The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1899, Image 1

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The elegantly
apparelled man
hut) lunch tlio bottor chanco of succors in
this world ovor his poorly clad brothor.
Wo are still living in nn age so thorough
ly impressionist that people do take
their impressions from tho mon tliey
moot largely .
You should dress well, no matter
what your position in life may be.
Tho tailors from whom we buy our
fine clothing have solved the problem
for thoso who have slender purees. Fine
clothes here do not mean high prices.
You can get a suit or overcoat here,
equal to any which you can get made to
measure at doublo the price, we ask $15.
Finer grades, but not more serviceable,
all tho way up to $25, and your money
back if you are dissatisfied with your
purchase. That alone is more than any
tuilor will do.
Suits, Overeoats and Ulsters
Men and
Boys is
The advent of the Fall Season finds us unusually well prepared with a magnificent stock of clothing. Tho
new styles are many of them radically different from those of last fall and winter, while wo have endeavored in
the selection of this seasoh's stock to meet the popular price demand. No single garment in our stock, no matter
how low its price, has been permitted to have a place on. our counters, unless it embodies proper style and satis
factory serviceability. Furthermore, Every Garment that leaves our store Must Pit.
If the pants you like
best are too long, we
them cut off for you.
Twont cost you a cent
extra. We fit every garment.
Men's double breaBted sqnare
cut sack suits, made in blue
serge, blue or black cheviot,
cassimere, scotch tweed, and
fancy striped worsted, and
- brown meltons ; per suit, $10 to $20
6 We have the coat pres- V
sed, the pants creased, J
T and any little alteration
b made that, is necessary to V
insure a good fit at no' ad
a ditional expense to you.
Stout men's 4-but-ton
Round Sack Suits
$7.50 to $20.00.
One of the main feat
ures of this complete
stock is that we can
fit perfectly the man
who is hard-to-fit, be
he short and stout or
tall and thin. Trv us.
( D i j
Only Price
talks to some men
Many of them do not talk enough
cf the reputation of the firm offering
price bargains. They do not realize
that quality is more important than
price, for if a garment wears out too
quickly tho cost will bo forgotten
when the memory of its unsatisfactory
service will remain.
Therefore we say, buy as cheaply
as you can, certainly, but consider
quality in making purchases as well
as price. We built our business by
stating facts.
Every Suit, Overcoat
or pair of Trousers
we sell are
Made to Fit Perfectly and
Pressed free of charge.
CopjrlRht 1S9S,
Fecbheiiner. Fkbol & Co.
Silk faced, double-breasted sack
suits for men. Special ; Blue
herring-bone stripe Serge, as
above cut $13.75
Men's 4-button round sack suits;
47 different styles and patterns,
per suit. . . $5 to $25
Brown Oxford
All wool
Irish Frieze
Puro wool fine ilunnel
lining. A Bargain at
; o
Young men's double
breasted .square cut
suite, fit perfectly.
8 new patterns in
worsteds and tweeds
Per suit. . . .ij-7.50 to if 13.75
Young mens 4-button
round cut sack suit,
for from 16 to 20 yre,
modeled after our
finest men's suits;
perfect in lit and of
faultless finish .if". 50 to $15
Men's storm ulsters, the
zero weather kind ; $5
to $18. Special; all
wool frlesso, dark gray
color; well made and
finished $8.00
Young man's storm
Ulster j neat, and dressy,
warm and servicablo;
$3.50 to $13.75
In gray or black heavy
meltons, brown checked cas
simere and bluck frieze.
Men's 3-button cut-a-way frock
suits, suits for every day or Sun
day wear. Cassimere at $10;
striped or pin-head worsted at
$12 to $17; black clays, $7.50 to $25.
Blue, Black
ana Brown
Sjkss 35 to 44.
Special $8.50
Sewed with silk.
of "ItiKht-sliiiiuT'l
The Pickwick System
Fit Perfectly
ciouiui loroun-
Shaped Hll'll."
enables us, In addition to tho ollie
lines wo carry, to
Young men's stylish
Covert Top-Coats, by
America's best tink
ers $7.50.$10,$12 50,$ 13.75, $15
Sizes, 10 to 20 years.
any man who may come Into this store.
Pickwick Suits and Overcoats;
clO to SiO
1 via
Oretiu Jjrand'
Vfinf AO fiiiifc A. novelty, every ono of 'them,
V PPtPO OUltb. and such au array. All the
1 pretty styles and now designs
shown by two of the largest exclusive tuanufaotuiera of boys'
clothing in thin country. It will tb anyone interested in boys'
and children's suits a world of good to see what our stock con
sists of, even if they don't buy, and you know you are just as
welcome, whether you come to look or to buy. We have
these pretty suits at (row $2.50 to $7.50.
Wl jo o A
Double breasted school
suits; 0 to 15 years, $1 to $7
The pants to those suits
worth from $2.60 np, are
made double seat and knees.
Reefer coit ; for
boys from 10 to 15
years; liuinbold
chinchilla, navy
beaver, $4.00 and $5.00
Men's stylish Top
Coats, Covert
$10, $13.75. $15,
$17.50, $20.
Bluo ba.tver top coit.
black velvet collar;
5to 10 years $0 01)
Warm and cosy.
Reefer co:il; for
boys from 10 to
15 yoare ; Rum
bold chinchilla,
navy beavers ut
,'. $4 and 15
v 5 F
Our pall ai?d Uipter ?ataloue I5 Iady.
Tan Melton Top
Coat,7lo'J years
and 10 to 14
$150, $5.60, 10 50.
fctylieh and evi
dence of good
Reefer Coats, substi
tute for an Over
coat ; 3 to 8, and 0
to 15 years. Made
of Astrachan, Reav
er, Chinchilla and
Covert cloth... $2 to $0