For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Overeojitln- or Fnncy Vesting. Kindly call anil o.xnmlne my stock ol Im ported and Domestic Woolens. A tine stock to elect from. Butt made from the lowest prices to the htgn. est (rradc. Fine Tailoring. J, A. Eberle IUK UALLKs, OllEOOX, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Georce Washington of tlie Philip, pines to nn ignorant find mcrcernrtry liolf suvngc. He will be changed by the military operations now being commenced from a renegade to n runnygnde, Aguinaldo will probably bo stir prised to sec the thousands of United States soldiers proceeding to busi ness, notwithstanding the elections being held and the impending meet ing of congress. It will mis up his ideas ot our government more than thev have been mixed before. WEDNESDAY - - - - NOV. 8, 1S9 DOWEY IN POLITICS. Here is a story of Admiral Dewey which it is believed has not before appeared in print. "When in the fall of 1897 he was an applicant for the command of the Asiatic squadron his official request was not viewed with any degree of favor by the depart ment, and he was politely (for they always do official things, no matter Low disagreeable, in a most sublime ly courteous manner) refused the assignment. Finding that he could not make it through official circles he tried political ones, with the result that through iniluencc he re ceived the coveted command. It was not the intention, however, of the department to allot? him to de port unrebuked for having forced his orders, and he was summoned one day to the presence of the secre tary, who said to him : "Commodore Dewey, your orders to the command of the Asiatic squadron have 'just been issued, but against the judg ment of the department, which does not feel that you hold the proper qualifications for such a position, and which also deprecates the fact that you have employed political in fluence to secure the assignment." "So," replied the commodore in a musing tone. "May I, Mr. Secre tary, psk you one question in reply to the statement you have made ?" "Most certainly." "Then," went on the commodore, "if you so disap prove the use of political iniluencc to secure personal ends, how did you achieve your present position in the cabinet, Mr. Secretary?" The answer of the department is not recorded. ChHinliortHlnV 1'iiln Itulni Cure Otlmr, Why Not You? My wife has been uainc Chamborlain'e Pain Balui, with good results, for a lnme shoulder tlmt has pained )fr con tinually for nine years. Wo hnve tried nil kinds of medicines nnd doctors with out receiving any beueflt from any of them. One day we saw nn advertise ment of this medicine nnd thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shouhler is almost well. Adolvh L. Millett, Manchester, N.H. For sale by Blnkeley & Houghton, druggists. LoGrippe, with its nfter efl'ects, annu ally destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia nnd throat and lung troubles. It will pre vents consumption. Butler Drug Co. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., says, "I heartily recqnimend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave nij wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble!-. Butler Drug Co. You nevet know what form oi blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers nnd you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Butler Drug Co. To Cure a Cold lu Oue Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2c, Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will iive immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. .Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, I'a., on I the life of her child, which she saved i from croup by the use of One Minute ' Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds .nnd throat and lung troubles. Butler 1 n -.. iVO DEFEAT. If the Boers keep up the pace set by them in their late engagements with the English, a very crushing defeat will be the result of the present war. The English appear to liave lost their heads. Very little excuse is due commanding officers for the manner in which the' allowed their troops to be surrounded and killed by much larger forces, when it would appear that they were cog nizant of the fact. Brownsville Times. This is scarcely possible, says the Statesman. The EnglbD nation can not afford it. The British hnve put their hands to the plow and they cannot turn back. They have the power to utterly crush the contend ing Boers, and they will use it. This may he done at fearful cost of life and enormous expenditure of treas ure. But a proud and rich, and mighty nation cannot afford to count the cost. However much any one may wish it were otherwise, we can not see upon what hypothesis he can predict a "crushing defeut" for the British, in the end. It cannot be, if no powerful nation interferes. II km II I 'Aano ryiANHoor: Cures Impotency.Kirrht Emissions ai:c wasting diseases, all eilecto of self- ubuse, or excess and Indls crction. A nervo ton io ant blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks an roslnrps l?f fl-n of vonth. By mall Gt)o per b'ox; boxes lor $U.fiO; with a written irmirnii tee to euro or refund the mouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. ILU Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. i Aguinaldo was quickly trans formed by the preliminary report of the Philippine (iommission from the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids .Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest disco vered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadache, Gastralgla, Cramps, and allother results of lmperfectdlgestlon. Praoarad by E. C. DeWIt A Co.. Crjleano. Butler Drug Co., Tim Dalles, Oregon Mica 'Axle Urease lightens the load shortens the road. helps the team. Saves wear and expense, bold everywhere. 4US JiT TANBARO OIL OO. A good drua sign. - frrfl JMl I y'th. You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which 1b bestowed on the atore. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. ' RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES Just What You mant, job 7 New ideas tn Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good impure at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorinirs, yours for u small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught with mnlnsges than vinegar, is an old eaying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist its attraction and once within its power tne tormenting possibilities of that insect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other nrena- rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. hANE Bf?OS.. ALT ron TIMK SCHKM'I.K. FllOM Il.W.l.KM. AltlUVK l-'ltOM. Mull Salt l.iUc, Peuver. It. l-mt Worth. Omiilm, Knii-I Mull una City, Ht. l.ouli,l a.'lfi m ClilcnK" m' Kll8t- Flyer ft: 40 1. in. 8 v. ni. Wnllii Wnllti, fipokiuio, Mliuii'iiiMilis. St. rmil, j) u lu tli, .Mllmuikw, ClilciiL'o mill l-.iist. FKOSt 1'OHTLANI). Oct'iiu Stcmuftlilps. For Sim Fniticlco Jiimiiiry V.', nml every llvu ilnys tlieienlter. 8 1. m. Kx.suiiilny Cnlumblii Uv. Btcumcrs, To AbTOiu.i mill Way Sntiinlny landings. 10 ). in. Cn. ra. i WiLLAUF.TTK UiVKii. ,4:30 ii. ni Kx.siiiiiliiyOroKoii City., iF.x.suiiiliiy Sulem A n ny ljuul s. 8iokmiu l'ler. fi:no ii. 111 4 ). 111. 4 p. m. Ex.buntliij Willajifttk and Yam- :i:S0 i. MM. KtVKlth. Mmi., Weil 7 h. in, Tues.Tliur, mid but. Orcpnu City, Dayton, anil FrI , nml Wny-IjitiilliiKa. in. I On. m. i WiLLAMr.TTK llivm:. 4:50p.m. Tiic..Tliiir,ii'ortlmul to CorviillU, Tut-., I'liui iiiul St. anil Wuy.I.mitlliiKs. . nml Sat. l.v UlpmlM daliy SKAKK r.IVEn. Itlpiiriu to Lewiatuu. I.KAVK I.KW1STON I ilully Parties tlesirnic to bo to iicmnu'r ulioiilil tiiKe Ml. I, icaviliK 1 nu llulles at it..t l. in niakliiK direct cnimci'tloiis at Ik-pimcr jiiiiution ltctiirnliiR liintiiiiKilirt'Ctcoiiiicctioii lit Ik-iipuor Junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dulles at .1:15 ii. in. No. SJ, throtiRtit frelRht, out bound, iloes not carry itenxori; urrlvus -';MJ ii. hi,, itepnrtb y:Mu. in. No. 'Jl, local Irelcht, carries passeiiRCra, cast bou ml: arrives l::ui. m ileimrts s.16 p.m. No. 21, west bound through freight, iloes not carry iistnKers; nrrivva :15 i in., ilepart.i JiSO p. in. No. '23, west bound local freight, curries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., ilepurts h::X)a. in. For lull particulars call on O. It. A N. Co. agent The Ilallea. or address W. II. HUKMIUKT, (Jon I'm. Agt., l'ortlflud, Or, F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor, Second & Lanolin, 'Phone 157 Trie coiumDia Pac fifCL PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKH8 OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DPdED BEEF. ETC, J. 8. HCIIBNK, I'runldcnt. II. M, IlKAl. , ChhIiIc-i Cit'NKUAL eiacKiiifis HorsBsnoers Wagon nnd Onrrliige Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. V rflhiml nnA TnfTnflfin niiunn 1 M 5 ! c, imiu ami JuubiMiu, ruuuu m First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineaa transacted Depoelte received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. HiKht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, Ban Francisco and porl land. DIKSOTOHS D. T. Thompson. Jno. 8. Hchkwuk. Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbk. U. M. Bkaix. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ht Trade Marks IrainMB COPVRIQHTB &C. Anronn lenillfiK n ketrli nnd description mT' liivfiiuoii is urn hnii i.i,,i,i.i ' lliiii.trlctlrrc)iiiiueiitll. Handbook on Talent ei t freo. Olrtet iiuoncy for wcurliip Mleiiu. l-.iloi.ui i taken tCmuuli Alumi 4; leiiilV tptcUiltioUce, without clinruo, lutUo Scientific American. A mncloiiielr lllmtrnled weoklr. Iiriiut dr. ruUtloii of anr iclentiun lournl. ffln. 13 MUNN XCo.36'. New York Clarke & Falk hayo received a carload of the celebrated James E, Pitt n strictly pare liquid paints. and Motors MAN'UI'ACTUItKI) 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINQ GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Clrciilura nml particuliirH furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OKEGOS uiiG THE DMLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yqs, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, Phone 341. THE DALLES. OE. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from ifg.76 to $11.00 Mtr uullon. (4 to 16 fours old.) IMFOETED OOGNAdjrom $7.00 to $1S!.(X) per uullon. (11 to ill yiir old OALIFOENIA BEANDIEB from W.'-'ft to iti.tiO jer uullon. (4 toll years old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on draught, and Vul Klutz nnd Olympia lluer in bottlei Imported Alu and I'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of m?i!l fbed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. ThiH I,lonr 18 mnufoctured exprowly ' lor unn , uvury miun iu niiiiruuK;tu vu nivw oi... Wa soil our gooiU lower than uny Iiouho in the trade, and if you don't tbiniw call and uet our iiricua uud Ixj convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. r Grandall & Bqrqet I DEALERS IN JjobeS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this weU-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer.