J We are Displaying this week a line of tlio latest ehades in heavy suitings consisting of BROADCLOTHS, MELTONS, VICUNAS, KERSEYS, OCEAN SERGES. These are the (roods from which' the awellest tailor gown, jackets nnd wraps of all kinds arc being made for Fall and Winter wear. See Eust window display. Ladies' Separate Skirts. Silk and Wool Waists. Ladies' Separate Skirts in Homespnn, Drilliantine, Cheviots, Storm '?ercea, Broadcloth, Scotch Tweeds arid English Covert cloths. All tailor Hindu und finished in superior style, ranging in price from $2 25 up. Ladisa' Crepon Dress Skirts, $4 50 to $10.50. Ladies' Cloth Waisis in hlack and colors, full assortment of sizes at special low prices. Ladies' Black Satin Waists, $5.00 and $7.00. Jidvoe' Wool Waists, colors black, blue, red and green, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY OCTOBER 10, 18ft) Telephone No. J. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Plmmrock not in it. Columbia ton todus race by eleveu unmttes. 1'olyn coal, $0.50 a ten, delivered. Stirk'.man CormniBsion 'Co., 'phone 235. 14-2w The. nativity around Use warehouses tcdny ,is good to look upon. Wheat teaiue galore bnve been conning in all day. Littio Joeio Nickelsen, wtio line been bo dniierouely ill with icflnmuintory rheumatism, is reported somewhat bet' ter tod my. To ruiai or not to ruin, that ifl the ques tion. Whether it is better to drop b tlio geutJe dowB from heaven or"fce5 up and duet:" L. H. Ainsworth acted ue parser on the Regulator today, F. Iironsou 'being ft witness iu tiie caee now being tried at ancjuver. "A Breezy Time," which is to play at Cordray'e (taring tliis week, is the next iittrimtloii .tit the Vogt, being bilfed 'or next Monday evening. Don't put off your houee cleaninir till Hie rainy season begiuB, but get your PBint und paper from tlio Butler Drug Co. and "make hay whilo Iho buii shines." I'eaae & Maya today added two more clerks to their elllcient force. Mr. Win, Hoavor, of Shermao county, in the e'ething department, and Miss GiiBsle Mcintosh in uie dry goods department. A meeting of the League of American BporlBinen, for the protection of game al ihh, will bo held in Schanno'e hall ver Urown's grocery store, Tuesday n'glit. A full attendance is requested. Tlietoaro no files on the Flyer if she 08 Hy so fiiat that she reached Port ed ut 17 this afternoon, inaklDg the tr'l in uoven hours and seventeen inin u1b, including the stops at way stations. All those who have been invited to become members of the dancing club o requested to meet at the club parlors "'is evening at 8:30, when nil arrange jneutb will be perfected for its organUa lion. At tho grand lodge of Itathbono Sinters, Tit ",ut ,n rrt,and ek M" AHoe Croaeen, of this city, was elected manager of the temple. Mrs. willftH Brock was also elected excellent flnior. J?'6 pr,ce of 8,lnon lai moved up cents, cold-storage men belug be- 14 terved In Oysters r J KELLER. . w.v mvance, tm run is very Pease & Mays light, nnd, with the high price, it 5a probable that most of the canneries will shut loT7ii for the season. Astoriau. Dr. Kubb, one of Portland's prominent dentists, has bought Dr. Tat'kman's office, in the Vogt building. Hi work ia firat-elsiBS and prices reasonable. Gold tootli crowns and bridge work a special ty. Teeth filled and extracted painless. 12 The Halloween entertainraerria which the Congregational young ladies give each year are always enjoyable, and we are pleased to announce that litis year will not be an exception, but tliat they are preparing for another on "the evening o! tbe:30th. His friends were much pleased to again ee Capt. Jolineon at the wheel of the Dalles City when ehe came into the dock Saturday evening, lie having taken charge of Her while Capt. Short is attend ing court at Vancouver, as a witness in the Seivers case ngaiuet the D. P. & A. N. The Aintelope fair opens on Wednes day andomeof Tho Dulles local talent will lend to its success in the entertain ment lino. J. F. Hampshire Jeft yeB terday for that pluco and will give one of hid Tritii turns, which alwave take bo well. H was accompanied 4.y Dad linttp, who no doubt will execute the fat man's turn ; or fulfill hia duties as coroner und .ait upou the whole works. Have you smoked a clear Filipino ciar made ft qui the