Acts gently on the Kbdneys, Liver and Bowels r LEANSES THE 5Y5TEM EFFECTUALLY b.tualConst''At,on i umu PERMANENTLY ,T5BEEEfFECT& Buy THE GENUINE - MAN'F D By 6U!vRNIAlTGfSYRVP(2. ICS 6AU BYJmCliUSS.STi see. flRKTTU- "ISrerzy Time" at Korilroy'8. Frilz & Webster's farce-comedv, "A Breezy Time," made a decided hit at Cordray's theatre last night, taking the large nudiunce that packed the houss by Btorm. Coniderini; tlie f.icl that a farce comedy held the boards at this house all ofla-tueek, the success of "A Breezy Time' is phenomenal, and pvideice that it contains much to commend it. The etandin-ronm tign was out early in the evening, and fully 300 people had to be turned on ay. The ploy mows with a rusi , and the audience is kept in roars of laughter from start to finish. The conventional love story serves for a plot, but it is the amusing situations, clear cut humor and bright repartt-e that gives tiie perform ance its "go." A number of catchy songs are interpolated and ludicrous novelties such as Rolling Deep, the three-legged Bailor, and thedanci.igctiicUen are intro duced. J. W.Smith, the lightning chalk artist, ie a wonder, while the Cakewalk finale in which Ethel Van Biocklin and Brett Red carry off the honors, is a revelation to thoe wno imagine they are pretty well up in tiie art themselves. The company contain some very pret-, ty irirls aud a number of esceilent voices, whiluthe comedians are etrictcy up to date. Dalle Public School. Following is the report f'tr the quar ter (4 week:) ending Oct. 13 '90. TEACHERS. Eatt II ill Primary. JIIss Nan 'a ijiet Mi Hubert 'Id, Court Stmt. Mis-s Douthil ills K l.'ifrlper MiMt Martin 3lht ream Academy Park. WUs I'Mrnum Jliss Fllnn ,. Mit. llOOIIIi JIUsIlull Hiyh bekool. Jlrs.llalilwlu SlUs U Kllitoul , Mix T. Itintoul Miss ilichell . .V. DtiiartnKut. Mies Hill Mr. Net: . . .1 nnd 2, nil CO 2.1 Sli and iB' lA 3- as 1st1 a. in v, Mi .(; n -ii 3d! AS 13 47 Ittij M H 1- lit 10 .-il SJ 'JH-IiHI l ). 41 ... 111-.'.!)! 15 41 B'J 5tJ' i I" 17 6R Si' ft) 4'J GA-7AI Oil 17 h 7tli! ft) 4A 151 Stl 51 - ! J Sfi 8 life 11! Totals C7 Number of days of school, 25. Enrollment first day 'OS, 036; first dav '09, 080. Enrollment first week 'OS, 001; first! wef-k '09, 600. ' Enrollment first quarter '98, 748; first quarter '00, 791. J. !i- La.vdkhs, fiuprintenden'. That Thrulihliie Headache j Would qu'ckly leave you, if jou used ! Dr. King's New Life I'iils. Tlioueands of niflerers have proved tin ir matchlesR merit for Sick and Neivous Headaches. J They make pure tilood and strong; nerves aud build up your health, Easy, to take. Try (hem. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Soli by Blakelev & Houghton, druggists. 1 For the Oregon Industrial Exposition i i l held at Portland, Oregon Sept, 20 ' to n... i .1... n ..... ! n . i f i i uoioiiiisniHor oi me csuue uj .iiuun L'lieiy, lie 10 Oct. J), the Oregon IUilroad & Navi- j leased. Ims filed hi accouut for Haul setde t'4ll(in f!n u 111 m.ili(. h rniiml irin mil. r,t Went of suld estate and Monday, the lit 11 day psiion ., w in ii mkj. a round trip rate ol ( 0f.SllveinU.rt j6, t 10 o'clock in the forenooi ;3.2o, which will alio include (wo ad-'of said ilar has been set by Hon. Kobert iiuya, ...Ission coupons (o the expotlon. I Tiokel. will be uood BoinK on train No, 1 lj,-- c. iiwicaiuK, on Wednesday, Kept, 27th, and every AdiulnMriior. Wednesday thereafter, nnd for train No. 3, on Thursday. Sept. 28th, nnd every Thursday thereafter to and including Thuredn'y. Oct. 20th. Tickets will bo limited for return passage to expire the Sunday nicht followinc the Wednesday or Thursday on which ticket is sold. 25-1 in BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. Clarke & Falk have on Bale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk'e quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bails. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best Ask your grocer for tlieui. Latest thing in cameras are Ini proved Magazine cyclones at Dounell's drug Etore. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk hare them. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, nnd will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakelev & Houghton, druggists. EU plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will dinest what you eat. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., says, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." Butler Drug Co. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds nnd throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Kod-jl Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are 3uch that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it ns a master remedy for all Disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, X. Y. Caab In Your Ctecks. All couutv warrants registered prior t" Jan. 1, lbbu. will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 14th, Ifciy. J. L. Phillips, Oountv Treasurer, Good Work Horra for Sain. I will be at Saltmnrsha's stockyards with 15 head ot wotk horses bv the 18th of October. octl21S Ejiil Stuouiie, I'or Hale. Five head good young horses, abcut 1200 pounds; halter broke; will be sold reasonable. octl3-2wk C., I'or sale. Thirty thousand capacity Eaw and planing mill at a bargain. 'Address Jas. Younc, bos 1048, Portland Or. 14-10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land OmcE, ot Tun lUi.i.m. Or.K.,1 OCTOr.EU 3, ivm. j Cnt!nn i hr-rehv tHrmi rht thi. fiillnirlna name settler 1ms filed notice of his intention to rimne llnul proot in support of his cluitn, ami that slid tiroof will be made hefore the KeglMer mid liecelver tit The lMlle, Oregon, on hiitur day, November 11, lb), viz; .11 u til I as Thiel, of .Hosier, (Irncmi.' FTomeitead Entry No. 3973, fur ilie SWJ.4 NWU, X'sbWHmnltiffii sW, section 0, tovvinhip - muni, ratine i. ivi, n . ji. Hi; names tin following wltncv-es to nrove his continuous residence upuii mid cultivation of Mini num. viz: Clus. Miler. of Moaier, Oregon: Dan Thomas, jierrnun .iitmeinan una .triie-ii rriearictis, ol liiu iiiut:-, wit.'HUll. JAY 1'. LUi'AS. oct7 ii lle.!hter NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Orrics at Tub Dalles Oijeoon,) rieptemtwr l'J, Ibiw. i Xolice is hercbr clren (liat the fnllmvlnir iiiiTncd-ettler hai film notice of his Intention to miki final proof in support of 1) Ik clnlm, nnd that tjld proof will be made before (lie n-KlMur nuu rtceivc in i ne uanes, uregou, on i rmay, lOVL'lllUCT Ot IZJV, vis.; Ileibrrt It. Meeker, of The Dullrx, Or., Homestead Entry So. Oill, for the EJJ N 1 and HW'4 NEi-i, section Ti, township I norlli, ruiiije IS east.W. il. He names (lie followinc witnesses to prove nil continuous resilience ujxiiM'iiu cuiuvuiion of suid laud, viz.: biimucl Creiirhton. John I!. Conk. William lt8Won and Charles llawsou; all of '1 he Dalles Oregon, i.VY 1'. I.CCA.1, ep(SHi KeslHtcr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l.xyi Officc at Vakcoovki:, Wash.. I OetoU-r !, lsw. 1 Notice is hereby clven that the following named i-ettlT has tiled notice of his iulei. tion to make final proof in supiKirt of his eiiinn. nun inai sum piooi uiu ih inauu n tort (be Kt-Klstcr and Kecelverof I', g, lJind Ulliecut rminmrrr, Washington, on luctduy, ovcIll berL'lst.UW, viz: Joiteih Cliamherlln. H. E. Ko. ftftS, for the west half of northwest quarter and wet half of Miut)iwct quarter, face. .0. 