Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAN5ES the System EFFECTUALLY h4B.TUALCOHST.PAT.ON PERMANENTLY ?ICIAL IV Buy THE GENUINE MANT'O &y Gui?risiaTgpSyrvp. roa 5UBYitciajc;i5Ti rati set. fiR&rmt. I'EOI'LE TOU ALL KNOW. Dr. H. Dodils ia in town todav from Dufnr. J. K. Hensel, of Lyle, is in the city on business. of Glenwcod, ia in the of Goldendale, is in is a viaitor :n the from Portland T. H. Head, city today. J. H. Houeer, town todav. Miss E. Donaldpoti city from Kintrsley. John Parrot came up on last night's train. Mrs. Morran una Eon came over from their home at Centerville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen came in from Moro yest-.rdayand spent today here. W. A. Camptiell, so well known to our business men, is upending a few days in the city. Miss Lawrence is in the city from her home in Portland and is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Schenck. A. G. Lougi of Portland, stopped off at The Dalles yesterday afternoon. He was returning from bumpter, where he sold $1SI)0 worth of tare apparutue to that city. Mrs. Win, Stewait, Mrs. Elmer linnd nnu Miss Anim .Smim enme up on the afternoon train yesterday from Hood River. The former will remain in the city for a few (iuyp, while her siaiere re turned home tins afternoon.. T. J. Seufert, who has epent two weeks at the Eigle mine' m (jreenborn district in wtu'uli he is interested, re turned this mirnnik.'. He rep3rts r.nv amount of pimav; but from the enthii sirtxm he displays retuirriuig the pros pects ot the mine, we judge L'OlU is as mitnerotia as snow flakes, and more so; and a good ileal more stable. Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse nil the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing n severe aching of the bones. B. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism lor twonty years even the worst coses wmcn seemea utmost incurable, Copt. O. E. Hughes, the popular railroad conductor, ot Columbia, B.O., Thad Ion expert. ill . .i. ""cu"'u"8'" wiuca convinced him euro lor that painful dis ease. He says : "I was a great Huflerer from mus cular Hheumatlsm (or two years. I could eat no permanent relief from any medlclno pro crlbed by my physician. I toot about a doien bot tles ot your 6. B. 8., and now I cm as well as I ever was inmyille. itra sure that your medicine cured me, and I would recommend it tn nnvntin suflorlag from any Mood dlaeue." Everybody knows that Rheumatism Lb a diseased state ot the blood, and only u blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potush and mercury only aggravates tne trouDie. THE TRUE BOUNDARIE Thirty Townnhlpn Added tn The Hall el DUtrlct Crniu l.Kkovien-. Some time ago Register Jay P. Lucas discovered what appeared to be a mis conception of the true boundaries of The Dalles and Lakevlew land districts, and some correspondence ensued with the Hon. Commissioner of the general land office which resulted in the follow ing letter being sent to the register and receiver nt The Dalles. The change mentioned in tho letter transfers thirty townships from the Lakeview district to The Dalles district, lying in townships 19 and 20 south, be tween ranges 8 and 24 in Crook county. Commissioner Hermann's letter is as follows : Gknkiial Land Office, Washington, D, C, Oct. 31, 18911. Register and Receiver, The Dalles, Oregon. Gentlemen: It .has been re cently decided by this office, thut the boundary line hetweeu your office and the Lakeview office, us fixed by the act of April 24, 1872 (17 Stat., 55;, is the fourth standard parallel south of the base line, between township twenty ond twenty, one south, instead of townships eighteen and nineteen south, as has heretofore been considered, thus transfering to your office townshipB nineteen and twenty south, ranges nine to twenty three east. The tract booke prepared in this ofllce coverinc said townships and ranges will be furnielied you. The Lakeview office under even date herewith has been instructed as to the change in the boundary line and di rected to transfer to your office the plats and all the papers relating to the land in question. I herewith inclose a map of the Btate of Oregon, upon which the new boundary lines are shown. Very respectfully, "Bingeii Heiimann, Commissioner. Will Shorten the Tlmr. It is announced officially that the 0. R.