The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 25, 1899, Image 3

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Wilson RitTight Heatet
By this sale. No wonder! Men with clear judg
ment aro hastening by the dozen to our Clothing De
partment to get $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Men's Fall
Suits for
26th 27th 28th
Wo will offer all Remnants of DRESS GOODS, SILKS
and LININGS at
Discount for three days to clear them out.
They consist of short ends of nil tlio beet things we have carried dur
ing the senson, Bnd aro in lengths Bultable for Waists, Skirts and Full
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
Good luck to our bowling team which
plays the Arlington tonight in Portland.
Roslyn coal, $6,50 n ton, delivered.
Studclman Commission Co., 'phone
r.5. 14-2 w
Ex-Governor Loid will receive $7500 a
year nB minister to the Argentine Re
public. Remember the dance at tlio Baldwin
Thursday night. You will have the
opportunity of learning some new
Good Racine single buggy und har
ness for sule at a bargain. Cull on
Ihtworth, the printor, over Dalles Com
mission Co. oot25-dAW-2w
There will bo a business meeting of
tlio United Artisans on Wednesday
evening nnd all members are eornestly-
rtijnualeil to be present. 2t
Harry C. Lieho carries the most com
pluto stock of diamonds, watches, jewel
ry and Sterling silver novelties in the
city, which ho soils at a reasonable price.
Cull and Inspect the usBortment.
.1. A. Borio, for more thun soven years
ngent for tho O. R. & N. in Pendleton,
his resigned his position and nnnouncos
that ho will go into business thoro. He
will bo succeeded by Frank F. Wameley.
It is to bo hoped that tho dispatch
which announces that tho price of
wliibky has been put up by tho United
StatcB Spirits Association, will have tho
effect of inducing fewer peoplo to put it
down their throats.
Mrs. J. N. Harney, wifo of a former
agent of tho D. P. & A. N. Co., in Port
land, and who is well known in The
D.vllus, died suddenly lust week at
Moscow, Idaho, where Mr. IIruoy is
now ugont for the O. R. & N. Co.
At the initial party to be given by
I'rof. Sandvig Thursday evening nt the
Baldwin, Prof. Birgfeld's orchestra
three pieces will furnish music, and
suverul new dances will bo introduced.
The doorkeeper will see that no one
outers who ia in the least objectionable.
Admission will be 50 cents.
Among other pleasing features of the
Hullowb'un entertainment at the Baldwin
Moiulay night will be the Indian war
Hunco. It will not be any easier to die
tinmilah who the klootchmen are than
to discover the ghosts laBt year. One
who is thoroughly versed in tho dance is
training the siwashes.
In reierring to the exclusion of sheep
from the Cascade reserve the Sulem
Statesman remarks: "Mot a foot of it
H'ght to be closed to the sheep; not a
"ingle foot. They do uo harm to the
'"rest reserve. The 'scientists of the
interior department who investigate
tlw damage from the windows of Pull
iuu cars ought to be turned down and
kicked out of the service of the govern
ment. It is these fellows who do the
served In
harm, not the sheep. Tho proposition
is nauseating in the extreme."
day is the
Wasco warehoUBe, which lias hardlv
room to contain tho nmont of goods
they are receiving, among which are
two cars of sugur, one of syrup, one of
coal oil, a car of Star Fed Mills and n car
of stoves. The force bus been on the
jump all day.
H. II. Perry, a brakeraan on the O.
R. & N. train, met with a very painful
accident which came near causing the
loss of the index linger of the left hand.
He was engaged in uncoupling an en
gine at Celilo about 8 o'clock this morn
ing when the finger got caught and Mas
badly mashed. He came direct to this
city, where Dr. Hudson gave.the neces
sarly medical attendance.
The cistern ut the corner of Third and
Langhlin streets is to have a new cover,
which it is said is n splendid move, as
the timbers of the old ono were badly
decayed The report that o terrible
stench arose from tho water therein is
said to be n mistake. Those who live
in that neighborhood say that they
failed to notice any disagreeable odor.
However, tho suggestion of our contem
porary that the water should be changed
ofteuer is u good one.
LaBt Sunday the MethodiBts at Ante
lope dedicated their new church, Rev.
Robt. Wurner being in attendance to
assist in the service. The building is
neat and a great addition to the little
city, as well as a credit to the com
munity which responded so generously
Sunday, when $1,078 was raised. Much
credit is given to Rev. Leech, Wilbur
Bolton, W. L. Hinkle and others to
wIiobo efforts is largely duo the success
ful erection of the church.
Last evening at 6 o'clock, at the Cath
olic church, Father Bronsgeest united in
marriage . II. Howell and Miss Mary
B. Shannon, two young people who have
made their home in The Dalles for years,
MIsb Shannon having been brought up
here. Mi. Howell has been employed
by the O. K. & N. Co. for a number of
years and is well liked by his ninny
friends, while his bride is an excellent
young lady of splendid character. The
CmtoNici.K wishes to extend to Mr. and
Mrs. Howell its congratulations.
