The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 03, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
eys, Liver
and Bowels
rci suetAicwascri, fsk :si nu kttil
J. H. Smith is in from Grass Valley.
C. E. Snippey, of Lyle, is in the city.
Divid Fulton came down from Wasco
E. 13. Wood came up from Mosier
yesterday on business.
K. 0. Thomas and J. B. Terry came
up from White Salmon Inst evening.
Miss Buulrth P.ittorson left on last
evening's train to spend some time in
Mrs. Chaa. Liner r turned lnRt mirtit
from Portland, where ehe has been visit
ing lie: daughter, Miss Grace.
Mr. P. P. Ketuhum and Mis Con
stance Wheaklcm were pas$enj:ers on the
boat this morning for Portland.
A. D. Hodson anil G. W. Billington
came up from Portland last night and
left this mornim: for Goldeudale.
Miss Lizzie Farmer, of tlio Times
Mountaineer force, left yesterday for
Portland, and will visit in Seattle before
Dr. anil Mr". .) Littlefield came up
from Portland and will remain until
Moudav with the doctor's daughter, Mrs.
W. L. Bradshaw.
Mr. Bessit- MuXamara arrived in the
city Wednesday from her home in Cali
fornia, and will spHfid home time with
her mother, Mr. P. Cram.
Freah cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wascu A-arehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcli25-tf
Latest tiling in cameras are Im
proved Macazine cyclonep at Domiull's
drne; store.
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Oancer often results from an im
purity in the blood, inherited from
ecnerationa bock. Few people are en
tirely frwe from some taint in the blood,
Mid it is impossible to tell when it will
break ont in the form of dreaded Oan
cer. What has appeared to bo a mere
pimple or Bcrateh has developed into
the most malignant Cancer,
"I had a savoro Cancer which was ti first
enly ft few blotches, that 1 thouuiit vrouid
boon away, i Tvtia
treated by rvrsl otilo
physicians, bnt In sp He
of their efforts the Can
cerspreod until mycon
dittonbecamnnlarmlnt:. After many months of
treatment and (.rowing
etcadlly worse. I do
cldud to try 8. 8. H.
which was do strongly
recommended. The JSrot
, buttlo produced an Im
provement. I continued
Hie medicine, and In
four months the last lit
tle soob dropped off.
Ten Ycarii have elnnsed.
laa not a sign oi tne cuvae nas rnturneu.
Gillaburg, Miss.
It is dangerous to experiment with
Cancer. The disease la beyond the skill
of physicians. 8. S. 6. in the only cure,
becuutto it is the only remedy which
goes deep enough to reach Oancer,
S.S.S.h Blood
(Swift's Specific) is the only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable,
All others contain potash and mer
oury, the most dangerous of minerals,
Books on Cancer and blood diseases
mailed free by Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Ileaoh and Bowari' Minstrels.
The fifth minstrel company this sea
son occupied the Grand last night. It
ia related of Uriel Acoetn, the great
scholar and philosopher, thai he should
have said "Tliere is nothing new below
the sun !" Well, that was not the case
last night, for a Galveston audience at
tended for the first lime a minstrel
"show." That was surprise number
one. Number two, the minstrel show
did not perpetrate "Break the News to
Moth, r" in nny manner, shape or form.
Number three, the couipnuy had no
song folio for sale and hencn the happy
and unsuspecting auditor none to pur
chase. No 20-cent folios for 10 cents!
And surprise number four, the most
surprising and agreeable of all, the audi
ence, which seemingly did not expect to
witness much of a performance, weio
treated to a good minstrel performance,
a production decidedly better than that
given by similar organizations traveling
on the strength of "passed" reputation.
The second part included u number of
clever specialties. The feats of Paseatel ,
the posturer and contortionist, were
really marvelous. The vocal features
last night were as good as the specialties.
Beach and Bowers in their "hone solo,"
as the program calls it, were very clever.
