Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnses the System 6s T ' H4BITUAL CONST-PAT.ON 1 ' UHU nrntiiiirkiTiv PERMANENTLY BVy THE GENUINE - MANT D By (AUS?RNIATGfSYRVP(2. res sau EYincir.'iiiisri rp iu ftRtcniL l'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. G. S. Stone, of Bukeoven, is in the city. Mrs. E. M. Jnrvis came up from White Salmon Inn nl'lit. James Whitteti is in from his home nt Antelope. A. J. Dufur arrived from Portland last n-ylit on the way to Duftir. Rev. U. F. liavrk went to Portland on a short business trip today. C. .1. Stublinc returned last night from i business trip to Portland. N L. Iteynolde, of Heppner.vjyae regis tered at the Umatilla yesterday. Mr. and Mrp. L. C. Henuesrhan were visitors from Victor in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Shrum came in yesterday from Grade and spent today in the city. Clias. Lord spent today in the city on business and will return to Arlington this evening. James Honeynian, of the firm of Honeyman, DeHart & Co., of Portland, is in the city today on business. Mie-i Alma Schmidt accompanied her friend. Miss Emma Roscoe, as fur as Portland, where she will remain a day or so. 15. S. Kelsay, a cousin of the county clerk, is in the c:ty today, on his way from Sherman county to his home at Eimeiie. Mrs. C. M. Mcl.fod, who has been the jiuest ot Mrs. . Lang and daughters for several weeks past, returned to her home in Portland by boat today. Mrs. E. J. Collins made the trip to the Caccades on the Regulator today, where Ijlie will meet her sister, who ex pects to spend the winter with her. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Dnfur came in from Uufur yesterday and returned home today. Mr. Dufur is rapidlv recovering from his recent accident, though not entirely well as vet. Captain M.Martineau arrived in town last nieiit and will remain a short time. The captain has been running on u steamer lietwuen W lute Horpe and D.wson (iurinir the summer and displays any amount of Klondike nuitwets. Geo. Prather is in town today. He eaye Hood River is lively in more ways than one. A number of new buildings are going up, and business is awake, while the matrimonial market is boom ing and several weddings are on hand. John D. Whitten is in from Kingsley today and made a call at the Cinto.sici.i: oflice. Mr. Whit ten says the people of the country would be glad to be informed as to the condition of the markets each week, and The Ciino.sici.r. will endeavor to publish them in the future. G. F. Guintber, of Mnro, and Auizust Guluther, of Kelso, Wash., are in town today, final settlement having been made in the Guintber eelnto. A large and beautiful niouii.iient was purchased of Louie Cumini this morning, which will bo placed on their lot in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Moro. MNh Emma Honjop, who has spent the past five weeks visiting friends in The Dalle", left this morning on the boat fur Portland ami will proceed to her home in Victoria, B. C. tomorrow. Her friends have greatly enjoyed her viMt. and trust it will not I e 'another eight j ears before kIih again visits them. A Fine aiiii.trnl show. The very hist minstrel show that Ot turn wa people have, witnessed for yea8 was presented at the Grand lust night to u crowded house. The features of the Beach & Bowers presentation arc all perfect. The negro conversations and dialogues are nil new, original and fun ny ; the singing ie as nearly perfect as is 'heard in tho very best ot opera com panies ; (lie specialties cannot be beaten ; the pantomimic and other features are decidedly laughable and intensely in teresting, and ttiere was n?vcr any better dog show on any stage than was presented nt the close of the evening's entertainment. The dogs are tho most thoroughly educated over seen in this I city, and they nro made to do some en tirely new nnd astonishing