Chrimfcli. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1899. NO 59 e l)c Dn II co BOERS BESEIGED Dundee anil Dime Will ProSaMy Soon leSifnnH. ENGLAND HAS A TOUGH JOB Experts Agree That II Will Be Six Weeks Before the English Troops Can Assume the Aggressive and There is no Hope of Ending the War This Year. London, Oct. Mi. The gradual cutting oirot outlying points at the scene of hos tilities in South Africa from telegraphic communications reduces accurate news obtainable to u minimum. Thus far, therefore, no reliable information has been received of anv actual fighting, ex cept at Krauipan and an occasional ex chance of shots at various outposts. There is no lack of circumstantial stoiies regarding fighting at vurious points, but these are scarcely published before they sro denied. The only salient facts in this morn ing's telegrams are that the Boers have advanced beyond Newcastle and foi tned a laager near D.inhuser (not Danpaueer), bout 12 miles north of Dundee; that Kiniberley is isolated and probably in vested. Kimberley has thus become the im mediate center of interest. The last meat-age from Kimberley prior to the cutting of the telegraph and railway by the Boere, eaid: "All troops at Kimber ley are well. Cai'K Town, Oct. 10. The Orange Free State troops have cut the telegraph wires and destroyed tho railroad track at Norvalepont, just across tho Orange Freo State soul hern border. A dispatch from Dundee, Natal, says a Boer command, estimated at 2000 men, with 10 field guns, have reached Dann pttuser, northeast of Dundee, with the probable intention of surrounding Dun dee and, cutting oft" the garrison from communication with Glencoe andLady umith. it is supposed this force is com manded by Commaudttut Wiljien, and comprises the German gunners. The best of the Boer force from New castle is believed to be marching around Glencoe to sever its connection with Ladyemith. As the refugees in Cape Town threaten to become troublesome, and have hooted and mobbed it number of leading Dutchmen, there is eome ex pectation that martial lu.w will be proclaimed. R aVAi Baking 3-tBSCLUTELY "PURE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOYAl DAKIWO POWDEH CO., NEW YORK. MAKING GOOD HIS CLAIM Styuer, the Electric Doctor. T do not expect you to givo mo credit for my claims until I have proven my nhility in electrical disease reading. Will the indorsement of your friends and neighbors convince you,' if you ore sick, that I have a reliable way of ascertain ing the real cause of your sleknesB with out asking questions or without making 'ocal examinations. Many people are ufraid of electricity. Why? I will ad mit that if you touch a livo electric light 'iro it might kill you, but you don't refuse to drink water because you may have heard of a person being drowned. My system of applying electricity (used by yourself at your own home) cures nervous and chronic diseases of men and women, Saturday, Oct. 21st, is my last hV in Tho Dalles. Stvnkh, Tim Klkutiuo Doutoiu Ooarr House. Hours from 10 to 4 ad 7 to 8 dally. Advice and electrical alseMe-reading free. Chicago to San Francisco in Three Days Chicago, Oct. 10. Chicago to San francisco in 71 hours 73 hours actual time is the schedule on which tin over land special on the Chicago & North western road left the Wells-street sta tion last ni(-hf at 0:30 and inaugurated the new fast service to and from Cali fornia. The time formerly was 75 horns. The first stop west of Chicago under the new schedule is Dekalb, tiie 60 miles Leing covered in less than that number of minutes. The first train will arrive in San Francieco on the third day at 5 :30 p. ni. Western time. The east-bound service makes tho same reduction in time. A Night or Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General liurnham of Machins, Me., when the doctors Baid she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she uitiet soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, eaying it had more than once saved her life, and bad cured her of Consumption. After three email doses the slept easily all night, nnd its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine i9 guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghtou's drug store. 