Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System ., EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JJrf& LZSL. H4B.TUALCbNST'PAT,0N 1 UAU PERMANENTLY lT5BJ0G'tPCTS. BUY THE GENUINE - MAHT'D By (Iui?rniaITgSyrvp(2. MY. rcsjiUEYincwsairri rn sec rtaecmt. l'KUl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. O Kinerslv went to Portland today. Alex Stewart, of Moaier, was in town yesterday. J. L. Storv, oi Union, spent veaterday in The Dalles. Mrs. H. T. Mnrchie came down from Wasco yesterday. Mrs. Nancy- Blnkeney is up from Jlo-ier visiting her sons. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van Duyn re turned to their home in Tych yesterday. Geo. Knagsrs came up Saturday aud epent yesterday with his daughter, Mrs. W. Vause. A. J, Shruni. Day Shrum and V, Shrum and sou are in .the city from Grade. MrH. Tho. Kelly was a passenprer on the boat this morriin!, bound for .Port land to spend a short time with relatives. Mrs. Fred Fisher returned, yesterilay afternoon from a visit with iter daughter who is attending the business college in Portland. O. 0. Benson and family and Miss G. M. Jackson came down "from Granite vesterday and left this morn ins: for Poitland. Mr. and Mrs. S. French returned home Saturday evening from Portland, where they ppent a few davs with their daughter, Dr. Gertrude French. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mays and Mre. Mays' mother, Mrs. Ainswortli, came up on the boat fcaturday and spent yester day and today visiting relatives here. Chris Schwabe and II. Bifham re turned hoire on last night's train, the former bavins spent a few nays in Port land and the latter at his hoiue in Van couver. Miss Mable Sterling, who has spent EOin months in Pennsylvania, returned on yesterday's afternoon train. Mrs. Sterling will remain some time longer visiting relatives. E. M. Wintrate. who accompanied J H. Cradleangh, and T. J. Seufert n8 far as Sum liter, returned ttomu on yes terday afternoon's train Like every one' else who visits thereEd is enthusi astic over that huominirHttle town, and luniks it is "it." Captain Lewis, who five months aeo J eft this city and Iihs spent most of thf nine in Spokane, cainu upfront Portland last night and has today been meeting liia friends here, who are glad to see him back. He will, lion ever, return to Spokane this evening. Wherever he goes the captain has the best wishes of his friends for his success. L. C. Canton was over from Center ville Saturday and made The Ciuin.sici.E a substantial cli. Mr. Clunton says be is a rank Democrat, and therefore 'being fully up in the Democratic tactics he does not deem it necessary to take their papers, but subscribes for number of Republican journals just to find out how mean the Iiepublicans are. Ed Kurtz, who honors "Smoky Mow" by his presence, and is in turn highly honored by being a neighbor of The Ciiho.nicm:, has returned to his duties in the Pacific Express office, having taken a mouth's vacation into Idaho. He has given no account of his behavior while absent, but his complexion is each as to assure ns he was not locked up long this time. Supt. 0. L. Gilbert returned Saturday night from a visit to the various schools throughout the county. When asked how their condition pleased him, lie spoke very flattering concerning the success attained by the teachers. Although looking much butter, Mr. Gilbert found tho riiling.vjsry tiresonic;;particiilarly eo as the rldinujara Ilia hip, winch hug not yet recovered from the fall received some time ince. Ho will start out again tomorrow vititing ichools. LI. II . flraflllltBt1flrll if lllfi inroonlinvn I T w.-iwwn-pFf w. ..w ivivviiUVtU , diitrict, and Tieo. J. Seufert and E, M. Wingate, of The Dalles, paid the Ameri can office a friendly call Wednesday. Mr. Cradlebntigh is a trained newspaper man, and is now interested, with Mr. Wingate, in the Golden Eagle group of seven claims in the Greenhorn district Mr. Cradlobaugli states thf.t ho lias opened up some ricii bodies of ore in that district, but will have to do con siderable etoping before lie can com mence to ship the ore. He has frequent ly struck pockets of ore in this group of claims which will run as high ns $1,000 to the ton. J. C. Calder, secretary of the Sumpter Townsite syndicate, kindly located quarters for these gentlemen otherwise they would probably have been unable to secure lodging for tho night. Blue Mountain American. And thus n secret is disclosed, which Ed lias