The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
u I UMU w nrnim akickitiv
ITS Bhi?0 Gf ' rCT5
r.iAi tr
roa sueY4icTO65UTi r-u sot rotecm.
Dr. Eshelman is in from Tlufur today.
Miss Myra Helm is visiting friends
in The D.illes.
V. M, Cooper came up from the Sit
Hood district lust night.
Thoa. Farther is in today from his
place near Dufur and called at this
Tho3. Puett, one of Mitchell's in
dustrious residents, is a visitor in town
Mrs. A. J. Skibbe arrived last evening
from Portland and is the truest 0f her
brother, Fred Skibbe, and family.
Mr. and Mrc. H. E. Warren arrived
vesterdav from Ik-ppner and are guests
of MrB. "Warren's mother, Mrs. H. C.
Miss Pearl Williams cime up from
Portland on last evening's boat and is
the guest of hur sister, Mrs. H. W.
George Marshall is a visitor in the
city from Portland and is a guest of hi;
cousin, Mrs. H. W. French. He will
return home on Monday's boat.
Henry Fowler is making his first visit
to The Dalles since lie made his penna
nt nt residence i 4 Pendleton, where he
is engaged in the livery business. He
will return this evening.
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P. hall every Sunday morning nt
11 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 1J.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7:39 p. m. Young people's
meeting nt CiuO p. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
St. Paul's church Rev. Geo. Leslie,
pastor. Holy communion at 0 a. in.
Morning prayer anil sermon nt 11 a. in.
Evening prayer and sermon at 7 :!i0 p.
in. Sunday school at 12:15, noon.
Services nt the Methodist Epi'copal
church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
in. Ulysses F. Hawk, the pastor, will
occupy the pulpit. In the morning the
pastor's sul ject will be "The Church
nnd Her Mission." In the evening the
first of a series of addres-es on "The
Ideal Home" will be given, entitled
"The Harbor of Home." At the latter
service the choir will render the anthem
"RlesB the Lord," containing u bass solo
by F. Sexton.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning service at 11; Sunday school at
3-': 15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. in.;
ChrintUn Endeavor, G:S0. Evening
service 7:30. Special morning service.
The morning sermon will be followed by
communion service and reception of
members. Morning subject, "The Sere
and Autumn Leaf Its Lessons." OfTer
tory will be Hung by Mie. H. W. Taylor,
a contralto solo, " Sweetly Sclemn
'Thought." At 7:30 the service will
open with a live eon service. Subject
of sermon : "Too Professional Fault
Fiuder-His Unhiue and Important Mis
sion." Tragedy ut J.uCkiiiuh,
A terrible trag-dy occurred at Lt.
Cninas lust Saturday night. As P. C.
Yeoruans, til postmaster, was going
home about 0 o'clock at night he wasat
tacked by n marked man with a sling
hot in ono haud.anil a revolver in the
other, Mr. Yeouians ordered, the man
to stand hack, but'lie paid no attention
and struck nt lilin with the sling shot.
The postmaster then drew his revolver
nnd fired at the man In the dark, the
bullet passing squarely through the
would-be robber's heart, nnd he dropped
dead. After obtaining n light and as
sistance from ncighbura they examined
the body and found to their horror that
the robber was Edward Bortholinne, a
young man who had been raised in the
community, and had a wifo and baby
living in the town. The young man had
been a steady baud in the paper mill for
years, nnd no ono suspected him of
crookedness before. Mr. Yeomnns is
one of the most prominent citizens of
that community and of Clark county.
He has been exhonorated from nil
blame In the matter. Skamania
irut Smallpox AVlint?
Yesterday we mentiotr'd that the
smallpox had visited Moro. Now comes
the news that it is n "severe" case of
chickenpox. The enine report comes
from other places where smallpox is
purported to. be. The Walla Walla
Statesman has a very sensible article on
this Biibject, which is worthy of con
sideration. It saye:
"Drs. Keylor nnd Ulalock have
handed to the county commissioners a
written report of their investigation in
to the disease which has broken out at
Whitman station. They say it is chicken
pox, but in very bad form, much worse
in fact than ordinary varioloid.
