?2L Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANses the System CO;CHEpS ' OVERCOMES 1ST ' .lPflTIDN 1 OlTuAL I PERMANENTLY 1T5 BENEF c.m EFFECTS Buy THE GENUINE - M&M'F O By I (AUIvRN!AjTGPSYRVT,(2. r.v. k ft" cai., sc0 h.v. t j m ni:iED Ouce more the merrv note of the! wedding bell has chimed out in Dufur, ciUlinc two from the lonely paths of eiirgleness to walk together in the un- tried road of married life. Tlie little liark was beautifully launch- ed on Oct. 11, 1S99, at 3 p. m. at the home of the briilr 's parents, Rev. 0. V. White officiatini:. At the sound of a wed.iing march, Mr. Harrv R. Richards and Miss Jetu Imz Star entered the . . . parlor n litre the waning guests were assembled. Amid a solemn silence the words-were pronounced which declared tliem iiuiband and wife. The congratu- lations and words of advice were pointed and many of them well worth remem-' brin. The bride as unite beaitchine in a cream Sitin dress, prettily trimmed with chiffon. Sy til r Lw I UALLl) deal of versifying is not in any way evi D5P rifSr jence of tlie soundness of intellect, as v-rrfTPiOL" riACn'' .,cQS the following written bv an inmate of the Among the wedding presents were two lk.iBl)tMi wh thL. reslIt. The vrr beautiful pictures', a set of tableware and newest Idea for perfuming ones several valuable pieces of china and sil- elothes is lo have tlie laundress boil ver ware. ' 'either n piece of orris root or a small ThedinitiB room door was then open. ' bn of pulverized orris root with tlie The brt.ieand groom at tlie head of the Srie. Hither of tiiese will give the table witn their l.icnda about them, 'artide .a, fl'in' fruRrnncc ns mystcn- ... , . ... ous as it is delightful. .V i . limes, were soon busily engaged m partaking , of the tiouiitiful supply of daintily served Aa nPpreHented. chicken, coffee, cake, iee cream and' "Mister, do ye remimber thot yc said oilier eataldes which loaded the table, j one dose nv yer pills wild make another Mr. R.chards hue beeu a resident of mon of me father V" "VVaecj countv the greater part of his life ' "Yes. sir; and did you find my words and is a voung man of true moral worth. ! ti- :m a.,.,L. ;.!, ,ir. i n a man that any young mun may well' I atteru after. Jlies Starr, who is also a resident of ; Doctors Can't . Cure It! Contagious blocd poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. They may dose n patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of the disease ; on the ; lor thin terrible affliction, because it is the only remedy which goes direct to ; the cause of the disease and forces it ' from the system. s I was afflicted with Blood Polwn. and thi ! feest doctor did mo no good, though I tool; their treatment fal th-, fully, in fact, I kcemed 1 Vblfe?rtl2lmohst, every so-called blood reoiedy, but they dldnnt , seem to reaoii tho ills-! ease, and Imd no effccl 1 whatever. I was ills., , nean.iiea,!orii fceeinni SA that I would rmver be 1 cured. At th advlco 01 , 7 S r,J".iv", r j v.u. in, mum ... .. ."....-r ' ILIIVH r fVlllflHU..ll flip . fnedleln.and It cured mo completely, build- 1 irutupmy neaiinanu lncreoouiR my upiteuie Ainoui;n uim waa ten yearn uko. i nnvo never jrat bad a sign of the dUease to return. n.ll iiEnllA!! oiauiiitiu, s 11. 