r Saturday's Special. How can they Do It? THE GENUINE $ & & OCTOBER 33c and 47c Thero prices DRESS GOODS. These linen contain some very choice things nnd you have ample opportunity to make up your mind. See our East window diBplay. Handsome New Petticoats. 98 cents for near ellk petticoatB in beautiful Btriped effects, finished with heavy Bpnce cording, sightly and serviceable, worth $1 50 each. $3.00 fnr beautiful mercerized Bilk petticoats with deep Spanish flounce, well bound, alt the new autumn colors, worth $4.00. $1.98 lor handsome metallic satin petticoats, umbrella shaped, witli corded ru fie at bottom, polid colors and handsome stripes and dots. You'll fit them if.S.UU eleewnero. $6.00 and every intermediate price up to $15.00, for elegant silk petticoats, the prettiest styles and best values in town. All Goods Marked. In Plain Figures US I J The Dalles Daily Chronicle, FRIDAY OCTOBER 20, 18f 9 Telephone No. 1. Oysters Fervid In every style by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "I fenr you nre forgetting mc," Site hi-IiUii tones iiutite. " i-n Indeed for M'ttlng yon, Tliiit'o why 1 uiunu to-nlglit." lioslyn coal, 0.50 a tou, delivered, fetadelmun Commission Co,, 'phone 21)5. 14-2w Go doVn and bob the Montana boys tomorrow nt 1:30 at the Umatilln House. The Butler Drug Co.'s Goldon hair ton c iH u positive cure for dundruiF. Try a bottle. Dr. Stuer, the electric doctor, will leave tho city Sunday. If you wieh to consult him improve the time. Wheat has dropped eomowhnt. In Portland they ure paying 5" for No. 1 and here tho warehouses ato giving 52 for No. 1. Bacon I see t'tey say Dawey descend ed ftom some of the old English kings. Egbert Well, ho stems to have worked up agiii'i, all right. Yonkere Statesman. Harry C. Liebe carries the most com plete stock of diamonds, wutehos, jewel ry nnd Storling silver novelties in the city, which he sella at a reauonablo price. Cml nnd inepect the assortment. The soldier boys aro still on their way homo, uud at about 1 :;t0 tomorrow after noon (150 Montana troops will arrive hero and take dinner at the Umatilla House. Let's give them a more hearty greeting than the Minnesota toys re ceived. Sterling eilvor mounted tooth nnd hair bru-hoa, nail files, button hooks, shoo bonis, paper knives, combe, brushes, mirrors, seals, and complete toilet ujid manicure sets of different designs are foil -id in Btock at II. G. Ltebe's store in the Vogt block. Reports from Antelope say tho fair is "howling euccess; that It ia tho best over held in this district. Tho stock exhibit Is especially good, and all other exhibits in proportion. The racing has bsen spoiled by the rainy weather, and the mud is very doep, The band which ttie "Breezy Time" company brings with them consists of sixteen pieces, and we are to be favored with two concerts Monday ; one at noon 'nil the other in the evening. Be sure t hear them. Bring all the chlldrcu out and get the benefit of the music. Walla Walla county is waking her boast that 114 marriage licenses have lwn recorded with the county clerk so lr this year. We thought Watca was gist, 1599. & & are tho for one 50c and 65c f- find ase & Mays doing extra well this year with eixty nine licenses; but it isn't in it with I wnna nana in matiiue, anu we venture to say wo haven't had as many divorce cases either. Thero mav bo "many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip," but that doesn't mean when the Columbia line auythihg to do witti it, and the cup ia ours again. For, having won the race today, making her three times the winner, the Columbia again gives ub the cup. At 2:40 the race was finished, with the Columbia almost a minute ahead of the Shamrock. "Keeping Cone For Profit" ia the well chosen title of the newest work on pructical duirying to come under our notice. Wo understand that a large Isauo of this littlo publication is bring gratuitously circulated with the compli ments of The De Laval Separator Co,, 74 Cortlaudt street, New York, which concern offers v Bend u copy to every reader of tho CiiiioNici.ii upon request. It is announced by the management that "A Breezy Time," which will be seon at the Vogt Monday night, is con tinually comical and always interesting. It iu said that no farce comedy upon tho road contains so many captivating songs, so mnny well-built chorus ginlp, nnd so many original comedians. The individu al talent of the performers is whut the management rely upon to make the entertainment wortli whilo attending, and to that end eacli member of tho company lias been given full liberty to elaborate Ida or her individual abili ties. "I have occasion to visit Tho Dalles every month of tho year," eoid a visitor to our city recently, "and I can never remember of being here when a force of men were not tearing up the etreets to mend some broken down sewer." There is moro truth than poetry in tho asser tion of this gentleman, and if the money expended on repairs were used in put ting in a new system, ub contemplated, how much bettor it would be. Today workmen are busy digging up Washing ton street to repair a cave-in at t lie corner ot Third. Would it not bo hotter to remedy the entire evil at once? Those be tho days whon cyclists "watch their chance and talc.i it a foot." From November 1st until May 1st iu Portland they may rido on tho side walks; but Jiot eo in Tho Dalles, where the ordinance ia In force the entire year. There are not n greut many of wheels in our city, and if a section were in serted, compelling