I Ws4 Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels CLEANSES THE YSTEM EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMESjL?; hABmuL CONST'-' - PERMANENTLY 1T5 f0 GEr r tup r.FKiiMNF - MAN'F'D By rca Sau by in cRUGSUTi ract sot. t w esmt- PEOPLE YOU ALL KNOW. Geo. Johnston is in from Dufur. Thos. Fnrgher is in from Dufur. E. J. Mitldleswart is iu town today from his home at Moaier. Mrs. W. J. Underbill arrived on yes terday's afternoon train from Grante. W. H. Biiins spent today in the city, returning from n trip (hnvn the river. Mr. and Mrs. .T. T. Betlmne were visitors in tliecity yesterday from Dufur. Frank Fulton came down from Uiags this morning and spent today in the city. Mrs. Kate Roich left on yeaterdaj'e afternoon train for a short trip to Port land. Mrs. Clyde Bonney and Miss Eminn Bonney came up froin Hood River last evening. A. P. Vance is down from Dutch Fiat today, for the purpose of proving up on his claim. JoUn Sommerville, Jr., came down from Hay (Jreek yesterday and will leave tonight for Montana. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Pinmmer left this morning fur Portland, and will return to Missoula over the Northern Pacific. Miss Ulara Davie, having spent a short time ie ting t ie MUstB Burckhardt in Portland, retu'nud home last night. W. B. Presby, Gil lendale's prominent nttorncv, wa; ':n the city yesterday, and left on last uighl'd train fur that place. Miss Lottie Chappell came up from Portland yesterday and left on the evening's train for her homo in Golden dale. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mnrchie, who have spent ten davs visiting relatives here an 1 in Portland, lefi this morning for their home in Yakima overland. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence tiie most difficult -to net rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, und all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is the only remedy which can reach the disease und force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Hnrrodsburg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: I could gco no improvement whatever. though I was constantly treated with upraya ami wuHiieg, mm uinuf eat inhaling remedies la fact. I could feel that each winter I was worse than the year previous. "Finally it wa brought to my notice that Catarrh was a blood disease, and alter think ing over the matter. I saw it was unreasonable to ox ject to bo cured by remedies which only 'M then decided to trr fi. 8. S and after a few bottles wore uei. i no tlceda porcuptlble improvement. Continuing the remedy, the dlsaanu was forced out of my nyntum. nnd a complete euro was the lesult. IndvUeall who have this dreadful dleae to abandon theirlocal treatment. which hasnever done them any good, and tal;e H H. H,,a rem edy that can reach the disease and cure It." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh Ik to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies huvo no effect whatever upon, It promptly roaches tJntarrh, and noverfailbtocure oven the most aggravated cages. S.S.SJt,; Blood is Purely Vegotablo, and la the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mulled freo by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ft? AIMS BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Feed rye for sale nt the Wasco Ware house, tf Use Clarke & Falk'a Rosafoam for tho fjuth. Clarke & Falls have on sale a full lino of paint ami artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk'a quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'a suro cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke it Falk's pure- concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the bast. Ask your grocer for tliein. Latest thing in uamurna arc Im proved Magaaine cyclones at Donnull's drug Btore. A full line of Sterling silver noveltii b and souvenir spoons can be found nt Harry C. Liebo's in the Vogt block. Clarke k Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carringe, wagon and bain paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you t. