city, timiinjj bis health would not per mit of his prcticiup, cloed his office and left this morning for Portland. Receiver Otis Pattereon, who lias J ppent eevernl weeks at his old tiomo in Indiftnn and other nlaces in the East, 'runrned on yesterday's afternoon train and reports a most pleasant trip, and deliehtful weather. He made a short trip into Ohio and says the political suinufon is n warm one. Thonch the Kepnblicans feel satisfied, they realize they huve a warm fipht on hand. Xir. and Mrs. R. B. Sinnott returned this morning from a fourweeks wed ding trip in the East. Thv spent some time in fcpokane on theirvav H?t, and visited St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, pnA other laree cities, tmvinc n visit to Xotre Dame Collto it 'ndiana, where Roper was formerly Ai stndent. They i had a most enjoy abletrip, and will now niHte ttieir Home itr tlie new addition which has been built on the Umatilla House for their especial use. ltcncl thctond Tax Law. In view of theact that the road tax question has reached such startling pro ' portions, and there seems to be Ench ignorance rearrtinj: the law, causing the collector any amount of annovnnce in S EFFECTUALLY 'ej:PlaininP we publish the following sections ot ordinance JSo. -7 : Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f i fanses the System, OVERCOMES Lrr& C I hABrtUALCONST'PAT-ON Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Butler Drue Co. ninr and Carpet Cleaning, A. E. Negus is prepared to do house and carpet cleaning in a satisfactory manner and on short notice. Call at or phone W. A. Kirby's store on Third street. Telephone GO. nS-lw Good Rr-rine single buggy and hat ness for snlu at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For Rent. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. 21-3t PERMANENTLY 1T5 ICIAL BUY THE GENUINE MANT'D By GuriwiaTgSyrvp. ...ivrf. niiv..v . - rea&uEYinr.a!&fci7i rrxt sa. ftRtcmL 6 CA-V '3to Sec. G. Every person who shall fail ; to pay aid tax of four dollars upon de mand shall be deemed a delinquent tax payer, and the tas a dellnqnent tax, I and the street commissioner shall pro ceed at once to collect the same by levy ' and sale of the property, real and per sonal, within the city limits of such de linquent, or sufficient thereof for that I purpose nnd to pay the penalty pre i scribed by this ordinance for such de- liiiqueney and the costs and expenses of the levy and sale. Sec. 7. The street commissioner must NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrrfCE at Titr Dalles, Or.Bros,) Septiuber 1U, IjS'J. I Koike 1 herebr clvcn that tbc'followinc iianed ceU'er b.i Ml no ivo'lil" intention to make flual niCHif . uiii ;n.:is clul.n. nuri ihattaM 'H f lllr. inHt'clie'oic tje register mid we w rtTjeD.lles, Oit&on, on F,1djv, JovejiuerS. 1JD viz.: lltobrrt It. Slt-eker. ot The IlaUen, Or., IIomcfed Entry No. SiM, ."or tl-e E'i NEJ. ami V';H NE, ccJon '27, towns. r 1 norm, tu..ji M . a." lue jollowlti; ultliccs to 7110 ve hi oiLituiou :e- l(!cncc upon mid cultivation o.' .1(1 1 .:). viz, nel Ctci iiton, John It. Cork. William Il.nv..ou iud CliHllcti fijWdon- rll ot'lne miles O.vkou, JAY P. LUCKS. tcpMl UcKiktcr. flERVITA Etstnrea VIVALITy. LOST V'GOR m:d MANHOOD I'EOl'LE TOD ALL KNOW. -f. XCOftE. JOHK OAVIK MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 33 and 40, over U. S. Land Ofllco. B S HCNTINflTOK II h WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW, nice ov THK DAL1.K.1, UttKUU.N First Nat. lunk 1?UEI), W.W11.FON, ATTOKN RY-AT UVW, THK DALLKS. ORKOON Ottlccovei First St. 11ml:. J-Jlf OEISKXPOItrFKIt Physician rid Surgeon, Soclal attention Riven to nursery, r.ooms 21 and 22. Tel. SiS Voat K!oc JWRS. OltltflA W. JWOHGRH, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. C. S. Smith, thi: Adiiral George Dewey Kill receive the mart royal welcome on Oct 1 next, that wui ever accunlnl to an American Citizen. You will nnd a complete biography of tali TMt hero, Including his hrilliunt victory over the Spaa lih fleet intho rreat, authorltttlT and p-'.O-dat work of rcforenco, the ' Hew Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica The Data MaA nilm Navigation Co.' I BUiUUlaSII sirs. Regulator g Dalles City Itaily (cicept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portlani