lincst sehctei to bacco which 1 .captured on the Ialo of Luzon? If not, you are behind the times, aB I have only n few High-MIe cigars left going .at 15 cents apiece, 2 for 25 cents, or $2.50 for a box of 25. Remember that tiie High-Life cigar in made from tho very beet Filipino tobacco. Factory No. 105, next to Baldwin saloon on Union St. Den Ulridi, Manf. H )wk Again do we find ourselves indebted to our friend, O. D. Taylor, for tho choicest box of grapes oi the season, and as the Ciiko.viclk force devours thorn, we not only greatly appreciate tlio gift, but the idea that we are not entirely forgotten, and that the good old days when everybody remembered the news paper olllee, have not entirely past. Tim young ladies, asj well ns the "boys" of the force will always remember the donor with the kindeet of feelings. Mrs. Otis Patterson came up from The Dalles to attend the funeral of Low Tillard und has remained Ginco through the urgent request of hor many friends, who are ever ready to extend her a welcome. During the many years as a resident of Jleppner, Mrs. Patterson was one quickest to respond to the comfort of those who needed a helping baud und, In consequence, finds those familiar with her kind consideration of others appreciative nnd devoted friends. Gazette. Although the early rains promised to put the range into the finest condition for tbe fall feed, the late weather has been a disappointment, and stock mon report unfavorable grass conditions ut the present time. The first raius started the grass to growing, and all over tho mountains, a well as ou the lower Not Only Our Way But Our Suits That's what makes this special sale of Men's suits of so much importance. You know before you see them that every suit is a Wonderful Bargain must be be to bo in our stock must be a popular stylo to bo in the sale now for it is a clearance sale of odd sizes. It isn't fair to the values to class these with anybody else's. They were hotter than any when at the regular prices. It's a chance you never get any where but here. Just think, in mid-season only, all winter before you to have the good of 'em. Single and double breasted, plain blue and black serges and cheviots, fancy worsted, tweeds, whipcords. There are none worth less than $12.00, some worth up to $18.00. The choice $5 FOR ONE We carry the largest stock of Overcoats and Top coats in Eastern Oregon. Ask to see our Warm back Ulster. See "Window. levels, the feed was beginning to attain a good growth. Rut the later warm, dry weather put a Btop to the growth and now the prospects are not the brightest for first-class feed for the sheep and cattle this fall. Agriculturalist. Two victims were the result of yester day's work in the plice quarters. Ed Phillips was arrested jy the marshal for drunkenness and put up $3 for his appearance tbia morning, but failed to arrive -eo the city is $3 better off. List night I'll inn an found a discharged soldier who must have thought he was chasing Filipinos from tbe way he was whooping it up. He was landed in jail, when he claimed he had been doped. It was discovered from papers in his pos session that he was dishonorably dis charged at Vancouver, having been a tnenrber oi the 39th Illinois regnlare. Chsplain W. S. Gilbert, of the Second regittent, Oregon volunteers, hae accept- tho call from tie Calvary Pres byterian church in Portland, and ere long will doubtless , be installed as suc cessor to the late ,Dr. Morrison. Chap lain Gilbert nerved with tbe Second Oregon: through ytho war In the Philip pines, and was the idol of every man in the regiment. The Thirteenth Minne sota, with wldeh the Second Oregon wac so closely associated much of the time, took equally as much pride in him and claimed liini as their own. 15 v maiiv it was said that Chaplain Gilbert was the only chaplain in the Philippines. There are varied opinions regarding the performance of "Variety Fair" at the Vogt Saturday night. Some eay it was decidedly meritleBS, others that It was fairly good, and one man said it was tho best thing of the kind that had been here for some time. Our reporter says lie went to seo a vaudeville show and that is what he saw without a doubt. It was Just what it was represented to be, and auyouo who read the bi lie knew what was coming. One thing