The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 12, 1899, Image 3

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    Special.. No Reason Why "1
prait Jars.
Our East window will give you an idea of the beautiful line of
Plaids and Checks
in viow of the unprecedented offer which
we make today there Is no possiblo
reason you should not wear a high grade,
up-to-date, fully guaranteed
That wo nro offering for one day
13e pep yatfd.
women's. Cifiren's tf infants' Department.
Cold waves aro on the way and these garments will lend themselves
coilly to the needs of our patrons.
Womon's Flnnnelotto night gowns, checks and stripes, trimmed
with braid 90c each
Women's Flannelette night gowns, elegant assortment of pat
terns, trimmed with torchon lace. Price f 1.75 each
Fncinntors for women and clnldoen, made of One worsted and ice
wool, ranging in prices from 25c to $3 00
Children's hoods, silk and woo), white and colore'.!, ranging in
prices tron 50c up.
Women's Heavy Underwear.
Women's fleece lined vostsand pantp, corn or natural 25c each
Women's extra heavy fleece lined veBts and pants, natural gray 50c each
Women's cream and natural wool vests and p.tnts, non-shrinkablc 75c each
Women's natural gray union HiiitP, cotton flefce lined 50c each
Women's Oneita union suits, extra heavy cotton fleece lined. . . $1.00 each
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
THURSDAY - - - OCTOBER 12, 189(1
Telephone No. 1.
fecrved In
style by
Standard fashions for November now
ready at Pease & Mays.
November standard fashions at Pease
5t Mays.
"Vanity Fair" seats nro soiling fast,
for it'H going to he a taking performance.
Call nt Butler's and see about your seat.
On Monday Oct. lOtii the round trip
exposition rate via the steamers of the
Regu ator Lino will to $2.00. W. C.
Allaway gon'l agt.
Mr?. 0. L. Phillips has just rrcoived a
lar'o assortment of imported bu'bs for
winter blooming, which can bo had at
reason blo prices; also cut- flowers nnd
floral designs. J2-2t
A e'uingu has boon made in the cap
tains on the D. P. & A. N. lino, Captain
Alden taking the Dalles City and Capt.
Short the Regulator. Capt. Whilcumb
hie ehnrgn of the Flyer.
Yesterday Rea Bros, shipped eighteen
carlo ula of sheep which had been
bought of D. P. Ketchum over tho C. B.
& Q. to St. Paul. Today sixteen car
loads more will be shipped.
Jivlgu W. L. Brndshaw, who has hold
tho ollico of prolate in the grand lodge
K.if P,,lias been elected grand vice chan
cellor by the lodge which has just mot in
Portland. J. P. Kennedy, of Portland,
Is grand chancellor.
Dr. Hupp, oue of Portland's prominent
dentiBts, has bought Dr. 'Packman's
omen, in the Vogt building. His work
ia first-class and prices reasonable. Gold
tooth crowns and bridge worka specialty.
Toath filled and extraotod painless. 12
Did the snow on tho Klickitats tills
morning make jou feel cold? Never
mind yet a while j wo havo had no frost
88 yot, not even sufficient to destroy tho
moat tender vegetation. Tho first frost
in Portland w.ia reported yesterday.
Among tho passengers on this morn
iK'a delayed train was Mrs. Cleyenger,
cl Grants Pass, prosldentof tho Rohekah
Assembly for Oregon. Sho is the guest
of -Mm. nnd Miss hyle, and will meet
with Azdoa lodge this evening. It is
desired that all members bo present to
meet tho dlH'nguiHhed visitor.
A number of our society young tutu
havo determined to add to the pleasures
of tho winter eeaion by organising a
dancing club, and to that end have do
c"lcd to hold a meeting tomorrow
evening, when arrangements will be
perfected, This Is a plendld move, and
only at the remarkable price of
Pease & Mays
will ho greatly appreciated by all who
are fortunate enough to necomo mem
bers and thus enjoy the social parties
Tho first steamship of the Portlund
Mnnila line will leave Manila about
November 1. Tho freight rate between
Portland and Manila will bo about
the same as the rate between Pacific
coast points and Hong Kong. TtiiB
means a saving of tho charges between
Hong Kong and Manila, and in uddition
n saving of much valuable time.
