Only one more to buy one of these $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 Suits or Overcoats at Eight Pease and Mays All GoodB Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. SATUUDAY - - OCTOBER 28, 1800 Telephone No. 1, Co) Oysters served in every style by A. KELLER. - WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hay, wheat, rolled barley, bran and shorts at Muler & Benton's. 28 lw Now lino of Cole's nir tight heaters just received at Maier & Bontou'a. 28-1 w lioalyn coal, $0.50 a ton, dolivered. Stuilolman Commission Co., 'phono 233. 14-2w Clu Kim coal $0.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal :f0 per ton, delivered, at Maiur & Iluuton'e. .Silk waists and taiior-made drees skirts at clearance salo prices tomorrow. A. M. Williams & Co. . Miss Maud ltufTner, who has boon ill for eo many mouths witii consumption, if) said to bo vory low, and she can live but a few days at most. We sworo oh" making weather prognos tication after last week's experience ; but ii wu were 1'iwuu we'd never say "occa eionnljrains" for tomorrow. We'll nivo you a pointer, and that is "t!i olticors'll git you if you don't watch out" and pay your road tax. Ask Botno one that knows if they won't. Wu regret to learn that Ilev. G. Rush in;; is not improving as rapidly as he should, but Hofl'ored a slight rolapso and it -, as feared his case had devoloped in to appendicitis. Harry C. Ltobe carries tho most com plcto stock of diamonds, watches, jewel ry and Sterling silver novelties in the city, which ho sells at a reasonable price. Call nod inspect tho assortment. In anothor column will be found an artlclu regarding the new toutist sleepers which have been placed on tho O. R. & N. route, of thoir advantage over thoso now in use, and other points in their favor, which are of intorost to the hovel ing public. It will be Intensely amusing to see a number of old maids transformed into voting and blushing girls by the work ings of tho machine of youth Monday evening at the Baldwin. The young ladies also invite you to see the war dauce, A largo house turned out to, boo "My Friend From India" at Fisher's opera iioiiso last night. That tho performance was n good one was shown by tho taughter and applause that greeted tho actors at almost every turn. The speech es wore sprightly, the movements active ; in fuct, tho wholo action was of that happy character to make the play what it really wasa sparkling success. As torian, City horses are becoming used to the sloain saw, and let It "saw wood," taking n particular interest In its buzzing', but not so with, the country teame, which object to its aire, and eo today at noon a team belonging to Kohler, who lives on Mill creek, showed their dislike by not only kicking 'bqt running with "II thoir might up Second street, pulling Only One Tomorrow, Saturday, will bo the end of this Big Sacrifice Sale of odds nnd endu In Men's .Snitn and Clothing, that wo liavo conducted so successfully tho past ton days. Our stock of those Roods has dwindled away fast, nnd to make this salo particularly Interesting, wo havo placed a few fresh lines with tho last of tho broken lots and lot you take your choice Tomorrow only, nt $8.95. These are eomo of the best values that you ever eaw, and tomorrow is tho Vey Last Day You can havo tho opportunity at these Prices. Tho new lines havo been added to niBko this last day of the salo Tho Banner Day of tho whole week. Como early nnd don't bo kept waiting. Commencing Monday next wo will offer special values at special prices in Youth's and Boy's Clothing , Look out for Monday's Advertisement and eeo windows. ' PEASE & MAYS. after them the farm wagon. Reaching the brewery they accopted an invitation to stop, having done little damage certainly not any to the steam Baw. Prof" Sandvig announces that his first class instructions in dancing will be given next Wednesday evening at tho Baldwin. All who intend to take lessons aro requested to be on hand at that time. The party evening will be on Saturdays in tlio futuro. 