VASArAAVAVAVAnAWATiAAlAVKtAV: Hot Only Our Way But Our Suits THE GENUINE !, i' r ? i v r r Wilson Air-Tight ie&tett A OUTSIDE DfAFT LtllE THIS: M i We are Displaying this week a line of the latest shades in heavy suitings consisting of BROADCLOTHS, MELTONS, VICUNAS, KERSEYS, OCEAN SERGES. ThcBO are the poods from which the swellest tailor gown?, jackets nnil wraps of nil kinds are being made for Fall and Winter wear. See East window display. Ladies' Separate Skirts. Silk and Wool Waists. Ladies' Separate Skirts in HomeBpun, Brilliantine, Cheviot?, Storm Serges, Broadcloth, Scotch Tweeds and English Covert cloths. All tailor mnde and finished in superior style, ranging in price from $2.25 up. Ladlss' Crepon Drees Skirts, .?4 50 to $10.50. Ladies' Cloth WaiSvS jn black and color?, full assortment of sizes at special low prices. Lidice' Black Satin WaiBts, $5,00 and $7.00. LidieE Wool Waists, colors black, blue, red and green, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1809 Telephone No. 1. (Q) Oysters Krvcd in every stylj by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Oh, Dewey's In the morning, And Dewey's lt the day, And Dewey In the AUnilnil '1 hut cnuic'bntUiiK up the buy. And dewy are the outraged ejus OI the liou-uxpiiutiloii crew. Hut do vb clve n d n for theinV J do not think wu do. Koslyn coal, ifO.50 a ton, delivered. Stadelmnn Commission Co., 'phone 235. 14-2w Tho latest news of the international race is Unit on account of the Shamrock being disabled no further race will take A place until iMonday. Tim box sheet for "A Breezy Time" will be open tomorrow morning at the Butler Drug Company's. Prices, gen eral admission 25; reserved eeatH 50 and 75 cents. Diogenes being asked : "What is that betel which is tho most dangerous?" replied: "Of wild beasts, the bite of ft blunderer; and of tame beasts, the Ihttorer." Tho Columbia Dane'ng Club has now reached a membership of Beventy, which in the limit, and the list is closed from this date. Tho first party will bo given tomorrow night. On Thursday evening at 7:80 Temple Lodge A. O. U. W. will have woik in bulb degrees. The new screen work will bo iihud and all members are invited to nttetul. Visiting brethren welcome. The condition of the crosswalks Is be ginning to make those who are com pelled to crosH them cross, us they spoil many n good shine and cause the ladies to walk with skirts much bedrabbled. M members of Harmony Temple, No. 12, are earnestly requested to be present tomorrow evening, Oct. 10th, as business of Importance Is to come I'oforo the lodgo. Refreshments will be served. Wo understand that three train loads cl troops will pass through the city this Veiling, the first arriving at 7 o'clock, tlio Bocornl an hour later and the third ftbout u o'clock. So far as we can learn "ley will not stop off here. A renewed interest is being awakened among the Artisans of The Dalles and a true attendance is expected at tho Meeting which will be held in the K. of " hall tonight. All are requested to nuke a special effort to be present. A special telegram from Pasco yester day Buid that the immense coalbunkers ' tho Northern Pclflc, at that point, were on fire and burning fiercely. The Wupauy has a fine plant for handling Pease & Mays enormous quantities of coal, put in at a large expense, and at Pasco loads all passenger and freight trains on the main line. It may be of interest to the friends of Miss Clara Grimes in this city to know that Bhe left Portland Saturday for San Francisco, where she bus accepted a position in the diCEsmaking parlors re cently started there byMadau McClure. Eyeiy young lady may not-be angelic, but just the same there are precious few who haven't wing9 these days; not only sprouting, but full grown, judging from the length of some of them. A few of them would put thoBe of the noble lied Men to shame. There was a good attendance at tho meeting of the League of American Sportsmen last night. It requires twenty-five members to organize a state division and there are now thirty-three members here. The meeting recom mended that Robt. Kelly be appointed chief warden und Leo Schanno secretary for this division. Y Tho Dalles can already boast of tele phone systems which excel those of any town its size on the coast, and the Ore gon Telephone Company is at present getting out a new list, having added a large number of names to it? city list, and Its country list is increasing rupidly. Each day as we call up some neighbor ing farm wo are led to wonder how we ever got along bofore connections were mmln iymHi tltftQM tiliw.pd an tmir ami .... ki.wwu J....WVU IJ' .IN... .tv J w V j so far. T 11)083 wlio ueelre to take instructions in dancing will now have an opportunity. Messrs. A. Sandvig and H. P. McCord, who have had a successful class in Baker City, are now in the city for the purposo of organizing u class. They will engage the Baldwin and give instruction Tues day nights aud soirees on Friday nights. They are very gentlemanly appearing and will no doubt Eccure a large class, as Dalles people who formerly resided in Baker City are willing to vouch for their excellency as teachers. If well begun is half done, the winter in some of our neigh boring states will be of short duration. In Colorado enow is falling at a lively rate, Fur more than a week