I - if A, P ml II m "MFe feM ? jj JD 7 'g.r gN V iTPv-f. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES ltfr& ' ZSLt rcnrnMitniki. IT5 pfECTS. BUY THE GENUINE. - MANT O By (aui?rn!aTgSyrvp(2. TTTr f ftllv-W BY. -V V- C. T, "(..Yr't l'EIIPLE TOU ALL KNOVT. A.J Mrs , Doapla; is in from Dnfur. F. L. Morrow, of Wasco, is in the city. E. C. Fits Patrick is a TvCh visitor in the city. Alf. Allen wa in from Prineville yesterday. 2ate Bairil arrived on this mornlng'E Etnue from Antelope. Mrs. C. C. U'Ren came in from her home at Kidprway yesterday. Win. Macnale and wife and Macnale are viitors from Hufus. 'sfii Miss Bt-isi- Lng returned last from a week's visit in Portland. night I Mrs. Walter Cool: arrived last nicht from Portland and is the guest of Mrs. H. H. Riddell. E. P. Marshall, one of Pendleton's prosperous sheep men, registered at the Umatilla House yesterday. Mrs. Lottie Cbappell, son, James, ond ; 31re. t'lea bimdnoe came over from 1 Goldeiidale on the stage today. Mis Maitel .-iterlin will leave this at'iernoon iur'San Francisco, where she will ng3iu take up her duties as a sten ographer. Emery Oliver came down from a snr vev ins: trip in the upper conntrv and cpfnt yesterd.iy in the city, leaving for! Portland this uiurrin. 1 J. A. Nicholson came in from his 1 plre at licju jeslerday and called at The Chuonjcle utlice rhi morning. He eaye ura-e is looking tine in his neigh borhood and everything is prosperous. Mr. John Kalt. professor of athletics in the Aio.iny coiiege, arrived in the city last evening for a short respite from duty and wiii spend a fefl- days with Sacrificed to Bloo Poison. Those who have never had Ulood Poi son can not know what a desperate con dition it can produce. This terrible disease which the doctors ore totally unable to cure, is communicated from one jjuneration to another, inflicting its taint upon countless innocent ones. 6orn- years ago I was inoculated with porson ty nun- wno infected my babe with blood ulnt. The little one was unequal u, the simple, nnd iw life was yielded up to ;h-fearful poUon. vr sis Ions yearn I suf fered untold misery. 1 was covens! with tores nd ulcer from head to foot, and no language an express my feelings of woe during those long years. I bad the Lest medical treatment. 6ev- ers nhrsielans sucees ively treated me. but all"" to no purpose. Tne mer cunr nnd potash seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which waa devouring me. I tm odvlaed hy friend who bad teen wonderful cures rcad hy It. to try Swift's fipclCe. tVe got two bottles, and I felt hope again revive in my breast hope for health and happlneai J imnroTed from thft fltart. anri a mm. plate a filale and perfect cure wa the result. 8.8.8. i the only blood remedr which reaaHts dee. Borate caaeo. Mas. T. W. Lie. Montgomery, Ala. Of the many blood remedies, 5. 8. S. ' is the onlv one which can rnnh dn. . . .-, . 7 : ---r seated, violent cases. It never fails to cure perfectly and permanently the Sort desperate cases which are beyond a reach of other remedies. . ss.s.rBiood ia rvmwir teqetable, and it the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash, or other mineral. ' -ValuablTbooks mailed free by BwUt fipxific Ckp,y, Atlnu, Georgia. , w Rev. D. V.Pollne and W. E. Simonton. He is a guest of the former. City Uren and Miss En Uren ar rived in the city this morning from Stwknnennd will spend the winter with their sister, Mrs. Kobt. Warner. Thp Mm1trn linn. Tl,e probability is that the oripin of 'he cuMonv'of bowinp can only be ' found by poinir far hack into the apes . a;.tiquy, wnen prostration was int i ',UUul,' oi tne slave bflort his master. Wh?.' we now call polhemss bepan in servility, lhere can hardly be an doubt but that the practice of liowinp thebeatl originated in exposing the neck to the stroke of the