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. 11. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures ail coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Dr. Russ, one of Portland's prominent dentists, has bought Dr. Tankman's office, in the Vogt building. His work is firet-class and prices reasonable. Gold tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth Oiled and extracted painless. 12 "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keener, Hoisington, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Butler Drug Co. For Sale. Five head good young horsee, nbout 1200 pounds; halter broke; will bo eold leasonable. octlS-'J-vk J. C. Mkins. Good Work Horses for Sale. I will be at Saltmarsho's stackyards with 15 head ot woik horses by the 18th of October. octl2-lS EiiiL Sthquui:. For ?nlu. Thirtv thousand capacity saw and ulanlns mill at a bargain. Address Jas. Young, box 1048, Portland Or. 14 1G I'ur Ilent. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ap ply at corner of Fifth and Coutt streets. 21 3t MORE WAYS THAN ONE. Smart Iloj's Clever Scheme for Uuylne Stnmps nt the Pout OlUce. The proprietor of n well-known hotel ih the center of the city sent one of his office boys to the post otllce for postage stamps. The cash drawer contained $1.50 in pennies;, nnd the proprietor want ed to get rid of them. Bundling them tip into neat packages, he dispatched the otiiee boy to Ninth nnd Chestnut streets with them. "Uet 7.'j two-cent stamps," the hotel man said, "and hurry back." Well, the boy got bnck, but not in a hurry. In fact, he was gone so long that his employer called him down when ho did return. "Whereon earth were you?" the hotel man ashed. "Go over to Chicago for those stamps?" "No. sah," replied the boy. "I only went to de post office. But they don't seem to like pennies there very much, bah." "Why not ?" demanded the hotel man. " 'Cause the young woman at du win dow wouldn't take more'n 21 cents' worth at a time, sah." "Then you didn't get the stamps?" "Oh, yes, sah. ludeed 1 did git de stamps, sail." "How did you get them If the atamp clerks wouldn't take the money?" The young fellow grinned. "Worked a scheme on 'em, sir, worked a scheme on 'cm. She said she wouldn't take more'n 21 cents' worth of the stamps at a time. See?" Ilia employer nodded in the affirma tive. "Well," continued the young fellow, "I scratched my head after she told me that, but pretty soon J tumbled to a hcbeine. I fishes nut 24 cents and lays . 'em down on de stamp window." I "'Glmmu 12 twos,' I said. "Thu twos were laid out on the 'counter, '(i'unmc 12 more twos,' J add ed, when I had the first lot safely tucked In my pocket. I got 'em, and also enough more bunches to make up the $1.50 worth 1 wanted before I got through. Of course, the young woman was mad all over, but I couldn't help I that, sah. I was there to get you de stamps, nah, and I had to do It." Phila Idclphla Inquirer. THE DEATH OF DARIUS. Alexander' Chasrln and Hie rer stitn Kins'" Mnernnnlniltr In Hid Lnat Momenta. Prof. Wboelcr's eighth paper on Al exander thu Clrcat describes "Alexan der's Mightiest Battle," wherein at Gnugamelti, with 47,000 men, he over threw Darius and bin million. His pur wuit of the Persian king, borne months later, and his failure to capture him nlive, were among the most ntriklng in cidents in the conqueror a history. "There was no time for delay. Men and horses were already fatigued by the forced marcl,es, but there could be no halt. It was a race for a prii'.e Alex ander had set his heart upon gaining. On they went again over hill and val ley, through the night and on until noon. Then they came to a village which the party had left only the day