1 The Highest on Record. Astokia, Or., Oct. 10. The price of fall chinook salmon, steelheads and sil versidea has reached the highest figure ever ofTersd, 4 cents a pound, and 2. cents IB being paid for dog salmou. These prices are oflered by the cold storage men, who can afford to pay, if necessary, three times as much as the ennnerp. As a result of this rise in the prices of fish, eoveral canneries will cense operations, being unable to run at a profit. Fall fish still are scarce, but it is hoped they will soon become plentiful. The poor run is attributed to the general late season this year. Siuln'8 Orcutent Necil. Mr. R. P. Olivio, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of Ills head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. jJe says this grand medicine is what hie country needs. Ail America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or uiling, you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggiete. SlekJIeadacho absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdriDk. Cures constipation and indirection, makes you etit, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist''. Double Tralu Hoi vice to Nun fruueisoo, On October 15th the Southern Pacific Co. will inungurato a ''Daylight Ex press," leaving Portland at 8:30 u. m., and reaching Sun Francisco at 7:45 next evening only one night out. Both standard Pullman and tourist sleepers will be attached. This new train is in addition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta Overland, and will give many passengers the desired opportunity to see enroute tho Great Willamette, Umpqua aud Sac ramento Valleys without loss cf time, aud still arrive in Oakland and Shu Francisco at a eeutouablo hour. "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing j after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keener, lloislngton, Kau., of Kodol; Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wlmt you eat. Butler Drug Co. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house. " COLUMBIA WINS FIRST RACE She Crossed the Finish Line Eleven Minutes Ahead of the Shamrock. Western Union Cable Boat, 3 :55 p. in. Columbia crossed the finish line at at 3:54, in a nines. of canvass, amid the shrieking of whistles of the few boats present. Shamrock finished at 4:05:00 unofficial time. Boat Wanda, Olf Long Beach, 2:45 p. m., Oct. 10. Result of the finish fight between the Columbia and Shamrock for America's cup nnd yachting supre macy of the world is a complete victory for the American boat, the American skipper and the American crew. Col umbia did it all in windward work. She surprised even those who knew her best. It was not a. hard thrash to the outer buoy, but a good beat in the top sail breeze with something of a sea on. At no time after Columbia began to pull away to the windward, ten minutes after the starting gun was fired, was the first race of the season in doubt. The defender rounded the outer mark nine minutes aud forty-Eeven Becond ahead, official time. Washington's to be Mustered Out Oct. 31 San Fiiancisco, Oct. 15. The next regiment to go to the Philippines after the Thirty-first infantry, which has been in quarantine on Angel island, is the Forty-ninth infantry, U. S. A., a colored regiment. Several officers of that reg iment have arrived, and the regiment iB expected to arrive from the South tins week. The Eleventh cavalry is rapidly getting into shape to go to the front. Tho First Washington regiment will be mustered out October 31, and will leave immediately for home. The First Montana regiment, Colonel H. C. Keseler, will be paid off tomorrow, and will leave for home Wednesday evening. The Kaneas regiment expects to bo mustered out on November 3. Acetylene Gun. Be independent of Gas and Electric Light coroorAtions and own your own lighting plant. Tho NATIONAL genera tor does not have to bo cared far oftener than once in 15 days. It is positively safe and is recommended by all Insui auce Boards. Wo light churches, resi dences, stores, factories and towns at 40 per cent less than other systems with double the illumination. To responsible parties will ship machines on thirty days' trial. Send for freo booklet on Acetylene Gas, We want good agents. National Acktvlene Gas Co., 16-17 Buffalo, N. Y. On tho 10th of December, 1807, Rev. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Vu., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "Alter resorting to a number of so called 'specilicj,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend it to the public." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a wonder fill medicine," says W. W. Massliigill. of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera Infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. REMARKABLE TOWNS One Is Built on Stilts in the Ocean, the Other on the Ice. Atkoi, on the Const of Macedonia, tlio Most Cartons Community In the Universe A Town Wit li on! Women. The marine village of Tupuselci, In New Guinea, would take a lot of beating on the score of singularity. Here the houses are all supported on piles, and stand right out in the ocean, seme con sidcrablc distance from the shore. The object of this strange position is to pro tect the inhabitants against sudden at' tncks of the dreaded head-hunters, who ure always on the lookout for victims, Other villages in this happy land are perched up 111 nil but inaccessible trees, for the sume weighty reason. Another curious place is a town with