r Special.. No Reason Why For Saturday, October 14 VLason' Our East window will give you an idea of the beautiful line of Plaids and Cheeks prait Jars. 1 in view of the unprecedented offer which we niako today there is no possible reason you should not wear a high grade, up-to-date, fully guaranteed ! i That wo aro offering for one day 13e pet ip's, Wren's anff infants' Department. Cold wbvob are on the way and these garments will lend themselves cosily to the needs of our patrons. Womon's Flannelotto night gowns, checks and stripes, trimmed with braid 90c each Women's Flannelette night gowns, elegant assortment of pat terns, trimmed with torchon lace. Price $1.75 each Fiicinntors for women and childoen, mndoof fine worsted and ice wool, ranging in prices from 25c to $3 00 Children's hoods, silk and wool, white and colore!, ranging in prices frotu 50c up. Women's Heavy Underwear. Women's fleece lined vestB and pants, ecru or natural 25c each Woniun'B extra heavy fleece lined vests and pants, natural gray 50e each Women's cream and natural wool vests and pants, non-Blirinkablo 75c each Women's natural gray union suits, cotton flefee lined 50c each Women's Oneita union suite, extra heavy cotton fleece lined. . . $1.00 each All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY - .OCTOBER IIS, 18f9 Telephone ATo. 1. Oysters terved In every style by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mm. L. II. Nichols is very sick at her home on Eighth street. Remember "Mascot" is the opera at the Baldwin tomorrow night. The Umatilla House bowling alleys aremw upon for the winter, and all are invited to break the record at that fiworitu resort. 13 2t The attention of the members of the band 'm called to the act that thiH even ing rehearsal will begin at 8:110, in stead uf 0 as heretofore. Wiird received as we go to press says tliu Inland Flyer tied up at O.ik street dock in Portland at 3 :Ii0 o'clock. Seven hour and u half making the run. Mrs. C. L. Phillips ha? just received a lara assortment of imported bulbB for winter blooming, wiiich can bo had at reasonable prices; also cut flowers and lloral designs. lli-Ut I'eoplo like the prices for the produc tion of " Vanity Fair" at the Vogt tomor fow inght, for they feel they'll got their money 'a worth, if not more. Kesorved seats 50 and 35 cents; general admission 25; children 15 cents, Dr. Itusp, one of Portland's prominent dentists, 1ms bought Dr. TackmanV office, in the Vogt building. His work Is first-class and prices reasonable. Gold tooth crowns and bridge worka specialty. Teeth filled and extracted painlees. 12 It was u pretty night to nee the Inland Flyer dart out from the dock at 8 o'clock this morning, with a crowd of passengers on her deck. She started as if she meant business, and will no doubt reach I'ortlatid on schedule time, 5 o'clock, if not earlier. I' xu like vaudeville, which is claimed to bu hlgh-chiBS, hear "Vanity Fair" tomorrow night. Remember the curtain 'H1 raise at 8:15 aharp, in ordor to give ample time for a long performance and permit the troupe to catch the mid "Ifjht train. Among the South Dakota Boldior boys who have just returned from the Philip Pines, was Zan It. Blondln, a brother of A.BIondln, of the EaatEnd barber 'hop, He nrrivpil In ttilu .! W..Iiia. and Is now employed In his mqthor'B aliop and will probably make "is home here. The American vialble aupply ol wheat ccordlng to crop returns la 44,215,000 bushels, which 8,ow8 gn incregge of -.083,000 buahele, compared with 12,- only at the remarkable price of yard. Pease Mays 210,000 bushels a year ago, when the increaso was 917,000 bushels. The world's shipments for the (met week were 8,559,000 bushels. Receipts i.t Minneapolis and Duluth for two days were 1218 cara of wheat, and at Chicago 434 cars of wheat and 1080 cars of corn. Kog. wanted to keep it a secret, but most of his friends know that lie and his charming bride will pass through the city on the afternoon train bound for the East. They will make a six weeks' visit throughout the East, re turning by the southern route and visit ing relatives in Los Angeles on their way home. All the farmers in the vicinity of Cen terville have threshed their grain, while east of Uoldendalo in the No. 0 country threshing will close this week. The yield in different localities exceeded ex pectations. It Iibb been variously esti- ruateu mat .Klickitat valley tills year would market at least 1,000,000 bushels of No. 1 wheat and the principal market would bo made by local buyers at Co lumbuj. This week wheat has been selling at 53-55 cent at Columbus. There are two firms buying the Klickitat prod uct, and it is reported that another will soon arrive on the scene and puichase at least 100,000 bushels. Agriculturist. From the number of wheat teams which have been constantly going up and down Second street today, it would not seem that Tho Dalles market is be ing slighted by Klickitat farmers. It has been said that Columbus la receiv ing a greater amount of the wheat than usual ; but this is due to the fact that there is an extra large crop, and there is an immense amount which goes there, Tho Dalles also receiving a greater amount in proportion to the increase in the yield, Most ot the crop from south of here has been hauled. The ware houses are still paying 5 