Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.EANSES THE YSTEM v .t .. rrt-rrTl l l I w 1 1 UMI" PERMANENTLY DUy THE GENUINE MAHT'D By U!vRNIAlTGfSYRVP(g rcasueY4iCRuiGirri. rait, s:-. rtiiccmi. FILLING ALTO TRESTLE. o. i: .V N. Are Milking Improvements ou i l.lnc. The celebrated Alto trestle is soon to be only a memory except in the history of r.nlroadini:. In a few months noth ing will be left to mark the place where the old structnrtf stood, i.ut its history will be fresh in the mind of many a trainman for years to come. It was bere that a freight train went down in 1892, making one of the worst wrecks in the history of the 0. R. & X. line. The wrecked caboose still lies at the bottom of the gulch as a t'fiui reminder of the terrible catastrophe. The old trestle is aloiij; in ye.irs and must be olther re placed or filled in, and the latter course is being taken by the company. In this way thu improvement becomes perma nent. Two other large trestles on the line near this one are to be tilled in as rapidlv as men can be secured to do the wotk. Tiie great Alto trestle has been a mat ter of anxiety to tiainmen ever since it was first used, as its location and mon strous size m:tke it a dangerous place. To prevent wrecks and protect the heavy passenger traffic on the line, two watulimen have bee n employed to con emntlv look after the structure. One man was required during tho day and another at night during the spring, sum mer and fall of each year. Now that the old land mark is to tro, the services of both the watchmen will be dispensed with. These trestles all cover small water courses, and provision has to be be made Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often tho result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out every truce of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My eon, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy with Scrofula, and ho suffered so that it was impossible to dress hira for threo years. Ills head and body were a man of sores, and his eyesight also becatno affected. No treatment was spared that xto thought would reliavo lilm. I ill t hn .mw wnpA until liis condition wasil indeed pitiable. I had; almost despaired of his ever beint? cured, when by the advice of a friend wo ifAvo him 8, 8, 8. (Swift's Six'clflc). Ade. elded Improvement wan tho result, and after he hud taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew of his former dreadful condition would have recoKiilzed him. All tho gores on his body have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and t mouth, and he has been restored to perfect calth. Miis. 8. 8. Mahhv, 030 Kim St., Macon, Ga. For renl blood troubles it is a waste of tlino to expect n euro from the doc tors. Blood diseases uro beyond their Bkill. Swift's Specific, C C CJw reaches all deep-seated cases whioh t.. 1 If t . Mt.L T uuiui luiijeuiua uuvu liucucui upon, xs is tho only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contain no pot- n, mercury, or oiner mineral. j Hooka mailed free to any addreta by Bwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. j sia mil v '9"mL: Tneuiuvu for the sprint; freshets. To do this large culverts are being constructed in the beds of the gulches, tho tilling being done over these culverts. In this way no further troublo is expected to cccnf at the old trestle sites. V. W. Union. BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for Tho Chronicle. Use Clarke & talk's Kosafoam for tho teeth. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Talk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk's ll.ivoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Clarko it Falk have on sale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. Latest tiling in cameras are Im proved Magaziuo cyclones nt Donnull's . drug store. A full line of Sterling silver noveltits and souvenir spoons can bo found nt Harry O. Liebe's in the Vogt block. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you cat. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. K. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. .Millions of dollars, is the value placid by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Dr. Russ, one of Portland's prominent dentists, has bought Dr. Tackman's office, in the Vogt building. His work is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled and extracted painless. 