":J.r' 'JKr w Mt IT 5sJr j 'jstCi tSh-fitifi Acts gentlv on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEaN5ES THE 5Y5TEM , EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JrTfi? ' PERMANENTLY IT5 Bu J DUy THE GENUINE - MAM'F'D By (AUfvRNIA TG SYRVP(S THE OTHER SIDE. One Who Thlutt 1U Opinion of .lluht' KllOWH filVI'S ni4 31 enionts. The Dam.es, Oct. 13. 1S99. To the Editor : In the Oreponian of Oct. 12th, cnntuinini: Mi account of The Dallec-Celilo portage railroad, that hiph ly respectable j lurnal seems to take it for granted th.it where there ia much emnke there must of necessity be a lit tle lire. Now, we who live close to the fc-iie of supposed action, and have, so to epeak, the whole field of activity (?, under our eyes, have seen no 125 men, or any other number of men at work on the grading (if tin- portace railroad, and it is nut likely that anybody ever will eee them. This is about the time of the year when Paul Mohr always makes a little disturbance, or rather as much disturbance as he nan to let people know iie is not dead, and the reason is this: Every year for 20 years an "open river" tcheme has been agitated bv the farmers of Eastern Oregon aud Wash ington, just after they have hauled and marketed their crops. With the leisure which follows ihin part of their annual work, the remembrances of theirsweat toilin1.', dusty work of Inuilin,' their whfat still fresh upon them, and the Jieavy tribute to the railroads, which tlmy have paid, Btill vividly painful, they take up the contemplation of a echeme for opening the Columbia ; pub lic meetings to memuralizj congress, meetings for farmers' portage railroads, etc., are evo'ved, and ab.iut this time J'aul Mohr regularly appears upon the wciene witli a handful of s-urveyore who Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most in tense suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this diBnbling disease, and are to-day worse off than tver. Rheumatism is a blood disease, tnd Swift's 8peciflo is the only cure, be cause it is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A few yearn ago I was taken with inflamma tory Rheumatism, which became bo lntenso that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treat ment faithfully, but was unable to get tho slight est relief. In fact, my con. dltlon Boomed to grow woriu, the disease Bproail over my entire body, and from November to JIarch . I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, hut none relieved mo. Upon the advice of a trie inena i neciaea to irv 8. 8. B. Bcfon. allowlns mo to take it. how- ver, my guardian, who was a onemu;, ana- ! lyzcil the remedy, and pronounced it free of moiaan or mercury, l leu ut niucn nxier aiier tscinK two bottlPK, mat 1 continued uw rem "iy.andtn twomonthHl waacuredcomplntely. The cure was permanent, for I have never alnco bd a touch nf Uheumatlsm thouffh many 'Ainiuespcged to damp and cold weather Ki.uakor Jl. TxrrKLL, 3711 Fowelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't sutler longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils nnd liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash ana mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. SS.S.rfh, Blood will cure perfectly and permanently. It iu guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mulled free by Swift BjKiciflo Co., Atlanta, Ga. ran lines, take a few rights of way (where they cost nothing), writes news paper articles discouraging government projects (because that would make his right of way worthless) or encouraging farmers to build a portage railroad of , their own, so that ho may unsaddle the burden he lias been carrying so long. I TltnoQ tlwt intinrtant CrntMn t T. olmtllil ! not let itself cat excited over these an- ff'5imm' recurring demonstrations. Wo "ore i" J-iiu iJanes uuuersianu iniu una I phenomena is strictly periodical and oc c ,ra regularly and indeed contemporari L I 1 v with liarvpflt tinw. Indeed, we should misfl It very much if it did not happon regularly every year. We have gotten used to it, and besides for a few days it adds something to the receipts of the ! hotels aud the attaching saloons. The only respect in which this spurt differs from others is in the fact that this year a new company has been or gjn'ssri, and that it has made a new location, differing very much from the location of the old portage railroad com pnny, ami parelleling it between the big eddy and Celilo. Those who a:e familiar with the old portage railroad scheme will remember that its eastern terminus was at Columbus and its west ern terminus nt Crates Foint, and that it was 22 miles long, instead of 10 miles, which is the length of the recently sur veyed line. A member of the surveying corps when asked recently why the new loca tion was made answered that he under stood that the old Columbia River Hail road & Navigation Company was so com plicated with debts and litigation that the new company could not afford. to either wait for an adjustment of its a' fairs nor afford to pay wbat they ask'ed for their right pf way, and he claims that the new company has nothing to do with the affairs of the old company, and that Mr. Mohr was employed by the new company to work out a new scheme on account of his familiarity with the situation, while Mr. Mohr hiinself.when he was directly asked the question, seem ed to bear out the statement that nothing is likely ever to be done with the old company on accountof its complications. Faun Rickejiouk. OUR CHURCHES. Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. II. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. St. Paul's church Rev. Geo. Leslie, pastor. Holy coinmuuion at 9 n. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer nnd sermon at 7:!50 p. m. Sunday school at 12:15, noon. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. rn.; Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening service 7:30. Morning subject: "A Rare Yet Beautiful Thing in Chiiilian Life." Evening: "One Against Five Hundred." Service at the Me'.hadist Episcopal church tomorrow at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. in. Ulysses F. Hawk, the pastor, will occupy the pulpit. The morning theme will be "True Catholicity." Evening theme, "Tho Immortality ol Love." Sunday School at 10 a. m. Class meet ing at 12:lo p. m. Junior League at 3:30 p. m. Epworth League utG:30 p. m. iieutlemanly ushers will assist you to litT.tj. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if you take Claiku & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Aek your uroeer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated lUvoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved JIagazino cyclones at ".Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Waeco warehouse. Finest .kind of chicken feed. nich25-tf Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cureejlieart-burii, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little ...t.i.. t it-. .n . la"mk k,C0 o ete. ami oil eta . Blakeley & Houghton, drug- ik111"1 Kod'il Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because Its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it ns a mister remedy for all Disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thnmne, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs, Mary Bird, Hurrisburg, I'd., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the uie of One Minute Cough. Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Waro tiouie. tf BURIAL INNOVATION. florae 1,'p-to-Dntp Women In France llnvc rntl-tlenrera of Their Own Sex. The women of Avesnes-lez-Aubcrt, n little hamlet that lies white under the blue skies of northern France, indiffer ent to the events of this life, insist with an energy that 1ms drawn tho atten tion of nil France on arranging t; suit themselves the ceremony of their going hence. They have decided that from now on, they shall be curried t. their burial no longer by men, but hj women. In pursuance of this deci sion, they recently opposed the burl: i of one of their number by ordinary routine, and ashed that it should It j done as they desired. This was not . o easy. France is a land where all t! i men are functionaries, and where eaib j believes that if he is ousted the wheels , of the universe will stop. The r.n then insisted; the women were i'.vr. ; the police intervened, llenee senmbi. The battle remained with the women, and they will have their own way ir. the future, for they have decided that henceforth their written testament shall express in the matter their for mal desire. This little episode has nothing to do with women's rights ns officially un derstood. The women of Avesnes-lcs-Aubert probably never heard of fomi ninism. It is not an innovation, but a matter of sentiment and a return to the past. There is an old tradition in the country that the women shall bury the women. The men have invaded, usurped nnd raised into n public func tion n pious duty that formerly be longed to the women, and which tin women wish to resume. And those who have seen it say there is no more touch ing spectacle than this of a woman car rying their own to the tomb. Among the winding paths of pasture laud tl white coffin of some young uirl isbriu by these of her own iige, while the pines mill tin 'infl litnl.i mi.ln iimIiiiI - mucin in their ears, nnd the horizon seems t j widen and stretch away to infinity. And the wheels of the universe continue to turn an if there had never been any functionaries in the world. Cincin nati Enquirer. Gonct Worl: Ilnrsea Tor .Sale. I will be at Saltmarsha's stockyards with 15 head ot vvoik hories by the 18th of October. out 12 IS Emit. Stkoujik. Cheater II. Brown, Kalamaxio, Mich., saye: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure eured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can trongly reuotumend it to all d vspupties." Uiu2Sts what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can be eured Aeker'a Dyspepsia Tablets. hy One little. 