The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
ITS Hta G' ..cfCTS.
Miss Lida MeCown is in from Tygh.
J. V. Osborn is down from Arlington.
E. C. Durlinrnme is a visitor from
North Yakima.
dpt. Cowan came in from Warm
Springs yesterday.
A. A. Boniipy, stock inspector, is in
rum Tygh today.
IJarry Liebe left ye.'tenlay afternoon
fora tiusiness visit to Wascui
Marmadube .Maxwell, one of Ritige
wcj's lending farmers, is in town.
Mrs. f. T. N'ulan and Mrs. M Long
returned on the Flyer last night from
Hon. M. A. Moody was a passenger
on the Flyer' this morning bound for
the metropolis.
.1. M. Filloon and wife relumed last
niyht from a trip to Portland, and will
leave this evening for Moro.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Clausen and family
name in yesterday from their home at
D-'chutes, returning this morning.
Mrs. A. Mn.ibus and son, George, ar
rived in the city la-t evening and are
vUiting Mrs. Morbus' daughter, Mrs.
M. T. Nolan.
Mro. C. M. Gtiinos and daughter,
Miss 1'eail, left this morninz to spend a
week with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gr'unee
in Portland.
G-;ore IJncii, having spent th past
three week" with his sister, Mrs. .1.
Sutherland, in Spokane, returned home
thi morning.
Chris Siihwabe Itiid aMde his duties at
the CiiKoxtci.K office and left this morn
ing to spynvi a few days in Portland and
nttend the exposition.
E. V. Judd, of the Pendleton Woolen
Mill0, came down from that place jester
duv mid was ii nas-enger on this morn-ing'-
boat for Portland.
Mrs. Fred Fisher and Mies Vesta
Iloltnn went to Portland Wednesday
A Grocer Says
'I rucss everybody in Bellcvue, Ohio,
knows 0. 11. Caliaghan, tho grocer. I am
in his em
amboutas 51 , tfm i
as lie is. A.
grocery is a
place where
you have
cold gusts
of wind
coming In
every time
the door
opens, and
there is a
good deal or
filiOUt out-
f-doors too. Anyhow, I
catch cold very often, but
the minute I begin tosnceze
I reach upon tlieslielfand
take a doso of Acker's Eng
lish Itemedv. I tell vou it
is wonderful how quickly it stops a cough or
cold. I have used it myself, and in my fam
ily for a number of years. It works like a
charm. I suppose some of tho folks would
liavo run into consumption before this if I
had neglected to keep a bottle ready all tho
time fur immediato use. I wouldn't think
of using anything clue for throat and lung
troubles. I know what Acker's Itemedy
actually does, to what sense is there in ex
perimenting? Certainty is better than
chance." (Signed) JoiiHlIorr,
Bold at 25c., 60c. and $1 a bottle, through
out the United States and Canada; and in
England, at Is. 2d 2. 3d., 4s. Od. If you
are not satisfied after buying, return the
bottle to your druggist, and get your money
We authorize the above guarantee.
W.JI. IIOOKJSH & CO., Proprietor!, Sew ftr.
fOJt H.U.B I1Y
Blakeley & Houghton,
afternoon to stay over Sunday with
Muses Joiie Jenklna and Eda Flatter.
Judge Hradsliiuv nnd F. L. Hougtiton
returned from Portland yesterday after
noon. They hiiypn't the countenance of
conquerors, but they don't look badly
Mr?. D. M. French returned on last
ntpht't! train from Seattle where she h:ia
been attending the V. C. T. U. conven
tion. She reports a most pleasant trip
and a splendid meeting of these noble
workers for humanity. Mrs. S. French
remained oyer in 1'ortlnnd until toiuor-
' row visiting her daughter.
"I wish to express my thanks to the
niHiiufacturere of Chainuarlnin'e Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kamedy, for
having put on the market finch n wonder
ful medicine," says W. V. Massiuctll.
of Ik'iuimont, Texas. There are many
thousands of mothers who?e children
i have been saved from attacks of dysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
' al?o feel thankful. It is for sale by
. BlakeU'y & Houghton Druggists.
