: ' 3 . ..r vl I) c On 1 1 co (Etyconitk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1899. NO G8 r Jr tU- JU v?S lUr JV iCW nJV A- t 1W irtr itV 'At vffc TO-MORROW IS THE OPENING DAY OF OUR Great Clearance Sale of LADIES' SILK SHIRT WAISTS and STYLISH DRESS SKIRTS. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. 1 t . . SOME OF OUR BARGAINS. $3.50 3.50 4.00 4.25 4.50 4 00 5.00 6.50 7 50 7 50 9.00 DRESS SKIRTS. Blue Cheviot Skirts for : Brown Henrietta Skirts for Blue Serge Skirts for Black Serge Skirts for Blue and Black Checked Skirts for. Tan and Brown Plaid Skirts for. . . . Blue and Gold Plaid Skirts for Brown and Gold Plaid Skirts for. . . Fancv silk and wool Plnid Skirts for Grav'Plaid Skirts for Zsbaline Plaid Skirts for o 25 o 25 2 50 3 00 3 40 00 50 50 00 00 50 SHIRT WAISTS. $4 00 Plain India silk waiste, all shades. .$2 50 $3.95 Fancv stripe satin, blk satin voke. . 2 75 $0 00 Fancy Etripe Taffetta, plain tucked voke 3.50 $6 00 B'ack and white plaid Taffetta silk. 3.50 $7.00 Corded front satin waiet, purple ... 5 85 $8.00 Plaid Taffetta, plain tucked yoke... 4.75 $0.00 Braided velvet waist, navy, brown, black 4.75 Sale commences Saturday morning at 8 sharp A. 2VL WILLIAMS CO. 4 The Saving of , Baking Powder is con siderable. Royal is eco nomical, because it possesses more leavening . power and goes further. Royal saves also be cause it always makes fine, light, sweet food; never wastes good flour, butter and eggs. More important still is the saving in health. Royal Baking Powder adds anti-dyspeptic qual ities to the food. There im .no baking powder mo economical in practical use, no mattes how little other may cost, mm the Royal Alum baking powders are harmful and maku the food bitter. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK., CROP'S ATTACK ON MAFEKING Geo. Kales Forces Enteral Ladysuiilh Williont Molestation, GEN SYM0NS IS WOUNDED He Was a Prisoner of War In the Hands of the Boers at the Time of His Death, and General Joubert Con siderately Notified Gcucral White of the End. 1'itKTOHiA, Oct. 24. Via Lorenzo Mdiquois. The bombardment of Male MK by General Cronje'a command began lliii motnlng. The women and children were given ample time to leave the town. 1'uirroniA, Oct. 25. Via Lorenzo Marquess. The shelling of Mafeklng whb resumed at duyhreak Ibis morning. Several homes are in flames. London, Out. 20. The- death of Gen oral William l'enn Symone, UrltUh com- uiander at Glencoe, who was shot in the stomach, in the battle with the Boers there October 20, was officially announced in the house of commons today. The parliamentary secretary of the war office, Mr. Wyndbum, in announcing the death of Goneral Symons said : "The news was considerately sent to General White by General Joubert, which conveys the impression that Gen eral Yule had to leave his wounded at Dundee. We hope to have shortly full information on the disposition made by General Yule for his wounded before leaving. "Tlie house," ho added "will be glad to know that we have a further report from Mafeking, which was all right October 21. As the establishment there of the Nineteenth husears was complete, there ia no explanation why the infantry officers (ell into the enemy's hands." Order? wore issued today for mi addi tional 5000 troops to sail for South Atrica between November 4 and November 18. The war cflice received tlie following dispatch from General White: "I.adysmith, Oct. 20. 12:10 p. m. General Yule's column just marched In hero after a very hard march during the nluht of exceptionally heavy rain. The men, though done up, are in good spirits and only want rest. The enemy did not molest them." Sounds Bad For Uritons. London, Oct. 20. A belated dispaTch from Glencoe camp odinlta that very few Doers' dead and wounded were found on the Held ufter tho battle in that vicinity. Tho correspondent at tempted to explain this by saying: "Throughout the fight, tho Doers, In accordance with their custom, buried their dead and carried off their wounded immediately after they fell, those left representing the casualties during the last moments of fighting." Another correspoudr.it says the reported capture of all Doer cannon by the British was incorrect. Woman Tried For Murder. Coi.vii.i.i;, Wash., Oct. 25. Mre. Nan nie Madden Brown is now on trial for her life in the superior court, the case coming up yesterday, and the work of securing a jury continuing today, with failure so far to provide tho necessary twelve men. Mrs. Browii, October 10, shot and killed her husband, L. J. Brown, a danco-hall and saloon-keeper atNorthport. She discovered him in a locked room with another woman, of whom lie had become enamored, and when he came to the door she killed him. When arraigned she pleaded not guilty. Mrs. Brown, who is out on bail, retires to her room at the hotel on each adjourn ment, where she is seen only by her attorneys and intimate friends. It is said that she is under the vigilant eye of her brother and attendants, for fear that she will commit euicide in a fit of mental anxiety. Digamist Farnsworth's Defense. Ciiicaco, Oct. 25. Walter N. Farns worth, tho self-confessed bigamist, who claims to have married ovor forty women in different parts of the world, says he will offer a unique defeneo when his case Is called for trial. "The sultan of Sulu has many wives and is under the pro tection of tho United States govern ment," suid Farnsworth today. "I also have many wives, but tiie police, not tlie government, have me in charge. This is not according to the constitution al provision guaranteeing equality to all. I will see that either I go free or the Eiiltan of Sulu gives up some of his wives." Eugene Man Killed. Eugene, Oct. 20. Randolph Wenger, need forty-six, was killed this morning at the mill of the