VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1899. NO 72 BOERS WIN BIG VICTORY Captnre an Entire Cilnmi of tie Flv 111 Britons. LOST TWO THOUSAND MEN General White Assumes Responsibility for the Disaster, Acknowledging That He Sent the Column to Un tenable Position. London, Oct. 31. A diepntcli from General White, commanding the Britiel forces at Lady smith, reports that the Koyal Irish fusiliers, a mounted battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were eurrounded in the hills by Boers, and that after losing heavily they were obliged to capitulate. The casualties has not yet been ascertained. London, Oat. 31. Following Is the text of General White's dispatch to the war office : "Ladysmith, Oct. 30. 10:45 p. m. I have to reports disaster to the column Bent by me to take a position on a hill to guard the left flank of the troops. In these operations today the Koyal Irish fusiliers, No. 10 mounted battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were sur rounded in the hills, and after losing heavily, had to capitulate. Casualties have not yet been ascertained. "A man of the fusiliers employed as a hospital orderly came in under a (lag of truce with a letter from the survivors of the column, who asked for assistance to bury the do.id. I fear there is no doubt of tin truth of the report. I formed a plan in the carrying out of which the uiBttaior occurred, nnu 1 am alone re- (iponsiuio lor inn plan, mere is no blame whatever to the troopa, as the position vvus untenable." British Loss is Appalling. London, Oct. 31. While minor re versos wore not wholly unexpected, nothing like the staggering blow Gen oral Joubert delivered to General White's force yesterday was anticipated. The full extent of the disaster is not yet -acknowledged, if it is known, at the war oflice. The loss, in ell'ect, must bo ap palling to General White, who is prac- ticully surrounded. Two of the finest British regiments and a mule battery deducted from Lndysmith garrison, weakens it about a fifth of ItH total atrength and alters the whole situation very materially in favor of the Boers, who have again shown themselves strong fighters and military strategists of no mean order. This disaster cost the British 1C00 to 2000 men and six eeven-pound screw guns, apd ns the Boor artillery is already stronger than imagined, the capture of these guns will be u great help to the Boers. Further news must be waited before it is attempted to fix the blame where it belongs. White manfully ac cepted all responsibility for the disaetor, which was at least partly due to the ecumporitig of.mules with the guns. Your t'acu Shows the state of your feelings and the etttto of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and tikiu Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy nppearanco you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseuses whero cheap Bureaparillos und bo called purifiers fail; knowing this we Bull every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Salmon Eggs Go to Australian Waters. Ban Fkancibcjo, Oct. 81. Ono million eggs of the Chinook salmon are to be Bent by the United States fish commis sion to New Zealand on the steamer Moana. They are from a hatchery in Oregon. It is believed that the Chinook salmon will do well in the wntera of nil the Australian lands, the climatic con ditions being similar to those of this coast. Dotiblo Trnlii Smvleii t Sun Fraiictnco, On October 15th the Southern Pacific Co. will Innnguratcj a "Daylight Ex press," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. ra., and reaching San Francisco at 7:45 next evening only one night out. Both standard Pullman and tourist sleepers will be attached. This new train is in addition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta Overland, and will give many passengers the desired opportunity to see enroute the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac ramento Valleys without loes cf time, and still arrive in Oakland and San Francisco at a seasonable hour. Suicide of a Horse thief. Dayton, Wash., Oct. 30. Win. Nake, who has been in jail here since Septem ber, charged with horsestealing, waB to day convicted in the superior court. Iake was sent to jail at 3:30 to await sentence tomorrow morning. At 4:30 the janitor went into the corridor and asked Nake If he wanted a fire, but, hearing no reply, hurried into the ceil and saw Nake hanging by the neck. The sherifT waB immediately informed and tho body cut down. Nako UBed a towel to hang himself with, tying itMn the open doorway of an adjoining cell. The body was warm when cut down. Dr. Day was called, and, after working an hour, gave up the i ase as hopeless. Nake stole a horse from the hitching rack in Dayton, was followed to Pomeroy and