e I) c Do Ik g VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1899. NO 67 vifcr i-f-V -JV W VfS yrjC,5c ltr jrfV jiV.jV jifjlfk.jV jJVjt&tjffir rfS Ac iftf nfW jfl tAc. jiCV x!V W: rfV jj 'V -'jr fl?jr-JTijjH Tjf1 -"v- fcr- 'JJT 1ve jijn3.Ti vVV ffl SATURDAY NEXT Will bo the Opening Day of a Great Clearance Sale of LADIES' SILK SHIRT WAISTS and STYLISH DRESS SKIRTS at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Some of Saturday's Bargains. DRESS SKIRTS. $3.50 3.50 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.00 5.00 6.50 7.50 7 50 9.00 nine Cheviot Skirte (or $2 25 Brown Henrietta Skirts for 2 25 Blue Serge Skirts for 2 50 Black Serge Skirts for 3 00 Blue and Black CI. ecked Skirts for. 3 40 Tan and Rrown Plaid Skirts for. ... 3 00 Blue and Gold Plaid Skirts for 3 50 Brown and Gold Plaid Skirts for... 4 50 Fancv silk and wool Plaid Skirts for 5 00 Grav Plaid Skirts for 5 00 Zibaline Plaid Skirts for 0 50 fO.50 Blue Cheviot Braided Skirts for. . . .$4 05 7.00 Gray Flannel Braided Skirts for 5 00 7.50 Blue Venetian Braided Skirts for . . 5 00 8 00 Black Venetian Plain Skirts for 5 00 10.00 Tan Venetian Braided Skirts for . . . 6 00 5.00 Black Brocaded Silk Skirt for 3 80 8.50 BlacK Brocaded Silk Skirt for 0 50 8.50 Rhadame Silk Skirt for 0 50 Sale commenoea Saturday morning at 8 sharp A. XH. WILLIAMS GO. At Jfr aftif (! -Jts fir .ife.-t!r. . -jflti JTS rtL .Jits 11 s.. .Jlfc JH ..U . ..fl1". jfc - -jft JA .j.. Hjp-j; S&$$k3?bf& $gtiifkf&rSuk t&S&t JiJKS -JSJl 5jf JjM Srf RUSSIA HAS NO INTEREST la Eraser's People or Their Utile GERMANY SAID TO BE FRIENDLY aVAI Baking ABSOLUTELY "PURE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOYAL OAKIHO POWDER CO., HEW YORK. What Can France Do Alone? Moreover, the Latter Is More Interested in the Paris Exposition Than Any thing Else Just Now. Ni:w YoitK, Oct. 25. A dispatch to tlio Times from Paris says : There is much uncertainty as to the real etato of affairs in the Transvaal, and until the French know which way the cat will jump, their opinion is not very frankly expressed, and is therefore difficult to guess. The views entertained by M. Del Casse, the minister of foreign aft'iiirs, are pre cisely the same, and it is nonsense to declare, as some of the Paris papers are doing, that Franco and Russia propose to iutorvene in Africa and help the Boers. France is watching with great interest the attitude, of the German emperor with regard to the war. For some years past every successive Freuch cabinet has been hypnotized by the movements of this young poteutute, just like some historical subject under the manipula tion of a professional mesuiemer. What ever Emperor William does or seems in clined to do calls for a great outcry here, i'uris, which is empty more and more both politically and socially, bids fair to become a mere hull of echoes. The French are inclined to believe that Em peror William is no longer sympathetic with the Boers. Russia is entirely dis interested in the Transvaal. The Russian press denounces Great Britain on broad principals of morality and justice. With Russia indifferent and Germany friendly, Groat Britain has nothing to fear from France. Moreover, France has now but one idea, and that is the Paris exposition. Any statesman who would jeopardize the success of that show would brinj about a revolution. Germany Not In It. Hkiimn, Oct. 25. The Tagohlalt do nies the statement of the Eclair, of Put Ib, that Germany, after promising assistance to France and Russia for tho purpose of intervening in the Transvaal, seems now to withdraw it. The Tugeblatt declares : "We believe we are well informed when we state that the German govern ment did not participate in any combi nation for intervening." Minnie Uavls Free. Davkni'omt, Wash., Oct. 24. Minnie DaviB, charged with murder In the first degree in having made away with her il legitimate child at Wilbur a few weoks "Ko, was on trial In the superior court hero yesterday and today. A jury was impaneled Monday nnd the state's evi dence was introduced. After the state had made its oiso, Attorney Morritt asked that the jury be exousvd while he argued for a dismissal of the ease. He held that the elate had failed to make its case from the fact that it had not proven the facts set forth in its opening statement. Judge Neal denied the motion. QUARREL HAD FATAL END Lessee Kills Owner in Controversy Over a Farm. Salem, Or., Oct. 24. Ted Perry was shot and killed today on a farm four miles south of Salem, by J. A. Willard Tho latter had rented the farm for a year, and controversy existed between them as to the time the leaee expired Willard formerly kopt a store and post- office at Liberty, a mile north of where the tragedy occurred. In April last he rented Perry's