Touchlnc at war Tolni on hoth ldM Coiimhlu river. llotli of tho atwve steatnem have Iwen re)n and are In cseellent ilmK. for the iwn oiffi 1-.ii. Itf uli..r fcMUl endeavor toniSS imiroiiH the best sen-lee voMlhlo. "ei" For Ciunrnrt, Kennmnr and tiavel by tho ateawcra of The U,glS!Z Line. Thpttiitncr of the lleculntor Unewliii--. InUe at , a. in. commcnelnc Monday the2 1'ortland Ollire. Oak bU Dock. The DiIIciOSm. Court atntt W. C. Allaway, Genera Atnt EAST and SOUTH via Alfred Iluott sppnt Sunday in Port land. G irpe Marshall returned to his home in Portland today. J. A. Mclniire wae a visitor from Moro in town yesterday. .Mr. and .Mrs. A. &. AlacAlns:er were i jiasseneers on the boat this nioruinc, hound for Portlnd. Mrs. W. H. Wilaon and daughter, j tas ; or Vn thereof, he AViuifrt'd, left 011 esierdays afternoon ! mutt co!ll?ct theeame or uny part there train for a trip to Portl? H J of reuiaininR uncollected by an action in Mrs. L. Cork arrived from Moro ! l,is ow" name, against the de'icqnent, Saturday and will take thi" afternoon's in any court having jurisdiction thereof, j land if judgment he given aeainet the! oliect of the delinquent, in addition to Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects o: seii- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. Aiiervo tonic ami blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cbeel:3 an' restores the fire of youth. By mail SOc per ho:;0 boxes , ior $li.50; with a -written guaran- j teo to euro or refund tlo money. the tas of four dollars, twenty per cent thereon by way of penalty; hut if any such delinquent shall pay the said tas before a levy upon his property, such twenty per cent, shall not he added thereunto. Sec. S. When the street commissioner 1 cannot find sufficient property of a de- iinquent out of which to make the said This la the only encyclopedia on tho market that I mentions Admiral Deu cy. It clvci tho date ot hb , birth; how ho ipont hla boyhood days; tho part he took In tho Civil War; how after the War ho was ' js j. 1 X employed on the European station; la the Naval (J PC0"Cl3C6 JI OCBl Academy; hkrisoto the rank or Commander and I I Prmlilpnt of tlio Board of Inspection and Burvcv: Uij command of tho jictio Squadron; how on ( rpi C31i4-n T i April 27th ho left non- Kone with hla squadron, , H6 OIlclSlcl xtOUlB louna ana ucs::cycu uio a jianuu r uxi, m juanua, j on Slay lit; his appointment an Acting lieor Ad- 1 1 mlral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and 1 how on March 2nd, 1S32, he was 1 mlral. It speabs of him as ac an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a nond club man and a j I general favorite. It tolls of his aarriago to V.Utj . Busy Goodwin, a daughter of the "fightlnf; gov- ' crnor" of New l!anihirc, who died In 1B72, lcav- J j lug a ton, George Goodwin Dewey. Fresh Eirgs nnd Creamery .Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. or Tin Db.GUNN'S PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. j Southern Pacific CompY .rlne horseman and . ' I TralUK leave and ore due to arrive at l'crtlai LKAVE. I Jlrvanro rirnplc IVcnt It 1io04nw. IurifT tlm lilcHid. NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. I Clinton & Jackson Sts-, CHICAGO, SU. Sold V.y Blakeley & Houghton, The DJ'es. Oregon. forliciltn. Ttirnniihor-riiiB noraictBti. Taciia VSTi rM0i T v"".ma'1 mtl iiwi. ur fall l.oi lor Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. tra'n for her home at Hood River. finvprnnrThpnrinrn, Rnnc.nrpir. "7:oo r. m. i Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon Iirck, 'urR, "Doc" Holmes of Albany, who was 1 defeniiant it shall be eiiforced in the on his way to Ii.aho. t-topped over in j game manner as a judgment in a crimi- t The Dalles Satnrd.y with friends. I nal action. ! Dr. and Mrs. LittleSeld. wiio have been up frntn Portland visiting Mrs. W. f.. Ciadsh-iw, leturned on the boat todav. Sualirs Galore. A. Nicboll,of the Vansycle country, P. W. Severson, who has spent the ! was m town todn-v- U ben qntloed past wesk with the family of his niece, as to what was new with hitn he rt Mrs. H. Glenn, left this morning for his i sponded : can give you a snake item," home in !' rtland. and this ie it: The sons of R. C. Dun- A H. Connor came op .oui Portland , nington visited Rattlesnake Soiiims. in on Saturday s ii.'tfrnoon train on busi ness fur the O." II. i N. Co., returning yesterday afte-noon. Chas. Clarke came up Hood Kiver Saturday niv'tit, hut lie tiiii not 1 siiend Snndav in The Dalles turned home this morning. Mrs. Freeman, who has been visiting her t-irtter, Airs. Thos. Gtlmore, on the Washington side of the river, left this uior.iint for her home 111 Portland. Mrs. A Moahus and son. Geortie. who have h-en visitnu' Mrs. M. T. Xolun, left on the bust this tnornint: on their return trip to their home at Missoula. Dr. Rusfi, who recently bought the dent-.I business of Dr. Tackmau In this Vansycle, a few days ago and there killed 51 rattlesnakes. .A day or so afte the slaughter M.. Dunnington and Mr. Xicholl visited the spriogs and saw He re- 1 seven large rattlers who had escaped the j Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema is more than a skin disease. nnd no skin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect e cure, and their mineral mixtures are daniaping 10 tne most poweriui constitution, ine whole trouble is in the blood, nnd Swift's Specific is the only remedy wnicu can reach sucu ueep-seatea blood diseases Eczema broke out on my daughter, and con tinued to spread until her head was entirely covered. She was treated 7 several good doctors, but grew wor&e, and the dreadful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, but re ceived no benefit. Many natent medicines vera Kkn. lmt n-i,i,nn,n. eult. until we decided to try 8. 8. 6.,and by the .uvj ins. uuhic waa nni8jica,ner neaa ! nil 10 neai. a aoten tiotueg cured Her com' jilctely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She Is now nl 1 teen years old, and has a magnlilceut growiu 01 nair. riot a sign of the dreadful II. T. Himee. 2701 Lucas Ave., St.Xouls. Ho. Don't expect local applications of noaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the surface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Specific , The Bloi is the only cure and will reach the most obstinate case. It is far ahead of all similar remedies, because, it cures oases which are beyond their reach. S.S. 8. is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pet twh, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. attack of the boys. Mr. Xicholl ebvb be has often visited these springs but never before saw a snake thera. However, the springs deiived their name from the fact that rattlesnakes flourished there, and it appears they are more numerous this year than nsuttl. E. 0. LaGrippe, with its after effects, annti- j aliy destroys thousands of pcopie. It may ue quickly cured by One Minute Conijh dSure, the onlv remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lunj 'roubles. It will prr- vents consumption. Butler Drug Co. .Jr. V. Wison, Italy Hill, N. Y says, "f hearp'y recommend One Minute C igh Cure. It gave un wife immediate re'ief m t jflbcetinB asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Butler Diui: Co. I wouldn't be without DeWitt'o Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center field, 0. Infallible for pile?, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Butler Druz Co. Millions of dollars, is the valu placed by Mrs. Mary Bird Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Jt cuies all cough, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler urug uo. I had dyspepsia lilty-reveu years and never found permanent relief till 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well aud feel like a new man," writes E. J. Flemintf, Murray, Neb. It ie the best dlgestaot known. Cures all forme of in digestion. Physicians everywhere prr ecribe it. Butler Drus: Co. Turkey Klinut. There will be a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 20ih and 20th, conducted !' . Y. Marsh and Isaac Joles. td-dw You know what form ot blood p- ..on wi follow cormtipstlon, Keep the liver clean by uaiug Da Witt's Little "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is ijuarantecd to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. and tcorcs of other noted penonngea not c?cq mentioned In any other nncycloiliu receive the tame attention In this edition of ths Encyclopedia Britannica 1 It speaks of General Wood at Governor of Eastl- 1 i ago; of General Henry ai Governor-General ot Porto Rico; of Atulnaldo'B declaration of War against the V. B. "4s YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is more easily fuuud and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia in tho world, IN YOUR home:. 