I BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Use Clarke A Falk'a Rosafoam for the teeth. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Folk's pare concentrated flavoring extracts. Place of Meeting Chanced. Owinjr to the evil Reflects to the wool imliiBtry of the state that might occur from holding n forestry meeting in The D .ill es nt this time, when there is such nn mitbsheep agitation, the Wasco SUMMONS. TN THK CIUCDIT IJOURT OF TIIK 3TATK 1 nt Oregon, for the County nt Wasco. Onirics (i. I- llenson, iilalntltl', Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts nre County Forest Protective Association. Hcttlo A. llctuoii, itefomtcnt. , ,, , To Ilotllc A. HUKOH, the above limned defend- Htlt In the Kmnc "t the Stale nt Orccon; You me hereby mitlllnl to nrnx-iir ntul nliMver tli.. nimilHlnt In the iihove entttli-d riuirt Wirt the best. Ask vour croccr for them. wl" l I"1'"1 1" The Dalles on Saturilaj , I cnueoi, or before -Ik wrektrom tt-.oil.itiMif the Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line ! Nov- 4- b,lt wl11 1101,1 n atJ,n'1,"""M' 1 iny of eiitpintet, l v.i. mid It yu (all to o up umi . ru.K ui un sail, iuii imi. , Wamlc on Friday Nov. 3d. t.'"r i.n.l imeror ..therwi.e i end. tlievlnln of paint and artist's brushes, j luuLiniB at vrnmic, on rruiaj, . .u, ,, liplIv t0 ,,.,. fr thu relief pruyrd I :!. in.. u'Iipii nil thu liiwinpuq of tint n. ' (nt lii Ills riimiilnlnt herein, to U'it Unit the I I -e Clarke iV Falk's numine hair.'tontc I ... .... .. . . . . . 1 inmu nt uititiiuinnv now existing iictweon , , , , i ' cuvinviuii iii uc mismuccu ui. in m- iu seep uanuruu irum itiejiieau. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.FANSES THE YSTEM r-f-r-F , ,oa r.r r to i umllt, I' vJ i I yCi I -7 C I i Habitual CoNST''N i uml PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENVMNE MINT D By rca su er at icwsanrs fret sa na temt. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Latest tliinj; in cameras are Im proved Mncazine cyclones nt Donnell's ' druc store. l'aint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2S-tf Clarke it Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James . Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., ou the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. nni'liilinti U'lll tin flmnnctin n I All lti . .... . . . . . ...".. .. ...... ...... -...I ..... ..a.'u--u.. v.. , jiittinilll Mill lU'ieinl'lll. OU lllIHvu Hirui Ui linn i tereted in the aim", and objects of the ' that iiUliitltl'hnvejtiiltfiueiit wMliiHt ilefoiuhiiit i tert-uu in wit ainu nnu onjet-.s oi int- f )r (0ts (m(. (1,DUrc.tueiif mill for mii li association are invited to attend. ! other mm lurther relief us to the C'oitr: may ! c n r-i seem eii!lt'H)le. ... 3. U. Ui:t i.P. , , ti.i, Knmiiions 1?, nub shed by vlrtnr ol m i . ti t.i.... ' ntih. iniiili. mill iiIpiipi! hv Hon V. 1 HraiMlt M.o. .liiiLiisuj, 1 reemuii.. , , vn e Itf.-d rourt. on the I'd li.IV Secretary. d.tw-4. ' ot .-ejiteinbcr l'jy, dlreetiiiK that wild Hiimtiiomi : In? imbll-hed onee n week for a erliiU of not less Prof- Sandvig announces that his first ! ,t"1" "x con-ccntlvcMeek class instructions in dancing will be-Sei't'Vl Attorney for l'lnlntlir. SUMMONS. itivun next Wednesday evening nt the , Baldwin. All who intend to take lessons j are requesteu to neon ::nnu at mat time. .s TIIE .-me'i-ir couut op THK STATU The nartv eveninc will be on Saturdays 1 f orcsoii. for the county of WVeo. in the future. -7-tf iAfimiral George Dewey Will rccolvo thu most royal wclcomo on Oct. lrt next, that was ever nccorilod to ,n Amorlcan citizen. You will find e comp'.oto blopraphr of this grMt hero, including his brilliant victory ovor the Span ish fleet Intho groat, authoritative and up-',-tlato trorl: of reforenco, Uio Harriet A. Simon, I'laiutlll', vs. , , , ; , . ! William H. II. Slmnn, defendant. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsin To William II. H. Simon, tnc above named because Its ingredients are 3uch that it , '''iheSaine of the Slate of Orcson- You are can't help doing BO. "The public can I hereby notllied tube and apiiear in the above Succe of llavlil Uurum. l'EDl'LE TOO ALL KNOTT. Emil Hachler is in from Wapinitia. B. F. Swick i: down from Canvon City. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eubanks, of Wap initia, are in town. J. M. Reeder, of Antelope, is a busi ness visitor in town. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Everett are visitors in the city from Dufur. Percy Simpson came in from hia home at Grass Valley yesterday. Wm. Vanbibber lias returned from a business trip to Portland. J. F. Phillips and daughter, of North Yakima, were visiturs in town yester day. Miss Vesta Bolton returned home on yesterday's afternoon train, after a few daye' visit iuPortlaud. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hilderbrand came in on the afternoon train from Wasco yesterday and spent today here. W. K. MuCormack and wife and L. A. Moss and wile came down from Paisley yesterday und remained over today in the city." i Lawrence Ainsworth ifi actinc as pur eer on the D.illea City during Mr. Bron son's absence on otliur business for a few davs. i - i Jos. Andrews, who has spent some1 timeuith tiis sisir, Mrs. Whealdon, i returned to his home in Ueuton county this morning. The three hundred end tenth thousand of David Harum is now on press, and the vitality of this phenomenal book is shown by the fact that on one day in the first week of October the orders amount ed to over four thousand copies. It is also of interest to note one significant fact regarding the sales, which is that the actual records show nn increase. The average sale of David Harum for every business day in August was thir teen hundred and sis copies, while the average rate in September was fifteen hundred and twenty-one copies. It is of course obvious that no book of recent years has approached the record already made by David Harum 'and the future, judging from the present sales, promises even more remarkable results. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only i'5 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. U Floral lotion will cure wind chnpping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk. Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton ; Hock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. rely upon it us a master remedy for all Disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strongly recommend it to all.dvspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, und cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Hay, wheat, rolled barley, brun and shorts at Maier & Benton's. -S-lw FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAKriACTA KN'EK.U. BAN'KINO BUt-lNEa Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegrnphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various pointB in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ull points on fav orable terms. entitled court on or before the Inst day of the liiiblleation of this summons, towlt: On or be fore Saturdav, the 1Mb tiny of .NovemlHir, lh'W, then and there to aniwer the complaint of the above inimi'd lilHlutlll'lll-d iikhIuiI yon In the above entitled suit, and if you mi fall to aioiir nnd amwor bald eomiiUlut, for want thereof nlulntltl will Hpjily to mid court for the relief proved for in her complaint, to-wit. I'or a de cree of theaboveeiitltlw! court forever