sword. From its earliest literal meaning it took a fip- . s. uruuve one. meanm? nrsv mi T, . . .... ' ,, ,. of modern jwliteness is the last relic of tin. iiroorntirr, of nneient servilitv." In " i" he same way we shake hands with the ripht instead of the left because the ripltt was tlfe .sword hand and the piv- . i Li's v,f it into the hand of an enemy was a slpn of peace and pcod faith. Takinp cT the hr.t, too. is a relic of doflinp the helmet aud so leaintr the ; most vulnerable portion of the body un t'.rfcmled as a mark of confidence or. ci.terinp the dwellinp of an ally or a friend. Cincinnati Enquirer. IlnthliiK In Ituasln. ( A tamily of father, mother and son have just returned from a sojourn of several months in southern Russia, and i are now staying at the Grand hotel. In the old "white town" of naku there is a new "black town" now, where pe ' troleum is refined they registered a' i the Hotel de 1'Enrope.nnd papa ordered a bath. After his ablutions he proposed i a bath for mamma and auotht r for the boy, a?red ten. The proprietor brusque ' ly in.'jrmed him that his wife, his son j and hinuelf were expected to Jise the ) same water. In the heart of tne Cas- , pian oil region they never thought of j filling the tub a second time for a raert. ! family wash. The water had to be car- ried upstairs in buckets, and he had no; suincient neip to accompnsn tnat tasic. X. V. Press. Chcarer Padding:. Chester pudding is especially suited to those who t not like siu-t in pud dings. Work two ounces of butter and two tablespoons of brown sugar to gether, then add a wHI-beaten egg, gradually stir in two tablcspooufuls of treacle and n tccciiprul of miik; blend r. teanpoonful of baking powder with half a nound of flour, aud irradu- ally mix it with butter, etc.; place in a greased mold, boil for two hours and serve with any nice, sweet sauce. Bos ton Globe. Flab aa Food. Fish are considered to be cs digesti ble as' lean beef. Cod. haddock and bluefish are more easily digested than the fatter fish, such as salmon, mack erel aud shad. Pish is an economical food, nnd as such should have a place in the diet list: it is well suitpd to chil dren and to persons who lead sedentary lives and do not take much exercise. As it is deficient in the materials which yield heat and muscular power it should be supplemented by potatoes, bread and cereals. Ladies' Home Jour nal. Nil lilr-lit ttt r!-l!ii!4u. , . . . , . , The woman who is lovelv in face, form ,om, :ti i,r..c "v.c. f.:. but one who would be attractive most keep her health. If eiie is weak, sickly an 1 all ruu down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she hoe constipation or kidney trouble, her impute blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched completion. Electric j Bitters is the best medicine in the world . to regulate the stomach, liver and kid , neys nnd to purify the blood. It civee strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good luokiuz, churmitiK woman of a run-down invalid. Onlv 0 cents at Blakeley & Hoi)2hton'n drnu store. '2 5' plarke & Falk have on sale a full line!r of paint and artift't brush?. Ask your 1 Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other iujnrioaa lira;. , It I quickly Absorbed. Glrei Ileilef atoncc -ggggl It cpen and cleanjea . V. ' V . . t T- ..... 1 AltATit InfS-imraatlfm. . IIeaU and Protcu the Membrane. Iteatort the htnw of Taite and bciell. Fall SIM tQC i Trial UUe loe.: at UraeiUU or by Bull. ELTBSOTBJUULM fmt MMl Haw Torfc. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice ii hereby given that L. C. Henneshan, wlmliiUtiHtor of the estate of Albert fllerv.de- ceaed, has filed hli accouot for final nettle-, inentofaaid eatate and Moudar. the nth itr' of November, ly, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon "' am )li'r lu ' by Hon. Kobert Maya, ! Wa county, Ongun, lor hear ; jus iu;eeii,in iu me me. utd September :r.