arrested. He Had served a term in the Washington penitentiary. He once resisted arrest in Pine Creek, Or., but was finally eurrounded by tiie sheriff's posse and taken. During the winter of 1S97 Mr. James Heed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his .'eg against a cake of ics in such a manner as to. bruise it severely. It became very much Bwollen und pained him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He W38 treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost n complete cure in a week's time and ho believeB that had he not used this remedy his leg would have hud to be amputated. Pain Balm is un equaled for sprains, bruises and rheu mutiRin. For sale by Blakeley & Hough tou Druggists. Vice-President Better. Nnv Yoitic, Oct. 31. Vice-President Ilobart showed much improvement at 1 p. in. He was able to sit up in bed and took considerable nourishment. New York, Oct. 31. Vice-President Ilobart, in the opinion of his. physician, is not likely to die today, and may eur vive for seveial duys. Hobart at f o'clock this morning, was still asleep and resting quietly in natural slumber. Dr. Goylor, the family physician, spent the greater part of tho night in the room adjoining the patient. He said Hobart's nervous system was wrecked as the ro suit of overwork, aud his heart Buffered in the general breakdown. Tliitt Joyful J'ltii; Witli theexhileruting sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and tho cheap substitute sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy tho genuine. Manufactured by the California Fie, byrupUo. On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donahue, pastor M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted u severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "Alter resorting to a numoer oi so called 'specifics,' usuully kept in the houst), to no purpose, 1 purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, which acted like a chuim. I most cheer fully recommend it to the public." For Bale by Blukeley & Houghton Druggists, Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures.heurt-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 00 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug- glits. I ENGLAND IS WILDLY EXCITED Calls Out More Reserves Boers One Thousand. Lose London, Oct. 31. The war office has sent the following dispatch to General Buller : "Three extra battalions of foot and one mountain battery with reserves, will leave England during the course of ten days to make good your casualties." London, Oct. 31. It is learned by the Associated Press that the war office h&B ordered the second army corps to be in readiness to be called out. The military officials have not yet decided whethtr the consummation of the plan will be necessary, but they are determined to have everything in readiness either for a demonstration in Europe ot threat Britain's capabilities, or for the send ing of even a larger force to the scene of action. Until the receipt of news of the Lady- smith disaster, the latter courso was considered out of the question. But now there is no knowing what steps will be decided upon. London, Oct. 31. A special dispatch from Ladysmith says the Boers suffered severely during the engagement, pome persons estimating their loss at 900 to 1000 killed and wounded. lllsniurck'o Iron Morve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Btomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J. Kirkman, Belle Rive, 111., says. . "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It is all that is claimed for it and more." It cures coughs, colds, grippe aud all throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Prof' Sandvig announces that his first class instructions in dancing will be given nest Wednesday evening at the Baldwin. All who intend to take lessons are requested to be on hand at that time. Tho party evening will be on Saturdays in the future. 27-tf Captaiu French Dead. Washington, Oct. 31. A cablegram from General Otis to the war depart ment announces the death today of Captain Clms. French, Thirty-sixth in fantry, who was wounded in yesterday's fltiht at Florida Blanco. Captaiu Charles French was mustered in as first lieuteuant, Fit at, Montana vol unteers, aud served witli his regiment in tho Philippines until July 21, last, when he accepted the appointment as captuin in the Tiiirty-Bixlh volunteer in fantry, lie was a resident of Great Falls, Montana, where his father now resides. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, mid prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure witli local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobo a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the murket. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a tcasnoonful. It acts directly on trie oiood aud tuuco.ua euriaces oi tne system. Thev offer ono hundred dollars :or any case it faiiS to cure, send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Chknkv & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Open Weather Ucuftcclal to Farmers and Stockmen. Hiii'i'NKit, Or., Oct. SO. The pleasant weather of the past week has been very beneficial to the farmers and stockmen of tliiB county, Tho farmers are sowing larger acreage this fall than usual, Owing to the raiuB iu August the ground was in proper condition for seeding fully six weeks earlier than ueual. Sheep are coming out of the mount ains this fall in fine condition, and the range, which at this time last year was perfectly bare, is no covered with a good growth of grass. Saccets of Jlnrlit Harum. The three hundred and tenth thousand of David Harnm is now on press, and the vitality of this phenomenal book is shown by the fact that on one day in the first week of October the orders amount ed to over four thousand copies. It is also of interest to note one significant fuct regarding the sales, which is that the actual records show an increase. The average sale of David Harum for every business day in August was thir teen hundred and six copies, while the average rate in September was fifteen hundred and twenty-one copies. It is of course obvious that no book of recent years has approached the record already made by David Harum and the future, judging from the present sales, promises even more remarkable results. rip.ee of Meeting Changed. ' Owing to the evil effects to the wool industry of the state that might occur from holding a forestry meeting in The Dalles at this time, when there is such nn anti-sheep agitation, the Wasco County Forest Protective Association will not meet in The Dalles on Saturday, Nov. 4, but will hold a semi-annual meeting at Wamic, on Friday, Nov. 3d, p. in., when all the business of the as sociation will be disposed of. All in terested in the aims and objects of the association are invited to attend. S. D. Diuver, M. J. ANDEnsoN, President. Secretary. d.tw-4t "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, for having put on the market such a wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill. of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Bkln eruptions rob life of joy. Bueklen's Arnica Salve cures tliPtn ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out p.iins and aches. Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " 2 Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete lino of home, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James . Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 11 Ml Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. Construction This Is nn nlr tlglit luiiler ot tlm oviil fcliui't Movl typo; It 1m CAST IHON MKI.Niiij, mnklnn It (Jumble; uU lut, Hunt few! duor, ('net top mill bottom ami orntmicnttil hWiik top, with grldillo , coyer uudcinvutu. Nlckellng-lt Ims ntckelcil urn, mime plutu unit foot rolls, o lnivt u fuiujilt'tu t-U at thorn on linnil, cill iinil mo our Muclc bifore buiiiK eUcw'lieri'. i maier & Beoion iii I WE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT REGiaTtREO TRADE MARK Pickwick suits. If he doesn't he ought to. He would save money. "Pickwick Suits are equal to the best merchant tailor made." But the prices? There's where you'll notice a difference. Pickwick Suits, $10.00 to $25.00 Up-to-Date Jaekets. Next time you happen in our Cloak Depart ments nsk to spo some of those nobby short Jackets, made of a brown herringbone stripe, plaid back cheviot; they are without doubt the neatest little Jackets shown this season at the price. The lapels are faced with satin to match. The fit is perfect, giving one that jaunty, well-dressed air; the price is only $10.00. A. M. Williams &. Co. JW "id JUf "Tr -rW- A' " X!iiitJiJaxijjjjiiiMaxjioiiii:iiiJAii,ttxijAaAtiMxMtgjjtxjLziixtiJxiiMJUMri I.TmTrrnirmTm iTrnmnYTTTTTmnTmrrtrrTTrm I 'A 1 ; -3L.-J 3E !L 1 Subscribe for the Chronicle. Our Btock of the Piekmick Suits i3 now complete. We ask all men who think they Bre too stout or too slim to be fitted In ready made Buits to come in and try on a " Pickwick " Nearly every well dressed stout man yon meet on our streets wears Golf Capes. The assortment is daily growing less. If you would have one of these in-every-way. correct Golf Capes, you must call eooti. Manufacturers tell us the market is almost exhausted in this material and they are experiencing any amount of trouble in the filling of their orders. Navy blue Golf Cape, plaid self-lining; plaid hood, edged with fringe, only $5.00. V 'Td V fyjL fa fa The Chronicle, The Dalles, Or. Job Pointers. J I Lrrm Advertise in the Chronicle.