Ravages of Hog Cholera.
i ali.a .u.i.A, kjci. o. Lien nine nog
j cholera and plague are making big in
roads in herds of swine in tins country.
v,.t.,.;.,n.;..n c rt v. .i.. r r,.n
juiuic . ciciiuuiiau .j . . j . ..cicuuj ui j. un
man, is in the city, and lias been advising
tvirh nucnrQ nf aa'lrin Knlinnt .t- "Fr.1 .t
j - v ,,,...J,
1 near the city, lost 300 in the past three
! t rrt . .
weens, o. u. i nomas in a lew uays lost
' e'xty-five, anl others have lost many.
jTbc state penitentiary herd is inftcted,
and twenty have died. All the rest are
Dining the winter of 1597 Mr. James
Reed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay, 'Clay Co., W. Va.,
struck his' leg against a cake of ice in
such a manner as to bruise it severely.
It became very much swollen and pained
him so badly that lie could not walk
without the aid of crutches. He was
treated by physicians, also used several
kinds of liniment and two and a half
gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but
nothing gave any relief until he began
using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This
brought almost a complete cure in a
week's time nnd he believes that had he
not used this remedy his leg would have
had to be amputated. Pain Balm is un
equaled for sprains, bruises and rheu
matism. For sale by Blakeley & Hongh
ton Druggists.
Remains Will be Brought Home.
New Yoiik. Oct. 26 A special to the
World from Washington says: D. H.
Rhodes, an employe of the quarter
inaster'sdepartment, who superintended
the removal of the dead soldiers from
Cuba this spring, has departed for
Manila to make arrangements for bring
ing to tiiis country ttie bodies of the
boys in blue who have fallen :n battle
or died of disease in the Philippine
On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev.
S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted
a severe cold which was attended from
the beginning by violent coughing. He
says: "After resorting to a number of
so called 'specifics,' usually kept in the
house, to no purpose, I purchased a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheer
fully recommend it to the public." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
Damage By Storm.
Aetokia, Or., Oct. 25. The report
comes from Chinook that the damage
done to property in that vicinity by the
recent storm will amount to between
$1000 and $5000. Nearly 100 fckifls and
ten fishing boats were driven on the
beach and smashed to pieces. Drifting
logs were forced through the fish traps,
nnd in many c.ises the netting is com
pletely ruined.
The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J.
Kirkman, Belle Rive, III., says. "After
suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble
f jr ten years, I wa9 cured by One Minute
Cuugh Cure. It ie al! that is claimed
for it and more." It cures coughe, colds,
grippe and nil throat and lung troubles.
Butler Drug Co.
Soldier's Free Library.
Han FjtANCtsco, Oct. 26 General
Shafter has provided headquarters in the
army commissary building (or the com
mittee of the Red Cross Society now en
ggid in collecting books fora free libra
ry to be established in Manila for tho
ute of American soldiers. The committee
expects to soon have enough books on
hand to make a first shipment to the
Kodol Dytt.'ieptia Cure is a Eclentillc
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and tho medical
press. It "digests what you enl" and
po&iiivt'lycuresdyBpopsin. M. A. Ketron,
Bloomingdale, Tenn., says it cured him
ot indigeston of ten years' standing.
Butler Drug Co.
lu knur oneok.
All county warrants r&giaUtred prior
to Jan. 1, 1SSU, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceaeefl after Kent. 14th,
1899. O. I.. PiiaLipa,
County Treasurer.
Stilwcribe for The Chronicle.
Use Clarke Falk'i Hosafoacn for the
Ah your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Clarke it Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for tbum.
Clarke & Full: have on salu a full line
jof paint and artist's brushes.
Vm Clarkeifc Fnlk's quinine hnir tonic
to keep daiidruir from the head.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Talk's! sure cure for bjils.
Latest thine in cameras nre Im
proved Magazine cvclones at Dounell's : Will receive the most royal welcome on Oct. 1st
drill: store ' ut,x'' l'M wua uvcr GCCClJt!'1 10 BU American
! citizen.
I'nint your house with p.ilnts tliat are
fullv guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Special clearance Hale of eill: waists
nnd dress skirts at A. M. Williams & i
Co.'s Saturday.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of .
chicken feed. mch25-tf
A full line of Sterling silver novelties
and souvenir spoons cun be found at
Harry C. l.iebe's in the Vogt block
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
p'.ete line of house, carriage, wagon nnd
barn paints manufactured by James E
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will
digest what you eat. It cures all forms
of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.
R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., sa'B, "It
relieved me from the start and cured me.
It is now my everlasting friend." Butler
Drug Co.
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures nil coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Dr. Russ, one of Portland's prominent
dentists, has bought Dr. Tackman's
office, in the Vogt building. His work
is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold
tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Teeth filled and extracted painless. 12
"It did me more good than nnything
I ever used. My dyspepsia was of
months' standing; after eating it was
terrible. Now I am well," write? S. B.
Keener, Hoisington, Kan , of Kodol
DyHpepsia Cure. It digests wiiat you
eat. Butler Drug Co.
I) iulil Train .Harvlce to Hun Friiiiclncii,
On October 15th the Southern Pacific
Co. will inangurate a "Daylight Ex
press," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. m.,
riri:riT- r 1, I
siaudard Pullman and tourist sleepers
will be attached. This new train is in !
a.Uirinn tn ihp nrespnr 7 n , Klmsin ,
Overland, nnd will give many passengers
the desired opportunity to see enroute
the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac
ramento Valleys without loss cf time,
and still arrive in Oakland und San
Francisco at a seasonable hour.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. nnd 50 cte.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'.
Chester 11. iirown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
of a severe case of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it toalUlvepepties."
Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Duller
Drug Co.
l or Halo.
Five head good young horses, about
1200 pounds; halter broke; will bu sold
ocll3.2'.vk JL C. Mkinh.
A small band of elieep, between 500
and 1000, on shares or rent. Inquire of
F. I.A.NG,
oci2l-L'8d&w Columbia Hotel.
I'or Item.
Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap
ply at corner of Fifth und Court
streets. 21-3t
To Cure a Cola lu Olio Day,
Takn Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tl.e money if
it fails to care. 25:,
Fur le.
Thirty thousand capacity saw and
planing mill at a bargain. Address
Jas. Young, box 1048, Portland Or. 14 10
Ask your '
tor a gemrous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
Injurious drag,
ltls quickly Absorbed,
Ulves Iltllef atonce.
It oweni and cle4iie , . .
tl.e Kasal I'asssges. Pftl 1 U. U CA T
Allays InfUmnuiUon. UUlsl '1 ilKiill
Ilusla and Protects the Meinlirsne. titure thn
HnsM of Tsite and bintll. full Hixe 6c, Trial
KUa 10c. I at IinnrgliU or by cull.
145 1
Admiral George Dewey! a complcto blosmphr of this great
i hero.incliidluslils brilliant victory over the Span-
Ish fleet In the groat, &u.thoriUKiva ana up
' -date nork of reference, the
Hew Werner Edition of the
This to tho only cacyc'.opzlln on tho market that
Inntitrnne Ailwlr,il Tt.irrr. 7t flVM thft ll.ltf! fit Ml
j Lltth. kow ho apcut his lxycool days; tho part ho
too!: In tho Civil War, how nficr tho War ho was
employed on tho European station; in the Naval
J Academy; his rim to the runt: of Commander and
FrcsUcn: of tho Eoanl of Inspection nnd Eurvcy;
his command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on
April 2;th ho left Hong Kong with his equadron,
found nnd destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila,
on May 1st; hl3 appointment as Acting Bear Ad
miral, the honcrs ho received from Congress, and
how on March 2nd, 1KW, ho w.-u created full Ad
miral. It speaks of him as aatilct disciplinarian,
hn oil-around athlete, a daring horseman and
huntsman, and toclntly n good club man and i
general favcrltc. It tells of his marrlngo to Mist
Susy Goodwin, a daughter cf tho "fighting gov
ernor of :,'cw Hampahlro, who dledlu 1372, leav
ing a son, George Goodwin Dcwcy. t.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clari of the Oregon
and scores of other noted penonnges not C7en
mentioned in any other Encyclojadia receive the
same attention in this edition of the
Encyclopstlia Britannica I
It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi
ago- of General Henry aa Go-crnor-Gcncrol of
Porto Rico ; of Agninaldo's declaration of War
against the V. S.