"Dr. Cropp is of the opinion that it is
not chickenpox, but a violently con
tagious disease, from which death fre
quently occurs. It is not smallpox
either, and yet needs just us much at
tention as though it were.
"There is an old saying concerning a
time when doctors disagree. This time
seems to be present. For by following
around the cases, from those that havo
occured and were first taken to the pest
house, through those that have been
treated by differf nt doctors up to that
of the little girl west of town, who has
just recovered, we find that the same
disease lias been called by several names.
"Whv the conntv commissioners
should spend so much money on certain
cases because they were called small
pox, nnd neglect others because they
were only called chickenpox, is not to
be told. The disease is dangerous, and
needs looking after, if only quarantine
is established at the affected place?.''
LaGrippe, with its after efiectF, nnnu-
nliv destroys thousands of people. It
may be quicklv cured by One Minute
Cough Cure, the only remedy that
produces immediate results in coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vents consumption. Butler Drug Co.
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Ilill.N. Y, says
"I heartilv recommend Ono Minute
Cough Cure. It gave in, wife immediate
relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant
to take. Never fails to quickly cure all
coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles
Butler Diug Co.
"I wouldn't be without DeWitt'e
Witch Hazel Salve for any considera
tion," writes Thos. B. Rnodes, Center
field, 0. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns
and skin diseases. Beware of counter
feits. Butler Drug Co.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's DyspcP-ia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cte. Blakeley & Houghton
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlaburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
To Cure tt Cold in Ono Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggiBts refund tl.e money if
it fails to cure. 2ou.
Good Racine single buggy and hai-
ness for sale at a bargain. Cull on
Hawortii, the printer, over Dalles Com
mission Co. cct25 ddw-2w
Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Till-' DAi.l.Kri, ORKUO.S
Hiooov" Firat t.'at. Ilauk
v v. nCOBE.
ltosnu Z'J and iO, over V. fi. Land Ollkv.
fifllflili.iMf , t'ujlf jr tho Lll",
llitadaolie ami lroiff.
JUraofe PIinplM. Pmnt
f loci rni -ill ii i " '"Iff ICMn. T4 vim.
US Su i 7 IU."'ll uitlifr),,r fall U, fur
U. Bold t- dTEjrgUU. BH, 60SANH0 QQ. fMli- 1i
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Use Clarko & Falk's Rosafoam for the
Feed rye for Bale nt the Wasco Ware
house, tf
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Hay, wheat, rolled barley, bran and
shorts at Maier & Benton's. 'JS-hv
Use Clarkott Fnlk'e quinino hnirjtonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Yon will not havo boils if you take
Clarko & Falk'a sure cure for boils.
Clarke & Falk'B flavoring extracts are
tho best. Ask your grocer for them.
New line of Colo's air tight heaters
just received ut Maier & Benton's. 28-1 w
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
nnd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones nt ;Donuell's
drug store.
Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Reck
Springs coal jf'J per ton, delivered, at
Maier & Benton's.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chickpn feed. mcli25-tf
Go to Dr. Russ for first-class dental
work. Teeth filled and extracted pain
less. Vogt block. - 2-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all first-class harp. C. .7
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says, "My
wife had piles forty years. DeWitt's
Witch flnzal Salve cured her. It is the
best salye in America." It heals every
thing and cures all skin diseases. Butler
Drug Co.
All persons wishing to tnko children,
either boys or gi'ls, for legal adoption or
on indenture, should write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at
Portlaud, who can procure for them de
sirable children of all ages. All applica
tions must he filed in advance. tf
Fur Kent.
