....GREAT JUVENILE SALE.... Commencing Tuesday the 31st, and continuing for three days, will be a sale exclusively for the children, play no favorites m the matter of sex, but will treat all who come under this head, alike. We will The boy and the girl, The lad and the lass, The urchin, the Lcldlet, The trundle bed trash. Furnishing Goods Dep't. Dry Goods Department. . Perchance to dream While OtherS .YC l!re 7U n,wnk, cmcnting nioro firmly W IJ.IIO U tUOl O tho bond of anion from a firm wliofo cl.ief ob- docm JiCt iB,yo?r welfare. This ia not dono by BlCCU 1'romiaitlir twn fnr nnn tint !., ,..: at ii.4 1 I , ,, . . '. " " "oeuruiK you ,1, twin uiiu nu me .time of your money's worth in each and every transaction with iis. It would bo foolish indeed for ub in the face 01 present conditionB to expect one cent more , iuuo wnn n ia renuy worth: moro fto 9 1 of you to pay it. Our silicons wish htnini.iinHt..h,.i..!i....i everv customer, we know of but one wav to do title, viz " T !. nn.tnlh n( n. l.,if ..... anil XT- . u;u. vj.. . u, . Aimiuieui once sum, "You can't make omulottoa without breaking some eggs." Business competition save "Yon ran't mako brisk traue without smashing profits on Home lmea of winds Our- liuaincss Omelette for this week will be Boy's and Youth's Clothing. Read these Prices. Hoy 'd Brownie Suits, usual price $2 50, broken price $1 85 In uoivcst'NtvlcH mid colors. lioy'u Vesteo Suits, price $U,00. broken price o 05 In olu, blHck mid brown. Hoy's Ueefor Suits, usual price $4 50. broken prico 3 15 In CliovIotK, Womtdlsnntl mixed Roods. Youth's Round Cut Sack Suits, all wool, usual price $0 00, broken price. .".85 Youth's Double Breasted Suits in Cheyiots and Casaimers, usual price :ou, uroKun priuo q,. Youth's Double Breasted Suits, all the latest styles and fabric?, usual .. jiin ir 1 1 -.! " ' pnuu .?iuuu( uruKun puuu 7,'J.j Necessity Is the Mother of Reductions. See Window. See Window. Bargain No. 1 Choice dress goods and just tho proper caper for children's school dresses, 11c pur yard. Bargain No 2. Children's Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to SJC, 7c per pair. Bargain No. 3 A better quality and excellent values at 15c, 9c per pair. Bargain No. 4 Children's Fleece Lined underwear, a good heavy winter garment, all sizos, 19c. The regular price in the large sizes of this line is 40c per garment. Bargain No. 5 Children's Outing Flannel Nightgowns, just the the thing for these cold nights for ages 4 to 14 years, 43 cents. Bargain No. 6 'MOTHER'S FRIEND Shirt Waists for boys, with the movable bat-: tons for uges G to 10 years, 35c Once used, always used. Bargain No. 7 Children's Tarn O' Shanters in felt, leather, Beree and yarn, deeirable colors and ail at the wonderfully low price ot 13c and 29c. These caps at re gular price are 2oc to 75c. Bargain No. 8 Children's caps with peaks, in all colors and beautifully trimmed, 29ii. Former price 50c and 75c, Shoe Department AN OBSERVANT MAN Has said: "Every time you look at a 12-year-old boy, he needs a pair of shoes." How old is your boy? (or girl for that matter). Never mind what their age may be, they need a pair of shoes. We have them, and they are the best you can get anywhere : Boys' heavy sole, veal lr.ee lljrf to 2, $1.50; 2 to 5, $1 75 Boys' heavy sole Kangaroo calf, lace 11 to 2, 1.75; 2j. to 5., 2 00 Girls' heavy sole Kangaroo calf, lace S. to 11, $1.25, 11 to 2, '1 50 Girls' heavy sole Djngola calf, lace SZ to 11, $1.00; 11 to 2, 1 25 Do you want something belter? Ask for our heavv sole box calf, calf lined shoe, in black or tan, for boys ." lla to 2, $2 25; 2). to 5.j, $2 50 Do you want the best wearing shoe on earth for misses and children? See our Rough Rider line, sizes 4 to S, $1.25; S. to 11, $1.50; 11 to 2, $2 00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Misses and Children's Dongola kid, button SJiC to 11, 75c: 11.?.; to 2, 95c Boys' veal lace, llj-s to 5 ." ' $1 00 All Goods Marked In Plain Figures SEE WINDOWS. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chfoniek MONDAY - OCTOBER 30. 1899 Telephone No. 1. 1 icrvcd In ) Oysters ) . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Attend tho ontortninmont At thu B.ildwiu opera house tonight. Two of tho prettiest girls in the city will greet you at tho candy booth at tho Ilahlwiii tonight. Make it a point to call nt their booth. Did eomeono Bay nowe had b.'ou re ceived that the English had surrendered to the Boers? What ft joke, and yot eomo say euch u rumor is afloat. W. L. Huckeby nnd J. D. Bintloy bavo taken charge of tho stage lino be tween White Salmon and Trout Lako, anil made, thoir first trip today. The latter has been driving tho atago to Wnplnitia. John Doe got hilarious yesterday after noon and was arrested, when he put up for his appearance before tho ro omier this morning; but "he never eamo back," and eo ho forfeited the money. Two modern Ideal girls will appear in a cliaractsr song at the Hallowe'en en tertainment tonight. They don't take part in tho war dance, por are they to bo transformed from old maids; but are juat up-to-date girls. The clearance salo of silk waists and Iress skirts at A. M. Williams & Co'a 1b mill on and will continue until further notice, They report havlug had a very aucojsaful day Saturday, and predict an rly clean-up if this run continues. Dr. Bollo Rinehart left on the inorn ins' train for Portland, and will take the Canadian Pacific route- on her way to New York, where she will spend six weeks or two mouths taking a post BfaduMe course at the Polyclinic. Not nly her patients, but the doctor's many friends will miss her greatly f and while wishing her success in her studies, "wait anxiously her return. Dlil you read what Saturday's Oregon Ian aald concerning "My Filend From India," whloh was played In Portland Friday night? If not read it and you will get some kind of an idea of what you are to hoar tomorrow night at the Vogt. From the way the seats are being sold we should judgo most of the theater eoors had been influenced thereby. Wo almost feel liko breaking our promise nbout committing ourselves again re garding the merits of this show ; but we won't, we'll only advise you to try it and sue if you arc not pleased. Last evening Rov. U. F. Hawk de livered a very impressivo nnd eloquent sermon, taking us his subject "Who is tho Lord?" and for tho twonty-fivo ininuteB in which ho spoko the large audience seemed to listen with breath less intention. During the month of November, at the request of the League, ho will deli vor n series of sermons on "The Ideal Home," beginning next Sun day evening, when ho will speak on "The Harbor of Homo." On tho 12th the subject will bo "Tho Arm Chair by tho Fireside;" 19th, "Tho Rocking Chair by tho Fireside;" nnd on the 20th "The Homo Circle." Tho Sunday Oregonian dovotos an entiro page to a description of trips along the Columbia and Willamette rivera, giving a splendid Idea of what a treat may bo expected on such ex cursions. Among othor things it says: "The voyago up tho Columbia to Tho Dalles is justly accounted tho finest thing in tho line of scenery that Portland has to show to tho visitor. All summer long tho two steamers that ply daily over thia route aro thronged with tour ists, whose expressions of dolight, ns tho mountains begin to rlso on either side and thoir majesty dawnpupon them, are limited only by the number of adjectives in their vocabulary. We understand one of our citizens in tho dark missed his calculation, and, imagining" it was cummer at tho seaside, took a bath Saturday night which ho did not really intond to take. Ho scarcely expected to do auything so rash, at least not in such a large tub as the Columbia, but he went down to see tiie boat como in and stepped off the boat into tho water. That is, so ho says. That's something liko "Checkers," who, when he started down stairs in the morning, met himself coming homo at night Huw ho could meet the boat ami step off of it Into tho river bofore it landed, Is beyond our ken. We aro glad to announce that tho Students LiteraryClub was organized Saturday eveninsf at Mooro k Gavin's office. Quito number were present and became members, and it is to be iioped a large number of young men will become interested in the 'club, as it is tho only organization ofthe kind in the eity-fcxclusively for yoiing men, rind just what lias long been needed. Harry Curtis was chosei chairman and T. Brown hill secretary. The next meeting will bo held on Thursday evening, Nov. 2nd, at tho same place at the hour of 7:30, for the purpose of perfecting or ganization. All members and those who desire to become members are re quested to be present. The question for debato is "Resolved, "That England is Justified in Prosecuting tho Wnr Against tho Boers in tho Transvaal." All kinds of property for sale. A farm on ten mile creek, ten miles from this city, tho Southwell homestead, having 70 acres plowed Innd, 25 acres bottom