1 and 52 cents; tho mill 50 and 67 for No. 1. In Port laud the price iiaa dropped a cent. His name was Dick, but he went out duck hunting this morning about 4 o'clock, and before he returned had adopted the pet name "Duck." No one had ever accused him of taking to water to any great extent, but there are times when one is compelled to take water, and one of those tlmos is on a dark morning whentho wary duck leads one to venture beyond his depth, and at times to lose even those ducks which ho hath, not saying a word about his narrow es cape from drowning. But reporters don't mind a little thing like that unless some other reporter cornea along and gets a scoop. If it hadn't been for a little Flab, who must have been in the water near by, no one would have been any the wise'r. One evening last spring Dr. Rinehurt and Mra. Morgan invited a number of young ladies to spend the evening with them, and so enjoyable was the occasion that last night they invited themselves to duplicate tho pleasure. While the Dr. wa making a professional call and Mra. Morgan was in her etudio, they gathered at a neighboring home, donned all aorta of rag tag costumes, masked their facea and proceeded to the III ne- G We are showing a line of suits in Tweeds, Worsted, Velour, Cas (': mere ; Serge in stripes, checks, plain and exford mixed; Sucks and Frocks, with single and double breasted vests. Overcoats of Thibets, Oxfords, Cassimere, Vicuna and Covert cloth and all the latest novelties at the same price. $2.95 is a Heap of Money. If yon bring a bright bouncing boy and $2 95 to our childrfn's de partment, you'll soon learn hat a lot of money $2.95 is, or that the above amount lias a high purchasing valuo at our store. You'll also admit that our children's denai tment has no equal hereabout. If saving a dollar is your Hobby, come in and we will encourage the Hobby. hart home, where they took possession. When tho ladies returned, they thought bedlam had been turned loose as they gazed on a crowd, wiiich looked like they might be direct from the insane asylum. They at once went to work to discover who their guests were, and after some time succeeded in unmasking them. From that time until midnight there was one continual round of pleas ure, all formality being cist aside, while games, dancing, refreshments, etc., oc cupied the time. The lunch was served in picnic style and was in keeking with the general good time which prevailed. Forerunner or Winter. It will Boon be time for newspapers to remark, "Now is the winter of our dis content," as enow is making its appear- .ancj throughout Eastern Oregon and the weather has a wintry tinge. East night the thermometer registered 34, which was cold enough for frost had it not been for tho fog which prevailed. Night before last one inch of snow fell on Dutch Flat and two inches on Govern ment Flat, while at Prineville quite a little snow and sleet fell. Farther east they have had storms that would do credit to December. Yesterday at Walla Walla scattered flakes fell all morning. This is the first snow storm that city has had In October for nineteen years. At Baker City three inches fell, and at Meaehem thero were several inches. At Helena, Mont., it was five inches deep. Still further east in Utah and Western Wyoming eight inches covered the ground. In our own state tho snow was what is termed a "wet enow," arid melted soon, which will be of benefit to the grass. Weather conditions are not euch that it can bo said that the approach of the winter rainy eeason is indicated by current atmospheric movements. How ever, the time for euch season has ar rived, and it may he expected almost any day. That Joyful Feeling With the exhilerntlng sense of renewed health and strength and internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap eubstituee sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fife Syrup Co. i'or Hule. Five head good young horses, about 1200 pounds; halter broke; will bo sold reasonable. octltt-'vk J. O. MniNs, Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa,, on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Butler Drug Co. For Hem. A nice four-room house, convenient to high school ; (7.50 per month. Enquire atN. Wheuldou'a office. 3-3t Suit or Overcoat. In fact, we sell only High Grade goods, the very best make of clothing anywav. Cheap, trashy, thrown together goods find no place in our store. Our line com prises the very best goods to be had. The prices have been red iced. The pro fit is all yours for one week, for the modest sum of 95 SHOULD RECEIVE DAMAGES. K. S. Joslyn Seeks lieimratlun lor Past W rone 8. Concerning a gentleman well known here and who is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, the Hood River Sun say6 : "Hon. E. S. Joslyn, of Colorado Springs, Colo., has bean visiting this section of the world for the past week. Mr. Joslyn is the pioneer settler o! White Salmon, having moved there in the spring of 1853. In the full of 1855 the idiotic meddling of a set of military dough heads with the resident Indian? of the Klickitat tribe, wrought them up to such a pitch of hostility that Mr. Jos lyn was obliged to move his family to safer quarters. Early in the spring of 1S5C the savages burned li is home and buildings, and after the Cascade massa cre the government took possession of his farm, using it for three years as a reservation, and almost completely de stroying wiiat the Indians had left. 