12 "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of mouths' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keener, Hoisington, Kan , of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Butler Drug Co. During the winter of 1S97 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck bis leg against u cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete euro in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is tin equaled for spraine, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put ou the market such a wonder ful medicine," says V. V. Massiugili. of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose childten have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Sterling silver mounted tootli and hair brushes, nail files, button hooks, shoe horns, paper knives, combe, brushep, mirrors, scale, and complete toilet and manicure seta of different designs are found in ttock at II. C. Liebe's 6tore in the Vogt block. 20 -It For ale. Thirty thousand capacity saw and planing mill at a bargain. Addrecs Jas. Young, box 1048, Portland 0. 14 1(5 for Item. Furnished housekeeping rooine. Ap ply at corper of Fifth and Court streets. 21 3t Clarke & Falk have a full and com pete line of house, carriage, wagon and birn paints manufactured by James E. Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. To Cure a Cold in One Hay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drugsists refund the money if it fails to euro. 25c. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Ask your ' Druggist CATARRH for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cnam Balm contains no cwhot, mercury cor any other Injurious drug. It Is quickly Absorbed. ---- -E- sl LnwT'pni fllli UTAIl 'lijffii, COLU'N tlLlll Uivel jisneiattmce. f of ttai Tm.ll. JfJiTta. we. TrUI PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "But, dear cousin, have you tunny debts?" "No; I can almost marry for, love." Fliegcnde Blnettcr. I "I see villainy in your face," snld a judge to n prisoner. ".Mny it please your honor," said the' latter, "that is a personal reflection." Metropolitan. j Of Course. The Count "I loaf youl I vould marry youl" The C 1 r I "Yes; ' but it takes two to make n bargain, ; count." "Sairtainlyl I will see your father to-morrow." Yonkers States-j man. Conditional. Little Edgar "Pn, is the u in Colorado pronounced us in maiden or as In gladden'.'" Pa "It all depends on whether you want to make Colorado rhyme with dado or shadow." Chicago Times-Herald. bin. "1 11 grant that your income would be enough for us to marry on, if only vou didn't have such expensive fnds." lie "I? Expensive fndsV What expensive fad have I?" She "Mo, for one." Lustige lllaettcr. Honest Dealer '"K's a good 'oss. Hut I must tell yer, Vs one fault 'e's a lit tle givin tcr runnin' nwoy with yer." Client "If that's all, he'll do splendid ly. That last horse I had of you was given to running away without me." Punch. Spacer "I believe that if Shakes peare were alive at the present time and trying to live by his pen in London, the comic papers wotdd reject many of his best jokes." Humorist "I know it. I have tried 'em all." Boston Trav eler. "I saw a statement in the paper that a German manufacturer has sold an aggregate of 2,C(!0,0CO thermometers," taid Mr. Manchester. "He must be very rich." "It depends upon when he sold," added .Mr. Birmingham. "How is that?" "In winter thermometers are down, whiie in summer they are up." Pitts burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. BIG STORE OF STATIONERY. The Depiirtniuiit of Juntlcc Conduct it AVlioloiinle IliiftiitvBH In Wrlt liiiT MiiterlnlK. "The department of justice runs one of the bijrgest stationery concerns in the country," saitl a clerk of that de partment. "We have to do that to sup ply the various officials of the depart ment throughout the country. Not many years ago o'ir stationery bureau was iiied solely for the benefit of this immediate department. Judges, clerks of courts, marshals and other officials throughout the country purchased their ujpplics from stores in their cities and towns and sent us the nccuunts to pay. By this method we paid the retail price for everything. We found this would not do, as the highest prices were paid for everything. Under our pres ent system every official of the govern ment coming under our department makes" requisition on us for supplies, and we send them at little cost, moat of the time by mail. As we buy everything at cost prices we save to the govern ment thousands of dollars each year over the old method of doing business. "We carry n stock worth nt least $0,000 at all times, and all the judges, marshals, clerks and others send to us for their pencils, writing pnper, etc. It's funny, tco, what strange fancies some of thorn have. For instance, there is a certnin western judge who won't have anything else but a red pencil which is peeled ofT when it is sharpened. We carry this pencil in stock for no other person, as not "ninny others have ever taken n fancy to it. 1 suppose lie loses or misplaces nil the other kinds of pencil.?, but finds this one to his liking because he can easily sec