land. Creek runs through place. A Cue home for some body and so cheap that it is in tho grasp of any one. Stop and consider tine. One half a block, Military Addition to Dalles City, consisting of six full lots ;city water can beobtained, good location well settled locality. Owner inuet sell, and will be Eold nt tho following sacrifice. $100.00 will buy the six lots, which is $10 and two-third dollars per lot. I would ask any prospective buyer of these lots to inquiro as to the cost of other lots in tho same locality and I gurantee that he will find that they will sell from $50.00 to $100,00 each. See Dad Butta. We have been requested to say noth ing concerning the "swell, refined and altogether elevating socioty event," which is purported to have taken place on Memnloose Island(?) Saturday night nbout tho hour when Sunday was about to dawn. If it did occur at tho place spoken of, surely tho decaying carcasses of every respectablo Indian burled there must have risen in revolt, and started another encounter much more creditable than tho one which is said to have originated here. But the Ciiiio.icl must say nothing nbout it, and cannot for it knows nothing (and cares less) concerning it except what has reached the ears ot most of our citizens regard ing the affair; and it is imppossible to find anyone who attended; none being willing to confess they were engaged in such an elevating pastime. Beside, we would not care to have it known that audi a thing was even thought of in a Christian community like ours, There was trouble In Chinatown Sat urday and the pig tails were flying about lively for Jackaon was after their owners, some of whom had been ar rested the evening before for failing to pay their road tax. It was decided to allow them a test case, which was tried in the recorder's court Saturday after noon, W. H. Wilson and F. W. Wilson appearing for the plaintiff and F. Mene fee for the city. The attention of all who have refused to pay is called to the fact that the case was decided in favor of the city, and taxpapers who wish to fight the matter will have no course open to them except to have their cases reviewed in the circuit court, as ap peals to the citcuit court cannot be taken for sums of money less than $10. Jackson Bays he thinks it would be cheaper to pay the $4 road tax ns it is plain to ho seen he is determined to en force collection. Papers were filed in the clerk's office today wherein Henry Gardner is plaintiff and Wasco couuty is defendant in n case to recover JjCaOO damages for injuriee received by the plaintiff oh Dec. 2t, 1898 on Rice's grade, eight miles this side of Dufur, in the Fairfield neighborhood. All will remember tho dreadful accident which resulted in the death of Mrs. Theresa Reese, nnd the injury of Henry Gardner, while on the way to the city to obtain n marriage license; how the grade was covered in ice, causing the wagon to go over the grade throwing the occupants out, with the terrible result mentioned. The plaintifi'clalms the county has never kept the grade in a condition fit to be traveled; that numerous defects in said grade, which drains the water tiom melting enow and ice, causing it to be covered witli ice for a distance of twenty to thirty rods nre accountable for the accident which caused him to be badly mashed up and his limbs also broken so that he was unable to perform labor for six months. Also that he was at great expense therefrom. He there fore asks damages in the euin of $0500, having for his attorneys Moore aud Gavin. Doublu Tmln Bervlco to San FmnoUco, On October 15th the Southern Pacific Co, will Inaugurate a "Daylight Ex press," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. in., and reaching San Francisco at 7 :45 next evening only ono night out. Both standard Pullman aud tourist sleepers will be attached, This new train is in addition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta Overland, aud will give many passengers the desired opportunity to see enroute the Great Willamette, Umpquaaud Sac ramento Valleys without loss cf time, and still arrive in Oakland and San Francisco nt a seasonable hour. THE GENUINE Wilson Aii?Tight Heatei? OUTSIDE DRAFT LtllE THIS: There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... JVIAVS 8t CROWE, Sole Agents. CxUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey Is guaranteed to the consumer us a PURE HANI) MADE S0UU MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for " THE CHRONICLE."