(Etyconitk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1899. NO C3 I) c Dall es THE CUP IS STILL OURS American Tacit Von lie TIM and Final Contest. SHAMROCK LED FOR A TIME Hut tbc Columbia Passed Her Before the Turn and Came Over tbc Fin ish Line by About Six and One Half Minutes. Nkw Youk Oct. 20. Tho conditions of wind and weather in this city at 8 :IiO u. in. today wue encouraging tor calling tlio international yacht rnce. At 0 o'clock the Bun drove awny the gray clouds that earlier had been flinging down drops of nasty inaietuie and there was promise of a day of sunshine, good bruczo and a racing ecu, a combination that has not been prevalent during the unfortunate trial days. The wind at that hour was Bplundid, blowing fully fifteen milue. It was nearly half poet 0 o'clock when observers uour the starting lino saw the white wings of the yachts appearing out of the hsz i and jumpinc along under n spanking breeze toward the lightship. The Shamrock pushed tier nose through the fontn as if the breeze had been uinde expressly for her. The Columbia Bat up etraighter and looked a trifle more dig nified. Tlio yachts jumped out of the sinoothe water of the Hook into the choppy sea under their own sails, as if rejoicing in their ability to move no rapidly. AtlOi-15, when tho preparatory gun was fired, Columbia was Bbooting up to the windward of tho Bturting line on a starboard track. She carried mainsuilB and jib only, but had her staysail in Htops ready to break out. The white boat heeled over so that her lee rail was unlcr witter all the time, and the spray flow ovor her sharp bowe. Tho Shamrock was half a mile south ot tho lightship, but when Hogarth saw Hiuoke, he fetched tho Shamrock about and hurried to get to the weather of tiie line. The Columbia had in the mean time come about and run down to meet her rival, and then coming about again, reached to the windward ahead of tbe challenger. Both boats broke out fore stay sails when the warning gun was fired at 10:65 a. in. Tbc Coming Strike. St. Paul, Oct. 10. A general strike on the Great Northern will probably oc cur within a few days. It will include conductors, engineers, firemen, brake men and switchmen, and tbe men ex pect to tio up the road from end to end. In the great strike of five years -ago, the conductors held aloof, but thoy have been brought into the present trouble by a recent order requiring them to pay for bonds covering damages to trains under their cbnrgo, The list of grievances given by the men is a Icing one, and they claim to have been unable to secure any thing like satisfaction from tlio manage ment. Since last March grievance com mittees have been almost constantly in this city trying to reach some agreement with tbe railway officials, but without reHult. No Street Lamps in Albany. Amianv, Or., Oct. 10. Albany is still in darknese, no agreement having been, made fur the renewal of tho electric light contract for street purposes. The city council peremptorily ordered the lights shut oil', and has made no efforts to inako terms (or a new contract. A Night of Terrur. "Awful auxiety was felt for tho widow of the brave General Buruhain of Mucliias, Me., when the doctors said nbo could not live till morning," writes Mrs. ti, H, Llucoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she uiuH soon die from Pneumonia, but she 1 Royal T -ABSOLUTELY DlIRF Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesGme worn pakimo powotn co new vobk. begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doees she slept easily all night, and its further ueo completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest und Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store . Severe Storms for the Season. A stoma, Or. Oct. 19. Tho storm of last night was a very severe one forthiB time of year. No local' dam ago is re ported. The government wire to Cape Disappointment has been down all day, and no report haB couio from there, but t is known that the steam schooner Al liance went out, so tho bar could not have been rough. The conditions to night are about the same as they wcro last night. . This afternoon there was a thunder storm in the lower harbor, which generally means a week of bad weather. Spain' Greutcnt Need. Mr. II. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head.' On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain Boon left him. He says this grand medicine is what hie country neede. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthen? the nerves, puts vim, vigor nd new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or niling, you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Yaquina Jetty Damaged. Yaquina, Or., Oct. 19. A gale has blown for the past twenty-four hours, beiuc accompanied by heavy rain and thunder and lightning. The heavy sea today carried away about 700 feet of jetty. The total length of that jetty ub about 2300 feet, and it was part of improvement that coH about $700,000. Double Train Service to (uu Francisco, On October 15th tbe Southern Pacific Co. will inannurate a "Daylight Ex press," leaving Portland at 8:30 a.m., and reaching San Francisco at 7:45 next evening only one night out. Both standard Pullman and tourist sleepers will be attached. This new train is in addition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta Overland, und will give many passengers the desired opportunity to see enroute the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac ramento Valleys witbont loss cf time, and still arrive in Oakland and San Francieco at a seasonable hour. of I'lujed Out. Dull Headache, Pains in vaiioua parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverislmees, imples or Sores all positive evidences impure blood. No matter how it became so it must ho purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton Druggists. On tho 10th of December, 1897, Kuv. . A. Donalioe. pastor M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, VV. Va., contracted severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "After resorting to a number oi called 'BpecIUcv usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Ohiuuberlatn's Cough Itemed), ich acted like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend it to the public." For sale' by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Library for Soldiers. San Fiianoikco, Oct. 20. A committee of prominent citizens headed by Kabbl Jacob Vooreangor, and including ainoug its members Genorul Shatter, Mayor Pholan and Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, has taken steps toward the establishment of a library in Manila for the uee of the