The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 02, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
r i fanses the System
r r r r i i i iui lt.
f-N. . -
J. H. Pront, of W'aaiic, is i:i the city.
Frank Vogt is in from Antelope, visit
ing at home.
V. R. Winnns came up from Hood
Eiver yesterday.
Mrs. C. P. H.ilch arrived iu the city
this morning from Dntur.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ?.Iedier nre visit
ors jn the city iruiix liufus.
C. H. Lutiier, of Hood River, is reg
istered at the Duiutiiln House.
J. J. and D. M. Gibbons are business
visitors in the ciiy irom Hood River.
H. M. Prindie and wife arrived in tl.e
city last night from the Mt. Hood neigh
borhood. A. .1. Dnfur canie in from Wasnic this
morning and will leave fur Portland in
the morning.
M. Thorbuurne and daughter returned
last m'cbt from Portland, and lelt this
Hiorniug for their home at Kiugsley.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fraz'er and little
daughter arrived yesterday from North
Yakima and are g.ieota at die home of
15. h Langlilin.
I', is expected that Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. iiimotc wil! arrive home either this
afternoon or tomorrow morning, return
ing from a wedding tour iu the East.
Juhn McGr.ul, brother of Mr.3. T. J.
Beufert and K. .1. Ciorui.iri, who has
been visiting in the city, leiViii last
evening's train fur Untie 'City, Mont.
Iitest tiling in cameras are Im
proved Mii;'aiiiii cyclones at iDjiineil's
drn store.
Fresh cracked XeljrafcKa corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Sew line of Cile'ii air tluh' heaters
just received at Muier & Beuton'j. -'S-Iw
He Tried a
Sample Bottle
Nearly every day people como into drug
etoix-a and oak the IirtiKiriata to recommend
Borae medicine for their trouble. Very
otteri tiicy re
fuse to do 80,
because, aa a
rule, tlicy do
not believe it
proper to ad
viseanroneto take a patent
medicine of
which tiieydo
not know tlio
ingredients. It
is the physi
cian's cuci-
nesfl to nrc-
Ecribe. Eoui'j
make an cs
ception, how
ever, when
anyone Itas a couch, cold or throat and Inng
trouble. "I always recommend Acker's ktc
lisli Kemedy, because I know Jtut what IS
will do. It lias cured every case where I
liaveneen it tried. It is the best expectorant
snd tonic I over handled in my 14 years
experience. I will r1 vo J ust one instance oi
B gentleman who had been troubled for
years with a na-str, hacking couch. I ad
mitted Acker's English Itemedy. Ho triod a
sample bottle, and was cured leiro be hod
taken half of it, tit no coat whatever. Tliia
la on exceptional e:i.(. however, as it usually
takes two or three IkiuIc "
(Signed) A. 11. Coo:., Ilellofontalnc, Ohio.
Bold at 2V. .TV . ii'i.l r.1 a bottle, through
out the I'nitf'l H'i:e uml Canada; and in
Eiiglund. at 1. lid 3d., U. Od. If you
are not nuti.sticl after buvinc, return the.
Lottlo to your druggut, uud get jroux iBOUey
TO authortie the above ffvamnUt,
W. U. MQiXii it CO.. fnurMin, :;ev York..
roil B.U.E BY
Blakeley &c Houghton.
Hills Curiosity for the
Paris Exposition.
The ainmiuotli Cnvc tn Elk Creek
Canynn to lie Hojiroduccd In
Mlnlntnre fur the
World' Fair.
The Black hills will have n curiosity
tit the Paris, exposition in the shape of
u miniature of the Mammoth Crystal
cave, .which is situated in Elk creek
canyon, about 20 miles southeast of this
city. J. G. Keith, one of the owners of
he cave, left Desdwood last night for
Paris to sign a contract with the expo
sition management for space. He has
leen giver, a room under the HitYe.1
tower 50x73 feet, with a high ceiling.
He will tr.kc oer five eurlonds of ma
terial for the construction of the cave,
mostly lime water crystals and colored
quarU rock, which will line the inside
walls of the cavern. The Mammoth
Crystal cave made a great hit at the
world's fair exposition, later at Atlanta
md recently at Antwerp.
