The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
dneys. Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
mitnuAtlFF I vV7 LTV I .1 AV.
res s au a ai cmj6iisri Fru sot rw tcniL
0. E. Haley aud wife, of Albanr are
in the city.
II. D. Dunhnm is a business visitor
'from Cross Keys.
V. C. Ilnwson, of Arlington, spent
yesterday in the city.
E. Larsen nnd family came over from
J5icl:elton yesteiday.
Mrs. 11. S. Huntington left yesterday
for Portland, where she will spend a few
It. J. Giun. Moro't- hardware dealer,
came down from that pines yesterday on
BIWs Gertrude Reedur came over from
Goldendale on today's stage and is the
guest of the Misses Boltoii.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Walton, nccoui
ijianied by Mr. Walton's mother, crue
-down from Moro yesterday.
C. II. Dodd, one of Portland'? promi
nent men, came up from that place
yesterday, returning this tiiorninj:.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt arrived
vesterilav from luwu and are tuests o.'
Mr. Schmidt's brother, C. L. Schmidt.
F. E. Hortoo, who has been
fipHidini: some time with h r mother,
Ulr-. M.' Parkin0, last night for her
home in Nebraska.
Mrs. S. French and Mrs. D. M. French
left thi- moininv (or Portiand, and fiom
tliere will sro on t-i Seattle. where they
will attend the V,'. 0. T. U. coiivetitiur.
In this eitv, Wediifsday evenintr. Oct.
18lh, at 7 o'clock. Joseph Loluenz, of
MUs-ouri. mil Mrs. Mary E. Stilts, of
Dufur, Wm. Micheii performing the
In this citv, this inurnini;, Oct. 19:1,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Farcher. a sor.
Oh, the Pain of
Bheumatiam often causes the most in
tense BUfTerintr. Many have for years
vainly Bought relief from this disabling
disease, and are to-day worse off than
ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease,
nd Swift's Specific is theonly cure, be
cause it is the only remedy which can
reach such deep-seated diseases.
A few years ago I was taken with inflamma
tory BheumatUm, which became to Intense
that I was (or weeks unablo to walk. I tried
several prominent physi
cians and took their treat
ment faithfully, hut was
unable to got tho slight
est relief. In fact, my con.
dltlon seemed to grow
worse, the disease spread
orer my entire body, and
from November to March
. I suffered agony. I tried
many patent medicines,
but none relieved me.
Upon the advlco of a
friend I decided to try
8. B. S. Before allowing me to take it. how
ever, my guardian, who was a chemist, ana-.
ljzfu mo rcmeuy, ana pronounced u tree oi
potash or mercury. I felt go much better after
taking two bottles, that I continued tho rem
(vty.andln two months I was cured completely.
The euro was permanent, for I have never since
had a touch of Kheumatism though many
times exposed to damp and cold weather
Eleanor SI. Ttrreu,
8711 Fowclton Avenue, Philadelphia.
Don't suffer longer with Itheumatism.
Throw aside your oils und linimentfl, as
they can not reach your trouble. Don't
experiment with doctor their potash
una mercury will add to your disabil
ity and completely destroy your diges
tion. S.S.Sfh,Blood
cure perfectly and permanently.
It' is guaranteed purely vegetable, and
contains no potash, mercury, or other
mineral. ' Hooks mailed free by Swift
Specific Oo., Atlanta, Qt.
Use Clarke & Fulk's Rosafoam for the
Feed ryo for Bale at tho Wnsco Ware
house. tf
Clarke & Fa'k have on sale n full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
lTe Clarke & Falk'a quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
You will not huvo boils if you take
Clarke & Fulk's sure cure for buila.
Aeh your grocer for CInrko & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Clarke it Falk'e flavoring extracts nre
the best. Ask your crocer for thorn.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Latest thine in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
, drug store.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
ik Houghton, druggists.
Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will
digest what you eat. It cures ail forms
of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E.
R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "I
relieved me from the start and cured me.
It is now my everlasting friend." Butler
Drug Co.
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
Kodal Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so. "Tho public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
Disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomns, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, X. Y.
That ilnyful Feeling
With theeshilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which followa the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitue
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the geuuine.
Manufactured by the California Fit
Syrup Co.
Thosa who desire to take instructions
in dancing will now have an opportunity.
Messrs. A. Snudvig and H. P. McCord,
n ho have had a successful class in Baker
City, are now in the city for the purpose
of organizing a class. They will engage
the Baldwin and give instruction Tues
day nights and soirees on Friday nights.
