e l)c Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1899. NO 57 BOERS DESTROY ARMORED TRAIN An! K'U Fifteen EiiElisi Troops South PREPARING TO ATTACK CITY Londoners arc Unjustly Disposed to Liken the Action of Boers to That of Blowing Up the Maine. London', Oct. Hi. The Evening News publishes the following dispatch from CupoTown: "Armored train hns been destroyed soutii of Mafekiug. Filteen Hritish troopB killed. Boors shelled the wreckage ufter the truin was destroyed. " An ofliuial disputuh received at the Colonial office Bays: "Armored truin whh destroyed near Krunipan. station while on way to Mafekiug with cutis." This disposes of the fear that many women and children were involved in the dieaetcr. London, Oct. 1.'!. A dispatch from Paris lalo this afternoon says the Iioere, with twelve guns, ure preparing to as eauit Mufokinx. London, Oct. 13. The announcement that Hoe re destroyed an armored train on the western border of the Tri'iisvaul is calculated to bring home to the "man-in-the-street" the realities of war. At tempts are made to liken the occurrence to the blowing up of the (J. S. battle nliip Maine in Havana harbor, bat that event occurred 4n times of peace. The Boers wore doubtless within their rights us belligerents, if they are responsible for the destruction of the train. London, Oct. IS. A notable change in the position of it 11 airs is the presence of the Boers at Martiboga, -15 miles south of Mafekiug, which seems to Indlcuto that thoy are endeavoring to get Colonel Iladen Powell between two fires. The gravity of the Boer advance can lie better estimated when it is realized that tney will thereby cut the railwoy and telegraphic communications to the north, isolating several British positions which must be speedily relieved. De spite optimistic reports of tlio ability of Mafekiug to repel attack, the greatest anxiety prevails hero regaidlug the tita nium there, as it is known the redoubt' able commundant, Gronjo, who captured the Jameson ruidere, has the strongest force yet put into the field, with the exception of Comtnandant-CTenural Jou bert's force. Conje's troops number between 9000 and 10,000 men. The position in Natal hus not materially changed. Boers Issue a Manifesto. 1'uktoiua, Oct. 12. Via Lorenzo Mar que. An official manifesto has just been addroBsod to Afrikanders through out SjuUi Africa appealing to them to resist the "unjust demands of Great Britain," and accusing Lord Salisbury, Mr. Chamberlain and SirAlfred Milner of treachery. It blauios the queen for condoning what it describes as "Cham bjrlnin'u criminal policy," and declares tliut "the clear desire and object of Great Britain is to doptlvo the Trans vaal of independence jbn account of the gold mines of the Hand." The manifesto says Great Britain of fered two alternatives': "Fivo-year fran chise of war," and tl)en goes on to Bay : "The dllToronco between the two gov ernments of two years on the trnmihise question is considered by hor majesty's government sufficient justification for an endeavor to swallow two republics." In conclusion, it reminds the Afrikanders that "God will assuredly defend the tight." The manifesto ia signed by Kelt:, sec retary of Htate. A million copleB will bo printed in Dutch and English. l'revnutnil 1 meetly. Timely information given Mrs, George louk, of New Btraitevllle, Ohio, pre- Royal Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAL MKIHfl POWDER CO., KtW VOBK. vented a dreadful .tragedy und saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She bad tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing nil throat, cheBt htid lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottie guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. 0 Yacht Race Again Postponed. Nuw Yoke, Oct. 13. The prospects for a race between Columbia and Sham rock in the present series of contests for America's cup were not bright af7 o'clock this morning. The Bnme old fog hung over the upper bay, although there was more life in the air and the waters were not as glasslike ne on previous days. What little wind was blowing came from the Northwest. At 10:30 the wind had not increased to any appreciable extent and a dense fog settled over the course, There being no prospect of a clearing the race was postponed until tomorrow. YOUNG LADY'S SAD EXPERIENCE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS FORTUNE- TELLING. A very funny story was told yesterday by Stryner, the electric doctor, obout