The Mammoth Crystal cave was first
.Hs-covcretl ' by the Mcliride brothers
ibout 12 years ago, while prospecting
or a gold mine in an old tunnel in Elk
.. retk canyon, which had been excavated before by an old prospector
named Jacobs. One of the brothers
r.c.ticed ii strong current of air blow
ing out through a hole in the side of the
Kneel, and further investigation
ned up a large chamber several feet Since the first discovery the
owners of the cave have been constant
ly opening up new- chambers and mak
irg passageways connecting them, un
til it is possible now to weak miles un
derground and not less than 200 cham
ber have been opened up.
Fat Man's Misery is the first cham
ber to be riven a name. It is a very low,
tortuous tjuageway that leads into a
series of rooms beyond. Mold chamber
is a weird place, on account of the great
quantities of thick, white mold, of deli
cate texture, ?ery prolific in growtfi.
The next rom is called the Mencgerie,
so called by reason of the different
images of cnimais in stone, the most
realistic b;ing the arctic seals. Pover
ty Fiat is a room about CCx2jt) feet, with
a lew ce":pf. The room derives its
name from the fact that the walls are
dtstitutP of crystals, being very i-mooth
and water-worn. Notre Dame is the
first chamber to show the fine box work
iA the cave. It is a delicate webwork,
I rowni-h in color, a little coarser, per
haps, than the boxworl: of the famous
Wind cave. The rocm is about GCxl50,
with a ceiling 30 feet high. A distin
guished visitor from Chicago had the
h'nor of naming a large chamber after
C Ukin's Gallery, of Chicago. With a
little imagination a person can see a
gr;-t many beautiful pictures on the
v.'::;is nd ceiling of the room. Whale
room contains some more of the menag
erie. There is a perfect image of a
whale which is 30 feet in length, with
eyes, rnouih, fins and everything in per
fect order. Perched above the whale is
the American eagle, life size, with
v.ings outstretched.
A descent of about C5 feet down Rip
Van Winkie's stairway takes the visitor
to the second level in the cave known
commonly as the water level. Red
Flats is passed through, the chamber
being noted for its beautiful red crys
tals. In this chamber is the drip stone,
a mammoth water crystal four feet
high and two feet at the base, which has
been formed by the dripping of the
water from the ceiling to the iloor be
low. The Abode of the Fairies is the pride
of the cave. Here are found the
Needles, Chimes, Cieopatra's Needle,
the Bridal Veil and a number of other
natural curionities. One an easily
i.nagiue the old nursery stories to be
true about the fairies' cave with rubies
r::.d diamonds riire. Slab room is a
curious place. All of the crystals have
ftf.Ien from the ceiling to the floor,
i -siing it bare and smooth. A new
chamber has been opened recently
which has been called Klondike room.
It is reached by a tortuous passage
ailed Chilkuut 1'aaz, which is 1C3 feet
long. Until recently the floor of the
chamber has lii en covered with wrrter,
but it has now all neeped away, leaving
thii floor covered with noft water crys
tals called popcorn crystals, which
makes the room the most beautiful iu
the cave. The crystals can be crushed
in the hand, and it will be un interest
ing experiment to watch the slow hard
ening, which may take years or only
Other places of interest to be visited
nr.. the world's fair grounds Ribbon
r"om, Cathedral, Diamond Field, and
otrciv.. .Ve-.v chambers arc bsing ois
cov. red and connected by ptibsagewaya,
and it would scm that only u small part
of the u underfill cave has been discovered.-
St. Louis trlohe-Democrat.
Notice U lierehj' kIvuii Hint I.. (.', HnnncKlmn,
ndminiatiutornf the ealato of Albert L'Hery, de
ceel. tin tlM lilt, account for I'm" I nettle
muni of ktld cfitote mid Mumliiy, the litb day
of November, iww, at in o'clock in the forenoou
of aalddayliuk tn-en nut by Hon. ItoLert iluyn,
county JudKi'of Wunco county, Ottgun, for licur
lug objection tn the tame.
billed ncntctnber ?d, Ib'Jj.
