The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 24, 1899, Image 3

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By this salo. No wondorl Men with clear judgment are hastening by the dozen to our Clothing De
partment to got $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Men's Fall Suits for
This is a salo of Broken Lots, with throe or four, perhaps half dozen suits of a kind. . Every suit is fresh
and nobby, being made for us for this season's trade. These suits were good sellers at the regular price, but
now they are traveling like the proverbial hot cakes, at Eight Ninety-five.
Better Hurry Up and Cet In Line.
It's like giving you money, to sell these up-to-date stylish Fall Suits at this amazingly low figure, but
they must go. Have a few of those $5.00, $0.00 and $7.50 suits left, your choice for $3.95.
Ask to see our line of Gents' Mackintoshes just arrived.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
OCTOliEll 24, 1899
Telephone No. J.
I Oysters
kCIVCtl 111
btyle by
Roalyn coal, iJG.BO a ton, delivered.
Sttulelmnn Commission Co., 'phone
2:i."5. M-2w
"My Friond Frou) India" will bo the
next attraction at the Vogt next Tues
day evening.
Mrs. L. E. MeNeal ie much worse to
day, nnd it wob not thought she would
survive tho duy.
ltdoos't look much like winter today,
but. mther one would imngine spring
luui come again.
Tho bk ond of the series of dancing
parties to be given by tho Columbia
Club will take placo .Friday evening at
tlio Ualdwln.
Tliuro will be a business meeting of
tho United Artisans on Wednesday
evening and nil mombere are earnestly
requested to be present. ' 2t
Harry O. Llebe carries the most com
plete stock of diamonds, watches, jewel
ry nnd Sterling silver novelties in tlte
city, which lie soils at a reatonable price.
Cull and inepect the assortment.
Tim ladies of St. Paul's Guild will
meet at tho usual hour tomorrow at the
home of Mrs. J. S. Bchonck. Ah buel
nebs of importance will come before the
build, a largo attendance is desired.
Tho last unfortunate to got himself
into trouble by drinking was Win. Dolau,
who found himself in Phlrman's grasp
last night, and then before Kecordor
(in tea this morning, when he paid over
his if.'.
A bowling team, consisting of Messrs.
Houghton, Bradshaw, Nolan, Mays,
Sohraidt and Baldwin, will leave on the
Iyer tomorrow morning for Portland,
where they will bowl against the Arling
ton team tomorrow night.
A large band of cattle, about 1200 in
number, nre corralled in Saltmarshe'a
feed yards today. They are on their
way from tho Valley to Montana, to
which state they will be Buipped thin
Wo nro always reminded of when
Hallowe'en conies by the young ladies of
the Congregational church, who make it
point to give such splendid entertaiu
uonte. This year it will be on Mouday
evening, and they will entertain us at
the Ilaldwln.
1'rof. A. Sandvig announces that hie
opening dance will be given nextThurs-.
'Iy evening at the Baldwin, when the
"Hon Ton," a new dance, and the glide
limcerswlll bo Introduced. Any who
...Trade Is
i uny desire private lessons address Prof.
Sundvig, Box 536. 21-tf
Upon inquiring today concerning the
road between here and Antelope, we are
informed tliut the worst portion of the
road is that leading into The DalieB.
While the remainder is nothing to brag
of, the terrible condition of tiiat at our
very gate is something to be ashamed of.
At the initial party to be given by
Prof. Sandvig Thursday evening at the
Baldwin, Prof. Birgfeld's orchestra
three pieces will furnish music, and
sevoral new dances will be introduced.
The doorkeeper will see that no one
enters who is in the least objectionable.
Admission will bo f0 conts.
The latest tiling out in magazines is
published in New York and called
"Everybody's Magazine." The price is
teu cents, and it contains nothing of a
heavy nature, but light reading of
general interest. It is their purpose to
furnish interest and amusement to the
large clans of readers who desire their
interest quickly and their amusement
Montana is the state whore they are
having winter in earnest. The northern
part of the state ie. digging itself out of
tho snow. For four or five days Inst
week enow came down unceasingly. At
the town of Choteau, county seat of
Teton county, it was ten to twelve feet
deep iu drifts, nnd at least three feet on
the level. Oldtimcrs there agree that
nothing like this fall of snow has been
seen in October for twenty years. The
loss of life will exceed twonty persons
iu Teton county, and 20,000 sheep per
ished in the storm.