1'rtblet will pivo iimuediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 23 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. "It did me more ood than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," writes S. B. Keener, Hoisingtbn, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what vou eat. Butler Drug Co. E,t plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat. It euros ail forms of dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E, K. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., savs, "It relieved me from the start and cured me. ! It is now my everlasting friend." Butler i Drug Co. Acker's English Bemedy will etopn cough at any time, arid will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 20 ete. arid 60 eta. Blakeley it Houghton, druggistp. To C'iii-h u Cold in Olio Day. Take Laxative B.-omo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 'Joe. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last, have them. paints that are Clarke & Falk Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line of paint nixl artist's brushes. JUS. OLIVIA W. PljGflfl, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dulle. DuGUNN'S ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS TUrooM PlmpV., Prorent U linaM.Iurlfy thulllwjd. Vuro ItemUclio an I l..i-t,..i. uiwuinu bu, rniia. f. I?RKO. V.WiIOS, V ATIOK.SKV.AT LAW, . TIIK UXUI.HH, OUKODN. (jflJco ovei Firat Nat. liiuli. V H IIUKTIMOTON II N WILSON Hl UNTiNOTOK Ji WIUUN. ATlUHfiK in AT LAW, ilir. VAl.l.v.r., utCUJ fflceoer j'jrttNat. Hauk Admiral George Dewey Will rccclvo tho most royal welcome- on Oct. 1st nest, that wm ever accorded to an American :ltlicn. You will Had a completo blogmphy or this pent hero, including hU brilllaut victory over tho Bpau Ish licet in tho groat, authoritatlvo and up 'vdate work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This is tho only encyclopedia on tho market that mentions Admiral Dawcy. It gives tho dato ot hla birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho part ho took In tho Civil War; how after the War he.wos employed on tho European station; In tho Naval Academy; his rise to tho ranlc of Commander and President of tho Board of Inspection and Burvcy; his command of the Asiatic Squadron; how on April 27th ho left Hong Kong with his squadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; his appointment as Actiuc Hear Ad miral, the honors ho received from Courrrcss, and how on March 2nd, ho was created full Ad- mUI Tf minV. nf Mm na n alrlM rltcMnllnilHlin. i an n,'.around athlete, a darlne horseman and ' . i -t i i..v. m huntsman, and coclally a good club man and a general favorite. It tolls of his marrlago to Miis Eusy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In 1872, leav ing a ion, George Goodwin Dewey. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and Ecores of other noted personages not e7cn mentioned In any other Kncycloadla recclvo tho eamo attention ia this edition of tho Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry as Governor-General of Porto Rico ; of Agulnaldo's declaration of War against the V. S. you HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge nnd progress, wherein Infor mation la more cosily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia in tho world, IN YOUR HOME. 70S 8 ALE BI I. C. NICKELSEN, Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. O$0'C-.o$Om Conatructlon-TliM i mi iilr liKlil lii-iilur ol tlm iivtil Blifi-l mid t;pu. It In L'AhT IIIO.N U.NINiiH, iniiklim It ihirulilo; nlvi li mm trout iced door, oust top und holtoin mid nriiumeiitiil hhIiik top, with Kiiihlly eortr iiinleincuth, Nlokellntf-Ithmi nickeled urn, nmiii) pliitoiinil rontritll. Wi-hnvua enmpluio HUxk of ttium on Imnd, ohII Mini ktc our utovk U-fnre huylin; eUuwhcre. lilaier i Benton JTK- (IKISKNIIOKKKCU Physician und Surgeon, Hpcelal attention (riven lo nursery. Uoomii 21 und a, Tel.aa vmt liloo J JA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco oyer r iench i Co.'n Hunk C THE DAI.I.lCi, OHIUJON OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural and AjricDlloral Products of Oregon, Washington nnd Idaho in reater vaiiely and pro fusion than ever before. BENNETT'S Renowned MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America'. i Greatest l.nly Cornut S.ilolstt. The t'iitiiliilUil FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrnli-its, illnvt (rum tlm Umpire Theater, London, their tttht appearance la America. A Great WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE t'liMirpanul Aerliilbts, In their thrilling net. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great S'urpriFes and Adtoutidln.' 1'eatH. Kedtici'il linti'f mi All l.lllt'R. 1 r uti i ii r tut I A II.M IHSION 3ft Cunt Children under 12 yciirn, 10 ccutfl. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave und are due to arrive nt l'nrlhu LEA VI!. OVKltl.A.Vl) K.. uri-.i. hal'.'in, liiifv 1mm, AhIiIiiikI, Hun-1 rniiicnto, Onik'ii.buu ! Kriiticlseo, Moluvu, ( 9:15 A. Jl. Uih AiiffeluiitKl I'riho. I New Urluiuib noil ,00 r. ji, j I Kiwt J i u.-io i it Itoschurg mid woy t-tn-i A. Ji.t,nI1H ! l:r,o I'. Jl I f Via Woodbura tori Dnllr I Jlt.Angul, Hllvurton, Daily except ,( Went ho went beio, JiniwriK- except Hiiiidiiy.s i I vllle.riprliiKlielil and I handiiys. t V."U(iou 17:30 A. Ji. jCorviillix Intiitloiis am! vuyj 6.aly INDlll'KNlJKNCK I'AHSKNCEU. Kxprusn train Dully (except buiiilny). l;W)p.m. (l.v. ,,.1'ortlaiid ...Ar.) R:t!5n.m ji p. in. ai .vcjiinnvlilu. .l.v. fi;.'jO, in H ;.')") p. in. iAr.. .Ilidcieiulciii' in. Dally. tPmiy, except nunaay. Dt.Vl.Nli OA KB ON t)(il)KN HOL'TK. l'UbUIAK 11UKKKT KI.KKl'KHH AND KKOOND-tJbAHri BI.ICEl'INO CAIth AttHchHl to idl Thriiinih Trulim. Direct coiiili-etlon nt Him Krnnelhco with Hr-itt dentiil mill Oriental mid 1'iirIIIc mall uteumnhlp. Illlvh llir JAI Ail III1U Vj 11 li a. tiuunif; lllllU.1 on ll plll'lltlOll. KatoH nnd tickets to Knitern joints nnd Ku rotv. AIko JAHAN, CHINA, HONOLULU ant A I'BTKA 1,1 A. All aljovo triilns iirrlvci nt mid df'inrt Irorr (imnd Central Hhitloti, Filth nnd Irvmi; htrceU YAJIH1I.L IIIVIHK1N. 1'iikheiiKvr Depot, (wit o( Jeilerou hlreel. liive (or Hticrldnn, week diiy, at l:ao p. ui Arrive at i'ortlmid, 'J::a) a. in. U'nve lor Alltl.lK on Jlondiiy, Wednesdny nnd KrliiHy at h:X a. m. Arriv" nt I'ortliuid, Tin. wv, i iiurruity iiiiu niuuniui II i:u.j p. ill. Kxcept Kiiudiiy. "Except Baturdiiy. K. Ki. KSl.EK, (i, (I. JIAKirilA.M, jlmuuer. Ami, (i. K. A 1'iikt.. AKt ThroiiKhTleket Olllcc, 131 Third htreet, whur uirmimi iiesoui to mi iMiintH m the KHhtern Bt.iteH,(,miii(liuind Europe can he nhtutued Hi inncnv mien jriiin .rN.tViniK1"'111"' NOriCH OF FIXAl. SETTLEMENT. Mitloal.i hereby clvun (hut tho mnlerolKiifd, iiilmtiihlnurlxol lliu ent.iloot Dr. W. E. Itlnu hurt, dm-iiK'l, hut tiled her limit Bccoiint iik n.n.ii m me imiiiiy o jurr, in tne Ntnto of Oregon, lor WiiM'O coiiiily.mnl Hit-court hits nppoiiited ii",,A"".y 'o'lHi'li'yiifNnv., INK), nt tho hour ',,.;"!'., ",, " '" at tlie county court mom in I ulles (, ty, Oreiron. n tlm tmio mid phioo tor tho heurliiL'mid .ettleineiit thereof. All pemoiiH liUcre-itcd In mild citato Hro hereby reoulud to apiii'iiriitHild time mid nluconnd present Iheir .li ectloiii,, U uiiy tlu-y huyo, to mild limit no count or uiiy of iliu IIi-iiim thereot. Dullca City, Or.. Kept IM. Ivl'l, opr.,, ,:M,''V1,K,'l,:il,!x. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. '.a&arfclfl.c,8l!y dlROHts the food and aids BtruotlnBthc eiBi "h&i'"" I TnJ V8 t,h0 test discovered digest ant and ton c. No other preparation DmlLh iM ?,nd Pnnont1y cures atUlonce. HnuTtJ:""i"t ",'" oy t. C. gtWItt Co.. Chleaaa. ii a. a. & a . Ilutler DniK Co,, The Dulles, Ortgon, ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run evory dnj Telephone 201. g W. A. CATES, Prop. 0 ...GHJis. m Butchers and Fsfrnetts ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnnrrlit the relelirnlnt edged the licst beer In The lnllc.. at the usual price. Come In, try ltiind he rou vltictf1. Alu the FliifNt brands o( WInux, U-mnr and Clgnrs. Sandtxuehes of all Kinds always nn hand. The Busy Store. Eticb tiny our business shows the pcoplu nre fiiHlmc out wc are puslitiig to the front wilb better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, anil Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Tie Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' Sirs. Dully (except Stinduv) ln'iwccn The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locke, Vancouver and Portland. Touchliiff nt wny tioln's on l"tli Mof of,M Oolaiiililu river Until of tlin nhnvn Hteuniers Imve lice" frtJlU und are in excellent fcliupo (or Hie n'unuii oi ij The ItfiruUtor I.tim will iMiiIcuviir togivei" pHtroim the Dent hervico posmiiie. l or Comfort, Kcnoiny nml 'l"t.!.l tiiivui by thu DtciiinorH ol inn nh" Tho Monmcru ol tho Ueciilulor l.lii nntlu ut 7 u. m. cominoiielin; Jlumli) I'ortliind Olllce. Hio ' Z7m Oak Bt. Dock. W. C. Allaway, Uoncra AP"1 FRENCH & W., BANKERS. miKINlB rilANHAOT A JKiNEllADHAMvio- " .... lU fi.ii.ni r rirflillt iHBiiod ttvailauie m Eastern Stotes. ,,.nhie Transfers sold on New York. , OWg; St. Louts, San Francisco, 1 ort Una (( tilirht Exohanee ata Ron, Seattle whbu,, aim r I. n Oregou anu WttBiiiiii!""" Collections ina'Je at all l'ils on oraliln terms. TlmXnl Udrrilll'fl P,ue Gimrer For sale at all ilrst-elfs Hwjj,, .'Stubllng, agent, TlioDiillffl.