The members of Oregon's gallant regi
ment of volunteers the justly famous
Second Oregon are each to receive a
bronze medal us an evidence of the ap
preciation of tho peoplo of the state for
their noble services. That these medals
will bo manufactured for distribution
among the volunteers is now assured,
for Gov. T. T. Geer has received from
the war department a letter informing
him that the department had author
ized tho purchase of a Spanish gun to
be used in casting medals for the Oregon
TSomo timo ago the Ciikonici.b men
tioned tho fact that Cftpt. Waud hud
visited the schools when he lust was in
the city nnd promised gold nugget to
the pupils in Miss Wfenn's and Miss L.
Rlntoul'a rooms wlifJ could oiiBwer the
most questions regarding Alnaka. Upon
his return homeSunday, Fred Wuud
brought with him the promised prises,
one of which wb given to Alice Kurtz,
of Mlse Wrenna room, and tho other to
Eugene Davis of Miss lilntoul'a room.
Fred also presented his teacher, Miss
Michell, wili h very handsome nugget
stick pln.Captain Waud has always
This is a sale of Broken Lots, with three or four,
perhaps half dozen suits of a kind. Every suit is fresh
and nobby, being made for us for this season's trade.
These suits were good sellers at the regular price, but
now they are traveling like the proverbial hot cakes, at
Eight Ninety-five.
Better hurry up and get in line. It's like
giving you money, to sell these up-to-date stylish Fall
Suits at this amazingly low figure, but they must go.
Have a few of those $5.00, $0.00 and $7.50 suits left,
your choice for $3.95.
Ask to see our line of Gents' Mackintoshes,
just arrived.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
been deeply interested in the welfare of
our schools, and the children greatly ap
preciate this token of his interest in
Tho De Kalb, III., Chronicle has the
following concerning a Dalles lady:
"Mrs. Isabella Rockwell and Miss Nellie
Norton entertained a party of ladies yes
teidity afternoon and to supper last
evening in honor of Mrs. Mary French,
who leaves soon to Bpend the winter in
Cleveland, Ohio. The hours were very
agreeably passed in a social way, the
ladies who have recently returned from
abroad adding to the enjoyment nf the
occasion by relating some of their ex
periences and Mrs. French acquainting
the ladies with Oregon life by showing
them many views of places of interest
along the Pacific."
The grand jury reported a true bill in
the caee of Frank McDaniel, charged
with the murder of Clara Fitch in Port
land some months since. A portion of
the indictment says: "Frank McDaniel
Is accused of willfully, feloniously, pur
posely, and of deliberate and premedi
tated malice, having killed Claire Ade
laide Fitch, by choking, suffocating and
strangling her, and by forcibly stopping
and closing and compressing the neck
and throat of said victim, a more par
ticular description of the way in which
said crime was committed bcinu to the
grand jury unknown." This, while not
so specifically saying in the indictment,
is un indictment for murder in the first
degree, as the indictment follows the
statutory definition of that crime.
A Niiicl Aiieul.
A Mississippi editor makes this ap
peal to delinquent subscriber: "Fish
down in your pocket and dig up dust;
the editor ia hungry and the paper 'bout
to bust. We've trusted you for several
months, and did it with a smile, so just
return tho compliment and trust us for
awhile. Our wife she needs some stock
ings and baby needs a dress; Jimmy
needs 6omo breeches, and so does Kate
and Bees. Pud is on the hog train and
Peggy sick with grief; and good gosh
ulmighty, can't you give a man relief?
Shell out those nickels and turn loose
the dimes; turn 'em loose and whistle
and we'll have better times; there will
be fewer patches on the boeom of our
pants; and we'd make the paper better
if we had half a chance. Don't give us
that old story, long gone to seed, 'bout
takln1 more family papers than the
family wants to read ; but help to feed
the printer, and he'll help our town to
grow, and thus escape the sulphur lu
tho regions down below."
Thut Joyful Feeliug
With the exhilerating sense of renewed
health und strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and tho cheap substltues
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fife
Syrup Co.
Prof. A. Sundvig announces that his
opening dance will be given next Thurs
day evening at the Baldwin, when the
"Bon Ton," a new dance, and the glide
lancers will be introduced. Any who
may desire private leBsons address Prof.
Sandvig, Box 030. 21-tf
Use Glarkedc Falk'e quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
II. J. Staate, of Dufur, is in the city.
Ed Henderfon CAme in yesterday from
Miss Pearl Ward left on the Flyer this
morning for Portland.
Mrs. Frank Fulton, of Biggs, and Mrs.
McCorkle went down to Portland today.
Mrs. H. F. Davidson came up from
Hood River yestetday, returning today.
Mrs. O. S. Waud waB a passenger on
the boat this morning, bound for Port
land. Thos. Farsher arrived last night from
a trip to the metropolis, and left this
morning for his home near Dufur.
Rev. Frank Spaulding, pastor of the
M. E. church at Hood River, came up
on the boat from that place yesterday.
Mre. Sina Cummins and Mies Mamie
Montgomery arrived laet night from
Albany and are guests of Mis. C. F.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Anderson, of
Dufur, returned last night from visiting
tho exposition in Portland, and spent
today in the city.