tricks. It would be folly to attempt to mnke the management of the Beach fe Howors company believe that it does not pay to give a first-class show. Every seat was sold long before dark and many people paid willingly for standing room. Im mediately after the show ended hundreds of people flocked to the Balliugall pharmacy and reserved seats for this evening's performance. Beach it Bowers could puck the Grand every night for a week. Ottumwa Daily Republican. Your T'hch Shows the state of your feelings nnd tho state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, PimpleB and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out nnd do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsapnrillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Vulcanic Kruitliim Are grand, but Bkln eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Wurts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives ant pains nnd itches. Only 25 cts. n box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " - I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like n new man," writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Xeb. It is the best digestnnt known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pre scribe it. Butler Drug Co. LaGrippe, with its nfter effects, annu ally destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia nnd throat and lung troubles. It will pre vents consumption. Butler Drug Co. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, X. Y., says. "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave nt wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant tn take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. You nevei know what form of blood poiinn will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you wiil avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Butler Drue Co. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cureslheart-burn, raising of tiie food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. IloiiNe mill Carpet Cluuriluc;, A. E. Negus is prepared to do house nnd carpet cleaning in a satisfactory manner and on short notice. Call nt or plmne W. A. Kirov's store on Third street. Telephone CO. n3 lw To Cure a Coin in Oun Day. Tke Laritive Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cur. 25c. Good Racine single liugy and hai ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. oct25-dAw-2w Fur Kent. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. 21-3t Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. -OViTA Sulsro VITALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotenc y, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all QlTects of self- abuse, or excesa and inuis crctlon- Anervotonlcand blood builder. Brings the ninlr trlnvr in nnmrlinlnnf Kuk restores the fire of youth. By mnuooc per box; t boxes lor $.01); with a written giiuran too to euro or refund the money. NZRVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by Blakeley &. Houghton, The Dalles. Oregon. DB.GUNNS ONE FOR A DOM. nil f IlraoT Plmpl.,, Pr.Ttnt I'll I m 2& CATARRH CURE toil CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy nd pleasant to us.'. Contains no In jurious ilruif. It Is quickly nhsorlied. (lives Heller at once. It Opeiiti nml Cleanses mo najai i'aj'nces. All.-ivg lntlflmmntloii. COLD 'N HEAD IIc.iln mul Protect tho .Membrane. ltcstorcs the tfenes ot Tate and Smell. Largo Spc, 60 cents nt Dmsclsts or liv tnnll; Trial Sb.o, 10 cents ly mall. , KLY UltOTUEltS, 60 Warreu Street, Now York. ()) Job . Prii?tii?2 ... Speeialty. TIIE CXKANSINO AND UKAI.ING CQhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by i Ben Wilson, - Important Notice. Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owing to the enormous increase in the price of paper within the past few weeks, they would shortly with draw the sale of their Encyclopedias and cancel all orders now on the market. MY CONTRACT WITH THEM Compels them to furnish me for next few weeks the full sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries. I OFFER THE PUBLIC j The most phenomenal bargains in books ever beforo presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi tion I offer each subscriber an ENCYCLOPEDIA DICTIONARY, liotail price $8, for which I make absolutely no charge. Tho entire .31 volumes, bookeaso. index and' dictionary' delivered upon tho payment of ONE DOLLAR, Balanco in small monthly order; you may bo too late if you do, and you'll never got1 another opportunity like this again. I doliver tho books! with bookcase, index and dictionary free to any railroad sta-1 uuu in uiv uiuieu oiaiOB. I. C. NICKELSEN, J-1. MCOIU. JOHN OAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKYB AT LAW. ltonms .Hi ami 10, over II. S. Uuitl Ollloe. It s HIINTINOTON H h WILSON H1 UNTINOTOK .V WILSON, , , . AT J U K. 1. 1 s A i , TIIK lUl.l.h.1, (JUHUO.S lllcoov" l'ltM Nut. Hunk J-yt- (IKIHKNIMMtrKKIt Physician ami Suriroon, Bpcclnl attention Riven to surgery. Umims 21 and 32, Toi. 3iS ViiRt llloe jyiRS. OlilVlfl W. JVIORGAH, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Struut, betwinm Court nnd WubIi ton Streots, Tim Dulles. C. S. Smith, tiu: Up-to-date Qroeer Fri;sii KgRB uml Cruatnury liuttur a upL'uinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. NOTICE FOi PUBLICATION. l.ASI) OFFICK AT TlIK D.Vl.I.KS, tlr.KOON,) i-fiteiiil)ur l'J, Ihiw. ) Notlru Is hereby clven that tho fnllowliiK iiumud M'ttlor linn lllul iiotlco o( his Intention to mi. I.-., (inn! tinuif in sunimrtol 1i1m ulalin. and that mid proof will be ninile beforo the rettl'tur I - l! ... M1... I... It.... .1....... ..It l.'.t.l.... ' November 3, lt'.H, viz.: Iluihrrt It. Mmiliiir, or Tho ItulltiM, dr., Hnmeiteiid Kutry No. Still, for the K'.j NK1.,, and SW'4 NE'-t section 'JT, townihl;. 1 norm, raiiRO 111 east.W. M. He unmet the followlui: witnesses to prove his cniitliiiniui residence upoii.imd cultivation of mUl luiul. viz. liimuel Crelehton, John U. Cook. William ltatvoou and Churle.s llawson, all of The Dalles Oregon, I AY 1' U'CAS. ceptil-H Iteulnter. The Dalles, Or. navments. Don't drtl , The Dalles. Admiral George Dewey tVlll rccclvo tho most royal welcome on Oct. Jrt uoxt, that was ever uccordod to an Amortcan citizen. You will find n complcto biography ortnta ffTMt horo, lucludlne his hillllaut victory ovor the Span lih fleot In tho (?roat, authorltatlv and up; 'vdatewoilcorrcroroucc, tho , ' New Werner Edition of tbe Encyclopedia Britannica Tula Is tho only cucyclnpmdla on thu market tht mentions Admiral Deucy. It Rives the dato ot hti lilrth; how ho sjiont hlu boyhood day; tho part ho trv It. ilw. flvll War; lmnr after tho War hu Vf tl employed ou tho Eurojiean station; lu tho Naval ' Academy; his rlso to tho rank of Commander and j rrcsuicul or mo iiouru 01 in? jwchuu uuu buhk) , i his command of tho Atlntlc Snuiidron; how on mVra QVkQdn. D I April 2Uh ho lea Hong Ko:ik with his squadron, I X 11 15 Ollclb Let JXOUlQ bund and destroyed tho Spanish I'leet.ut Manila, j on Jlay 1st; Ills appointment us Acting Itear Ad- i or THE . . a. , . n... .t mirul, lUO IlOUOra IIU lawvcu livui uuivim, nuu i how ou JIarch 'lua, HU9, ho was creuteu run Aa inlral. It speaks or him an u strict disciplinarian, (in nll-around athlete, ft daring horseman and huntsman, mid boelully n bikkI club man aud a ( Kcncral favorite. It tolls or his marriaRO 10 mm Busy Goodwin, u dauRhtcr of tho "lighting gov ernor" of l.'cw Ihimpshlre, who died iu 1871', leav lug u ou, (ieorijo Clomlwln Dowcy. c Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scores of other noted personages not C7cn i mentioned in uuy other llucycloixedlu receive tho same attention in this edition of thu V. Encyclopaedia Britannica It speaks of