Furnislied housekeeping rooms. An-
ply at corner of Fifth and Court
streets. 21 3t
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,'
bepteinber 13, Id-J-J. i
Nnllcc Is hrrcby clven that the followin'i;
naiiied settler has lllcl notice of his Intention to
miik-.- final proof in support of Ida claim, and
that sld pnwf will Iju made before the register
and rteeivr at The Dalles, Oregon, on l'rldav,
November 3, lfW, viz.:
linhrrt It. Alooknr, of Tho Dulles, Or.,
Homestead lintry No. oill, for the E'A NKki,
and SV'4 NE!i, section 27, townshir;. 1" north,
raiiKO IS enst.W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, mid cultivation
of said laud, viz.:
ifnniuel Crclshton, John It. Cook, Wllllnm
Kiuvson and Clinrk-s Kiiusoii; nil of The Dalles
teptiMl Uegister.
Important f-lotiee.
Yesterday we received notice from the publishers of the
That, owing to the enormous increase in the price of
paper within the past few weeks, they would shortly with
draw the sale of their Encyclopedias and cancel all orders
now on the market.
Compels them to furnish me for next few weeks the full
sets in all bindings, indexes and encyclopedia dictionaries.
The most phenomenal bargains in books ever before
presented. Thirty superb octavo volumes, with index and
book case; books complete up to January 1, 1899. In addi
tion I offer each subscriber an
liotail price $8, for which I make absolutely no charge.
Tlie entire 31 volumes, bookcase, index and dint inn m-v
delivered upon tho payment of
Balance in small monthly payments. Don't delay your
nrlfi" unn rrnv lin ton lntn if vnii rln ntirl vmi'll w,r,i. ,.,.t
"'"l-l J "'"J J
another opportunity liko this
hi i .i -t ,1
WliU uookcusu, JtuuoA. uuu uiuiiuuury iiuu lu uny raiiroau Sta
tion in the Unitod States.
IN thi: OHlOI'IT COURT nr Tilt n i a i r.
1 nt Oregon, for the comity of Wor-co.
Harriet A. Simon, J'lulntllV,
WHIInm H. H.SIimm, defendant.
To William II. II. Simon, tho above named
,1CIiV tho Name nl the State ot Oregon: You are
hereby noiltled to tin unit ntipeor in tha uhovo
entitled court on or before tho ln-it tiny of the
publication of this tmmmims, tmvlt: On or be
fore Saturday, the Milt ilny of .Mvoinlicr, MW,
llien unit there to answer tho complaint of tho
above mimed plalnlM' llbd ngnltin you In the
above entitled milt; nnd tf you mi full to appear
nnd answer wild coinplfilut, lor want tliereol
planum will apply to mid court for the relief
pruv.d lor In her complaint, tn-vlt- 1-or ii do
eteoof thoaliovoenltled court foroverdl.s-olvlnR
mid annulling Hie bonds of matr iiuiliy uim;
n ml heretofore existing between pHlntl l nnd
defendant, and for an absolute decree of dlvorru
fiom you, the sild defendant.
1 bis summons Is servisl upon yon by tiuhllea
tlon thereof bv otder of the Hon. . 1- Hrail
shaw, JmlRool tho above entitled omirt, which
order boars date of the '.'ml day of October, l.s'J'J,
mid directs that said summons be served upon
thesaltl defendant by puulleutloh thereof for six
coiweutlvo weeks In Tho Dalles rnuoSlci.K, u
weekly uewspaiKT of general circulation, pub
llslnd In Tho Dalles, Wasco county. Oregon;
Mild publication to begin on the ith day of
October, lm null end on the 13th day of
November, IV). JtT KC tl .t MKXISFIIE,
rot: it Attorneys for l'lalutlll".
Kotlcs Is hereby Riven that the uiiderslsiicil,
iidmlnlstratrix of tho osMteof Dr. W. 1.. Line-
. i t.... iir.f.flMtlf ill
Iian Uisjrae1!, Iiaa mui ....... ......- ...
such In the county cjtirt, of the state of OrvKiui,
for Wasco county, and the court lias appointed
Monday, the nth day of Nov , ls'J3, at tne hour
of ID o'clock a. m., nt the county enurt room in
Dalles Citv, OrvRon, as the tune and place for
the hearltiR and settlement thereof. All persons
Interested In said estntuaru hureby required to
appear ntsiild time and place and present their
objections, if any they have, to said lln-il ac
count or any of the items thereof.
sej-SO-il Lxecutrfx.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby Riven that tho undersl-'iiei
has been appointed by order of the county court
of the state ot Oregon for Wasco county, iind ' y
the will of Mary Hills, deceiiietl, executor of the
last will and testament of sild Mary Hills, de
ceased. All iwrsuns liavlin? claims auainst said
estate are hereby notllledto present them with
,1... '.,M).finr tf, nil, lit till- lltllCO Of llUllt-
liiKton !v Wilson, Tho Dallei.OrcKon, within six i
moutiis Itinn ineoaiem mis lumtt.