&y.'e Wallulu-Grange City cut-off is practically finished and trains will soot: be in operation. Between Spokane, Palouse and Portland it will save an hour and forty minutes, and as it ie a well-ballaBted track, with only the heaviest rails, it will he free from dust and sand. The cut-off will do away with the necessity ot the handling of freight and passengers over the Alton hill. How ever, a special service will be maintained over the Alton hill 1'iie for the benefit of Walla Walla, Penaleton and other cities along the old loute. It will make no difference in the arrival of the train here, as it will leave Spokane that much later. The only difference will be that ail points between Staibuck and Spo kane will be reached one hour and forty minutes earlier. The dietance covered by the cut-off is sixty-six miles. Between Grange City and Celilo now are 189 miles of con tinuous rails of 75 pounds per yard, which with a well-ballasted track, will make the cars ride easily und comfort ablv, and give passengers the benefit of a route free from dust. THE CLEANSING AND UKAUNO CUKE foil CATARRH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to list-. Contains tio In jurious drug. It Is quickly absorbed, Glvea Keller at once. It Opens and Cleanses tho Passages. rniniK.urAn Allays Intlammat on. VWkM ' " ani Heals and 1'rolccU tho Membrane. Itestorcs tlio Houses ot T:istc and Smell. Largo Size, SO cents at Drumrlcts nr lv mnll ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. , ELY DUOl'IlEltS, 66 'Warreu Street, New York. (Sj) job f... Specialty. J F. KXOlt. JOHN OAVIK MOORE & GAVIN, ATT0KNKY8 AT LAW. Hnnnis na and 10, over U. S. 1 Jind Oflleo. If8 KttNTINdTON II S WII.KON HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, THK iUI.I.Ko, OIIKOO.N lllcoov" First Nnl llHiik )n' OKISKNnOUPFKK Physician and Surgeon, Special attention Riven to nursery. Itooms 21 and 22, Tel. IMS Voct liloo MS. OIilVlA W. PflGRfl, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. C. S. Smith, Jp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at This Dai.lkk, OiikoonJ September 111, loO'J. ( Notice Is hereby clven that the fullowltiB mimed f.ettler linn tiled notice of hit. intention to nuke tl mil proof in support ol Ills claim, and that said proof will he nuiile before the ri'dner and receive! nt The Dulles, Oregon, on Friday, November 3, lsW, viz.: Ilctlirrt It. MmikHr, of Tim Dulles, Or., Homestead Kntry No. Mil, for the K'j NKlt, and NK'4, section 27, townshl;. 1 norm, runpto i: easi,. n. He names the following witnesses to prove ins eouttmioUK resilience upou.anu cultivation of said laud, viz.: Hunuiel I'relKhton, John It. Cook, William P.awson and Churles ltawson; all of 'the Dulles Oregon, I AY IV I.UCA3. septK-II Kexlstcr. Didn't Want It. Jeatt itiiate The editor of an exchange has at I one subscriber who does not appr ins paper, anil who writes m tne loilow me lashlon ordering the ditconliuuance of it: "I wrote you to stop my papjir i want you to stop it i am getting enough of your tcliemes to make metake your paper i state once more idon't want ynur dog iron old paper lie post Mrs. has uotifled von and she mis trot record of it and if you don't sto the dam thing i will give you u pieiie of my mind. Stop that paper 1 havei't taken none of them out of the ofes C C CTor The Bloi being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tho