1 n It in like self-defltruction to continue j totally ueairoying ino uiKeniion, mey dry up the nmrrow in tho bones, pro ducing a BtiffneHH nnd swelling of the joints, causing the hair to full out, and completely wrecking the system. S.S.S.1, Blood is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and ii the only blood remedy free from these dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Wasco county, is a talented rounjr ladv of geujal waj s, loved by all In Duiur where sue has spent the.pnBt six rears. She was oreanlst for fonr years in both the churcliee mid her musical talent Mill be mucli missed in Dufur. i Lute in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Richards drove to their residence near Fairfield, where they will be glad to re ceive their many friends and acquaint ances. I TVnisn h.udunt ii'fl.At Air mill ATh W. D. Tiinlinnlo. Mr. pud .Mrs. S. E. Starr, Mr. E. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.I Haworth, Mrs. J. M. Mann, Mrs. R. E. j Hawortb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowe,! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gulliford. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. 0. j V. White. A Fin end. j lii'nm- Poet Jtr-cimlluc; tlir 1801) Ctrl. Every one is familiar with the couplet that solaces mediocrity by the slight, tion that genius is akin to insanity. It runs : Cirfstwlts tn madues nearly arc allied. But th.n partition walls their states dlvltlc. However, one may take this dictum, there can be no question that a great the followi ill evidence, although the 1S99 girl, to whom it refers, and, who is al- clrl. to wh ways versatile, may claim it is madne to ask such questions regarding her: She can tinp n billed sweetly. And can fascinate completely With a look, (he can danee and wltz divinely, And c n entertain you finely. Can she cook? She can write a poem aesthetic, And can read it so patLetle I hat you weep. To the woman s suffraae question bhe ha given deep rellectiou. Can the sweep? Hut in spite of her endeavor To become a maiden clever, bhe'n so sweet That my hejrt she s fairly captured. And I lay it down enraptured At her feet. Just what kind of an incurable wrote ! this is not stated. A .,.rfP,.( i,.rfunie. r',s -ls jst ni:,t. to rather sweet clover leuw nnd lifter n jiartial drying j to store them iiway with your linen, i There is not tuiii; more exquisite or more relineil lhan the light, delicate ' fniprauee of this abundant reen. Siv lw ,0j s,,!",,r brcal; """! ' snntis. ii can 1 use too miieli of it. ,n'-whlle ih s0 , Ils lo oirenl n(ll ,,le mQ twtUlhm it Will InM ' n fll v,.nr jn ,.ai.sts or draweis . w ia.r,. 'ynr weari!.' apparel is Kept ; When pnrtiully dried. htre uiong be- twecn the .'armont.s. takintr en re in 'shal.e it back when they arc removed: or " .vo" P!,n 1 tT" K,lt:n ln,Re "I""""- ties, dry what you have perfectly and ! make into lame, tint sachets of thin 1 silk nr elippsn elnth. Von are sure lo lie. true'.'" ""I hrue to th' wurd. sor. Whin me flit her started tnkin" thim he wasn loie mon. an' faith whin he hod finished liu was a dead mon." Chicago Evening Xews Hhe Couldn't (jot Ulm. Ethel (showing her engagement ring) Don't you admire his (ante? Maud Y-e-s.'so far us jewelry is con cerned. Cincinnati Enmiirer. 1 'That Joyful i'enllni; With theezhilernting sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean- neg8, which follows the use of Svrup o( F,t.ei ie uknown to tlie few who have uot progressed bevrmd the old-time -ndthi cheap substilues eometunes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine, Manufactured bv tlie California Fife Syrup Co. That Throblilnc IleadacliH Would qu'ckly leave vou, if you used - KiDfi'e New Life Pills. Thousands of snfftirers have proved their matchles .,,,, , ,, , , merit fur Sick and Nervous Headaches, 'i'i ,u.. 1.1 1 1 "lr.' uinno puio uiuuu nun diuoB nerve nu build up vour health. i.asy . . ., " ... ' tu nine, 1 ry uieui. uiuy cents. Money bick if not cured. Sold by III.. l.u1.... t. rinili.l.tnn ,1 ....... 