Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System DUy THE GENUINE MANT'D By uivrniaTgpSyrvp(. ro; stu EYii'.csuM.iTi rcct set rtaKrut, l'i:illLK YOU AM. KNOW. S. 0. Andrew, of Ellensburg, is in the city. C. X. find II. 0. Thomas are in from Bakeoven. J. N. Burgess cime in from Antelope this iDornimr. 11. -D. Ctinieron. of White Salmon, was in town List night. Miss Pearl Joles left on the boat this .morning for Portland. Mrs. T. E. Jackson and daughter came tun from Hood River yesterday. 01 r. and Mrs. Etuene Looney are Visitors in the city from Mitchell. Julin W. Gunn. of Salem, registered at the Umatilla House yesterday. Dr. G. E. Sanders was a passenger on yesterday's afternoon train for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leni Burgess were in .from their home at liakeoveii yesterday. "Otto Kohler, a former resident of The Dalles, arrived from Ellensburg yester day. vG. J. Pearce. wife and two children anivfd in the city yesterday from Salem. John Winston, T. K. Winston and Henry Mitchell are visitors in The Da.les from Joseph, Wallowa county. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnston, who have ppt-nt several davs in Poitland and Salem, returned last night and spent today in the city. Mrs. II. M. Morse, who lias been vi-itinj: her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Rid del', returned to her home in Portland yestrrdny afttrnoju. , Mrs. 0. 0. Steven? left this mommy for Portland, where she will make a two weeks' visit before returning to her home in Gilliam county. Mre. Leon Curtiss, who Has been visiting in Portland, came up on last night's train and retuniHl to her home in Grand Dalles this morning. Mr. and Mr?. Van Duyn, who have A Grocer Says "I guess everybody in Bcllevue, Ohio, knows 0. U. Callaghan. the grocer. I am in ins em nlov. ant am about as ( gM I wen Known us he is. A grocery is a place where you liavo cold gusts of wind coming tn every time the door opens, and there is a good deal of running about out- ff-doors too. Anyhow, I catch cold very often, but tho minute I begin to sneeze I reacii upon the shelf and take a doso of Acker'a Eng lish Hemedv. I tell vou it is wonderful how quickly it stops a cough or cold. I have used it myself, and in mv fam ily for a number of years. It works like a charm. I supposo some of the folks would have run into consunintion before this if I bad neglected to keep a bottle ready all the time for immediate use. I wouldn't think of using anything else for throat and lung troubles. I know what Ackers Remedy actually uoes, so wiiat sense is mere in ex perimenting? Certainty is better than cuance." (signcuj joun mow. Sold at 25c.. 60c. and $1 a bottle, through out tho United States and Canada: and in England, at Is. 2d 2. 3d., 4s. Od. If you are not satisfied after buying, return tbo bottle to your druggist, and get your money IMCK. We authorize Ihe above guarantee. W.U. UOOKJSIt d- CO., Proyrietort, tow York. von s.w.k ii v Blakeley & Houghton. rij r. r r t i uhllf, OVERCOMES Jr & .IT. 1 I VIHUp nrniiAtinmv runmHiiLiiiLi i , ir spent several days in Portland, returned last night, and will be guests at tho home of B. F. I.anglilln for a few days. Mrs. Chas. Johnson returned to Port laud this morning, whoro she will re main with her husband until his health has improved eufliciently to return ho ui i'. Konrad L. llouser ciitne in from his place at Bakeoven today. He has a thousand head of sheep on their way to this city, which ho has sold to I). P. Ketchuin, and is here to deliver. Ihos. Harlan, who, with his son, Mil ton, formerly editor of Tin: Ciikoxiulk, is now publishing tho Pacific Demo crat in Portland, was in The Dalles yes terday in the interest of that publication, Ho returned fo Portland this morning. ItOKN. Near this city, in tho Mill creek neighborhood, Wednesday, Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kneabel, a son. l'rolinlily Tolls tho Truth Tills Tlmo. Perhaps tho only opportunity to wit ness Waltar Perkins' performance of tho part ho has made famous, that of the barber, in "My Friend From India," will be on Tucsdiy night at tho Vogt, where Siuythe & Rice's Comedians pie sent that famous comedy, as the author H. A. DuSouchet m a short while will have completed another comedy es pecially euited to tho ability of Mr. Perkins' quaint personality. Originally made famous at the Bijou Theater, New York, by a company, many of whose members are still n part of tho present organization, and during a run of three mouths at that theater, it was taken to Boston where it was pronounced one of tho most emphatic successes in years; and in Philadelphia, and Chicago and all other cities where it has been pre sented, it duplicated its Metropolitan favor. It is not often that much re liance can be placed in a theatrica press agent'e story, but for once in his life he seems to havelent a semblance of truth about this amusing farce. When ever this company reaches a city where they are going to give a performance, the story of DuSnuchet's earlv exper-1 iences as a playwiight is immediately ventilated, and then every one learns about the vain endeavors of an actor's efforts to have the creation of his Javor- ite author's brains placed before the public for its approval or condemnation, must likely the latter. No one could be found who cjuld believe in either author or play. It is to Walter Perkins that credit, first for the production, and sec ondly for the euccesaof this play, is due, as there is no doubt that his perfor mance has really made "My Friend From India" a welcome friend indeed at all times. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for October 2G, IS99. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: LADIES. Allen, Miss Lucy Herricks, Mrs Lizzie Allen, Mrs Chas A Hull, Miss Ida Anderson, Mrs Jon Ivans, Mrs Ida Beattie, Mrs John Miers, Mrs Bettio Bauer, Miss Annie McKiuon, Mrs Lula Blooser, Mrs Marie MuCann, Mis Nora I Burgoyne, Mrs Annie Mackinzie, Mrs Jus Balm, Mrs E Plamel, Mary Evens, Ida Price, Miss Maud Gilmore, Mrs D U Roos, Miss Lena Gilmore, Mrs Med bcott, Mrs May Harmans, Miss AlidaThoinpeon, L?esia MENS. Albort, Mr Brown, M A Brickcr, M M Burs, W M Boydston, Jasper Brown, Chas Braun, Otto Birnitzki, C! R Covntram, Artie Carman, Fred L Carlson, Adolph Couray, R II Cook, S R Davis, William C Duehisn, W E Drake, R V Ellwcod, John M Evens, H M Elb, Frank (2) Fergueon, P Frederaker, J A Ferguson, Wlllard A Fredenbnrg, T Fersustn. Geo W Gunger, Al Good fellow, Mr. Hull, Edgar B Heltgron, Andrs Haslignr, Win Harris, Pup Hill, Robert Hasbnrg, Win Holmes, Chas Hutman, Chas E Herrinuton, C II Herricks, M Howe, F W (2) Howe, Heurv Mans, Philip F flici.tnmone, McTemmonds, J P Price,' Richard Purdy, Ben Richardson, Mr T Rings. T A Richardson, Mr Skelton,Freenian(2) Stelmant. Dan Stolkle, F Schmidt, Hchuraeings, John Van Orsdall, J G l weber, fce.ll l'OHTAI. CA1IIJ3. Gosfer, C Harris, Mrs E Hawthorn, C M Wright, D R Vangham, J R PACKAGES. Brouyn, H E Lucky, J fi Neely, Samuel Livingston, A W Mullory, M A Rhodes, Clara H. II. RlHDKM., P. M. During the winter of 1807 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading cltieens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., stn ck his leg a cake ol ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen end pained liim so badly that he could not walk without the aid of ciutcbes. Ho was treated by physicians, also uud several kinds of liniment and two end a half gallons of wliiikey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until ho began uiing Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tills brought aluioat a complete cure in a week's time and ho believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have iiad to bo amputated. Pain Balm is ttn cqualed for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribo for Tho Chronicle. U.'e Clarku it Falk'a Rosafoani for tho teeth. Ash your grocer for Clarko it Fa)k"s pure coucoutiatcd fhvoriug extracts. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are thu best. Ask your grocer for them. Clarke it Fall; have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarkoit FnlkV quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff fruin the head. Latest thing in cameras aro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with paints that aro fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk have them. Special clearance sale of silk waists ami dress skirts at A. M. Williams it Co. 'a Saturday. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chickpn feed. mcli25-tf A full line of Sterling silver novelties and souvenir spoons cm he found at Harry C. Liebe'a in the Vo;t block. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Curo will digest what you eat. It cures ail forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Hurrlshurg, Pa., on the life of tier child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minuto Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Dr. Russ, one of Portland's prominent dentists, has bought Dr. Tacknian's office, in tho Vogt building. His work is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled and extracted painless. 12 "It did mo more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," write? S. B. Keener, Hoisington, Kan , of Kodol Dy-pepsia Curo. It digests what you eat. Butler Drug Co. "I wish to express my thanks to the mttuufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill.l of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Wlilltrcl. A small band of sheep, between 500 and 1000, ou shares or rent. Inquire of F. Lang, oct2i-2Sd&w Columbia Hotel. l'ur lien I. Furnished housekeeping roome. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. 21 3t To (jure u Colli IU Oli Day. Taki! Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lete. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. &. h'or "ulo. Thirty thousand capacity 'saw and planing mill at a bargain. AddresB Jas. Young, box 1018, Portland Or. 14 10 Exeoutor's Notice. Notice Is hereby. Riven that ihe undersigned linn been apjrfjinu-l by order of Die roiinly court of tho statu of Oreson for Wasco county, uud tiy the will of Mary Hills, deceased, executor of Ihe last will unci testament of bald Mary Utile, dc ceased. All iKTbUis IiuvIhk claims against ssld estate aro henby notllitd to present them with Ihe projicr vouchers to mo at the ollico of Hunt Itigton A: Wilson, 'Uio Dalles, Oregon, within tlx month from the dale of this notice. Dated Octotvr 10th, iVM. JOHN M. MAHDKN, Oct llll Executor. Executor's Notice. All persons Imviiik claims agalctt tho citato of ICIuabcth Ann fates1, deceased, uio hereby iiotllled to present tho same, proerly vcrllied, at thcotllco if the uuacrtliri.ed, Iho duly up pointed executor of said estate, at Dalles City Oregon, will. I ii six months from thu dalo of the publication of this notice. Dated thu l'Jth day of October, JIUU1I I.O0AN, Oct 11 II Kxecutor. Ask your 1 Druggist tor a generotu 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Crum Balm contain! no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It U quickly Absorbed. Ulvei I(clle(tonc. It oien ana cieaaMs . . . - the num i'aHKc. COLD lit H t A ten of TJt and ftiaell. Full tflte 00c ; TrUl Gl. IA At 1kmttlaiai h snail. I ULYiSUM Whim MmC Hw York. 4W Admiral George Dewey Wilt receive- tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. lit licit, that win ever accorded to an American litiicn. Vou vrlll find n comptcto tlosmphy of this great l.cro, includlns his billUant victory over tho SpftU" lib. Ueot in tho great, authorltatlvo and up- date work of reference , tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannlca This la tho only cncyclopxtllaon tho market that mentions Admiral Dewey. It gives tho date of ill i Mrth; how ho spent hia boyhood days; tho part ho took in tho Civil War, how after tho War he vtm linployed on tho European etation; In tho Naval Academy; his rlso to the rani: of Commander mid I'rcsMent of tho Board of Intpcctlon nnd Bun-oy; his command of tho Atialic Siuulrou; how on April 2ith ho lea Hong Kor.s f Itli Ids tquadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Tlect, at