The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 16, 1899, Image 1

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    vll) c Dalles
4 I
NO 58
Lire Boats LantcM sni Several fere
S earner Nutmeg State a Total Loss and
the Dead May be Many More Than
Are Now Known.
Nkw Youk, Chit. 14. TIib Bridgeport
Steamship Company's nteauier Nutmeg
State, which left Bridgeport at !i o'clock
this morning, caught fire three hours
liter o(T Execution Point light nnd was
totally destroyed. It id known ten hud
perished, seven of whom belonged to the
The Bteamer City of Lawrenco came
in Right soon after the (lro wbh discov
tired and etood hy to rescue the passen
gers and crew. The Nutiiin State's life
boats were launched to take the passengers-to
the Lawrence, but several cap and it is feared some of the pas
Hungers were drowned.
When Captain Brooks, discovered the
fire it waB burning briskly ami after
putting men to work to subdue the
flames, he ordered all steam put on and
headed for Sand Point, five miles away.
Meanwhile, intense excitement pre
vailed on board the vessel. After the
pasRcugerB had been transferred to the
Lawrence, Brooke turned the burning
vessel dead ahead for the beach and ran
liur ashore. Total damage to the ves
nul and cargo is estimated at $200,000.
Beat Kossland, Republic and Other
Towns at the Spokane Fair.
Si'oicank, Oct. 14. Oregon has much
reason to bo gratified at the result of re
wards made by the judges of minernl
exhibits ut the Spokane exposition.
Cjtnpetltlng with the- great districts of
British Columbia, Washington, Idaho
From a Pastor
"I nm the pastor of tho Baptist Church at
Tort Jervis, N. V., and sometimes am called
upon to tako part in evangelistic work away
from liome. JNot long
ago I went to Sandy
Creek, N. Y which is
swept by the damp
winds from Lake On
tario. Hcrolcontracted
a bad cough, and be
came so hoarse that I
could hardly
preach to my
It was not only
distressing in a
bodily sense,
but extremely
enter tho pulpit
in this condi
tion. I had
heard of Aek-
cr'B English Bomody and, after service, I
bought a bottle and began taking it. Tho next
night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv
ered my sermon without dlflieulty. In a few
days I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to
be my duty to benefit mankind physically as
well as Hplrituully whenever I can, and am
glad to wrllo theso words In praise of thi
grand old medicine. Those- with sonsltivo
throatsand thoso who catch cold easily should
certainly tako Aokor's English Remedy."
(Signed) Kuv. Eziu Tkhuy Sankoud.
Hold at leo., Mo. nnd f 1 a bottle, throughout tho United
HUtiuud Canada i and In U.2cl,,s.M.,
.M. ltyounrenotiatUOmlfttter tiuylut!. return tuo
bottle to your druggUt and got jour money bacic
We authorise the above guarantee.
W. tt. MOKEK it CO., rroprkton, A'tw York.
Blakeley & Houghton.
" Absolutely touRE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
and Montana, the ores of Sumpter die
drict, in Eastern Oregon, were given
first prize by the committee on awards.
The display of minerals at Spokane this
year was by far the most elaborate and
complete of any yet made in the north
west, and that a district so recently
brought into prominence should easily
tako first honors in this great exhibit is
regarded as remarkable. The prize
winning exhibit was in charge of Paul
E. Poindexter, of Sumpter.
Several Sumpter properties have been
taken over recently by Spokane capital
ists, and companies are being formed
here for their development. Spokane
enterprieo and capital ato teaching out
over tho great mineral regions oi the
northwest, regardless of state or intt -nutional
boundry line.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of the brave General Burnham of
Machias, Me., when the doctors said
she could not live till morning," writes
Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought she
in n st soon die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
saying it had more than once saved her
life, and had cured her of Consumption.
After throe email doses she slept easily
all night, and its further use completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 1
Tongue's Sentiments as to Transvaal.