One lias but to glance at the box
sheet today to determine how popular
tho Metropolitan Company is with
Dalles people. '"Mascot," too, is alwayB
taking, eo that tho combination is a
pleasing one. Any who may intend to
hear them Saturday night should see
about seats at once. You'll be sorry if
you fail to gain admittance, The comed
ians alone ure equal to a whole cast of
many shows which we pay $1 to hear.
The preacher who can preach to please
ever hearer, tho lawyer who can .weak
to pleaso every listener, tho merchant
who can sell goods to please every
customer, the dress maker who can do
her work to please every woman, nnd
the editor who can write to please every
reader aro all dead. They may bo wear
ing wings and golden crowns, hut the
ohitnces are that St. Peter would he
very suspicious of an individual, like
Somehow wo aro lather pleased to
annouueo to our readers that the Metro
politan Company will play "Mascot"
instead of "Mikado," from the fact that
all wore so pleased with it when played
hero before. Mr. Baldwin received a
telegram this afternoon saying that u
flro at Pocatello had destroyed some of
their costumes and Ecenery for "Mikado"
and that they would bo compollcd to
change tho opera. We scarcely think
there will bo any disappointment felt
by those who will attend.
Tho author of "In His Steps," the
famous religious book, of which over
three million copies tiavo now been
sold, has been inducod to answer, in an
article which ho has sent to the Ladies'
Home Journal, tho question which un
consciously comes to tho mind after
reading his book : "Is this plan prac
ticable in our present daily life?" Mr.
Sheldou does not evade the question,
but answers it in a direct and vigorous
manner, aud tells exactly what ho bo
lieveB would he the effect of hts plan
upon modern business methods and
present-day social life.
School Superintendent Gilbert never
loses an opportunity to visit tho schools
under his charge, nnd is again on tho go,
viBiting the school districts near the
city during this week, among which are
that in district No. 9 in the Van Blbbor
vicinity, where Mrs. Inn Fitz Gerald is
teacher; No. 10, Ohenoweth, taught by
Miss Marguerite Shelly ; No. 25, on
Dutch Flat, Miss Hester Kent, teacher,
and No. 24, on Upper 3Mllo, taught by
Miss Abblo Taylor. Ho flnds them all
in a flattering condition, using tho state
course of study. Ho will continue his j
We are showing a line of suits in Tweeds, Woreted, Velour, Cas
timore; Serge in stripes, checks, plain aud oxford mixed; backs and
Frocks, with single and double breasted vests.
Overcoats of Thibets, Ox lords, Cassiniere, Vicuna and Covert
cloth and all the latest novelties at the same price.
$2.95 is a Heap of Money.
If you bring a bright bouncing boy and $2.93 to onr children's de
lent, you'll soon learn what a lot of money $2 9 is, or that the abnvi
amount nas a ingii purcnusiug vaiuo at our store, lotrn aieo aiumi. ma
nti nli 1 A won 'm rlunni Imunt V a a ft r cnilnl Vinrau VtAIlt Tf DOftinn a tlnlluf ii
your Hobby, come in and we will encourage the Hobby.
trips into the country until all schools
have been visited.
Representative Moody haB received n
letter from Secretary Hitchcock, stating
that no order will be issued at this time
countermanding the privileges enjoyed
by the permitB to sheepmen for the
grazing of cheep in the forest reserva
tions of tliis state. This letter is in
reply to a request of Representative
Moody asking that no order be issued
canceling tho permits granted before
congress convene, when careful consider
ation of all the interests involved may
be had. The request waB made on ac
count of the departmental order recently
issued excluding sheep from the Rainier
Nearly every city and town in this
state has a curfew ordinance, which to
an extent at least is successful i.i keep
ing young boys and girls off the Btreets
at night. Anyone who spends a night
or two in The Dalles can readily see that
such an ordinance is not a part of the
Ibwb m force here, for boys, yep, and
voting girls without escorts, may be
seen prowling about our streets, not only
during the early part of the night, but
many times after midnight. We were
pleased to hear that the matter of a
curfew ordinance for this city was dis
cussed at tho council meeting Tuesday
evening, and sincerely hope it will be
carried into tiled before long.