Bejit-'J-tl I C. HefKEWUK,
Clarke A Fttlk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
Peculiarities of the People Under
Odd Bxi)crlpnce of Uncle Snm'a Sol
dier Tilth the Vll- Xntlvcs of
Luion-Their Style of
FlRhttiiK. '
This little black man who is causing
us the same kind of trouble thnt the
boy experiences with a honftt's nest
cannot be understood in u day. When
captured he acts ns if his lot hud fnllen
among old friends, lie grins and points
beyond our skirmishers, seeming to
think thnt the iispect of his fleeing coun
trymen is u huge joke. The next min
ute, but give him the chance, he is likely
to send n bullet into an American's
back. For such an offense Mnj. Gen.
Anderson once had a Filipino strung
up to a tree on the spot, this being the
only American military execution thus
far recorded in the Philippines.
A giant private of the Montnnas chose
a different method. When he was tired
on at a distance .of about ten yar'is and
missed, he caught his enemy, took his
gun away from him and then lnid him
across his knees. After he had vigor
ously applied n piece of bamboo he
seized the enemy by the seat of the
trousers and threw him toward the
'There!" he said. "Don't you let me
catch you playing with firearms again."
The little black man's confidence in
the European rifle has waned. In the
beginning he thought that he had only
to discharge his mauser at a white man
and the white man was dead. This led
to the firing from the houses and the
reckless chances which the Filipinos
took at first when their losses were so
great. Now they apparently are "good"
after they are captured, and they do
not fire from houses. Most of whatever
their leaders know cf military practice
they have learned from the Spaniards.
They are as facile in imitnticn as the
Chinese. Their buglers now do our calls
as well as their own. By watching us
they found out that they have been
firing too high, and now they arc try
ing to fire low. They succeed until the
volleys from our skirmish line begin to
pour in. Then they cringe too much in
their trenches to aim on a level. Their
trenches (of the Spanish type) are built
under cover, at strategic points, which
ndmit of easy defense and. etreat, with
the smallest possible exposure, once the
Americans advance. On a wall above
the line of one insurgent trench were
!6 abrasures by bullets in a space two
feet by one.
Such music as was played there is
disconcerting. The little black man will
not remain to hear it after our men are
within 2u0 yards. At running he is
easily the American's superior. His
bare feet never get sore. He has no
clothing to impede his progress except
cotton shirt and trousers. He knows
the bypaths and the fords of the
streams. But he feels that it is very un
fair of us to make him retreat. We are
not practicing warfare as he un
derstands it at all. What is the use of
rifles that will shoot 2,500 yards if you
are going to try to catch the enemy with
your hands?
Aguinaldo"s officers are highly in
censed about our urtillery, it is said. If
they have no guns we ought to use
none, end if they have three or four or
five, we ought to use only three or four
or five, as the case may be. What has
happened, however, was to have been
expected after we refused to fire back
and forth between trenches in the
moonlight, which is the only kind and
generous method of making war in the
In the march io Malolos our men
marched and fought all day under the
beating sun, slept on the ground, swam
rivers and did everything which it was
supposed by the natives Vhat white men
could not do. They thought that we
would not attempt to drive them out
of more than one of the intrench
nients at a time, and then rest nt least
a week after each effort. Aprisoner cx
plnincd his feelings by saying:
"Thr-r-r-r-t!" and malting a rapid
movement with his hands. Frederick
Palmer, in Collier's Weekly.
Khootlnu- Clnr Iukn ThrouKh Iron.
The tailow candle which is shot
through n door must hide its head be
fore a seven and a half ounce plug of
clay which has been so tired as to per
forate an iron plate an inch thick. The
lelocity of Him clay plug was tremen
dous. It has been estimated that the
speed necessary must he over l.ROD feet
a second. Experiments of this kind
were conducted by Cupt. Cooper Key,
of the British nrmy, nt the Itoyal
ursennl, A special gun wnn employed
and pressed cylinders of raw dry clay
three inches long and two inches in
diameter were used. Eventually one of
these plugs went througli u cast-iron
plate one inch thick from n distance
of not more than ". feet. N. V. World.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Ali your irrocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure concentrated fUvoritiu extracts.
Ue Clarke & FulkV quinine hairionic
to keep dandruff from tliejliead.
You will not have bolls if you take
Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils,
Cle Elm coal (0.50 per ton; Rock
Springs coal !) per ton, delivered, ut
Maier & Benton'.
A of Ore"", for ttie County of Wnsco.
Charles O. U Iletmon, plaintiff,
Mottle A. lIctmiiMtcfotuleiit.