They are very gentlemanly appeariug
and will no doubt secure a large class,
as Dalles people who formerly resided
in Baker City are willing to vouch for
their .excclleucy as teachers.
Vuilt In Vour Crred;..
All conutv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 1SSU, will be paid at my
office. Interebt ceases after Sept. 14 A,
leS'J. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
"It did me more cood than anything
I ever used. My dyspepsia was of
months' standing; after citing it was
terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B.
, Keener, Hoisinglon, Kan., of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digeste what you
eat. rsutier uruz lo.
For -ale.
Thirty thousand cap&city saw and
planing mill at a bargain. Address
Jas. Younc, box 104S, Portland Or. 14 10
Lajcd Office at Vancouver. Wash., I
October S, VVi. j
Notice is hereby given that the follnwing
named settler has filed notice o( his intei.
tlou to make final proof in support of his
claim, mid that Mild proof will bo made h 'fore
the lleglster and Receiver of L S. 1 and Ollkeiit
Vitncouvor, Washington, on Tueiday, Novem
ber L'lst, ISW, viz:
Joseph Cliamberlln.
II. 1.'. No. W2s, for the west half of uorlhwest
quarter and west half of southwest quarter, Sec.
la, Tp. 3 N It. 12 cast, W. M.
lie mimes the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon und cultivation of
said laud, viz:
Thomns M. Whitcnmb. James Morgan, Fred
II. Hmitb and William Leston: all of I.yle, 1'.
a, Washington. W. It. Dl'MlAH,
Oct 1 Ml Jteghter.
Notice Is hereby given thut I.. 0. Hoiuieclmn,
administrator of the estate of Albert
ceased, has tiled his account for final settle
ment of snld estnto and Monday, the Cth day
of November, IMS, at 10 o'clock in the forcnoo.i
of sulci day has been set by Hon. Itobert Mays,
county JurlKcnf Wasco county, Orcgou, for hear
ing objections to the same.
Dated heptcmbcrlMd, lsOS
8)t23-ii I. C. llEHNKWIAH,
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dalles.
Dtcetred Two Doa by Jumping V
der a Fence a Coon and Com
ing Oat a Hobblt.
For many years Manuel Martin lias
been champion coon hunter of the Pee
Dee country. Scores of wily ringtails
have fullcn vlctlm to his cunning, mid
stories of his exploits have been bprcutl
far und wide by sportsmen who ucctmi
paniud him on his hunts. Dticlfers from
the north and west rignrd a coon hunt
with Mill-tin as one of the features oi
their outing. lie guarded corn pinches
and hen roosts ugulmU midnight depie
dntinns, and farmers nro dktvesaed now
that he has forsworn coon hunting.
j few nights ago he took several deep
pulls at a dispensary bottle and si rud
dled a snck of coffee in Ben Edge's
grocery to give his reasons for swear
ing off, ns something tine the commun
ity. "It linppcned this way," he begun.
"The fellows ns 1 took hunting told
coon stories in newspapers and sent nie
the papers all ink marked. 1 came al
most to believe their yarns and t hough i
I was smarter than any coon that ever
shucked an ear of corn. To ketch coons
you got to remember they are wise
und you arc u fool; else you can't start
low down to get around their tricks.
Treeing, shaking down and a fight will
do for she coons, lie coons is different.
Besides their strength nnd endurance,
every one has his own way to dodge
"Not long ago Jim Dickson sent mc
word that a he coon wns eating all his
corn down in a bottom next the swamp.
He knew it was he coon 'cause he
couldn't ketch him. I took General Lee
nnd Stonewall Jackson over to help
Jim out. General Lee is a cur with a
little hound nnd a little p'inter in him,
and Stonewall Jackson is a half hound
and a half bull. They've got sharp
noses, pluck, endurance, strength and
character enough not to run rabbits,
foxes or possums under no carcum
stances. Best of all, ther don't get
jealous like real oflicers in the miliu
tary. ".Me and the dogs ran that coon
through water, bogs, rattan, grape
vines, brambles, canebrakes and
cypress knees, and would 've run him
through the Atlantic ocean if it had
been in the swamp instend of somewhere
else. Every time General Lee and
Stoncwuli Jackson trailed out to high
land nnd lost the scent at a rail fence.
1 tried all manner of circling and hold
ing General Lee's nose along the top
rail, but had to give it up for a bad
job. One night 1 made a nigger stand
at the fence to see what the coon did
with himself. Sambo, that's his name,
swore to gracious that a coon went
under the fence, turned around and
came out a rabbit. All the niggers got
scared. They took it into their bonds
I wns chasing my grandfather's ghost.