you heed Tins complete summiry
of human knowledge and prosTe, wherein Infor.
nation la more-easily found and acquired than Jn
7 ola " m eucyciopa-uja lo win wouu,
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date Qroeer
Fresh Kggs anil Creamery
liutter a specialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
LANDOrncr. atTiik I), Onenn.v,1
hepteiubtfr lu, iw, i
Notice U hrcby Riven tlmt the follnu tiis
named ettlcr Iiim lllel nntleu of his liilenllou to
make llniil prnnf in support uf Ills claim, iiml
that said prwif will tn: iiiuile before thcieKlniur
mid reeclvi-riitThu ImIIim, OrcKon, on 1'ililny,
.Sovemljer 3, UW, vU. : '
lli'llii rt II. Mnuknr, of The llls, tr.,
Homestead v.Kntry No. 5t, for tlio Y.:t Nr.J;,
andh!- M'.u, section'.-, Kmnslil;. 1 norm,
Honnnies the following uliuces to prove
his cnntlimoiii residence upon, and culllviitlon
of in Id land, viz.:
Hiimuel ( relnlitou, .lolin It. Co.ik, William
ItiiWHiu ai.d Chntles ftuwson; all ufllie Dalles
tcptAI-H Itenlstcr.
U. S. I.a:ii Cmci:, at The Uau.ks, Oiii:.,i
Nollce Is hereby Riven that the foIlowliiK
namcd settler lm tiled nollcoof his Intention to
niako final prwf ii support of till claim, mill
that sslil r,roof will bo inmlu before thu Itcglsicr
and lleeelver ut The Uullvs, UrCKon, on h.itur'
day, November 11, IWJ.yUs
Matlilas Thlel, or .Mosinr, (IroKon.
Homestead Kutry No. 3J75, for HiofiWU .NWU.
He i iiiimcs the following wltnt skes to prove IiIm
mU land? vh ""a -Klvittlaii of
Clius. Jlller. of Motler, (irixon; linn Thomas
K u,", -. '
oct7 II
i ''-'I'l''0.'" l'rtby Klvcn Hint the iinilerslKiiid
11.0 state of cm, for witco loiiiity, lili
llliiil lifrniirit itu int.. . I. .i.i. ...... .i llf
as the place for the Jieiirlnir ol object iio '
filial account J. hUFK Mc'VniiII'
AdmlnUi.ator of UiMo" iohu tin,', V,
WMWl k in I
John Grant, dm-Hsl,, ind that by uu (m"r of
"'j court jiiadiiou the I.'liti day r hei t" iiLr
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Twins leave and Htc due to Brrlvc Rt l'orllai.
, tircs, ftilcin, Itie
Uur, Ashland, Hue- i
7:'X f
t ........,.. f li.ilnti.Utltl ' ,
,1 FrillUlMO,
Mnldvn. f ft 1. A V
, I New Orleans mi'!
: I
li.wplinri' mill irriV hill'1
'n:U A. JI
'lllnns 4:30 1'. M
i i Vln VMMltniri for I
; .Mt.Aiiccl, Sllvurton, , Daily
u West belo, ilrowns-) uxrupt
! vUlcSiirliir'teldiind 1 tluiiduy.
I Natron J 1
INDKl'ENUKNCi: PAS.SKNOr.U. Kxprewt truln
Hully (except Humluy).
cniii. in. rl.v. . .PcirtlHiiil ..Ar.i 8:aii. in
rp. m. Jai .Vclllniivillc. I.v.
r;.V1n, m.
B:.T0 p. m.
wvr. .inuLiivimiiuve.... .
CM) u. III.
Dally. tli'Uiy, except huntiar.
Pullman iiumrr si.kki'Khp
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connpctlnn atfcun Kriinclseo with (Jew
ileiitiil mill Oriental nnd I'aclllc innll ulcnmnhlp
Illicit (or JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing dates on
hi pllrntlou.
Kates hlid ticket to Knxteru points unit I.u
run'. Al.-o JAPAN, CHINA, HONOUM.U unc
All iiliove trains arrive at and i!i;inrt lrmr
Grand Central Htittloii, Fifth and Irvmg street IIIV1HION.
i'lUftcngcr Dcot, loiit ot Jellemoii street,
Uave tor Shcrlilaii, week ilsys, t 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portlsml, 0:so a. m.