-d. iso sina - n L, C iiekkboiux, Adminitrnior. - tomm$i nr-r. p,mDi pZT" 011 I W ''JZii7ib,uiV!Z IlLLu A:ffMna.M!2gJj TpHF Jf'fS Ti.rMi! &"ife'BrfcE BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for The Chronicle. U?e Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. Clarke & Falk's Ash yonr grocer for pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Tie Clarke & Falk's quinine hair.tomc to keep dandrutTfroin thehed. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils. Latest thins in cameras are Im - ( proved Macaxtne cyclones at Donnell s :.).... Paint your house with paints that are I fully uuaranteed to last. UlarKe es talk . . , bave lnem, ,, ! Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at warehouse. Finest kind of 'chicken feed. mcli25-tf I j Millions of dollars, is the value placed j , bv Mrs. Marv Bird, Hivrrisbure, Pa., on i j the nfe of her chiId whJch ghe aave(i from croup by the use of One Mlnnte ufcu v,u.c. w,ut and throat and lung troubles. Butler 1 Drnt? Co t Caati In lour Cceck. All conntv warrants registered prior tn Ian 1 ISSti will h naid at mx Tn,l-r;i-.Ia Sf..P,sL office. Interest ceases after Sept. Hth, 1S99. C. L. PlULUPS, Conntv Treasurer. ,. , , , . , Xew line of Cole's air tight heaters just received at Maier fc Benton's. 2S-1 w Cle Elm coal $6.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal id per ton, delivered, at Maier A Benton's. -an and J&-1W Hav, wheat, rolled barley, shorts at Maier & Benton's. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A EKEKALBAXKINti BCbLSEis Letters of Credit issued avnilable in the T" - r-. . . .eastern abates. Sight Exchange and Teletn-aphlt Transfers Eold on New York, Chicago, S r nni ?m Vrinciaon Pnrtlonrf l" lMm, .11: .-rUII IinviIlfT Cllllin-S1init Mm Sk. LOUIS, trail iranciSCO, rortiand Ure- jate are hereby notified to present them with con, Seattle Wash,, and various points ' the proper vouchers m meat the office of Hunt in Oregon and Washington. , luston & vn,on, The Dnlien.orccon, witniu six Collections made at all points on fav-: ittiySg uoVee- orable terms. JOHN 11. MAKfiEN, Oct H li Kxecutor, JARS. OlilVlfl W. POT STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE EOOMS, MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Conrt and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. l"A!J .TJk'JknL'ATX'IAiaTTAT THE GENUINE Wilson flit-Tight Heater OUTSIDE DRAFT LtIKE THIS: There are other AIRflGHTS, but none the WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... WAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents. J This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the coosumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. SUMMONS. UK THE OKCUIT COURT OF THE 6T,V ol Oregonforth Cohbtyt Wasco. Charles li. I. Henson, plaintiff, I Ilcttlo A. Ben? on, defondent. . ' To Hettle A. Ilcnsou, the above named defend- In thp N'nme nf the State of Orecon" You are hereby notified to apiaur and atmver the comiilaltil In the above entitled court and caue on or before -lv works Inim the date of tho I ftr: puMtcatlou of nil notice, to-wlt: the Cth j dav of September. 1'J0. Hiid If you fall to no ap-, t-ear aud auwer or i.lherwhe plead, the plain-1 Kir will apply to the court for the relief prayed I for In his comtilnlnt herein, to wit' that the 'boud of inatrfinimy now existing between I ' . 1 .....I..- ...... ................ t. .1 1. . ..1 .-..j ......