kept from The Dalles young ladies, for this is the first intimation they have had that he is a mine owner. Explanations ate in order. A GRAND INSTITUTION. What the Hoys' mid Girl' Aid Society l Dolus for the Children. Superintendent Gardner of the Boys & Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, is in town today, visiting wards of the society placed out in homes, of which there are a number on the line of railroad as far as Baker City. Mr. Gardner came up from Hood River, where lie reports the children nil in goad homes und well cared for. The children when taken charge of by the society only remain in the "Home" a short time, and at this writ hit' only one child taken from tiiis citv is there, and tiiat is the little Wolfarth girl, aged about three years all the others are in good homes in dif ferent parts of the state. Some are legally adopted and therefore off the societv'a books, others are placed on indenture, but all are doing well. The objects of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society are to rescue homeless, neglected or abused children of Oregon, to care for such until suitable homes or employ ment are found for them, and to con tinue n systematic attention to their condition and treatment. Tins institu tion is doing excellent and praiseworthy work for unfortunate children onu is under the direction of some of the state's best citizens. They are H. W Corbett, president; F. E. Beach, secre tary; L. L. Hawkins, treasurer. Judges W. B. Gilbert, C. B. Bellinger, Geo. II Williams, Mr. A. H. Breynian, Mrs. W A. Buchanan, Mts. L?vy White and Dr T. L. Eliot also are very active in the work. An advisory board of prominent ladies of Portland supervise tho treat- mentof the children while at the Home, consisting of Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, president; Mrs. C. M. Templeton, secre tary; Mre. Levi White, Mrs. Capt Sladen, Mrs. E. T. C. Sievens and Mrs Amanda Smith. These ladies represent all the prominent churches of Portland At the "Home" Mra. M. J. Graham has been the efficient matron for the past eight years. The society is supported by state and county aid, the interest of bequeatli funds and by voluntary -contributions. Tiie latter is the most important part of their maintenance. Mr. Gardner says tiiat some people have the idea that they have contributed to the support of his institution, ns they have given money to some person soliciting for a children's society, but this is a mistake, the only subscriptions obtained from The Dalles are from tho county court, Mrs. W. Lord, Mrs. F. Houghton, Judge Geo. C. Blakeley and Mr. French. Mr Gardner says the society lias so much active work that it lias little time to canvass, hut depends on subscriptions leing made voluntarily. There are cn hand at the Home at tiiis time thirty-seven children, twenty of whom are boys and fevi litem girle; they also have a seven months-old boy baby of good parentage. The boys range in age from 3 to 12 years and the girls from 8 to 12. The 3 year-old girl mentioned above has already a pros pective home. All the others are for adoption or indenture, and anyone wishing to take a child should apply to Supt. Gardner, Roys' & Girls' Aid So ciety, Portland, Or. The society places on an average of twenty-five children each month. Last year the children of our public cchool brought presents for the children at thanksgiving which were highly ap preciated, aud it is to be hoped they will do tho same this thanksgiving as it very much assists the management in providing for the little ones during the winter months. Mr. Gaidner also ap preciates the kindness of the Kings Daughters tome time ago in sending a box of clothing for the children. At this time they are very short of under wear and all such presents will be grate fully rttoived. Sick Headache absolutely and.perma- j nent)y cured by using Moki Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cte, Blakeley & Houghton Drugglitr. riaoe of Meeting Changed. Owing to tho evil effects to the wool industry of the stato that might occur from holding a forestry meeting In The Dalles nt this time, when thero is such nn nnti'shoep agitation, the Wasco County Forest Protective Association wilt not meet in The Dalles on Saturday, Nov. 4, but will hold a semi-annual meeting at Wauilc, on Friday, Nov. Ild, 2 p. in., when all the business of tho as sociation will be disposed of. All in terested in tho aims and objects of the association are invited to attend. S. I). DiuvKii, M. J. Axdehso.v, President. Secretary. d.uv-k Prof' Saudvig announces that his first class instructions in dancing will be given next Wednesday evening at the Baldwin. All who intend to take lessons are requested to be on hand at that time. The party evening will be on Saturdays in the future. 