Nov. 10, at which time the club will meot in the council chambers, above the city jail, at thu hour of 7:30 o'clock. Article five of the constitution will bo suspended Friday night for the benefit of those wishing to become members. The question for debate is "Resolved That England is Justifiable in Prosecut ing the War Against the Boors In the Transvaal." The club now has twelve membora who are tireless workers and determined to make it a success. Article 1, of the Con stitution, rends as follows : "The object of said club shall be for the free discus tion of any subject or subjects coming before the meeting, to-wil: debates, speeches, mock trials, etc., and for the purpose of diffusing knowledge among its members. Article 5, Section 1. Any gentleman over 17 years of age, of good reputation in the community, may become a mem b;r of this club by making application to be presented by the secretary of the club at any regular session thereof, and to lay on the table until the next regular meeting, when a ballot shall be taken, and if two-thirds of the members present shall vote in favor of his admission, said applicant shall, upon signing the con stitution, be declared a member of the club. Article 6, Section 1. This club shall meet every two weeks and at eueh other limes as a majority, consisting of at least seven members of the club, shall determine. S. W. Stakk, Sec. of Committee. Eastern Oregon Sugar. Despite the fact that the atate legisla ture at its last session refused to en ourage the culture of sugar beets, by turning down the bounty proposition urged liy the growers ot the Grande Ronde valley, and the further fact that there is considerable of a decrease in acreage this year, us compared with last, the sugar output of the La Grande factory will this year exceed that of last by at least 50 per cent. The acreage has been reduced from 3G00 to 2300. The vield per acre, how ever, has nearly doubled Binco last year. This year thu average crop is from seven to eight tons to the acre. Last year the average was four and it half tons. Thu factory is still running full blast, employing about 150 men, and converting 400 tons of beets into sugar daily. It is estimated that the entire beet crop will be harvested and ground up within two weekB. The total tonnage in beets this year wilt approximate 14. COO and the output 3,500,000 pounds. E O. Would It Wor thu -Milne Here. Tiie following telegram from Helena which appeared in yesterday's Oregotii. an, sounds just a little strange to Dalles people, who are compelled to walk over sidewalks fairly eaturated in tobacco juice and other expectoration uven more nauseating and a great deal more liable to spread disease broadcast. The tele grair says: "United States Senator Thos. H. Caiter was arrested today and fined $1 for spitting on t lie sidewalk. The complaint waa made by a man ar rested and fined yesterday for the same offense. The fine was paid." Ills Llfu Wuh Saved Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a friuhtlul death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even eit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I hetrd of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am weil and at.ntn. T nnn't tin., i n ..-tn.ilt I ltd 1. 1 Willi. A l(IJ b OA) kVW 111 libit III 1IB n -n. - . , praiae." This marvellous meuicino is the (ill rest and qmckeat cure in the world for all throat and lutitr trouble. Hc-KuUr Hi.3 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bott'e treu at Blukeley & Ilmighton'a dniK store; every bottle uuaranteed. 2 Acker's Dyspopsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Curue'tieart-tiurn, raising of the food, distress after cutting, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet fives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blukeley it Houghton, drug gists. limine mm Ctict Uloaiilnir, A. E. Negus is prepared to do house nnd carpet cleaning in a satisfactory manner and on short notice. Gall ut or phmie W. A. Kirhy's store on Third street. Telephone CO. n3-lw Glwrke & Fall; have on sale a full lino of paint mnl artist's brusher. December Htandaid pattern ii are now ready at I'eaee & Mavs.' Standard patterns for December now on sale at Pease & Mays.' Are Tou Looking fur Taper HamH? We don't noil them, but if yon want the best five cents, worth In this town, try our Far West cignrs. It'll make you feel good all over, and only five cents. Ben Ullrich. You nevei know what form ol blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous Httlu pills for constipa tion anil liver and bowel troubles. Butler Drug Co. Hti.p Thief! Stop doing business. This is tlio way you feol after buying boiiih tun cunt clgara. Try our Mascot ton cent smoke and find out whore your real friends are. Ben Ullrich. LaGrippu, with its aftor effects, annu ally destroys thousands of peoplu. It tuny be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pnuumunla and throat and lung troubles. It will pre vents consumption. Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablute. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blukeley & Houghton Druggists. Help Wantfld. A girl who desires to do general house work, can find employment by apply ing to Mrs. C. J. Stubling, corner Eighth and Libertv street. TIIE CLEANSING ANI HEALING CUKE roit CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to use. CuntafuB no In jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives Ilelief at once. ti, Mici i..,.n., fn n U. U r A n AiirtoE' lUUV 'ntAUl Ileitis and I'rotecu tlio Membrane, lie! tores the Senses of Taste nnd timell. Largo Size, so cents at Dni2!illts or liv mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ELY BltOTilLUtS, 05 Wancu Buect, Now York. Br tTAH CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is ("araiiteed to the consumer as a PURE HANI) MADIv SOUK .MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - Important Notice. j Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owinp to the enormous increase in the price of paper within tho past few weeks, they would shortly with draw the sale of their Encyclopedias and cancel all orders now on the market. MY CONTRACT WITH THEM Compels them to furnish me for next few weeks tho full sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries. I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phenomenal bargains in books over beforo presented. J lnrty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi tion I offer each subscriber an ENCYCLOPEDIA Kotail price $8, for which I make absolutely no charge. Tho ontiro 31 volumes, bookcase, index and dictionary' ONE DOLLAR, Balance in small monthly payments. Don't delay your order; you may bo too lato if you do, and you'll never not anothor opportunity liko this again. I dolivor tho books with bookcase, index and dictionary freo to any railroad sta tion in the United States. I. O. NIOKELSEN, JOHN OAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. Itooms .1'J nnd 10, over U. S. Und Olllco. tl R HllNTINllTON It H WILSON HUNTINUTON .t WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TlIK DAi.l.Hrl, Oil KHUN Illcoov" Ki rut Knt. ilimk D it- ii:isKNncitriM:n Physician and Surgeon, Hpeclul attention Klvon lo nun-cry. Kinims "Jl mnl IK, Tul. VIA VoRt Woe MRS. OMVIA W. PHGAfl, .A.udaiJ,,ll,"i"""",'"n,'''l",w '""i STUDIiO A XI I "Si ART NEEDLE ROOM. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, botweun Court and Wattli ton Streuts, The Dallus. C. S. Smith, tiii: Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Tm: I)ai.i.i:s, ()i:kjo.v,( Septum iur rj, isyj. ) I Notice Is here')- civen Mint tlio fullnwiiiu- niinieil ettler liui lllol imtlre of IiIn Intention to i nitike llmil pronf In support of Ills claim, mnl I Hint S'tlil iirotil will l.e tnnile before tiie relier imd reecivtr lit Thu Dullei, (JrcKun, on I'rlihiy, I November 3, la!W, viz.: Iluilirrt It. Mmtknr. nf Th Diilli'K, Or,, llomestemi Kntry So. mil, for the K'.j NT.!-.,, tuiitSWi, HYMi oetlim -7, townshl;. 1 north, ranne lit cist," . M. i hia cnutlminus reahleucu Uion,nml eiiltlviitlim no u ime.s me iimiiiwiiik nne,e, in uinu of Mild lnml. viz S-mnnel Crcliflitnn. John It. Cook. Wllllnm Uiiivim and Clmrles llitw.iDn; nil of l'he Dallei 1 UreKtm, I .,. I,Vt I . l.Ul.An. tcptil-II lteKhter. The Dalles, Or. DICTIONARY, The Dalles. v r. MCOKK. Admiral George Dewey IV11I receive thu most royal welcome on Oct. 1st. uoxt, that was ever utxordud to u American citlzon. You will find a comiloto bloRraphjr of th! gTMt hero, includliiK Ul3 urllllAUt victory ovor tiie 8r' Ish licet In tlio Croat, utliorltaUve uul topr ' '.