1 p. u ., u. i- earn, i , ji. He naiiies the following nltness'K to prove hli cniiiinuous residence upon uud cultlva'lou of said land, viz; Thomas M. Whltcnmb, James Morgan, Fred II. Biiillh and William Lcatou: fill of I.yle, 1. ., WusLiuston. W. U. DL'KHAIt, Oct 11-11 liegliter. NO TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Notice I hereby given that L. C. Ilenneghon. BRAZILIAN JUSTICE. Criminals Branded and Have Their Ears Cut Off. Sonic Flee to Thin Country to Hide Their BInrkn of SI mine The Spntt lnh .tli thod IJiieil In South AnierlcB. The arrest in this city n few dayhapo of a young- woman whose back bore the inarms of the thrce-lashtd SvmuUh whip, nnd whose left car had licin "shortened" by the executioner's knift, bears evidence to the fact that barbar ous treat incut of criminals is still prac ticed in the South American as well as in sonic European countries. Louise Johnson, alias "Iiittlo l.ou," whom the police call the cleverest con fidence woman in the country, was ar rested recently on the charge of shop lifting. The police seldom hnve diili eulty in apprehending her, for the miss ing ear is n tcll-tnle mark. In this respect the woman's case is similar to those of a score of other crooks who have felt foreign prison tor tures and hnve been released, marked for life. The case of the Johnson woninn is re garded by Capt. McClusky, chief of de tectives, as probably one of the most remarkable in its extreme cruelty that has ever conic under his observation. The wife of "llig Tom" lligelow, the English bank robber, young, educated and beautiful, she was arrested in Bra zil less than five years ago, charged with robbing a Spanish countess of several thousand dollars' worth of dia monds. She had a typical South Amer ican trial, was sentenced to receive -io lashes on the bare back and to hnve her left enr cut off. Forty lashes usually means death to a woman, but this did not alone satisfy IJrnfcilian justice. That the woman survived her punish ment is remarkable, but ns a criminal she is no longer a success, for though she wears her hair plastered down over the spot where the knife passed, she cannot hide the disfigurement. Pome months ago a well-dressed Italian was arrested by detectives who regarded his actions in the banking district as auspicious. lie was ques tioiW at police headquarters, but pro testifa his innoccnee of criminal intent, lie was about to be released when one of the detectives observed an ugly scar ou the man's forehead. On examina tion it proved to be a brand, the letter "T." Questioned, the man confessed that he had been released from n Ser vian prison, where he had been brand ed as n thief. Several instances are on record at headquarters where prisoners have been proved international crimi nals by the marks of the knout and whip upan their bodies. A reniaiknble case was that of Aban Sassm, a ilulgarinn, recently captured in iioston. Snssrn had committed some political oiTense in his own country, and the law demanded that his nose be split. Sassen was wanted in several cities, among them Chicago, on charges of swindling, and, though u skilled sur geon had long before sewn up the dis figured ncse, the scar from the tip to the forehead was too plainly visible to be overlooked. At the barge office are stationed gov ernment detectives whose duty it is to prevent foreign cminals from enter ing the country. Here the indelible marks of the iron nnd whip often