27-tf For Hale. Five iiead good young horses, about 1200 pounds; halter broke; will be sold reasonable. octl3-2'vk J. C. Meins. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Wanted. A small band of sheep, between 500 and 1000, on shares or rent. Inquire of F, I.A.SU, oct2l-28d&w Columbia Hotel. Roslyn coal, $6.50 a ton, delivered. Stadelman Commission Co., 'phone 235. 14-2v T'ur Item. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. , 21-3t New line of Cole's air tight heaters just received at Maier& Bentou'd. 2S-lw To Cure a Coin lu Olio Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2)c. I'or s-ale. Thirty thousand capacity saw and planing mill at a bargain. Address Jas. Young, box 1048, Portland Or. 14-10 SUMMONS. r.V THE CIKCUIT COUKT OF TIIK STATE - of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Charles G. L. Demon, plaintiff, vs Ilctt'e A. Ilcnion, dcfcnilciit. To Iiettie A Hcnson, the ubovc named defend Hlit: In the Name of the Suite of Oregon: You are hett-by notllled to appearand answer the comnbiint in the above entitled court and cnue on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wlt: the 6th day of September, li'.O, aud if you fall to fo up- iK;.ir ami answer or cuierwise mean, inciuaiu- tlli Hill nutilv to (lie court for tho relief united fur in his complaint herein, to wit: tiiat the bonds of matrimony now existing between pUlntltrand iiefeudunt be dissolved forever and that pluiiitlirimvo judgment Hgiinst defendant forms costs and disbursements and for tui-h other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summon is nubllshed hv virtue of an order made and tiirned by lion V. 1,. llrad-haw, JHdceoI the above entitled court, on thettldav of September itVJ, directing that iid summons lie puuiiMieu once n ween lor n jiernxi oi nor, less man tlx consecuuvo weeus. ' FKKI). W. WILSON. K-ptC-i Attorney for l'iaintiil". SUMMONS. X THE CIltCI'IT COURT OK THE KTATI of Oregon, for the county of Wasco. Harriet A. Simon, I'lalnllfl', vs. William II. II. Simon, defendant. To William H. II. Mmou. the above named defendant; in the .samool thchtatool Oregon: You me liertby uotilled to be und ar.iKiar in the above entitled court on or before tho last day of the Hibllcation of this summons', towit: On or be fiiro Saturday, the 18th day of November, Ift'JU, men ana mero 10 answer mo complaint oi the Mbove named nla utlll llbd aiminst you in tho abovoentitleif suit; and If you so fall to appear ami answer kino eomniuini, lor wiiur, mereoi laliitltl will MMilv to hi id court for the relief praytdlorin her complaint, to-wit: For n deJ crcu oi ineaoovucnmicti couri loreveriusi-oiving aud annulling the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaiutitf and neieuoani, and jor an ausoiuic uecrec oi divorce irom you, iiieainueieiiuaut. Ihls summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof bv order of the Hon. W. L. llrad- sliaw, Judge of the above entitled court, which order bears dote of the Vnd day of October. lt'J. and directs that said tiinimoriH bo serve d ujion the tatd defendant by publication thereof for six eoiiMeutlvc weeks in The Dulles Ciibo.siclk, a weeKiy uewtpaiier oi general circulation, pub lished in Tiie Dalles. Wasco county. Oreiton: snld publication to begin on. the 71 Ij day of October, nud cud on the lSth day of sovember, 1SW. oct7 II uuf im k jir.isr.rj.u, Attorneya for I'lalntlu". Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby driven that the uudeislsnrd lias been appointed by order of the county court Vxi . : . r i i . i if t .. ...... . if, imv bmiu i uiryiiii iui ii hbv.j i;mii,hv. nun ,iv .1.. ...Itt r.t if.... mil- ... .1.. mi- nil ifi y 111119, uiii:aMii i-Ai-vuiur ill iuu tasi win arm testament oi iu iiarv mi s. de ceased. All pertoriu having claims against id estate are hereby uotilled to present them with tiie proper vouchers to me ai me omee in mint Iriuton & Wilson. The "Miles. Oregon, within six months from the dale of this notice. Dated Octot er loth, law. JOHN M. HAIIDHX. Oct 1 111 Executor Ask your 1 Druggist CATARRH for a gentroua 10 CCNT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contain