Mrs. J. P. McIneVny and daughter,
MieB Mary, accompanied by Miss Rose
mary Baldwin, lelt on the Flyer this
morning for Portland.
Mrs. L. Clarke arrived in the city last
evening from her home at Hood River.
She will remain a few days before leav
ing to visit her daughter at Moro.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, who have
been visiting in Portland, returned lust
evening on tlnir way to their homo in
Prineville. Mrs. Smith was formerly
Miss Mary Adams, of thic city.
Rev. D. V. Poling will leavo .on this
afternoon's train for Eugene, where he
will attend the Congregational Stato As
sociation. He will also visit in Albany,
returning to this city on Saturday.
Miss Annie Dehin, who is now em
ployed in a etore at White .Salmon,
came up from that plnco last evening.
She was accompanied by Mrs. C. M.
Wolfurd, and thu two ladies spent today
in the city.
J. H. Cradlobuugh became restless
roaming about our city with no gold in
sight and left on last niwit's train hound
for Greenhorn again. He was accom
panied by T. J. Seufyrt. who is inter
ested in the Goldei Eagle mine, of
which J. 11. is manager. .
Double Tralu Her (ice to San Francisco,
On October 15th the Southern Pacific
Co. will inaugurate a "Daylight Ex
press," leaving Portland ut 8:30 a. m.,
and reaching San Fraucisco at 7:45 next
evening only one night out. Both
standard Pullman and tourist sleepers
will be attached. This uew train is in
addition to the present 7 p. in. Shasta
Overland, and will give many passengers
the desired opportunity to see enroute
the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac
ramento Valleys .without loss cf time,
und still arrive in Oakland and San
Francisco at a seasonable hour,
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 20
to Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will makea round trip rate of
i(3.25, which will also include two ad
mission coupons to tho exposition,
Tickets will be irood going on train No, I
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3, ou Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday night following the Wednesday
or Thursday on which ticket la sold.
25-1 in
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, tf
There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JVIflVS & CROWE, Sole Agents.
. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, The Dalles, Or.
I'rcfiH Comments.
In reviewing tho performance of "My
Friend From India," lately given by a
specially engaged company at Hoyt's
Theater, New York, the Evening Sun of
February 20th, Eays: "In one or two re
spects the new cast of 'My Friend From
India' is an improvement on the origi
nal. Mr. Perkins, who was the original
barber, still holds his laurels undis
turbed, however. Tho gentleman who
now plays the part does not como with
in a thousand miles of him artistically."
And that has been tho verdict all over
the country where there has been an op
portunity to compare tho work done by
others in tlio part made famous by
Walter Perkins.
It is the latter gentleman who heads
the company announced to appear on
Tuesday night at tho Vogt, and from the
many who have essayed the different
roles tho best havo been chosen and are
now in support of Walter Perkins, and
constitute what is now known ns
Smyth & Rice's Couedians, so n per
formance ol a marked degree of perfec
tion cm bo reasonably looked for.
To quoto again from tho Evening Sun
article: "There seems to bo no earthly
reason why one should havo tho blues
as long as 'My Friend From India' re
mains In town."
A I'rlglitful Itluiuler
often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or
bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Sulve, the best In the world, will kill
tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
On tho 10th of December, 1807, Rev.
S. A. Donuhoe, pastor M. E. Church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va,, contracted
a severe cold which was attended from
the beginning by violent coughing, He
says: "After resorting to a nnmhor of
so called 'specifics,' usually kept in the
house, to no purpose, 1 purchased a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheer
fully recommend it to the pu'illc." For
salo by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
A small band of sheop, between 4000
and 5000, on ehures or rent, Inquire of
F. La no,
oct21-28d&w Columbia Hotel,
A full line of Sterling silver novelties
and souvenir spoons can be found at
Harry O. Liebe'e in the Vogt block,
Kodol DyspepBia Cure cures dyspepsia
because Its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. 'The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from itn perfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
A duck is about the only thing as
indifferent to sunshine and shower, and
tho peacock the only thing as proud as
you'll be when wearing ono of our now
mackintoshes. Arrived today. Pease &
A. M. Williams & Co. have juet opened
a new lot of children's worsted dresses.
Prices range from 7oc to $0.50, and it i9
needless to say that the styles aro em
miiieutly correct. They have alBO just
received n now line of wool waists. Call
and ego them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and Biinbuin. Manufactured by Claiko
& Falk.
Pt piT j-j fc- n ti j- 1 ft -3 f?,'Jt-tSrj;ir
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hny or peat.
Construction TliU Is nu itlr
tlulit heater ol tlm nviil tlieet btivl
tsiH); It lum I'AhT IKON I.ININliS,
makliiK' It ilunililo; ulvi 1ms. irout
fiti I door, cnst top ami bottom und
ornamental awiug ioi, with ciiiMlu
cover umlcineatli,
Nlckellnif It litis nlekilnl urn,
liuiiiu plate noil ((Hit ralU. Wu have n
(HHiiletu Moek of them on hand,
cull und tee our block before huliii!
Dlaier & Benion