certain the prices were not so exhorbitant that one felt like kicking himself for going, even if it didn't come up to expectations. While we regret to notice the de parture tomorrow for California of Mr. Henry W. Bills, we take pleasure in giving expression to the great esteem In which he is held in the community in which he has spent his time from early childhood. Among the little fel lows who were beginning to awaken concern (or their tendency to hoodlum ism, Henry was never found. Though early left an orphan, his terrible lack wa9 abundantly supplied in the loving care of his sister, and tho result was satis factorily shown in the outcome of his young manhood. Hie connection with the firm of Maier & Honton lias lasted for many years, and those who met him in business relations join with all of his old schoolmates and friends in be lieving that wherever he may bo placed, the promise of his boyhood will be abundantly fulfilled in a noble manhood, Iu spite of all the excitement over the famous Washington mines, Eastern Ore gon gets in her work at the Spokane Exposition and captures first prize, the 95 WEEK. Surapter exhibit taking the lead. And the display waB the finest collection of ore ever exhibited in the Northweet from Washington, Idaho, British Co lumbia and Oregon. There was c ri fiom the Golconda, near Surapter, which went $40,000 to the ton. Mr. Whealdon had some fine ore from tho Spimieh Gulch and Trout Creek mines and Mr Hodson sent a fine specimen which he picked up at the Golden Eagle, where Mr. Cradlebaugli is rnanazer. Beside Mr. W. had an exhibit of Gilliam county coal, which took first prize, a silver medal. He says this effort of Eastern Oregon has done any aaiount of good in her behalf, and that mining men ate all turning their thoughts our way While he was ttiero the Copper Queen mine, near Baker City, was sold to Eastern capitalists by Spokane dealers . Having chargeof a portion of theexhibit Mr. Whealdon was in a position to take notes.and he feelB greatly gratified at reeults. Thttt .Joyful Feeling With the exhilerating sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows tho uso of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to tlio few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and tlio cheap tubstituee sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. I'layed Out. Dull Headache, Paine in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverisimess, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impuro blood. No matter how it became bo it must lie purified in order to obtain good health. Acker'a Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or anv other blood diseases, It ia certainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakelev A Hough ton Druggists. That TlirolibliiB Hernial he Would;quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand of Bufl'erera have proved their matchlesH merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make puro blocd end strong nerves and build up your health, Easy to tako. Try them. Only 25 conte. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Uatti Iu Jour cneckt. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, ISfO, will be paid ut my office, Interest ceasos after Sept. Hth, 189'J. O. L. Piiiu.u'8, Countv Treasurer. Vr Hale. Five head good young horses, about l'JOO pounds; halter broke; will be sold reasonable. oc13-2'vk jLO. Mkinh. l''or Bui. Thirty thousand capacity saw and planing mill at a bargain, Address Jae, Young, box 1048, Portland Or. 14 10 Use Clarke & Falk's Itosafoatn for tho teeth. Jason's prait Jars. One Quart Two Quails MAYS & t- A A A A A A A. i "Harmony" CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskev is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUR MASU WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - A DISAPPOINTED AUDIENCE. Metropolitan Opera Company Trentert Tho Dalles Sliabhlly. The Chkonicli: has vowed lime and again ne-er to lend Us personal sanction to any performance until we know whereof we speak, all previous notices going in as ads. But this time we have the satisfaction of know ing that we were not the only mistaken ones, and misery always "lovea company." Every per son who attended tiie performance of the Metropolitan Opera Company upon its