GcncralWood as Governor of Eantl. ago; of General Henry as Governor-General ot l'orto Rico ; of Agulnuldo'e declaration of War against tho U. B. YOD HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein Infor mation Is mnro cosily found and ucijulred than in any other hook or encyclopedia lu tho world, IN YOUR HOME. I0B HALS BT I. C. NICKELSEN, ..cHiis. mw- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught thu celobrati'd CUIX'MIIIA Hi: Kit, nckiiowl. ediail till) bent h'v.r III The Dalles, nt the iismil prlee. Comu In, try It mid be convinced. Also tho Fluent briiudi ot Winch, l.l'iuiir uud Cigars. Sanduuehes of all Kinds always on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TitANHAOTA KNEI'.AI. HANKING IIUKINEB Letters o(Grdlt iaaucd uvailable in the EiiHturii Stutes, Slifht Eicliiuiue and TelegrBpluc Trunafora Bold on Now York, CliicHgo, St. XouIh, San FmnciHco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wnah,, nd voriouK points in OrfeKon and WuHliinuton. CollfctintiH uindu ut nil points on lav ornlile turiiiH. t ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, itutuu heuHonuult). Telephone 201. J W. A. CATES, Prop. I The Dalles. PorHajj am Navigation Co.' IS I) Sirs. Dully (excq.t Kmidnv) between Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vanconver and Portland TouohliiK at way point on both idc. ft.v. Columbia river. fl"-,"e llnth of tho abovn steamers Imvo lM!n rcbnllt and uru In iixrellent tlinpu (nr t). M,i,nn n.,3 Tim lCiiliit..r l.lwJUoi dworW'S; patroiiH tlio best servlco jKihslMu. pte"1 For Ciiiiiriirt, Koonomy ami 1'm ttavol by tho ktviiuiura o( The It.Ml.ui l.llm. " The toamers ot the Itrmilntor l.lnt will 1 Dulles at 7 a. m. couimciicIiir Jlomlav thi lust. ' wew Out bt. Dock. Court BtH W. C. Allaway, tiencra Ami EAST and SOUTH via Southern Pacific Comp'f, TrnliiN leave and are due to arrive at rortlu u:avk. I OVKUI.AKI) KX.t . iirvsH, huliim, Itoie-1 1 Imrir, Ashlund, Hue :WJ 1. M. rauiuntii, Ogdeu.Snn I iTanemeo, .Mojave, 8:15 l.K l.on Aiiri.'Ii'h.KI Pimn, . New urleuiis and 1 1 Tint I .in i m IlimchurB and wy sU; P..IU A. .11.tnns , J.jjji jj 1 f Via WiHidbur-' for i Dully exct'pt tiuiulnys I Mt.AiiRcl, Hllvurtan, Daily nw bulo, llnivii- ciceoi vllle.riiirliirtl'jlii mid fcccliu t uiruii ... . i 17:30 A. St.! ICorvnllla aud vnyj .uiuu I stations. iS.Mrl. INDKl'Ji.VDKNCi: i'AnNOEU. Kxpresitnll iiaiiy (except siimniyj. t;50ji. m. (I.v. ...l'ortlnnd Ar.i 6:Xi.i hu p, in. ai ..'Mc.Miiinviiie i.v, o;oui, n;:;u p. in. TtltJMUVIVIIUl.tlkb..l'l.. 'Dally. tDutiy, except hunaitr. DIKING OAKS ON OUUEN KOCTt 1'tn.l.MAN IH7ITKT HUEKI'EU AND HECOND-CI.A6S HLEEI'ING CAli Attached to all Thrnugli Trains. duiital mid Orluntat and 1'iieillc mall itemi In..,, (nr . APAN imrl CHINA. hivlllIlC uila Kates mid tickets to Eastern pfllnU loin ri)IH.. Also JAPAN, CHINA, IIO.UU'W APHTHA I.I A. All aoovo trains arrive at mid dprtJw Grand Central Htutlim, Fifth and Inuu Hw YAMII1I.1. DIVISION. 1'i.kienger Doimt, toot o JeUersonitet Irnvu nr Sheridan, week duyt, llA Arrive at l'ortland, 'J:'M a. m U-hvc for AIHLIF. ou ilonitny, WitlusinBl l-TUny ath:3.'ni. m. Arriv nt I'ortUM," duv, Thursday mid fiaturilni it 3:05 p. a- Except Hundiiy. Except Bnturilsj. H. KoK.-.l.EK, G. II. MAKKBAX. Jlmiaer. Al. G. F."1 Thiough Ticket OIllcc, 131 Third '"tj22 thtiiiigli tickets to all points In the HtiitoH, Canada and Europe bootiUiw" low est rates from ... J. 11. KIItKI.AMi, i icv. or N. WltEAl.DON. The Busy Store. KuoU day our business show the people me finding out " arc pushing to the front with butter goods, lower prices. salespeople the very best, W last, but not least, buyers M know 'their business and W for the people. C'. F. Stephens Becoud Street TJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. .. .... un omcooverirei"'."--.- . ....... ml.LJEB. T I n w ii uaior & Uailes C in. ' -r Phone C,