4 Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EAN5ES the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Jjrr LKZfnL Bly THE GENUINE - MAN'F D (AUI?RNlAlTGfSYRVP(S f OS SAU EY 41 CrwOWTi FECI 30c Ft SCITlL rEOI'LE IMMI ALL KNOW. li. Sigman, o( Dnitir, ia in the city. Jumes Stewart Is a Monkland visitar in the city. F. II. Button is up from Hood River doing business today. H. F. U'ooJsnck came in from his home at Wuiiitc yesterday. ilr. and Mrs. V. H. Hobson are in Po.-tluu 1 uttendin.; tiie exposition. Charles Cl.trke epent yesterday in the city, returiiiiiK today to Hood liiver. V. D. Hardin and wife were passen gers for i'ortUiid lino morning to attend the exposition. Joseph H. Elwarde, a brother of Mrs. X. Wtiealdon, is here Irjui Uent n county visiting his sister. Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Van Duyn came in troin Tyuh yesterday and left for Portland oil t his afteruuou'e train. Mrs. Geo. M.tiu, who has spent the past two montlis with her sister in Spo Kune, returned home tnis niornini;. Mr. and Mrs. N. Whealdon returned nn he -arly inoiunik' tram frr.m Spo-kti-. Mrs". V. aieo visited in Wuiia V 11 1. Frank Bates, who has spent the great er pa't of the su.nnier with his friend, II. L Vors-, leit tins ufteriioou ioi Portland. A. S. MacAUistfr went to Portland vesterday to meet Mrs. AUcAlCeter, who is returning from a visit with relatives in Minnesota. H. W. Wells has j ist returned from a trip through Sherman county, buying Bheep, ami Ielt this alturuoon left for the Washington bide on a eiinihr trip. Mrs. D. P. Ketchtini wuiibjcei.tel ns a witness in the Seiverscase and left this uioriiiiiu for Vunjuiuver. She was aeompanied by Mie3lartha Wheaidun. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buschke are in the city from Kufus. They are on their wedding tour, and Mr. Buschke's many friends here i re extending congrutu lutioiiH. . . Mrs. II. W. French returned Saturday ni.ii. t in ni a vlnii with her mother in Portland. Mie was ateiinpunied by Mi B ieannette WtilutinF, who returned home this afternoon. ' .lack McGrail arrived in the citv Sat iiidjy from ttie Grunt uuunty minim: - . .tt . 11 f (liHtriut. tie a nan iirmner 01 r.. j. Gorman and Mrs. T. J. Seufert, and will spend a few days 'villi them. Zaehary Taylor, of Antelope, came down from Spokane yesterday, having i?one tin to vl-it his son who is ill there Mr. Taylor t'oes not feel much encour aged regarding hi condition, he being a victim of consumption. Judge Mays returned yesterday from Spokane, having settled his grand daughter, Gertrude Mays, at that place, where she is now receiving treatment. Mr. Mavs says it is pretty cold at Spokane" now, thoimh t!:-re is as yet no mow. Between that plac-i and Colfax, however, some snow wa encountered. HDIIN. In this ritv. Fiiday, Ost. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Hylt- n. of I.yle, a son. "It did me more tood ihan anything I ever uied. My dyspepsia was of mouths' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writhe S. B. Kotiner, Hnieinglon, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cu-t. It digests what you eat. . Butler Urui Co. Et plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E. ' 7'rc H"n,e" "P n,m 01 u,u rocK, X ! T t ((T, , to quench the thirst of n company of It. Gamble, Vernon, lex., f aye, "It 1 United StntesBoldiers Chlcairo Times r, li.,ved me from thi start urn cured me. ' HnnV: maie BOIU,Lr- '"tajfo limes- lt iu n. nvHiU.ilnir Iriend." Uutlor Dru Co. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house. tf MADE THEM DRUNK. Strange Story of the Origin of Whis ky Gap, Wyoming. DrtnktnK Urn Water of IU Spring Created Trouble Amongil Borne Soldiers Who Wore in Camp There. One of the historic places in the west 1 Whislfv finn. Wvo. The old-time 1 dwellers of mountain nnd plain, the men who "fought Indians ami Jiunieu buffalo out west" during the overland trail days of the curly COs, have shrugced their shoulders with satisfac tion at the mention of Whisky Uni) for nearlv 40 years. This is the place, ac cording to their belief, where renl "fire water" pushed up out of the rocks in a beautiful mountain spring to quench the thirst of a whole company of Uncle Sam's trained Indinn fighters. "It was nothing but pure spring water," they say. "A veritable fountain of youth." Whiskv Gat) received its name in 1SG2, durine- the building of the overlnnd stage route ironi uenver to aau liUko City nnd the Pacific coast. It happened in this wny: The people of Denver had long been working to se cure the regulnr overland stage rente, then connecting the east and west. In 1SG2 "Ben" Holliday, a veteran stage man, became the proprietor of the great overland line, nnd he agreed upon n route running through Denver to the west. Ke decided to discontinue that part of the road running up the North Platte and the Sweetwater rivers, and across South Pass, V.'yo. The many In dian difficulties experienced on this route was the inducement to abandon it. The new trail led by wny of Jules burg. Col., to Denver, and on over the established wngon rend to Fort Lup ton and north across the Laramie plains, then due west through Bridge water Pass, Wye, joining the old trail leading across the country to the Pn cific coast. The change was made dur ing the summer of 1SG2. All the rolling stock, horses nnd other property of the company were gathered at the sta tion just above Devil's Gate, in central Wyoming. Company A of the Eleventh Ohio cavalry, with Maj. O'Fnrrell in command, was the detailed escort at the time. During the first day the long train of conches, wagons, horses and mules made 11 miles from the station where the property had been gathered. The route chosen was directly south from the Sweetwater river. The camp se lected was in a gap in the mnuntains, where there was a fine spring and plen ty of wood for cooking purposes. Short ly after going into camp the major dis covered that quite a number of his sol diers were intoxicated, nnd he at once sent for Lieut. W. II. Brown, who was officer of the' day, and informed him of the condition of many of the men, and j gave it ns his opinion that some one was selling whisky in the camp. The command was doing escort duty not only for stage, stock nnd stores, but also for a number of emigrants who had availed themselves of the opportunity for safe conduct over the plains. Lieut. Urown received orders to search all wagons, and if he should dis cover whisky to destroy it. Talcing a corporal and three or four men, he com menced the search for the contraband article, nnd found nt least a barrel of whisky in nn emigrant wagon. The of ficer ordered his men to roll the barrel out of the wagon, knock in the head nnd empty the contents on the ground. This was done, but it chanced that the spot where the whisky was emptied was just above the spring, and the fiery liquid went pouring down into the wa ter supply of the enmp. The soldiers saw what wns going on and they rushed forwnrd with cups, canteens, buckets and camp kettles to save what they could of the coveted "spirits." Many a man stopped over he spring and drank almost without breathing until he was drunk. A hnlf hour later the intoxi-! cant was showing its effect pictty gen erally nround the camp, nnd soon but few sober men could be found. One sol dier who hnd suecceeded in getting a full canteen from the spring paid Ills respects to Mnj. O Fnrrcll at the head quarters tent, assuring his command ing ollieer, witli