1 a. m 1 Csi lu Your Cbtck. All countv warrants regihlerert prior Jan. 1, lBfcO, will ha palil at ruy . .p liin.rnaf fv(wi ufiJr (,,.,, 14,11' 4t!. intureet cbbsbh alter hept. Hth, W. C. L. I liti.Lirs, office Countv Treasurer. Fir Hale. ES C3 Five head good young horeec, about 1200 pounds; halter broke; will bo eold reasonable. cctl3-2-k .hC, Mei.ss. J'or eale. Thirty thousand capacity saw and planing mill at a bargain. Address Jae. Young, box 1048, Portland Or. 1410 BUSINESS LOCALS. Yon will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts arc the beet. Ask your erocer for them. Asli your procer for Clarke & Falk's jmre concontiated flavoring extracts. Latest thinu in cameras are Im proved MngAzme cyclones at (Doniiell's drup store. j Fresh cracked Nebratka corn at the : Wasco srarehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1 says: "Ivouol Dyspepsia (Jure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients arc such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it ns a master remedy for all Disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., m American Journal of Health, K. Y. For the Oregon Industrial Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. -'6 I to Oct. 26, the Oregon Kailroad & Navi gation Co, will make a round trip rate o: j $3.25, which will also include two ad- mission coupons to the exposition Tintuto ivill li c.-int cfniimnn trtti,, Vn 1 on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, and every Wednesday thereafter, nnd for train No. 3, ou Thursday. P-pt. 2S:h, and every Thursdav thereafter to and iucludiiiL' j ' r . o..i t- u . mi i Thursday. Oct. 2bth. Tickets will be limited for return passage to expire the Sunday niliht followitic the Wednesday or Thursday on which ticket is sold", 25-ltn Acker's English Remedy will stopa cough at nnv time, and will cure the worst cold hi twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o cts. and oO cts. Liakeley ci tlougnton, tlruppists. Goua Work Hume for Sale. I will be at Saltmarshs's stockyards with 15 head ot work horses by the lS'.h of October. oct!2-lS Emil STnouiiK. Paint your house with paints that are fully (juaranteed to last. Clatke & Falk 1 have them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and t unburn. Manufactured by Clarke Fiilfc- Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist s brushes. MRS. OMVlfl W. jVIORGflS, STU1 AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS, i MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. XOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION. I". S. Land Office, at Tub Dxu.r.s. Oi:c.,( Octoiiei:5. 1U0. I Notice is hereby piven that the folloHiiiK- TiumiHl tattler bus tilwl null,-., (if t.fu 1 11 !.... ,i,. m make final proof in support of bl claim, and that sId nroof will be marie before the iicslnter and lltcelver at The Dalies, Uregon, ou satur - day, November 11. viz: .Muthla Thlel. of Muler. Oreciin. 'itiaiat iiiif i, oi .uoier, "reBiin. Homestead Entry No. 3t75, for the SWJ4 NV, N'j SWK and Sw'ii fcW'4, aeelion U, township 'I north, roiijre VI e-.t, V, .M. He nnmet the followltiK witnees to prove hU coutinnous resilience upon and eultlvatiua of said land, viz: Chas. Mller. of Mosier, Orecnn: Dan Thomnc. Herrnan Htoneniaii and Emeit Hiedrieh, of i he Da lei. Uttaun. JAY P. LUCAS, octr II lieaUter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La::i OrriCE at Tin: I).u.i.r, Oiieoo.v, .-epteiiitc.-r 19, ( Nollcc l hereby Kien that the folloivIiiR named mltlor bat IIIcj notice of IiIh intcnlloii to make final proof in aupjiortof his claim, nnd thatnald proof will be made before thereKlmer and receiver lit The Dulles, Oregon, on Ftldav, November 3, l.