The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1899, Image 3

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No Reason Why
prait Jars.
For Iho abovo mentioned goods wo have this
season a vory superior
in view of the unprecedented offer which
we make today there is no possible
reason you should not wear a high grade,
up-to-date, fully guaranteed
Spun Glass
which is a beautiful substitute for Taffeta
silk. It is more durable and gives the same
effect. Except to the eye of an expert it can
not bo distinguished from'the genuine Taffeta.
All the swell garments are being lined with
this and gives most perfect satisfaction. Our
lining stock was never so complete as this
Black Crepons.
If you have not given this matter a thought,
call during the week and bo convinced that
wo .are showing the most complete line of
novelties in these goods ever shown in this
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlerureB.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TUESDAY - - CTOBElTlO, 18ft)
i-crvcil In
style by
Take your prescriptions to the Butler
Dm;: Co. They put up what the doctor
Everywhere thuB fur this aeason the
"Vanity Fuir" compuny seems to be
giving satisfaction.
Two marriago licenses were granted
to lay. Ono to Hurry R. Richards, of
Fairfield, and Jetty I. Starr, of Dufurj
another to Fruuk Wing and Annie John
6)ii, both of Tygh.
What h worth doing at all is worth
doing woll. An Eastman Kodak will
insure goud work. Got a complete out
fit from the Butler Drug Co. and when
you tHku a picture you will have u thing
of be.uity and n jfy forever.
Huno-seekere have not ceneed their
exo.lua to the West, and every through
train br'ngs parties from the East look
ing fur a homo in the "nild and wooly."
List niht ten persons from Iowa landed
in Tim Dalles ond will settle "here
The Indies of the Congregational Aid
Sociuty will meet at the homo of Mrs. S.
h. Brooks Wednesday afternoon. A
largo attendance is desired, it is re
quested that the ladies bring their
J. 13. Barry, who waa charged with
embezzlement, camo up for examina
tion in Justice Bayard's court this
morning, nnd ho wus held in the piini of
$500. Alfied S. Bennett appeared for
Iho defendant and A. A, Jayne for the
'i'lio international raco cannot bo said
to bo n racy race, nor run according to
the iifiinl rules, for again today the
word "off" Instead of go. It Mu
fteal Hays the water Isn't green enough
or the Shamrock j but tho reol trouble
seems to he the breeze lan'tswlftouough
'or tl o Columbia.
Tho unrringoof Roger B. SWinott of
thh i ity, and Miss Augusta Lownsdale,
o! S-ilom, Is announced to tke placo In
Salem Tlursday at higtnoon. The
you 'K man left this morning for the
capital city, and aftea wedding trip
to the 13 ist, will brlnliU briie to Tho
03, tin udditiontiavlng bron placed
01 the north wPHtnmnr nf tho Ulna
tilla Home, wherjtf they will make their
homo for the preeeut.
An entertainment was given by the
ld!ea of the U. B. chnrch at Dufur
lt Friday eveulng, for the purpose of
Improving tbe appearance of their
church. Tbe entertainment wm ex
ceptionally gjod, the participant! de
lervhiK much credit for their efforts.
Pease & Mays
Refreshments were served in connection,
and the proceeds amounted to the Bntig
sum of over $153.00, the ladies feeling
well paid for their efforts.
The engagement of the Metropolitan
Opera Co., at the Baldwin Saturday
night, promisei to be one of great im
portance. They come to Tho Dalles with
most flattering press notices beside being
previously known here as a company
that is far above the average. LaBt sea
son many hundred were disappointed in
not attending but on this occasion all
lovers of music will have a chance to
see and hear opera that is opera.
The little etoam ferry Klickitat seemed
to be decidedly unfortunate and laid
up for repairs the greater portion of tho
time. The Telegram says "The steam
ferry 'Klickitat, of The Dalles, which
has been operating between Vancouver
and the Oregon shore, carrying teams,
since the Vancouver went on the ways,
broko down this morning, and was com
pelled to tie up. The delay was caused
by tiie breaking of a piuion in the gear
ing. A foice of men ie at work repair
ing the damage, and it is expected ttuit
she will resume operations tills after
noon." Sunday evening about 4 o'clock as the
special baaring the Minnesota soldiers
rounded a curve near Grants it ran
inta a Chinaman who was working on
the track, injuring him so that he died
yesterday morning. For some reason
tho Chinnmau did not hear the train and
the sand was blowing so that he could
scarcely seo. It is difficult to determine
Iroin the disconnected reports given by
the Celestials just how tho accident
happened. His friends had the body
brought down yesterday afternoon and
burled it today.