no cocAino, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It U quickly AOforwxL lilves neueiMonce. It optni nd cletruw the Kiul I'uMtge. COLDtHEA Hotu asd Protect tin Mliro. KLur th fetiisM of Taibj sad buieil. Vail like tOC. 2 Trial AUajrt inaunmauon 1 ATw Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho most Toyal vrclcomb on Oct, lit' next, that was over accorded to m American citizen. You will find a complete biography of this (rretit hero, Including hLs brilliant victory over tho Span ish fleet in tho proat, authoritative and up ' "-dato work of reference, tho Mew Werner Edition of tbe Encyclopaedia Britannica This la the only encyclopedia on tho market tha5 mentions Admiral Dcwcy. It gives tho dato of hh birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho rart ho took in tho Civil War; how ancr tho Warhowaa Employed on tho European atatlon; in tho Naval Academy; his rlso to the rank of Commander mid President of tho Board of Inspection and Survey; Lis command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April 2th ho lea Hong Kong with his tiuadron, found anddesttcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Jlnulla, on Slay 1st; hit nppolntment as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 1699, ho was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him ea n strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially n good club man and a general favcrlto. It tolls of his marriago to Miss Susy Goodwin, n daughter of tho "lighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died in 1S72, leav ing a son, (leorga (j'oodwIiiDowcy. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not c?cn mentioned in any other Encycloinulla rccclvo the same attention lu this edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry aa Governor-General oi Porto Klco; of Aguiualdo's declaration of War a jainst tho U. S. -'aj, YOD HEED TIIIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowlcdgo and progress, wherein Infer, watlou U mora easily found and acquired than In any other book oi encyclopedia in tho world, !N YOUR HOME. TOR DALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, C. S. Smith Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs anil Croauiury Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. NOTICE FOU PUI5LICATION, U. S. UlNU Cffick, fit Tiif. Dam.ks, OllK., ORTOllKB.), Ih'ja. hotlce Is hereby given that the followlng namcil ncttlcr him (licit notice of his Intention to iiinm-mini prooi in support oi ills claim, ami that mid proof will bo made befoie tho Iteglsier unu nn-viiH ni me 1'anes, uregou, on bntjr day, .November 11, Ib'j.vlz: Alutlilaa Thlel, of AIonlr, llrrgon. TfnmpKtpail Knlrv Wi ;i'i7.F. r.. tin. cici. viin ., ... ?..'. "-"o lowimnii - north, range la utat, W. M. lie names the following wltumtoa to prove hi 1 1 1 i fci'iico upon aud cultivation of Clus. SUIcr.'of .Mosier, Oregon; Dan Thoiiiim Herman Htoiicinim ami Krncat Frledriciis, ol lhe Dalles, Oiegun. .. JAV P. I.UlfAS, oct7ii ItegUter NOTICE OF FINAL .6E1TLKMENT. . Notice Im hereby given that Iho imderilirimi liaa nied with the clerk of the county court of ...v. wiiKuii, lor nateo county, II K lllial UCCOIlllt 11.1 Mlfm III llrutnr ,f (1... .....,.. . John Oratit,diceaeil,niid that b an order of ill! c?i"rt f""5,0'"'.;.1"' llth day of September, "iiiiiuiniiiij in itiirvinuvr, lew, at tli!Si""!ri . 1 " cioc.k "' bce as the tiDIO Hlld IhoCOIIlltVllolirt Tlxiln In I ,,,11..., ,,i... m the placo for tho hearliiK ot objection Wl,j final account. J. IiUKF McANDIK AdnilniHlrator of I'ntu til lif Inln, l...... 11.. OUkwl miiiiii, (U NOTICE FOH PUUL1CATION. Und Omee atTiib ihlleh, ohkoon.) rjeptember IU, lbw. Notice U herebv cli'im ii.mi h... f,.n.....i named tcttlcr ha, jild notice of hit. Inter ll" to make dual nroof in 1111,1,1 ,.r i,iu .!,'.''": that a.ld proof will bo luude befo o the r er llailicrt II, aieokar, of The I)uli. tir Jlomeiteud Kntry No. 6J21, for tho VM.KVi' of aald land, viz.: ' l""'vnwi tutijiuai iJrelgliUill, John It. Cook, William Itawton and Churlm n.ini in ..fSV ".,.,!W,n (Ireffiiti -i. ui uu uaueh EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to Hrrtvo at l'orttai. OVKIU.AN1) KX-1 press. Kiilom. Kose-1 burg, Ashland, Hae riinieiito, UgileiiiHau Francisco, Mnlavo, Uis AhgclfKiKI f'aso. New urleaus and ::oo r. m. u:15 A. M. 8:su A. M. Iloveburg and way t lions f Via Wnodburr. for i Mt.Angel, Hllvertnu, West Hclo, llrowns- ville,Sprlnt;tl'.'ld