About 3:30 yesterday afternoon a man
by the name of Kizer, who lives near
Spring creek, was driving a four-horse
team up Union and started to turn tho
corner at Harris' store, when tho doublo
tree broke nnd the leaders became
frightened and lit out up Second for the End. Encountering Henzie's ex
press one of them ran into it and thus
found himself slightly mixed when lie
again started out; but they finally
reachod the feed yard and stopped for a
meal. Mr. Kizor suppossed one of the
horses at least would receive injuries,
but, barring a slight cut on tho leg,
neither of ;tuem was injured by their
Just a little of the story of "My Friond
Fromjndia," would not be amiss In view
of Us presentation ut the. Vogt next
Tuesday night by Smvthe it Rice's Com
edy Company. Tho scene of "My Friend
From India" is laid In New York, and
deals with the advent of a very innocent
personage, a barber, who is forced in his
deBlre to clothe his nakedness, to don a
yellow bed spread, and being introduced
in that attire by a eon to a retired Kan
sas City pork-paoker, who is over anx
ious to shine in society, the doors having
heretofore been closed to him, and know
ing of the "Order of the Yellow Kobe,"
the barber, having been callod "My
Friend From India" by the son, seizes
upon this means to Introduce to society
a real social lion and thereby gain his
own eutrance Into the charmed circle of
the 400. The many amusing complica
tions arising from this state of affairs
have been the means of affording the
author full scope for his inventiveness,
and out of it all has arieen the most suc
cessful comedy of the present period.
Mr. Walter Perkins, who originally and
still plays the part of the hapless barber,
is more than ably assisted by a company
of comedianB especially engaged for their
excellence in their several roleB, and
therefore a perfect rendition of "My
Friend From India" may be reasonably
It was not supposed that any difficulty
would be encountered in collecting the
subscriptions promised to the chemical
fire engine and fire nlarm fund, bb most
of what was donated was to be again
realized on the reduction in insurance,
which waB to be given when we were
thus prepared to fight the liery demon.
But we are informed that many who
were in favor of tho proposed improve
ments and had promised their assist
ance, now fail to meet the requirements.
Some actually have made the excuse
that they would pay when the reduction
is given. This is absurd, and for the
sake of those who have already paid
nnd nre therefore anxious to have the
engine and lire system in Boon, that they
may receive the benefit thereby, others
should do their part toward securing it.
Ih ore is a very important facter in
tho success of every gathering be it a
church service, a school session, a con
cert, a theater or what not, and iu most
cases this factor, which has so much to
do with the comfort of the audience, the
actors, and in short the whole entertain
ment, is in nine cases out of ten over
looked. Wo refer to the ventilation of
the building where such gathering is
held. No speaker or actor can do justice
to himself or hold tho attention of an
audience in a crowded room, whero the
snme fetid air is bejng inhaled and ex
haled during nn entiie evening, Often
a speaker wonders what is the difficulty
with his listeners, why they seem drowsy
and he cannot interest them, when the
trouble is with (ho atmosphere they
are breathing, making them listless and
spoiling their pleasure. Aud yet it is a
difficult matter to correct this fault in a
public gathering, for in nearly every in
stance when a janitor lowers a window
or transom, or endeavors to let a little
fresh air in, some unfortunate person,
who has accustomed himself to sit day
in and day out in n close, stuffy room,
will arise aud undo tho good work of
him who Is employed to look after the
wants of the congregation. And thus
tho greater part of the audience misses
the real enjoyment, the real benefit
which they had expected to gain, and
return to their homes with a wretched
headache or a terrible cold, which must
always result from such a coudition of
A small band of sheep, between 4000
and 5000, on ehareB or rent. Inquire of
F. I. A NO,
ocl2l-28d&w Columbia Hotel.
Pease & Mays
Tnaclit by Three Dalle Younc Ladles
aud Id a Flourlehtne Condition.
The Antelope public Echool opened
laEt Monday, and ie in a flourishing con
dition, judging from the reports given
by thosi who have recently returned
from there. The town and sjhool dis
trict No. 50 are to be congratulated on
their new four-room school building just
.finished. The board of directors, T.
G. Condon, J. M. Hamilton and H. C.
Rooper, with Frank Irwin for clerk, have
done well to complete the building eo
satisfactorily in so short a time.
Last year there were but two teachers,
and the total enrollment for the year
was9S. This year there will bo three
teachers and the number of pupils will
be greater. Miss Julia Hill is employed
as piincipal and will have charge of the
sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades.