27tf As was exnected. a much lnreer crowd attended tho club dance last night. The floor Is improving, nnd was in fine con dition, while evervono seems to be mak ing up for lost time and joining more heartily in the dancing. The tendency to mnko tho parties noted for the socia bility which prevails is vory evident. Rev. Poling, pastor of the Congrega tional church of The DalleB, for soveral yearB in charge ol tho Albany church, is in the city. Ho had started for Eugejie to attend tho state convention of his church but tho delays of tho train made it impracticable to continue his trip and lie stopped ofTnt Albany, where his host of friends are glad to see him, and so well. Albany Herald Rev. Poling will return home on tins afternoon's tram. The heavy rain atorm that passed over Condon last Saturday evening was much heavior in tho Ferry Cauyon country than it was hero. J. G. Stoven son reports that on Ton-mile it assumed the proportions of n cloud burst nnd al most ruined the new road between Ferry Canyon nnd Arlington. This is unfor tunate for the farmers of that section as tho route was about one day shorter for grain haulers that tho road via Condon. It is doubtful if tho road can be re paired this fall. Condon Uloue. Ronorta that como from White Salmon tell of the hold Mormouism is gaining in that neighborhood. Last week two of tho leading young ladies thoro were baptised and joined that church. Not, alono thore, but in. many places in Ore gon aro they wellding an influence nnd cainine followers. War should be waged against such 'a sect, whoso teachings cannot fall to be harmful. While wo have not a Helen Gould who will givo $0000 to bo used in a crusade against it, as she has in New York, something should be done. If in no united effort, individually at least, to stop its Inroads into our state. Tho Wind Kivor fish hatchery, which is a state Institution, has made good piogress for the first season, consideiiug tho lime tliev commoncod to take eggs. The hatchery was finished late in tho fall. Bombard Fallert, foreman, reports that tho hatchery has about 2,700,000 eggs, about 00 per cont of which will mature Tho young salmon will bo turned loose about the first of April. Mr. Fullert understands his business and tho state is fortunate in securing his service. This makes two fish .hatch eries in tills county, one of which Is located on tho Llttlo White Salmon. Skamania Pioneer. The O. R. & N. is going to build n brand now, snick and span 3000 union depot at Biggs, or rather a mile and a half weBt ol that station, tho work to commence about the 1st of Novembor, says tho News. This will make every body around these parts jump for joy. That old shack now at Biggs has been an eyotoro for o good many years, and we havo seen ploasantor places to wait for a train. With a line depot (with a Remnants l! -FOR- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 26th 27th We will offer all Remnants of DRESS GOODS, SILKS and LININGS at 20 PER CENT. Discount for three da3rs to clear them out. They consist of short ends of ull tho best things we have carried dur ing the seaeon, and aro in lengths suitable for Waists, Skirts and Full Costumes. All Good Marked in Plain Figures. luncli countor attachment) to rest in for three or fours when going west, life will for passengers at the new BiggB be at loast endurable. Besides the new loca tion ia almost entirely devoid of the sand nuisance. A number of law studentB, youn lawyers and a few young men from the High school havo called a meeting to night at the office of Moore & Gavin at . 7 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a literary and debating club for mutual benefit and enjoyment. Any young men who are anxious to improve them selves nnd desire to take hold of such pursuits with a will, are invited to be present. It is a splendid move and just such a one as The Dalles is in need of. A week ago last night a crowd of young people attended a party in the vicinity of Enderaby. The roads wero not iu a condition to rival ttie finest paved bouvelards of any in the union, and consequently little was said concerning the trip. Silence sometimes gives con Bont and Beveral conjectures have arisen as to the experiences gone through, strengthened by tho fact that a few articles, etc., were found strewn along the road. A portion of the parapher nalia was brought into the poatoffice during the week, and if any of the parties care to claim it, thry can have the same by calling on tho "malo" young man in charge of the delivery window. Ono of the happiest and most complete surprises wnB that tendered Mr. and Mra. Ed. Howell, at their hojffo on tho hill last night. Desiringto express their congratulations and jood will the more fully to tho newly tnarried couple, tho