make detection certnin. Frequently these poor unfortunate:, beg for admission, baying that, marked forever, they cannot live longer among tiieir own people, ;id they have eonie to America to hide among strangers. Many were convicted of political Of fenses, and these nre generally admit ted. "Yes, wo frequently come ucruss a j oor fellow who has been compelled to carry the marks of cruel punishment to his grave," snid Capt. McClusky. "A marked criminal, like a dead Indian, is almost certain to be a good crook, for he has but a small chance of getting away." N. Y. World. XVliy lie Declined. The face of the civilian glowed. "Sure," he cried, "you nr-r-re no zhcntleinan!" The hot blood dyed the ollleer's brow. "Sacr-r-re!" he iiissed; "do you know who eet ees zatyou insult?" "Pouf!" cried the civilian; "I do not care." "Do you veesli to fight?" "Ves. Now end at once." "Do you not know zat I nin one of ze best Bwor-r-rdsmcn in Fr-r-rnnceV" "No, It makes no difference." "And you want to die now?" "Ves. Ilight now." There was a moment's silence. "I would gladly keel you," said the officer, "but cut ees not possible- ut zee pr-r-resent moment." "Not possible? Why not?" "liecause I vlll nevaire consent to fight wiz swor-r-rds zat nre not pr-r-rop-erly r-r-rendered antiseptic. Hon jour, monsieur." Cleveland Plain Dealer. MRS. OLIVIA W. frIORCflN, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, betwn Court arid Wash- ton btreele, 'Jue Uallea. Admiral George Deiey i Will rccelvo tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. 1st next, that was ever accorded to iw American You will find a complete blogmphy of this frret Hero, UlCluuiiiB aia uiuuuui viemt uni mo Lsh fleet In tho great, authoritative nd up i 'j-date work of reference, tho . , I ; Hew Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This la tho only encyclopaedia on the market that menUons Admiral Dewey. It gives tho dato ol his ' birth; how ho ipent his boyhood days; tho part ho took in the Civil War; how after the War ho was employed on the European station; in tho Kaval , Academy; his rlso to the rank of Commander ana President of tho Board of Inspection and Burvey; hl3 command of tho Asiatic Squadrou; how on April 27th ho left Hone Koug with his squadron, found and destroyed tho Spaulsh Fleet, at Manila, 1 on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, ISM, ho was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a ilnriug horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and ft ' general favorite. It tells of Ids marriago to Miss Busy Goodwin, a dnughter of tho "flghUng gov- ' crnor" of New Hampshire, who died in 1S72, leav ing a ion, George Goodwin Dewey. n Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and Ecores of other noted personages not C7cn ' mentioned in any other Eucycloidla receive tho tamo attention in this edition of tho i t : Encyclopedia Britannica i It iceoks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago: of General Henrr ns Governor-General o! j Porto Eico j of Agulnaldo'B declaration ofW'ar against the TJ. B. YOU SEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY nf human knnwlprim nnd nrocresa. wherein Infor mation is more easily found and acquired than in ny other book or encyclopedia in the world, IN YOUR HOME. 101 IAU ST I. C. NICKELSEN, SUMMONS. ix Tin: uinoriT coritT ov tim: stau; 1 nf Oregon, fur the enmity nf Vnco. Harriet A. Simon, I'lnlntllt', William 11. 