a young lady who came ,to him while at Astoria to have her fortune told by electricity. She had heard of his re markable ability in . reading diEeaseB by that method, and must have presumed the rest. When accosted the doctor said: "Why, Miss, I am not a fortune teller." "Oli ! you are not. I am so sorry, for I wonted to know who i was going to marry." To this Sty.ner smil ingly replied : "That would be hard to tell ; it might bo Tom, Dick or Harry, for all I know. "Oh! doctor," ex claimed the young lady in surprise, "How did you know all their names?" The electric doctor is never unreason able in his cluime,and promises nothing hut what ho feels can be accomplished. When ho trents eicknoss by electricity tie biniply practices what scientific iceeurch lias tuught him. Stynor is willing to pay any doctor $1000 reward if he can prove his e'tc tricil diagnosis an unreliable method of reading disease, lie courts investiga tion from all interested in his work. Advice and electro disease reading free. Honrs 10 a. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. Obarr Hotel, until Oct 21st. Nervous and chronic diseases of both men and women can bo cured by elec tricity, and cured to stay. For the Oregon Industrial 'Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon Sept. 20 to Oct. 20, tho Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co, will make a round trip rate of $8.25, which will also include two ad mission coupons to tho exposition. Tickets will be cood going on train No, 1 on Wodnosday, Sept. 27th, and every Wednesday thereafter, and for train No. 3, on Thursday. Sept. 23th, and every Thursday thereafter to and including Thursday, Oct. 20th. Tickets will bo limited for return passage to expire the Sunday niifht following the Wednesday or Thursday on which ticket is sold. 25-1 in Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is u scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicians and tho medical prese. It "digests what you eal" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloomiiigdule, Tenn., says it cured him of indlgeston of ten years' standing. Uutlor Drug Co. LARGE SALE OF WHEAT Sixty Thousand Bushels at La Grande at About Fifty Cents. L.v Gicande, Or., Oct. 12. The largest sale of Grande Ronde wheat for the sea son is that just made to Portland buy ers by A. B. Conley, the local wheat king, in which 00,000 bushels were de posed of. Mr. Conley hus not yet inado known the price, but says that the buy ers came to his terms. Since it has al ready been announced that he held for fifty centp, it is supposed that he did not nceive less. There vn9 some disagreement as to quality of wheat to be included in the sale, the buyeis refusing at first to pay the same for the Montana red as for the bluestera, or fortyfold, but the entire lot finally went atone price, that being the only way in which Mr. Conley would sell. He would not have sold at all but for the fact that it was neceaaary to make room for the crop now being threshed. He findB on his return that it will be necessary to dispose of 10.000 to 20.000 bushels more, as the yield lias been greater than he expected. He will hold 00,000 bushels, the capacity of the warehouses, for the spring market. ISUmurck'x Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy, for having put on the market end) a wonder ful medicine," eays W. V. Mnssingill. of Beaumont, Texas. There ate many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for eale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. On tho 10th of December, 1807, llev. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "After resorting to a number of so called 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acteJ like a charm. I most cheer fully recommend it to the u'-jllc." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Volcanic Kruiillous Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of jjy. Buekleu'a Amid Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 20 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blukeloy & Houghton, drug gists. 