To Mettle A. ltciiMMi, tlio nbovc named defend
ant: In the Name of the State of Oregon:
v.. i. ... tmhii.1- itiHt!i1 tn iitiiifiir mm nnsiicr
the enmiilnlut In the nl'ovo entitled court mid
can p on or licfotoU weeks from tl.e date of the
ttrst imlillenttiui of this notice, to-wtt: the 0th
dnv of Sfidenilicr, M. ntid If you Initio ".n ii-K-iirnnrttinMUTor
other lu l'lcail. t ho j.lnln- j
tilt apply to the court for the. telle prnicrt I
tor in his contplnliit herein, to wit: that the i
IkiikIh of matrimony now exIrtltiK botiveon j
phitutltl mid .H'feiidiint ho dissolved forever mid i
that plHlnttlt'liitvu liirtcnicnt iKlli-t defendntit
for his cot and dlslnirscinonls and for suih
other and further relief a to the Court may
seem meet and equitable. I
This summon Is published by virtue of mi j
.,.rl.,r imiiln mill fclirnill ill- IIoll W. Ii. 11 tllll -Illl"'.
Judceof the above entitled court, on the ad day
nt September lvj'j, dlreetitiR that said summons
b published once a week for u period of not less
than six consecutive week.
kcptG-t Attorney for 1-lnlntln".
1 of Oresou, for the county of ii'co.
Harriet A. Slmou, l'lnlntlll',
William H. H. Simon, detoiidiint.
To William H. H. Simon, the above named
In the Name of the State of OrcRon: m arc
hereby notified to be and apieiir In the above
entitled court on or before the list day of the
publication of this summons, ton It: On or be
fore Saturday, the lsth day of November, lb'KI,
then and there to answer the complaint of tlio
above mimed plalutllt' HIkI against you In the
above entitled suit, and If you so fall to apiwar
and answer said complaint, for want thureof
Plalutllt will apply to said court for the relief
pravrdforin her complaint, to-wlt: I-or n de
cree of the abovcen titled court foreverdlstoliing
and annulllni? the bonds of matrimony now
mid heretofore exlstliiK between pltiiiitill and
defendant, mid for an absolute decree of divorce
from von, the said defendant.
'1 his summons Is served upon vou by publica
tion thereof bv order of the Hon. W. I,,
bhuw. Judge ot the above entitled tvurt, which
order bears date of the L'ud day of October,
and directs that said summons be served uimiii
thcfciild defendant by publication thereof for six
eon-teutlve weeks in The Dalle Chiio.viclk, ii
weekly newspaiwr of general circulation, pub
llshid In The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon;
said publication to bei?lu on the Tth day of
October, m. uud eud on the lsth day of
cel7 11 Attorneys fur I'luliilill'.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that ihe undersigned
1ms iM-im iiiniolnii'il bv order of the county court
of the state of Oregon for Waico county, and oy
the will of -Mary IIIUs, deceased, executor 01 me
last will and testauiuiit of sxld Mary Hills, de
ceased. Alt ixjrsuiis having claims against snl.!
estate are hereby notilisd t.i present thorn with
the proer vouchers to me at the ol'.Iee of Hunt
ington il: Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, wttuiu sis
months irom the date of this notice.
Dated Octotcr 10th, I'J"J.
Oct 11 II Executor.
Notice h hereby given that the undersigned
has tiled with tie clerk of the count, court of
ihe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, bis
final account ns administrator of the eUate of
John (iriint, deerused, and that by mi order of
said court made on the lath dy of September,
1SW, Monday, the fith day of November, 1MW. at
the Hour of 1 o'clock p. m. has been llxca as the
tlm-mid the cnuntv cou-t room In Dalles tlftv
in the plane for the hearing ol objections to said
hniii account J. DLVK .IICANDIE,
Adminls.rutor of Estate of John Grant, Do
easul feeptlMl
NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Office at The iuuxr, Oueoun,)
September la, layj.
Nollce Is hereby given that the following'
named settler bus tile I notice of tils intention to
make tlual l.ruof In sunnort of his claim, und
thnt said proof will Ih; made before the register
una receiver nt 'i lie Dimes, uiefon, on I riaay,
.-soverauer o, kvj, yu,:
lleib.rt 11, .M. i ltiT, of Th Illilli s, Dr.,
Homestead Entry No. aui, for the EU NEU.,
and sW'ii NEy, section i!7, townsbl;. 1 nortti,
range lis u.-isi," . ji.
