Only one more to "buy one of these . $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 Suits or Overcoats at Eight Pease and Mays All GoodB Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 18f i) Telephone No. 1. -CO Oysters tcrvcd lti every htyl'j by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Koslyn con), iffi.oO a ton, delivered. Studelman Commission Co., 'phone "Ho. 14-2 w Clu Elm coal ifG.GO per ton; Rock Springs coal $!) per ton, delivered, ut Maier & Benton's. You can got the silk waist you want if you como early enough tomorrow. A. M. Williame & Co. The seats for "My Friend From Indiu" tiro going like hot cakes, nt Butler's drugstore. Admission is GO cents ; re served eunts 7G cents. Yesterday's afternoon west-bound train, No. 1, reached hero nt 5:110 this morning, n limit fourteen hours Into. Trouble on the Union Pucitic caused the delay. On the 14th or loth of next month a magnificent display of meteorB is to bo t'xpected by persons who wntch the sky nt night especially Into at night, toward sunrise. Good Racine single buggy and har ness (or enlo nt n bargain. Call on Ilmvorth, the printor, over Dalles Com mission Co. oot25-d.tv2w Harry 0. Liebe carries the most com plete stock of diamonds, watches, jewel ry and Sterling silver novelties in the city, which ho soils nt a reasonable price. Cull and inepect the assortment. The boaid of Are delegates will meet tomorrow night at 6:30 at the council chambers, It is requested that a full uttuudanco be on hand as business re garding tho proposed improvements will he discuseed. S. M. Blandford, bo long associated with 11, S. Pague in making weather for the webfootere, nnd now in charge of tho weather bureau office at Boise Citv, was married to Miss Emma L. Welle, at Portland Inst oyoning. Engineer Charles Evans, of Albino, whoso riftit leg was amputated some time ago, ia getting along finely, and ho is ablo to bo about. However, ho will havo to undergo a slight operation on account of a vein, which will have to be reinovcd,--Oregonian. Prof' Sandvlg announces that his first class instructions in dancing will be Kivon next Wednesday evening at tho Ihildwln. All who Intend to tako lessons aru requosted to be on hand at that time. The p.uty evening will he on Saturdays i'i the future. 27-tf The old maids aro all invited to bo present at the Hallowe'en party Monday "veiling, for they will have a splendid opportunity to learn the secret of be coming young again, as tho agent for "youth ronower" will be on hand. Ad mission 20 cents. Those who expect to attend the club lance tonight at the Baldwin will tako notice that the entrance to the hall has Only One Tomorrow, Saturday, will be the end of this Big Sacrifice Sale of odda nnd ends in Men's Suits and Clothing, that we hnve conducted so successfully Cho past ten days. Our stock of those goods has dwindled away fast, nnd, to make this sale particularly Interesting, wo have placed a few fresh lines with the Inst of the broken lots and let you take your choice Tomorrow only, at $8.95. These aro some of the best values that you ever saw, and tomorrow is the Vety Iiast Day You can have the opportunity at these Prices. Tlio now lines have been added to make this last day of the Bale The Banner Day of the whole week. Come early and don't bo kept waiting. Commencing Monday next we will ofTur special valueB at special prices in Youth's and Boy's Clothing Look out for Monday's Advertisement and see windows. PEASE & MAYS. been changed and instead of gaining ad mittance by the east door it will be necessary to lollow the walk around and enter at the hall door, or what is termed the dressing room door. You needn't cook any pastry tomor row, for it will not be necessary when tho ladies have such tempting pies, cakes, bread and everything in that line, on sale at Cross' store. Help them out ns well as yourself by patronizing them. Still tho wheat teams nre continuing to arrive in large numbers, and it doesn't look much as if the season's haul is about over. The market ii said to be knocked to pieces, but 52 cents is still being paid for No. 1 at the ware houses, so wo were informed at the Wasco this morning. Wonder if the morphine fiends a man and woman who, without the slightest provocation, invaded the hog pen at the brewery for somo time recently, haven't favored Hood River with their benign presence. The papers at that place are complaining about eomo fiends wiiich answer their description. His friends were greatly pleased to again see A. J. Tolmieon our streets to day, and ho was kept busy skaking hands. Mr. Tolmie is now in business in Pullman, Wash., and though ho does not like the climuto as well as at The Dalles, he is pleased witii tho business outlook. Ho is on his way home from n trip to Portland. Sinco tho rain storms of last week Second street has been in n very muddy condition, tho sun having littlo oppor ttinlty to strike it. A great improve ment liaB, however, been made by the work which is now being done, in scrap ing up and removing tho surplus mud and stones, which made it so disagreea ble to travel over. - We understand there is an effort on foot to induce Chaplain Gilbert, of com pany L, to deliver a lecture in tho near future in Tho Dalles. It is to be hoped that he will nccedo to tho result, as everybody in Oregon has a friendly feel ing for the brave chaplain who has so endeared himself to every member of the Second Oregon. Though tho