it. Right here in the District of Columbia is a judge who listens to arguments with six pen cils in his hands. Ho rolls these be tween his fingers while he is busy, nnd never has less than half a dozen. He is not particular about the kind of pencil he has. Other officials have peculiar Idas nbout tho kind:; of paper, pens and ink they want, nnd they will hnve no other. Thus, you see, we carry a more varied assortment of goods than n sta tionery Btore." Washington Htar. POPE FOR A DAY. Leo'a Successor Wilt KcIkm lor Twenty-Four Hours, Hut Will Not lie Called I'uuc. Wlien Pope Leo XIH. dies his inimedi nte successor will be Cardinal Luigi Oreglin, cnmarllngo of the Itoman Cath olic church. lie will not be called pope, but according to the laws in force he will be noting pope until the new pope J elected. Tho Vatican regulations decree that the election of the new pope cannot take plnce until after the burial of the late pope, which tnkes place ten days after his decease. In many instances the election is not complete for weeks or months, so that the cnmnrlingo may enjoy Ida pnpnl power for a long time. Leo XIII. held the position of cnmnr lingo when lie himself was elected to the pontificate, but it does not seem possible that his camwllngo will uc ceed to the pnpnl throne. It Is the cn marllngo who formally declares the pope dead after tapping his fnrehend three times with the silver hammer. He it ia who breuks the seals and "ring of the fisherman," and then as sumes the direction of the npoHtolle see until the new pope Is chosen. The camarllngo presides over the sa- ored conclave of the cardinals having the election In hand, nnd kuepa the key of the place of meeting, so that none can enter or go out nave with his eon sent. When the election Is concluded i.n neiK tlu new onntifT what nniue he Intends to take. And after he hits re ceived the salutation of the assembled cardinals It Is the eardlnal-enmnriingo who places on his finger the "ring of the fisherman." Ho is, In fact, the actual successor of the pope, evrn though temporarily. Cincinnati En quirer. Mike nn n Weiitlier Imlleiitor. The wentlier-wise resident of Chi cago has little need for n barometer or thermometer. When he gets up in the morning he gives a look out. over the lake nnd knows nt onee without further trouble just what kiv.d of u day to expect. If a fog or mist hangs over the water, he knows that thu weather will be unpleasant. The atmosphere will be heavy and dead, and the odor of the stock' yards and the river will probably be much in evidence. On the other hand, If the lake is clear the day it almost certnin to be fine, with it re freshing breeze blowing and no trouble from unpleasant odors. Chicago Trib une. Ovor-Hun TfU'Krnin. Only one per cent, of the telegrams over seas are concerned with family oi private matters. The reft are com mercial, journalistic or ollieial. X. Y. World. Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. UU next, that was over accorded to an American EltUeu. You tvIU find a complete btosraphy of thU gret hero, including his brilliant victory over tho Span" Uh fleet in tho (treat, authoritative anil up elate work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the This 13 tho only encyclopedia on tho market that taenllons Admiral It sires tho tl.ito oi hli Lirth; hov,- lio bpent lib l;hood days; tho lut ho look in tho Civil War; Iiott after tho War ho a m i rr. ployed on tho European station; In tho Naval Academy; his rlso to the rank of Commander and President of tho Hoard of Inspection mid Survey; his command of tho Ailr'.lc Squadron; how on April 2.lh ho left Hong Konr; with his cquadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on ilay 1st; liw appointment ks Actios Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho leccivcd from Conftrua, nnd l.orr on JIarch 2nd, 109, ho vras created lull Ad' (niml. It speaks of hlrnaa n, strict disciplinarian, r.n all-arodnd athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, nnd ccclally a good club man aud r: cenerui favorite. It telUi of lih marrlago to M.t.', Eusy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "lighting gov ernor" of Ken' llainpihlrc, v?ho died in 167.', leaV' Ing a eon, Georco Goodwin Dewey, Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scores of other noted personages not even mentioned In any other Kncyclojdla receive the samo attention in thti edition of tho Encyclopaedia Britannica It spcaka of General Wood as Governor of Santl. ago; of General Henry as Governor-General oi I'orto Rico; of AguliulJo's declaration of Wat gainst tho U. 8. YOD NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is more easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia in tho wotld, IN YOUR HOME. JOB SALS BT I. C. NICKELSEN, G. S. Smith Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Eggs and Creamery lUittvr ft epeuinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. 