1 01 SALE BX I. C. NIOKELSEN. "i;JU A. M. OVI tLANU tX-1, rme-1 ' rnmentti, Otde;i,San rrultcUeo, Mnjnve, AUKeicn,r.i i mho. i New urliam and I Kaat ..... ,J Honeburg and wy sta tion fealuiu. Ilcme- Anhland, Sac-1 to, Oide;i,San 1 eo, Mnjnve, ( :1S A.M Dally except Hundiiya 17:110 A. M. fVia Wixidhur? fori Mt.Ancel. Sllverton. Went field, llrowiiK. V vllle.riprlnctleU and I patron J 4:a0 P. H Dally except Eauiuyi. ICorvcllla (fetation. a,li wa5"! ,J:OP.y. INliKl'NDNC I'ASSEXGEK. Expreatrii Dally (except Sunday). liSOji. in. il.v I'ortland .Ar.i 6:2Sa.n. T.iiup. in. JAt.-KcMlnnvlllo Lv.J 6:M,b. b:U)p. m. (Ar..lnditiendeure..Lv.j 4:i0i.D. Important f-otiee. Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the WERNER EDITION of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA That, owinii to the enormous increaso in the price of .paper within the past few weeks, they would shortly with draw tho sale of their Encyclopedias and cancel all orders now on the market. MY CONTRACT WITH THEM Compels them to fiirnish me for next few weeks the full sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries. I OFFER THE PUBLIC The most phenomenal bargains in books ever before presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and book case; books complete up to January , 1899. In addi tion I offer each subscriber an r 7 4 charge. ouary, ENCYCLOPEDIA DICTIONARY, Retail price $8, for which I make absolutely no c The entire 31 volumes, bookcase, index and dicl; delivered upon the payment of ONE DOLLAR, Balance in small monthly payments. Don't delay your order; you may be too late if you do, and vou'll never got another opportunity like this again. I deliver the books wim uooKcase, inuex anu dictionary tree to any railroad sta tion in the United States. J. O. NIOKELSEN, The Dalles. Butehers and Farmers ..Eilehange.. Keep on (lriiiinlit ttiu celebrated UOI.CMIIIA lli:i:it, nckninvl. wlmM the heat beer in The Dulles, BttlmuKUul price. Como In, try it mid be ror.vliioerf, AIo the Kliimtbri-'idn of VVtcea, Mauor and ClKnrs. Sandcuiches of all Klnda always on hand. Dully. tDaiiy, exeept bununr. DIN1KG CAUS ON OGDEN KODTt 1'ULLMAN BUKKET KLKEl'EllS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEl'l.Ne CAKi Attached to all ThrouKh Tralnt Dlr'.tt connection at hau rranclncn wlti Oca : A. ...... ) ....H rJ.....nt n..A lM..nttn .....II ,m.k(ll llnei- lor JAI'A.s and Sallies aa a 1 1 plication. Itatea tnd tlrketa to Entern IKilnts andlg-roK-. Also JAPAN, CHINA, JIO.NOLCLO AliKTKAl.lA. All atiove tralna nrrlfo at and depart Irw Grand Central Btutlun, Fifth and Irrmt itmfe YAMHILL DIVISION. I'dLkenger Deiot, foot of Jerternou itrwt Lt:HVe for Bherldan, wcclc dayn, t 1 Arrive lit I'ortland, U;: a. in. U-ave for AII'.IJE on Monday, Wednwdil Krl'lny at:2Sa. m. Arrivi at Portland, dav, Thurxday and Kuturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except Bunday. "Exeeiit Saturday. K, KKS.LEH, O, II. MAKKHAM, MnnaBcr. AKt. O. K. a I'au. Art Through Ticket Office, 184 Third Hrwt.wMJ tluouKh ticket to all points in tho luua Hti.'tea.Cunadaiind Europe can be oMaHiM" low eat rates from , J. H. K I UK LAND, Ticket ApBt or N. WJIKALDON. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANSACT A ENEKAL BANKING BUfc'lNEH Letters of Credit ieaued railable in tbe EusUirn Staleg. L"l?lit Exehuniro and Teleirraplnc Iranoftira Hold on Now York, Cliicauo, ai. vuiu, ouu rrdticis(, rortiand Ure-KO,-., Seattle Wash,, and varioiia iwinli In Oregon and WaHhiDton. i'"jfcuons uia-ie at. all pttlntc uu fov oral)') tcriiiR. ...STEAM.,. Wood Saw Will run -vey (lay exititpt Sundav, Kates Kt'iitoimble. Telephone 201. J W. A. CATES, Prop. J 5 The Bucy Store. Eac'j day our business shows the people arc finding out wo are pushing to Hie front witU better gootls, lower prices, salespeople tbe very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers wbo know their business ami W for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. jJA. 8TURDEVAN 1 1 rrcnehitV.liw tihsaiauw-W86 Offlvo ove J'hon C,