11. Simon," I'lcfeiiilniit. To Wiltlum II, 11. almiin, the nbovu named defe limit: In the Nutate of tin: State ut Oregon: Von me hurr by notilled in lw mid ii!.enr In the iilxive entitled rniirt on or before the lHt itny of the wiblli-rttlnii nf this tmminun, tnwit: On nr In fore hnmtdiiT, the ISIh dnv ' ovi-mber, IS'rfi, then mid there to hiimvit the i;iMiilniiit nf the iilinve iiiiiiK'd nbiliiili: lil-d m:iw:i-l jmi In the iibnvc entitled Mill; mid If ;m m full in nip r mikI Mtiner tid cnnipUliit, for wmit tln-n-nf l lulntif! will h. ply to mid outirt for the telli'f priiyi-d Kir in her tmnpb.inl, to-wlt: l or u lie cree i f thciibnvoeulllletl einirt fcnuverillx. ilvlinr j unit miiiiilliiu; the hondx nf iniiirlinniiy imw nin. iieri'iiiiiiru caihuuk nuiweni piiiiiiiu nun delendiiiit, mid for mi nb-iiliile deerce of divuree fiom ynu, the mi ik-feiidmit. 'I hl tiimmnnx is sei wd upon ynu by publicn Hon then of by order nf the linn. W. I llrud uliiiw, Jnoi?e of the iibnve eutltii-d c -un, wldeli order oeiirs dim nf tlieKwl liny nf Ontnlwr, l-'.)j, mid directs tlmt S"ll Mimiimiis be servid iipon tin: tnnl defenihint by iniblleatiiiii I'li-ri uf fur six cnnxeiitive weeks in The Dulle-i iiisomci.k, ii u'kly iiensiiK:r nf gi-nemi ciri-uliilliiti. pub lihcil In The Until h, Wiikco ininilv, Oickoii; ml'l iiubliciitliin in Ix-gili on the 7lh iloy nf October, 1HM. mad eiri on th- lnh dnv ol November, WM. Dfrn: a mi:m:fi:k, ecl" Ii AttnrnejH for l'lnliitllV, ..rv ONE FOR A DOSE. nTijoo l'lraploii, Trstrnt ,.!lr"'F thelllood, L.iro IIir,'io mill 1)i.i,tiV fine.,..., w? wlflV-iil rn iTcfor Sil noTr!,', - a"!a " dwirsutiL on. B0SANK0 CO. Phlia J-Jlf UKlHBNDOlirPKl; Physician aud Surgeon, Bpcclnl utteution Riven 10 nursery. Kooms 21 and 22, Tel. a-J8 Vmt like HA' STURDEVANT, Dentist. OIIlcc over rreneh A Co.' lluuli C THE DALLES, OUMiOK . fHED. W.WIf.O.V. V A'nOHM'.V-AT LAW Oltico ovei F'rU N'nt. Utitk. B (1 HUhTINOTOH wah0l) HUMUKJli & WILSON, ATTOltNEVK LAW, 1 PSLLS I OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural and Apicnlioral ProtJiirts of Oregon, WnehiiiL'ton nnd Itlnii" in ."renter viuifty nnd io fusio'n tliim ever bi'forc. BENNETT'S ReilOWlicfi MILITARY RAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amurlcu'k Greatest I.uly Cornet Soloist. The rwqtiiitlcd FLORENZ TROUPE nf Acrobats, direct Irnni the Kmplrc Theater, London, their lirst iipiwuriinee In America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE rii5itrpiis!.ed AuriiilM", in their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Si'iiBOii of Great Snriitit-us mid Adtoniidint; FcutH. Ki'iliK-i-il ICittt-c mi All Ti ulis.nrtMll."li I.Iiii-h. AlllllS.SION 5 Cunt Children under 12 years, 10 tenth. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrive ut l'ortlm I.KAVE. ovK!tt..YNii i:x-1 iress, Hulem, Itoie-1 mn:. Anhlund. hi.e- 1 :oo r. ii I rnmeiito, OKdeu,hiiit 1 Krunnlseo, Mojuve, fi V.lo A. M i.os,iii;eivn,i.ii'Hso. i ' I New Orleans unci I t ' I KlIHt j I ii. m i r 'Uosehure uud wny i-ta-l A. Ji.,llmih 4;30 P. .M ! f Vlii WniKlburn lor i Diillv ' ' J't-AUKel, Hllvertou, Dally .i i'nt , W-t Solo, llmwiw-y1 uxeept HunUitys j jutim,rtnEfluWttll,1J Su"a','!'- 17:30 A. JI.' j';,',1,1,!" H,l1 wy o;0i'.y. i INUK1'EN1JKN''E I'ASSKNUKK. Kxptess truln Dully (exeept Hunilny). 1,9) p. in. rl.v. ...l'nrtlniid ..Ar.i fe:25u.m 7:J i. m. ?Ai .Me.MIimvllle .I.v.5 6i5llu,in i;SUi. m. (Ar..Imleeiiduiice..I.v.) I:Mm. in. Dully. Ilauliy. exeept buuiim-. KININO CAliS ON OGDf.N l'.OL'TK. 1'L'l.l.MAN IIDKFKT SUKI'KIiS AND HECOND-CLAoS BI.KKl'ING CAIle Attached to nil Through Trains. tll.i-ol nn.iiinritliiti , .mi 1.1. ..... .-. v... bi....i ...... .... l.,.tui.,f ,itti uilll ...,.11 ii.i., ..tuiiint ivini i nuuiu lllllll nieillllblllp liiie.