2 Clarke & Fiilk have a full and com plete line of house, carriuge, wagou and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. C. S. Smith, tiij: dp-to-date grocer Fresh Eggs and Creanwy Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. LAWTON AND lacARTHUR Will Soil! Bo Kortb ia Bote of Train Bis: Same. ARE AFTER AGUINALD0 Schwan's Movement South Is Merely in the Nature of a Demonstration and for the Purpose of Scattering Insurgents. New Your, Oct 13. A special to the Herald from Washington eays: While General Schwan is engaged in scattering the enemy in Cavite province, Generals Lawton and MacArthur are making pre parations for an irrportant movement to the north df Manila. Generals Mac Arthur and Lawton iil proceed to the the north in tho hopes of trapping Aguinaldo and his forces between the three columns. General Schwan's movement to the southward of Manila is merely in the nature of a demonstration, and for the purpose of scattering insurgents who have intrenched themselves in Cavite province, the home of Aguinaldo and the rest of bis rebellion. Restored to Command. San Fiuxcisco.Ojt. 13. Colonel Met calfe, of the Twentieth Kansas volun teers' has restored to their old commands three wounded officers who were in valided home in the hospital ship Re lief. Captain Clarke went back to company H, Captain Wateou to com pany D, and Lieutenant Ball to com pany K. Captain Krause, who in Capt. Clark's absence, has been in charge of company H, has been transferred to company E. The Twentieth Kansas now has a full corps of ofiicers. It is expected that the date of mustering out the regiment will be fixed todav. The men will be taken back to their homes on twelve special traiiie. General Funston and Governor Stanley will occupy a private car. Orli-isCillsii! j Mexico. "In New .Mexico," says the ioerotnry o the Woman's Board of Home Mis sions of the Presbyterian church, "one finds real orientalism, it beJiifr possible to trace back ninny customs of the. peo ple to' the Moors in Spain. Even the plazas, with the women on the house tops, their black shawls covering part of their fnees, remind one of some of the Mahometan cities of Syria. In the Tuos valley there are nbout 1,300 people, among whom tho missionaries are la boring." ICleliiinM' TlitkN. In the African elephant both sexes have ivory tusks, while in the Asiatic they are generally restricted to the male. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. SUMMONS. IN T1IK OIKOIMT COURT OK T1IK STATU 1 of OroKou, for tlio county o( Wutco. Harriet A. Slmou, 1'lallitlU', William It. II. Fliiinn, defendant. To Wlllliua II. H. Simon, tho nbovo named defendant" In tlio Name of tlio State of Oregon: You ate hereby uolllled lo lie and appear ill (lie above entitled court on or heroic the. Irn-t day of the publication of tills Minimum., tou It: On or be fore Haturduy, tho lSlli day o( November, ls'i'.i, then and there to nuMver the complaint of the ubovo named iilalntirt" HUd HRuliikt you in the above entitled ult; and if you bo fall to appear und aiikwer cald complaint, for want thereof pluliitlll will spply to mid court for the relief pru.vi.-d lor in her complaint, tn-wlt: For n do nee of thcabovucutitled court fore er dinkolvliiK and uiiuullinK the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exUtluic between pl.iliilllt' mid defendant, and for an absolute decree of divorce from jou, the Mild defendant. 'I hi tummoiu in cerved upon you by publica tion thereof by order of the lion, W, I., llrad fchuw, Jwirfo of the above, entitled uourt, which order bcm dati of the Vnd duy of October, lh-jj, mid directK that kald kuiumoin be served upon the Mild defendant by publication thereof for tlx consecutive uwkn in i'ho Dalle Chuomci.k, a vertily newnpHper of general circulation, pub lished in The ialli, Wuwo county, Oregon i ald publication lo bvulii on the Tilt day of October, Ikj, nud end on tho bill day of November. ltW, DUFUit iv mi:ni:fuf.. ccI7 II Attoruc (or i'lutiitlll', 3s HAVE YOU SEEN V t Tie Latest novelty in lie susp worm? The President Suspender Olaims this distinction The Best ft ft ft ft ft ft u jfit elt) ft 50c Suspender ever made. The President Suspender is not a "freak," but a practical nov--and while a novelty, it is also a SUCCESS. Its advantages over all others are more numerous than any one suspender has previously been able to claim. There is nothing to break, get out of order, or give way nothing complicated. 'It is adjusted to the trousers in the same way as an ordinary sus pender, but its strongest and chief point is the absolute ease of move ment, freedom of action and comfort enjoyed by the wearer. Light and Medium Dark Shades. DISPLAY IN SHOW WINDOW TODAY. I A. M. Williams & Co. I air .set 1 3& r ;1 1351 a a 'i s v to The Dalles, Ot. Th3 Chronicle, Job Printers. i I i L! ! J I . I Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. 4