The state course of study will be used,
even to the first year's work in the High
school as outlined therein. Miss Hill is
a graduate of The Dalles High school
and has taken a four years' course at the
university of Oregon. Sho hns had con
siderable experience in graded school
work and aside from thorough scholar
ship possesses tact, energy and discip
line. Manual tiaining is a special fea
ture of her work.
Miss A. May Sechlor, of The Dalles,
who was assistant teacher there last
year, will teach in the intermediate de
partment, composed of the third, fourth
and fifth grades. Miss Sechler has
taught twenty-eight months, is a grad
uate of The Dalles High school and has
had one year's work at Eugene. She is
especially strong in mathematics, and
in her quiet, unassuming way will make
a success of her work, both in and out
of the school room.
Miss Josio Spink, of Tho Dalles, will
teach the primary room, made up of the
first and second grades. Sho has a ripe
experience of forty-eight months, mostly
In graded echool work, having taught iu
The Dalles, Moro, Grass Valley and
Monkland. Miss Spink a'.so is a gradu
ate of The Dalles High school and holds
a state diploma. She has already proven
herself a useful teajher.
We congiatulate Antelope on securing
the present corps of teachers and we
understand these estimable young ludies
agree not to marry before next spring.
Itut Kiijujfd l,y all Who Appreciate.
If any went to tho Vogt last night ex
pecting to hear anything but vaudeville,
they were disappointed, for so it was
advertised and so presented to one of
the largest audiences we have eeen in
the Vogt for a long while. Moro en
thusiasm was also displayed than Dalles
audiences usually show.
wneu tue curtain first rose one re
ceived the impression that the perform
ance was to be what might be termed a
"rip-enorter" a jangled mces of tumb
ling, yelling, shrill-voiced girls and
loud-mouthed men ; but as it proceeded
each feature began to take on merit,
Wilson AitTight Heatei?
There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JVIAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
BenJrVilson, -
until many very clever, clean and withal
pleasing' specialties were given. Such
as would banish the blues, make one
forget all sorrow or annoyance and laugh
until their sides ached. It is to be re
gretted that vaudeville is taking the
place of good wholesome plays with a
plot worth following; but such n show
as last night's, where nothing objection
able is introduced, but everything is
pleasing, is better than a dose of
medicine and will surely prolong life
and make us all happier.
Some especially clever dancing was
introduced, and the cake walk as a
finale was splendid. Each actor seems
to be an artist in liiB line, whether
Irish, Dutch, American or what not;
while the girls, from tho giddier ones
to the old maid, wero good, barring u
shrillness of voice which waB anything
but pleasing in the first net, where
the leading lady was most prominent.
She is, however, a onto little actress.
The company must have dono well iu
a finaueial way, judging from the
audience which greeted them.
That .lojful FeelliiK
With tho exhileratinir sense of renew ed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Svrun
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substltues
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed, liuy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fife
Syrup Co.
Lacllci, Attuiitlon.
Don't fail to see the mnguiflcent line
of Fur Garments and sample cloths for
Tailor faults now on display at the Uma
tilla sample rooms, in the Cosmopolitan,
O. C. McLeod,
Agent Silverfleld Fur Co,, Portland,
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 20
10 Oct. 20, the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Co, will nuke u round trip rate of
$3.25, which will also include two ad
mission coupons to the exposition,
Tickets will be good going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3, on Thursday, Sept. 2Sth, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday night following the Wednesday
or Thursday ou which ticket is sold.
A full lino of Sterling silver novelties
and souvenir spoons can be found at
Harry O, Liebe's iu the Vogt block.
The Dalles, Orj
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients nro such that it
can't help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., m
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
A duck is about tho only thing as
indifferent to sunshine and shower, and
the peacock the only thing as proud as
you'll he when wenring ono of our new
mackintoshes. Arrived today. Pease &
A. M. Williams & Co. have just opened
a new lot of children's worsted drosses.
Prices rango from 75c to $(1,50, nnd it is
needless to say that the styles are ein
minently correct. They have also just
received a now lino of wool waiBts. Call
and see them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or poat.
oo. 0.oo
Construction Tills U nn air
tight healer n( tliti oval bliiut steel
1J1H2; It turn C'ABT 1HOX UNINUB,
milking It ilurulilcj ulni lms front
feed door, cast top and bottom mid
ornamental siin top, Ulli griddle,
cover uudeineutli,
Nickeling It lias nickeled urn,
name plate uud foot rails. Wo havu a
complete fctock of Idem on hand,
call a ud tee our ktock before bii) hit;
jnaler & Bsnion