Acts gently on THE eys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES 1 rr nn AfcimiTi v PERMANENTLY ,TSBF.r,MEFFECT& ?IC!AL BUy THE GENUINE MAN'F'D By Il?RNIA JlG YRVP(B I OS SAlt BY 41 DROGSUTS rir.Ct SOt flit CRM. l'KUI'LK YOU ALL KNOW. .lospph Hinkle caoie in from Prine vilie yesteulay. E. S. Pratt, of V tunic, is a business visitor in thi! city. Mr. and Mre. J. It. Itnnkiu cnuie over from Goltlendnle yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. Richard ilinton are in from'tlioir lioine a', Arthur Kennedy, of the Wasco Newe, spent Sunday with ids parents in this city. G. E. iTiioinpson, one of Sherman cobntj'e leading residents, is in The D.illes. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snick and Mrs. Sentry arrived in town from Canyon City yesterday. . Bert Ualdwin returned on yesterday's stage from Antelope, where he has been attending the fair. W. H. Jlagsdale, Cordelia Ragsdale and Jennie McCulliim were registered nlthe rJintilluvfruni Moro yesterday. L. 0. Lakin, who was formerly a resident of The Dalles, but is no of the traveling fraternity, is in the city today representing his firm. j Polk Mays is down frjrm Joseph, spending a short time wiLn his family, lie says they have hvT but a slight allowing of snow. Gpiss is in splendid condition. Elder and Mrs. Clifton, Elder and Mre. U. P. Uailey and .Marshal Hill and wife were returning passengers on the boat last evening from Portland where thi'y have been attending the ii.iptist convention. W. II. Butts nnd J. F. llampehire came In yesterday afternoon from Ante lope, whero they have been attending the fair. Dad claims lie won the fat man's race, but John gives in different Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an Inherited taint in the blood. S. S. B. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out every trace of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy With Scrofula, and he suffered so that It was impossible to dress him for threo years. His head and body were a mass of sore, and his eyesight also became affected. No treatment wnrt ft ti A r ft ri thnt vrn thought would relievo "w M him. but he nrow worse1,! -tr K J?M H'M until his condition wasjjjfcft TPShmSS indeed pmnDle. 1 had almost despaired of his ever belli); cured, when bv (ho fldvlct nt fi frlpnrl wo pave him 8, S. S. 'i (Swift" SDeclilu). Ado. elded improvement was tho result, and after lie had taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew of lils former dreadful condition would havo leeoKnlzert him. All the sores on his body have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and smooth, and ho has been restored to perfect health. Mas. S. 8. Maiiky. SOU ill m St., Macon, Ga. For real blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect n euro from the doc tors. Blood diseases uro beyond their skill. Swift's Specific, SS.SiLBlood reaches all .deep-seated caves which other remedies have no effect upon. It is tho only blood remedy Kiiarunteed purely vegetable, und contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by Bwift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gn. reports, nnd from what we can hear the coroner was not running races, nor holding inquests, but driving about with nil the good-looking widows, and more inteiested In the human race than any other. Mrs. Chns. Johnt-on, who has spout h urn- time past with her husband in Portland, returned last evening, nc conipanted by her children. Mr. Jolin sjii's health has not improved as rapidly its it. was hoped for, and lie will remain in the hospital for a time. HOIt.N. In this city. Friday, Oct. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pearson, a daughter. BUSINESSToCALS. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Feed rye for ealc at tho Wasco Ware house, tf Use Clarke & Falk's Hosafoatn for the teeth. Yon will not liave bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts nre the best. Ask your wooer for them. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full lir.e of paint and artist's brushee. Latest thing in cameras nre Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. A full line of Sterling silver noveltiiB and souvenir spoons can be found at Harry C. Liebe's in the Vo&t block. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon nnd bam paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you cat. It cures all forme of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. It. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., saye, "It relieved uie from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. Millions of dollars, is the value placid by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Dr. Russ, one of Portland's prominent dentists, has bought Dr. TackmanV office, in the Vogt building. His work is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled nnd extracted painless. 12 "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keener, Hoisington, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Butler Drug Co. "I wish to exprees my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the maiket such a wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill. of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks ofdyaen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton Druggists. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. . Kirkmnn, Belle Hive, III., eays. "Afti i-nffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Miuuti Couuh Cure. It ie all that is claimed for it and more." It cures couhe, colds grippe and all throat and lung troubles r i . i t i ri uuuer urug vjo. Sterling silver mounted tooth and hair brushee, nail files', button hooks, shoe horns, paper knives, combs, brushes, mirrors, seale, nnd complete toilet and manicure sets of different designs are found in stock at H. C. Liebe's stor in the Vogt block. 2(Mt Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure tho worst coltl in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. For Sale. Five head good young horses, about 1200 pounds; halter broke; will be sold reasonable. octl3-2'vk J, C, Mkiss. Good Work Uuraa fur (Sale. I will be at Saltmarsho's stockyards with 15 head ot work horses by the 18th of October. oct 12-18 Emu. Stkouiib. For ule. Thirty thousand capacity saw and planing mill at a bargain. Address Jas. 1048, Portland Or. 14 10 For Kent, Furnished honsflkeoplng rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Court streets. 21 3t To Our a Cold In Ou Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Waeco warehouie. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Uie Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the',hed. A FROG RANCH. In Ctillfornln, Where Ten Thousand Cronkura Miike the NlRht Hlili'iitii. It is nt Stcgc, n little station nbout 20 miles from San Frnneiheo, that u frog ranch is located, mimed ufter the ilrst owner of the lnnd roundabout. The Stege ranch extends from the buy shore up to the ridge of the count range of nioiiutniub, which incloses both shores of San Francisco bay. In the lower portions of the ranch u great number of springs gush out of the soil in copious volumes. It was the springs that determined the ilrst location of the ranch. The site, overlooking an ex pansive view of the beautiful hay, wn capable of vast improvement. A dozen nercs, inclosing the springs, were sur rounded with n hedge of cypress. The grounds were laid out with taste, and soon presented the rare beauty Incident to the profuse vegetation of it semi tropical elinmte. Three ponds were formed by confining the waters of the flowing springs, sonic acres in extent, und stocked with frogs. A fence, high enough to prevent the escape of the in mates, surrounded each, nnd the ponds were filled with nipmtic plants and mosses. Then frogs were placed in the ponds, nnd from the original stock the increase has been so great that, though thousands nre sent to market yearly, the withdrawals have no sensible effect upon the vast numbers remaining. Frog ranching is not unlike cattle raising. There are line, two, three or four-year- olds, though the successful frog raiser will, always keep the young ones sep arate and apart from the full-grown, which nre cannibals of the Ilrst rank, and eat all which are not able to pro tect themselves. The four-year-olds are considered ripe for the market, though the gourmand In frogs prefers those that are a year or two younger A frog's life is 12 venrs. There are Mime of that age at Stege. They are of inon strous growth, being 14 inches in length, und weighing as much us four pounds. In California, ns in colder climates, frogs hibernate in winter, and in the spring emerge after their lc,ug sleep emaciated to the last degree. 