Strange to sav, one of the best features
oi the "show" last night was Bobby
Bench and hi" troupe of performing
dogs. It is actually hard to tell what
the dogs did not do and what wonderful
feats Beach could not accomplish with
his lot of dogs, for they were trained
"par excellence." There were about
sixteen of the canines, whose trick6
would equal the best witnessed in Gal
veston in thnt line. It was excellent.
Galveston News.
There is more Catarrh in this eection
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, nud until the last few years
was supposed to lie incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science lias proyen catarrh
tobe a constitutional dicease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to u teuBDoonful. It acts direct! v
on :ne o.ooa and mucous surrace6 oi tne
system. Tnev offer one hundrec io'.uirs
:or any case it taiis to cure, send for
circuiars and testmonials. Address,
F. .1. Che.nky & Co., Toledo. 0.
JF"Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
fjluiiiiliorlaln' ruin ltulin Cures Otliurs,
Why Not You?
My wife has been using Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, with good results, for a
lame shoulder that has pained her con
tinually for nine years. We have tried
all kinds of luediuiues and doctors with
out receiving any benefit from any of
them. One day we Fnw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought of
trying it, which we did with the best
of satisfaction. She has used only one
bottle and her shoulder is utmost well.
Aunu'it L. Millktt, Manchester, N.H.
For sale by Blakeley Houghton, drug
gists. U.iud tty lSrlllsli Soldlerx in Africa.
Capt. C. G. Denniion is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,
from Vryhurg, Bechuanaland. he writes:
"Before starting on the last campaign I
bought u quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy,
which I used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and had given to my
men, and in ever) cast) it proved most
beneficial." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggUte.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good qualities
of Chamborlain'd Cough Remedy, to
know that people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience in
the use of that pplendid medicine and
in telling of the benefit they have re
ceived from it, of had coMs it has cured,
of threatened attacks of pneumonia it
has averted and of the children it has
saved from attacks of croup and whoop
ing cough. It is a grand, good medicine.
For i-ale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. '
Clarke & Falk have mi sale a full line '
of paint find artist's brushes.
TliouianilH nr Tryl rip; It,
Tn order to prove the- great merit of
Ely'B Cream Dalin. tho molt efTcctlvo euro '
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wo have pre-1
pared a generous trial oizo for 10 cents. '
Get it of your druggint or Bend 10 cents to
ELY UUOS., fJO Warren St., N. Y. City. 1
I suffered from catarrh of tho worst kind
ever sluco a hoy, and I nover hoped for '
cure, but Ely'H Creuin lialm uaouii to do J
even that. Many acquaintances iiavo used ,
it with ezcelleut results. Owar Ostrum, j
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111,
Ely'H Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cam for catarrh und contaiaa no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, i
60 cents. At druggists or by luaiL I
Aeh your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure coneetitratud flavoring extracts.
Uto Clarkoit Falk'fl quinine halrtomc
to keep diuulruiT from thejhead.
You will not have bolls if you take
Clurke A Falk's sure cure for boils.
Cle Elm coal i;G.50 per ton; Hock
Springs coal $11 per ton, delivered, at
Maier & Benton's.
Ill I.lfo Wh SutiiiI.
Mr. ,1. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death.
In telling of it lie says: "1 was taken
with typhoid fever, ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
w.-ib eo weak I couldn't even sit up in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to soon die of consumption, when I
heard oi Dr. King's Now Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, ami now utn well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This marvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 couts and $1.00. Trial bottle
lree at Blakeley & Houghton's drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 12
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are aucii that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upoti it us a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from iuinerfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in Journal of Health, N. Y.
Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured mo
of a severe care of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it toall.dvspeptics."
Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler
Drug Co.
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Ilarrlsburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures nil coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
New line of Cole's air tight heaters
just received ut Maier cc Benton's. "S-l v
Clarke &-Falfe'a flavoring extrocts ure
the beBt. Ask your grocer for them.
