The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 20, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
idneys, Liver
amd Bowels
tleanses the 5ystem
roa siteYiscirjooiTi rsr.ct set nxKmu
J. II. Hunsel, of Lyle, ia in the city
V. A. Mnrchie was down from Wasco
W. H. nitres was a visitor in the city
from Wasco last evening.
H. P. Moore came in from his place
near Chicken Serines yesterday.
Charles Lord spent yesterday in the
city, returning last evening to Arlington.
Frank A., Peter and Charles Nienieln
were business visitors Irom Centerville
yesterday. 's'
Mrs. E. M. Williams went down on
;the boat yesterday to Portland, wtiere
ehe will remain a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon liulton returned
on yesterday's stage from Goldendale,
where they have been visiting Mrs.
Bolton's mother.
Mrs. M. II. Morse arrived in the city
last night from Portland and is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. H. .Hid
den, and son, E. Morso.
At the residence of Mrs. Sarah Cam--eron.
in Viento, Wasco countv, Oregon,
Oct. 10, 1899, by M. F. Bird, J. P., Wrr.
E. Wheeler and Miss Mattio Burton,
tiotli of Hood Iiiver.
ltejiutt of tlm lluyil Public SclluiiU.
The follownif? is a repoit of the Boyd
public schools, foi the first month be
ginning Sept. 18 and ending Oct. 13, '99:
Number of pupils enrolled: boys, 115;
Kirls, '24 ; total, 'St. Average attendance
during month, 34 Average per cunt of
deportment, 00. Pupils missing no days:
Elmer .Smith, Ethel Southern, Addie
Smith, Flora linker, Harry Southern,
Grade Baker, Lorena Smith, Bertha
Lower, Gertie Abnet, Iva Lower, Ledah
Covey, Kflie Ta lor, Boy Covey, Emily
Edc-jr, C:arniae Wing, Archie Uarneille,
Asthma's Clutch
The sufferer from Asthma is constantly
wheezing, gasping, hacking and clearing
.the throat. When n storm approaches,
when thcro is a cloud of dust, when
a room is being swept,
or when there is a bad
odor, breathing be
comes most diliicult.
Often it seems at
though someone was
clutching tho
sufferer by
the throat
with a terrN
I blegrasp.The
Ichoking fcen-
salion is nl
mcst unbear
able. Tho
trouble some
times lasts only ft few minutes and again
hangs on for many days. There is only ono
safe thing to do, and that is take Acker 'a
English Bemedy for Throat and Lung Trou
bles. J nt what this medicine accomplishes
is shown by the following letter from Mr. N,
II. Andrews, a prominent resident of Spring
field, Ohio, who writes:
" W. If. Hooker d- Co,, New Yuri: :
"(ientlciiien. Hafliinl.iinoa great pleasure
to assure you that I have received both im
mediate und permanent relief from throat,
bronchial und asthmatic troubles by using
Acker's English Bemedy, taken strictly ac
cording to directions It is a blessing to
humanity. 1
Bold at c too. and J I a bottle, throughout the l.'nltd
(slate and Canada; ami In Knglinii, at In. t'l.,'U-al.,
U.U, If 7011 ar not ulliuVd alter buying, iriumttia
bottle to jour ilruxaut an J net your iiwiity birX.
We uulhurUe the iibme guarantee.
. W. II. UOUKM! & CO,, I'rvimet'jrt, .tu Vork.
run bm.k iiy
'Blakeley & Hoffhton,
May Abnet and Edward Darneille.
Visitore were: Muses Dora Moore, Hat
tie Adams, Ertna Bolton, Nora Alcott,
Mr. George Willard and Master Bey
Parents, patrons and all friends ot
education are cordially invited to visit
our school.
0. It. T)i:i:is, Principal.
Use Clarke A Falk's Bosofoam for tho
Feed rye for sale at the Wnseo Ware
house, tf
Clarke A Falk have on sale n full line
of paint nud artist's brushes.
Use Clarkc& Fnlk'e quiii'ino hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
You will not have boils if you take
Ch.rko & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Ash your grocer for Clarko oc Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Clarke it FalU's flavoring extracts nre
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at DoiiucII'b
drug store.
Paint your house with paints thnt nre
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will
digest what you eat. It cures all forms
of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.
R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "It
relieved nie from the start and cured me.