":,tca 0010 ut lm,,t 'Toils m.m a. ti.KN,
Oct 1 111 Kxecutor.
Ask your
for n generous
Eiy's Cream Bairn
conulr.3 no cocaine,
mercury nor nny other
It la rmicUiy Absorbed.
tllvcj Iteiietatoiicc,
, ,- 'J
It opens nnc. cleanses , n-is,
tuo h.iul l'a.s.iKes. Ity H EAD
Allcya IntLnnmatlon. y1 ,,..,f?,t
tr..,iM n,i i'rnti'cta tho Membrane. Hcstores tho
Femes of Taste and .Smell. Full blzeSec J Irlal
Size 10c.: at UmzBlats or by mall.
ELY BBOTUiata. M W arrcn Btwet. HiW Tork.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date Qroeer
Fresh IvB'R8 nnd Creaincy
flutter a specialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
1 ' UVI1UI fjUU 1
again. I deliver tho books ;
r i I
The Dalles.
Admiral Osorge Dewey
U'Hl rccclvo tho most Toyal wclcomo on Oct. lit
uext, that wan over nccordad to n Axnorlcrui
tlY(m win nnd a complete) biography of thla grt
hero, lucludlng hs brilliant victor)' over the Bpmn
Uh licet in tho groat, authorltfttlva am up-
"-dato work ofroforouco, tho , ,
New Werner Edition of tlie
Thla la tho only cncyc!optcdI on tho market that
tncnUons Admiral Dowcy. It kIvcb tho diito ot hli
Mrih. iimv linfinmit hlabovhood dftrs: thopart ho
took iu tho Civil Wtr, liow nfier tho Wr bo wa
employed on tho r.uropcan ntu'.lou; iu mo xovui
Academy; lile rise to tho rank of Cornmnnder nnd
frcslilont of tho Hoard or Inspection nnd Burvoy;
Ida command of tho Afdatio Squadron: how on
April 2;ih ho left Hone Knag with hla Rrjuudron,
r,MiTiiiimililpfitrrvLdtlio HniuIsU l-'lcct, at Manila,
on Mcv 1st; hLi nppolnttucnt as ActliiK Hear Ad
miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, nud
liow ou March 2nd, UOT, hovius created full Ad
Inlrel. It speaks of him oa n strict disciplinarian,
im nll-nrouud athlete, a daring horseman and
huntsman, mid socially a nood club man and a
cncrul favorite. Jt tells of his murrluRO to Mlsi
Bu$y Goodwin, a dnuslucr of tho "Hsutlng gov
ernor of Now Hampshire, v.'ho died lu 1672, leav
Ing a ion, Gcorgo Goodvln Dewey.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schloy
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
nnd scores of other noted iRonngcn not crcn
mentioned In nny other fticycloptullu receive the
tame attcntlou Iu this udltlou of tho
Encyclopaedia Britannica
It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi
ago; or General Henry Governor-General ol
rorto Illco ; of AgulOiildo's dccuiratlon or Wot
against tho 17. B.
orhuman knowledgo and progress, wherein lnfor-
niatlon Is moro easily found and iicqulred than In
any other book or encyclopaedia In tho world,
..cjifls. nui-
and Fafmefs
Ki-npH on druiiKlit the colchrilU-d
COI.I'.MIIIA IICKIt, nckiiovvl
iilKed the Unt beer lu The Dalles,
Ht tlie usual price. Come In, try
It mid be convinced. Ahn tliu
Fliu'ht brnnili of Wines, l,l Uor
und Cigars.
of oil Kinds iilwayH on hand.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Euttturn States,
Hlght Exchaiiire and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
Kt. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore
Kon, fji-attlo Wash,, and various points
hi Oregon and Waalilnuton.