farm and lived on it up to a few weeks ago, when he moved to the city nnd became part owner of a cigar-stand. Deceased came from Kansas and lived at Liberty about live yeare, moving to Salem u jear ago. He leaves a wife and two children. Willard gave himself up to Sheriff Durbiu, claiming to have acted in self-defense. The body of Perry was brought to Salem, and on inquest will be held tomorrow. Perry is about fifty-five years of age. An examination made tonight by thiee physicians disclosed the fucf that four of the five bullets fired by Willard punctured Perry's body. Three of tliem were fatal. Ono passed through the heart, another through both lungs, a third through the intestin e and the fourth lodged in the left arm. BATTLE NEAR LADYSMITH Will Be a Great Test of British Valor Losuo.v, Oct. 25,. General White has telegraphed the war office from Riet fontein under dote of October 24th, say ing there was fighting near Ladysmitb. Twelve of the British force were killed, eighty-nino wounded, five missing, the casualties being largely among tiie Gloucester regiment. A special dispatch from Cape Town, dated at 0:15 this morning, says there has been another battlo at Ladysmlth and the Boers were repulsed. British casualties were placed at four killed and seven wounded, all rank and file. A special from Lndye'mith dated Oct. 23d, says the troops of the Eighteenth hussars, which got astray in pursuing the Boers after tho battlo of Glencoe, Imvo arrived at Ladysmlth, tho troopers having fought their way through with a loss of three horses. The Lady and the Burglar. Tacoma, Oct. 25. Last night Mrs. Eva Llewellyn, keeper of a lodging-house, was awakened by a burglar ransacking her room. Springing out of bed she or dered him to put up his hands, and re lieved him of several articles he had Btolen from her. She thon ordered-him out of the house and notified the police immediately, who arrested him. fane has bad various interesting ex periences with burglars before. I'Uyed Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tiie body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishneee, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. To Astoria For 25 Cents. Astoria, Or., Oct. 24. The passenger rate war between Astoria and Portland has been started anew by the reduction of the fare by the O. R. & N. on Its boats; to 25 cents. The other companies have not yet met this cut and the passenger department of the Aetoria & Columbia River railroad announcej that it lias no intention of meeting it.. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, aud until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cntarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market, It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly an tne a.ood and mucous sur;aces 01 tne system. Tiiev offer one hundred do'uars :or any case '.t fans to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 CALAHB4 IS SURROUNDED Betels Have Belnnifi With An In crease! Force. RAINS PROVE A GODSEND Made River Navigable and Enabled lhem to Get lueir Supplies on Native Cascoes. Manila, Oct. 25. The Twenty-six in fan try arrived here on- the transport Grant yesterday and sailed for Ho Ho today without embarking. Insurgents have returned to the vicinity of Calam ba. They have increased in numbers .and are surrounding the town 011 the land sides. Rains Helped Them Out. Manila, Oct. 25. At San Isidro, thirty hours cl' rain has raised the river and f upplies are arriving there in cascoes of the natives. The health of returning columns is excellent. Thoss who desire to take instructions in dancing will now have an opportunity. Messrs. A. Sandvig and H, P. McCord, who have had a successful class in Baker City, are now iu the city for the purpose of organizing a class. They will engage the Baldwin and give instruction Tues day nights and soirees on Friday nights. They are very gentlemanly appearing and will no doubt secure a large class, as Dalles people who formerly resided L in linker City are willing to vouch lor heir excellency as teachers. Experience Ib the best Teacher. Uso Acker's English Remedy in uuy case of coughs, cold or croup, Should it fail to gtvo immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Druggiste. Americans Do Not Loot. New Yoitic, Oet. 25. A special to the Times from Washington says: "The stories of American soldiers looting churches are false," eaid Colonel A. S. Frost, of the South Dakota regiment, who had a long interview with Secretary Root iu regard to the Philippine situ ation : "As General MacArthur advanced, the principal churches were set fire by Aguinaldo's men, notably tho churches at San Fernando and Malolos, and the looting was dene by the insurgent stragglers and Chinese. It is not true that the Philippine prieoners were In humanly treated. There is no kinder man in the world than the American soldier. 