It is now my everlasting friend." Butler
Drug Co.
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures nil coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because Its ingredients nre such that it
can't help doing bo. "The public can
rely upon it ns a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas," M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
That Joyful l'liellng
With the exhilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed boyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substituee
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fife
Syrup Co.
Tiioss who desire to take instructions
in dancing will now have an opportunity.
Messrs. A. Sandvig and H. P. McCord,
who have had a successful class in Baker
Citv, are now in the city for the purpose
of organizing n class. They will engage
the Baldwin and give instruction Tues
day nights and soirees on Friday nights.
They are very gentlemanly appearing
and will no doubt secure a large class,
as Dalles people who formerly resided
in Baker City are willing to vouch for
their excellency as teachers.
That Tlirolibliic llcaclncho
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves und build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 23 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
For the Oregon Industrial Exposition
to he held at Portland, Oregon Sept. -0
to Oct. 2G, the Oregon Hallroad & Navi
gation Co, will make a round trip rate of
3.25, which will also include two ad
mission coupons to tho exposition.
Tickets will be irood going on train No, 1
on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every
Wednesday thereafter, and for train No.
3, on Thursday. Sept. 28th, and every
Thursday thereafter to and including
Thursday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will be
limited for return passage to expire the
Sunday night following the Wednesday
or Thursday on which ticket ia Bold,
25-J in
"I wish to express my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera nud Diarrhoea Bemedy, for
having put on the market such a wonder
ful medicine," eays W. W. Maseingill.
of Beaumont, Texas. There are many
thousands of mothers whoso children
have been saved from attacks of dysen
tery and cholera infantum who must
also feel thankful. It is for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
Cain In Your Cbaoka.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 18D0, will be paid at my
IcfEcj, Inter J3t ceases after Sept. 14th,
1 1899. O. L. Phillips,
i County Treasurer.
1 Experience is the beat Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
, coughe, cold or croup. Should It fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 els. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghtcn
Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the
W'atco warehouie. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch26-tf
A Drove Chlcnsw Woman Secnrea
1,000 Babacrlplliina and Lift
a fOOO MorlKasra.
South side women arc now talk
ing about the feat or u plucky woman
in saving1 her home. She Is a widow,
and her husband left her u house nud
lot incumbered with u ifoOU inurtKiifre.
Shu had no way to lil t the inouinlirniicc,
nud when it came due she could do noth
ing but throw herself upon the mercy
of the holders of the paper. They wore
decent people, however, und agreed to
give her three mouths' extension of
time. Two mouths of this respite was
wasted in attempts to secure assistance
Irom acquaintances.
.lust about the time thu widow had j
given up hope she saw the offer of a
woman's periodical agreeing to give j
$300 to anyone who should secure 1,000 '
annual subscriptions within a speellied j
time. The time expired in just a month, i
and the task seemed hopeless. Hut the
woman seized the chance und went to
work that very day.
She had fair success from thu first
day. When she thought it would do any
good shu told her story, and many peo
ple who cared 'little or nothing for the
magazine subscribed to help her along.
She visited residence districts only, and
appealed to the woman of the house al
most entirely. As the days went by
many women grew interested in her
brave effort, and little clubs and so
cieties did what they could to help her.
Many women would say this: ".Now, if
you find at the last minute that you are
a few dollars short, come to see me nnd
I'll subscribe again. 1 can send the pa
per to a country cousin."
The woman had many tips and downs.
Some days subscriptions were secured'
easily and rapidly; other days she made
little or no headway. As the end of the
month drew near things grew leys en
couraging. .Her acquaintances had
long ngo been exhausted. The available
territory in the vicinity of her home had
been thoroughly roue over, nnd people
living at a distance, she found, were
much lees npt to lend u sympathetic
ear. Still, the list grew steadily, nnd
there was always a fighting chance.
The Inst day found her just a dozen
subscriptions short, tired out nnd near
ly hopeless. She was casting about in
her mind for same way to raise the
money necessary for the 12 subscrip
tions, when the door bell rung. It was
a note from a woman who had already
subscribed, but contained u dollar and
warm words of encouragement. This
note was the first of many such mes
sages. And before evening the list of
1,000 names was complete.