very euuse of the diseuso and u. per raunent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta Georgia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets ure sold on a positive guarantee. Curephert-huni, raieint: of the food, distress ufter eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 2o cts. and 50 cts. . Blakeley & Houghton, drug. gists. II n like aixt Carpet VIuhiiIiik, A. E. Negus is prepared to do house and carpet cleaning in a satisfactory manner and on short notice. Call at or phone W. A. Kirby'e store on Third street. Telephone GO. n3 lw I'or Kent. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. 21-Ut Good Racine single buy und hut . t I . i t n ness lor saie at a uargain, uaii on Ha worth, the printor, over Dalles Com miesion Co. rct2o.(Uw2w Holp YVunted. A girl who desires to do general house work, can find employment by apply ing to Mrs, C. J. Stu nihil, corner Eighth and Lilierty street. Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line of paint and artist'c brueher. Deceinler Staudaid patterus are now ready at I'eae & Mhvh.' Standard patierni for December now on sole at Pease & Muyt.' "Harmony" COhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is cuaranteuil to the consumer as a PUKE HANI) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Important Notice. Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owing to tho enormous increase in the price of paper within the past lew weeks, they would shortly with draw tho sale of their Encyclopedias und cancel all orders now on the market. MY CONTRACT WITH THEM Compels. them to furnish me for next few weeks the full sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries. I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phenomenal bargains in books ever before presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi tion I offer each subscriber an Admiral George' Dewey Will rcoclvo tho mcnt royal welcome on Oct lit next, Unit won over accorded to an American citizen. You will flnil a complete blocrphy of thli rim hero, Including his brilliant victory over the S lah fleet In the rrcit, authoritative and op ' '.'-date work of reference, the Nei Werner Edition ot the Encyclopaedia Britasnica This In tho only encyclopedia on the market that tacuUot'j Adrulrr.1 Dcwcy. It chs the dato ot hh birth; how ho npont hti boyhood days; tho part ho took lu tho Civil War; how after tho War ho was employed on tho uroicau cta'.lou; In tho Naval Academy; his rlio to the runk of Commander and I'rcaldcut of tho Hoard of I::sjectlon and Surrey; bin command of tho Asiatic Sijuadrou; how on April 2;th ho loft Houjr Koiir with hla squadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleot, at Manila, on Jlay 1st; hlii cppolntmont as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March nd, lKJ'J, ho was created full Ad" tnlral. It npcaks or him as a strict disciplinarian, tin all-around athlcto, a daring horseman and huntsman, oud socially ft cood club man and ;cneral favorite, it tolls of Ills murrluRO to Mlsb Busy Oooduln, a daughter of t!u "llKhtliiR goy ernor" of New Hampshire, '.vho died in 1S72, leav ing a con, Georgo Goodwin Dewey. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scores of other notud personages not even mentioned in any other EncyclopaKlla receive thi samo attention in this editiou of the Encyclopedia Britannica - It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry as Governor-General ol Porto Itlco; of Agutnaldo's declaration of War against tho U. H. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein Infor mation is moro cosily found and acquired than in any other book or encyclopedia in the world IN YOUR HOME. SOB BALE BT I. C. NICKELSEK, ..cjifls. m. Butehens and Fafmers ..Exchange.. Kecniiiti driuiKlit tlio clulitcd C(l,l'..Il)IA HKKIt, aokimwl. w'-fit tin! U'kI twur lu The Dulles, fti.ieusu.l pilce. Co.ko lu, try it be con vi. (:((!. ,l (i tliu 1 ..i-..tb Ci of Wines, M juor and (.iu'iim. Sondtuiehes of nil KiudK always on hand. ENCYCLOPEDIA DICTIONARY, Relail price $8, for which I mako absolutely no charge. The entire 31 volumes, bookcase, index and dirirmnr, delivered upon the paymunt of ' ONE DOLLAR, Balance in small monthly payments. Don'l dnlnv vn, order; you may bo too late if you do, and vou'U novpr L'et another opportunity like this again. I deliver the books with bookcase, index and dictionary free to anv rniivnnri uio tion in the United States. I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TKANBACTA KN'KltAL BANKING BUKINK8 Lettere of Credit leeued available in tbe eastern Htates. Slltht ElkUiiantfit und Tnlnoranlnr Tranafera aold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle Wash,, and various points in Orejton and Waahlnuton. CollcctlonB mn'le at all nointe on fav orable tttnufi. STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every diiy except Sundav. Itittea Keaconublu. Tolejahone 201. j W. A. CATES, Prop. ft Dalles. PorlM and im navigation Co.' Sits. MS KeguIatorSDalies Citj Dally (except Kuiulny) between Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland, Touching nt wny i-olnt on lwm tn Unluinbln river. Wttl Ilnth of tho (iliove Mcnnicru have lieen k-m ntid ure In oaccellei.t hhnM, f(lr .ho iiKSS 1.. 1, . .. , . ' ... v ni-i iitrotin the best service ill)lc. rTCI1 Tor Comfort, Knniiomy and "lu. y tllU hU""U!rs 01 T,'' Rtnlu5 The ttenmcm of the nivnl lltAP 1 In. bin i pullviiatTn. m. cominenelnir ilotid VirE! iiiht. rortln(l Olllee. Oak Kt. Iiouk. commenelni: iloudny the w fhe DallMOHei CourtBtntt W. C. Allaway, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or the Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tml us leave and ure due to arrive at Portia UUVE. 7.00 V.ii.i '-.M A. 41 llnlly except Simdiiyii OVICItl.ANll KX.l tirexh, btilem, Uimu-1 liurt:, Ahlilum, Hue-1 niuieuto, OiiUen.Hiin I FriincUi'd, Moliive, f 9;15 I iianiiKuien,c.ii iino. i New Urleutm una lldHt I Kowburg unil wuy t,ta-l tKum 4:30 f. It in t (MMuur: inr Mt.Angul, Hllvertoit, i Dtllr Wtat Hclo, Ilrmvns-l. vIlle.eiirlURlieldund 1 Bucliji uiruu , INDUl'KXIJKNrii l'AfSKNOKIt. ExpraitiA nuuy (rsct'it nunany). ttfiOp. m. (Lv. ...I'ortlitnd ..Ar.) eati T:M. in. Mi .Mc.Mlnnvllle. l.x.i 5;Mi,i Hisuii. m. fAr..lndi-iiemletice..I.v.) i:8L 'Dull-. fl'uiiv, exeeiit ouiiur.r, ill.N'ING CAUH ON OGDIiN KOUTE. I'Hl.I.MAV IIITVIfKT SI.F.KI'KM AND KKCOND-CLASri HI.EKI'INO aRbl Attached to nil Throuch Tr&lai. Ill rent poiinivtlnti nt him P ruuetsco will DM do'ilnl mill Oriental unci l'aelllc mall itttaiUi Una. for JAl'AN and CHINA. Bulling diM un'lcu:ou. ItitteN mid tlckutu to Knstern tmlnu iw roiK!. Alho JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOU'lP Al'HTHAI.tA. All iiIk;vo trulim nrrlvo ut mid doprtf Grund Ceutral Btutlon, Klfth and lrviiw YAMIUI.L DIVISION. I'aMicnKcr Dejiot, fuot of JetlernonitA U'nvo fur fiherlduri. wwk (1iit, t : Arrive at i'urtlund, U::t0 it. in. U-uve lor AIKI.IK on Monday, WtslnnJiI" Krlniv at h:n,')ii. m. Arrive ut Purtland, n dav, Thurxduy and Huturdii) it 3:05 p. m. iJsccpt Bunduy. "Except Buturday. it. Kk (1, II. MABKHASfr lauiLifr. AhNl. d. K. & Vim A" Through Tlelfot Olllrc.lSl Third treat.wJJJ rlU'tCh, ;iitindt unU Kurupo eim be obUW iowi'hi rateii irom , . J. 11. KIUK1.AND, TiCkCtAiait or N. WIIKAI.DON. The Busy Store. Kuoli day our business showi tho people ure Itnfling out " are pushing to Hie front with better goods, lower prices, anlespeoplo tbe very best, ov& Inst, but not least, buyers wl know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Tl A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. I, x co.'t Dan wnmo over rivnu. 'liuiic C,