Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System HTUAlCONST'ION i umu PERMANENTLY BUY THE GENUINE.-MAHTO By (auivrniaITgpSyrvf. l'GUI'LE YOU ALL KNOW. M. F. Iiotert?, of Mitchell, is in the city. W. G. Allaway and ron, Delanin, went down to Portland today. Miss M. Thomas and Miss N. Wa'tkina of Wasco, epriit today in our city. Mrs. W. C. and child and Mrs. F. N Winilcr are in the city from Eu,zeiie. J. F. Moore has spent tlie greater por tion nf the week attending .uicnit court in Etiiiene. Mrs. T. J. feu "ere, who has epent a few days in Portland, returned on the late train last night. liecorder Gates was among the Dalles it km who lelt tin morning to attend the exp gition in Portland. Frank Davenport and wife came up frnru Hood River last night ami were viaitors in town todty. Mrs. H. Glenn and daughters, Misses flattie and Grace, returned last night fr.m a vim to Portland. Miss Maude Clarke, of the Ciiho.vicle, went tiuAii on tli Flyer this morning to attend tlie exposition in Portland. Miss Maggie Glaze, of Frineville, who 'has been vii-ilin m this citv, left this unurning for a short stay in Fortiand. Uernie Sellfck is in from bis hntn' near Hoyd. He says they have had Enow in bis vicinity, anu neavy float lor a week past. Hon. J. N. Williamson, who lias spent a wefk past in Purtiaml, leturned to this city iuir. niuht and left for his home in Frineville this morning. Mrs. Geo. Litibe and Miss Valesca Lielie were passengers un the Fly-r this innrn'n; bound lor the metropolis, where they will visit friend '. Rev. and Mr?. I). V. Foling returned t'o- niorninv.' Imm their visit in Walla Walla, po that Mr. Toling will cc. upy bin pulpit ui tiie Congregational church riiiriday. B. F. Linyley and wife and II. F. Lanyley, Jr , nii't wite, acomnanied by Miss Alnia Inne.i, arrived in 'ill - Dilles from Walla WalU yesterday. Mr I a ley lias tieen fieiflit solicitor ior the Gieat Northern, but will now go into business in The Dalles. With Ins fain ilv he will occupv tlie hone which will ecoii be VHCiied by Dr. iJ.mne, Many of 'our citiz-ns are acquainted with Mr. Lintr'ey and aro tilad to welcome him and his' family as residents of our city. HOKX. In this city, Momlav, Oct. 8:h, to Sir. and .Mrs. .Im. Urea, a daughter; weight eight puiiuds. Double Tioln Hnrvico to h'nn Frunelacu, On October 15th the .Southern Pacific Co. will hianKtiraiH a "Daylight Ex press," leavimr Portland at 8:30 a. m., and reaching San Francisco at 7'Ao next ovenluK rn!y one night out. liotti standard Pullman and tourist sleepers will be. attached. This new train is in addition to the present 7 p. in. Shasta Overland, and will give many passengers tin; desired opportunity lo see enroute tiie Great Willamette, Uuipqua and Sac ramento Valleya without loss i.f time, and still arrive in Oakland and Han Francisco at n seasonable hour. Kudol Dyspepsi t Cure is a scientific C3uipouii I having the endorsement of eminent physicians and the medical piesa. It "di;njtH what you eul" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, ldoomingdali', Teiin., says it cured him of iudiyeston of ten years' atandini;. Duller Drug Co. ' ' Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and uitUlVbruebtf. THE STRAW HAT. The Vlclltude of III Brief Caratr front the Simp to thm Uotlrr. The approach of the straw hatseatoa encournges Travis Mc.MuIn to offer tho 1 i!l i I .1 luiiuwiMj,' ousi'.rvuuuns: No one knows who wears the first I straw hat In straw lint time. Ask any , man, and if lie doesn't acknowledge, 1 that he saw other men wearing straw i hats before he bought one he is prob-! nbly lvinff. Hut approximately about I June 13 the average eitien lintls him- I i self removing his old felt hat nnd re- j i gardiug the meistcned nnd darkened ; j iand therein with little favor. I A few days later he stalks perspiring- ly unci desperately into n liat store, wnere ne is pieaseu lo note tnnt several in I other men tire