iIImoIvIiir ami nmmlliiiK the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exlstliiK between pl.ilutlir and defendant, and for an absolute decree of illvoreu from vou, the said defendant. '1 lil summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof by order of tho Hon. W. 1,. llrail shaw, Jtiasrouf the above entitled court, wbleh order bears date of the and day of October, lMi'J, and directs that saiil summons be served uiiu thesalil defendant by publication thereof for U consecutive weeks In The llalles CintoKici.K, a weekly ncwspsier of eenernl circulation, pub liJht.il In The Dalles, Wasco county, uremia, said publication lo begin on the 7th ibiy of October, ls'J. and end ou the Hth il.iy of November, lsW. uitit. mi:.vkfi:i:. octT 11 Attorneys for I'lalntllV. Executor's "Notice. jWRS. OIilVlR V. PfJGflfJ, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. .Nii:icl is hereby nleu that Hie uuilcrsiKuru has been npoluted by order of the county court of the state of Ureion for Wasco county, nod i y the will of Mary Hills, dwcMsed, executor of the last will and tesuimunt o! said Mary Hills, dt eeu'ul. All pcrMini hnvlmr claims asalust said estate are hereby notified to present them with the projier vouchers to meat the olllee of Hunt luston .v Wilson, The Dalles, Orcson, within Ms months mini the date of this notice. Dated Octoter 10th, Kej. JOHN M. 3IA1IDEN. Oct 11-11 Kxecutor. NOTICE OFJ FINAL JSETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby clvcn that thu undersluned has tiled with tuo clerk of thecount court of the state of Oregon, for Waco county, his Una! account as administrator of tho etatc of John (iranti dt-ceaseil, ami that b) an order of saiil court made ou the l:J!h iIht of leptcnlur, WjO, Monday, the 6th day of November, 1'J, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. bus been tlxco as the timu and the county court room lu Dallei I'ltv as the place for the heartnK ol objection . to said hua; account. J IJL'KK .ticANPU-:, Ailmiulstrator of Kstate of John (ir.tnt. He ea-til fceptlC-ii rrs-ist A '.'J.-. JCT2 NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Dallks, Okeoo.v, i September 10, lew. ( I.ollce is hereby clven that the following named settler has ts notice of his Intention ro maue nnal proof in mnwrl of tits churn, and , that said proof will be made before the rc-sister Thos. M. Winniford, a cousin of J. T- . .. . t rs ri ., .- .i ? r. aim u. x.. xiauorwi. nrriveu in uus : n receiver nt The Dalies, OreKon, on 1'ridav, city last night from Oakland, Or., and 1 Xovember3, wm, viz.: Will Visit for II ICSV WetKS. j l!-rlrt IS. i11l,r, of Tim Oullcs, nr., i. p .. i i ti,..i i ' Homestead Kntry No. 3221, for the YM XE!f, I vi.iiviiici, ui me wK.se duu uiiib 'andSW .NK!4, section T townshi? r north Aid Society, left last night for various i range 13 east.w.Ji. places along the railroad to visit wards 1 "mes the lollowln; wltnese to prove of the eociety. He will return in about ti week. John Van Metre, one of Tygh's sul Htantial men, was in town today, giving us a call wliich was appreciated. He reports everything iu fine condition in his neighborhood. A. K. Knferi, representing the Blako MeFrtll paper cumpauy, ha bfen doing finreity fir the pait two days, and will (initially cIiuh his (-nazement hy join- )iu the young men ou the ualil-heuued jiia at the show tonight. Lee Mooreliome. who has gained such prniiiiiieiice by hix remarkable ability us nn amateur photographer, nnd who makes it specialty of Indian pictures, came down from hie home in Pendleton yecterdiiy afternoon and left this morn ing fur Portland. his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of falrt land, viz.: Samuel Creishton, John K. Cook, William i;avon oiiU uuuries Kaw?on: mi of The Dalles ureaon. I IAY I'. I.UOAS. i-eptB-il Beuiater. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Vitlce is hereby ulven that I.. C. IleuncKhan. administrator of tho e.ihite of Albert I'llery, ile- ,.4k..i1. htiK lllil filn ..(oiitint tt Hn.il viilll... menr or sam estuto nnu Jlondny, the fith day of .November, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon , of said day has been set by Hon. Jlobert iiays, ronniy juiiKuni acn couuiy, urcgon, lor hear l luif objecllmis to the same. un ten septemier -M, mt. Sept-II I. K. irKKKKr.KA.V, Admluiitr.tor. To Corn at (Join in Out) Day. Takii Lusative Bromo Quinine Tb lets. All druggists refund the money if it failn to cur. u'V. Good Pacine biuvlw Imayy and hai ncse for sale nt a bargain. Call on Hawortii, the printer, over Dalles Com-luis-lun Ci. rctL'0-iiw-2v Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For suli? nt all firHt'clufH burs. C. J fituliliii', ugeut, Thi Dulles. M173m. Ask your Druggist for a gencroa 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Dalm contain no cocaine, mercury nor nay other Injuriouadru. It If quickly Abtorbed. (!lv liciicf atoncc. CATARRH ThomandH arn Trying It. In ordor to prove tho great merit of Ely'n Cream Halm, tho inoit clTectivo euro lor Latarru ana uoiu m noati, wo nave pre. pared, a gcneroui trial hio for 10 cents. Out it of your druggist or Mnd 10 cent to ELY UHOS., r,G Vfarton lit., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of Iho wont kind eror sinco n boy, mid I nover hoped iar cure, but i.ly'H Urenni Jinlm fieouiH to un even that. Many acquamtauccfl hare used it with oxcollont results. Oscar Ostmm, 45 SS'arron Ave., Chicayo, 111. lllj'i Cream Lalm is the ncknowledgcil cure for catarrh nnd contains no cocaine, morcury noir any injurious driif,'. Price, SO cents. At dnigglnts or by mail. mm-: PILLS r- "'utni or the lw acli dtr la nci-mur. lot iiMlth. Tlirn.uiir3rip"riicliVDf S .htUOrUruMU, DR. tfoSAMKO CO.ftfiSuP ONE FOR A DOSE. nP,'"" rimplw, Trnrtnt II K IICNTINOTON II II WILBO.N It oiiein nrleleaiues Jfjfr' i. va S the .Sa.a! l'ajia. COLD f H t All AllaT Inllamiiutlon, VWUU llfc.nl IlinU ami I'rolecli tlis Sfeiulirsne. flU)ftn the Kumea ot Taite and hmtll. full Blie ftve. i 'frill ma tivi t at linK.t.l.lnfiplivm&lL AllOKNKYii AT LAW, THE GENUINE Wilson fliTight Heater OUTSIDE DRAFT LtlE THIS: There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal iho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... JWAVS & CROWE, Sole Agent: '! era I : i 1 K IrfJ-Jf I .TITj.iT 99 New Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica This h tho only encyclopedia on tho market that taenUoiis Admiral Detvcy. It glvca tho dato of hli lilrth; how ho spont hia lioyhood days; tho part ho took In the Civil W'cr; lion after the War ho roa employed on the European station; In tho Navul Academy; hln rtic to the rant of Commander and I'reaidcn: of tho Heard of Inspcctlnn and Survey; his command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April SUhlio left Hong Ko:ir with his squodron, round and destroyed tho Spr.idsh Fleet, nt Manila, ou Jlay 1st; hb nppointmeut os Acting Ueor Ad miral, the honors ho received from Congress, and Low oa l!trch 2nd, ISM, ho was created full Ad Inlral. It Bleaks ofhina.1 c strict disciplinarian, nn all-around athlete, u daring horseman and huntsman, nnd socially r. pood club man and ncneral. favorite. It tells of his ruarrlaco to Mir Susy (icHxlwin, a dimshter of tho "flKhtliif; gov ernor" of New Hampolilro, who died iu IS'-', lcav. lug a ton, Oeorgo tioudtviu Dowcy. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon ntul Fcores of other r.otcd rcnonnges not C7cn mentioned lu any other Kncyelnilla receive the tome attention in thU edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica k It apcaka of General Wood as Governor of EtnU ago; of General Henry us Governor-General u! Porto I'.lco; of Aguinaldo'ii declaration of War against the U. S. EAST and SOUTH vi. The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comn'v Tralnii leave and arc duo m " n r ortlti LRAVK. 7:oo r. m. ta a, flVL' ll, . . liresN, bulcni, itnul I'lirg, Anliliind, fcnn.l rutin, ui,. f,..i.... .. I r rHiiclmn, Mnuvi. u, AiiRolt.ii KISf I : A. Nt'U (irliiit li "U i llUHPhttrt umt Dally except HunduyN 'ItlOllH i I .A", ""'."''.''f-'' fori iiii.rtiiKi'i.Hiivertmi. 1 "1f',ut,;l"' Hrowim ' "illi-.Snrliii.i'.i.i,i .....i ITtno a, 1 . III "MIW11H. ) iNatr'oii 'l'Ctl'1 "'"'j M, jCryiillln m,d way) 1:30 5:J0KS!. 1 i)ir I, III. 7:30 )i. in, b:M n. in. - . i'uuy f cxcejit Huminy), ' SI A Portland . ,Ar,i .. Ai S.VMImivillc l.v JJJ". Ar..Iiu!eH;iidencu..I.v.) -jn. lially. tOuur, eiceM nuiiflar. JlINISG CAUB ON OGDKN ltOCTE. i'DLUMAN IIUFKET HI.EEI'EW Als'l) HIX'OND-CI.AHS HI.EEl'INO CARS Attached to nil ThrnuBh Trilai. Dlrrct connection nt f.nn Krnclwn wltli rw. dental and Oriental ntul I'ncltlc mall TteariiS 1 nm fnr JAPAN ntirl i!iriv i u..,i,. l.e"" iVn.iicaiiou. im!m Itate and tiefcetis to Eautern nnlnu andtv I A:iHl, t , , . ' - "W.'UIIULU M AUOlJiilUA. Grand Central HUtlon. Fifth una Imng itrtSf YAMHILL DIVISION. I'mrcnger Don, fiwt of Jenerwmitrcet. U-nvc for Sheridan, week dnyi, tl-aOa Arrive ut I'ortliuid.siKj n. m. U'avc for AtKLIK on Motulny, WednrsditiM Krimy uth.SoH. m. Arrlv nt I'urtUnd.tSI! dav, Thurnduy mid Hnturrliii it S:05 p. ra. Kscejit Hutidny. Kxcei)t Suturday. K. KoK'.i.EK, (i, II. JIAKKHAM, iliuiKiicr. Amu d, K. 6t 1'nM.Axt TtlrnllrtVi Triint fnnn IQl ftUl..t.& . tlirtiuph tlckiitu to ull in the Euin low em THtchlrom oryul:Jv.:i,cJ:s?KKI'AM,'Tictct YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein Infor mation Is more easily found and acquired than in any other book or encyclopedia In tho world, IN YOUR HOME. I'OR BALI SY I. C. NICKELSEN, .STEAM Weed Sew fl The Busy Store. Encb day our business shows the people nre finding out we nre pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, f last, but not least, buyers who know their business nml buy for the people. i C. F. Stephens Second Street. Will run every ilny except Sunday. i'iitt'8 Hcntunublu. Telophone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. ..CtfAS. FRflUK- Butchers and Fonmeps .Exchange.. tiliiiil tho U-iit b,-r in The IMllva, ' ' umiiiI price. Comii In, try IJiiiiiI he convinced. Aim tlie 1 KliuM hriimli of HiiiICIjtiirH. VVIik, l.l-jiiiir Sanduaiehes of all KliKlii iihvii y nn hand. dlhiskey. !"c. s. smith, The Dalles, Porilaiii and Navigation Co.' sifSKflffiil9kAi),illfflCi Daily (except hundur) l""" Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade LocH a-nr Portland TouchliiB at way poin'" on wu iiifii ti r nn nnr ivi" Hiiiiiuvie nil tIim itVu iiiiitiir l.ln - "111 :!'!uf iHittoim ttiolK'st service posHiuii.. For Cimfort, Kcnni.ii' ".aaU" tmvel hy tho uteiiinum of ! Tl.o Henuiem (if tho IliKiJ Wo.r, Dallm at 7 a. in. comiiieu""- tUcto, FlritNat, TIIK IMLLKo. OUEliON TKEIJ. W.WlION, 1' A'lTOUKKY'AT LAW, I Till' II A I I. KB. flHPfinN-. This brand of Whiskey is uuarantccd to the coiisitmcr as a PUKE HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Till Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. jilp-to-dateQroeer 'rush Kjfjja olid Cri'uuiory iiutter u t-pt'iiinlty, 2d Street. 'Phone 270. that. I'nrtUnd Olllee, Onk lit. iiuck. ... mc 111 VV . J . W (iii' ' HA. 8TURDEVANT, ...tea'!"11 liLY JUiUTUKlu. M Wwra HNk HW York. Uflice ou'l K(rf Nit. limit. I'liimc C, i""