A very pleasant evening was spent in
Fraternity Hull last night by members
of the G. A. R. and W. R. C, about
forty holng present. I'laus were dis
cussed for the wintorj work, and it is
hoped their united efforts may be
crowned with Buccoeo and much good
accomplished. The lunch tables wero
spreud and good cheer prevailed. Mrs.
Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford nnd
MIbb Pearl Grimes enlivened the parting
hour with very swtot music. Many
kind wishes were expreeBed for the
absent members, when the "Good
Nights" were exchanged.
This morning tho Inland Flyer, whioh
reached here Sunday night, started
down the river with Agent Allaway,
Directors Peters, Brooks and Nolan, on
board. They make the trip a short dis
tance down tho river for the purpoeeof
locating docks. Tomorrow morning the
Flyer will begin making regular runs to
Portland In connection with Iho Dalles
City, the former carrying passengers,
who will thus be euabled to make the
trluouicker ae alio will not stop at way
stations for freight, the latter doing
that part of the work. In tins manner
a regular schedule of time can be made
for the runs, and will be advantageous
in many ways. The Flyer has been lit
ted up io that meals can be served to a
Urge number at once, and the cabins
We are showing a line of suits in Tweeds, Worsted, Velour, Cas
eimere; Serge in stripes, checks, plain and exford mixed; backs and
Frocks, with single and double breasted vests.
Overcoats of Thibets, OxfordB, Cassimere, Vicuna and Covert
cloth and all the latest novelties at the same price.
$2.95 is a Heap of Money.
If you bring a bright bouncing boy and $2.93 to our children's de
partment, you'll soon learn what a lot of money $2.9 is, or that the above
amount has a high purchasing value at our store. You'll also admit that
our children's depaitment has no equal hereabout. If eaving a dollar is
your Hobby, come in and we will encourage tbe Hobby.
have also been enlarged, so that passen
gers will be as comfortable as on either
one of the boats. The. Dalles City will
also take passengers, but will start
earlier and make the trip much slower
as she stops for ail way freight.
Our contemporary showed Ub good
taste in criticising the actions of two
young ladles (?) who were the principal
actorB in the Hobsonian part of the re
ception given to the Minnesota boys
Sunday. If Hobson had to face euch as
that in his tour, we are not surprised
that he Bank into insignificance. It
would be well, however, to add that
there are olwoys a certain class in a
community who not only disgrace them
selves, but the city in which they re
side, and while strangers who pass
through often go away and reflect on
the character of the young ladies of the
city in general, any one who will Btop
and consider will readily see what an in
justice such a criticism would be.
The feeling of Christian sympathy
which exists between denominations (in
spite of oft repeated criticism to the con
trary) was evidenced in the very
gracious act of the Congregational Sun
day school in The Dalles toward the un
fortunate Methodist Sunday Echool at
Canyon City. During his recent visit
to this city E. S. Pun field, who is a
Congregationallst, but who in tho ab
sence of that church there, affiliate?
with the Methodist denomination and
is superintendent of the Sunday school,
told the members of the Congregational
school hero what a loss the church in
Canyon City puffered in the lire last
year, when their building was destroy
ed. A member arose aud suggested that
ue a taken of their fellowship, nnd also
their respect for the superintendent,
who was the earlieet superintendent of
their school here, they take up a col
lection and present it to the Canyon
City church. Last Sunday the collec
tion was taken and as a result $30 will
be sent to Canyon City to aid them in
We have often spoken of the dearth of
literary societies and pursuits in The
Dalles; but there Ib one organization
which for several years has held it e
meetings each Monday evening through
the winter months and not only obtain
much benefit thereby, but as much en
joymont. Last evening the meeting was
held at the home of Dr. Belle Rinehart,
und a splendid program wub given of
tho utmost interest to everyone present.
The lesson was conducted by Mrs. Dor.
nell, and the subject was "The Conflict
Between the United States and Foreign
Powers." The supplementary subject
was "Aztecs." Mrs. Shackelford, Mre.
Thompson and Mies Wrenn read papers
treating of the "Mound Builders,"
which were very much appreciated and
inado this etudy already so interesting
to all, the more bo by the manner in
which they handled it. Miss Roberts
also gave a select reading on tbe Massa
cre of the Aztecs, and Mr. Northup read
a comprehensive paper on the "Dis
covery of the Columbia." Among the
visitors to the class were J. 11. Rine
hart, of Sunimerville, F. W. Wilson,
Mrs. J. A. GelaendorfTer acd Miss Ger
trude Mays.
Suit or
In fact, we sell only High Grade goods,
the very best make of clothing anyway.
Cheap, trashy, thrown together goods
find no place in our store. Our line com
prises the very best goods to be had.