-iw, viz.: Iloiliert IS. Sleeker, of The Dalle, Or., Homestead Entry No, 3221, for the Y. SE1.;, ami BWi-i NEJ-J, section i!7, township. 1 nortn, range 13 east.W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his conlimioiia residence upon, mill cullivatioii of wild laud, vi.: HiiinucI (.'rcilitoii, John II. Cook, William I!awon ucd Charles P.awson; all of The Dalle: Oregon, f AY P LUCAS, tcpLB-II tleclsler. KOTICIS FOIl PUBLICATION. L.i.mj OrriCE at Tun Dai.lkp, OiiF.no.s j Hept, 11, Is'J. I !ntlco Ih hereby (,'ivcn that the folloivliig named Mrttlcr Uan flkd notice of his Intention to make ti mil proof in xupport of his claim, and that mid proof will be muiie beforu the regiMcr and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on baturduy, OctoUr'Jl,llW, viz: Alrxnnilnr Vance, of Tlie Hulled. Or. II. E. No. M'3, for the ayt HV.'4 and KE HU'lJ fee. 5, nnd MAi NEU He-c B.Tp. 1 touth, it 12 E, w Jl. He names the follow !ni; wit ucmi,,,,,,,,, re.niei.ee uxm , ofuidhnd,vlz: nrssc to prove 11 nd cultivation J II. Hall. James Hall. William Wolf nnd It. F. Wieltbaur, nil of Die Dllu, Oickoii. eptl3 l JAY 1'. LUC'Ab, ltesliter. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Ii hereby Klven that L. 0'. Ileiineffhaii, admlnUtiutor of the eatate of Albert Ullery, de ceiied, hat tiled his Ncconot tor final kettle inentof tald entate and Jlonday, tho Hill day of .November, low, at 10 o'clock In the f(irenio;i of uldilayha leeu tet by Hon, Hubert May, county Jinlgenf Whico county, Oregon, lor heur Intr objeftlon tn the tame. Dated beptember -'.al. le'J. Bept.M-ll 1. C. HeSMtoiUN, AdmluUtrutor, Admiral George Beweyj, SfSSSi Will rccolvo the most roy&l welcome on Oct. lst next, that was ever accorded to an American citizen. You wilt Cad a comptcto biography of this Rroat licro, Including Jus brilliant victory over the- Span ish fleet lutho groat, authoritative and up ' '.'date work of reference, the New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia i Britannica This b the only encyclopedia on the market thai gSSS2SKS?t5SS ' icofcintho Civil War, how after the War ho was employed on the European nation; in the Naval Academy; his rise to the rank of Commander and President of the Board of InapecUon oud Survey; j3 comcmnd of tho j,,. sqnadwn: bow oa .iprfi 27th ho left Hoae Kong with his Kprndron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Jley 1st; hl3 appointment as Acting Rear Ad- mlral, tho hoaora he received from CouBies3, and how on Harch 2nd. lf.09, ho was created full Ad- Tttaoi Umu a etrlct disciplinarian. aa all-around athlete, a daring horseman and ' STSlA , r.oodwln. a dauchter of the "CKhticR rot- crnor" ofNew Ilampclilrc, who died In 1S72, leav-. tng a 10a, George Goixlwlu Dewey. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Aflmirol nrnnenn Capt. Clark of the Oregon 1 and scores of other noted personages not even ! mentioned In any other Encycloptulla receive the tame attention la this edition of the , , " sljf j Encyclopedia Britannica ! , . . . , , of 0cncral nearj. M (;ovcnior.fienorai ot I I Porto Rico; of Aguiaaldo'B declaration of Wax i ag&lns: the V. B. YOD HEED THIS COMPLETE SDMMEY of human knowlediro and progress; wherein infor- i mation Is more easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia in tho world, IN YOUR HOME. res cxls st I. C. ITICKELSEN", SUMMONS. TN THE CUU'A'n COUUT OK THE STATE 1 of Oresou, for the county of Vt'aiiM. Harriet A. .Simon, I'laiiitlll', ' William II. II. Hlnn'ii. liefeiiilnnt. lo William II. H. almon, the above named ileieurlanf I . In the Name of the fitalcof OrBim: ou are ' hereby notified lo he nnd MK-nr In the above ! cn. 1 .f""",".'