-n. ul.il nat plaintiff have judgment aealmt defendant ; nir m eotis auu uimuracuu'iiu auu mr cut a other and further relief as to the Court inny e51,2,I i"! i""'.! i i. ,., f ' older made and stencil by lion w . I. Jiraci'imw, Jii1e if itip nnnve rntlt ml pnurt. on the 2d dv ; .bcr W, dlreetiiu: thai wild aummnnV :le iubilhed once a week for a ierloJ of not less tnau MX cousccuuve weeks. FUKD. W. WIION. Attorney for l'lHtntifT. septal SUMMONS. jx THE I'lRcriT COCHT of THK STATE ; Harriet A. Simon, I'lalntliri William H. H. Simon. defendant. I Towniiam H. H. slnmn, the Bbovc named defendant i In thi Viimp of thp Statn of flnpon on rtc I hereby notl tied to be and appear In the above i entitled court on or before the Uit day of the publication of tbu umnmn, towit on or ixv i 1 fore Saturday, the lsth day of nvcmber, l5'J9, . then and there to an.wer the complaint of the I I above named plalntlfl liNd aealnityou In the . above entitled ult and If jou o'fall to npiedr , I 1 answer said eompUiiit, for want thereof i plNlnttft will apply to said court for the relief , 'prayrdtorln her complaint, to-wlt- For u de- I ciee of the abovccntltled court forever dli-mlvinc and heretofore eilstlnc between nlitntltf and delendant, and for au absolute decree of divorce from you, the ld defendant. 1 his summon Is icrved upon yon by publlcn- ttnn lh.wl H i.f ,Vi. tint. IV 1 ll.il. I ahaw, Juasc of the above entitled court, whlrh order bears datt of the L'nd day of October, 1'JU, ' uhu kuni sniu nuuiiiiiiim m- (-t:; ' the sold defendant by publication the conccutlve weets in The Dalles tlitii ' weekly newspijmr of pencral circula una uireci ioh; miu summoiih oe ocrveu uiuiu hereof for tlx RONICLK, 11 latum, nub- luuia in ine Dimes, vtasco county, ureenn falil publication lo bccln on the ?th iliy of October, lsW. and end on the lssh day of November, lvjy. l)tFfP. A JIESEFEE. cc'.T U Attorneys fur l'laiutiil'. Executor's Notice. Notlct herebr civen that the undersiened of the tate of oreiron for Whsmi county, and t-y : the will of Jlury HilN.dereased. executor of the 'vul unrt testament of iid Mary mils de- na- ot-eu appointed ny orner 01 tne county court I NOTICE OF:FIXAL JSETTLEMEXT. i Notice Is hereuy clven that the undersiened ; has tiled with tjeclcrt of the count court of the tate of Cirvson, for w msco county, his ! final account in administrator of the estate of I ; John Grant, deceased, and that by an order of t Mid court made on the U:h dy of t-aptcntier. i t Monday, the nth day of November, at ' the hour oT 2 o'clock p. m. has be-;u fixed as thi , tini-mid the ciutity court room In Imllei citv , a the place for the hearlne ol objections to srtd ! "AdBteKtilMr of K.L . rF .iXVr.ll.'.h' .... enec BOptIC-11 that equal CClhiskey. I I 1 jijt kfaM George Dewey WIU receive tho rnrwt royal welcome on Oct 1 ' next, that waa ever ucoonled to an Amorlcaa ' tltlien. I You will find a complete biography or this gnat 1 hero, Including bis brilliant victory over the 8pa j Uh fleet In the croat, tuthorltatlre and y I '.-date work of refercacc, the New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This b the only cncyclojvcdla on tho market that j tacntlons Admiral Devvcy. It elves tho date of hli I blr.h: how he ipont his wyhool days; the part ho ; look la tho Civil War; how after tho Wtr he waa tmpbyed on the European ttnUon; in tho Kaval : Academy; hlr rise to the rent cf Commander and Prtaldcnt of the Board of impcctloa and Survey; ' Ids command or tho Asiatic .Squudron; how on , April 2.-th he bft Hons Kong with his Kjuadron, found and destroyed the SpaaUh Flset, at ilanlla, ', an ilay at; hli cppclatmcnl as Acting Rear Ad- ' mlral, the honors ho received from Coneress, and 1 Low on March 2nd, ISM, ho was created full Ad miral. It epeuka of hlra as c strict disciplinarian, 1 t r. .11 ..nnnil pltilnln f ll.Hri- do-nmnn KTlfl I " " -- " I huntsman, and socially a cood club man and , cencral faTorlte. It tells of hli marriage to I'.itL , cT Goodwin, a daughter of tho 'CghUm; gov- 1 ,,,,- "ri,ilr.. r i,n 'il li m-" Ikrt ' craor ofe.vIIamrhle,v..l0.lealul5.