smirking at their rcllec- tions in the glass from beneath nice, 1 clean, new straw hats. I The smiling salesman dives deep into a cylindiieal box and produces a spot less straw hat, which he sets gently upon the customer's head. To be more exact, he sets it upon the customer's ears, and he resembles a stage hobgoblin. Another dive into another cylindrical box brings to light a hat of smaller cali ber, which rocks insanely upon the cus tomer's cranium and causes him to cast a reflection in the pier glass as of a prat tling infant in trousers. Finding that through the magic in fluence of straw hats of divers kinds he resembles a Methodist divine, n Harlem sport, Grover Cleveland and a Green ltiver pirate, he selects a hat by size rather than style. He reasons, of course, that man never looks his best in a hat. The new hat is stiff and gummy as. to touch; it grips his temples and possesses air spaces fore nnd aft that n New York Sunday paper could not fill. In forcing it down to make it fit, the brim thereof acquires that pathetic droop which characterizes the Salvation Army bonnet, and his forehead the pe culiar finish of a Missouri corncob. Hut-he has bought a straw hat. lie enjoy3 undisputed possession of his new hat for several blocks, when it is disputed by a sudden gust of wind. 3n an instant he is lumbering after an elusive straw hat, which rolls nnd bounds hilariously before him on its stiff new brim. Finally a newsboy jumps upon it with both muddy feet and restores it, a bat tered wreck, to its indignant owner, who carefully wipes the mud into its rough surface anil smoothes out the battered brim, which greatly resembles a circular saw after an encounter with a rafting spike. It is no longer n new hat, no longer n thing of beauty, the envy of his ac quaintances. From a well-dressed man he lias de generated into simply a man in a straw hat. After. n few weeks' use, and with a hazy idea of the probable result, he takes it to a done-while-you-wait reno vating establishment. It is returned to him three sizes smaller and of a beautiful ecru tint. And when the gooseflesh breezes make an ovt-reoat a necessity, and con ventionality protests bitterly against the use of a straw hat in conjunction with the same, tlie hat is cast into the old-clothes closet. There it remains, a caricature of its former self, to he given to the -oor when it shall have become cold enough for the poor properly to appreciate it. Chicago Kecord. SHIRT-WAIST PARTIES. A Profitable Coiiililiuitlon of Snclul and Oonieiitle Employment for the Home. Shirt-waist parties are the latest en tertainment. It Ik a very pretty way to pass an ttfternoon with one's girl friends. And one lias no iden how many of these necessary adjuncts of the summer outfit one can turn oil' in several of these afternoons together Chatting, the needle flies, nnd if one of the girls lias a machine she "runs" the hardest parts of the waists for the guests. Of course, each girl brings her own work bag, which may lie of some dainty tiilk, drawn into u pouch nnd slung ni cr her arm. They look so much like opera bags that no one would suspect they contained emeries, needle cases, i:issorn, thread nnd even patterns. Tlie hostess generally furnishes the sewing circle with strawberries nnd cream. The waists nrc made very simply, nnd nil are out from the same pattern, un less theie be those who ean originnle a bit in this way, and then there tire endless possibilities for expression of nice ideas, jabots, fancy yokes, luce iiiKcrtions and npplitmcs of true lov- l.n' I rw.tu -. It... .--.t..