maudlin mcin nnd many n "hie," tlint that was the finest spring he had ever seen nnd the very best water he had ever tasted,. Maj. O'Fnrrell was apprehending an uttuck from the Indians that night, mid the condition of his men fairly disheart ened him. He saw at u glance that oven a small bund of Hiivnges could make u successful raid on hi camp; conse quently the sober and less intoxicated men were kept on the alert that night. Fortunately no Indians put in nn np penrance, and by morning the de bauched men hud slept off their intoxi cation. Thus the gap in the mountains where the camp was rnnde received Hie name of Whisky Gap. For many years it wns the fnvorite camping place for the more credulous of thj old freighters and emi grants of the "trail days," but the little spring was never u "fountain of youth," ns. it hud been in tiie old days, wlu-n "fire writer" gushed up out of the rocks BrBiu. Ue Clarke & Falk's quinine" hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. LOCALS. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bails. Clarke & Fulk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer lor them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Fulk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest tiling in cameraB are Im proved Magazine uycloues at IDonnelPa drug store. Freeh cracked Nebrafeka corn at the . Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch'25-tf Cheater II. Brown, Kalamni'.oo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured mo of a severe case of indigestion ; can atrongly recommend Ittonlldvspeptiee. Digssts what von eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler , p. n ' uruk ' . . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure c ireB dyspepsia because its ingredients are auch that ! can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it ns a master remedy tor an Disorders arising from imperfect diges- tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., m American Journal of Health, N. Y. For the Oregon Industrial Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. "G to Oct. 2G, the Oregon P.ailrond & Navi gation Co, will makeu round trip rate of $b.25, which will nWo include two nd- mission coupons to the exposition.! Tickets will be irood going on train No, I I on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, nud every Wednesday thereafter, nnd for train No. " n Thnradav S-nt "Sth and everv u, on Thursday, h-pt. -stti, anu ierj , Tnursday thereafter to and incluiiiiii: Thursday. Oct. 2Gth. Tickets will be limited for return passage to expire the ! e i...ril,.MlnTlnff m. W1..liH-(hiv busine: "m . . ", , s unt.f i on Mar 1st: his appointment as Acting near aq. or Thursday on uhich ticket isho l." h'onols received from Coagrc. and Acker's English Remedv will etopajmlral. It speaks ofhlmoo a Btrlct dlsclpUnarian. . i " n .i lan all-around athlete, n daring horseman and cough at any time, and will cure the "J B., dnb man ud a worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Co on Work Hurst' rr Sil. I will be nt SaltmursliD's stockyards with 15 head oi work horses by the 18".h of October. oct!2 lfc? Emu. StnoniK. Paint your iiouse with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line uf paint anil artist's brushes. XVIR3. OLIVIA W. JVIOljGJlIi STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Conrt. and Wash ton Streets, The D.illes. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. U. fi. Laud Office, at The Uam.eh. Oise.,1 Octoiiei: .1, 1SW. I Notice it hereby given that the following named suttlur has filed notice of his intention to inftke Haul proof In support of his claim, and that h1(1 proof will Im,- made before the Keglhter nnd ItecclVfr at The Dalies, Oregon, jm butur day, November 11, Ib'JO, viz: MuthluH Tlilul, of MoHler. Orgiin.7; Homestejid Kntry No. 3U73, for the SVJj NWJ4, N'j BM and siY4 HW'4, acction 0, township '.' north, rainte i'J e-.nl, V. it. Ho name- the following wltnecses to prove lili continuoiiB residence upon and cultivation of mlit land, viz: (Jims, Slilur. of .Mosler, Oregon; Ilin TIioiiihk, Herman Hlonemaii and Krnest yriedrlehs, (if 'I ho Dulles, mgon. JAY I'. I.UCAB, octr-li Itevister NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. La.ni Office at The Dali,i, Okf.ookj KepteinlM:r l'J, IWJ. Notieu in hfrcbv ulven that the followlni! iiriined etltcr Inn lllel uotltc of hlh Intention to make lliial proof in suniiort of IiIh claim, and thntHuld proof will t.n mndu before the nrlkter and receiver ni Tiie JMlleii, uregon, on l rmay, rtovcinuer ;i, ivsj, viz.: Ilmli.rl 11. JlenUr, of Tlio DatleK, Or., Ilomcktend Kntry No. 5Jt, for the K4 NK' and SS-K NK'4, kectlou Ti, townshl;. 1 nortn, range I". eaxt.W. il. Ho names the following wltnexufi to prove ins coniiiiiiouH resioenio upon, aim ruiiivauon of Mild laud, viz.' Hamuul Crelnhton. Jnhli It. Cook. William Ilawtoii mid Charlik Itauaotii uilof'lhe Uailes Oregon, I AY J'. LUCAS. fccpt2Ml Itegister. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Lasu Office at Thf. paij.f.c, oiir.no:; j Ki'M. 11. law. t Notice la herein' ctven that tho following named hettler hao UUd notice of hla lutcntloii to make limit nroof in Minoort of Ills claim. hiiiI that h lid pnml will bo inuiju before tlio nlntcr and rceilver at The Uullea, Oretfou, on iidtunluy, urtniM r-'t, isuv, viz: Ali'XHiider Vhiioh, uf Tho Halle. Or. II. I! No. Sim, for the BJi HKJ and HKJ 8Wi ry. !, nud NV.4 hec b,Tp. 1 .oilth, it 12 K, lie namcx the foIlowIiiK wltn(es to prove liUeontliiuou ri'aideiice upon und cultl vntloti OI aic i-nu , viz: i II. Hull, Jumeit Hall, William Wolf ami It K. Wlckhum; all uf 'Hie Dallon, Oil-son. M-ptni JAY 1. LUC'Ab, ltetjUter, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice lit hereby Riven that L. C. Ilcnneitlian administrator of tho CHtato of Albert Ullery, de- -Hkwl. Iiuh filed hlH account for final settle- incut of mid i-stHto and Slonday, the Cth tjuy of November, 1DW, at 10 o'clock In the lorcnoo i of eaiu day nan oeeu sot oy noii, noucri uiyn county JudKCOf Wasco county, Oregon, (or hear KiK oojetuous m me suuiu Hted nepttmber &d, im BtptJ-il L C. llENMEUlUK, Adinlnlttrutur, Admiral George Dewey wm reM,T0 tho most royal wolc(mio on Oct lit. ncxt( that wa8 ovor accorded to u Amorican jjUzen. You win find ?t0.C hero, lncKidluijhU brilliant victory over the Span- ccct lntho great, nuthorltatlvo and up- ;.aateirorkof reference, the - . t-j'A! .Pit,, $ (gf TOMr EulllOIl 01 106 Encyclopaedia Britannica htteml .eIoonBnBrkrttl-t menUong Admiml uewcy. It gives tho dato ot hta m. how lie spent hU boyhood days; the part ho took in tho Civil War, how after tho War he wm employed on tho European station; In the Naval th0 rant of Commulder and jnt of 0 Boani 0 inspection aud Survey; his command of the Asintlo Squadron; how on April 27th ho left Deng Kong with his gquadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at ; ManUa, how on iiarcii -;au, ivjj, u wua uiL-mcu UUUU aU ituu cj general favorite. It tells or his marriage to Jllsa Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In 1672, leav ing a ion, George Goodwin Dewey. fi Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and Bcorcs of other noted personages not e7cn mentioned In any other Eucyclopadln rccelvo the same attention In this edition of the J Encyclopsedia Britannica It socaka of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago : of General Henry ns Governor-General of Porto Blco; of Aguinaldo's