He names the following wltne!i"ics tn nrove
his contiunoiiK rcsidciiLe upon, and cultivation
of tnld land, viz.:
hiunuel CreigUton, John 11. Cook, William
I.awKin and Charles luiiiaon: all oi l lie Duller
bcpUS-il hegister.
hi.itD OrriCE at V.w.'coevm-., Wash.,)
October 'J, 1WI. )
Notice is hereby given that the billowing,
named settb.r has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In suppoit of his
claim, mid that said proof will be made bf foro
the I'.eglster and llccoHerof V. S. Ijtnd Ollieuiit
iMiicouver, 11 iisiiiiigion, on Jueidny, govern
ber 21st, lbl, vU:
ilnsrpli Olimube rlln.
H. E. No. C8, for the west half of northwest
quarter and west hall ol southwest quarter, btc.
2o. Tn. N.. It. 12 east. IV. M.
He names the following 11 itnes to provo his
coiiiiiiuous rcsiuemc upon nun cuitivaiion of
sold laud, viz:
Thomas M, Wliltenmb, James Morgnn, I-'ttd
11. Minuu nun imam i.-toii: an m i.yli', 1
()., Uasliiiigtoii. V, U. Dl'NIIAIt,
Oct 1111 Ittglster.
U. d. I.AMj Orricc, at The Dai.i.ks, Oi:r..,(
OCTUIlRKfi, lttyo. j
Vrillon fa Imrnl.v nl.'nti liu. .1... f..l lr....l....
.... ... ,.trf t..v. ...... ...u iu, ii IUK
named settler has Hied imtko of his intention to
muse iiiiiu imihii in supiori 01 ins claim, anil
that said proof will be niadc beforo the iteglstcr
and llecelver at The Dulles, OrKun, on butur
day, November 11, IhW, vizi
Mtttlilna Tlilnl, of lUonler, Orccon?
Hotnestend Entrv No. W, for tho 84 NWJ-J,
NliIKW.aud8Vi, HW'4. section U, township
m ...,.., (,, I-T I , , ,11.
Ho iiamet, tlm following witnesses to ptovo his
i-i'ilMIIUUUfl Il-niuuiiuu Uaill Ulill CUllll IttlOtl Ol
said land, viz;
C'tius. llller. of Mosler, Oregon; Dan Thomas,
Hi-rrniin sitmii.iniiii hiwI Krii.r kpl,.Hrl.i.. ..t
-- ------- .....v.i. . nxuilbliai VJ l
Jhu Dalles, Oiegon.
oct7-li Iteiilstcr
Letters of Oredit Issued avuilable in the
EaHtern States.
Sliht KveharilH unit T1
Tranaiurs sold on New York, ChlcaKO,
Bt. LooIb, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointa
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
oraule terutB.
Hay, wheat, rolled barley, bran and
Eborts at Maier & Ueiiton'd, -'8-l
MniiraS George Dewey
Will rccclvo tlio most royal welcome on Oct, Ht
ucxt, that waa over uccordod to an American
Yoa will flna .1 cnnsplate. blogrftpliy of thil Bt
hero, Ir.cludlnc bis brilliant victory ovor the Bra
IjU licet in tho Croat, nuthorlUUvo and up-
"date mirk of reference, tho
New Werner Edition of the
Th'.o in t!:o only encyclopedia on tho martot that
laontions Admiral lieu cy. It rIvcb tho dato of Idi
birth; I10.7 he spent his toyhood days; tho part ho
look in tho Civil Wsr; hotv r.ftcr tho War ho waa
tmplcycJ on tho European station; iu tho Naval
Academy; his rise to the malt of Commander and
resident of the Hoard of la-.pestlon and Burvcy;
Ilia commend of tho Asiatic Hqtiadrnn; how on
April a."th ho left Hons fcoB with his Kjuadron,
round and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila,
on liny 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad
miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and
how on March 2nd, ltM, ho was created full Ad
miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian,
un all-around athlete, a during horseman and
huntsman, and socially c cood club man and a
General fuvorlto. It tells of his nmrrlr.go to Mlsii
Susy Goodwin, a daughter of the "fighting gov
ernor" of New Ilatnpthlio, who died in 1672, leav
ing a son, Cicorgo Goodwin Dewey.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Clark of tho Oregon
end scores of other noted persannccs not even
tueutlotifd iu any other KncycloirfiJla receive the
camo a'.tcutisn iu this edition cf tho
EncyciopsBdia Britannica
It ojieats of General Wood as GovornorofEanU
ago of General Henry w GovcrmVociicral ol
Porto Rico; of Aguinaldo'D declaration of Wax
against tho U. S.