-i:u I.. .11.1... wl . . .i i., iw.n ui . lit. ii , -ii,--, in, in iimiwii hum embroidery, can be adopted. h'nch girl nt tlie shirt-wnist party is asked to bring n color to mutch (he confectionery of the tiny, and ull pink prevails one afternoon, blue another, green another, nnd ho on. Cincinnati Knqulrer. llurae fur Hale. A good four-horse tea. a, and colt five months old, harness, good farm wagon, and spring hack. A bargain. For par ticulars nd(Jres, C. II. I.l'tiikii, Oel3 lw Hood Itivor. Feed rye for salt) at the Waico Ware home, tf FIRST FLOWER MISSION Tbe Sweet Chnrltr TVnn Instituted In DiMton Tlilrt)- Year Ago by llclcn Tlnklmm. To the Inspiration of Miss Helen V. Tinkliani, of linston, the missions for I At H . ... .... .. xne (iisirinuiion 01 Mowers ninon? tlie poor, the Kiel; nntl the nijetl in oureit ies owe tlieir origin. Thli t,y .venrs hro the ilrst llower mission wns formed, with Miss Tiukliam nt its heml, nntl she has ever since been identified with the work, nays Ladies Home.lournal. In the spring of SG9 Miss Tinkliuin sjs.' s.rss?is fragrant bloom under the nmirlenl breath of April, l.'pon returning to , iiostnn slie observed with what wist- mi eyes tlie children plnving about the railroad station viewed tlie (lowers she brought with her, and how cngerlv the. nceented those she offered them. This incident led her to urge tlie church going people to cooperate in collect ing and distributing (lowers. A meet ing was held and the work soon start ed. Ilnstou is, therefore, the birthplace of the llower missions, n form of chari ty which has extended to every section of this country, and crossed the Atlan tic. RELIC-PILFERING MINISTERS. The) Chin IMeccn Off the WnnhlriKtiin Monument nntl I'n- Well for Them. Col. Dingham, superintendent of public buildings and grounds, who has charge of the Washington monument, .ays one of tlie greatest troubles the watchmen nt the monument have to contend with is the chipping of these memorial stones by relic hunters. "One of the strangest things in regard to these relic hunters," said Col. llingham, "is tlie fact that more than one-half of the men arrested for chipping oft" relies are clergymen. When the police arrest these despoilers and start with them to the stntion house, says the New York Mail and Express, tlie man will begin to ask what is tlmpcnnlty and try to beg oft, lie is told that the fine is a heavy one, but that $15 security can he put up for appearance in tlie police court. Then the prisoner explains that lie is a minister of the Gospel ami meant no harm, and that he could not stand the disgrace of appearing in a police court. He ends tip by giving up the collateral, after generally trying to cut it down to ten dollars, saving he has only thnt amount with him." Main y IincnnBe. Tlie Malay language is spoken by more than 40,000,000 persons. It is said to be easy to learn, as it has almost no grammar. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ue C!irku& Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep duiidrutTfrom the head. You will not have boils if you take Clarke &: Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke &, Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'6 pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at IDotinell'a drug, store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tf Standard fashions will give you the latest cut in all garments for fall wear. Peate &. Mays. "Vanity Fair" teats are selling fast, f t it'n g i'ni to be a taking performance. 0 .11 at ijutici'e and see about your seat. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. CureJliotrt-buru, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 els. and 50 eta. Illakeley & Houghton, drug- B'ste. At a hacrl ficu. Fortj ncres, ).j mile from Snrague landing, mile from Careon P. O., Skamania Co., Wash. Good box house, four rooms anil bath. Outbuildings good. Two acres young orcliard winter apples. Land all good, and easily cleared. Five or six acres sediment, noil very rich. Sacrificed for $2."0; worth $500. Don't spend time writing, come and see it. J. K. Diioivm. B I HUMTINUTON II S WIUON HUNTINGTON & WIUON. ATTOKNKYH AT LAW, TUK JMU.Kri, OK KG Of. aw 07-" M.ntNat. Ban I WmW0ML lightens IFI1U! f I Axle J I help tho team. Saves wear and I expeusc. Bold everywhere