The thing did look kinder curious, but
I made up my mind to ketch him any
how, tho'ugh Jim's corn was sufe in the
crib and mine wasn't.
"I wore out both dogs, and had to fall
back on curs. Curlike, when the rnon
went under the fence und the rabbit
came out, they lit off after him, yelping
like they were trailing a box car full
of coons. 1 went home powerful mad at
cur dogs. Next night I went again with
curs, 'cause J wns bound to keep things
lively. It took holt of me to ketch thut
oon like a leech takes holt of a rot
ten log. And we caught him. That is,
tl4i8 curs got in a fight with him under
the fence, and I busted his brains out
with n club before he had time to lick
them and get away.
"The thing seemed simple enough
after I found out, but it showed how
much sense a he coon can have. A rab
bit had his bed under the fence, Into
which the coon ran when he got tired
poking fun at me and my dogs. Nat
urally, the rabbit got out, and in doing
bo brushed his sides ngninst the mouth
of the bed. Ihtbhit scent among wild
animals is like goat scent among tnme
ones. It's rank. At the first sniff both
dogs were completely fooled. After
the curs made a moonlight meal on the
rnbbit trailing was easy. What 1 want
to know is how in thunder Mr. Coon
found out he was safe in n rabbit bed
and that General Lee and Stonewall
Jackson wouldn't cross a rabbit trail.
"I took the coon home and let General
Lee nnd Stonewall Jackson smell him.
They stuck their tnils between their
legs and sneaked off with their bellies
close to the ground. Both are ar.hamed
to look nnybody in the face. While I
was hunting all night and sleeping nil
day November rains gave my corn the
sprouts. One look at the meal made my
wife so mad that I had to swear off coon
hunting to picify her." N. V. Sun.
Artllloial OayllRbt.
Teala has succeeded In making arti
ficial daylight. In his laboratory Jic
shows numerous balls of glass of dif
ferent siacs which look like miniature
suns. The balls nre empty; there nre
no wires In them nor outside of them.
They do not burn the fingers. The light
does not hurt the eyes us sunlight and
ordinary electric light do. A number of
leading New York nnd Chicago pho
tographers will have this artificial day
light supplied to their studios. Tesla
says: "TIc reason I have chosen to
introduce the new daylight to the pho
tographers first is that I believe them
to be the severest critics in the mat
ter of light. If it succeeds with them a
new light will succeed everywhere." -N.
Y. World.
Admiral George Dewey
Will rccclvo tho rr.c.t royal welcome on Oct. 1st
! :ciit, ib.: v:u ever accorded to an Acotiwiu
! .Itlicn.
I You wilt find r. comrlcto biography of this great
i hero, Including hU brilliant, victory over thoBpan-
;h fleet iniho great, authoritative ana up vrovii of rafexonto, tho
New Werner Edition of Die
This li t ha only encyclercd la on tin; ncrltct that
tucnUons Admiral Dewey. It gives tho unto ot hia
'jirth; how he spout h!s boyhood days; tlio part ho
tool: In tho Civil War; how after tho War ho waa
employed on Uio Eurojaa station; in the Naval
cailcmyj his rlso to tho rank uf Commander and
President of tho Board of Inspection nnd Eurvty;
his command of tho Aelatic Squadron; how on
p:ll 2;th ho left'llonB Kouk with hlit cquadron,
found and destroyed tho SauMi Fleet, at Manila,
on May 1; h!s appointment as Acting Hear Ad-
nlral, tho honors ho received from Confrrofs, and
Low on March 2nd, 1600, ha was created full Ad
miral. It st.caks of him as a strict disciplinarian,
nn all-around athlete, a daring horseman and
huntsman, and socially a good club man and ft
ncneral favorite. It tclla of hia marrlago to Kis
Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "CBhtiiiR rov
crnor" of Now llararshirc, 'Un died in lhTl, lca7.
ing a son, George tioxlwln Dowcy. c
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of tho Oregon
and scores of other nctcd penounKcs "ot C7cn
nienUoued in any oilier Encyclorttdla receive tha
same attention in this edition of the
Encyclopedia Britannica $
It speaks of General Wood as Governor of East!
ago ; of General Henry a3 Governor-General oi
Porto P.lco ; of Aguiaaldo's declaration of War
against the U. S.
of human knowledge and proprcss, wherein infor
mation li moro easily found and acquired than in
any other hook or encyclopedia in Iho world,
I o( Orcson, for the county of Wuico.