of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor
mation Is tnoro eu.s!ly found and acquired than In
any other book or cncyclopa.dla lu tho world,
I Wood Saw
Will run every day except Sunduy,
iuuch iteusotintjiu. w
i leiepnono ui. j
$ W. A. CATES, Prop.
..chas. mm-
ond Fafmeps
edited tho Ust beer iu Tho Dullen,
nttliu usual price. Como In, try
Diind be touvllii'cd. Aluo thu
I liKBt brandii of Wines, Lliuor
and GiKiua.
of all Kinds ulwnys on bund.
C. S. Smith,
Fresh Kggs and Creamery
Jiutter a spuciaUy.
2d Street. 'Phone 270.
The Dalles, Portland and iu
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Hegulator (SDalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way poin'? on both ldc ntth.
Columbia river,
Both of tho nbove Mcamcnt have been rcbntlt
and are In excellent khai for the season o i
Tl. Krral.lnr l.lnr ivill endeavor
putroiiK the best kcrvlce ponslblc. "'
For Comfort, Kconoiny hih laaian
travel by tho hteamerR of The
L,tuti. i..or
The Monmcrs of tho neculator Line will W
DaUcuntTa. in. pomineiicing Monday thesu
Portland plllcc. The Pallet offle.
Oak St. Dock. Court stew
W. C. Allaway,
Ceticra Aat.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific fomp'y,
Trains leave and ure due to arrive at l'ortlai,
press, halem, IliHie- ,
burg, Ashlutid, .Sue-1
rmiiuacwi . ii'jn) c, I u n i, v
Uih Angeles,!',! I'aso, i 1
j l j
'h'S'J A M 1 lfcuJtl-uut "iiu wiiy mii-
Dally '
(Via Woodbur? for
Mt.Angel, HllverUm,
West liclo, ilMv. ns-V
I vlllcsprluglield and I
i I Natron J
Dally (cxce)it BUnduy),
liSOp. m. (I.v Portland Ar.) 6:25a.Bi
7:.'Wp. la. )Al...VcMlnnvIlle l.v.f D;50a,it.
biliop. tn. (Ar,.Iudei:iideiicc..l.v ) liMaui.
Dally. tDotiy, except buminr.
Attached to all Through Tralas.
Direct connection at hau r runclseo with Owl '
dental and Oriental and Paclllc mall ttannnip
llnecJor JAPAN and CHINA, Sailing data ca
a plication.
ltates and tickets to Enrtcrn points and En
rojio. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anil
AH above trains arrive at and depart froas
Uraud Ooutral tjtatloti, Fifth aud Irvine atncti
PcfsenRer Dejiot, loot of JcUcrsun t.trt
l;avu for Bheridan. week days, tfJ5f.D
Arriv.; at Portland, U:30 a. m.
U'ave for A1HLIE on Monday, V,'cda4Ts4
Krb'ny ututiioa. m. Arrive at partialis, 1
dnv, Thari-dcy and Saturdaj it 3;0J p. a.
Except Bunday. "Except fjr.fjrdjy.
K. tCv.K4.LElt, Ci, II. MARKHAM,
Mitnacr. AsfcL0..4Pas.Ait
Throush Tlckot Omcc,13l Third street, wtjert
through tickets to all points In tbe
Btates, Canada and Euroja) can bo obtaluea ii
lowest rates from , .
J. 11. KIUKLAND, Tlcictiltat.
Eac'j day our business sliowi
tlio people arc nwling out wo
are pusbiug to Hie front with
better gooila, lower pricca,
salespeople tbe very bebt,
last, but not least, buyers wbo
know their business nRd buy
for tbe people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Office orcrJ'rench&Co.'ailst"'
i if J. OBJGO