Out of the woman's brave effort has
grown a double result. Shu was not
.strong physically when she began her
cnuv .is, I j s : t the uxercise unavoidably
contn'etrd with her work has made her
a healthy woman. She got the $500 and
she saved her home. Chicago Inter
Have you smoked a clear Filipino
cigar made from the linest selected to
bacco which I captured on the Isle of
Luzon? If not, you are behind the
times, as I have only a few High-Lite
cigars left going at 15 cents apiece, 2
for 25 cente, or $2.50 for a bos of 25.
Remember that the High-Life cigar is
made from the very best Filipino tobacco.
Factory No. 105, next to Baldwin saloon
on Union St. Ben Ulricli, Mnnf. 140 wk
I'or Hull".
Five head good young horses, about
1200 pounds; halter broke; will be sold
octl3-2-vk J. C. Mi:inh.
"It did me more gocd than anything
I ever used. My' dyspepsia was of
months' standing; after eating it was
terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B.
Keener, Hoisinglon, Kan., of Kodol
I Dyspepsia Cure. It digests whht you
! eat. Butler Drug Co,
I'or !-ule.
Thirty thousand capacity saw and
planing mill at a bargain. Address
Jas. Young, box 1018, Portland Or. 14 10
Dr. Hues, ono of Portland's prominent
deutiate, has bought Dr. Taekman's
oflice, in the Vogt building. His work
is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold
tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Teeth filled and extracted painlest. 12
Oouu Work lloraen fur riutu,
I will be at Saltmarsho's stockyards
with 15 head ot work horses by the 18th
of October.
octl2 18 Emu Smouim.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
A full Hue of Sterling silver novelties
and souvenir spoons can be found at
Harry O. Liebe'a in the Vogt block.
Hits, oiiivrn w. mow,
Third Street, between Court and Wash
4on Streets, The Dalles.
Admiral George Dewey
Will rcrclve tho most Toynl welcome on Oct, lst
next, that waj over uccoiusd to au American
You will Und a complete biography of thtn jrrent
hero, InclmlluE tits brtllhnt victory over tho Span
ish licet in tho sroat, autliorltatlvo nud up-
data Tforkof reference, tho
New Werner Edition of the
This la tho only eticyclopwllfi on tho market that
mentions Admiral Dcwcy. H gives tho ihito ot hln
birth; how ho spent his tmyhootl days; tho part Jio
took tu tho Civil War; how after thu War ho vras
smployed on tho European Blntlon; in tho Naval
Academy; his rlso to tho rank of Commander nud
President or tho Board of Inspection and fiunrcy ;
his command of tho Asiatic &iuadron; how on
April 27th ho left Hone KoB with his tnuadrou,
found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila,
on Jlay 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad
inlral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and
how on March 2nd, 1S99, ho wa3 created mil Ad
miral. It speuks ofhimas nutrict disciplinarian,
an all-around athlete, ft daring horseman nnd
huntfman, and socially ft good club man and a
general favorite. It tolls of his marriaBO to M-m
Susy Goodwin, n daughter of tho "lighting gov
ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In 1ST.', leav
ing a ion, George Ucajdwlu Dewey.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
and scores of other noted personages not c7cn
mentioned In any other Kncyclonxdla receive th
tarue attention in this edition of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica "
It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Eautt
ago; of General Henry as Governor-General oi
Porto Rico; of Agulnaldo's declaration of Wax
against tho U. B. -cjtjQ
of human knowledge nnd progress, wherein lnfor
jnation is more easily found and acquired than in
uy other book or encyclopedia In tho world,
1 ot Oregon, fur the county of Wikco.
Harriet A. Simon, Plulutlll',
Willlnm H. It. Hlmnn, defendant.
To William II. II. Muxjii, tho nbovo liatr.ctl
I it tho Name of thoHtntoof Oregon: Vint me
hereby notified to )u nnd In thu nlmvo
entitled court mi or before tho In.t iliiy of tho
Mibllciitlon of this Mimmiiiis, limit: On or bp
fore batiitilny, tho lHth day of .Siivembcr,
then anil there to answer thu complaint nf the
above iiuitu'd til.iiiitllt' ill. il ugaliiHt yon in the
above entitled milt; nnd If you M) fall to npieur
and aiiMver salil compliilnt, fur want thereof
rliiltitlll will apply to iitlil court for tho relluf
prayed for in Iter complaint, to-wlt- Kor a do
creu of tho a bovci.'i! titled court forever dUaalvIng
anil iiuiiiillliig tho IiiiiiiIh of matrimony now
nnd heretofore existing between plitintlir nnd
defendant, ii I id for mi atrtolutu decree of divorce
from you, the nald defendant.