Manila, on iiay ltt; h!a appointment na Actlns Hear Ad miral, tho honora ho received from Congrcsr, nnd how ou llarch 2nd, 1S00, ho waa created full Ad miral. It speaki ofldians a strict disciplinarian, r.n all-around nthletc, n darliis horseman and huntsman, and toclally a gocxl club man and o. ncneral favorite. It telta of ills marriage to Ji.M. Susy Goodwin, n daughter of tho "flHhtlns rov crnor" of New Hampshire, who died iu 1872, lcav Ins a on, George tiomlwln Dowuy. t Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scores of other noted pcnoniiKca not crcn mentioned in any other KncycloiwulU receive, the samo attention iu IhU blitloii of tho Encyclopaedia Britannica It spcaka of General Wood as Governor of Eastl ago - of Ocncr.U Ifcnrj' as Governor-General o: I'orto Rico; of Aguinaldo's dcclaraUon of War against tho U. S. YOD NEED T11IS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human Irnowlcdo and progress, wherein infor mation Iimoro easily found ami acn.ulru! than in any other book or encyclopedia in Uio world, IN YOUR HOME. JOB DALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, O. S. Smith, Tin: dp-to-dateQroeer Freeh KgKH niul Crcatnury Jiuttor a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270, NOT10K FOU l'UItl.ICATION. Land Ornt'E atTiik I)ALU,OIIKRON, Kepteiuher iu, iwj, ( Notleo l htrehy slven that the follow ln tiHined Kettler Iimh lllul notice of his liitenllun to make final proof in support of his claim, mid that said proof will hu Hindu before thcrcKldcr and recelvfr at Tho Dalles, Orexou, on Friday, November 3, lsW, vU.: Ilurlirrt II. Mhr, nf Tim DiiIIvh, Or., Homestead Kntry No. 5M, or the YM NKh. and Wli SYM, section '.'7, township 1 north, rainto Hi eiist.W. M. He names Iho following hIIiicksch to prove his continuous residence upon, uud cultivation of said laud, viz.: Hutnuel Creiqhton, John I!. Cook, Wljllam Itnweon ai.d Charles ituwsoii; nil of 'Ihe Kalles UrcKoii, IAV V. I.UCA3. scpUjHi ItcKlster. NOTI0K FOlt PUBLICATION, L'. B. Land Cffick, at TlIK Dallks. OllK,,) OCTOIIKIlS, lS'J'J. I Notice Is hereby given that iho follonliiK named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Iho Itealsier and Heeelver at The JJallen, Oregon, on batur day, November II, lbW, viz: AIuUiIhn llilcl, of Mosler, Oregon. Homestead Kntry No. 3075, for Iho HWU NWK. m HK and HV('K HWM, section v, townshfi 2 north, range 12 mM, W. M. Ho name? Ihofollowlni? witnesses to piovo his conllnuouH residence Uon and cultivation of said laud, vl.; Clus.Mller. of Mosler. OreKou; Hn Thomas, If?"', htoneman and iirnest rrledllchs. of Thu Jiatles, Okkoii, JAV '' I.UIJA8, oct7 II iteiilster NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLKMKNT. No.,,!co.,H, !',w,'' ""'t ttao uuderslKiKd haa II ed with thocleik of Itiecoiinly cUrl he statu nf Ouwii, for Wsko eoilnty, final aeeount as iidmlnlitralor of the eslMte i of John (itant, deceased, and that by an order of Yf.'j cV.urt !flu,iu."" "IU 'lY ol Kepteniber. WJ. Monday, the i;th day of Novcmlir l"w.iit ho hour of B o'clock p. in. has lictii fl4 i the time and Iho couiily court room In IMIlis city as the place for Iho healliiK nl objections o sild final account. j, jiUKi' MoANIilV Adminlsliuior of U.uie of JohiNlram, Do t'"ta beptlCIl EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd aru duo to nrrlvo at l'otllai ()Vi:itl.AND 1IX-1 jiros, Kiilem, Hofc- bum, .siiuiiiu, niiu- - X.t.lnl, ,1,1 1. !; Kmucifco, Mojiwe, I I.on Alixeles, Kl l'as", J!13 A. M. I New Orleans mm I If list .... . 3IS0 A. M, Hoseburt! and uiy sin tlllllM . fVIa Wthura fori Mt.Ancel, Hllverton, West fclu, llrowns- i vllle,rfprlnMleldnnd iNatniu J 1:80 1'. M Dally oxcupt Hundiiyi. Dally except Sundays I7S80 A.M.I ' . " . ' .........lllu I IQIIl'l 5:W 1'. INDKl'KN'DKNCi: PAHSKNGKH. Kxpresa train liilliv (e.xcgpi nmiujijry (I.v l'ortlimd ...Ar.i fl:2 7;.'Mj Ai..MoMinnvllle..l.v.J ft-J) 8::wji. m. (Ar,.ltukiendence..l.v.) 4:' HiSfin. m f)H. in. K::ain. m. (Ar..Indi.iendence..i.v.J m. Dally. tDaliy, oiecpt huiuiar. DINING (JAU8 ON 00 DUN IlOtJTlC. 