-,lcaT ! ingaion, Georgo Ooodv.-ia Lcwty. Governor Theodoro Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and tcorcs of other noled personeccs not crcn mentioned In any other Encyclopedia receive the same attention in this ed.tlon of the Encyclopaedia Britannica : It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Etnti- i ago; of General Henry as Governor-General of ! Porto Illco; of Aguiaaltlo'3 dccloradon of War zalait the TJ. S. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowlcdgo and progress, wherein Infor mation la more cosily found and acquired than In any other book or eacyclopa-ita In the world, !N YOUR HOME. 70s BAM ST I. C. NICKELSEN, ..STEAM. Wood Saw! Will run every duy except Sunday. Itatee Heatonuble. leiepnone 201. j; $ W. A. CATES, Prop. ..CHflS. FHRNK- Sutehers ond Fafmefs ..Exchange.. ediit-d the Ut U-er in Tho Oallen, at tho umial price. I'omo in, try It and be convinced. AIo the Finiiit branda of Wines, Manor and Clcara. Sooduiiehes of all Kinds alwayt on hand. c. s. smith, THK Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Egas and Creiunery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Tie iMk ftrtlaH aiiiMi strs. Regulator Da!les Gty Dally (except Sunduy) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at -obo.b d cftt, Jloth of the above steamers have been retain and are in excellent haw for the eaoa ffi The ItcKUlator Lino will endeavor to BrUt patrons the beat service jiosslble. tor uninrnrt, Eennniuy and PU.. travel by the ateamers of Thp lttfuUta,' The Hcanicm of the Rcinilator Una win w,. PnUea at , a. m. commeuclns Monday tit Portland Office. Oak St. Dock. The DallaOSa. Court Strm W. C. Allavay, , (ieiiera AjtU EAST and SOUTH via ; fT!T riT. -r , , 116 OUclSIiLl JX0Ut8 , Qr Tm; t Southern Pacific Comp'y. 1 Train, leave and ore due to arrive at Porta a ' rmm OVKKLA.M) EX prenk, Milo.m, Hose- liurg, Ashluud, .iac- "-DO I' M tnmvuui, viKuull-ail 1 , i.wiii.ii .it'ja,) 9:13 X.I I ..u A.im.li.u 1. I ll..i. New Orleans unJ ilaft V:3J A. 11 Dally except Sundays Koscburg and wy ! ' tlons f Via WiKKlbur for ! I Mt.Ancel, Silverton, 4:30 P. J Dal!; cirvpt est scio, urownt- vtlle.riprliiflivU aud i.airoa 17:30 A. il. ICorvallls Istatlonn and way; ..UPiJ. Daily (eicejit Huudsy. l:Mp. m. (I.v I'ortlund Ar.) 8:3l.B. T.SOp.m. )ai McMlnnvllle Lv.S 5:Mi,e. b:30p. m. (Ar..lndei;ndeuce..Lv.J l:i0i I 'ually. I Dully, eicept suiitlftT PINING CARS O.N OGllEN RODTE. 1'CLUIAN BUWKTliLEKl'EBS ANI HECONIJ-C'L..6d bI.EE)'!NP CiRs Attached to all Throush l'ralus. Ilireet iniinw-tlim at Hen Knmclsco with (Xd deiitid and Oriental and Tactile mull ttcaoii) lliii-s for JAPAN and CHINA. Eallins data aj plication. Kutes and tickets to KnKtcrn points tffllil-rot-. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU Hi , Al'pTKAUA. All above trulin arrive at and depart lr 5 Grand Centra! Station. Kifth and Imni lOM YAMHILL, WV1SI0X. I'aKicnser Dejuit, fwit of Jedenoaitrcet U-ave for Sheridan, wees dnyt, iVXp.o I Arrive at Portland, 'J;JQ a. in. ! I'cvc for A I III J E on Monday, WccatriiT u4 ! KrP.in- ath:i5a. m. Arrlv at l'ortUnd,T5 dav, Thurnday and Jiaturdaj itSOSp.D. j 'Ilscept Sunday. Except Batnnlay. K. K E.l-tR, (i, II MAUKHiSi ! Jlnnuer. Anst. ( 1. a Vt-W 1 ThroURh Ticket Offloc, 131 Third HrWiJ ; thiouKh tlckotn to all poiuU In the j fatMtub. Cunudnand turoiK! can Uol)tila,' , low est rate from ,. . ., J. II. KIKKLANP, Ticict Ajtot. I or N. WHEALUON. The Busy Store. Each clay our bn&inc&s sboiri the people arc finding out nc arc pu&hing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, ftO last, but not least, buyers wb know their bublncss nnd boy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. JJA. STURDEVAPJ I , Deimsr. Offlco over French 4 Co.'U.u TIIKIMLLE?, Phone C, mju, -' i-y-i,,J rillViitfiili'''ii.a-fiaf n; .rit fa'i 'i