With the Ciikoxicm: today readers
will find a supplement which will be of
interest to travelers up nnd down the
river. To the already efficient service of
the D. P. & A. N. Company has been
added tho Steamer Inland Flyer. Site
has always seemed like a veritable
pleasure boat; and the more so now since
sho has been fitted up in such n complete
manner, and a trip down the Columbia
on her cannot fall to be enjoyable;
particularly so sii'ce sho makes no long
waits in loading on freight, only stopping
at way stations to take on passengers.
Ono objection to this steamer has always
been that her facilities for furnishing
meals havo not been good. This difficulty
has been obviated, and the cosiest little
dining room has been fitted up where
eighteen can be served at ono time. It
is also so situated on the upper deck
that tho view is perfect. To look at the
dining room makes one fairly hungry.
Thou her pilot lioueo is ahead of that on
either of the other steamers, being eo
arranged tiiat passengers can be very
comfortable while they view tho scenery
from her loft v height. Several state
rooms have been added for the crew.
She will leave tho dock here tomorrow
morning at 8 o'clock, with Capt. Whit
comb at the helm, Capt. Coo pilot, Chas,
Twlnham purser,A. B.Andrews engineer,
aud Chris. Luft steward, reaching Port
land at G o'clock.
Millions of dollars, is the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on
the life of her child, which she saved
from croup by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds
and throat and lung troubles, Butler
Drug Co.
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, tf
Suit or
In fact.wc sell only High Grade goods,
the very best make of clothing anyway.
Cheap, trashy, thrown together goods
find no place in our store. Our line com
prises the very best goods to he had.
The prices have been red iced. The pro
fit is all yours for ono week, for the
modest sum of
I'RSHenger Train IJrlayeil, Hut No One
Was Injured-
All Eorts of rumors were rife
when business men came down to their
offices this morning. No. 2, the east
bound passenger, which arrives at 11:45,
did not make its appearance until
11 o'clock this morning. Reports had
it that a general smash-up had occurred
ut Cascades, and that Engineer Barrett
had been killed. Many such stories
went the rounds and everyone waited
anxiously for the arrival of the train.
When ehe pulled in at the Umatilla
House it was discovered that nothing
seriouB had occurred although tiie acci
dent was of such a nature that the trains
were necessarily delayed. When No. 1,
the west-bound passenger, which left
here about 5:30 last evening, reached a
place a mile and a half this eide of Cas
cades, a lire came off one of the
wheels of her engine, which is No. 83,
O. L. Barrett engineer. Word was eent
toAlbinafor assistance, and the delay
was caused by the difficulty in getting
the disabled engine to the Locks.
The passengers on both trains must
have had a merry time. No. 1 was
crowded, it being the regular excursion
day to the Portland exposition. No. 2
had orders to meet No. 1 at Viento and
pulled in thereabout 9:30 and as it is
not a telegraph station, waited in any
thing but blissful ignorance until 2
o'olock, when an engine came by on the
way from Portland to aesist the broken
down train. After that had passed No.
2 came on to Cascades, where they
waited till the track was cleared this
morning nnd came on.
Accidents will happen on the best
regulated railways, nnd delayed trains,
mail, etc., are not to be considered when
compared with the awful eastern wrecks
where so many lives are lost.
Oliver 1 Jackson Dead.
Tuesday morning at his home in Spo
kane, O. P. Jackson died of congestion
of the lungs, his death being somewhat
sudden. He was 62 years of age.
Most of our citizens will remember
Mr. Jackson, who built, owned and
managed the Jackson Hotel which occu
pied the lot adj lining Fitz Gerald's store
over fifteen ears ago. He had been in
tho hotel business in Oregon aud Wash
ington for about twenty years and there
aro few of tho early residt uts of this part
of the country with whom ho did not
claim acquaintanceship. He at one
time managed the Horton Houso at
Ellcnsburg. In the early days of the
Northern Pacific lie ran theOakes house
at Cheney and the Villard house at
Sprague. From the nature of hie busi
ness he made many acquaintances and
he will bo remembered by people In all
parts of the state.
Mr. Jacksou leaves a widow, a sou
and one daughter, the wife of Martin
Maloney, of Spokane, The funeral took
place from tho family residence at 10
o'clock today and the services were un
der the auspices of the Odd Fellows, in
which order Mr. Jackson had for years
been a prominent member.
U Quart
Two Quarts
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, -
I'IcbsIdc Vaudeville frliow.
The Portland Telegram says : "Van
ity Fair" proved a most pleasing at
traction to the patrons of the Mnrquum
Grand last night, anil it was a per
formance that brought roars of laughter
even from the parquette and boxes.
There is no plot to "Vanity Fair" Lut
there is a most entertaining potpoori of
specialities. The performance opens
with a most laughable burlesque on tho
"Trip to Coney Island." This act brings
out nearly the full strength of the com
pany, showing a number of handeome
girls who can not only sing and dance
well but are fairly well up in the art of
acting. Worthy of special mention is
the turn of C. W. Williams, the ventril
oquist, who is really a top-notch man
in his line and a whole show in himself.
Culm and Brown do soruo clever Ger
man comedy work, and Albert and Belle
Williams brought much applause witti
their coon turn. Kittie Harbeck and
Williams were well received with their
slack wire and contortion act, while the j
Misses Hawthorne and Parsons earned
several lecills in their singing. There
is plenty of horse play and broad humor
in the performance, but all within the
confines of decencv.
That Joyful iielllif;
With theexhilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitue;
sometimes offered but never accepted by
the well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by tho California Fife
Syrup Co.
Will take one-half in trade for po
tatoes, chickens, flour, pork, hay, sec
ond or third grade wheat, g)od wood,
or a No. 1 bicycle: Oiu buggy, one
span of good young horses, well broken,
good life; weight about 1050 to 1190
pounds. Call at Dufur & Menefee's of
fice, or addrecs box 71(3, The Dalles,
Ore. Oct3 lw
Goou Work Iloratm fur riulu.
I will be at Saltuiursho'e stockyards
with 75 head ot woik horses by tiie 18th
of October.
octl2 18 Emu, Stuouhe.
Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
of a severe case of indigestion ; can
strongly recommend it to all dvepeptics."
Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach, and cured dyspepsia. Butler
Drug Co.
Dyspepsia cun be cured by using
j Acker's 'Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little
Tablet will glvo immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Paint your house with' paints tiiat are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Standard fashions will give you the
latest cut In all garments for fall wear.
Pease & Mays.
SOg per dozen
esc per dozen
The Dalles, Or.
Opera House
"It is to Laugh."
Saturday, October 14, '99
A Melange of Burlesque and Vaudeville
With entirely new wardrobe and
an'admirahle company.
Pricos Reserved seats ."0.! and 35c;
general admission 25c; children 15c.
Seats on sale at the Butler Drug Co. 'a
store Thursday morning.
Baldwin ',
Iteturn engagement of tho uvorltCK,
Saturday, October '14th,
1'reienting tiie Ccmlo Oiem Boull'e,
35- PEOPLE 35
liiC'luilliig mi ( Illelent
male hi. a feiniilc clioriib.
Admission $1.00. Beserved peats on
sale Thursday, October 12, at Hlakeloy
Sc Houghton's drug store,
WHS. OIilVlR W. PfiGftJ,
Tiiird Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dalles
Itiuoe Pimple,, !r,nt I'll
IllliOUfUwM'Uflfjr till' blood, ILLtJ
Curt Ht-ftiUclia n. 1.h
A luo?wu,ut of I he l.owfU ctcb dj U Dt.-rxirv
fyrltcalth. TIim utltlitruripv iior"tckfii7 ' T ?ou
L'Si'V "III will MniplS Irr' !ur f ail tSi f?r
K. lrf t, diUMUlw 0f. BOSANKb CO. Pbll. f l