Use Clurke & Falk's Iiosafoam for the
Notice Is heieby given thnt the undersigned,
iidinliihtrrittlx of the eitatoof Dr. W. K. Itlne
li.irt, deccnc.i, has tlltd her tlnnl account us
such In the enmity court, of the stnto. of Oregon,
for Wdtco county, mid the court hus iipiiointed
Jlonrluy. the Uth dny of Nov., lf.'JO, nt the hour
of lu o'clock ii. m., at the county court room in
Dulles City, Oregon, us the time mid place for
the heiultin and cttlcment thereof. All pcrmr.s
interested in ald etnte ro hereby required to
apiienr nt tald time mid iilncc mid jire-unt their
bjectlons, if any they have, to said llniil ac
count or any of the items thereof.
Dulles City, Or., Sept. .7). lsiri
iepSO-il L.tecutti.v.
Ask your 1
for ft gcncrou3
Ely's Oream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury r.or any other
injurious druj.
It U qulch'y Absorbed.
It opens and cleauics JSSTTr-7T5TI
the Naal l assies. COLD H EAQ
Allays Inflammation. WLU ' IlbJ11
(Jives Itcilef at once.
.1-. tJ.A.,l tlia f.ftilirinn lttliTPtt Hm
Heiues of Taste and hmcll. Full filzefiOc; Trial
bUe 10c. : at VnvMitn or by malt ,
liLY BEOTilIUi. 60 Warren fitwet Nw York.
n.niT I'lmpl, PrtYFiit
lure IKmi).:Iib aii.lLinn.iv.,.
ire l!e4dcheanlDrp
V''c l""- ; will null ..miiU rr, ur (2 I ?2r
c. iuia ti drogsats. Df, aoSANKO CO. Hhila! Pu
in li.r.l.,.. OT
and Embalmer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French & Co.' a Bank.
'3 Ml 33S ONV 3MIOO
-L of OrcKiui, for the County of Wnsco.
Charles 13. !.. Ilcnsoii, plalnlllV,
Ilettln A. llennti, ilefendunt. ,, ,
To Mettle A. Ilcnsoii, the ubovo luuued deloml
nut; In the Niime of the Htsto of OrcRont
You nre hereby iiiitllled to nppoiir and naswer
thefoniphiliit In the iihnvu entitled court iiiul
ciiii'o on or lieforu lx weeks from tho ilntn of the
llrit ptlhlli'iillnii of this notice, to-wlf. the tilh
diiv of epleniber, mid If you full to m up.
pour am! tilitvu'r or i.therwlsu plead, thepliiln--tlll
will npply to the court for thuiellef pniyed
(oi lu his compliant herein, to wit: that the
bond of matrimony now existing between
pltdntlll'iind iieteinliiiit bo dlssolvtsl (orever ami
that pbilntllVhiive Jiiiltfinent nuliist ilefoniliint
for his costs mill (itibiirsctmmts mid for Mich
other ami further relief us to tho Court may
seem meet anil eiultable.
This stimmniis is publlstiod by virtue of nu
outer mmie ami signed by Hon V. I., llriuldiuw,
Juititi'of the iinove entitled court, on the'Jd day
ol septemher 1NJ-J, dlreuting that said sumiiioiiH
be pnbli.lnHt once n week for a icrttd of not less
thiiti sixcoitseeiitlve weeks.
soptt'i-t Attorney for I'lalntllV.
1 of Oregon, for the county of Vaeo.
Harriet A. Simon, I'lututllV,
William H. II. Slmnii.ilcremlnut.