before, but with the intention of trav eling by night. Still they were z I Hours abend. Alexander's troop was almost exhausted. Did the villagers know of no shorter road? There was one, but through a desert country, with no wa ter for horse or man. Quickly trans ferring 500 selected infantrymen to ns many horses taken from the cavalry, and "directing the rest of the infantry to follow by the main road, he. set oit by the canter by the desert road. Men fell by the way, horses foundered, but all night long the mad chase was forced. Nearly 50 miles had been cov ered. Then in the gray morning light was discovered on ahead the strug gling caravan. There was no prepara tion for defense. One glimpse of those dreaded horsemen, nnd then a wild scramble for life. The few who stayed to fight were cut down. Besstis and his aids had tried to induce the captive shah to mount a horse nnd dee. but he stoutly refused. Then they drove their javelins into his body and scurried oil. "On down the dismantled line of the caravan the Macedonian riders came, no more than threescore able to keep pace with the leader. 'They rode over abundance of gold and silver that lay scattered about, and passed by chariots full of women, which wandered here and there for want of drivers, and still they rode on, hoping to overtake the van of the '.light and find Darius there (Plutarch). But nowhere was Darius to be found, until nt last a rider, strag gling away from the rest, found a wagon far away from the road, by a valley pool where the frightened, un guided mules had dri.ed it. In it'lny the dying shah. 'Still he ashed for a little cool fater to drink, and when he had drunk lie said to Polyntintun, who had given it to him: "Sir, this is the bitter extremity of my ill fortune, to re ceive a benefit which I cannot repay, but Alexander will repay you. The god. reecmpcr.si' to Alexander the kindness be has done my mother nnd my wife nnd children. I give him through you this clasp of the hnud.' With these words he took the hand of Polystrttus and died. When Alexander reaeaed the spot he was pained nnd distressed, as one could see, and he took olT his own mantle and laid it upon the body nnd wrapped it around' (Plutarch)." Cen tury. FRILLS OF FASHION. Nntcn on Up-to-Dutu ConttuneM for the Summer Heu Hon. Hand-painted silk gauzes and moussc linc de sole are faored materials for evening; gowna, with tulle, and jioint d'ehprit in the lead. TaiTeta in pale eolors is also used for evening frowns. It is trimmed with ilower; desifrns of white moiisseline de hoie outlined with narrow ribbon, and the skirt opens over a tablier of tulle trimmed crosswise with sjianyled lace insertion. Narrow black velvet ribbon ia used to trim colored pique gowns. IJrilliautine of the finest, most silky quality is the favored material for bath in suits, unless wool is required, nnd then French bunting nnd 1'ngliali serge are the best fabrics. Cream-eolored braid on white serge or mohair, wliicli forms the collar and belt, is the favorite trimming, but, for the sake of variety, lace yokes are one fenture of decora tion, lllack, blue and white arc the popular colors. Iiraids finished with a short fringe arc among the new dress trimmings. Both black and white silk tatTetn coats will lw worn with cotton, silk, wool and lace gowns this season. They are made of the soft, thl-i and conse quently expensive tnlTetu, finely tucked and lined with white. Hume of them arc Ktun shape, with or without rouixl cd points nt cither hide of the front, while others have the seulloped basque finish or are cut in the form of u Kussiun blouse without much of the real blouse effect. Hnhy ribbon in black and white mixed edgto the ruffles on a white or gandie gown. Flowered linen lawn gowns, trimmed witli wide bands of blue veiling, lined with silk matching the color in the flow ers, and edged with black silk braid, are the extreme of