IIiLi.siiouo, Or., Oct. 14. Congress
man Tongue yesterday received a dis
patch from the New York World re
questing his signature to a petition ask
ing Piesident McKinley to tender his
services Jor the maintenance of peace
between England and the Transvaal He
public. Mr. Tongue sent a reply sub
btantially as follows :
"I authorize tho use of my name to a
petitio l to President McKiuley request
ing him to tender his services iu any
manner necessary in bringing about
peacti between England and tho Trauc
vaul Republic, houorableto both partler,
iiad consistent witii the political and
civil rights of the inhabitants of the
Siiln'B Greutcat IS'ecil.
Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C.
Weak nerves had caused severe pains in
the back of his head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest Blood and
Nerve Ileuiedy, nil pain soon left him.
tie says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri
ties the blcod, tones up the stomach,
Blienglhenq the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
guai anteed, .only 50 cenlB. Sold by
Blakoley & Houghton, drusruifte.
S ck Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation
nnd indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money buck. "5 cts. and 50 uts.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?.
Pour Thousand Perished.
Amstkuuam, Oct. 12. A dispatch to
tho Mtindetsblrtd from Balaviu, c.ipital
of Java, says a violeut earthquake has
visited tho south side of the island of
Coram, next to tho largest of the Moluc
cas, between Bioroo and Papua, com
pletely destroying the town of Atuhel
und killing inatu'nlly some 4000 people,
ns well iih injuring some 500 others.
The dispatch says details of tho disaster
have not yet been oblained.
Uiiutilo Train Htirvloo to Hum KruucUco,
()u October 15th the Southern Pacific
Co. will inaugurate a "Daylight Ex
press," leaving Portland ut 8:30 a. m.,
and reaching San Frnuclsco at 7 :45 next
evening enly ono night out. Both
standard Pullman and tourist sleepers
will be attached. This new train is in
addition to the present 7 p. m. Shasta
Overland, and will give many passengers
the desired opportunity to see enroute
the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac
ramento Valleys without loss cf time,
and still arrive in Oakland and San
Francisco at a seasonable hour.
Talks to the Ladies.
My experience has taught me that
ladies who Buffer with diseases peculiar
is their sex dread a visit to the doctor's
office, knowing that they will be sub
jected to examinations and local treat
ments that to them is more embarrass
ing than their weak, delicate conditions,
and that for theso reasons they endure
in silence. These facts came to me when
I first began my profession and caused
me to search for and at last discover a
reliable Bystem of ascertaining the cor
rect condition of every organ in the
female anatomy by Electrical Elood
Curnlation and neive reading, thus dis
carding the old mode of diagnosis. New
discoveries are always doubted and crit
icised. But if you wish to convince
yourself that my claims for electrical
disease readings are just, call on me at
my ofliee. I will describe your every
ailment to you without asking a question
better tiian you could describe them to
a friend. My proprietary treatment can
be used at your own home, by yourself,
without detention from your household
duties. Working girls and others can
use my system without neglecting their
labors. Call and find out for yourself.
Styser, the Elkctiuc Dot'TOlt.
Obarr House until and Including Sat
urday, Oct. 21.
Advice and Electric disease reading
free. Hours from 10 a. iu. to 4 and 7 to
8 p. in. daily.
He Scattered Everything Before Him as
Far as Itnus.
Washington, Oct. 14. The following
cablegram from General Oiis has been
received at the war department :
"Manila, Oct. 14. Schwau's column
swung into luius from Las Marinas yes
terday morning, camped at Bacoor laet
night; has scattered insurgents who
were probably retiring by detachments
on Indang. Condition of tho roads pre
vents further pursuit. One hundred and
twenty-live meu, Thirty-seventh volun
teers, under Major Chetham, drove the
insurgents south and westward from the
town ol Muntintupa yesterday, pursuing
them several miles. Troops retired to
Bacooe last night by Z.ipoto river roads.
Lost three men killed, two wounded,
otic missing.
"Schwan's movement Is very success
ful, inflicting heavy loss on tho men and
property of the southern insurgent army.
He leports their caeulties at 200 killed
and 400 wounded; their stored supplies
"Younir. in moving from Arava north
anU westward yesterday, scattered insur
gents, who retired northwest. His cas
ualties are three slightly wouuded ; con
siderable store of grain captured."
Millions of dollars, is the value pieced
by Mrs, Mary Bird, Hnrrlsburg, Pu,, on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, It cures all coughs, colds
and throat and luug troubles. Butler
Drug Co.