1 hen they are fed with n mixtrue of oatmeal and blood, und again at the spawning season, but only for a short time. They are, moat of the time, self-sustaining, feeding upon the insects which they cleverly catch. Like most creatures of the animal world, frogs are capable of affection for their keeper, and demonstrate it bv coming at call and allowing themselves to lie handled, showing much delight in being stroked. Placed upon the ground they readily follow their mistress for a long distance. At night the noise made by the 10,000 frogs, which, it is estimated, are contained in the three ponds, is tremendous. Collier's Weekly OUTPUT OF GEMS. Uultud Stnten Produce l'replou StonvM ti. the Viilue of 1?1 (10,1)1! O In 181W. Dr. "W. T. Day, chief mineralogint sf the geological survey, lias received from George I . Ktmz, the survey's ex pert, the annual summary of the gem industry in the United .Stntcs. There has been an unprecedented increase in the importation of cut diamonds and a greut revival in business in precious stones of all sorts. There were no na ttve diamond finds recorded for this country, but the importation of uncut diamonds increased greatly, and there was n corresponding development in diamond cutting in the I'nitcd States. ' One of the most important domestic developments was the finding of rock crystals at Mokelumnc Hill, Cal., of such size and purity ns to almost rival those of ,'apan. These crystals have been cut up to a diameter of seen tJches, n remarkable size for that class of work. Tht'crystals are used in ornn mental work unci for a fine grade of op tical lenses. There lias been a decided increase in the output of the sapphire mines of Fergus county, Mont. Fine blue gems up to two carots have been found. In the same locality new fields have been opened and beautiful stones of wide range of color produced. The turquoise mines of Sew Mexico have continued tiieir development, and new fields have been opened in Nevada. The production of turquoise fell off slightly between 1S07 and 18!)H, but promises to more than recover this year. There have been finds of mag nificent green tourmaline at Paris Hill, Me,, und Dans Xeck, Conn. The total value of the gem output of the United Stales for Ifi'JS covering '10 varieties was $100,920. Among the most important were sapphire, $55,000; quartz crystal, 517,000, nnd turquoise, $50,000. Chi cago Chronicle. C. S. Smith, THIS Up-to-date Qroeer .Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 3d Street. 'Phone 270. Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho most Toyal wclcomo on Oct. 1st. nest, that waa over Accorded to an American citizen. You will llnd a complcto bloR-mphr of thin great hero, Including btllUnnt victory over tho Spou Uh licet in tho groat, authoritative nnd up- dato work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This la tho only encyclopaedia on tho ninrket that mentions Admiral liowoy. It kIvcs tho date ot lih liirth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho part ho took in tho Civil War; how alter tho War ho wan tmploycd on tho Kuro(an ttatlon; la tho Naval Academy; bis riso to tho rank of Commander and President of tho Hoard of Inspection and Eurvcy; Ida command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on Vprll 2;th lio lctt Hong Koiir with his iniadrou, found nnd destroyed tho Siuuisli Fleet, at .Manila, on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad ,nlral, tho honors ho received from CoiiRrcss, nnd !.ow on March 2nd, 1800, ho was created full Ad lalral. It speaks orhimas a strict disciplinarian, na all-around athlete, n darliiB horseman nnd huntsman, nnd socially n etmA club man nnd a ncncral favorite. It telh of his marriage to MIm Eusy Goodwill, v. flnuuhtcr of tho "flf-hlltis gov ernor" of Now Hampshire, who died in 1672, leav ing a sou, (.cargo (ioodwlu Dcwcy. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson' Capt. Clark of the Oregon and fcorcs of other noted pcrtonngea not C7en mentioned In any other Hncycloiadla rccclvo the same attention in thia edition of tho Encyclopaedia Britannica It speak of General Wood as Governor of Snatl ago: of General Henry oa Governor-General ol Torto Rico ; of Aguinaldo's declaration of War against the U. B. YOU NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowlcdgo and progress, wherein infor piatlon U moro easily found nnd acquired than in any other book or cncyclopadia in tho world, IN YOUR HOME. rOB BALE ST I. C. NICKELSEN, ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS I lliiitijnu, I'urlty tliolllowj, I f IK'AlUflll, .....I II..., fnrnn2InTnTi'ii.V.hni.Vowei" -"! day la u-r.ary Uold o, druMUtu DR. dOSANKO CO. Pnila! PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, c r and Bmbalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Streot, One Block Back of Prench & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 0" '3IAI 33S QKItf 3WO0 B 8 IIUNTINOTON II H WILfON TJUNT1NOTON & WILSON, ATIOKNKVS AT LAW, .,,, ..THK DALI.KH, OitKllO rlmt Nat. Ilmu fllce ov' OlilVlfl W. MORGAN, TUDIO AM) ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC UUILDINO, Third Street, betweon Court anil Wnsh. Inn flt.i.i,iii Tlw. I. ll MIKVIO! iiiu waiico. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 88, 1890. Horticultural anfl AEiicnltiiral I'rmluutH of Ori'tiuii, WiiHliiiialnn ntnl liliihn in "router vitricly mill pro fusion tlmn over hufnru. DENNETT'S RcilOWlicjl MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND Ameilcn'a tlieateit l.nily Cornet .Soloist. Tho I'luijiiiillid FLORENZ TROUPE of Acii'luilH, dlnct from tho Kniplio Theatrr, ljiuloii, their llthtiipl'iiiriuicu In America. A limit FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE CnsntpiiMcd Ai'i!nllft. in their thrllllnc iict. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Hi'iieon of treat Surprifi-'H nnd AstotuulliiK FeatH. Itrdured ltuliv on All TrniiKHirtittlnii l.llll'K. ADMISSION .... zr, Out Children niiiler VI years, HI cents. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK Tllh. Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrnliiN leave and are duo to arrive nt i'ortlai S.KAK. OVKltl.AND ivX-l nri'Mi, riiiluin, Itime-1 till r, Aeliliiinl, hHC-1 raiiienti), l)Kileu,&tn I, Mojiive, ( 7:oo r. si. 'J: 15 A. M u AiiKCieh.r.i I ttu, New Urk'iiMn und I Hunt j u.i m ItoM-'hurK Hitd wny ntn- ""Itlnim ,'. si ! ( Vlii Wocdhuru for i ' Dnllv ! I Mt.AliKOl, Hllverlcill, ' J)y eitent li "tat helo, ItniwiiB. , e.ceit Hundayi I jl,itrulf,r,1,K,i''ia "l,tl J ' H"'"ll- i7:-M a. si. ii;7t;;:I11I ,,,.ms w,,y( Lwi-.-m. INDKl'KNDIIN'CK l'AH3i:.N(iKU. Kxprew. trull. niiiiy (uxucpi miniiiiy). Itaip. m. (I.v... .rotthmd ...Ar.) 8:2.'ni.m 7:;9Ji. m. ilcJIInnvllle .l.v.J fijMlii. m ti:'M 1 1. m. (Ar..lmleieiideiice..l.v.J 1:10 u. m, I)ully. (Dully, except hiiniliiy. III.VINti CA UH O.N UdDKN KOUTK. I'(JI.I,SIA.N' JIUI'TKT HI.I KI'KIIP AND HKCOND-CLAbH HI.KKl'lXd CAItt Attuuhiil to till Tlir.)iii;h Traljifi. lilrcct connection nt Xni I'mnclteo with ilentnl mill Dilviitiil anil l'ucllle iimll ntcuniNlili llneh for JAI'A.S mid CHINA. KntlliiK dated On n plication, ltutex hiid ticket), to KiiHtern points mill Ku VI'STIt VI I WIIISA, IUJ.NUI.UI.U Hill All ahovu tnilliH arrive at ami ilmmrt Irnn tirand Central Htntlun, l'lflli mid Irvmic atreeU YASIIIII.I, lHVlHIO.V. I'aiDciiKcr Depot, loot of Jultemoil olrceL lvt for Hlieridan, weclj tliiyn, t l;S0 p. m Arrive at i'ortluml, 'j;)a. in, Ia'vc for AIKI.IK on Mnmlay, Wediics.lny mid Krl'tliV nt h:;Ci a. in. Arrive nt 1'iirtlmwi. Tin. .Y, xiiurnuiiy iinu nniurutt li ii;uij p, m. fcxwpt Hiindiiy, Kxeept Sntiirdny. U. KuK.'.nKIt, (i, if. SIAKKIIASI, SlMiiatcr. Asst. U. F. A 1'awi. Ant Throned Tlnkrt nilifo lni Thir.i tt..-., ...,.. r. HtMteH.Caiiadiiiiiid Kurope can bo olital'ned al IIIIIIUKII lieKULH Lit fill IimtllM 111 rtin Vu.tlira ,rwlIAM.BKUN,,,rtel,ctA",,,, UA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco over French i Co.'k Hank C, Till: I).VI.I.Ka.OltK(10N IJIRKI). W.WII.KON. I." ATTOK.SUV.AT LAW, . Ofllcoove,FirMNat..;V,!i':.I,'U'UiK'OUK(,0S' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. tViinH;i """mouing ana recon- ant ana ton c. No other proMratlon nSltIy w,le W Permanently cure teeip8ltt' IndlBcstlon, Heartburn, minor wruir uo Tlie Dallea, 0;tsoo ...STEAM... Wood Saw wll,,uV;,!;;ff Tolophono 201. w A. OATES, Prop. 0 "VI ..chas. mn. end Fanmeps ..Exchange.. cduiHi the heHt liwr In The liiillcn at the UHinil price. Cumo n,, J it and liu roiivlnceil. Al ths HiK'Ht hraiids of Wliiei, i.hunr and Cluiirn. ' Sanduaiehes of nil Kinds alwnjn on lurid. The Busy Store. Eacli dny our business sIiobs tlio people nre Hurting out wc nre pushing to the front wilh better goods, lower prices, salespeople tho very best, anil Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy foi the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Mis, Portlanfl and Navigation Co.' I Sits. Dully (except Smiilav) Uttvwn The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looke, Vancouver and Portia Touching nt wny nolnu mi Imtli 'ldM olU" (.(llllllliiiii iinu . , ..n rcbullti llOlll OI lllQ fttlOVO HIOalllfM '"""""nnlia. and arc In excellent Iiiiki for tin' nwl" Tlio ItrRUUtur l.limwlll .iiK'iiort0i" pillroilH tlio DO kervici) imsnuuv- tiavul by tho ntcanicm nt '!'' ulw Tho itcnmcrs of tho KcKiiIntor Mjj; ' Dalk-H ut 7 u. in. coiiimeiiclin.' Jluiidit) n I'-ortUndOlllce. "'fJKSlSSSi Oak tit. Uocw. W. C. Allawy, FRENCH & W BANKERS. . .wi pnHliU I'llANHAtlTA KNUKAI.HAftM""" Lettera of Credit isBUotl uvailflbla In & EftHtern Htni'' ... fltirht Evohanue una Transfers sold on mv Vnflr. Ull'W' Bt. Louis, Ban FrAiiclnco, 1 art no u Kon, 8ettle Wash,, and vnriou lu Oregon and Washington' w. Colleetlons inatio i nu orable terms. . . ... .. i. i:lnirer "r' For salo at all ilrst-un w l.avl. Stubllng, agent, Tho imhw Jll (", Regulator fii)