The prices have been red iced. The pro
fit is all yours for ono week, for the
modest sum of
Concentrates Ills Thoughts on Con
centrator, Life, Women, Mulev,
Education, Etc.
The Greenhorn, Oct. 1, 1899.
Editoh Chronicle :
The Greenhorn is still verdant, and so
ie the Greenhorner. It is not true that
that "horn" has been blown for the
last time, though, no doubt, it would be
a relief to most of your readers were that
thecase. Everything is "mines" up ttiis
way, and from morning even until long
after the going down of the sun the one
subject of conversation is strikes, stakes,
drifts, free-milling, bare ore, sulphurets,
chlorides, concentration, cquare-Eets,
and so on, and so on, until the weary
tympanum throbs to tbe dreary and
monotonous grind. Once there was a
mule that furnished tbe motive power
for the merry-go-round in a brick-yard.
Now this mule, after ten weary months
of the drudgery, complained in a loud
and mournful voice until his master,
growing weary of the doleful cadence ol
his song, gave him a new j')b. He was
sent into the city and there employed
in furnishing the speed to a genuine
merry-go-round. The happy laughter
of children greeted hie ears and made
him regret the fact that he would never
be able to raise a family of his own.
The demure maiden emiled the dimes
out of the pockets of the adolescent dude
with the caterpillar down on his upper
lip, and gaily swung round the circum
ference of the circle aud the mule
Life was at last "one joyous round of
pleasure," aud yet at night as that mule
munched whatever his owner gave him
to munch on, he failed to discover where
or how his condition had been bettered
And after all he came to the conclusion
that the now job gave him longer hours
and kept him up later.
I wonder sometimes if, after all, it is
not just as well that I should grind out
a useless life in the wilds of tho Green
horna solitude my intellectuality is so
well calculated to adorn as to expofo
my unsophisticated mind to the tempta
tions and wickbdnees of city life. And
yet, even I, sometimes long to look upon
u face, or several of them, as fair, or
fairer than my own. I pine for a sight
of a chip-hat with trimmings on it, and
under it. I feel that it would rest my
eyes to gaze on something daintier than
a six-foot-two he-cook. I fain would
hear the voice, soft and low a voice
dripping witli honey instead of tobacco
juice, and suggestive of flowers and
birds aud tenderness and humanity, and
love, and God; instead of profanity and
mule-driving and rimjue stories, and all
manner of wickedness. Life, I suppose,
is nil right; it depending on tho manner
in which it is lived, or as someone re
marked, "It depended on tho liver."
But I fear that I am growing sentiment
al, and sentiment from a gaunt-flanked,
gander-shanked six-footer like myself,
whose sole earthly possessions is a pair
of knee-Bprung overalls aud a few old
rags to hide behiud, is as much of a
matter of sarcasm as shearing a pig for
I One Quart
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
woo', and that, you know, is "shear
nonsense." wiiicn leads me to remaric
that Job never monkeyed with a John
son concentrator.
A Johnson concentrator is a Mrst-cla83
machiae. It is also the devil himself
done up in iron and belting anil cusEed
nees. Concentration is the automatic
weighing of product0, and the separation
thereof according to weight. A Johnson
concentrator doas this to perfection.
It also concentrates one's mind on long
since forgotten cuss-words, and racks
one's brain for still more and more eu
perlative and keenly accentuated pro
fanity, and makes one a convert to the
doctrine of a higher education in the
public Echool, bo that when the sweet
boy graduate tackles a Johnson his
command of Englieh will not fail him
and leave him stranded high and dry on
the Bhoals of illiteracy, pouring out hie
soul in explosive Saxon and gasping
over the paucity of his verbosity. If it
were not for the concentrator this would
be a good summer resort. It has snowed
every month this year, and October
came in witli two inches of the beautiful.
It lingered all day, and tho air was
filled moet of the time with the miser
able stuff. But here I go wandering and
maundering as I usually do when I get
paper and pencil in combination. I
shall viBit The Dalles shortly, and I
know that I should have done eo long
N W t
S -
One can readily imagine that an actress who made such a clever little " Hut
Una" as did Blanche Aldrlch In "Maecotte," cannot be excelled as "Yum Yum"
iu Mikado, Saturday night at the Baldwin.
50c per ten
65c per dozen
ago. I can only offer tbe excuse that I
did not because I am
A. Gkekniiorx.
That Joyful Feeling
With tlieexhilerating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal clean
lineep, which follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines nnd the cheap snbstitues
sometimes offered but never accepted by
t he well-informed. Buy the genuine.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. .
All members of the V. R. C. are
earnestly requested to meet for drill
work at Fraternity Hall next Friday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
By order of the President.
To Cure a Cola In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
HtS. OltlVlR W. MOW,
A Nil
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, The Dalles.