-i for JAI'A.S mid CHINA. Hmllui; date on ... .i I.....I.... , ,iii..i.tiiit. Hiites iitid tlekets to Kintorn ijoliits and Ku-'oi-. Alr.oJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU HIU V i H'l HA LI A. All uoove trnitiH arrive ut and depurt Iron 'irnnd Centritl Stiitlim. Filth mid Irving streeta- YAMHILL DIVISION. riiksetiKer Denit, loot of Jeiterson Hlrecl. Ij'fll'f. It.r Ulw.rl.l..., ...u.l ilii . ...... . . , . ' MUjr,, HI liU I, ID Ariivu ut I'ortluiiU, u::!0 a, an. b-iive for A I HI. IK on Mnndiiy, Wi-diusdiiy and rrl 'llV ut H .-Ct n. in. Arrlvi. ut I'tptlti.i.l Tn.... nuv. Thumlny nnd Hiituriliu it S:0S n. in. Except Stmiluy. Except Hiiturdiiy. It. Ki E .i.EU, C, II. MAKKHAM, -.Himr. Asst. O. y. M i'HHK. Airt 'T'UmiiiFh TiiL-i riif. ioi nu.i . & ...t. thfuiih tickets to nil jHiiuU Iti tho KhhUjui 4t.iti'k I'ti.inrl.i .....I L'.i.i t .. ... . .... . ,,,,,, i,uium: emi iu iiuiiuneu ai Km est rules from or N. WlIE.iirDONr1'"'1'' TtekCt ABl'", NOTICE OF FINAL SETT Mi M ENT. Nntleo is hcielii-Klvtrn Unit the undorsluiied, iidiiiliiistrtrlxnillio estateof Dr. W. K, tne! hurt, i 1'ii'ii.K i. Ii.iu in. ,.i i.... i i . . . "... "m nv.1 luilll lirtllflllll JIM sneh In the eniinty oiiarf, of the stuto nf Or.-ijoii. . . .. uiu i.uiiu tilth IIIiIKIllllCll Momliiy the ah d..y of Nov., WJ, ,,t the -hour ii il ,' i." "-ut thueottuty eourt room in i ! i? i y' (JtV"1"' '' ""o mid plueo for heiirintfiiniUettluiniiut therenf. AI persons "wiunu reiiiiiren 10 iii'Pi-iir iitsiilil tiirioiind plueo iind presunt Ihclr hlectlons, if uny they have, to snlil Html uc (.o iiit nrutiyof ll.o ilenis theVeof. K.tlles Clly, Or,. hit. Ml. 11) "Cl'J'-li l.-xi-eutifx. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. I f.npf lflnlnll.1 JI.. . . . .. JNaturo Id fitrenuthen nw nnH I ?UW, J6 tie Ot- igru BthelaUtd Isco vercd digest- i Bin auu IODIC. JVO Ot hftr struct iaa tlm fv,n..ur;A r"'t.;.1v"" i, , , " wi qi6b Huiler Drug Co., 'Jhe Ualle, Orfgou can approach It in eniclencv. it in. i-r.o, oi'.econ "nwy rouevoa and permanently curea ..STEAM.,. Wood Saw Will run ovory rhiyrxceHSmuJav Telephone 201. W. A. GATES, Prop. Butehcps and Fapmens ..Exchange., COLUMlllA llhEl'., nclEiiowl. ediied the test beer In The Dulles nt the usual prlee. Come in, try it nnd bo coiivliiced. Aln tliu l-Iin-Ht brniidl of Wines, Liquor atidClEarn. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. The Busy Store. Enc'j iluy our business shows the people are flnditig out wc tire pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Tie Dalles, Portland ail Astoria Navigation Co.' mmm sus. Kegulator Da!Ics City Dully (except Kuuduv) I te-'" The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way poiti's mi both Miles elite uoiuuioiii riivi . . . i luilll rebuilt, noin in iiiq niiuvu nieiiuu-in .:. iuuu, nnd aru in excellent khiipe for tin- wutoii " Tli llculU.r Iilian will endeavor to gne juitroiiH ttio best service pomllile. For tlumri.rt, Kcuiimn, ''"'Jl'ut'or tiavol by tlio uteuitiere of 'Jhe""" The itoumcrs of tho KeRiilator l.tne wl W Dulles nt 7 a. m, comiiieiielni.' .Motuh'S '"e inst. Portland OIIlcc. Zl Oak Ht. Dock. W. C. Allaway, oentrii ASnt- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS- . .. . , ,, , i.' I Ml HUlilNM lUAtltlAUl A SHH"i Letters of Credit isBtied uvulUtble In ti Eaatflrn BtftU'S. . Blgbt ExohanBev and TniMfere aold on Now W'iui d Bt. Louie, Smi Frunclnco, I'yju on, Seattle Wash., and various pow la Oregon and WaHlilnuttui. (T. Collcctlone made at all polute on orabl Uruii. - Drink Warren'. Iihb &&!nfl,J jf0r eKo gi mi urri'i-'i'cu - m.f 17.301, Btubling, agent, The Dalle". ' j f