This summons Is scrved upon yiiu by public
tlon thereof by order nf the Hun. V. I,, lirntl.
shiiw, Judge of thu nbtivo entitled conrt.'wlilcli
order beiirs date of tlioKud day of October, lyja,
and directs that ttn!d summoiiH bu .ervtd iiihiii
the mill defendant by publication thereof fur nix
conkfcuttvo weeks in Thu Uallos (Jiikonici.f;, ii
weekly newspaper nf general circulation, pub
llshid In Tho JJiiIlt-b, Watco county, Ortgou;
mild publication to begin on the "Ih day of
October, pjj, mill unit on tho isth day of
November, Ih'jy.
DiTrii t mkni:ki:k.
cct" 11 Attorneys for lialiitlll'.
(.urollMjjchuuiidli.p,,,,,,. ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Bpecial attention Riven to urcr)'.
Itconu 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt lllcc
Olllco over French & Co.'u Hank
,'"'no c Till. l)AI,U.H,OUK(JON
OUlcuove, Klrt Nat. llVnk' U"KUUNl
n b liUNTimnoN .. u
nieov Kli.tN.uJi"K UAU'mi 0,KliJ-S
Industrial Exposition
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Horticultural and Airiciita!
1'roiliiPtH nf Ori'ittin, WmhIxI tifitoii nnd
hliitio in j'rcati'r vnrifty unil pro
fusion tliun t'vtT lii'fnru.
America1 (I tea tent l-ady Cornet Hololnt.
The t'tuitliillcd
of AiMohati," Hurt from the l.tnplro Theater,
Loudon, their 11 iht itppniniiiou In America.
A (ireal
I' mini asjcd AorlalM, in their thrilling act.
A -H'liann (if Grfiit SnrprifUB und
Aeloiuiilln Funte.
imltict'd Itutcf mi All Triiitf Iiiirtiitlini
Uhildren under Vi j ears, 10 ceutx.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THK
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nnd arc due to arrive at 1'ortliu
OVK.ltl.ANl) KX.l
tirefsH. KalLMii. UiM,e '
liurg, Abhlntid, Hue. ,
.-nn i i j ramcuto, Ogilen.Kau 1 1
,.uu J . ill. .rrt,lt.M.( Mnjuvu, ( I ;15 A. M,
I Ijm Aliif(.ih.KI Pnno.
I Mtw urleatiH uuc
i :- .
I I Kant
H'SO A M ""'ebttrg mid way hta
!::) 1. M
f Via VYiHNllmra tor i ,
lt Ai.trnl Ullu.trti.,, I ' l..ll
, (I.. L...I.. II. . .
Hundily, lK,f!,.lB,d!,.,, K1",'1J,
i-..m a m ' (('orvnlllH nnd wnyl
1, a. .i. j,, ,,!,, (
5:J0 l..v.
lM)Kl'KNDi:NCK I'AKHKNOKK. l'.xpren train
Dally (except Uutiday).
J;50p. m. fl.v. ...Portland .Ar.) 8:aia. m
7:Jp. in. Ai JlcJIIunvllle t.v.J ft;tt) n, .n
h;3 p. in. (Ar..ludeutideiice.,I.v.) 1:.'0 it. in.
Dally, (Daily, except htllitlay.
Di.viNti (jAiis on ouiu::; houtk,
Attitchul to all Throuiih Trains.
Direct connection itt ban Kranci'ico with Occt
dental and Oriental and 1'nclllo mall ntcamnhlp
Hues or JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing tlutcn on
a plication.
Hates nnd tlcltcts to Kavteru points mill Kit
roia;. AlcoJAl'AN, U1IINA, HONOLULU Bll(
All abovo traltiK arrive nt and depart frntp
Orand Central Hlatlou, KHth and Irvnii; NtreU
1'uthciiKer De)Hit, foot of JellerMiii Htreut.
Iavo for Hherlilan, week dayn, at 1:20 ii, in
Arrivo at 1'ortlaud, It::) a. m.