TMr Forces Bate Bssn Rejnlssl Scl
eral Times.
Burghers arc Determined and Insist
This Time That the Settlement
Must be Conclusive.
London, Oct. 14 The Exchange Tel
egraph Company received a dispatch
from Cape Town dated this morning
saying the Boers have blown up another
armored train carrying telegraph opera
tors from Mafeking. The Boers, it is
reported, have seized a railroad station
north of Fourteen streams, between
Vreyburg and Kimberley. Fighting is
still continuing in the neighborhood.
According to dispatches from the front,
the Boers have made several attacks
upon Mafekinr, all of which have been
repulsed. In connection with the ru
mored attack upon Mafeking, a dis
quieting report comes from Pretoria to
the effect that the Lichtenburg and Mari
co commands have crossed the border
and entered the Rooigrond territory
between Lichtenburg and Mafeking,
blowing up a bridge over the Maloppo
river and destroying a trainload of dyna
mite and the track. As Mafeking de
pends upon Rooigrond for its water sup
ply, the significance of this move is
A dispatch from Pretoria dated Oct.
14 says: "General Koch wires from
Natal border that his command has oc
cupied Boluhas pass and also captured
the railway station."
Latest reports from Vreyburg say the
armored train that was destroyed at
Kraaipan contained, in addition to Nes
bitt's force, a number of workmen and
six residents of Marigogo, south of Mafe
king, who, on hearing of tho Boer ad
vance, took refuge in the train.
The following dispatch from Lidy
smitli has been received at the war office:
"Sir George Stewart White went in
tho direction of Vaureemau's pass at 3
a. m. (Friday) but failed to draw the
Boers to the pass. He returned to Lady
smith, where ho is new. No engage
ment occurred."
On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev.
S. A. Douahoe, pasior M. E. Church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted
a severe cold which was attended from
the begiuiiing by violent coughing. He
B.iye: "After lesorting to a number of
so called 'specifics,' usually kept in the
house, to no purpose, I purchased a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which acted like a charm. I most cheer
fully recommend it to tho pu'illo." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists.
"I wish to express my thanks to tho
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera mid Diarrhoea Remedy, for
having put on the market such a wonder
ful medicine," says W. V. Massingill.
of Beaumont, Texas. There are many
thousands of mothers whoso children
have been saved from attacks of dysen
tery nnd choler.i infantum who must
also feel thankful. It is tor ealo by
Blakeley & Houghton Drtiggiste.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon mid
batn paints manufactured by James E,
Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date (iroeer
Fresh Eggs and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
fttsf fV -.ft -wflr ?Ar fl flr vAf ?r
iKfc " resuw uu rips ireu ui cuarge.
II -I . C I
Today we mention
which it will pay you to see if
you are in the market.
uery pair uarai)td
Misses' and Children's Kid and
Kangaroo Calf Shoes, with good
plump soles, comfortable round
toes, neat plain or patent leather
S:zcs 8K to 11 $1.t0
Sizes te 2 1.25
Misses' and Children's Box-calf
and Seal Goat shoes; the moEt
suitable leather to bo had for win
ter ehoee, and especially satisfac
torv for children's wear.
Sizes Sy, to 11 $1.25
Sizes li;a to 2 1.50
These shoes are made of special
ly selected stock and are guaran
teed to giye
Perfect Satisfaction
or money refunded,
Free-Writing Tablets Free
A. M. Williams & Co.
STnimTrmfiTmif irrnniTifmTiriTnTrnii
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle.
Select your wants from the lar- my.
gest Etock ih town. W
Our Assortment of
merits everyone's attention who
has a boy to clothe. j&
We have suits as cheap as a dol- E
lar and others as high as seven
fifty for the hove, but the lines we JfiSi
.S...l..1.. -.1 1 t 1
particularly renumuieiiii tur euiiuui
wear are those selling at
Why? Because every suit at
these prices is made of good, de
pendalbe, all wool cloth ; have
pants made double at seat and
knees, nnd every seam is sewed
with silk and linen thread, and is
Not to rip.
give a new suit free for
one bought of these lines
everyone bough
that fails to give perfection satis
faction. School Bags Free.
dob Ptunteps.