1'tIl.l.MAN IJUKKKT Hl.r.KI'KIW AND HHCOND-CI.AKri HI.KUI'INO CAltfc AtUiched U) all Throuuh Trains. Direct connection atHan Krancisco with Occl dcnUil and oriental and l'aclilo mall steamship lines for J Al'AN and CHINA. Hailing dates on implication. , , ,, Hntes Mid tickets to Kantern joints nnd Ku roiie. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anC AtlSTItALIA. All abovo trains arrive at and depart irom Grand Central HMtloti. Fifth and IrviliK streets YAMHILL HIVIHION. l'rtiseiiKcr I)ciit, foot of Jetterson street. Itc for Hherldnn, week days, at i:S0p. in Arrive at Portland, UiH) a. in. Unvc for AIHI.IK on Monday, Wednesday and KrMay at s.itt a. ni. Arrlv at Portland, Tues day. Thunday and Saturdaj u 3:Oi p. in. K.ieept Sunday. ICxcept Katiuday. It, KoUKl.Kl!, jlanalcr. G, II. MAliKIIAM, Asst. G. 1'. .V Pass. Aut ThrouRh Tiekct Oltloe, Third street, where through tlrkets to all points In the Kastcni HUites, Canada and Kurojie can be obtained at rates from J. II. KII1KLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHKALDON. The Busy Store. Eacti doy our business shows the people urc liiulmg out wc are pushing to the front with hettcr gootls, lower prices, salespeople the very host, nnd hist, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' stm. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except riuuday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touchlni; at way polns on both sides of the Columbia river, Hoth of tho above steamers havoljeen rebuilt, and urn In ,tvrr.lli.nt Linn., r,,r n ik., Tho HcKiihttiii I, Inn will endeavor to Kivo its iuu uusfc servicu Hjssinie. For IjiHiifiirt, Kniiiioiny hiiiI l'l(tsiir, IihvcI by thu steamers of The llKtilutitr 1. 1 no. T ho t learners of the lteulatrr Line will leave DallLK Jit 7 11. in. f.iniliii.iir.lni. tli.iwlut .1... ...I. IllSt .."vii'H ,w.; 1111. vi, 1 Portland. Olllcc. fjU Dalles Ollico oat st. Dock. court Htreet W. C. Allaway, Genera Agent. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, DeuiiHt. Ollico over French & Co.'k iiauk 1'hOHO , T1IKDAU.E8.0IIEGON ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run , every rt.iy except Sundav ltntt'8 Iluiieoimblu. Tolophono 201. j; W. A. OATES, Prop. ..GfjflS. fM Butejbefts and Fatrmeps ..Exchange.. 1oTOs.Vi!,.v,,u,l!,i.!,!il? ?ZL eilttrd the best tot In Thu Dalit, atthottiual jirlee. Come In, try It nnd be ronvlnrcd, Alio tlic Finest brands of Wines, l.l iuor nnd Cigars. Samduiiehes of all Kinds always on hnd. OREGON Industrial Exuiti OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. TTft Ml Anl4 Mklfl 1 Mtil amIIhiuI 11U1 LlUUiLUltU rJlllt hMMil I'roductH of OreK"i Wshlnton tnd Idntm in ru:iter variety nnd pro- lusiun tliun ever belore. BENNETTS Renowned MILITARYBASD MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amerlea'a Orenteit Lady Cornet SololiL Tho t'ueiiualltd FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, dirvet from tho Kmplrc Theiter, tjumiou, ineir urst apivaraiice in .ntrici. A tireat FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Unsurpassed ActialMs, iu their thrilling uU. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A ik'neoii of Gr'ent Surprises and Astounding Keats. Ilddliovd Itutes on All TrniiiiolUU Lines. AO.M1HHIDN .... S5CHU Children under 12 years, 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. THANHAOT A KNKltALIIANIUNIl flUflSM Letters of Orwllt Ibhih;i1 nvnilable in tt EiiHtoru Stntee. , Rlglit Exclmnite will TroneforB Bold on Now y,orktC; Bt. LoniB, Sun Francisco, PorltantfWJ Kon, Sunttle Wnah,, and various po in Oregon ana wasiniiijimi. , Collections made at nil points on J" oralilo tonne. , PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. lUmoTa rimplo, I'rufnt IlillnuiMuaK. I'lirKv thn litiioil. A inurvmwit of Ilia liowel" eli Ur ''.'ttS. tines yiiu, wn will null inpl frw. u'i"JuS.i ( ll.I.i,ll.l. . II B IIUNTIKOTOH II lileeov, First Nut. lUiik Oflico ovei First Nat. HhiU". jUttS. OLIVIA W. MOHCflA AND ART NEEDiJ-B KIA8ONI0 mMl-DlN'0' . . . cnrt and T,,,rd8trSTrTUi-