riders to dismount within thirty feet of pedestrians, it would not be out of the way ti allow them the use of sidewalks during the muddy soasou. Tho trouble la thero aie always a few "scorchers," who race along regardless of other people's rights, aud the careful rider must t sar the con sequence of their selfishness. Engineer Andrews, of the Inland Flyer, got a batb yesterday which tie didti't order, and although ho doesn't object to taking an "annual," he would a little rather don his bathing suit aud be prepared than take water without being warned beforehand. But one of Our answer is simply... We liavo adopted this method of cleaning up what odd sizes wo have instead of currying them over and doing it later. You are the Bene ficiary, for you have all tho winter before you. This is no after-season sale, but a clearing up of Bran Now Goods. No Bhoddv or ehelf-worn goods hero. These are regular $10, $12, $13.50 and some $15 suits sacrificed at $5 'TILL THEY'RE CONE. We have a line of Men's Suits. $3 When you Eee a good thing take it. We have the largest and beBt selected stock of Gent's Mackintoshes and Overcoats in Eastern Oregon. SEE WINDOW. N. B. the deck hands neglected to fasten the guard gate, and Andrews took a swim inconsequence. Leaning over the gate to see if tho Regulator was in sight, Andrews found it was not so substantial as it ehould have been and was eoon out of sight himself. It was then no joking matter, but he held on to the gale until a email boat was Eent out to his rescue. It is eaid the engineer was in the water for nine minutes; but lie didn't say eo. Next time he'll leave the guard gate alone and lean on the garden gate. If tho opening party given by the Columbia Dancing Club is a criterion by which to judge the remainder of those which ill be given during the winter, there is any amount of enjoyment ahead for the memberH of the club. While there are seventy members, only about forty couples were present, which, how ever, is a sufficient number to make dancing comfortable, and will perhupB be about the average of those attending. The club was liappy in its choice of a hail, for although another hall might be cozier and more easily decorated, there is no floor in town so easy to dance on, as that of the Baldwin opera house, having a spring which is lucking in tho other halls. Prof. Birgfeld and Mies Schmidt furnished the music, which was greatly appreciated, particularly the latest catchy selections. There was a freedom and friendly atmosphero prev alent which is eure to make these parties fill a vacancy which was so noticeable last winter, and all are expecting they will be tho society events of tho 'season. More llfporls. The latest dispatch from Goldendule to an exchange, which is as follows, comes branded ae simply another report, eo we do not vouch for it, nor anything eleo regarding the much talked of por tage road, but simply print it as we find it, aud let our readers to judge for them telves. It says : "A report has reached Goldendalo and was today confirmed by W. W. Ames of Columbus, that a seven-mile contract of the Dalles portage railway construc tion had been let to a Mr. McDonald of Portland. Also that active rock work had already begun on a portion of tho contract. With tho seven miles con structed it is said boat9 may make con nection from the lower river at Big Eddy and also ut Celilo Flats on the upper river. It is reported the Central Navi gation Company has recently puichased the Jensen farm near Celilo Flats and also it Is said that a rival town to Rock land is probable to spring into existence at the Jensen homestead. The fisheries at that point, which supply the Celilo cannery have a national reputation. The Klickitat valley wheat fields will be ten miles nearer the prospective shipping point than to The Dalles, and by a wagon road that will avoid the present sand blows. "Mr. Amea has great faith in the future of the Columbia river country and he is firm iu the belief that Paul F. Molir and his associates have one of the best propositions on the coast, and be further believes the new town ought to WE DO IT. 95 that sold heretofore at prices ranging from $5.50 to $8.50, and gool valueB at that. We have decided to run for the balance of this week at 95 be named 'Mohr,' in recognition of Mr. Mohr's indomitable energy of years in giving an open river to the inland empire." FAIRLY BEHEADED. Indian Joe Andrew Lost Tils Head by Drinking Flro Water. Like raanv of his foolish white brothers, one of the Indians of whom we spoke yesterday, nllowed his love for fire water to bo the cause of his death, and Joe Andrews got on a Epree yeEter day, which resulted literally in the loss of hie head. He came to the Ciiuonicle office in the afternoon Belling Indian baskets and showing signs of being somewhat "happy," we immediately sent him to the neighbors. It seems that he con tinued drinking all nfternoon, and at 0 o'clock Indian Pete met him down on First street and lie asked Pete to go over to Howe's Baloon and get a drink. He refused, and told Joe to go home, but Joe Bald li was going up to the East End where omo gambling was going on ainon tho Indians, and started up First street. At 10:30 J. II. Furlong, night yard master, jumped on tho ca boose step of a freight train which was coming in from the West juet as it reached the Wasco warehouse, anil found Joe on the sten on the opposite side, when he made him get oil'. At 3:30 when u freight train was com ing in from Umatilla