1 have seen him sharo his food with and divide shelter with wounded Filipinos. The Filipino wounded are taken to the hospitals on tho same trains with our own." Colonel Frost highly praiEed General Otis, declaring him to be a man of splen did character. "He makes enemies," said the colonel, "because he is a strong man." That Tlirolililiijf llenclnclie Would qu'ckly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of eufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick aud Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try ilium. Only 25 cents. Money hack if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,-druggists. 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and tiie medical press. It "digests what you eut" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomingdale, Tenn., says it cured him of iudigeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. You will not have boils if you tuko Clarke & Falk'd sure cure for boils. ,Hiuiiiiiniuiiiijtmnnmtiiiiiijituiuumiilillimuiimiimim I ti 1 1 1 1 Hi u 1 u 1 1 1 nn 1 1 1 mi u I 1 Mi I'l n trrni 1 1 1 u 1 1 irrrn it 11 H i n 1 1 11 1 m u n I I'l 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u n 1 1 1 u ) I f 1 1 ti i n Hi i i to WWHfWBfili m i k i The Dalles, OK. The Chronicle, Job Printers. J- K ? ? 1 i i i fd mm I itJiJJjJ ' u u..i.utui.iuJimumAU4iJiijiuiiiiujJ4J.M mmuwixuujuxuuuiu uiiuUiUimtuLumuij C. C. COOPER, j JIA.NUFACTUllElt OV High-Grade Stock Saddles I and Shop-Made Harness. ; DKALEH IN j Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually ' kept in a first-class harness shop. , i '60warehouso, THE DALLES, OREGON. This Stamp a Guarantee MAKER Dalles, of Quality. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. SUMMONS. IN TIIK CIHCIJIT COURT OF Tltt; BT.VTK 1 of Oregon , (or tbc count) of Wiuco, Harriet A. Simon, I'lulnttlt', v. William II. II. Simon, lU-ruiiilunt, To William II, II, Simon, the ubove nnmcii defendant: In tho Nnme of tlio Stato of Oregon! You me hereby notilieil to be tind at. .ear In the above entitled court on or before the last ilny of the Mlbliculion of this btimmoiib, towits On or be fore Suturduy, tho 1Mb ilny of November, l&'.Ui, (lieu ntnl theru to utibwer the complaint of the ubove named iilalntlll llkd analiht you in the above entitled Milt; and If you no full to appear and anbuer tuld complaint, for want thereof plnintlll will apply to mid court for tho relief pruyvd lor in her complaint, to-wlt; Kor a de cree of tliuabovecntitled court forever ilUtolvlug und miuulllug the bonds of matrimony mnv and heretofore existing between plaiiitill' and defendant, nnd for an absolute decree of divorce iroiu you, me bam oeienuiini. 'J'hlb tummonn Is served upon you byintblica m thereof bv order of the lion. W. I., llrad- bbavv, Judge of the above entitled court, which order bears date of tho 2nd dav of October. lh'J'J. und directs tbut buld Mimmons be terviil Uku thetitld defendant by publication thereof for tlx conRcutlve weeks In The Dalles UunoNjcj.E, u weekly newspaper of general circulation, pub lished In The Dalles, Wutco county. Oregon; tuld publication to begin on (he Till day of wcroucr, tow, auu eun November, 1MW. cct7 It .oil the 13th day of DUFUIt & MKNKKliK, Attorneys for l'laliitiir, SUMMONS. r.N' TIIK ('IUCUTT COUUT OF TIIE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Wusco. Charles G, 1.. llcuson, phiinlllt', vs Hcttlo A, lleusou, defemicnt. To Mettle A. Unison, the above named defend ant: Iu the Name of the Stato of Oregon: You are hereby uotltied to apiiear and answer the complaint In the above entitled court und cause on or befoie six weeks from the date of tho llrst publication of this notice, to-wlts tho tltli day of September, Ib'J'J. and If you full to so up pear aud answer or otherwise plead, tho plain tilt' will apply to the court for the relief prajed foi in his complaint herein, to wit; that thu bonds of matrimony now existing between plalutlll'aml defendant be dissolved forever and that iiluiulill' have judgment against defendant for his costs aud disbursements and for such oilier ami further relief us to the Court may seem meet und ciiil table. This summons Is published by virtue of an older innde und signed by Hon- W, 1. llrad-haw, Judge of the unnvu entitled court, on tho'.'d day of September, lh'j'.i, directing that said summons be published once a week for a period of not less than six cousccullvo weeks. FltED. W. WII.SON. scptfi-l Attorney for t'lulutltt'. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Iirandy. For sale at all flrst'class bars. O. J Stubling, agent, Tiie Dalles. M17-3ui.