Collmitiona ma-le at ull points on (av
orall Uiriiis.
Wood Saw
Will run ovory day except fiundav, 0
itatus Ituaeonable.
Telephone 201.
j W. A. CATES, Prop.
Mate Porto aii i'
Navigation Co.'
Unlly (except Kutulnv) bUnccu
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way points on both tidca oln,.
Columbia river. ,Ule
for tfntnfiirt, ltcnuciiny i(m pi,...
avel by tho steamers of Tim ltfral.iV.'
TlieMenmcrs of tho UeRiihitiir l.liievllllMt
Dulles ut 7 a. m. commencing .Monday in.!!?
Inst. u
l'ortland Ollloc,
Oak Ht. Jlouk.
The Diitlen Offlc
t'ourt Btrwt
W. C. Allaway,
t'i!erH Attnt
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y,
Trains leuvo nnd are due to urrire st l'orllu
iireis, Haleni, lliue
Im rK, Ahhlitiul, buo' 1 1
riiincnto, Dgilen.Hnii 1
Krnnolseo, Mojuve, f 3:13 A.M
UiK Angeles, Kl l'nso,
Nen- urleuns mm
li:ust j
liOMihurc nnd way t-
h:2U A. SI
tillllN . ...
fVIn WniKlbur, lor
I Mt.Aiittul. Hilvertuti.
1:30 P. H
( West ficlo, Urowns-
i vuie,airiiiueiu nnu
I Nil troll .... J
17 :S0 A. M
""rj 5:I9P.M.
INliKl'KNDKNCE I'AKSKNfilCIl. Kxpraabila
Dully (except rinniluy).
i;50ti. m. tl.v rortlaud A:.) 8:fi.B.
7::tOi. m. Ai ..Mn.Mlnnvllle l.v.5 fi;S0i,E
Hisyp. m. Ar..Iiidt'pciidence..I.v.) 1:40i.b.
Dal ly. (Daily, exceiit bu nunr.
Attached to nil Through Twlai.
Direct connection nt fcnn KranclFOo with Oeri,. I mul f)rllltiil mill I'liCllll! llllltl 'Itomull
ut nliciitiou. '
llnle." Mid tickcm to Enstern ioliiu tmiv
...... i . ii i mriv i Iff vMnt ITMT and
ruiie. Ainu ,v.i, vifii.i.v,
Al'BTKAUA. , , ,lHm
All ubovc trultm arrive at mul ilcpirt Irj
(irand feiitrul Utiitloii, Kilth end Irving Urcrti
l'finicngcr Dewt, foot of Jelterwnilltft
U've for Bherldan. weeW duyii, tl:H
Arrive ut l'ortland, U::i0 u. in.
U-avc for AIltl.lK on Monday, Weilplijul
Krbtiiy ut h::a u. m. Arrivi' at l'ortlusJiW
dnv, Thurnday nnd Buturdni it 3.05 p. m.
Kscept Btmduy. Except baturiir.
Jlanuucr. Ant.(i. Kfil'MiH
Through Ticket Ofrlce,13l Third treet,irW
through tlckutu to nil polntn In IM i W
Btutcti, CuiiadM nnd Eurojie cuu be oblniMB"
lowest rates from ... ,.,,.,
J. 11. K 1 15 K LA M , TlCtCt At"
or N. W1IEA1.DON.
Enoli (lay our business shows
Uio people are flnrting ollt "f
ore puabing to tlie front with
better goods, lower pr1c.
Balcspeoplo tbo very best, W
last, bultiot least, buyers who
know tboir business mul buy
for tbo people
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
I'houo G,
sirs. Regulator DaiIes City
llnth of tho above steamers linvc been reSnin
nnd lire In excellent hhajvc tor the seiunn oliiSi
Th I.liiwlllemleuvortoBir2;
patrons the best service possible, m