number was not large which attended Prof. Sundvig's dancing party lust night, those who were there report u splendid time. Tho music was fine, and tho Lou ton nnd glide lanciere, which were introduced, took with ovory one, and requests were made several time for their repetition. These will no doubt be popular parties. Tho Hood Rlvor Sun bids fair to be changeable as the moon, that is regard ing publishers. E. R. Bradley, u com petent tiowepaper man, lias rented tho paper for a year. Thischuuge was oc casioned by the proprietor having prop erty interests at Sumpter, including mining claims and town property, which owing to late development, may become quite valuable by giving it his personal attention. W. M. Moore, who is blind, will be married this week to Miss Lizzie Brown, also blind, at tho homo of Geo. W. J)e Weese, a blind man, in Cleveland, Ohio. Justice of tho Pence Dwlght Palmer, a blind man, will perform the ceremony, and Wm. Vnndrnyst, who is blind, will bo tho best man. Fifty blind guests have been invited, and an orchestra composed of blind men will play the wedding march. After the ceremony a Benpils FOR- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 26th 27th Wo will offer all Remnants of DRESS GOODS, SILKS and LININGS at 20 PER CENT. Discount for three days to clear them out. They consist of short ends of all the best things we have carried dur ing the season, and are in lengths euitable for Waists, Skirts and Full Costumes. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. literary and musical program will be rendered by blind people. If the com pany ehould all play blind man's buff it would be a sight worth seeing. A really good force comedy and one that most every one has seen and all have heard of, is "My Friend From India," the attraction at the Vogt next Tuesday evening. It is played by the best company that has ever presented ithls piece, and headed by Walter E. Perkins, for whom it was written, and to whom the critics in the larger cities at tribute much of its brilliant success. Walter Moore, A. E. Hammond and F. T. Hurlburt were in the city yester day for the purpose of holding a meeting of the Shaniko Townsite Co.npany. The subject in question was putting in water works at the new townsite. We understand the materials have been ordered from the East and the works will bo completed by the time the Columbia Southern reaches that place, which is said to be by the first of May. Our conjecture was right concerning the contest bowling game between the Commercial Club team and the Arling ton Club in Portland Wednesday even ing. No news was bad newB, and our boys got beat. Of course there were good reasons for it or they never would have Buffered defeat; there are always sufficient reasons for that sort of thing. But the bowlers didn't put on crape nor wear a Bhomrock either, and they will show their colors later all right. Chaplain Wm. S. Gilbert, of the Sec ond Oregon regiment, was both sur prised and pleased to receive by express this morning a puree containing $35 in gold, and a card on which was inscribed : "Uhuplain Gilbert, complients of com pany K, Kkh Minnesota Volunteers." The Minnesota 1 ays were tiB proud of Oregon's chaplain ns tho Webfoot boys were, his many acts of kindness to them during the time the two regiments were side partners on the firing line not be ing forgotten. This token of esteem was bestowed unostentatiously and tells feelingly of the regard in which tho man himself is held. It is an act prob ably unprecedented in army eervice, an officer of one regiment being compli mented by the men of another legimeut. Eugene Guard. ltux HucUl ut liuyd. The teachers and pupils of district No. 21 will give un entertainment and box social in the Boyd school house on Friday evening, Nov. 3d, at 8 o'clock. General admission for those taking no part, 15 cents. Proceeds for benefit of school. 1idieB aro kindly requested to bring boxes of luncheon. Below is the program. Boiik "Happy Greeting'' B and 0 Division lieultiitlun , . . JIuttiu AUhius Mllblo, ., UeudliiR Ktlicl Southern Kccltuilon I'misy Wing Muslo , Tableau "The Flower of tho Faintly'1 ltceltittion Kbtu llolton IteiiilliiK " . l. Uutler Muslo , Kccltuilon IMItli Underlilll Motion nook () mid D Division Kemling lluttlc BtirnweU Muslo .. Tableau "Snow Wrdb" 1'crMumtUm "Old Wiick Joe" Muslo. ... Experience is the best Teacher. Uso Acker's English Remedy in any cafe of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded, 25 cts. and CO cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Remnants 28th PER CENT. PEASE & MAYS. OUR COUNTY SCHOOLS. Who the Teachers in Some of Them Are and What They Are Doing. Every person who is interested in Wasco county, must of necessity feel an interest in her schools, and therefore we have gleaned tho following concerning a portion of them that all may at least know who the teachers in charge are: School district No. 21, at Boyd, began Sept. 11th and has an enrollment of thirty-nine pupils. Mr. C. R, Deems, teacher, has introduced the ninth grade work and will soon have an assistant teacher. This is a good school com munity and they appreciate the good work being done. Miss Mabel O'Brien is teaching in district No. 30, near Dufur, having be gun teaching Sept. 18th. Miss Bessie Underbill began her first term's work in district No, 49, near Bakeoven, Sept. 25th. Miss Katie Brogan of The Dalles began her first term's work of three