out a name on one of the arms of Lake Huron. This consists of some 5C0 wood en huts. During the summer these lit tle dwellings are hidden away in a clear ing on shore, and the town contains not a single inhabitant. But on the arrival of winter, when I he lake is frozen over with a thick coating of ice, the owners of the huts arrive, and proceed to mote their houses out on to the surface of the lake. The floor of the huts is tii.'en up, and a hole cut through the ice. Througli these holes the residents fish, carrying on their operations until the spring re leases the lake from its icy bonds, when this extraordinary town is once mort broken up, the shanties go back to their resting pliue, and the seattei over the country. This place even boasts a curing factory and a church, not to mention several saloons all on the ice. Athos, a town situated cn a promon tory on the coast of Macedonia, well de serves the title of the most curious town in the universe. The peninsula is known as "The Mountnin of the Monks," from the fact that a score or so of monas teries arc dotted about the rough hill sides or the valleys. In these estab lishments dwell a numerous bedv of as cetics, kind and hospitable to wander ers, but full of superstition, and believ ing in t he doctrine of separation to a wonderful degree. The actual town, as distinct from its monastic environs, is called Carves, and supplies the simple wants of the monks. Here are to bo found streets of shops, crowded bazars, flourishing trades aud all the bustle and energy of a modern town. But one Hung soon strikes the visitor as strange. There is not a fe male to be seen anywhere, for the gentler scn is rigorously banished from the place. Even the small Turkish gar rison, from the commandant down to the privates, consists of bachelors Tills extraordinary law is earned out even among the domestic animals. Only the wild birds evade it, and then only when fiee, for no female bird hi ever brought to table: the fowl one has for dinner is sure to lie a cockerel. For thiu unparalleled state of all'airs, there is only a legend to account. Although to our practical minds flimsy ton degree. it is implicitly believed in by the inhab itants. It appears that in one of the chief monasteries on the promontory there is a miraculous icon, which is a picture or image sacred to members of the Itiisso-drcok church. This particu lar picture is n representation of the Virgin, and the legend says that one day as Kmpress I'lilcherhi, who had lib erally endowed the church, as well 11s beautified and restored it. was engaged in her devotions the Virgin .'poke, ask ing what she, a woman, was doing in the church. The pious lady, no doubt amazed, did not reply, whereupon the voice commanded her to leave, saying that the feet of 11 woman should never ngaiu tread the floor. The empress, probably surprised at the beeining in gratitude of the speech, as well as awe struck, left the plaee, which no female Iins since entered How the prohibition thus arbitrarily established came to comprehend the length nnd breadth of the promontory is not very clear. As a residence for bashful bachelors, we should imagine, Alhos would be hard 10 surpass. Household Words, C. S. Smith, TIIK ilp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creauiory Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We resow all rips free of charge, Today we mention SCtlOO 1 Shoes $ which it will pay you to see if w you are in the market. tjf very pairuaratd Misses' and Children's Kid nnd Kangaroo Calf Shoes, with good plump soles, comfortable round toes, neat plain or patent leather J Hps. H Sizes 8 to 11 $1.10 Sizes llf to 2 1.25 Select your wants from the lar- rest stock in town. F Our Assortment of SMI I nits 1 merits everyone's attention who has a bov to clothe. Wo tinira Qilita aa nhnan aa a Ar . lar and others as high as seven fifty for the boy a, but the lines wo particularly recommend for school wear are those eelling at Misses' and Children's Box-calf anil Seal Goat shoes; the most suitable leather to be had for win ter shoes, and especially satisfac tory for children's wear. Sizes 8.K to 11 $1.25 Sizes IVA to 2 t.... 1.50 These shoes are made of special ly selected stock and are guaran teed to give' Petfect Satisfaction or money refunded, Free-Writing Tablets Free $3.00 and $3.50 Why? Because every suit at these prices is made of good, de pendable, ell wool cloth; have pants made double at seat and knees, and every seam is sewed with silk and linen thread, aud is warranted Not to rip. We give a new suit free for everyone bought of these lines f.hat fails to give perfection satisfaction. School Bags Free. I A. M. Williams & Co. $ n 6 1 5 ? 3 8 SI- 1 - -L .vs to Tho Dalles, On. The Chronicle, Job Pointers. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. If ' 3C ' as 'I 1 .36' I lag, is?. II 8- 3ci I