! !,r tUv. ()"y "' imblieatlnu of tills Miinmoiii., tow t- On or be- fore BHtmUny, th IHth day of November, i then and there to mmfver tlie eomplalnt of the I above named plaitiiill lll-d iieuiint jon in the ' iii)ve entitled suit, and If mhi so fall lo .i,pear ! and nntter said eomplaiiit, for want tlifn-iif plalntill will apply to nlrl eonrt for the relief i.ravcil lor In her cnmiiliiliii. to.uli , rieei.f thenbi.vecnlltleU court forever dlilvlns nml imnuliiiiv (in. !.i.i,,u ,,f .,,,.1,1, ..,,- (U!id inmil lug the bon.N of malt 1. ony now and heretofore cxistlne; (tivi.-en iilalntlll and I dolenilant, and for an aliioliil.; ileeree of divorce irom you, me ham deieuuaiit. 'I his mmmniu Is serv.-.! iiein you by publlcn- tion thereof by order of tbj lion. . L Ilrnd- shaw, ItiOKeof the above entitle"! e urt, whleh Ilihid lu 'Hit; Dalks. Hiuw eoniilv. Iitiwm: aid publication lo beclu on the 7lh d.iy October, wa. mid end 0:1 the li:h day ..oi.'iiioer, itirj Di rt'lt A MLSEFEK. cet7 II AtlorueyH for 1'IatolllV. ' ONE FOR A DOSE. nmnr n;.l. . Wdl M 1. Jri:Bl,u.0R. BOSANKOCd.Hhllstp'i l Jll- (JKIHKNJXHlKf Kit Physician and Surgeon, 6 pedal attention given lo ursery. Uooin 21 and 'ii, Tel. :w Voct liloc J.JA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllce over French & C'o.'t Jlauk ''hone li, THE DALLE-. OltKGON IJIKED. W.WII.KON, " A'nOItN EV-AT LAW, Ofllee ove, Klrt Nat. ffi D B IIUHT1NOTON II H WIU0M HUNTINGTON A WILSON, AlTOENEYn AT 1. AW, Bleeps ri,.,.v.u ffi 1UU'K'" orner nealh nait 01 tne inn nay o( oelolr, Ir-au, ' L. V. "VV V.?" i"'""" im; r.wn, and directs that .iirt tminnioii be fervid iiihui c"'",l,lR Lurope cult bo obtained at thutatd defendant by publication thereof for Mx '""cat rates Horn I coriMeinive weeKK 111 llie Dailet ciiromi;j.k, ii . n..,,ir:l,;,".!,wv,,rt.''i 1 ickci AKeni. weekly ncwtiiiHiier of eeneral oirr-iiliiilnn. ool 1 ' " 'n... OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND. SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Idaho in "renter variety and pro fusion than ever niiore. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY RAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Greatest Lndy Cornet Sjlolfct. The t'lmiunlled FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobat. Uliert from tlie Empire Theater, London, their llrst Mpiwaruuci In America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE L'nsuriJisuHl Ai'ilulMn, in their thrilling netn. ! AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS I j A Season of Great Surprise!; and ' Astoundinp Feats. ! ! ! Hetluc-rd i:te on All 1 rMiiiortiil-ii ! Linen. , ' admission .... Cuutu , ... , . Children under 12 years. 10 cents, , DONT MISS IT ! 1 ! EAST and SOUTH Via Xh.e Shasta Route -or Tim- jSOUthem PaCiflC Comp y. Trains leave and nrL due to arrive 11 1 1'ortlM LEA VK. I , ,' OVKUUVMi KX ', I preo, tsaleni, lltw , I liurK, AnhlHiid, Sue-. 1 .- . i. m ' J ratnento, ORileti.tiuu I I ' 'w ' ) Francisco. Mnjuvv, f U:l A. M. I lJKAiiei!l'.r.hIl'rti,r). , I : I New urieann l I Ka.st unit I 1 .. .I ! m Jio-eburc and way tta fi.M a. Ji.,tIinih I f Via Woodburc for i 1:3U I'. Jl Pally excciil jit.AURei, nnvurion, Daily except huudayn. L'xrcfit 1 "... 1 .D"' . II' . 11 ... hunUnys . i v llle.tinriiif Held and I Natron J ICorvallis and way) liitatioris .... I '":S3 A- :0 I'. INDEl'ENDKNf'E I'APSENCiKtl. Kxprciin train Dally (exeejit nunday). I;W)ji. m. (I.v. .Portland ..Ar.) 8:23a. m 7.;jjii. in. Ai .McMlunvIllc .I.v. .'