fashion In the way of combination and novelty. fiiin-plailcd liUirts of linen lawn are very good style trimmed tha width of a hem from the lower edge with a wide hand of cream Jace insertion. N. W Bun. Freeh orackfcd Nebraska corn at tlin Waeco wftruhoueo. Finest kind of chicken feed. inch25-tl Admiral George Dewey ft'IH recelvo tho mcrt Toyal welcome on Oct. 1st next, that was over accorded to r.n American cltlzon. You wilt (Unl n complete- 1)loirrnpliy or this pe" hero, lneluilltiR his brilliant victory over tho Srnu Ish licet In tho groat, authoritative and up ' v-date work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica This la tho only eacycloptccllaon thu market thftt mentions Admiral Dewey. It stves tho dato ot hli birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho pnrt ho took In tho Civil War; how nfter tho War ho voj employed on tho European 6tntion; In tho Naval Academy; his rise to tho raufc of Commander nud I'realdcnt of the Board of Inspection and Survey; his command or the Asiatic Squadron; how on April 2. th ho loft Hong Kong with his squadron, round and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Slay 1st; his appointment r.s Acting Kcnr Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and March 2nd. ISM. ho was created full Ad- I iniral. It upeafcs of him oh a strict disciplinarian, I nn all-around ntliloto, r. dating horseman oud huntsman, and socially a ccd club man and c general favorite It tolls of his marriage to Mini Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tlto "lighting gov ernor" of Kow Hamuihlrc, who died In lbT2, leav i lug uiou, George Goodwin Dowcy. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and ecorcs of other noted personages not C7en mentioned la any other nncycloi:dla recelvo the tamo attention In this edition or tho Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks or General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry as Governor-General ot Porto Rico; of Agulualdo'8 declaration oTWor against the U. S. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SDMMiRY or human knowledgo and progress, wherein Infor mation Is moro easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopaedia In the world, IN YOUR HOME. TOR BALE BT I. C. NICKELSEN, OW5 POft A DOSE. 1 llemivB Pfinplv. PnTent 'tlliTMncw, I'urifr IIkjIIIhoiI. ),r"!IV.'en4-t"V"',.,.'aiT''M ai"i7'l"n":iary uroiK-JiiUclio ami lt-una. . MdbrUruirjilHs. Dli. 30S4NK0 CO. I'hlla. l PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3W 33S QKIV 3WOO D H HUNTIHOTON ( b WIUJOH HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATCOKNKYK AT LAW, flleefivi' KlMt Nut. Hunk WHS. OltltfIA W. pljGAtf, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, butween Court and Wueh toil btieetH, Thu Dalle. fi E (1 undertaker OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1889. Horticultural and Amiciillnral Products of Orrgon, WaMiitiL'ton nnd Idaho In "renter variety und pio futiun than ever hefore. BENNETT'S ROHOVllCll MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE riAYMOND America' (liealost I.-uly Comet Soloist. Tlio t'mquiilled FLORENZ TROUPE of Arrnlmt. direct from the Ihnplro Tl'eider, Uimltm, men iiim ni'vm; ......v... A (ireiit FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE riiMirrnsml Aeilnll-b, lnjhilr thrlllliiK nets AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A fcYueon of Great Hurprihes and AHtoiiiidinff FeatM. lUitiirml UnUd " All 1 rHHii(rtutlciii l.llM'N. AiiMissmx .... ar tviiu Children under 12 yearn, 10 eenttt DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nud arc due to arrive nt l'ortlut I.KAVK. OVKHl.ANII KX-) nri'M. hiilcm. llo.vj- 1 Iiiuk, ! Aslilund, hue. I ll to, Ogiluu.Him l cluwi, Mnjuve, 1 1 TlCO V.ilM rmnf!ii FruuciKi'o, 0:1,', A. II. Los Aiii:cIl'!,K1 I'iiki M'W UriCliUB uiu. I'ukt . :su a. 11. Itosehurc Mild wny hU itlniiH 1 i ;S0 1'. i ( Vlii Woodhiirc fur 1 I .MlAucuI, Hllvertnu, I Dally Wist hull), llnnviih- 1 1 I'xtoiit villi;, riprliiKllcM mill Hiniduyr. Dully exrept Huiidny.s iMitrou '"A.M. j wyB!01..M INDKl'KNDKNCK I'ASSENOnit. Kxpress tnilli Dully (excupt biili(liiy). tiSUii. in. (l.v. . .l'ortland, ..Ar.) 8:23 n. in 7::fl) p. in. Ai..Mu.Mlnnvllli'..l.v. fijtti n, m H:Mi. m. (Ar..Indciiu:idenee..l.v.) -liAOu. m. Dully. (Diwy, excejii buuiiiiy. DINING CAI18 ON UU1UCN UOL'TK. l'i: 1,1.51 AN IIL'I'FKT Sl.rKI'Kltf AND Hr.C'OND-OLAbtl hLKKI'INl1 CAllf AttuuliLit to till Tlirouiili Trul:n. Direct connection iitKaii rruiichco with Ocel ileutnl nuil Orlentul und rucllio mull ntviiinNlilr line!, for JAl'AN und CHINA. Ktdliuu dutcn on ii lilieutlon. Iinu-s Mill tlcheth to Rnstern imliils and KU' tstern im NA, no: nine. Aleo JAl'AN, (JllIN ,'OI,Ul.U un Al'fiTKAI.IA. All Htiovti tniliin arrive at and (Icimrt Iron Uriind Cciitrul Htntlon, Fifth and IrviHK KtrecU YAMHILL DIVISION. 1'uksenner Dejmt, foot ol Jettertou street, U'iivc (or Klicrldan, week days, t4:Z0p. m Arrive at l'ortland, 'j:!;u u. in. U-avc (or A1KLIF. on Monday, WrdncMlny and Krlniy uth:3.',u, in. Arrlv at l'ortland,' ru dav, Thursday and Buturdiij it 3:U5 . m. Kxcept Huiiduy. 'Uxceitt Huturdoy. K. Ks.KH.lK11, limu.or. (i, II. MA1UC11AM, Asst. U. K. iv: I'ats. Ast ThroiiRli Ticket omco, Ktl Third htrtut, where thiouKh tlukuth to nil points in thu I'.untorn Htatoh, ChiiikIh and Europe can l,u obtained at lowest rates Irotn J. II. KlltKLANI), Ticket Agent. or N. W1IKALUON. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco over French A: Co.'t, lluuk 1'liouo C, THK DALLKd.OHEOON ITlItKD. W.WILfrON, A'lTOKN KY-AT LAW, THK DALLLH, OU 1.(1 ON. Olllcu ovci First Nut. llmk. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Uioests what you eat. It artificially dlKests the food and aids jSaturp in utrongtbenlng and recon Btructlng tho cxhuuated dlueatlve or gans. It In tho latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation cau anproaoh It in enloloncy. It in stantly relieves and permanently ourea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Haartburn, o.felon5e',SoA,r Stomach, Nausea! 8'clfHoadaohe,Ga8tralgla(Oramps,and allother results of Imperfect digestion, freporid by C. C OvWltt Co., cllcagoT Jiullur DruK Co., The UhIIuh, Ort-gon ii w ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will rtni every day nX,,,plSllml J KntcB Heneonablu. ' I Tolephono 201. g W. A. OATES, Prop, i ..CflAS. FRAflL. Butcher's and Farmers ..Exchange.. edniMl llio U'Ht bi-er In Thu liullen, lit tint iiniihI lirii'o. Coinc In, try Ititnd be emivliircd. A ho the Klm-Nt lirnnds of Wtnes, l.huor und Cluiirii. Sanduiiches of hII Kinds ahviiyn nu hand. The Busy Store. Knob day our business shows llio people are lulling out wc are pushing to tlie front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy foi the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Fortlani and iii Navigation Co.' Sirs. Dully (cxceit Kunduy) httHcen The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locke, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wny iolu on both Ma Columbia river. Iloth of tho ntiovo nteiuncM lawjA and nro III oxculiens mwi . in tire Th Hulitir l.liu' will e a h"or w" jiatroim the bct wrvlcu poMilbic. trtl For Comfort, Kooiiomy M tiavol by tho HtoainerH ot rb 1. lilt,. .wllllClK Tho tuanicr8 of the lli-sulator Unj ,U Dalltn nt 7 a. in. cominunclni: MaaJ ' rorVundOlllcc. rbt Oult t. Dock. l'uu" W. C. Allaway. FRENCH & BANKERS. - . vvirn a i. I1ANKIN0 BOW .. .... , iioiilo ntW Letters ol Oreait 18huu I Eastern Statce. . rtpw I Bight Exchange , J JeK .Transfers sola on n Pdrttan ! Bt. Louis, , .Ban Franc sco - IiDpoll gon, Keattie wnsii,, " fn Oregon and Washing. 0B f - Uollecltons maue orahlo tnrma. ' "lik wTrrmi'a Pure For sale at all flr'u ' " M WlJ J Btubllug, agent, 'I he !-""" Kegulator mm