Ilnrrict A. Himon, I'lnlntll!,
William II. II . eimiin.'ilefendmit.
j To William II. II. himon, the nhovo lisuail
. ueienuani
l in inu Mime in tut Mime oi iiruirou: l-on mu
! hereby uotilied to Imj mill nppciir In the iibnvu
' entitled court on or hafure the hist liny of tlio
puuiicaiuin in nils summons, town: un or be
lure hiitunlay, tho lsth day of iivcinhcr, 1SW,
then and there to answer the complaint of the
uhove niuiuil lilulullll lllid iiKuiimt you In the
above entitled suit, ami if you hi full to appear
nun iiimncr sum coiiipi iini, mr wiiui inereui
plnintllt will Hpply to mid court for the relief
prayed lor in her ciimpbiliit, to-wit' Kor it tic
ctcu of theabovccutitled court forever iIUs.i viiiK
nnd nmitillliiK the bonds uf inatrliiiuiiy now
and hurctoforu cxlslliii; between pbiliitlll' mid
uclcndiiut, mill for au abolute (lecrec nl illvorcu
from you, thessld defeiidunt.
This Miinmoui Is served upon you by inibllca.
Hon thereof by nriler of the Hon. W. I.. Ilmd.
shaw, Jnngeof tho above untitled court, wliieh
order twdrs dute of the 2nd day of Octobijr, WM,
nnd directs that sulil suiiiiniiiis bo ktvuI mum
thosiild ilcfcudiiuthy liiibllciitlon thercnf for six
conwcutlvo weeks in The Dulles Ciiiioniclk, ii
nwfciy iiuwppi;r in Keneriu circuiuuou, puii
lishlil ill Tho Dulles. VVntcn ciiimtv. (iriL-oii!
suld publication In Ik-kIii on the 7th liny of
in.-iiiiA.-r, iosj, nun cnu on me j;n (lay oi
November, IhVJ.
uvrvn & mi:nkpi:i:.
cct7 li Attornuys fur I'liilutlir.
lUrwiTB PlmplM, Prftnt
lllliuilanM.. ...if- .V.. ..i .
Cure llr-MiVh. .n',! SL.
Physiciau aud Surireoii,
BiwcUl attention given lo surijcry,
Bcoms2lud22, Tcl.aa VctUIoo
Office over French & Co.'s liuuk
tf1 III it i t
B N IIUHTIN0T0N ,, viu...u
covrvi,.tNt. luVk "AM UKCUJN
OCTOBER 28, 1899.
Hoiliciilforai and Airicnimral
Products "f Oregon, U'uthitmton and
Idaho in freatiT variety und pro
fi bIoii Hum ever before.
Amcrlci.'h (SriMti'M l.'idy Comet Soloist.
Thi1 l'liiiUnllcd
nl AurnhtitH, dln-nt (mm tins lhnplru Theater,
ljjiuhm, thtlr lliHtiii.Mirimec la America.
A Great
fnsuii nsiid Autiiilltth, In their tliillllliR utts.
A tk'iieon of Cin-nt Surprint aud
Aatoutii'.iiiK KoutB.
liriliu't'il ItHluv mi All TruiikimrlHtliiti
AKMINSION .... an Criitu
Chlldten under 12 yearn, 10 cents.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave aud are duo to arrive at l'urtliu
OVKU1.AN1) K ) i
tiri's.s, siilum, Kim ' I
liurft, Anhlttud, hue 1
r.tmcntn. OL'dun.Htni '
7:00 I'. M.'
1 l-'riiiiclntn, Mnjuvf, f . y.15 A. M,
UwAii!elen,KII'aiiii. I
.sew urietins ami I i i
. j I
HosehurE und uuy tn-l
s:nu a.m.
f Via Wcodhura Jor i '
I Mt.AiiK'jl.hilvurton, ;
Wrht fcclo. Hnnviis- i
l;M l. j:
vilk'.HjirliipfiuUl uuil
I7:an A. M. l,'."'" WU'( i"1''1''
1M)1:1'1:NDI:.V(:K rASSKNUKIl. Express train
Dully (except Huudiiy).
I;50p, in. tl.v l'ortliind ...Ar.i 8:Ua.m
7 :WJ ). in. JAl. .MuMlliuvillo. .Lv. u, 11
fcicoji. m. (Ar.. Independence.. l.v. ) i:.xiii. m.