To William H. H. Simon, the abovu numed
In the Name of the State of Oregon: on are
herebv untitled to bo anil appear in thu above
entitled court on or before the last day of the
publication of this summons, tovvlt: On or lie
fore Saturdav, the ISth day of Novemlier, ls'JD,
then ami there to answer the complaint of the
above named plaltitlir ilkd against you lu the
above entitled suit, ami l( you so fall to apiiear
and answer said complaint, for want thereof
plaintltl will applv to said court for the relief
pravctl lor lu her complaint, tn-wlt: For a de
cree of thuabovuentltleil court forever dlsolvlng
nud iiuutillltig thu bonds of matrimony now
nod heretofore existing between pHlntlir and
ileteniiaut, mill for uu absolute decree of divorce
from vou, thesilil defondant.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof bv order of tho Hon. W. I., llriul
stniw, Judge m tho above entitled court, which
order bears ilatt of the Jitit day of October, 1V.W,
n ml directs that shIiI summons be served upon
thusnld defendant by publication thereof fur six
consecutive weeks lu Tho Dalles Cmioxici.K, a
weekly uowpaier of general circulation, pub
llshtd lu Tho Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon i
ald publication to begin on the 7th day of
October, ISM. and end on tho ISth day of
November, ls,!W.
octT 11 Attorneys for rialutlll'.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the umlerslgiied
has been appointed by order of the county court
of the state of uregnn for Wasco county ami ny
the will of Mary Hills, deceased, executor of the
last will ami testament of said Mary Hills, de
ceased. All icr.soiis having claims agninit said
estate are hereby notllled to prteut them with
the protier vouchers to tne at the olllee of Huiil
lugtou A Won, The Dalles, Oregon, wltlilu alx
mouths from the dato of this notice.
Dated Octoier 10th, 1')
Oct 1111 Kxcciitor,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
lias tiled with t icclerk of the count; court of
the statu of Oregon, for Wh-co county, Ills
tlnnl account as administrator of the euato of
John liraiit, deceased, and that b) an order of
said court made on the tilth dv of auptumlor,
lsSO, ilonilMy, the tlth day of November, IslH. nt
the hour of 'J o'clnct p. m. has bu-m tlxeo as the
ttmiMiud the county court room In Dalles lUtv
as the place for the hearing ol objections to snld
lliiiu account. J. DL'KF .mcANDIK,
Ailmlulslrator of tsute of John Grant, Do
ciisid . fcep!li',-ll
Kepleinber W, WJ, (
Notice Is lureby given that the following
nanieii 'Ottlcr ha lilt i notice of his iiuentloti to
m.ike Hind proof in support of his claim, and
that ssld proof will bo made before the rttiier
and receiver at The Dalles, Oiegou, on Friday,
November 3, lsUl), vii.:
Herbert It. l..,.(er, of The Dull.s, Dr.,
Homcsteml Kntry No. .VJJl, for the EJ.2 NK1 ,',
and 8Wi$ N Y., section .7, tuwnship 1 aorta,
range V. east.W. il.
He names the following witnesses tn prove
his continuous resilience upon, mill cultivation
of sn lit laud, vl.:
riamuel Orelghton, John II. Cook, Wllllino
Hnwsou and Charles llawson: all of 'lhe Dalles
I AY 1'. LUCAri.
septiMI ltcglstcr.
(Jelober U, WJh
Notice Is hereby given that the fTillnwing
named cttlrr lias tiled notice in Ids Inlet. -
lnti (.1 ....iL-.. .Y....I ....,!, I.I nl 1.1.
ifii .if unlaw iiii.ii imwiji ii niiiii'wi, u. inn
mill ,1.... L.itr1 ........ ...Ill I... ......I..
i.iiiii, .inn .nil, riiiu inin, .1,41 im iiiiiuu iiiiiiiu
the lleglstcr and Keeelverof I'. H. Until O mount
Vancouver, Washington, on Tuetday, Novem
ber Hint, lb'JU, vl.:
Insnpli Cliiuiilierllli.
II V K'n llk 1.,, tlwi u .Kt l.iilf ill
iiiiarterand west half of southwest quarter, hec.
.'-j, J p. .) N., U. lJeast, W. M.
Ho names the billowing wltness.n to prove his
coiilliinous resldetiLe iiihiu nud cultivation ol
said land, viz:
'inoiniis i. v iiiicomb, .lames Morgan, Fred
II hmlth nud Wlllium l.-aton. all of i.yle, 1'.
().. UHsiilnutoti. W. H. Ill'N'It.llt.
Oct 1111 Iteiilsler.
V. fi. Land Ofi-ice, nt Tub 1 w.r.t:. Or.n.,)
.. ., , , , , Oc-roitciii, ihoo. I
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named ettlcr basllled notltoof Ids Intention to
inaki: llnal ptoof In support of his claim, nud
that still I'timf will bo made tfiin thn l!i.i.i,.r
und Hecelver at 'ihc Dalles, Oregon, oil Hiitiir
ihiy, November 11, iwu, viz:
MutlilHN Tlile, of .Mosier, Oregon.
Homestead Kntry No. .7J7,", for the BWh NWU,
NJsHWKnndhW'4 8W14, section Ii, township
1 iiorth, rangu 1'.' eist, W, .M. 1
He mimes the following wltueses to provo bin
coiitliiuous residence upon ami cultivation of
mill laud, viz:
(Jims. Jlller. of . f otiler, Oregon! Dan Thomas,
Herman btniieinnri ami Kriiest i-rledrlchs, i
'Die Dalles, Oii-gou.
.. .. JAY I'. I.UiWH,
wet, -II ltel.tcr
Lettera of Credit ienubri available in the
iittn iti r ii nrniuH
I uncut JiKcliatigij aud TBleKrnplac 1
TraiiBfore Bold on Now York, Cliltano. .
uon, Battlo Wash,, and varioun pointe
In Ore(jon and Wanlilnton.
CollectloiiH matl at all points on fay
orauln Utrius.
t w unii i iuiil'ihlu. r-firriHfifi i irti.
Hay, wliuat, rolled barley, 'brail and
Hborls at Maier & Beuton'a. 28'lw
Admiral George Dewey
Will rccclvo tho most Toyal welcomo on Oct. lrt
next, thnt was over accorded to an Ataorlean
You will find n comtilcto biography of this great
hero, Including h'M brilliant victory ovor the Span
ish ilcot In tho Brcat, authoritative and up
' -dato vrork of reforoncc, tho
New Werner Edition of the
This In tho only cncyclopccdla on tho market that
mentions Admiral Dcwcy. It i;Ivch tho dato of hli
i birth; how hu spent hUi Iwyhowl days; tho part ho
look iu tho Civil V.'r.r; hoc nftcr thoarlio woa
employed on tho Kuropcnn Btatlon; lu tho Naval
Academy; his rlso to the rank of Commander and
resident of tho Hoard of Inflection aud Survoy;
his command of the AsiaUa aijuadron; how on
April 2Hh ho left Hong Kong with his fnundron,
found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleot, at Manila,
on Jfay 1st; his appointment ns Acting Kear Ad
miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and
Low oa March Slid, lf99, ho was created full Ad
lulral. It fipc-.fc of ldraiuj a strict disciplinarian,
tin all-around athlete, a daring horseman aud
huntsman, nud socially n good club man and a
general favorite It tulla of hlc niarrlago to JIlsi.
Susy Goodwin, a daughter or tho "flnhtlDR gov
crnor" of Now IIiunahlrc, who died In 1672, leav
ing a son, George Cioodwln Dcwcy.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
and scorco of other noted personages not crcn
mentioned lu any othqr Kncyclnpiidlu receive the
tamo attention lu this edition of tho
Encyclopedia Britannica
It speaks of General Wood ns Governor of Eacti.
ngoj of General Henry s (iovornor-Goneral ol
I'orto Klco ; of Agulualdo'a declaration or War
against the U. S. '-ftp-
of human Icnowledgo and progress, wherein Infor
mation Is more easily found and acquired than In
any other book or cncyclopadla In tho world.
4 ...STEAM... j!
i Wood Saw!
Will run ovtiry day exuttpt Sunday,
Katus Buaeonublu.
Tolephono 201.
j W. A. OATES, Prop.