montbB in district No. 54 at Lower Antelope. Mies Barbara McDonald, of Portland, is teaching In district No. 51, east of Antelope, where she has taught several terms before. Mr. Geo. W. McClure began a three months' term in dietric No. 22, on Eight Mile, Sept. 18th. Miss Mabel Kiddell, of The Dalles, who graduated at Monmouth recently, is teaching at Endersby. She will teach two months and has an enrollment of nineteen. Miss Lillie Temple is teaching a three months' term in Mountain Home dis trict, east of Dnfur. Mies Margaret Le Due Is teaching in Rail Hollow district, near Dufur, with an enrollment of seventeen. District No. 40 at Tygh Valley has re cently built the best one-room school building in the county. The school patrons are trying to build up a good school there and have tlo room well equipped with furniture and apparatus. Mies Georgia Bonney, who has been in attendance at the state university, is now teaching tliiB school. The schools at Nanseno and Ridgeway have no fall term of school. There was about $35000 spent in school work in Wasco county for the year end ing March 6th, 1809, and that such an amount should be expended judiciously all will agree. The state course of study is being used in all of the above mentioned schools, which if properly used will be a great economy of time and expense. Every teacher in closing a term of school Is supposed to leave a statement of the grade work done by each pupil for the benefit of the school ana the infor mation of the teachers that succeed them. They are also expected to file a copy of the daily programme with the district clerk. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headnchee, They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 ceuts. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Silk waists and tailor-made dress skirts at clearance sale prices tomorrow. A. M. Williams & Co. THE GENUINE I Wilson flir-Tiqht Meatei i w i OUTSIDE DRAFT HIKE THIS: J r t ? ? r , r r r v r " ' r r r - r r r ' r r r r v Y Thoro are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... JKRVS & CROWE, Sole Agents. rr,i,gly,,i,rtt 2 "-iaFmony This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAXI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. He Wn H (iuat, Just a common everyday goat, with horns and a set of Zuza whiskers. He was hungry. He couldn't find a thing to eat. He had wandered down one alley and up another, and all alleys were allee samee empty and clean, for the city marshal had been around. There wasn't a scrap of meat, or any old tin cans and tho bills were glued to the billboards so light that they couldn't be moved. The more ho tried to find a lunch the hungrier he grew, and his stomach took tho cake (stomaehako,) All at onco his eye caught sight of something fluttering in the street. He ran to it, and, with out hesitation, ho swallowed it. They found him in tho gray dawn, dead, After turning him ovor, a piece of paper was found sticking in his throat, and when they pulled it out they found a newspaper. Ho had swallowed it, all but one part, and that was an ad. of a store that was selling something wortli $20 for $2.97. Even a goat couldn't swallow that. People today aro like goats in that re spect. They roalizo that some stores, with better facilities for buying and lees greed in selling, can undersell others, but nobody reads or believes in exag gerated ads. Pease & Mays, well, yon know wo usually come pretty close to the truth about goods and prices, and you can swallow Pease & Mays uds and not have to take anything to wash it down. And then when wo tell you that com mencing Monday Oct. 30, we will in augurate a sale of youths and beys cloth ing and at such prices as will make tho town ring, you can believe it. Mon day will be a good day to find out about these prices now that the goat ia dead. That Joyful reellnc With the exhilertiting sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to tho few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap Bubstitues sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. A 1' rightful Itlumler Will often cause a horrible burn, Fcald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 I 1 AAAAAA.IAAAA'A' AAA A A A 1 M 99 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are 3uch that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as a maBter remedy for all Disorders arising from imuerfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. A duck is about the only thing as indifferent to sunshine and shower, and the peacock the only thing as proud as you'll be when wearing one of our new mackintoshes. Arrived toduy. Pease & Mays. A. M. Williams & Co. havo just opened a new lot of children's worsted dres303. Prices range from 7uc to $0.50, and it ia needless to say that tho styles are em mfliently correct. They have also jtiBt received a now lino of wool waist?. Call and see them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping nud sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. Construction This Is au iilr tight lieuler u( tliu iivnl Hnvt hit! tMo: It Iihh OA hT IKON l.l.NlNliti, making It ilurulilu; uNu Ims front feci ilnor, eubt top iiml bottom runt OrilllllK'llllll BUillt' top, with Kii'.l'llo cover uuiluiiieatli. Nickeling It lino ulckclcil urn. name platu unil foot mils. Wu liavu u l'llllllt'IO Mock of IllCill mi Illlllll, call ami tee our block liufom biijlns,' clbcwlicrc. 1 111 piaier & Benton