and (.Niitruu J 1:30 1'. ii Dally except Hiiiidnya. Dally except Hiiiulnye 17:30 A. M.f ICorvullls fntiitloiiH. nnu wayj jitoi'.a. INDKl'KNDKNtIK l'ASSKNGKIl. Kijircua train Dally (except Bunday). t:50 1. ni. tl.v Portland. ...Ar.) 8:2on. m. 7:auii.m. At..5:cMlntivltle..I.v. 6iM) in. 8:3U p. in. f Ar..Indcnucncv..L 4:M) a. ni. Dally. tDaliy, except Hiiliditr. DIKING C'AttH ON OODKN IIOUTK. l'OLUIAN IlUl'KKT HI.KKl'KUS AND HKi:OND-CIVBB BI.KKl'ING CAltfc Attached to all Through Tral'.u. Direct connection at Kan Krunclkco with Ocel dental ami Oriental and Pacific mall ntcaniNhlp lliicK for JAPAN and O'lIIN'A. Hailing oaten on arpllcatlou. Kates hint tickets to Kanteru TxilutJ. aud hu roiHj. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HUNOI.U1.U ant AIISTHAI.IA. All alMivo traiim arrive at and depart from Grand Central Htatlnu, Filth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Patkcnger Pei-it, foot of JeUerMiu ntrceL lxave for Hhcrltliin, veck ilayii, st 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 tu m. Ijeave for AIltl.lK on Mniulay, Wednemlay and Krloay at h::ia. ni. Arrtvi at Portland, Tu dav, Thurulay and Batdnlaj it :i:t p. ni. Kxcept Hunilny. "Kxccpt Haturilay. It, KoK.L.i.i:it, iliiniuer. (I, II. AhSt. (i MAItCHAM, F. ik Panii. Ant Through Ticket Ofllre, 1HI Third htrcot, where thrnugh tlckcta to all iHilnts lu the l'.Htern Htaten, Cauailn and Kuroe can lju obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KIltKLAKI), -Ticket Agent. or N. WHKAI.IION. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people nrc finding out wo are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Porllaoi and istorii Navigation Co.' IJMI.IHII1IUIB Sirs, City Itolly (except Hiiiulav) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way point on both Mdca of the viiiiiinoiii river. I'or ininifiirt. tr.... ....... ... Uai!ea 'iWTln "I U,e B"Mlatt)r Line will cnVo Ulliaui7u.iu. commeiicliiir Mondav the uth luit, ucliiK Monday (be uth Portland Olllee. l'he IUHm Office Court btreet W. C. Allaway, (ieucra Agout. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. Ofllco over Krench fc Co.' Hank ,',ioue C' TIIK DAI.LEB, OltKQON Keplatorde Dalles "i ... w 1,1 u,xctll,-'r.t haii for tint neasou of imjo IImi IttiKulMtor l.liin wilt endeavor toaivo lu patrons the bot wrvlco i. wb 0. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will i Telophono 201. t w- A- GATES, Prop, ..CflAS. FRANH-- Butche PS and Fafrmeps ..Exchange.. (.Ol.UMIIIA JlhKIt, acknnwl. edged tho beat beer In The llulld at the UMial price. Conm in, try II and bu cotivlneed, Abo the Finest brands of Wince, I.huor and Cigar. 1 Sandcuiehes of all Klndk always on lun4. OREGON Industrial Expositk OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticnltnral and Agricnllnral l'niiliictB of Oregon, Wnshinitton tnd Idaho In greatur vuriuty und pro fualon than uver before. BENNETT'S ReilOWllcil MILITARY BASH MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Iuly Cornet Salolit. The Viicriiilllcil FLOBENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct Irom the Empire Tbeitcr Loudon, their 11 rat iipiieariuice hi A merles. A tireat WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE t'uiurpa.xicd Aalnlhh, lu their ttirllllofr acts. AND'OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Seneon of Great Surprises and Aatouiulinn Feats. lteclucrit Kate on All Lines. TrniniporUIlM AU3IINHION .... SSCtitl Children under 12 jcrs. 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! FRENCH & 00., BANKERS. ntAN8ACT A KNKltAI.HANKlNU DDtlSB Lottere of Credit iaauetl iivullabie in the Euflturn Suites. . Sluht Ekchango mid Telejjripbie Transfers cold on Now York, ,0Wi St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Pie- imn. RButtln VVnnli.. mill Vttr OUS pOimi hi Oregon and Washington. Collections wade at nil pomte on w orable terms. uB.bunnjic?'. ONE FOR A DOSE. IUiooto Plraplm, Pwrent, I'urlf thulllui, tltirollAdAohi.&iiil lk..iu,n.lA. m A lnol.lll.nt t,t Ihn linn af Hff i ." i.wwiiii. iit nviiiivr B.llfo ii'ir '""I, CI. far rlllO Vill. w.i urlll mall iiIm I r..c. OT faUMS! He. Ualdb, druggUto. OR. BOSANKO CO.PW, mljJjljf B S IIUNTINOTOM Hl UNT1NQTON & Wlt-SON. tllceov Fl rat Nat. Hank Titk-n w wn i-nN. t! AlTOItNEV-AT LAW, ..ntf. TIIK DAI I'fcBi OOloo ovoi Klrt Nat llHiik, IWllS. OlilVlfl w, MOW AND ART NEEDLE R00K& MASONIC BUIM)IN' andWul" mil 1 c t .1 l..,uiiiuii fitirt iniru dinmh, iiiioi too BUute, tun i'-