..gps. mm-
and Farmers
wlgMl the jot teor lu Tho Dulles,
nt tho umud price, fomo In, try
II mid he con v I need, Aim tho
HiieHthmiidi of Wlnen, M inor
find Clguts. 1
of all KIiiiIh nlwnyi. on hand,
C. S. Smith,
Fntwh Jvkuh mid Cr'iitnery
Butter a epcuiulty.
2d Street. 'Phone 270.
The Data Pofflani and m
Navigatibn Co.'
Ilally (except Knndiiy) lirtwccn
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching nt way ihIiih on doth Mdcj olth.
f-'olumlila river.
Doth of tho nho"! steiimerB have Irn-n rctmii,
mid arc In excellei.t hhapc for the eiion ol i
The lt. ci.lut..r l.tiwlllei,de.iwt0,,Vlh
patrons the bestucrvlco ponHihle. tluglTe111
For Ciimrort, Koi.ii.miy , p1B
tmvel hy tho Nteiuners of Th IteBul.b!.'
l.lnn. w
The Mcntncrs of the Ilegiilator l.liiwlll Inn
llaUcH at 7 n. in. commencing .Monday the sa
Portland Olllee.
Oak Ht. Dock.
The Katies Offla.
ttoutt Street
W. C. Allaway,
Cieiicro Ateat.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THK
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nud are due to urrlve at 1'otUii
press, Siileni, Itiuie- i
nurg. Anhhiiiil. K&e-1
7;fi0 r.M.
rnmeiito, Ugdeu.Kau I
Kraiiclseo, .Mnlave,
l.os Angeles, Kl Paso. I
Now Urleiins and
9:1 A. SI
I Kant I
..til m Koiehurc and way Ul
M ".tlons
! f Via WooJImr? lor i
1:30 1. St
Mt.Angel, Hllvertmi, pillj
U West rtolo, llrownn- ) cicepl
I vllle.riiirtligtleld anil nundiL
i I Natron .... j
17:30 A. M.
ICorvallls and way) ,,.wpu
IntatloiiM 'j5.50r..
Dally (ctceiit Hundoy),
tifyOp. m, (Lv. . ..rortland .A:.) 8:2Si.d,
7;:)p. in. Jai. y.c.Minuviile I.v.J 5;ill,B.
8:3u p.m. (Ar..ludcpeudence..I.v ) 4:6Qs.B.
'Dally. tDuiiy, ezcciit nuiinnr
Attached to all Through Tralrti.
Direct couuectinn at Kan t-ranclnco with Oedi
dental and Orieutul and Tactile mall iteamiM)
ltneh tor J Al'AiN nuu i iii.a. r-imint iuub w
a liltcatinu.
Kates Mid tickets to Knitcru points tun! lu
mp.;. Also JAPAN, fJHINA, H0.S0I.UU' lit
AH ahove trains arrive at and depart frrffl'
Grand Uoiitrttl Btatlon, Fifth and lrvint tBU
J'nenger Dejiot, foot of JerleiMinitnrt
I-nve for Bherldaii, week days, sKJOo
Arrive at 1'nrtlaud, U::0 11. m
-avc for AIUI.1K on Monday, WeilnnliJ"
Krlnay at 8:. a. m. Arriv at PortUwW
dav, Thursday and Baturdaj it 3:CJ p. n.
Kxcept Huiiilay. "Kscept fcatiirilnT.
It, Ke Kf-i.Kit, , H. MARKHASji
Jlauiiiier. Asst. Ii, F. & I'm. Alt
Through Ticket Olllcc, ltll Third stwrtwhaj
through tickets to nil points in I
HPitci., Ciunidii mid hurope can boobUlnww
lowest rates from , ,
J. II. KIltKI.AMi, Ticket AlWt. ,
or N, WHKAl.DON.
Kuc'j dny our business alioirs
the people nre Hurt my )llt ff0
are pusliuig 10 the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very I'cat, ami
last, but not lemst, buy wl10
know their btiblnt'ss niu buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Seoond Street.
1'ho.ieC, iiibiia--"-