declaration of JVar against the U.S. YOU SEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein Infor mation is more easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia in tho world, IN YOUR HOME. TOR IALI BT I. C. NICKELSEN, SUMMONS. TN THi: OIltCI'IT COUIIT nv TIIE bl.Vll. I of Orcipm, for the county of Wacu. Harriet A. bimoii, I'lulntlll', v. William H. If. Mmnu, de'etnlimt. To William II. 11. .Simon, the ntiovo named defei-dant: In the Name or the State ol i ireRon: i on me liiTliv notified to be and amx-ar in tlic nbove entltltd court on or before the Nn day of tie niibllcatlon of this summons, tnwit: on or Ic hiro hMtiirilii', the IHtd Mayor jwivemoer, ikiii, then and there to answ.-r the cnmnlalnt of the nhovo named plaluilll 111-it atuliisiyou In tin above entitled suit; and If ) on mi fail to nK ti mid answer said complullit, for want thereol l-l.illlltll will Hppl to nun curl lor inu reiiei nniv.d lor In lier enmi.lallit. to-wil: l or a de cree of the abovoen .ltled cnur t forever dl-milvliiR anil aiiuulliiiK Hie IimiiIs of inairiuiouy mm nint heretofore existing between pltliitlll' and deleinlant, and I'.r an nsolutc decree of divorce Irom you, tiie hniu neieiiiiuiii. 'I his summon is heiv.il up'iu Mill by nubllea Hon themif by order of the Hon, W. l llmd shaw, JutiKuof the iihove entitled r urt, which order iiejr dati. of the '.'ml day of Oulobur, ln'.U, aud directs that s.-ld suinnions be servtd upon thesnlil defendant by publication t''rcnf for nix council live weeks in The llitllci CllliONICM:, a wec-Uly nuwspii.er oi nenernl cir'Ulallon, imii llslnd in Tho Iinllts, Wiiko touiity. Onuou, said publication lo brain on the 7th (liy (if October, WW, aud cud on the lith day of November, lvyi in i i n ,v .Ml. .n I.I i.i-., cot" II Attoriicys for I'laintill. ONE For; A DOSE. It'raoTo I'iTt.pl, l'rui-nt nill.iii iihi, Hurlf; tin niuod. (;:ire II jaiUcIih h,1 lrDrl.jU. FiLL n. iiiuii-rta-ri' i.f tlio lntrcls citcu d7 is uk-hmtv rlicr,iii, tn trill mull Hmpl ln.i-.ur fa buxfur bold it drascun. oil. U0SANKO CO. PhiTa. vi jQlf OKlHUNDOKKKKl: Physician and Surgeou, Heelnl attentlun Klvcu to surgery, (liioms 21 and Tel. u'is Voitt llloc A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olilcoover Krencii iC'o.'s Hunk I'h'ino r- THi: DALI.KJ, OliKdON IJtBEh. W.WII.I-ON, ATTOUN KY-AT LAW, , T1IK UALLKS, OilEUON. Ofllco ovei First Nat. U'uik. B S IIUHTINUT0N 8 WILS0W HUNTINGTON Jt WlIJiON, AriOKNKYh AT LAW, ... v. . v- . ,THE ALLKo, OKKUJN tUcOT"i Mrs that HmuK 1 r- -rrM imriiiiii i OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural aufl Affricnlinral Products of Oregoi'i Wiu-hlnuton and Idalio in reater variety and pto fuslon lliun ever before. BENNETT'S Rcuowucil MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's (ircutc.it Uidy Cornet Sjliilat. Tiie I'm quailed FLORENZ TROUPE of Acnilmts, illn-ct irom tho Umpire Theuf-r, toiiilun, tliclr iMMiiiipi'iinuicc in .uuuim. A Orciit FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE (.uaurpiiskcd AcilnU'ts In tlicir IhrllliiiB acta. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Hurnrit-ea and Aetounditm Feats. Ui-duci-d Itnti-r on All I.lnis. 1 raiisiortulloii AiiiiissitiN .... ar. cvnts (Jblldrcu under 11 years, 10 cents. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive nt l'nrtlm OVKKI.A.NI) press, haleni, Hose LurK, Ashland, Kae ramcnto, Orjden.Suu '. Knmclseo, Mojave, ( l.os AnKelcs.Klf'iisn. New Orleans und 7:00 r.M. J:!.1) A. 51 I East i .a. hi i m 'Hoseburu and way stu rt.ju a. si.,tl0I18 I fVIa Woodburs fori i Mt.AliRuI, Sllverton, IJw Jt WeHt Hclo, Browns- Bundilys l'fJI'ff j iiSO I'. M Dully uxcepl Sunday k 17:30 A. M. ICorvallls istatliiUH . aud wayj 'r.iO v.y INDEPENDENCE I'AHSENGElt. Express tridti Dally (except bunday). 