Djlily. tDiuiy, cxtupt humiav.
I'ft.l.MAN llin'KLT Sl.I EIT.1W
AtiuchMl to ull Throuch Triilnn.
Direct connection at bun I ruucttco with Oeci
dcntul uuil Oriental and Taclllc mail ntcamshtp
Hues fur JAI'AN antl CHINA. KntllliK ibites on
) pllciilloii.
iiatea Mill tickets to Euitern jkiIiiU and Eu
ro;. AltoJAl'AN, tJUINA, HON01.U1.U UC
All abovu trnliis arrlvu at und depurt Iron
(Jiiuid Central Btiitlnii, Ellth and Irviui: street
1'assciiKer Deiwt, foot of Jeilerson slrc-ct.
tenve lor Hberlilnn, wo:k days, t 1:30 p. m
Arrive Ht 1'ortluud, t);;io a. m.
U'avc for Alltl.IE on Moiidny, Wednesday and
KrMin- at ti.:i,-, n. m. Arrlv- at 1'ortland, Tues
day, Thursday and Huturda) it 3:05 p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday.
K. KiKi.UClt, (i, II. MAl'.KHAM, Asst. ti. K. & 1'uss. Act
ThrotiKh Ticket Otlicc, 131 Third street, when
through tickets to nil points lu the Eastere
HtsU.-k,(;auadHaud Kuriiie can bo obtained al
lowest rates from
Notlco Is hereby itlvim that the nndursluned,
adinliiistrutrl.x of ine i ktiloof Dr. W. E. aino
hurt, decciikcl, Inn lllwl her limit account us
sucli In the county inurt, of the statu of Omron,
fur W asco county, mid the nurt has iippnluted
Mmuliiv f ho illh .ti... ..r v.... ikiwi ... t
.A . ".." , icsj, itb (iiu jiuiir
? ?." 5v,Vl " ,,1U c" -''"r' f"n iu
"..j iii iiiiiu unit piuce lor
the IienrliiK und settlement thereof. All persons
... ....... mu iiiiivij) ii..iuirt;ii iw
'f'irtsnld time mill nliieeand present their
....j..i13, li IV muy IIHVC, III SllIU utiui HC-
count or any of ihu Items thereof.
Dulles City, Or., Kept, 4M. 1WJ
.'(ir.v met i i1 k'liiiim,
"P" ' ' Executifx.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Diffests what you eat.
- niiuiiKbiiuuinif ana recon
struotlnir tho exhausted digest! ve or-
??nSSd t0" c'.. ? otber Preparation
can &nnrnnp If In .iijf T .
7f .. " "1MUIUUCJ. lv in
Btantly relieves and mru
UPspenslti. InrllipaMnn nJk.
Hother results of lmperfectaleation:
Uutler UruK Co., Tho Vlf, Oregon
j Will nin every ,ly P,.pt Snn,
Telophono 201.
$ W. A. CATES, Prop.
..ghas. mu.
and Farmers
edRed tho best la'er In The Dullm
nt the usual price. Come In, try
It mid he cotivlnrcd. AIo tlio
Hni'st brands of Wines, M-iuar
and Clears. -
of ull Kinds always on band.
EacU tiny our businchs sbowj
the people nre finding out wc
arc pu&hmg lo the front with
hotter goods, lower prices,
salespeople tho very best, ami
last, hut not least, buyers who
know their business nnd buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
The Dalles. Porllanfl and
Navigation Co.'
Dully (except Sunday) b tween ,
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
TouchltiR at way poln's on both oMM
Columbia river.
Both of tho above steamers liiivo been
and are lu excellent shaKi for tlio season m "jj
The JtcKUlBtur Mue will i;ii(leiiviirto'B
patrons tho best service Hislblc.
tiavol by the steamers of The '
Tho aeamcrs of tho Hcmil.itor IJnow""
Dalles at 7 n. in. comiueuclne ili'imny i
PnrtUnd OBlce. VM
Oak St. Uock.
I'MS "
W. C. Allaway,
t,ciir W"
FRENCH & 00n
Letters of Credit issued avidlal" w -
Bight Exohauge and 1,,
Traasfers sold on New o rk, 0W;
Bt. Louis, Ban Franelsfp,
gon, Seattle Wash., and varloiw P,B
In Oregon and Washlnijton. Uf.
Collections made at all pol" 00 "
orable terms. .
DrlDk Warren's Pure Ginger
l-or sale at an w -- jjir-jfl.
btuuiiug, agent,