'In addition to the loss of his improvements the Indians killed or drove off his live stock, so that on his return at the end i of tho government occupancy of his farm, j Mr. Joslyn found absolutely nothing left except a couple of log houses built for tho use of the agency. Not only has tho government refused to make good his damage done by its dusky wards, but has also refused to reimburse him for the time they used his farm for a reservation. "For over forty years Mr. Joslyn has urged the justice of claims upon congress without avail anil now when all other plans have failed he proposes to invoke the strong arm of the- law. During the past few years he has watched with iu diguation the thousand of robber pen sion claims that, having been refused recognition by the pension bureau, were rushed through congress, while the righteous claim of a man who dared to trust himself far beyond the pale of civilization is thrust aside. After en during all the dangers and privations of pioneer life lie cannot obtain a paltry rental of his home that the government took from him by force. "Mr. Joslyn is a well preserved man of 74 years of age and has hosts of friends who wish him every success in his endeavor to obtain justice. In tlio S wlin, Tho Salt Lake Tribnuo says of tho Metropolitan Opera Company, wiiich will be at the Baldwin tomorrow night : "If attendance Is any criterion of pop ularity, the Metropolitan Opera Com pany is in the swim. Last night found another house not a whit less in size than the opening at the Grande. It would take an hour to count the number of times 'Mascot' has been given in Salk Lake, but that cute no figure. The title role was handled by Blanche Aldrach, who, more than any member of the company, Infused mirth and cheer into her work, The unhappy and un fortunate Prince Eoriizon was acceptably done by Mr. Da Wolf one of tho best characters he has presented, by the way. Mr. Rising has the heroic shepherd, One Quart Two Quarts n. MAYS & "Harmony" CQhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKK HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. above whom the rival affections of Bettina and tho Princess fluttered. Miss Kernble, who is a comely little woman and of graceful mein, was seen to excellent advantage as the princess. Altogether the performance went ofl' briskly an I to the enjoyment of tiie crowd." TALKS ABOUT ELECTRICITY STYNER, THE ELECTRIC DOCTOR Electricity is now acknowledged by the brightest men in the world to bo superior to all other treatments in re storing vitality. Vitality is health, or the basis of health, and you must have it to remain free from disease. Lack of vitality2cause3 nervousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, rheumatic pains, lumbago, kidney troubles and general want of energy. Those who have such symptoms, can become healthy by re newing the electrical force in the body. "Diving and finding no pearls in the sea, Blame not the ocean, tho fault is in thee." Styner the Electric Doctor has a new method of applying electricity for tho cure ol diseases of a nervous or chronic nature. Catarrh an 1 liheumatiam can be cured, and cured to stay. Diseases of women also yield quickly to his Electro Therapeutic system of home treatment for sulleririg females. Call and see him. Obarr House, The Dalles, Or. Hours from 10 a. in. to 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Advice and electrical disease-reading free. Fur Sale, Will take one-half in trade for po tatoes, chickens, flour, pork, liny, sec ond or third grade wheat, good wood, or a No. 1 bicycle: One buggy, one span of good young horses, well broken, good life; weight about 1050 to 1100 pounds. Call at Dufur & Meuefee's of fice, or address box 710, The Dalles, Ore. Octll lw (J nod Work Hunts for Suit). I will be at Saltmaraho's stockyards with 15 head oi woik horses by the 18th of October. octl'2 18 Emu. Sritounc. Chester II. Urown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; can strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Dyspepsia can lie cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. I'aint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke fc Fulk have them, 50c per dozen BSc per dozen CROWE. Opera House "It is to Laugh." Saturday, October 14, '99 Vanity Fair. A Melange of Burlesque and Vaudeville With entirely new wardrobe and an admirable company. PricQS Reserved seats 50c and ;;5c; L'Piieral admission 25c; children 15c. Seats on sale at tho Butler Drug Co. 'a s.oro Thursday morning. Baldwin Opera House Iteturn cngngomuit of tho favorites ONE NIGHT ONLY, Saturday, October 14th, l'rcM'iitlni; tlio Comi" Opera lioulle, Mascot,, 35 PEOPLE 35 inolmltiiK mi eltleieut uialu ami fi'ia.ile chum. Admission $ 1 .00. Reserved seats on sale Thursday, October 12, at Illakeley & Houghton's drug store. ivitfs. oiiivm w. jvioipH, STUDIO AM) ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC HUII.DJNt!, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalies. Hd GilU U' C ;f, ONE FOR A D08E. ems (iiii:.,rj " "l. rr,".D. lit i . i Cure UfAiUrlie aii.J 1h ihu. A muvfiiient .il (he l.owcl. cb ir laTt7e!t7 , .......... un. ou4ARU vu hi VOBT OPti