employes of tho Olt. & N. office, nbout eighteen in nutiruer, called upon them eu masso last livening and took them completely tiy surprise. They carried with tliin numerous gifts, among which were a very pretty dinner set, hanging lanip, carving set, table cloths, napkins,, etc., all of which will not only express to them tho good will of their friends, but me just such presents as aro appreciated by those who are starting in housekeeping. The entire evening was most pleasantly sprnt and added to the happiness of the bride and groom. The reform ecbool is doing a wonder ful work among the boys of the state, us any who have ever vieited the institu tion or are familiar with its workings will attest. Tho (list boy received at that institution was on Nov. 0th, 1891. He was No 1. Tho last arrival is No. i!81. There aro now 102 boys at the in stitution. Where are the 279 to make up the difference between 381 and 102? Tiiey are out on parole, mostly. Some of them have attained the age of 21 years, and thus grown beyond the juris diction of the school. Four or five have died. Tho paroled boys have scattered throughout the country. A number are holding good positions. Others are not doing eo well, according to reports that reach tho school. About twenty of the paroled boys were with the Oregon vol untoers In tho Philippines. One was a sergeant. Two were with Dewey when he sunk the Spanish fleet in Manila bay. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any timo, and will cure the worst cold hi twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 00 cts. Blakeloy & Houghton, druggists. Feed ryo for sale ut the Wasco Ware house, tf Remnants 28th PER CENT. PEASE & MAYS. I'KOI'LK TOD AI-L. KNOW. M. A. Butler, of Pendleton, ia in town today. Mrs. V. C. Brock came down from Wasco yesterday. Mrs. Ida Foster, of Vancouver, Bpent yesterday in The Dalles. J. P. Van Houten came in from Hav Creek yesterday and went to Portland this morning. T. M. B. ChaBtain, teacher of the pchool at the Locke, came up to The Dalles last evening. A. N. Holman, the well known news paper man, registered at the Umatilla yeBterday from Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas came down from Wasco yesterday and went over to Goldendale on today's stage. Mrs. C. W. Johnston of San Francisco, who has been visiting relatives at Dufur, returned to this city yesterday. Lewis Edgett, a nephew of II. W. Wells, left today for Yakima county to take charge of his uncle's sheep. Mrs. L. Clarke went up to Moro on last evening's train, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Hadley. H. Bigham, who is employed in Chas. Stephens' etore, left this morning to spend Sunday at his home in Vancouver. F. M. Zumwalt and D. C. Roberts, of Wamic, .and G. V. and F. Payne, of Rutledge, were visitors in town yes terday. Mrs. Wilson and F. W. Wilson, who have spent the greater part of the week in Portland, returned home on the boat last eveniug. Mr. and Mra. E. M. Williams were re turning paesf-ngera from Portland last evening. They were acompanied by Florence Williams. Orion Kinerely lias returned from an extended trip through the neighboring counties in Hie interest of the compa nies ho represents. Misses Edna and Reg'na Smith, came over from their home on the Washing ton aide of t ho river, to- attend St. Mary's Academy here. Mrs. Cummina and Miss Montgomery, who have spent a few days with Mrs. Chas. Stephens, returned this morning to their home in Albany. Qrant Mays and Victo Schmidt re turned on yesterday'safternoon train from Portland, where it is said they bowled against the Arlington club. Mrs. S. N. Wilkms and son, of Cor vallis, arrived in the city last night on the boat and left this morning for Prine ville where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Lee Wigel. ChaB. Crosfleld, who has been em ployed in one of the leading drugstores of Portland, spent Thursday evening in The Bailee on his way to take charge of Dr. J. H. Hudson's drugstore at Condon. y Victor Sampson went to Cascades this morning, where Iniias accepted a posi tion as time keeper for a bridge gang who is at wpfk near there. James Creighton has taken his place in M. J. Dounell's drug store, Mrs. A. Buchler and Mr. and Mrs. Gerichten came up from Portland yes terday. Mr. Gerichten lias suffered greatly with rheumatism for some time past, and recently took a trip to Cali fornia hoping to be