Eugene Lumber Com pany in this city, soon after beginning work. He and J. B. Crawford were running big saws. They were short one man, and there was no one to take boardB away from the saw. After sawing off a board Wenger thought it was going to fall against the saw, and stooped to push it away. The carriage reversed and Wenger waH caught by the upper saw and his head cut just above the ears from the back of the bead through, leaving only about two inches on the left cheek. In falling, part of the ripht.arm was cut off. Wenger had worked in the mill seven years. He leaves a wife rnd Eevfn children. There is more Catarrh 111 this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional tieatment. Hall's Catarrab Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teasDoonful. It acts directly dii :ne o.ood and mucous sur:aces 01 tne system. Tiiev offer one hundred -o'.mra :o: any case it fai.B to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Chenky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Aguinaldo's Strong Talk. Manila, Oct. 20. The Filipino con gress has selected a commission of native priests to proceed to Rome and explain to the pope tho abuses and in iquities of friars and ask for correcting intervention. Aguinaldo, in a recent epeecb at Tarlac, characterized the friars as intriguers and abusers of honor, law and morality, and declared they caused Spain's downfall in the Philip pines. The Thirty-fourth infantry, under Colonel Connor, proceeded to San Isdro this morning. l'layrd Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnees, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it becamo so it must bn purified 111 order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexlr has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood dieeaaee. It ia certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positivo guarantee. Blakeley!c Hough ton Druggists. Dewey Is In Possession. Washington, Oct. 25. The house on Rhode Island avenue recently purchased for Admiral Dewey by popular subscrip tion was formorly turned over to him to day by Assistant Secretary Yanderlip and United States Treasurer Roberts, of the Dewey house committee. Subscrip tions amounting to $1275 were received today. 1 m ri n n n i 1 1 n n 11 1 1 1 rrn ttt n '3 p, 'A 't 'A ft 'A 7 'l fx Tha Dalles, Of. The Chronicle, Job Printers. : ! UtH1UmU2SllUUUlXlUUULUUUUlllLmilJULllllllllLlJllllllllllllLlltL'lllllin lift 1111 1 i. (imrmninimmnimmni iTriiTrrrlrl,i tTiiTtirinitViirriifiiirtrniiWiiiirt'. C. C. COOPER, MANUFACTUHElt OF High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. 1 DK.M.EIt IN Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually ' kept in a first-class harness shop. Opposite .Moody's Warehouse, This Stamp a Guarantee MAKER TIIE DALLES, OREGON. of Quality. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. SUMMONS. IN THE (JIIttM.'IT COUftT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon , (or the county of Wasco. Hanlet A.Simou, l'Jaliitltr, v. William II. If, Simon, defendant. To William 11. H. Simon, the ubove named ilt'fen dant: In the Name of tho State of Oregon; You aiu hereby notified to ho ami appear In the above entitled court on or before iho lust day of tho publication of this biimnioiis, towits On or be fore Saturday, the 1Mb, day jit jMivember, lb'Jy, then and there to answer tho complaint of the above named plaiutllt llkd against you In the above entitled nilt; and if you o fall to appear and aiikwer mid eompluint, for want thereof plalulitl will apply to tuld court for the relief pray-d lor in her complaint, tn-vit: For a de cree of theabovecntllled court foreverdlstolvlng and annulling the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exUting between pbtlntlll' mid defendant, and for an absolute decree of divorce from you, the bald defendant. 'IliU buunumu it served umii you by publica tion thereof by order of the Hon, W. I.. Urml bhaw, Judge of the above entitled court, which order beam date, of the '.'ml day of October, Ib'j'J, and dlrccU that tuld mminonn be mvtd upon the mid defendant by publication thereof for U coiiKcutlve v.ccks in The Dalle OiiuoNicj.K, a weekly nun kpujier of general circulation, pub lished In -The Dulles, U'ukco county. Oregon: tald publication to begin on the Tth day of icioocr, in.rj, mm euu .on mu jsiu uay 01 November, 1W. oct7 11 DUFUit ii MKNKFKK. Attorney for I'laiutitl'. SUMMONS. TN THE CIIU'UIT COURT OK TIIE STATE -I- of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Chaikb U, I., lleiibon, plalutilV, VB Hettle A, Ileuton, defendcut. To lleltle A. lleiibon, the above numcd defend ant : In tho Namo of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint in tho above entitled court ami catibo on or before tlx weeks from tho date of the llrst publication of this notice, to-wlt: the Olli day of September, isiw, mid If you fall to m ap ical' mid answer or otherwise uleail. tluiilnlii flit' will apply to the court for the relief prajed for in his complaint herein, to wit: that tho bonds of iiiatilinony now existing between loiever una hdutlll'andnufeiidant he dUbolvtd Phdutlll that pla lutllt'havu iiidirniLMit hlmIiisI defendant for his costs and dlbburtciueiitb and for such other mill further relief as to the Court may seem meet and i'Ultab!c. This Miminoiis Is published by virtue of an older made and blgueu by Hon. VV, k llrad-lmu, Judge of the above entitled court, on tho lid day of September, nw, dlicctnig that balii biimmoua be published ouee u week for a period of not less than tlx consecutive weeks. FHEI1. V. WllijON. bcptG-1 Attorney fur I'lalntlll". Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Ilrandy. For sale at all tiret-claes bars. O. J Stubliug, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.