40 j 8Bdia MVC1G Bntannica EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave ami arc duo to arrive nt Partial I.KAVK. ovi;m.AM kx-i ! i.riM. l-iilrm. Itn.H!-1 i linn?, Ashland, Hue- riuni'Titn. OlmIiMI.HiIII 7:00 P.M. 9:15 A. M. I i I MM AtirpliK.lll l'MHO. I I NVw urkiiim unit I I Kant 1 l(oobiiU! and way sla- IIiiiir fVIn Woodlnir:' fori Mt.Ancel, Hllvorttnii West Kuli), liiownn- vlllcHprliikMleld and Natron J iCorvnllla and way) IstMtlmit t vsino A. M Dully except Kmidnya 17:30 A. Ji I ;P.O 1'. M Dully l'X(H!)lt Kuiuluyn. SitOI'.M. IN'DKl'KN'DKMCK l'ASSllNOKK. Ksprcw. train Dally (except Kuiiday). l;Mii.m. (I.v. ...l'urtlniid . .Ar.) filUfia.m 7::wi.m. Ai .MdMlniivllU- .l.v.5 fi;iii,m. K:)i. in. Ar.. Independence. l.v.) Dally. rD'iny. except mniiiuv. t DINING UAIIH ON (HIDKN HOUTK. PULLMAN HUI'KKT H1.1-Kl'KllB AND HKCOND-GLAStj HLKKI'I.VG C'AKh Attnuhed to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fan I'mnehen with Orel dental and Oileutal mill I'hcIIIu mall steamship lines fiirJAl'AN and CHINA. Halllnir dates on hi plication. Kates Mid tickets to Kaotcrn lxiluts and Ku. rotie. AImUAI'AN, I1IIINA, HONOLULU anC At'riTItAl.lA. All iibovu trains arrive at and depart froir Grand Central Htatlon, With and Irvnn: streets YAMHILL DIVISION. riuseiiKor Deiit, foot of Jeltersini street. Isave for Hherlilan, wcuC days, at 1:30 p. m Arrive at l'ortlnml, yiso a. m. U-avefor AIHl.lKou Monday, Wcdnevlav nni) 1'iMay Arrive at Portland, Tu ilav, Thursday and Haturdaj it .1:05 p. m. K.xeept Hunday. "Kxccpt Hatunlay. K. KuK.'.l.Ki:, ilinnuiT. (i, II. .MAIIKHAM, (i. 1. A 1'nwi. Aat Throut'h Ticket Olllre, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Hasten) Htatcs, Canada and ilurupo can be obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KIUKLAND, Ticket ARcnt. or N. WIILALDON. The Eacli day our business shows the people tire Hurting out wc (ire pushing to the front with hotter goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and lust, hut not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' strS. Kegulator Dalles City Dally (except Hnniiav) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. TouchlnK at way point on both tides of tho Columbia river, t.n. ... .... ..... unci . r ,, i , . ... ii l, I"' "nvo been rebuilt, ai l aro In excellent shiipu for ho season nl low luiulX?1'!' t,ur wl" !"Vor lo vivo its liiironn the Lest survlen luiksiiii,. tiMiiiv,l','i"rt'. Ko"y ami l'lnnre, Uliie, ' Htv'm,1" 01 Mltor Dal - . 01 UIU l'""'tw Lino will leavo liilt eoiiiineiieliii; Monday (he uth K'!,.V'i 1'ho DalIeK Olllco W. C. Allaway, (ienvra AKcnt. J.JA. 8TUHDEVANT, DoutiHt. Olllco over 1'rench & Co.'n Hunk I'lioue 6, 1HK Uai.lkm. riiiHfuiM ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run ovory ilny ,.XPl.,,tSu d Kitten KuitEoimblu. ' Tolophono 201. J W. A OATES, Prop, r- - ..Gps. m, Sutcher5 and Faitmers ..Exchange.. .iSMiiiJiir czt cdwl thu best beer In The liallm iittluMiMial price. Come In, try It mill lie convinced. Alo the Klint braiidH of tVlne.i, I.huor mid ClRara. ' Sanduiiehes of nil KIiuIh alwnyu on hauj. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticnltnral anfl Acricnltnral 1'rniluctB of Ori-pon, Wnslihniton and JUalio in rtater variety nnd pro ftislon itiiin ever li'efure. BENNETT'S RcilOWHCfl MILITARYBAKD MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amcrica'N ( Iidy (.nrnet Sololit The Unequalled FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobat.i, direct from the Kmplrc Theittr, LoniiiJii, ineir llroi apH.-arnnec in ,mcrici. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE t'lnuiipni-Kd AeiialUtu, in their tlirllllnjitu AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS , A St'UHon of Great Surprises anil Astounding l'ealH. fr...i.....i .... .in 1 ruiiitiiirllllfll I.lllt-H. AOMIHSIDN .... SSCettl (Jhllilren under 111 seats-10 cent. DONT MISS IT! FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. ritANHACT A KNKUAI.I1ANKINU BW Lottcra of Credit Isfltiiid available In tl Etiatorn Stntee. , BlKlit ExohniiKO unit TelWW TriuiBiers Bold on Now York.CWW St. Louie, San Francisco, liniJl con, Seattle Wnsh,, untl vnriom po"" in Oregon onu waaiuniiiou. . Collectione mndo at nil polnte onui orable terma. . ONE FOR A DOSE. Qll I C f lli.iuiiuiuK.i'iirifrtjinilluiiil, IBMEZ (.lira lIuAlUlllO Allll lpi'l.l.l. A inut vniont itl tho l.owoU oli d7 I' W V for health. Tli iialtlmricripu "iell!!tiKiW ... .ILioJ il B KUKTINOTON II UNTINOTON & Wl ? . . ... fUceov, Klrnt Nat. Ilanu OtUco nvci K'rtt Nat. Hhiih. HKs. oiiivm w. port AS I' ART NEEDLE W MAROKIO Ill'ILDlNOi ri.lrd Street, botwcnUn.irtn ton Streote, l"u I