former visit to our city, felt justified iu recommending it to their friends, par ticularly so when their agent assured us that tliev carried tiie same company, comedians included, that they had be fore, only that tlio company had been augmented so that It numbered thirty five. When everyone interested en deavored to persuade him that no show could be given in Tho Dalles which is wortli more than 73 cents, he answered that he could not afford to play such a company for lees than if 1. In view of all these promises a good house greeted them Saturday night at the Baldwin, and were illy prepared to find but twelve persons in tlte company and only ono of the former cast, nnd costumes which were decidedly tawdry : and above nil to have them play as if they were asleop or practicing, tittering diiririL' tho entire performance. In tlio first place it was announced that tiro at Pocatello had destroyed their costume?, and that twenty "artists" had been sent on to Portland, ami tho lenience of the audience wue rtquoMed, And yet each I one had paid ifl with tlio expectancy of getting at least 50 cents worth. If they wore not iu a condition to play, why, iu Justice to tlioee who had lout their aid in securing an audience, anil in fact to all concerned, did tliey not emeu their engagement. Tho principal disappointment was that the comedians, who meant so much to tho peifoimanco, wore wanting. Wliilo tlio old farmer waa a splendid character anil hid specialties wero par ticularly appreciated, Princo Lorenzo did not compare with tho character as taken before. Hia "drunk" solo was certainly acted well, although ho a no singer. Iu fact thero were hut three singers In tho cast Will Rising, who is splendid Peppo, although ho was handicapped; tho tuvern keeper, who sings "A King of the Desert Am I," and the lady who took tlio part of the princess. "Rondeau" gives promise of making u good actor and lias a sweet voice. No one but their own managers are to blamu that the company spoilt its repu tation here by not cancelling it en gagement, und tho East Oregouian voices the sentiment of all when It says; "The Metropolitan Opera Company, which appeared iu Pendleton last night, not only suffered the loss of their co si tu. lies in the Pocatello opera huusu tire, but they lost their voices as well. An opera company has little excuse for ex istence so long as it Is short of costumes, voices, orchestra and chorus, "Peonle buv tickets tn mi nnnmlln L A' JC 7 AT,I r A" TAIA TATA tJTA". a soc per dozen 65c p dozen CROWE. The Dalles5 Or. reive operatic performance according fo just expectations. It will he profitable to the theatrical and operatic ptofession when these urinciples of just recom pense are recognized, and the patroniz ing public may depend upon traveling (companies alwavs performing their promises. "When a fire renders a company un able to do os they had promised, it would he according to business" honesty to cancel engagements until properties have been replenished, and not go along the line giving performances justly esti mated at about 25 per cent of what peo ple had been made to look foi." A rlRUUul Itltintler Will often cause a horrible burn, scild,cutor bruise. Bucklen's Arnica. Salve, the best in tho world, will kill: the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and oil pkin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. nnd 50 Cts, Blakeley & Iloughtrn. DruggiBiP, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is n scientific compound having tho endorsement of eminent physicians ond the medical prea It "iUl-psIb what you oat" and positively curesdyepepsia. M. A. Ketron, Blooiniiigdale, Teun., says it cured him of indigeston of ten years' standing. Butler Drug Co. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shnvings, corn cobs, hay or paot, Construction-Thl l mi air lllil lieu tt-r of tlio mill hluvt Kttvl tlii It Inn CAST IIIO.N I.I.NINllS, miiktni; it iluriitilo; aUi lm (rout fi'ctl iloor, ciibt lop Hint bottom nml oniiiiiiiu till wwIhk top, with t'ililillo cover umti'iuciitli, Nickeling It him idcki'lul urn, iiiiiiiu pinto unit foot mil. Wo have a complete ktcck ol llieia on liuml, mil nml tee our Mock before buj ins eltewlieie. maier & leqlou i: a 1 4 r performance. They are entitled to r-) WSBgWtH5rf;