a storm of unprecedented severe ity for this time of the year has been raging in the mountains surrounding Ltadvllle. ' One band of 1400 sheep and the herder with them are lost. Other large flocks have reported heavy losses and no word has been received from many others known to be Btill in the mouutain pastures, The cult of Peter Sievere vs. the J). P. & A. N. Co. for damages In tho sum ol 11009, was tried in tho superior court at Vancouver Monday and yesterday and went to (lie jury today, The case was the most interesting that has come up In Clark county for Eome time. The plaintiffs in the case allege that the officers of the steamer Inland Flyer put them ashore on Mosquito island in Feb ruary last when their destination was Washopgal; that they were compelled to endure cold and hunger as a result. The company ou the other hand claim That's what makes this special sale of Men's suits of so much importance. You know before you see them that every suit is a Wonderful Bargain must be be to be in our stock must be a popular stylo to be in the sale now for it is a clearance sale of odd sizes. It isn't fair to the values to class these with anybody else's. They were better than any when at the regular prices. It's a chance you never get any where but here. Just think, in mid-season only, all winter before you to have the good of 'em. Single and double breasted, plain blue and black serges and cheviots, fancy worsted, tweeds, whipcords. There are none worth less than $12.00, some worth up to $18.00. The choice $3 FOR ONE We carry the largest stock of Overcoats and Top coats in Eastern Oregon. Ask to see our Warmback Ulster. See Window. that their action in the matter wa3 en tirely unavoidable, and brought up some splendid evidence in answer. Capt. Short and Fred Bronson were the prin cipal witnesses for the company. The vetdlct will probably be announced in tonight's Telegram. Pague says our rainy season hasn't bsgun yet, but that the eky will again bo "clearing" before the fall rains set in in earnest. The storm of last night and today may not have been in earnest, but it was no joke, and everybody is glad of it, for just now a good rain storm is very welcome. It ill bo a splendid thing for eummer fallow, graeB on the range, and in fact a good thing all around. People who came in from the country yesterday eay the rain began falling early in the afternoon, so that they had several hours the start of the city. Last night wo had .45 of an inch. It is said by in any Dalles people who have attended the exposition in Portland this year that the ptevalence of the vaudeville throughout the land, is dem onstrated at the performances given at tho exposition. To thoee of more re fined taste this is to be regretted. While the music is first class and there are many oilier commendable features, too much of what might be termed a variety stvlo is being introduced. We have heard many epeak with diegust of the cake walk Friday evening, eaying that the walk as given by one couple from the Lyric Opera Company was positively ndeceut, and all were glad that the darkies were given the cuke in prefer ence to their rivals, who displayed such bad taste. Acetylene tin. Bo independent of Gas and Electric Light corporations and own your own lighting plant. Tho NATIONAL genera tor does not have to be cared for oftener than once In 15 days. It is positively safe and is recommended by all Insur ance Boards. We light churches, resi dences, stores, factories aud towns at 40 per cent loss than other systems with double the illumination. To responsible parties will ship machines on thirty days' trial. Send for free booklet on Acstylene, Gas. We want good agents. National Acetylene Gab Co., 10 17 Bullalo, N. Y. Have you smoked a clear Filipino cigar made from the finest selected to bacco which I captured on the Isle of Luzon? If not, you are behind the times, as I have only a few High-Life cigars left going at 15 cents apiece, 2 for 25 cents, or 2 50 for a box of 25, Remember that the High-Life cigar is made from the very beet Filipino tobacco, Factory No, 105, next to Baldwin saloon on Union St. Ben Ulrich, Manf. 140 wk Dr. Hues, one of Portland's prominent dentist, has bought Dr. Tackman'e office, in the Vogt building. His work is first-class and prices reasonable, Gold tooth crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth filled and extracted paiuless. 12 Subscribe for The Chronicle. 95 WEEK. FIRE BEHIND THE SCHEME. And We are to Have the Fire Alarm Sys tem and Chemical Kugiue. There are a great many echemes in The Dalles which consist of smoke with no fire behind them ; but whtn the fire boys get out you may know there's a blaze in sight and they make things lively. And thus it has proven with the new fire alarm system and chemical engine question. At the meeting last night the entire proposition was per fected and the board authorized their secretary, E. M. Wingate, to ttart out today and collect the sum of $2000, which had been subscribed, principally by turning over the ten per cent insur ance which will bo saved by the new system. It is to be hoped that the col lector will have smooth sailing and the project not bo hindered by the failure of subscribers to fulfill their promises. Correspondence has been carried on with P. D. S. OIney, manager of the