U-avc tor Allil.IK on Monday, WninesdHV nnd
Friilay at b.ST.a. in. Arrlvo at Portland, Tues
day, Ttiursday und Hiiturilaj it 3:06 p. m.
Kxccpt Humluy. Kxcept Bsturduy.
K, KiK.MJ:K, (i. H. MAKKHAM,
jlrtlmcer. Asst. (1. K. dt Pass. Act
Through Ticket Onicc, IM Third street, whore
thrmiRh tlrkel.i to nil imluts In the Kasturn
Htates, Cnnniln mid Ktiniic can be obtained at
lowest rates trom
J. II. KIKKhAXU, Ticket Agent,
E:icU tiny our business shows
the people are finding out wc
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, nnd
Inst, but not least, buyers who
know tlieir business nnd buy
for Hie people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Dalles, Fortlani and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Regulator Dalles City
Dally (except Hunduv) bativecn
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Looks,
and Portland.
Touching at way points on both hides of the
C)iimhu river.
Until of thu abov! steimurs have been rebuilt,
ai d are lu excellent shape for tho season of MK).
ItneuUtiir Mm. will iinileavor to kivo lis
patrons tfic best service )lblc.
For Comfort, Kooiioiny hiiiI I'li-asure,
tia-.ol by tho steamers of Tlio Iteuulutor
Tho Mcnincrs of tho lleuubitor l.lno will leave
lust ' ' ' "' co"'mul,cu"f MonUoy tho Oth
Cortland Ofllee.
Oak Ht. Duel:,
t ho Dalles Ofllco
Court utrciit
W. C. Allaway,
Cienera akciiI,
Onico over Krench i Co.'s Hank
v,mie c Tin: DAi.i.Ka, okkoon
Wood Saw
Will run i cvnry day except Sumlav
Kates KenEoiiabio. '
Tolephone 201.
J W. A. CATES, Prop, i
..cflfls. m.
and Farmers
lilxed the bent hwr In Tho Dalles
nt the iiKiial iirlce. Come In, tr
it nnd tie ronvlm-od, Abn the
Kimst brniuts of Wines, l.huor
mid Cigars. '
of all Kinds always on nana.
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Horticultural anil Agricnltnral
I'niiluctB of OrcRon, Washington and
Iilnlio In greater variety mid pro
fusion thnti ever before.
America's Ureatest I.nly Cornet BobtiL
The t.'iieiUulled
of Acrobats, direct from the Km pi re Tbttttr,
London, tlieir llrst apieiirniiee In Amrrlci.
A Cireut
L'nstirpiistcd AciialUts, in their tlitllllnsscU
A ScBSon of Great Surprises and
Aatoumliiiy Feats.
ltnlueeil Kates on All 1 riunporUllH
Children under 12yinrs, 10 cents.
LotterH of Crdlt leflttcd available in
EftBtorn States. ,
Blulit Exulmnge mid 'fclr'
Transfers sold on Now YvrktC1"n2
St. Louis, San Francisco, lf'lflnH
van. KoRttlo Wash., nnd vorioue po
in Oregon and WuBhliiutoii. .
Colleotioiis uindo nt nil polnte onl
orable terms.
JlsrooTO PlinpU'i, PrnTcnt
IIIIIdii.iim., I'nrll thollluoil,
Cum II.IJkflAfllin Anil 11. Mliiiltiift.
A inoriimsnt nf thn howelii nsoh dsK. SSS
fi;r liDsltli. TIihjt nftliruriii iiorlc;jj JJAJ
Ino 7i"i, w Hlf mall smiln Irifj, ot "JrL
too. Hold bf draw-it. DR. U0SANK0 CO.rW.
n a iiuMTiNnton
nam I
HUNTINOTON & WIW1' , . , 1
UIcoovO First Nat. Ilanit
.. ki titii rnw
Ofllco ovei First Nat. ll-uik.
m. oiiivm w. p
Third Street, Iwtwoou i toari .
ton Streets, 'lli vm