1:50 n. m. (Lv l'ortlnnd ...Ar.) B:ia. m 7:: ii, m. At . ..McMlnnvllle. Lv. b;M a, m 8:S0n. m. (Ar..Indeicudmice..l.v.) 4:60 n. xn Daily, tDaiiy, except hununy. . DINING CAUH ON OUDEN KOUTK. PULLMAN 11UKK1IT HLl'EI'Elty AND HECOND-CLAKH KLKEl'INO CAKf Attached to all Throunh Trains. Direct connection iitt-uu rruticlsco with Ocol dental aud Oriental and I'hoIIIc mall steamshl Hues for JAPAN aud CHINA. HutlliiK dates uu u plication. Hates and tickets to Kiisteru )Kilnts nud Eu roiH). Also JAPAN, OlUNA, HONOLULU um Al'HTIlALIA. All aoovu trains arrive nt and depart Iron Uraud Central Ktntlnu, I'ilth mid Irvmic street! YAMHILL DIVIHION. Pnssencer Denit, liMit of Jutlertou street. Jxuve for Hherlduu. week "days, ut l;ti i, u Arrive at Portland, i:'M u. m U'ave lor AIULIE on Monday, Wednesday mid Krliiay at h:Ki u. m. Arrlv at Portlisnd, Tues ( iv, Thursday und Batiirdm it li-M p. m. Except Huuday, Except SatunlHy. It, Kt-.K'-.l.EIt, jinnutter. (i, II. .MAKKIIAM, Asst. U. V. iV Pass. Airt Tlirough Ticket Ofllee, 1.1-1 Third street, whert through tickets to all points In the Eastern Htates, Canada and Europe can bo obtained nt lowest rates Irom J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEALDON. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby kIvoii that tho uiidnrslKncd, miniliilstrairlx of the estaloof Dr. W, l' itlne hart, (Icii-iiPi-i, hai I! left her II mil account as such In the county e iurt, oi the statu of Oieon, for Wasco county, and the court has appointed Monday the ilth day of Nov , 1WJ, at the hour of 10 o'clock a in., at thu county court room in Dalles City, Oietrou us the time aud place for the heiirliiKiind ictttcmunt thereof. All persons Interested in said estntoi'io hereby required to iinpeitrntsuld time and nlace and present their bjectlons, if any they have, to said final no count or any of tho items thereof. Dalles City, Or., hept. :io. Im'.i-i, LMILY HELI i; IIINEIIAHT, fopno-H i;xe(utit.v. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids .Mature in strotjKthenlng and recon BtructlDRtho exhausted diKeatlve or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea BlokHeadache.Gastralgla.Oramps.anq ftllother results of Imperfectdlgestlon. Prtporad by e. C oWht Co., Cleai Iiullur Drug Co,, The Dulles, Oregon. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every rbiy except Sundav Kates Kcneonable. ' . Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. J ..GHAS. F-WK. Butcheps and Farmerfs ..Exchange.. Keeps nn drnltcht tho eelobrntcd COLUMIIIA JlKEIt, ackiiotvi: cdKcd the best beer In The imlles, at the usual price. Come In, try Itiuid be convinced. Alo ttie Finest brands ot Wines, bbuor aud Cleats. Sandwiches of all Kinds always on tana. The Busy Store. Eacb iay our business 6borT5 the people arc finding out wo arc pushing to the front with hotter goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Ttie Dalles. FortlaDi ani Astoria Navigation Co.' Dully (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portlani Tiiimhiiitr at ttav imln l'0"1 tldC' " ' Oofiimhla river, Until (if tliOMni'Mc,,m7HJiClstSoll" and are In excellent sni.po fur li fgulWi The llt-KUlHIitr Mm-will ( i lmvori patrons the best service possum. For !utnr..rt, Kcniioiny ' u,Ut l.llltl. 'ho iteat.iers of tiie BwJ"'JJStf i lies ut 7 u. m. eominenulin.' iwawj ... ivt Tll( Dalle lust. Portland Ofllee. Oak tit. Dock, Court b1" txr n Allavrayi v v . v - - ((It FRENCH & CO, ritANHAOT A KNI!HALi.ANKINOB0 n II. l-oiw.d ttVailt""" Eaatorn awwo. Bight EkcliaugexT ndVort Sbic .1 Wm IndOtl. . Colleotloua made at an v" orabln teruii. - Ill UrVKUU - " , ..A .ill UU . ... , nr.. (llnizer Uinl.ltn. nvenl. ThO DAW'' I uuwuai f st.s. liegulator Dalles Cilj