aud switched oil' on a side track, E. F. Mille, the brake -man, and another man sawn body on tho track about 100 yarila nbovo the Wasco warehouse. Investigating they found it to bo an Indian, whose body was lying across tho track with his neck toward the east and ids head about two feet away. In the absence of Coroner Butts, Re corder Gatca nnd an undertaker went up and brought tho body down and this morning an inquest was held with the following result : In tho matter of the inquest over the body of Joe Androws: Wo the jury summoned by Ned N. Gates, reeorderof Dalles City, and ex nfllcio justico of the peace, to inquire into the cause of tho death of tho body now before us, from an inspection of the body, and the testimony of the wit nesses produced 1 fore us, and after careful consideration, find the following facts: That the na.no of tho deceased was J09 Andrews, that lie came to his death between tho hours of 10:80 n. in. Oct. 10th, nnd 3 o'clock a. in, Oct. 20th, 1890, by being run across tiie neck by n car or cars, on side track No, 3, near the Waeco warehouse, while in Dalles City, Wasco comity, Oregon, iu nu intoxi cated condition and as far as the jury can ascertain, no blame can bo attached to anv one for said death except deceased, Dated at Dalles City, Oct. 20, 1809. Paul K. Paui.bkn, N. D. HuaiiEH, ClIAS. A. SCIIUM'Z, P. W. Wilson, O, F. STKi'irtNs, J, H. Jackson, To Cure Cold lu one Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure, 25c. Wilson fliTight Heater OUTSIDE DF?flFT HIKE THIS: siEABMflKlsi?TrPC3crs&IWssy There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal ....SOLD ONLY BY.... t JrTAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents. i VrTyviT?tr.tv?rfr This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR .MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by a . Ben Wilson, The Dalles, Or. OLD-TIME SINGING SCHOOL. Islta Thing or tliii I'ast-IfSo, Why Ih .Such I ho Cufcf? In n previous iseue of Tin: Chronicle attention was called to the absence of the old-time singing school ; and of the great need which existed for such in struction among the young. There are high priced vocal teachers, but what we need is class teachers, where for a nomiual sum the young may bo taught to read music and cultivate their voices to a reasonable extent. We clip the following from tho Ore gonian, us it expresses our sentiments exactly : "The mother of two girls of ten nnd sixteen years, whom she wishes to learn to sing , said yesterday: 'I wish there were old-fashioned singing schools now, the same as I used to to down East, when I wan a girl.' "Ic appears that such schools have gone nut of fashion, and the question ia what has taken their place, ami how aro tho boys ami girls now taught to sing. Tho woman who made tho re mark was asked if the public schools did not furnish instructions in music, hut seems to bo of tho opinion that they did not. A few yeara ago all tho pupils in tho public schools were given instruc tions iu music, and the time devoted to singing was greatly enjoyed by them, and they learned to sing till sorts of patrotic songs. Then, for somo reason, music was dropped Iu tho Hcliool for several years. Of late it lias been taken up again iu tho upper grades, and U be ing extended, it is said, down to the lower grades by degreee. An educator a iys that a child can learn moru about music in the tCn minutes devoted to it dally in the public sclioola than could ho learned in tho old-fashioned singing schools, which met onco a week, 'id's is probably true, but it seema that the instruction in music given, or supposed to ho given, in the public schools ia not entirely satisfactory to all parents. Many teachers in the rchoola know nothing about music, aud m.iny porentt would not complain if their children wero not taught singing in the sclioola if there were any other place where they could be Instructed in this accomplish ment. Of course, thero aro plmty of teachers of singing who take pupils who are far enough advanced aud charge i'2 to f. per hour for training them ; but tills is an expense that not all parents can stvnd, The question Is, how or where can children who have no in tention of becoming operu singers or members of a church choir, but who liav'i voices which am worth being cul CUhiskey. tivated to a reuonable extent, receive their cultivation, at a reasonable price, outside of the public schools? Aro thero any old-foshionod singing ichoo'e now adays, and, if not, why not?" A trlshtful III under Will often cinso a hoirible burn, ecald,cutor bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, tho best in tho world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Beat pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakuley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i? a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians anil tho medical press It "liit'csts what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloouiingdale, Tenn., Fuys it cured him of iudigestnu of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or pout. Construction-Till Is an fllr Unlit lii'iitcr of tliu oval Muvt uol t)"i U Ims I'AKT IKON I.ININIKS, iiwikliiK it iliiruliloi ul" tin ((nut lent iliHir, 1'iist top met txMtom unit orimmt'iitul khIiik toi, witli kiUMIv cover uiitlciiii'iitli, Nlokalintr-lt lw nitk'itil tun, liiuiiu ilato ami (imUmIU. WVIwven t'imiilt!to tlbi'k of Hum on Imiul, call mill ice our blocW bcure biding cUcwlim. 1 piaier i Benton I ' wiwws