STANDARD OIL CO i Admiral George Dewey j u-m receive the most roynl welcome on Oct. 1st. nc3t that was ever accorued to on American -itlien. You will And ncompletobloeraphy cTttusirrefti 1 hero, Including hU brilUaut victory over the Hpn' W lt" authoritative una up date work of reference, the. New Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica This Is the only encyclopccdln on tho market tlmt mentions Admiral Dewey. It rIvcs tho dato of his birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; the part ho took in tho Civil War, how after the War ho was employed on .the European station; in tho Naval Academy; his rlso to tho rank of commander and President of tho Board oflnspcctlon nnd Survey; his command of the Asiatic Squadron; liorr on April 27th ho Ictt Ilong Kong with his squadron, found and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Stay 1st; his appointment cs Acting Kear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, nnd how on March 2nd, 1S99, ho was created full Ad miral. It speolcs of hlmns a strict dhclplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and toclally A good club man and a general favorite. It tells of his marriage to JIImi Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "flghtlns gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In 1ST.', leav ing a son, Georgo Goodwin Dewey. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not C7cn mentioned in any other Encycloradla receive the camo attention in this edltiou of the Encyclopedia Britannica I It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry ns Governor-General ot Porto Rico; of Agulnaldo's declaration of War against the V. S. Mfe YOD HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is more easily found and acquired than in any other book or encyclopaedia in tho world, IN YOUR HOME. TOR SJLLZ BY I. C. NICKELSEN, Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. oo. Qo$o ConstrnctlonTlilii Is mi nlr tight liinter of II vol hu:t MU'I tj-: It hu CtHT 1IION UNINiib, iiiiiUing it ilurnlilu; ul'" Imx from letil diHr, wist lni in.d lull torn miii oniHiiiuiiiiil tmliig top, wiih grlddlo cover underneath. Nlckflllno It link nickeled um, immu plato nml foot ptllit. Wuliuven roinpk'io Mock of llivin on linnet, (.nIIhikI kc our mock before busing clucwhere. i Notion. All niemliora of tliu W. U. O. nro earneatly requested to meet for drill work n Fraternity Hall next Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Hy order of tho PreHidotit. To Cure a Coin m tlno ly. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tb leta. All druttgiata refund the money if it fails to cure. !&:, per I Benton OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPT. 28, CLOSES OCTOBER 28, 1899. Horticultural anJ Agricultural I'roilnciH nf On-con, Washington ami Idaho in "renter variitty unit pro fusion limn uvi'r heforo. BENNETT'S RailOWllcfl MILITARY BAND MISS ALICE RAYMOND America'!) (Iiciitot I.idy Cornet Soloist. The I'nrijiiiillcil FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct from tho Umpire Theater, Loudon, their Ilrst iipH.-iirmirc In America. A (ircut WAR MUSEUM FILIPINO THREE GREAT SISTERS MACARTE ru.iuriutsMHt Aciiull't.i, In their thrilling nets. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season nf Great Surprises and Astounding Kent a. KmliictMl Itntrp mi All I.lm-a. Tranirtntln ADMISSION .... Uu Veiitx Children under 12 re.trs, lu cents. DONT MISS IT! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK T11K Southern Pacific Comp'y Trains leave and nrc due to arrive at I'ortlai OVKK1.ANU KX-1 , Nrevs, Hulem, Hose- ' ImrR, AahlHtid, Hun-1 riimcnto. Ouileu.Hun I 7.00 1'. M,i Frniieinco, Mojnvc, f ' 0:15 A. M lAk AIlf(UlCH,r.i l'UKO. I .New Orleans anil Kflrit 1 :S0 A. M. b;,rK l::!0 1'. M Dally oxcufit riiiiiduyii. fvla Wootfliurc fori Pnily except ! Mt.Aiixcl. Ullvcrtnu. I 311.,' Went Hclo, llrowns-) vlUcriiirliiKllcldaiHl Natron j 17-fl i m i ICorvulllH and wuyl 17.30 A. it. ju,(m() j 5:t0 l'.V. INDKl'KNDKNUK I'ABSKNGEIl. Kxpreos train i'uuy tuxcupi BUiiuayj. l;W)i). m. rl.v. ..I'ortlaiid . .Ar.i R:25n. m 7::;)ii. m. l .McMliinvlllo. .I.v. .'ii.Vl n. in 8:i0. m. (Ar..Iiidepclidciicc..l.v.) CAOii. in Dully. IDiiny, except bunuar. II1NINU CAItH ON OODKN HOUTE. I'DMJIAN 11UKKUT BLKKI'KK AND HECOND-CI.ASS HI.KKI'INC CAHc Attached to all Through Traliw. Direct connection at Snu Knuiclnpii with Gi f t dental noil Oriental and 1'ucltlc mall aluitnnhlt' llne.1 for JAI'AN and CHINA. Hailing ilaten on aipi'cauou. Hait iiiitl I cucth to KnKtc'rn ixilutx btiiI Kn cmxi. Also JAI'AN, CHINA. HONOLULU am ,V ISTKAI. A. All above trains arrive nt anil ilcnart Iroir uiuiiu i.uiurai niaiinii, r inn aim irvnie atreuu YAMHILL DIVISION. I'aibeiiKer Deit, loot of Juaerxiu Ktreeu Leave for Klierlditii, week days, at 1:30 n. m I Arrlvu ut I'ortlaiid, V.'M a. in. U'avc lor AIItl.IT. on Monday, NVcduwday ami dav, thumduy and Hatunliii it 3:05 i. ni rriuny am:;iia. n. Arr v at 1'ort anil. Tuck . ... : . - v" i naiunifo ii J-.m p. in. Kxccpt Sunday 'L.xcept Saturday. (I, if. MAItKHAM, Aunt. (i. K. iV I'hkh, Aut B. K0KV.1.KB, Mauiuer. ThroiiKh Ticket Olllcc, 131 Third fclreot. wher inroiiKii iicnew 10 an points in tho Kastein Htatex, Canada and Kurope can bo obtained at tuvveni. iHKif iniin orN.WHKiu!ii,!il,tK,'AN,,'TiCl,,-,tACnt- For Ihf Oregon Induatriul KxpOBitlon to hi huld at I'ortlnnd, Oregon Sept. 2G to Oct. 2(1, tlie Ori'iron Railroad & Navl. (ration Co, w ill makoa round trip rate of ?J.'-Ti, wliich will nUo lnnludo two nd inission coupons to tho exposition. Tickets will be trood going on train No, I on Wednesday, Hcpt. 27th, nnd evory Wednosday thereafter, and for train No. 3, on Thursday. B-pt. 28th, nnd every Thnraday tlioreafter to and including Thursday, Oct. 2(llh. Tickets will be limited for return pansBgo to expire the Sunday niulit following the Wednoeday or Thursday on which ticket ia sold, . 25-1 m Your Fncn BIiowb tho Htato of your feolinga and the alato of your health ad well. Impure blood miikea Ktelf apparent in a pale nnd aallow complexion, l'implea and Skin Eruptions. If yon are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Aciter a uioou Klixlr. Itcurea all blood dlaeiiaeH where cheap Baraapariilaa and ao nailed purifier fall ; knowing this we soli every bottle 011 a positive gturantee. Ulakeley A Houghton, dcuggiata. teeth0 C?U,kU lW Koi"fow ,or twe Wood Saw Will run evory day ,.XP(,.., cnri , , Telephone 201. W. A. OATES, Propi ..ghas. m Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Imi.m. I I.... Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. The Busy Store. Kacb tiny our business shows the people nrc 'flnding out we arc pushing to tlie front witb better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, FortlanS and Art Navigation Co.' Sirs. Dally (except Sunday) Ix'tneen The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wnv ioin on ImtU 6iUe w" UOIIIIUUIU IlHIi been reM!1 mid nro In exccllont khm.e for tlie "''f'"0' The ltrKlilulur Liim will emU'iivor tog' patruiiB the bout norvK'o posnlliltf. Kor Comfort, Kouimmy nnd .'''".'.i,' tiavol by tho tcuiuern ot 'Hie Bu,,, l' ...,- Tho tteamcm nf tho UeKiilntr.r 1.1 ii" ' Dalle at 7 u. m. coiiirneiielin; .moiiuh; ItWt. .. .nmL . ... ........ ........ . . .... nirni I'nrtlnnit nfllne. i'' """.'. r.i - oak at. iiooit; W. C. Allaway, FRENCH & Wn 1 a BANKERS. rUANHAOT A KNEH.VL11ANKINII flOtTH"8 Lettera of Credit iaaued avuiluble in U Kaatern hinieH. . Lrt , Hltht Exohaniro and. fe'SPfJL. Tranelers sold on New V.'ndOr fit. Louia, &r.tofiv. son, Beanie waan,, " - n Oregon nnd Waal.ini:toii. OollSotlona tnaUe at all pol " orahla Urm. Drink Warwi'. Pore Oliiwr f 'j For ! nt nil Jra t-o um "rft,74 Stubiing, ngenl, The lHf. " .It: . '" ue t'allca. at the uiuul price. Conic In "tt. It and he convinced. Ai.n K 1'lliratliraiida nt V flegulator U