Ia-bvc for A I It I.IK, on Monday, Wednesday and
KHfluV Ht k!L'. n ,tl .tlvii .1. !.. .... a ir....
(lav, Thlirailay and Haturdav it 3:05 p. m, '
bxeept buiulay. "Kxcept Katurday.
K. K(.K.'-i,KU, (i, If. MAKKIIAM,
ilMlllltCr. At. U. 1. Al l'llHH. Ant
ThrotiKh Ticket Olllr e, lai Third htreet. where llfibntu lf ittl .lu 1 .1...
........n.. " . . .,, ni,,,ra ,,, i.nnwiu
Htaten, Canada and Ktiropu call bo obtained at
v. ,...,.-J; KI11KI.ANJ), Ticket Agent,
or N. WlIKAIdlON.
rtva in tvn
Notice Is beiebyKlveii that thu underMinicd,
iidiiitliintnitrlx of thu ctitatoof Dr. V. K. Klnu
hart, deceased, hint f licit her final account ax
itiicli in the county ojtirt, of the Mate nf Orvfrou,
for Wakco county I the court has appointed
Holiday thu lith day of Nov.. MJ, at thu hour
of It) o clock a in,, nt tho county court room in
Dalle 0 ty, Oicxon.iiii the llmo nud placo for
tho hwrlnKaiiiUuttlcinoiit thereof. All pettona
llllorested In mild chtalo aru herebv nniilr.'il In
appear lit said tlniuand ulaeeand preoettt their
objections, if any they have, to mild Until ac
count or any of tho Itemx (hereof.
jaiieji uuy, nr., nopt. :A). IVJJ,
MlI'SO-H i;xeoutix.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.,.i....
.'ffor.. i I' u,?w' "M" ouana Bias
iNaturo in BtroriKthon ng und reoon
gans. It lathe latcHt discovered digest
I ant and tonic. No other prepgratloB
I cap approach It in efficiency. It in
.fltantly roUevesand permanently cure
iSfftt IndlgeHtlon, HwrWnT
oi'i1?"' ,.iJr Storaach, Nausea!
-ii Vu"""1'"81 a.uraraps.and
llother resulteofimperfectdlgeaffl
Hutler Drug Co., Tlio Ditllua, OregonS
...STEAM... I'
Wood Sew:
Will run nv-t-ry ,(,y c.x.,.,,tpllml(lv J
Tolophono 201.
J W. A. OATES, Prop. I
Bate he
and Fapmcns
Keeps nn dratmht tho cclfbrnleil
COl.tJMIIIA llKKIl, itcktmwi!
n(KCl till) lCHt beer 111 Thr Diillen
at theustinl price. Coini' In, try
it mid be convinced Abo tho
KliiPHt hrandii of Wine, I.l iuor
nnd Clears.
of nil Kinds ahvrtj s on hand.
Eucli dnj' our btisincbS shows
the people nre finding out wc
nre pushing lo the front trllb
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tho very best, nnd
Inst, but not least, buyers vrlio
know their Inibiness nnd buy
for the pcoiilc.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
The Dalles, FDrtlani and is
Navigation Co.'
Dally (except Kutidavj between
The Dalles,
Hood Kiver,
Cascade Looks,
and Portland.
TouchliiR nt way points on both M 0,tM
t'oltinibla rivet
Until of tho nbovo Hteamerf have
and arc In uxcellont nlini for V ?im
TIib lUrulHtor miih will fril'iior ton"
IMitroiis tiio bout service ponuhi''.
Kor Coiiifort, Kciiiiiiiiiy nd I" M;
tinvol by the utvainera of riu. iti"'
''rho'ktcamcrH of tho iuisitlitcr tlieS
Dnllett ut 7 n. m. conmieuulni: Moiiua)
l'ortlund Olllce.
Oak Ht. Dot.
w n Allaway.
Tit a NUAfvr a KNKKAIfllANlv'N flU"'"
Lettew of Credit isatitHl avultabU in
Bight Ekolmnice ""'V,,! dbMft
Tranafem sold on VirttoS
gon, Seattle Wnsh,, oml varlow p-
In Oregon ana waainniiv," anltf.
Oolleetlona made m m llo,M
orahln Uirroa.
Drink Warren'al'uro Olnitw 'J
For .Mo at all, '' ft! "jii;
luuiing, aguuii
sits. Regulator Dalles Ci