United States soldiers. The project, which was originated by the late Colonel Miley, has been taken up with enthusi asm by men and women who are deter mined to carry it into execution. For the Oregon Industrial Exposition to be held nt Portland, Oregon Sept. 2G to Oct. 20, the Oregon Itailroad & Navi gation Co, will make a round trip rate of $3.25, which will also include two ad mission coupons to the exposition. Tickets will bo cood going on train No, 1 on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every Wednesday thereafter, and for train No. 3, on Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every Thuredav thereafter to and including Thursday, Oct. 20tb. Tickets will be limited for return passage to expire tho Sunday niuht followinc ttie Wednesday or Thursday on which ticket is sold. 25-1 m Andrade Will Leave Country to its Fate Caiiacas, Venezuela, Oct. 20. The crisis is virtually over,General Andrade, the president, has accepted tlio condi tions proposed by the insurgent com mander, General Castro, and will go abroad, the presidency devolving on the vice-president. Castro will enter Car acas peacefully, thus avoiding blood shed. Thosa who desire to take instructions in dancing will now have an opportunity. Messrfi. A. Sandvig and H. P. McCord, who have had a successful class in Baker City, are now in the city for the purpose of organizing a class. They will engage the Baldwin and give instruction Tues day nights and soirees on Friday nights. They are very gentlemanly appearing and will no doubt secure a large class, as Dalles people who formerly resided in Baker City are willing to vouch for their excellency as teachers. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy, for having put on the market such a wonder ful medicine," says W. W. Massingill. of Beaumont, Texas. Tiiere are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved froui attacks of dysen tery nnd cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is lor sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical press. It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Biooiningdale, Tenn., says it cured him of indigeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Heavy Rains at Salem. Salem, Or., Oct. 20. A heavy rain has been tailing at Salem for three days. The roads are badly cut up, and it is im possible for the farmers to haul heavy loads. The wood supply will soon cease if the rain continues. Have you smoked a clear Filipino cigar mado from the finest selected to bacco which I captured on the Isle of Luzon? If not, you are behind the times, as I have only a few High-Life cigars left going at 15 cents apiece, 2 for 25 cents, or $2.50 for a box of 25. Remember that the High-Life cigar is made from the very best Filipino tobacco. Factory No. 105, next to Baldwin saloon on Union St. Ben Ulrich, Manf. 140 wk Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured ly using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes ynu eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck, !o cte, ana 8U cts, Blakeloy & Houghton Druggist p. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says : Kouoi uyspepsla cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics. " Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Go, CHEAT BATTLE AT GLENCOE British Troops WWppei Nine InonsaM Boors Fire Bit Gnus. GENERAL SYM0NS IS WOUNDED Boers Began to Shell the City at Day light Yesterday Morning, But Their Firing Was Ineffective. London. Oct. 20. War office received the following dispatcli from Lvlysmitb, filed at 3:30 this afternoon : "This from Glencoe We were at tacked this morning at daylight by a force roughly estimated at 4000. They had placed four or five guns in position on a hill 5400 yards east of our camps, and they fired plug Bhells. Their ar tillery did no damage. Our infantry formed for attacks and we got our guns into position. After the position of the enemy had been ehelled, our infantry advanced to the attack, and after hard fighting, lasting until 1 :30 p. m. the al most inaccessible position wai taken, the enemy retiring eastward. All the Boer guns were captured. "We can see the soldiers at the top of the bill. Our cavalry and artillery are still out. General Symons is severely wounded. Our losses are heavy. They will be telegraphed as soon as possible." London Oct. 20. A dispatch from Glencoe camp says Sir William Symons was wounded in the stomach. General Gate has assumed command. Ladysmith, Oct. 20. At 5:30 this morning a telegram was received from General Synione, announcing the Boers are shelling Glencoe camps with big guns and tho troops were moving to at tack them. An official message was re ceived from Glencoe at 5:40 this morn ing eaying the fighting was proceeding there, and pronounced the Boer strength waB about 9000 men. The Boers, it ap nears, posted guns on the high hill over looking the town and opened fire on tho camp and the battle became general. British Advancing. London, Oct. 20. The war office has received tho appended dispatch from Ladysmith, filed at 10:46 today: "The following advices from Glencoo camp are just at hand. King's Royal Rifles and Dublin Fusileers are attack ing the hill occupied by the Boer artil lery. They are within 300 yards of the position and are advancing under cover of our artillery at about 2000 yards' range." Ladysmith, Oct. 20. An unconfirmed report has been received here that the Boer artillery is shelling Dundee. Fear Smons Will Die. London, Oct. 20. It is feared Sir Wil liam Symons wound will prove fatal, It was repotted in tho house of commons this evening the British captured seven teen guns at Glencoe, and the cavalry are still pursuing the fleeing burghers, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, und will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. und 50 cts, Blakeley Houghton, druggists, C. S. Smith, THK Up-to-date (Jroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty, Gentle Reminae r... Tomorrow's Sunday.. Sure you don't want a new Collar, Cravat, Pair of Gloves, Socks, a Hat, Pair of Shoes, Rubbers, Suit of Clothes, Underclothes, Handkerchiefs, Some Shirts, Collar Buttons, or an Overcoat for tomorrow? So easy to forget these little things until you are ready to use them, and it's so hard to rind anyone with "a key to tho Btore" tomorrow. Store's Open Till 8. g : A. M. Williams & Co. I 2d Street. 'Phono 270. rixii-itxiiiiiiJiJiittiittJtKiiJjjii,iftiaijtjjjiiJMiiJtxLtaixcixxtji rrnn-r-TumiTmmTmrfm-Tmmm : l I H I I I in ft ft ft Tha Dalles, Ot. The Chronicle, Job Printers. miiUituiiiajj jranurinm Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle.