Black Cepons. No Reason Why Jason's prait Jars. If you havo not givon this mailer a thought, call during tho weok and hp convinced that wo are showing tho most complete line of novelties in theso goods evor shown in this city. in view of the unprecedented offer which wo mako today there is no poslble reason you should not wear a high grade, up-to-date, fully guaranteed Iiinings For tho ahove mentioned goods we have this season a very superior lining known as Spun Glass which is a beautiful substitute for Taffeta silk. It is more durable and gives the same effect. Except to the eye of an expert it can not be distinguished from the genuine Taffeta. All tho swell garments are being lined with this and gives most perfect satisfaction. Our lining stock was never so complete as this season. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, WEDNKSDAY - OCTOBER 11, ISfi) Oysters tcrvcil In every style by A. KELLER. ()- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. l'aperB havo been made out for the collection of road tax, and will be served if not paid during the week. Pay up and avoid trouble. Chns.lJMillor, who was formerly pus tengor conductor on tho 0. 11. & X., is now giving the high signs with the night crew in tho terminal yards at Spokane. Tho report that all work has been dit nntintied on tho Lyle-Gohlendalu road serins to be correct. Ily stoppling work tho company forfeits nil title to tho right of way. Agriculturist. The I'matiUa House bowling alloy, b which have always been such a favorite roiort during the cool weather, worn opened tin's morning nnd in a few days bDwlurs will bo rollin' 'em high. An exchange- says tint a man who carries on his business without advortiH i"!! is like ti man winking nt n pretty girl through a pair of green goggles he may know what he is doing but no ono else does, The sale of senta for "Fnnily Fuir," wliu-h will bo put on ut tho Vogt Satur day night, will begin tomorrow morning at the Jtutler Drug Co.'s store. Re served seats 50 and 35 cents ; general ad mission 25cents; children lGconts. W. H. Butts, the wide-nwako real eetito man, line changed the location of hU oflico, nnd is now with Mr. T. A. Hudson, whore lio will bo pleased to meet his many patrons. When you Want property at your own prlco don't forgot to consult "Dad." Rev. G. Hushing, of the Christian church, received a telegram this morn ing Irom his sister who resides at Gar fie'd, Wash., telling of the serious ill noa i of his brother at that place. Mr. Rmhitnc will leave on this evening's train for Garfield to bo at his bedside. Tho Congregational young ladles, as is their custom, will give a Halloween entertainment on theovenlng of theiiOth at the Baldwin. Tub Ciihonicj,e was a little provlous in announcing that the Inland Flyer would begin her regular run today. She will make her first trip Friday, details concerning which will be given tomorrow. To bo amused and pleasantly to la one of the most agreeable relief from the worries of business. The best mode of obtaining It may be generally found in o lighter forms, were a happy mm biimbn of elements from the best ef. forts of entertainers pass rapidly from one subject to another, giving also all the aid that can be had from coitutnei Pease & Mays and other cfTucts. This most admirablo arrangement is said to ho obtained with ''Vanity Fair," the newest bur lesqtio which is to be here on Saturday night. The ladies singing class will meet this evening ut, 7 o'clock nt the residence of Dr. Rinehart. Al! Indies wiio desire to improve themselves in sight reading and part-singing should join this claes this evening, as no new members will bo accepted hereafter. This is a rtre opportunity and may never occur again. A live-months' course for $5. Mrs. Sarah Clevengor, of Grunts Pass, president of the Rebekah Assembly for Oregon, will arrive in the city on to night's train. Tomorrow evening slio will be the guest of Azalea lodge, and each member should make an extru effort to be in attendance, and enjoy, ne well as receive benefit from her visit. Tho Male Chorus under organization will meet this evening at 9 o'clock sharp at tho Congregational church for further organization. All gentlemen who desire to improve themselves in sight singing and chorus woik should join this class nt onco. A five-months' course for $5. Ik-gin at once. You will novor regret it. Come tonight, or apply to A. W. Lnniloll. "Mikudo" is n favorite with most everyone nnd an opera Hint never grows old. Tho Metropolitan company is equal to handling it in a splendid man nor, for they have added to thu fine com pany which visited hero last spring sewral new artists, making tho number thirty five in all. The box sheet will bo open at Blakoley & Houghton's tomor row morning. "Vanity Fair" is a vaudeville bIiow, but claims to be of the highest clnBS, and from what reports say contains nothing that the most refined could object to. Contrnry to their usual course, thny have decided to play nt what is termed "popular" prices 25, 35 and 50 cents, resorved seats to be on sale at the Butler Drug Company's Thursday morning. Two victims of over-indulgence in the fiery liquid now saw wood for the city, having failed to pay their fines of $5 each. J. N. Cramblet was arrested yes terday afternoon, and . Straight last night. Straight ib tho sheepheider who lost his wardrobe wl.Uo drunk about a week since. At that time he donned the drinking habit nnd hasn't been able to keep Straight eiuco. We hear much said about the affinity of the female persuasion for a mirror and are led to believe that the "stronger sex" have no idea what they are used for. A glance into Parkins' barber shop since the new mirror case has been put in will overthrow that Idea, for to those which already occupied a place there, he has added nine new ones. And yet men have no use for the article. It Is estimated the puck of salmon on Puget sound this season will be 000,000 cases. This is the largest in the history of the fisheries, the record for last year being 400,200 cases, valued at $1,000,800. On tho basis of tho emtio prices this A Id $5.95 We ure showing a line of suitB in Tweede, Worsted, Velour, Cas simoro; Serge in stripes, checks, plain and oxford mixed; Sacks and Frocks, with single and double breasted vests. Overcoats of Thibets, Oxlords, Cassimere, Vicuna and Covert cloth and all the latest novelties at the game price. $2.95 is a Heap of Money. If you bring a bright bouncing boy and $2.95 to our children's de partment, you'll soon learn what a lot of money $2.9 is, or that the above amount has a high purchasing value at our store. You'll also admit that our children's depaitment has no equal hereabout. If saving a dollar is your Hobby, come in and we will encourage the Hobby. year the value of the pack comes up to $ 2,-JOl ,200. This does not include a large amount of salt nnd frozen fish which have been dealt in heavily this season. j Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock, as one of the Hnrriman brothers, whose name wo did not learn, but whose place Ib on Dry Hollow near 8-Mile, was com ing up from 6-Mile to the 0-Mile hill witli a four-horse load of wheat, his lenders broke loose from the wagon and ran over the hill down toward 5-Mile. Benching the road opposite Hyer'e barn, one of thorn fell and injured himself so that he died shortly afterward. Loaded teams were coming from each direction, nnd for a time there was what might be termed, a "wheat blockade" in that vicinity. Soon, however, matters were adjusted nnd the procession moved on. Mr. Hnrriman begun to think that niis fortuno never comes eingly, for not long since lie paid $100 for a team nnd con sidered that he had a good bargain. A few weeks ago one of them collided with a barbed wire fence nnd killed himself and now his mnte has suffered a like fate. Ills Mother' l'lcture. Alter the battle of Manila, when the Olympiu was in Manila harbor, a powder boy lost his coat overboard, and asked permission to go over after it. He was ordered to remain on the ehip but dis obeyed, nnd, slipping around to the other side of tho vessel, dropped into the bay nnd swum around, nnd finally recovered his cont. He was hauled on board and placed under arrest for dis obedience of orders, nnd was finally brought before tho admiral. Dewey questioned him abruptly, nnd tears came to the boy's eyes. He reached into tho pocket of the dripping coat and took out a woman's picture. "It's my mother," he said. "The only picture I've got.' "My boy," said Dewey, after a moment of silence, "a lad who would risk his life to recover bis mother's picture will not be punished by me. You ought not to have disobeyed the order. But I congratulate you on hav ing done it." Double Tralu Service to Sao FraucUco, On October 15th the Southern Pacific Co. will inaugurate n"Daylight Ex press," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. in., and reaching San Francisco at 7 :45 next evening only one night out. Both standard Pullman and tourist sleepers will be attached. This new train is iu addition to the .present 7 p. m. Shasta Overland, nndywill glvemany passengers the desired opportunity to see enroute the Great Willamette, Umpqua and Sac ramento Valleys iwithout loss cf time, and still arrive in Oakland and San Francisco at a seasonable hour. To Cure a Cold in out Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fnlk have them. Suit or Overcoat. In fact, we sell only High Grade goods, the very beet make of clothing anywav. Cheap, trashy, thrown together goods find no place in our store. Our line com prises the very best goods to le had. The prices havo been red iced. The pro fit is all yours for one week, for the modest sum of HUCiH BORTHWICK DEAD. All Accident at Ooble Causes the Death of H Mil ii Well Known Here. H. B. Borthwicb, who dted Monday morning in the hospital at Portland, was very well known to Dalles people and all along the Columbia river, having been engaged In the lumbering business for the past twenty years. Iu the early '70's he came to the Upper Cascades and for years was in partnership with Walter Frame, until the mill burned in 18S9, whfn he went to Gohle, where lie again purchased n mill. The accident which cauBed his death, happened as follows: Mr. Borthwick was engaged in mak ing an inspection of a flume connected with his mill, m lien he elipped and fell a distance of twenty feet. He struck on a broken spile with full force. On be ing picked up he was found unconecious. An examination disclosed that one of his ' arras was broktn in two places and it was further evident from his continued bleeding from the mouth that he was hIbo injured internally. On the arrival of the train trou Astoria Mr. Borthwick was placed on board and taken to the hospital at Portland, where he died. The news of the sad occurrence was tele graphed to Mr. Edwards, the local agent of the mill, who immediately loft for theiijured man's bedside. Mr. Borthwick was one of the most enterprising lumberman on the Colum bia river and had largely built up and extended his business the past few yeais. Hia deatli will be deeply regretted along the riyer, and none more than his em ployes in the mill, all of whom speak of him in the highest terms. All during the panic times, when mills were compelled to shut down all over the country, he kept a crowd of hands at work at his mill, regardless of the losses that lie was sustaining. When the better time came lie began prepar ations for an extensive business. A new tug boat had just been completed for him, and was to have been put in eer vice this week. Many other improve ments were to have been made at his mill, and his death is not only a great shock to his friends, but is a blow to the business interests of the town where he operated. Mr. Bortiiwick'e wife died last spring, leaving him without any family. He has a brother living in Canada, who has been advised of his death. The funeral whb held Tuesday and the Interment was in Riverview cemetery at Portland. The Masonic order and the Elks participated in the funeral exercises. Married at Dufur, At 3 o'clock today at the homo of the bride's parents in Dufur, Harry K. Richards and Miss Jetty Starr were united in marriage by Rev. O. V. White pastor of the United Brethren church. The parlors were prettily decorated, and quito a number of Intimate friends, as well as many relatives, were present. At the closo of the ceremony a weddlngdlnnor wa spread for the guests, One Quart Two Quarts MAYS & "Harmony" CUhiskey This brand of Whiskev is guaranteed to the consumer as a PURE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - which was greatly enjoyed as lively con versation and jest was engaged In. Ono was heard to remark that Mr. Richards' Star-gazing had a happy termination in the possession of a Star; while another said as Harry was constable of his precinct, it was only fitting he sliotil 1 have a Star. At the same time all joined in hearty good wishes. Mr. Richards is tho eou of W. D. Richards, of Fairview, and n very worthy young man. He has industriously gained for himself a competency and business ability which gives the young lndj the assurance of being well cared for and having a desirable life companion. Miss Starr is a very popular young lady, who is foiemost in society and church work in Dufur having been organist in the U. B. church there for some time. The many presents betokened the esteem in which they are held. The young people will make their home in the neatlittle cottage which has been fitted up at his place eight miles from this city. The Cintosici.K wishes to join in the numerous good wishes expressed. Mi. and Mrs. J. F. llaworth, Mrs. It. E. llaworth and Mrs. J. Mann left the city this afternoon to attend tho wedding, the groom being n brother of theirs. F. V. Wilson fleeted t'uuiicllmiiu. A short, but important adjourned meeting of the council was held last evening at 7 ;S0 at the recorder's office, when were present Councilmen Keller, Clough, Johns, Gunning, Stephens and Kelly. The object of the meeting was to take into consideration the bids for the ex tension of Federal street from Fulton to Clay. But one bid' was submitted that of ,R. Brown nnd C. T. Jones. For constructing the same, not including covering with gravel, their bid was $060. A separate bid for covering was 65 cents per cubic yard. The couiicil delayed the acceptance of tho bid, considering that the expense was too great for tho city to bear unaided, and it was decided to give the residents adjacent to the street an opportunity to assist, a leport to be given in at the next meeting, on October 17th. A bill of C. J. CrandaH's for $25, for surveying and making specifications of street, was allowed. The committee on streets and public property was directed to sell the old stoves which have been in use in the city jail and recorder's office. Some time siuce Councilman Michel bach resigned, having taken up his residence iu another ward, and Inst night F. VY. Wilson was elected council man for the First ward. No doubt the youngest member of the council will prove an eflicieut warden of tho city a interests. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, One little Tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blukeley & Houghton Druggists. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brueher. 50c per flozeu SSc per dozen 3 CROWE. The Dalles. Or, VOGT Opera House "It is to Laugh." Saturday, October 14, '99 Vanity Fair A Melange of Burlesque and Vaudeville Witn entirely new wardrobe nnd an admirable company. Prices Resorved seats 50o and :55r; ueneral admission 25c; children 15c. Seats on sale at the Butler Drug Co. 'a store Thursday morning. Baldwin Opera House Itctuin cugcceincnt of tlio favorite, ONE NIGHT ONLY, Saturday, October 14th, ricfcctittni; iillliort ic Sullivan's Comic Upon licmilu, Mikado. 35 PEOPLE 35 iiiflmiliif, an undent liuilu ai.ii female churns. Admission $1.00. Reserved seats on sale Thursday, October 12, at Blukeley & Houghton's drug etore. MS. OLIVIA W. PW, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, hetwren Court and Wash ton Streetp, The Dalles. n. niiftiiiisft mm m mwm mmm w r,w n ONE FOR A DOSE. OHIO niliou.ut.., l-unj tliuUluud, ILLll Krmnro I!iup!e, I'rifnt warn uvAiiitriiv u 1 Dy.prunU. fn Si Jgi A inorvment nf Ilia l.owtiU etch day U nrreutry f Iiiij ..u, wj. will mm hwhi, t,rv u, full l,oj for KcUwldbrdra.-KUth OR. U0SANK& CO. Phils, f i niETROPGLlTRjt