-dato work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopasdia Britannica Tills Is tlio only ciieyclojiadia on thu market that mentions Admiral iKiw cy. It k!vcs tho dato ol lih Llrth; how ho sicnt IiIji boyhood days; tho part lio took In tho Civil Wnr, how niter tho War ho waa employed on tlio European otatlou: In the Naval Academy; his rho to tho riinl: of Commander and resident of tho Hoard or Inspection and Survey; liU command of thu Asiatic Hiitiadrou; bow on April lilli ho loll Hong Kuiir with Ills squadron, louudaud destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; Mi niiiolntmcut us Acting Hear Ad miral, the honors ho received from Congress, and how on March and, 1SW, ho was created full Ad tnlral. It fl)ieaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, hu all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huutcmau, und socially n good club man and a ;cncml favorite. II tells of his marrlago to JIlu, Kusy Goodnln, a UmiRhtcr of tlio "lighting gov ernor" of Now llamishlrc, who died in IS".', leav lug a son, Ocorgo Goodwin Dewey. R Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and tcoren of othor noted personoges not C7cn I mentioned In any otiicr Kucycloimillu receive tha tamo attention lu this edition of tho Encyclopffidia Britannica It speaks of Ocncrat Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of Cicucrul Henry ns Governor-Cieticral ol l'orto Itlco; of Agutnoldo's declaration of War against tho U. B. VOD HEED THIS COMPLETE EDMH4RY of human knowlcdfro und progress, wherein infor mation is moro easily found nnd ucquired than In any other book or cucyclopa.dlu lu tho world, IN YOUR HOME. JOB SALE DT I. C. NICKELSEN, 0 Batcher's end Fan mens ..Exchange.. KceiiM on dniiiKht thu celubnitcd COU'.MHIA JlKKIt, iickimwl. edxed tlio bent beer In Tlio Dulled, m thu iimnil price. Come in, try it nnd be convinced. Aim the Fluent briiudo ol VVlnen, I.I-iiior iimlClKnra. Sondtjuiehes of nil Kludh iilwnj-K on hand. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. ritANSAOTA KNKltAMIANKINO HUHINKS letters of Credit IhsikhI avnllable in the iiaHtrn Statea. Biliht Exclmnge and Telotjraphic TratiBlors Hold on Now York, Chicago, St. LouIh, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle WuhIi,, ami vurloue polnta In Oroiton and Waahlnuton. Colli'ctiona ina-lH at all point? on fav orahld tertiia. ...STEAM.,. Wood Saw Will run ovwry day except Sundav, itatfH Huasoimble. Tolophone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. The Dalles, Portal aii it JNangation Co:' Regulator (Si)akCiti Sirs, Hally (cjccejit Siinilnv) between The Dalles, Hood River, Casoade Locks, VancotiTer and Portland. Touching nt way poln'c on both tides ol. Columbia river. 1V lloth nrtlifiHlMivuHtvHtiifrs haro boon rebnm nnd inu In oxeellent nIiiiiui tor the mishiii if Tl,., lti.UI.,r l..h Will iMidearonoli'S imtrons the beM survlcu iumhIIiIv. For Ciiinfnrt, Ko tiny hiiiI l'M,a travel by tho Kteamcrs ol Th It.gJuu, Tlio tciimerH of the lteKUlHtnr Uti(,iin DnlliK nt 7 a. m. commeneliin .Moniisy ths J Jlimiisy the 3th tun. Portland Olllec. Oak rit. Hiiuk. fbe Dalles oom touttntrttt C. Allaway, Oencra ktts.1 w. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK Till!- Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrtilfiH leave und are due to arrive nt 1'ortlu LKAVK. OVKHI.AN1) V..)l liresn, Halein, ltie-' burg, Ahliliiml, Hue-1 1 ramento, Ogilen.Him V 1'ruiiciKco, Jlnlave, 8;15A.Si ;:0O 1'. M j" '-ii 1'imo. i uiiil I lAin AiiK'-ie!,r.i I'll New urleann Kunt . K:'iO A. M .(''''''burg nil J way Kta- I:S0 V, M Dally cxwpt f Via Woodbury lor i Mt.AiiKi.'l. HBvurtiiu. Dally except huiiduyji K wini hcio, iiriiwiis. vtlle.riprltigUelilaiid I Natron tT:,m a. it. iComiilis istiitlouM nmS ""H 5:nor.jr. t.NUKl'K.NJJEXCE I'AriSr.SOnt. Kxprcutnla Dully (except Bumlny). I;M)p. m. tl.v. ...rortliind Ar.) S:i.a. r.!tll.. .ti J A X..M!.....!!!.. 1 I Kl 10 li. Ill K::i 1 1. in, (Ar..Iulcpcndc!icc..I.v.) :M Lm "Dully. tl'niiy. except buiiiliw. IHNI.NCi CAU8 ON OtiDKN HOOTS. 1'in.l.MAfJ UUrKKT BI.I E1'KK8 AND HKCONn-t'I.Abri KI.KEl'I.SG C.IK4 i Attached to nil Through Iraiui. Direct fonni-ctlnn nt hnn Krimclsoo with 0l (Ivutiil mnl Oileutal mnl l'acllle mull ilaiU; linen for JATAN and CHINA. Hal line ilita O n plication. . Itiiten Mid tlrkotn to IjiHtern polnU ulft; roiH.'. Also JAPAN, CHINA, ilONOLULti Wl AI'STKAUA. All iUjovii triiiim iirrlvc nt mid depirlW (irmid Central Htiitlon, Kllth unci Irvmsiw YAMlIU.l. DIVISION. l'lidscuKer Dujiot, luut of JIiersoliR U'ixvq for Hlieridnn, week dnyu, t IJ) Arrive nt I'ortlund, :'M a. in. 1a;uvu for on .Monilny, WcdnndijUj rrioiij- at ::!.) a. m. Arrlv ut I'ortUail, It duv, ThuiMlny and Hnturilm u:i;0Sp.m. Except Buudiiy. Kxeept Biitunliir. it, ku:m.i-:u, , n. maukiiam. ilimauer. AhKt, ti. K. A ftM-Ai TliroiiKh Tlnltet Olllec, 1:11 Thiril nrt.52 throiiKli ticketn to nil poliitf In Re turn Hbiteh, Ciuiudit and Europe can be obum lonent ruteN from , . , . .1. II. KIItKI,ANi, Ticket Altnt. or N. W1IEAI.DON. The Busy Store. Enc'j day our business show the pcoplo me finduig out ff0 aio pusbing to the front witb botter goods, lower prisd salespeople the very host, and last, but not least, buyers know tboir business unci buy for tbo people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Peutist. i. a-fo.' wn -riiKlrtUW-W-") I'llOIIO c,