.;.ViH, m b:3up. m. iAr .luilcietideiice..l.v.) l.nOti. m. Dally. tDalll'i excciit Blilitlair. DINING CAl'.S O.N O'jDtJN ItOUTE. PULLMAN J1UFFET Bl.FEI'KHi AND SK(;OND-CI.AnS HLEEI'INfi Cllr Atbiclu-d to all ThrotlKh Train. Direct coniiPfitlou at nn rranclnro with Orci denial and Oileiital and I'nville mull Meamnhlri liiica for JAPAN and CHINA. hallliiB dute on I plication. Kntes hud tickets to Kaitern tiolnts and En rol. Alio JAPAN, LlIINA, HONOLULU nut ivrsi i.ai.ia. A" ttbuvt! ,rilll, urrlve at and d-j.art (rorr Grand Central Ktiitlon. Fifth and Irvmir htruuth -' amiron. i-m ,mu mint nrw.th i VAMHILL DIVIblON. I'Mdkciijter DeHit. foot of Junurwai htruel. ; ,,. Bh,M, ,., . ., . li Bierlilan, week ilayn, at 1:30 p. in A"le at 1 orthiuil, S:.a) a. m Krl'iuy at : b.M i , m Arrlv" at'i rtlanrt Tiie A". Wu..:. ...... .;"!v i loriiann, iue- . rtav. f hurwlay and Satiitdaj u 3:05 p. m .i.-, K,.,. ... ..,., ,. ! txccjit hunilay. -'Lxtept haturday. ii lVu ri 11 una-uiu 'arniler Asm (V F iw it ' ! . , r." , 1 Aut 1 r"r,"h. lleket Otllcr , 131 Third htreot. where of voTIfr (IP I.MVi cwrreupvn of'1 Or rINAL .Sr. VI LL.MENf, i Notice is liefeby Kiven that the tiuderMirned. ( i kin' ' niHivni ii, , m , lifirt. UfCCllP)' I. liiiH tiled hiT tiiifil iiuiniiimtrairlx of tlie em.iteor Dr. W. K. Itlmi- i tliu eouiity r-mr', of the Mate of Oreiroii, l for W aneo county, and lliocoliri him nppolnted . .Monday the i.th day of Nov , My, ,,t ih. ,l)Ur , !' " J , . " in. i in me enmity conn room in 1 la lies City, Oiciron, an thu time and place for the hearing and M'ttli'inent lliereof. All pemnna Iiilerealed In oalil calatuare hereby reiiulred to llnr ntnald time ami i.biecnnil preeut lhelr "bicctinni. if nnv thev li,n i. in .i,i n.,..i count or any of Ibu iteiim lliereof. Dalleii Olty, Or , Hcpt. K0. l.Vfi I ... n, .. Ulll'y "KU E UINKHAKT, "vi Kxecntiix. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflRialitiri front a iti a fM.j.Kj -ij- i":r ro 1UU" o ia r.:r:,- r."""",.w'3uinK uua recon ttivrucLincp r.nn nvhnnoi ai.. ... apt and tonic. No ottw nSSISn iCan aDDroach It in mnieTni S!!! Plulence, Sour sDch, Kausea! miZ?"?T reHuitsor imporTectdlffeation: ropgraa oy c. c. OeWlt. Co.. Cblcoiir Butler Druic Co., Tlie Uitllen, Oregon. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sund wtitt uic Tolophono 201. w. A. CATES, pr, op. i ..GflAS. FRANK.. Sutehetts and Farmeps ..Exchange.. KeepK on draught tho celebrated cdcwl the lieist beer in Tho Dalles ut the liKllal price. Come In, try' Hand be rnuviiifMi. A ho the PlnrMt brulidn of Wines, Mnuor nndClRarii. Sondrjuiehes . of ull Kinds always on hnnd. The Busy Store. Knob (Iny our business shoivs the people arc finding out we arc pushing to the front witb better gooils, lower prices, salespeople the very best, anil last, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for tlie people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Portlani and Astoria Navigation Co.' Sirs, K es 11 Dally (except fiundav; brtwteit The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way poin'' " u"ih ildcn "f the Cnliimhla river. IKith of the above Btenmers have 'j nnd arc lu excellent Mmpu for tlie teiiMiii 111 iw'- Xlm ItetnUtor I.lii will clifleator i"B" tuilrolia thai l sl kervlco 1 UK i Ll. Kor C.mir.irt, K''''''r.',l,,ll1'il,lr, travel by the uteamcra of llie ltB'" 'Tho'iteamerii of the I!eBulator Line will ! Dalleut7u. in. eominenclm: Mmiila) ne i'orUand Olllee. Hie Dflll om Ouk bt. Dock. l'mlrl BWWl W. C. Allaway, Cciicrn Aieol- FRENCH & 00, BANKERS. rilANriACT A KKERALIUKKINO flUHJ Lottew of Credit iuaucd available in th eastern .rmnhlt . .. . ...i r-ii?nt iiiXenaiiifu in -.,,.n iS. Sn FranolHW, fl"aMlnt( on, rieattm wanu,, n u Oregon ud WaBliinutou. f CollJctloiiB ina-Je at nil Iolute on oraliln trinH. Drink Warren'e Pore i''arrgBr For nale at all Orst-c Ifs t)flrfj17:SlIi. tubling, agent, The Uallen. ' 15 1 -