board of underwriters, and the stipula tions which are made to secure the five per cent reduction with the fire alarm system and another five per cent on the chemical engine, are as follows: A system of boxes or signal stations are to be put in, having direct electrical connection with a huge bell that will strike tho number of the box, indicat ing the locality of the lire. Seven sta tions, placed at points to be indicated by their reptefeutative, will be estab lished to protect property located below tho bliill'. If it is Intended to protect buildings located on the bluff tho num ber will have to be increased in accord ance with the extent of the territory to bo protected. The chemical engine must be of a make approved by them and consist of two fifty-gallon tanks or ono 100-gallon tank, mounted on a vehicle. We believe the 100-gallon tank has been decided upon. Tho reduction will apply to nil build ings and their contents under tho pro tection of the system, 'except dwellings and private stables. Some time since the Columbia Hose Company made application that the chemical engine bo given that company, and the board so recommended at last uigltt's mettlng. Our citizens will all feel a satisfaction that the matter has aseumed such fav orable proportions, aud sincerely hope that no difficulty will arleo to prevent its successful termination. Tliut Joyful l'eoliuif With theexhileratliig sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to tho few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and tho cheap substituee sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-iuforined, Buy the genuine, Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E, Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, i K i - r i There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but the WILSON. .SOLD ONLY BY.... I JVIflVS & CROWE, Sole Agents. "Harmony" This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. l'KOI'LK YOU ALL KNOW. J. W. Howard of Prineville, is in town today. Mrs. Otis Patterson has returned from Heppner. Miss Anna Frazier came in from Mitchell yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Smith arrived in tho city yesterday from Prineville. Ojr Kingsley Friend G. J. was in on a business trip yesterday, F. M. Zumwalt anil C. Roberts are Wamic visitors in town today. James Ward, Kingsley's merchant, is doing business in town today. F. D. Simmons and daughter, of Portland, spent yesterday in the city. Mrs. Geo. Miller and children were returning passengers ou the boat last night. Mr. and Mrs, S. Ii. Slayton came In from Prineillu yesterday and left this morning for Portland. Mrs. C. W. Dietzel and little daughter, Norma, were returning passengers from Portland lust uveniim. Miss Myrtle Miehell, who has spent tho past two weeks visitiui! friends in Portland, returned on tho Flyer yester. day. S. Nutting is now in Hood Iliversupe -intending some work which Mays & Crowe aro doing on tho new Blowers building. G. T. Parr, of tho Kastern Oregon Laud Company, has returne d from h!s trip into Malheur county. Mrs. U. A. Liube and daughter, Mies Valeeca, returned on the Fiver Ihsi evening from Portland, where they have been visiting friends, Walter Moss, the advance agent for "A Bree.y Time," was in town yester day making arrangement for the uppeai anceof his company here next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. If. G. Davenport loft on yesterday's afternoon train for Portland to remain a few davs. Before returning they will visit Mr. Davenport's old home in Sllvertou. C. J. Hays, special U. S. deputy sur veyor, came up from Hood Iiiver last evening aud spent today doing business in the city, lie made tiie Ointo.sici.i; a substantial call. Jlev. J. C. Baker, who formerly made his home at The Dalles, but for several years hue resided at liartlaud, left this morning for Seattle, accompanied by his family. Ho will take charge of one of the suburban Baptist churched there, G. A. Van Auda has returned from the vicinity of Mt. Defiance, twelve miles from Hood Itiver, where he has been working at Davenport Bros,' mill, It is somewhat more wintery there than down in the valley, and the mill lias been closed for the seaeou, Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of chicken feed. iuch25-tf none that equal r,i y tr ,ty : ,t : yu.t iy,a tixx. (Xlhiskey. A 1-rlRlitfnl liliiiulrr Will often c.uiee a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin t motion?. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druugistp. 1 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Kodol Dyspepsi.i Cure is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and tho medical presj. It "dii'sts what you enl" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. ICetron, Blooiningdale, Tenn., uya it cured him of indigeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hny or poat. Constrnctlon-Tlil" l mi nlr tlulit Iu'iiIit of I lie mill klici't Mic I tjinii It him t'AhT IKON MSIM1M, uuiliiuK It ilurnlili'i uhii lini trout (ml itour, ni s i top anil bottom mut tiriiiiiiii'iitn! Ihk lop, with i;ilitillo cover iiihIi'iiii'iiIIi. Nlokellnw- ltluik ufcktUit urn, iiiiiiiu pinto mill foot mill., u hnvu complftu ttix'k of iIh'ih ou liiiuil, cull mnl k'o our Mock before bujliitf eUewliere, r ' fllaie & Benton