benefited thereby, but in vain. He and Mrs. Gerichten will remain in The DalleB for a time, where he expects to improve. Tlie Quid DUooverlef nt Alt. flood. Peter Felthausen called at the Glacier office last Friday ud informed us that he was the discoverer of the quartz mines near Mt. Hood. He said our item of last week in regard to tho die coveries was incorrect. He and George Winner have been prospecting on the headwaters of Hood river for the past THE GEriUlflB Wilson Aii?Tight Heatet OUTSIDE DIHFT liIKJE THIS: I Thoro are other AIR-TIGHTS, hut none that equal the WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... JVIAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents. L. . A A A A A A AAAAAAAA.. A S A " AAA.A A A "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. two summers. During last summer they discovered three ledges of gold bearing quartz. One, which is 14. feet wide, assays $G 01 in gold and 18 cents in eilver to the ton ; another assays. $1 5-1 in gold and 21 centB in Eilver; nnd the third $3.72 in gold and 24 cents in silver. These mines are on the East Fork cf Hood river, southeast of Mt. Hood. They are about fifteen miles from the Mt. Hood road, starting at a point two and a half miles bslow the Elk Beds. A wagon road can be made over this fifteen miles without much expense. These discoveries were made in tlio latter part of August, and since thui the weather has been so unfavorable that t ha discoverers could not do much towards developing tiieir finds. Tho assays were made from surface crop pings, and of course it is expected tho rock will prove to ho richer when the leads nre developed. Mr. Feltlmusen feels highly elated over hie prospects. Glacier. An t)lu Sclmicn. "What's that there young man's busi ness?" asked Mr. Parvenu. "He's a tutor, I believe," replied his wife. "WhatdoeB he teach?" "Ono of them old science, I s'pose," answered Mrs. Parvenu. "I ain't just sure what it is, but last 'night Mabelle told me he was giving her some lessons in osculation." "Well, I a'poso she's got to be edu cated," leturned the old nun. "I only hope he won't charge no fancy price for his lessons," Chicago Post. Thut ThruliblllK lU'llducho Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills, Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeiey & Houghton, druggists. 1 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeiey & Houghton DrugglBts. Cmb in Vuur Cbecfcs. All couutv warrants registered prior to Jau. 1, l&fcO, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th, 1890. O. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. , 9 X ) ' X X ) ' ' " X j ') ') X x X X ' X 'i x ' X ) x 5 x X X ) ( X i Trilby For wood, chips, 5nots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. Construction Tlila Is nn nir tight hiiitcr of l mi nvnl slwet steel tlu; It lias C'A-T IKON l.l.NINliS, miikiiiK it (luritbV; ulxi h;is fmnt ft'i'il door, fjibi lni ii Ml bottom nnd iirnnmciitiil nil t- i, with uthlille cover unilfiin.'ii'h. Nlckllng-lt hns ntcclcil mn, liinnu 1lxlu iiinl fnot r lis, Wulmvitu foniiK'lo t('('k of l li en i mi IiiuiiI, e ill mill ku our tli ik bifuro buying fUliWlltTi. TliniiaiwtiU uro Trying It. In order to provo the groat merit of Ely's Cream Balm, tho most oil'edivo euro for Catarrh and Cold in Hoad, wo havo pro pared a gonorous trial Bizo for 10 cents. Oct it of your druggibt or send 10 couts tw ELY BliOS., CO Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of tho worst kind ever siuco n boy, and I novor hoped for euro, but Ely's Cream Balm soeuis to do even thut. Many acquaintances havo ubed it with excellent results. Oncar Oatruiu, 15 Warreu.Avo., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm ia tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no cocniiio, mercury nor any injurious drii(,'. Prico, 60 cents. At druggists or by wuiL Executor's Notice. Notice H hereby given Hint tlio uiuterbfwnctl )iai b;en iipinilnuii by outer of tlio nmnty court of tho bttilu of Ureieon fiT Wiuco comity, ami t y Die nill of Mury 1IIIU, e.ecuior of tlio liikt will iind tibtiiiiient of slil Mury W!li 'lo ct'iiki'd. All perboiu hiivlnu chilins uptliibt kuii estiito uro liunby notllkil to preent tlium illli the proper vouchers to ino nt the otlleo of limit. IiiKton Wilson,'! ho lille,Ort'i,'oii, within bix months from the Unto of this notice. '""""'IINM.MAHPEN, Out U li Kxwutur rnaier & Bepn